Fun sentences for kids
100 Fun Telephone Game Phrases for Young Kids
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Need some funny Telephone phrases to play this awesome game with your kids? Here are lots of ideas to get you started.
Another name for the Telephone Game is “Broken Telephone,” but it can also be called “Whispers” or “Pass the Message.” It’s a popular game that’s been around for ages.
It’s the perfect carpet game – and dinner table game – and is wonderful for developing listening skills.
If you’re playing with young kids, especially preschoolers, it’s important to use words or phrases that are simple to understand and age-appropriate, or the game won’t be fun.
Here are 100 Telephone game short phrases and words so you won’t run out of ideas to make this game super fun.
How Do You Play the Telephone Game?
This game can be played with a small or large group of children and you don’t need any props, except some imagination.
How do you play Telephone?
- Seat children in a circle (or in a line in you prefer).
- Whisper a phrase into the first child’s ear.
- That child must whisper the message into the next child’s ear, who whispers it to the next child, and so it continues until the message has been passed around the circle.
- The last person in the circle calls out the message and then the first person confirms if the message is correct or if it has been “broken.”
If playing with young children, the adult should start the round by choosing and whispering a phrase to the first child.
Older children are more mature and able to think of suitable and even funny telephone game phrases.
What is the purpose of the Telephone game? The purpose is to pass a message around the circle and keep it intact.
In other words, children must listen carefully to decipher the message and also pass it along clearly so that the next child hears it.
What does the telephone game teach us?
This game teaches kids good speaking and listening skills, but can also be used to practise skills like rhyming, phonological awareness, taking turns, memory and cooperation.
It builds vocabulary too.
What is a Good Phrase for the Telphone Game?
The best Broken Telephone game phrases for young kids are short alliterations, tongue twisters, rhymes, funny statements or even nonsense phrases.
They should be suited to the age of the kids who are playing, so don’t make them too long or complicated to be remembered.
100 Telephone Game Phrases for Young Kids
Here are some fun ‘pass the message’ game sentences. Use them as they are or let them inspire you to make up your own.
What’s great about these ideas is you can use the game to teach kids about alliterations, rhyming words and generally build their auditory perception as you play with sounds and funny words.
You can use any phrase, really. When the kids get used to playing, get them to help you by making up the Telephone phrases themselves.
Try these sets of words that begin with the same sounds:
- Pretty pink Petunias
- The shark has shiny shoes
- Clever cats can count
- Find four funny fish
- Seven silly seals are sailing
- Blue bubbles in the bath
- Mom has many magazines
- Silly sisters sing songs
- Alice ate apples
- Dozens of diving dolphins
Super Short Sentences
Use very short, descriptive broken telephone phrases with young preschoolers who aren’t yet familiar with the game and are still developing their listening abilities.
Or, simply use the names of the kids in the group and they will love it.
Anything will do – familiar characters or songs, descriptive words, common phrases, etc.
- Cheeky monkeys
- Naughty kids
- Topsy turvy
- Yellow ducks
- Jungle gym
- Simon says
- Humpty Dumpty
- Fairy godmother
- Ready, set, go!
- It’s raining, it’s pouring
Words That Go Together
You can also give pairs of words that are usually found together:
- Peanut butter and jelly
- Salt and pepper
- Shoes and socks
- Hugs and kisses
- Nuts and bolts
- Bread and butter
- Macaroni and cheese
- Bacon and eggs
- Fish and chips
- King and queen
Here are some Telephone game ideas using simple rhymes:
- Can you bat a cat?
- My bird is absurd.
- Where is the square?
- My pig has a big wig.
- Don’t fall over the ball.
- Why does your owl growl?
- The cap is on my lap.
- I wish I had a dish.
- Can you drink nine glasses of wine?
- The king can sing.
Funny Phrases
Funny, nonsensical phrases make great Telephone game sentences:
- I’m wearing green underwear.
- My mom is a dinosaur.
- Don’t worry, be silly.
- Elephants have six toes.
- Pass me the potatoes.
- Will you dance with my pet tiger?
- My favourite food is roasted slugs.
- Swimming in spaghetti is fun.
- I’m sending a silly message.
- If you kiss me I’ll turn into a frog.
Tongue Twisters
These fun tongue twisters from Flintobox will have the kids in stitches, as they stumble over their words.
- Red lorry, yellow lorry
- She sells sea shells on the seashore
- Sheep should sleep in a shed
- She sees cheese.
- Zebras zig and zebras zag
- The blue bluebird blinks
- Four fine fresh fish for you
- He threw three balls
- Greek grapes, Greek grapes, Greek grapes
- Cooks cook cupcakes quickly
Funny Words
Use these words that sound funny to say. After each round, teach your kids what these funny words mean.
- Gobbledygook
- Flabbergasted
- Hodgepodge
- Wishy-washy
- Namby-pamby
- Mollycoddle
- Gibberish
- Hullabaloo
- Hogwash
- Stumblebum
Long Words
Try some rounds with words that are a little longer than usual. Don’t forget to also use Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!
- Alphabetical
- Extraterrestrial
- Electrifying
- Enthusiastically
- Autobiography
- Subterranean
- Encyclopedia
- Momentarily
- Hypochondriac
- Capitalization
Can you think of any other phrases for the Telephone game? Make them up as you go along or change the ones I’ve listed here.
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The MOST CREATIVE Silly Sentences [FREE Printable]
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Inside: Add some silliness to your next writing activity! WHAT A SILLY SENTENCE is a great way to increase your child’s interest in writing and have some laughs, too!
Writing can be hard for early elementary kids and, as a result, it can be hard on both of you! One of the writing resources that I’ve found helpful with my daughter is my What a Silly Sentence printable. You can get your own free copy at the bottom of this point.
Learning to write is a hard to task for a lot of young learners. There are a variety of reasons, a couple of which I’ll get to in a minute, but it can be a frustrating time for homeschool moms and children alike! Sentence building activities that include a word bank can be very helpful.
There are a lot of reasons that your child might resist writing, especially if they are young. But, most of them don’t actually have to do with writing. So, if you can help them with these other obstacles, hopefully they will grow to love writing.
Limited Spelling Ability
One reason that a lot of students struggle with writing in the early elementary grades is their limited spelling ability. They may know some sight words from kindergarten. Or, maybe you haven’t focused on spelling that much, yet, and that’s fine, too. Students can get very frustrated if they constantly have to ask for help when they are trying to write.
An easy fix for this is to provide a word bank. You can make a new word bank for each writing activity on a scrap of paper. Or, you can create a poster where you add frequently used words. Assuming your child can read, they can glance at the spelling words poster if they need help spelling a word. This helps them boost their writing confidence and lower their frustration level.
Low Writing Stamina
A second reason that a lot of students dislike writing when they are first learning is that it takes a lot of focus and young learners can tire quickly. They have to focus on how to spell the word, to write neatly, use proper punctuation and capitalization, etc. We, as adults, often take for granted just how much work goes into writing. Shortening writing tasks is one way to alleviate this problem. When my oldest daughter was having trouble with writing in first grade, we just went back to the basics. I would let her choose a short (about 4 or 5 words) sentence from one of her favorite books and she would copy it neatly onto a piece of paper. We would do this a few days a week for a few weeks and then she started to have a better attitude when writing opportunities arose, so we moved onto slightly harder activities. Just watch your child and increase the difficulty as they are ready and willing. Just try to be patient – often young children want to learn just as badly as we want them to.
Another reason that some young learners are reluctant writers is that the subject just doesn’t interest them. In the beginning of first grade, I was (trying) to use a spelling workbook, but my daughter would balk at every single page that had an extended writing activity. It gave her a word bank, it wasn’t too long….what’s the problem?! Just write a few sentences. But, writing a few sentences about a picture that she didn’t care about didn’t interest her.
So, I created my What a Silly Sentence printable. Kids love to be silly and adding some silliness to a writing activity can sometimes do the trick for reluctant writers. The activity provides a word bank, but if your child wants to use other words, by all means add to it! Students choose words from the word bank and create silly sentences. There is space on the bottom half of the activity to write the sentences.
When you are teaching a reluctant writer it can get frustrating. Just remember that it is probably even more frustrating for them. I hope you found this silly sentences printable fun and helpful! Try to be patient and try some new activities until you find something that works.
Sign up below to grab your FREE copy of What a Silly Sentence! You will be added to my email list and get access to What a Silly Sentence! as well as all my other homeschooling freebies.
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0003 Nanny: "Is he the bravest?"Me: "No, the most stupid one!"
sent by Valera, now almost 11 years old
Ilyusha, 3 years old
Mom: "Ilyusha, kiss mom"
Ilyusha: "No!"
Mom: "Why?"
Ilyusha: "I'm a bad kisser!"
sent by Lilia
Lyova's cat meows and Ilyusha says: "Lyova, why are you meowing, you speak, speak!"
Ivan, 2 years old
On the beach, he plays with his new toy, a bow and arrow. He fired and went to look for an arrow, he returns back with an arrow, but sad.
Mom asks: "What happened?"
Ivan: "There, aunt, I got into the room, saying stio, I must zenith on her." He thought a little and said: "No, mom, I'm happy with you."
sent by Anna
Danilka, 4.5 years old
"Grandfather, look - a rope! This is the beginning, but the end."
sent by Alexander
Arina carries a huge bag of toys from one corner to another and cannot leave it to go have tea. Mom says to her: "Let me guard your package, and you go."
Arishka answered: "Mommy, you can't guard, you're not a dog!"
sent by Ekaterina
Vika, 1.5 years old
For the first time I left my grandparents to spend the night. At home I ask
- Did your grandparents like it?
Vika: - Grandfather biu, biu, baba biua, biua ... (words from a fairy tale)
sent by Svetlana
Roma, 5 years old
Roma: - When I grow up, I won't work.
Mom: - Romochka, a man has to work, earn money, he's a breadwinner.
Roma: - Yeah, a breadwinner... a man is a woman's prey!
sent by Alina
Carolina, 11 years old
Karolina is standing and looking at the box of tissues with a philosophical air. I think patterns are considering (on the box are origami samples). And then she solemnly declares: “Tse rectangular parallelepiped!”
sent by Xenia
Natasha, 3 years old
I was at the dentist's with my mother, after which she said: "We were at the toothy doctor!"
sent by Elena
Tanya, 2.5 years old
Grandmother complains of abdominal pain. Tanya tells her: "Grandma, drink animal pills!"
sent by Elena
Stepan, 4 years old
- Mom, I will marry!
- On whom?
- On Margarita - she doesn't beat me anymore!
sent by Lyudmila
Margarita, 3 years old
- Margot, do you have a friend in the kindergarten?
-What's her name?
- Seryozha!
sent by Lyudmila
Kiryusha 1.

Dad calls and asks to give the phone to Kirill. And Kiryusha says: "Someone from daddy avayat!"
sent by Olesya
Sasha, 4 years old
Fell ill, does not go to kindergarten. Rehearsal for the holiday of March 8 in the garden. I tell my son: "Now let's go to the garden and come home." Sasha joyfully: "Hurrah! Let's go to the resignation!"
sent by Natalia
Sasha, 2 years old
Watching the program "Good night, kids!", carefully listening to the words of the final song. After the words: "We were very tired during the day," he declares: "But I was not tired, neither behind nor in front."
I'm at a loss. Synulya explains: "Mom, uncle sang: Behind we are very tired!"
Sent by Natalia
Denis, 3 years old
We are going in the car. I say: "Denis, sit still, you see - the traffic police inspector is standing, watching the violators. "
The child made a smart face, we drive on - at the bus stop again the car with the inspector. Denis, without thinking for a long time, says: "Mom, sit still, Inspector GaGaBeBe!"
sent by Olga
Artyom, 6 years old
For the first time I put on skates on a skating rink, tried to run and said: "Dad, let's go to another rink, the ice is very slippery here!"
sent by grandmother
Katya, 4 years old
- Daughter, what kind of yogurt do you want?
Katya, pointing to a jar on which a pineapple is drawn, gives out:
- Big! (looks like a bump)
sent by Anna
Katya, 4 years old
I am taking my daughter from kindergarten. There is no sidewalk, we walk along the edge of the roadway. Katya worries about me: "Don't go, mommy, along the path where cars drive, otherwise they will crush you and you will be crumpled ..."
sent by Anna
Gleb, 7 years old
Sleeping is even cooler than going to the movies, because you don't need tickets!
Masha 6 years old, Edik 4 years old
Masha is playing a circus with trained animals, and Edik is busy with the cars.
Masha: - And now a bunny enters the arena by name ... by name ... Edik, what is the name of the bunny?
Edik (not looking up from the cars): - PINTAK!
Masha: - Bunny Pintak! And with him comes a hedgehog, whose name is ... Edik, what is the name of the hedgehog?
Edik (beeping intently): - PINTAK!!!
Masha: - And a hedgehog, whose name is Pintak!
Edik abruptly breaks away from his game and with an air of sincere surprise: - Why are they called the same???
Kira, 2 years old
Mom, affectionately: "You are my little daughter! .."
Kira in response with the same intonation: "You are my little mother!..."
Masha, 5 years old
Masha herself composed a fairy tale, which begins like this: "Once upon a time there was a bald grandfather ..."
Mom corrects:
- Not a bald man, but a forest man!
- No, ly-so-wik! He was bald!
Ksyusha, 4 years old
Once Ksyusha and I went for a walk with the dog. Our dog cannot walk freely. I saw a cat and ran after it. And Ksyusha says to me:
- Mom, go home Gosya (dog) is bad, she ran away from us, let's go faster, we don't need her. Let's go home.
sent by Evgenia
Funny children's phrases (300 phrases)
The mind of children is not clogged with unnecessary mental rubbish and the burden of life, and they only get to know this world. Because of this, they are characterized by sincerity and simplicity. While the kids are learning to express their thoughts and hone their oratory skills, they have time to express a lot of interesting, and even funny things. Truth can speak through the mouth of a baby at any moment. This collection contains funny children's phrases.
What are the children talking about? About everything in the world!
Dad is the boss in our house. And mom... dad's owner
Not a day goes by that a child doesn't say some phrase that makes you smile or even laugh uncontrollably.
I, like the poet, also love a thunderstorm in early May, because after it it is damp and dry, fresh and light, and in general I want to live.
So, children's statements!
Yesterday Zhenya took a mongrel cat in her arms
They offended a child - they did not give sausage.
You shouldn't put on make-up, mom, no one will love you anyway. Do you have a dad?
I had a blood test today.
Veronika and her mother are leaving the Christmas tree. They were stopped by a traffic cop for a minor violation and issued a fine. Veronica says: “Do not swear at mommy: take all the sweets from me, become kind, kind and will not pester people with all sorts of nonsense.”
Grandma is calling. The granddaughter picks up the phone. Grandmother: - Why are you picking up the phone, and not mom? - And I run faster ...
About the strict skate teacher: “Mom, look at her strangely kind face today.”
A good wife loves the same thing as you: you love football, and she makes sure that there are chips in the house.
Kashka, is that from the word poop?
"I saw the house on fire and it went out."
We came to visit brother Nikita (10 years old) and he began to talk about what comes first: the chicken and the egg. And he talked about it for about 10 minutes, after which the tired Veronica came up to him and patted his cheek and said: “Baby, go and eat a cookie!”
Mom in the store: — Well, shall we buy a toy? Son: - Just keep in mind, mom, I have no money !!!
I saw honey mushrooms growing in the forest” and “I was late because there was a traffic jam in the car.
Dima's mother got interested in phytodesign. She made a composition of plants and asked Dima: Well, how do you like the composition? Dima looked at the composition with an evaluating look and replied: “It seems to me that it is not very well composed.”
Alinka is 3.5 years old. - Mom, I first marry Tyoma, and then Yegorka. - Is it possible 2 times, daughter? “That’s right, Mom!”
Sings: “Redhead Redhead, freckled, nailed grandfather with a shovel. ” My sister told him: “Son, they sing “killed” there. Plem: “No, mom, “killed” is permanent, but “nailed” is to the fence so that it doesn’t come off :))))
“A boarding school is a place where children are exiled for the bad behavior of their parents.”
Mom, do you have any jam? Get it, Kaalson said.
— On the way, the peasants met the landowner Obolt-Obolduev, whose surname unambiguously indicates that his ancestors raided Rus'.
Sometimes the grass is strong, sometimes it is weak. The weak one is the one that grows in the clearing, and the strong one is the one that breaks through the asphalt
— I would like to be a pirate, but it's too late… — Why? With a sigh: — I'm obedient…
— Dad, what is the name of your car? Chevrolet, son. - Dad, why don't you call her Audi?
“Love is when people kiss. And when they get tired of kissing, they don’t know what to do, and they get married.”
Mom, my dad washed my hair. Now she shines. Mom, smell how it shines.
- Mom, hurry up and take a picture of me with that deer!
Mom, look what an aunt! Mom sees a girl who is looking at the window. She is wearing a miniskirt, a short jacket and fashionable tights with a spiral pattern. Mom: What? Yasmina: Like a mannequin...discarded.
Dad has grandparents, why does he live with us then?
My daughter and her uncle watched the cartoon "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles", in which the heroes fought with a huge gray monster. Seeing this monster, the daughter announced: “This is a spinning top - a gray barrel, he ate well.”
I want to be beautiful like dad, like mom - for a long time
In a conversation with a kindergarten teacher: “I am a man in my juice and full of dignity”
What do you draw? - An apartment. - Ours? - No, what should be.
Buy me ice cream with whistles (translation - with pistachios)
Dad, before you married your mother, who told you how to drive a car
Granddaughter Anya, 5 years old, says. Anya: `Grandpa, I want yogurt.` Grandfather: `Won't you be fat?` (jokingly) Anya: `No. Will not be. There About % fat content`.
Grandma broke off a cookie. Half for myself, and the second for Arina. Arina: “I won’t eat the broken one!”
I was about to bake a cake. Anya agreed to help me. I separated the yolks from the proteins, gave them to my granddaughter and said: 'Here, granddaughter, beat the yolks.'
God takes talented people ahead of time, because he likes them too.
To which Anya asked: `When are we going to beat the squirrels?`.
Grandpa made a remark to Arina at the table (turned around and spilled tea). Arina replied: “You know what grandpa! I'm not your niece to talk to me like that!"
Danik (6 years old). Drops the TV remote on the floor. I told him: `Danik, why are you so armless!` After a little thought, he answers: `No, I .... handy`.
“Mom, will you forgive me? If not, I will continue to sin, but with a calm soul. ” (Marina, 6 years old)
-I'm going to pick raspberries. - Go, here's a glass for you In a few minutes, Lada comes back - why aren't you picking raspberries - I already had a thorn
- Mom, why did you first teach me to walk and talk, and now you want me to sit and be silent ?!
After bathing Lada was laid on the sofa and covered with a blanket. after a few minutes she asks to remove the blanket. Why do you need to remove the blanket? - Something I got hot - said Lada.
Mom says I will meet a smart and kind guy. But, most likely, I will marry a tall and handsome man.
Mitya's son was little, digging in the dacha, sentences minerals, this is when digging is useful!
You can't kiss a girl until you save money for a ring.
If I don't drink milk, the cows will be offended by me...
Dad never knows what is where. I think he's pretending to be clueless.
my son was small and had buckwheat porridge for breakfast. semolina
A husband should praise his wife, even if in the morning it seems that she was bitten by bees.
Enrolled in English. We went several times and now, once again, going from English, my son asks me: `Mom, do you know how to say hello in English?` I say: `No, but how?` He told me: `Hallowe!` I immediately ask him how `bye` in English?`... after a pause of a few seconds, my miracle answers `bye` :))
Old people are tired children.
In the kindergarten with my friends I called the butterfly-grandmother. An old woman passed by and asked what we needed, and we say don't fly away!))))
Dad has grandparents, why does he live with us then?
Put a new diaper on her before going to bed… after a couple of minutes she comes back from the kitchen without a diaper and proudly says: `I'm a bitch` (I threw a clean diaper into the bin, but refused to put on a new one).
They offended a child - they did not give sausage. Dad: `Mal, ask mom: does mom love dad?` Malya without thinking twice: `mom, dad A?`
Mother, regenerate me so that my birthday will be in the summer.
Mom, why does a person have 2 shelves of teeth?.
Sitting in her grandmother's arms, she looks out the window and says: schmuck!!! Grandmother: `what did you say?` Malya: Cheoooomooo (dark)
Mom, why did you first teach me to walk and talk, and now you want me to sit and be silent?!
Dyanya, buy pakuchuk (uncle, buy chupachups)
Mom, when you were little, did you have a TV in your antiquity?
My little daughter, about 3 years old, kept asking me to buy her a dog. Dad asks: What kind of dog do you want? Shaggy or ... Daughter in response, without letting her finish: No, plaited!
Looking critically at the crowd of men, Veronika (5 years old) says to her friend: “Look, there are no princes here.”
Sometimes she asked something: Mom, do you know... I say: No, I don't know... And she answered: Mom, well, know!
"Fool, I'm a fool!" - my child almost sobs, standing in front of the mirror. Then she suddenly calms down, thinks . .. and already quite calmly says: "But beautiful ...".
Lily, 4 years old, asks: grandma pour me some tea. They poured tea for the child. Lily asks: Grandma pour tea with milk. They poured tea with milk for the child. Lily asks: now take the milk from the tea.
Mom, do you have any jam? Get it, Kaalson said. (Davidik, 3 years old)
Lyosha hasn't pronounced the letter L for 3 years, sits on his father's lap and asks for vodka. It turns out that the child forgot the boat in the bathroom))))
Grandmother is calling. Cyril (6 years old) picks up the phone: “Well, hello, Baba Yaga!”
Sofia 2.8. Mom, where does a dolphin live? In the sea and in the ocean, my daughter. - Mom, what are you doing? Dolphins live in a dolphinarium!
After a long walk, Vika (5 years old) states: “Well, I went for a walk!”
Zhenya (3 years old), after watching the Bremen Town Musicians, I am a donkey, mother is a dog, father is a rooster, Oleg; (this is my brother1) is a troubadour, and his wife is a princess . .. for about a month we played according to Zhenya's scenario, performing each his role:):)recorded from the words of Masha's mother.
After visiting the zoo, a child wrote in an essay about how he spent his weekend: “I saw a deer. He has our hanger on his head.”
Milochka is 4 years old. Mom, look what a beautiful gray fence the neighbors have, so green it is painted yellow. Here, understand what kind of fence the neighbors have.
Mom: "Here's your teddy bear, hug him and fall asleep soon." Liza (6 years old) sadly: “Mommy, will anyone alive with me sleep today?”
Egorka Potapenko 2y.4m. - Baba, cuckoo! — Ku-ku! - And you, the woman is not ... ku-ku-siy, not kukusy woman!
The navigator is working in the car: “After five hundred meters, the exit!”. Polina (2 years 10 months) is horrified: “Who will eat it ?!”
In kindergarten, unbeknownst to Egorka, her mother undressed in the locker room and went to a meeting in the assembly hall. Egor after he saw his mother's coat, leads the teacher by the hand: `Where is this mother?`
Sometimes the grass is strong, sometimes it is weak. The weak one is the one that grows in the clearing, and the strong one is the one that breaks through the asphalt
Hot tea was poured from a cup into another. Yegorka drank everything from one and says: `Thank you`. Then he points to the rest: `And this one is not yet `Thank you`.
Parents: "If you eat, you will grow big." Maxim (3 years old): “Are you big already? - Yes. “Why are you eating?”
Grandma doesn't like the tight blouse that my mother bought for herself. Mom - Did you have to buy a bat? Yegorka laughs: - Why drink a bat? We must drink tea!
Mom says to the dock: “Why did you close? You don't live here alone! Ksenia (9 years old): "That's why!"
The balloon has flown away. Yegorka is crying. - do not Cry. Let's go tomorrow and buy another one. What you want? Heart, round or like a bunny? - Zero. Like zero…
Nadya (5 years old) to her father leaving for work in the morning: “Bye, dad, thanks for stopping by…”
When the tea is very hot, we throw pieces of ice into it and listen with our ears to how it crackles. Egor came up with a game: - I'm ice, and you're ice. Let's throw ourselves into tea (falls on the sofa) and so `chik-chik-chik`
Daughter (3 years 10 months): “The groom is the one who buys ice cream and kisses, and the husband is the one who nails shelves and eats at home.”
About the harmonica — `I have a blown harmonica`
The son fell asleep on the couch and dad decided to put him to bed. He took it carefully in his arms, and his son through a dream: Put where he took
Son (9 years old): “Mom, why is Aibolit painted in all children's hospitals? He's a veterinarian!
Going to bed -Now you will dream of an interesting, kind fairy tale... Egorka continues with the same intonation of the storyteller - about the excavator...
My son (6 years old) does not understand what his 1-year-old brother is saying and asks: “Mom, are you sure he is Russian?”
The store has a large assortment of cheese curds. - which one should you buy? - caulking? - Didn't understand. What is drawn there? — ka-lo-va!
What are the children talking about? About everything in the world!
Dad is the boss in our house. And mom... dad's owner
Not a day goes by that a child doesn't say some phrase that makes you smile or even laugh uncontrollably.
I, like the poet, also love a thunderstorm in early May, because after it it is damp and dry, fresh and light, and in general I want to live.
So, children's statements!
Yesterday Zhenya took a mongrel cat in her arms
They offended a child - they did not give sausage.
You shouldn't put on make-up, mom, no one will love you anyway. Do you have a dad?
I had a blood test today.
Veronika and her mother are leaving the Christmas tree. They were stopped by a traffic cop for a minor violation and issued a fine. Veronica says: “Do not swear at mommy: take all the sweets from me, become kind, kind and will not pester people with all sorts of nonsense.”
Grandma is calling. The granddaughter picks up the phone. Grandmother: - Why are you picking up the phone, and not mom? — And I run faster…
About the strict skate teacher: “Mom, look at her strangely kind face today.”
A good wife loves the same thing as you: you love football, and she makes sure that there are chips in the house.
Kashka, is that from the word poop?
"I saw the house on fire and it went out."
We came to visit brother Nikita (10 years old) and he began to talk about what comes first: the chicken and the egg. And he talked about it for about 10 minutes, after which the tired Veronica came up to him and patted his cheek and said: “Baby, go and eat a cookie!”
Mom in the store: — Well, shall we buy a toy? Son: - Just keep in mind, mom, I have no money !!!
I saw honey mushrooms growing in the forest” and “I was late because there was a traffic jam in the car.
Dima's mother is interested in phytodesign. She made a composition of plants and asked Dima: Well, how do you like the composition? Dima looked at the composition with an evaluating look and replied: “It seems to me that it is not very well composed. ”
Alinka is 3.5 years old. - Mom, I first marry Tyoma, and then Yegorka. - Is it possible 2 times, daughter? “That’s right, Mom!”
Sings: “Redhead Redhead, freckled, nailed grandfather with a shovel.” My sister told him: “Son, they sing “killed” there. Plem: “No, mom, “killed” is for good, and “nailed” is to the fence, so as not to come off” :))))
"A boarding school is a place where children are sent for the bad behavior of their parents."
Mom, do you have any jam? Get it, Kaalson said.
— On the way, the peasants met the landowner Obolt-Obolduev, whose surname unambiguously indicates that his ancestors raided Rus'.
Sometimes the grass is strong, sometimes it is weak. The weak one is the one that grows in the clearing, and the strong one is the one that breaks through the asphalt
— I would like to be a pirate, but it's too late… — Why? With a sigh: - I'm obedient ...
— Dad, what is the name of your car? Chevrolet, son. - Dad, why don't you call her Audi?
“Love is when people kiss. And when they get tired of kissing, they don’t know what to do, and they get married.”
Mom, my dad washed my hair. Now she shines. Mom, smell how it shines.
— Mom, hurry up and take a picture of me with this deer!
Mom, look what an aunt! Mom sees a girl who is looking at the window. She is wearing a miniskirt, a short jacket and fashionable tights with a spiral pattern. Mom: What? Yasmina: Like a mannequin...discarded.
Dad has grandparents, why does he live with us then?
My daughter and her uncle watched the cartoon "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles", in which the heroes fought with a huge gray monster. Seeing this monster, the daughter announced: “This is a spinning top - a gray barrel, he ate well.”
I want to be beautiful like dad, like mom - for a long time
In a conversation with a kindergarten teacher: “I am a man in my juice and full of dignity”
What are you drawing? - An apartment. - Ours? - No, what should be.
Buy me ice cream with whistles (translation - with pistachios)
Dad, and before you married your mother, who told you how to drive a car
Granddaughter Anya, 5, says. Anya: `Grandpa, I want yogurt.` Grandfather: `Won't you be fat?` (jokingly) Anya: `No. Will not be. There About % fat content`.
Grandma broke off a cookie. Half for myself, and the second for Arina. Arina: “I won’t eat the broken one!”
I was about to bake a cake. Anya agreed to help me. I separated the yolks from the proteins, gave them to my granddaughter and said: 'Here, granddaughter, beat the yolks.'
God takes talented people ahead of time because he likes them too.
To which Anya asked: `When are we going to beat the squirrels?`.
Grandpa made a remark to Arina at the table (turned around and spilled tea). Arina replied: “You know what grandpa! I'm not your niece to talk to me like that!"
Danik (6 years old). Drops the TV remote on the floor. I told him: `Danik, why are you so armless!` After a little thought, he answers: `No, I .... handy`.
“Mom, will you forgive me? If not, I will continue to sin, but with a calm soul.” (Marina, 6 years old)
-I'm going to pick raspberries. - Go, here's a glass for you In a few minutes, Lada comes back - why aren't you picking raspberries - I already had a thorn
- Mom, why did you first teach me to walk and talk, and now you want me to sit and be silent ?!
After bathing Lada was laid on the sofa and covered with a blanket. after a few minutes she asks to remove the blanket. Why do you need to remove the blanket? - Something I got hot - said Lada.
Mom says I will meet a smart and kind guy. But, most likely, I will marry a tall and handsome man.
Mitya's son was little, digging in the dacha, sentences minerals, this is when digging is useful!
You can't kiss a girl until you save money for a ring.
If I don't drink milk, the cows will be offended by me. ..
Dad never knows what's lying where. I think he's pretending to be clueless.
my son was small and had buckwheat porridge for breakfast. semolina
A husband should praise his wife, even if in the morning it seems that she was bitten by bees.
Enrolled in English. We went several times and now, once again, going from English, my son asks me: `Mom, do you know how to say hello in English?` I say: `No, but how?` He told me: `Hallowe!` I immediately ask him how `bye` in English?`… after a pause of a few seconds my miracle answers `pokauuu` :))
Old people are tired children.
In the kindergarten with my friends I called the butterfly-grandmother. An old woman passed by and asked what we need, and we say don't fly away!))))
Dad has grandparents, why does he live with us then?
Put a new diaper on her before going to bed… after a couple of minutes she comes back from the kitchen without a diaper and proudly says: `I'm a bitch` (I threw a clean diaper into the bin, but refused to put on a new one).
They offended a child - they did not give sausage. Dad: `Mal, ask mom: does mom love dad?` Malya without thinking twice: `Mom, dad A?`
Mom, regenerate me so that my birthday is in the summer.
Mom, why does a person have 2 shelves of teeth?.
Sitting in grandma's arms, looking out the window and saying: schmuck!!! Grandmother: `what did you say?` Malya: Cheoooomooo (dark)
Mom, why did you first teach me to walk and talk, and now you want me to sit and be silent?!
Dyanya, buy pakuchuk (uncle, buy chupachups)
Mom, when you were little, did you have a TV in your antiquity?
My little daughter, about 3 years old, kept asking me to buy her a dog. Dad asks: What kind of dog do you want? Shaggy or ... Daughter in response, without letting her finish: No, plaited!
Looking critically at the crowd of men, Veronika (5 years old) says to her friend: “Look, there are no princes here.”
Sometimes she asked something: Mom, do you know. .. I say: No, I don't know... And she answered: Mom, well, know!
"Fool, I'm a fool!" - my child almost sobs, standing in front of the mirror. Then she suddenly calms down, thinks ... and already quite calmly says: "But beautiful ...".
Lily, 4 years old, asks: grandma pour me some tea. They poured tea for the child. Lily asks: Grandma pour tea with milk. They poured tea with milk for the child. Lily asks: now take the milk from the tea.
Mom, do you have any jam? Get it, Kaalson said. (Davidik, 3 years old)
Lyosha hasn't pronounced the letter L for 3 years, sits on his dad's lap and asks for vodka. It turns out that the child forgot the boat in the bathroom))))
Grandmother is calling. Cyril (6 years old) picks up the phone: “Well, hello, Baba Yaga!”
Sofia 2.8. Mom, where does a dolphin live? In the sea and in the ocean, my daughter. - Mom, what are you doing? Dolphins live in a dolphinarium!
After a long walk, Vika (5 years old) states: “Well, I went for a walk!”
Zhenya (3 years old), after watching the Bremen Town Musicians, I am a donkey, mother is a dog, father is a rooster, Oleg; (this is my brother1) is a troubadour, and his wife is a princess . .. for about a month we played according to Zhenya's scenario, performing each his role:):)recorded from the words of Masha's mother.
After visiting the zoo, a child wrote in an essay about how he spent his weekend: “I saw a deer. He has our hanger on his head.”
Milochka is 4 years old. Mom, look what a beautiful gray fence the neighbors have, so green it is painted yellow. Here, understand what kind of fence the neighbors have.
Mom: "Here's your teddy bear, hug him and fall asleep soon." Liza (6 years old) sadly: “Mommy, will anyone alive with me sleep today?”
Egorka Potapenko 2y.4m. - Baba, cuckoo! — Ku-ku! - And you, the woman is not ... ku-ku-siy, not kukusy woman!
The navigator is working in the car: “After five hundred meters, the exit!”. Polina (2 years 10 months) is horrified: “Who will eat it ?!”
In kindergarten, unbeknownst to Egorka, her mother undressed in the locker room and went to a meeting in the assembly hall. Egor after he saw his mother's coat, leads the teacher by the hand: `Where is this mother?`
Sometimes the grass is strong, sometimes it is weak. The weak one is the one that grows in the clearing, and the strong one is the one that breaks through the asphalt
Hot tea was poured from a cup into another. Yegorka drank everything from one and says: `Thank you`. Then he points to the rest: `And this one is not yet `Thank you`.
Parents: "If you eat, you will grow big." Maxim (3 years old): “Are you big already? - Yes. “Why are you eating?”
Grandma doesn't like the tight blouse that my mother bought for herself. Mom - Did you have to buy a bat? Yegorka laughs: - Why drink a bat? We must drink tea!
Mom says to the dock: “Why did you close? You don't live here alone! Ksenia (9 years old): "That's why!"
The balloon has flown away. Yegorka is crying. - do not Cry. Let's go tomorrow and buy another one. What you want? Heart, round or like a bunny? - Zero. Like zero…
Nadya (5 years old) to her father leaving for work in the morning: “Bye, dad, thanks for stopping by…”
When the tea is very hot, we throw pieces of ice into it and listen with our ears to how it crackles. Egor came up with a game: - I'm ice, and you're ice. Let's throw ourselves into tea (falls on the sofa) and so `chik-chik-chik`
Daughter (3 years 10 months): “The groom is the one who buys ice cream and kisses, and the husband is the one who nails shelves and eats at home.”
About the harmonica — `I have a blown harmonica`
The son fell asleep on the couch and dad decided to put him to bed. He took it carefully in his arms, and his son through a dream: Put where he took
Son (9 years old): “Mom, why is Aibolit painted in all children's hospitals? He's a veterinarian!
Going to bed -Now you will dream of an interesting, kind fairy tale... Egorka continues with the same intonation of the storyteller - about the excavator...
My son (6 years old) does not understand what his 1-year-old brother is saying and asks: “Mom, are you sure he is Russian?”
The store has a large assortment of cheese curds. - which one should you buy? - caulking? - Didn't understand. What is drawn there? — ka-lo-va!
What are the children talking about? About everything in the world!
Dad is the boss in our house. And mom... dad's owner
Not a day goes by that a child doesn't say some phrase that makes you smile or even laugh uncontrollably.
I, like the poet, also love a thunderstorm in early May, because after it it is damp and dry, fresh and light, and in general I want to live.
So, children's statements!
Yesterday Zhenya took a mongrel cat in her arms
They offended a child - they did not give sausage.
You shouldn't put on make-up, mom, no one will love you anyway. Do you have a dad?
I had a blood test today.
Veronika and her mother are leaving the Christmas tree. They were stopped by a traffic cop for a minor violation and issued a fine. Veronica says: “Do not swear at mommy: take all the sweets from me, become kind, kind and will not pester people with all sorts of nonsense.”
Grandma is calling. The granddaughter picks up the phone. Grandmother: - Why are you picking up the phone, and not mom? — And I run faster…
About the strict skate teacher: “Mom, look at her strangely kind face today.”
A good wife loves the same thing as you: you love football, and she makes sure that there are chips in the house.
Kashka, is that from the word poop?
"I saw the house on fire and it went out."
We came to visit brother Nikita (10 years old) and he began to talk about what comes first: the chicken and the egg. And he talked about it for about 10 minutes, after which the tired Veronica came up to him and patted his cheek and said: “Baby, go and eat a cookie!”
Mom in the store: — Well, shall we buy a toy? Son: - Just keep in mind, mom, I have no money !!!
I saw honey mushrooms growing in the forest” and “I was late because there was a traffic jam in the car.
Dima's mother is interested in phytodesign. She made a composition of plants and asked Dima: Well, how do you like the composition? Dima looked at the composition with an evaluating look and replied: “It seems to me that it is not very well composed. ”
Alinka is 3.5 years old. - Mom, I first marry Tyoma, and then Yegorka. - Is it possible 2 times, daughter? “That’s right, Mom!”
Sings: “Redhead Redhead, freckled, nailed grandfather with a shovel.” My sister told him: “Son, they sing “killed” there. Plem: “No, mom, “killed” is for good, and “nailed” is to the fence, so as not to come off” :))))
"A boarding school is a place where children are sent for the bad behavior of their parents."
Mom, do you have any jam? Get it, Kaalson said.
— On the way, the peasants met the landowner Obolt-Obolduev, whose surname unambiguously indicates that his ancestors raided Rus'.
Sometimes the grass is strong, sometimes it is weak. The weak one is the one that grows in the clearing, and the strong one is the one that breaks through the asphalt
— I would like to be a pirate, but it's too late… — Why? With a sigh: - I'm obedient ...
— Dad, what is the name of your car? Chevrolet, son. - Dad, why don't you call her Audi?
“Love is when people kiss. And when they get tired of kissing, they don’t know what to do, and they get married.”
Mom, my dad washed my hair. Now she shines. Mom, smell how it shines.
— Mom, hurry up and take a picture of me with this deer!
Mom, look what an aunt! Mom sees a girl who is looking at the window. She is wearing a miniskirt, a short jacket and fashionable tights with a spiral pattern. Mom: What? Yasmina: Like a mannequin...discarded.
Dad has grandparents, why does he live with us then?
My daughter and her uncle watched the cartoon "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles", in which the heroes fought with a huge gray monster. Seeing this monster, the daughter announced: “This is a spinning top - a gray barrel, he ate well.”
I want to be beautiful like dad, like mom - for a long time
In a conversation with a kindergarten teacher: “I am a man in my juice and full of dignity”
What are you drawing? - An apartment. - Ours? - No, what should be.
Buy me ice cream with whistles (translation - with pistachios)
Dad, and before you married your mother, who told you how to drive a car
Granddaughter Anya, 5, says. Anya: `Grandpa, I want yogurt.` Grandfather: `Won't you be fat?` (jokingly) Anya: `No. Will not be. There About % fat content`.
Grandma broke off a cookie. Half for myself, and the second for Arina. Arina: “I won’t eat the broken one!”
I was about to bake a cake. Anya agreed to help me. I separated the yolks from the proteins, gave them to my granddaughter and said: 'Here, granddaughter, beat the yolks.'
God takes talented people ahead of time because he likes them too.
To which Anya asked: `When are we going to beat the squirrels?`.
Grandpa made a remark to Arina at the table (turned around and spilled tea). Arina replied: “You know what grandpa! I'm not your niece to talk to me like that!"
Danik (6 years old). Drops the TV remote on the floor. I told him: `Danik, why are you so armless!` After a little thought, he answers: `No, I .... handy`.
“Mom, will you forgive me? If not, I will continue to sin, but with a calm soul.” (Marina, 6 years old)
-I'm going to pick raspberries. - Go, here's a glass for you In a few minutes, Lada comes back - why aren't you picking raspberries - I already had a thorn
- Mom, why did you first teach me to walk and talk, and now you want me to sit and be silent ?!
After bathing Lada was laid on the sofa and covered with a blanket. after a few minutes she asks to remove the blanket. Why do you need to remove the blanket? - Something I got hot - said Lada.
Mom says I will meet a smart and kind guy. But, most likely, I will marry a tall and handsome man.
Mitya's son was little, digging in the dacha, sentences minerals, this is when digging is useful!
You can't kiss a girl until you save money for a ring.
If I don't drink milk, the cows will be offended by me. ..
Dad never knows what's lying where. I think he's pretending to be clueless.
my son was small and had buckwheat porridge for breakfast. semolina
A husband should praise his wife, even if in the morning it seems that she was bitten by bees.
Enrolled in English. We went several times and now, once again, going from English, my son asks me: `Mom, do you know how to say hello in English?` I say: `No, but how?` He told me: `Hallowe!` I immediately ask him how `bye` in English?`… after a pause of a few seconds my miracle answers `pokauuu` :))
Old people are tired children.
In the kindergarten with my friends I called the butterfly-grandmother. An old woman passed by and asked what we need, and we say don't fly away!))))
Dad has grandparents, why does he live with us then?
Put a new diaper on her before going to bed… after a couple of minutes she comes back from the kitchen without a diaper and proudly says: `I'm a bitch` (I threw a clean diaper into the bin, but refused to put on a new one).
They offended a child - they did not give sausage. Dad: `Mal, ask mom: does mom love dad?` Malya without thinking twice: `Mom, dad A?`
Mom, regenerate me so that my birthday is in the summer.
Mom, why does a person have 2 shelves of teeth?.
Sitting in grandma's arms, looking out the window and saying: schmuck!!! Grandmother: `what did you say?` Malya: Cheoooomooo (dark)
Mom, why did you first teach me to walk and talk, and now you want me to sit and be silent?!
Dyanya, buy pakuchuk (uncle, buy chupachups)
Mom, when you were little, did you have a TV in your antiquity?
My little daughter, about 3 years old, kept asking me to buy her a dog. Dad asks: What kind of dog do you want? Shaggy or ... Daughter in response, without letting her finish: No, plaited!
Looking critically at the crowd of men, Veronika (5 years old) says to her friend: “Look, there are no princes here.”
Sometimes she asked something: Mom, do you know. .. I say: No, I don't know... And she answered: Mom, well, know!
"Fool, I'm a fool!" - my child almost sobs, standing in front of the mirror. Then she suddenly calms down, thinks ... and already quite calmly says: "But beautiful ...".
Lily, 4 years old, asks: grandma pour me some tea. They poured tea for the child. Lily asks: Grandma pour tea with milk. They poured tea with milk for the child. Lily asks: now take the milk from the tea.
Mom, do you have any jam? Get it, Kaalson said. (Davidik, 3 years old)
Lyosha hasn't pronounced the letter L for 3 years, sits on his father's lap and asks for vodka. It turns out that the child forgot the boat in the bathroom))))
Grandmother is calling. Cyril (6 years old) picks up the phone: “Well, hello, Baba Yaga!”
Sofia 2.8. Mom, where does a dolphin live? In the sea and in the ocean, my daughter. - Mom, what are you doing? Dolphins live in a dolphinarium!
After a long walk, Vika (5 years old) states: “Well, I went for a walk!”
Zhenya (3 years old), after watching the Bremen Town Musicians, I am a donkey, mother is a dog, father is a rooster, Oleg; (this is my brother1) is a troubadour, and his wife is a princess . .. for about a month we played according to Zhenya's scenario, performing each his role:):)recorded from the words of Masha's mother.
After visiting the zoo, a child wrote in an essay about how he spent his weekend: “I saw a deer. He has our hanger on his head.”
Milochka is 4 years old. Mom, look what a beautiful gray fence the neighbors have, so green it is painted yellow. Here, understand what kind of fence the neighbors have.
Mom: "Here's your teddy bear, hug him and fall asleep soon." Liza (6 years old) sadly: “Mommy, will anyone alive with me sleep today?”
Egorka Potapenko 2y.4m. - Baba, cuckoo! — Ku-ku! - And you, the woman is not ... ku-ku-siy, not kukusy woman!
The navigator is working in the car: “After five hundred meters, the exit!”. Polina (2 years 10 months) is horrified: “Who will eat it ?!”
In kindergarten, unbeknownst to Egorka, her mother undressed in the locker room and went to a meeting in the assembly hall. Egor after he saw his mother's coat, leads the teacher by the hand: `Where is this mother?`
Sometimes the grass is strong, sometimes it is weak. The weak one is the one that grows in the clearing, and the strong one is the one that breaks through the asphalt
Hot tea was poured from a cup into another. Yegorka drank everything from one and says: `Thank you`. Then he points to the rest: `And this one is not yet `Thank you`.
Parents: "If you eat, you will grow big." Maxim (3 years old): “Are you big already? - Yes. “Why are you eating?”
Grandma doesn't like the tight blouse that my mother bought for herself. Mom - Did you have to buy a bat? Yegorka laughs: - Why drink a bat? We must drink tea!
Mom says to the dock: “Why did you close? You don't live here alone! Ksenia (9 years old): "That's why!"
The balloon has flown away. Yegorka is crying. - do not Cry. Let's go tomorrow and buy another one. What you want? Heart, round or like a bunny? - Zero. Like zero…
Nadya (5 years old) to her father leaving for work in the morning: “Bye, dad, thanks for stopping by…”
When the tea is very hot, we throw pieces of ice into it and listen with our ears to how it crackles.