Fun story to read
4 Short Funny Stories for Kids
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Searching for some funny stories for kids to read to your class or at bedtime? Your kids will love these!
There are two little bears who try to wake their mother at the end of winter, an elephant and a lion who have a battle of wills, five rats who try to sneak past a sleeping cat, and a brave kitten who gets lost.
These funny bedtime stories about animals are a great way to start building your child’s pre-reading and listening skills from a young age.
Wake Up MumWritten by Christina Wither
Illustrated by Dannaria
Two little bears peeped out of their cave. Winter was over and they could smell the fresh spring air. It was time to get up and play after their long sleep.
“Let’s run under the trees,” said Ben.
“I want to roll in the grass,” said Bessie.
“We’d better ask mum,” said the bears together.
Ben and Bessie went into the cave where they had slept with their mum. There she was in the far corner. Mother bear was still fast asleep.
The two little bears tiptoed over to their mum and shook her gently.
“Wake up mum. The snow has melted and it is time to play,” said Ben.
Mother bear did not even move. She grunted and rolled over to carry on sleeping.
“What can we do?” asked Bessie. “We need our mother to wake up and take us into the forest to have some fun.”
The two little bears sat outside the cave and tried to think of a way to wake up their mum.
“I know, let’s get some tickly spiders and see if they will wake up our mother,” said Ben.
The two bears went to find some tickly spiders. Bessie was feeling a bit scared of the spiders but Ben collected them on a big leaf. He took them to where his mum was lying.
The spiders walked off the leaf and across Mother bear’s back. Mother bear giggled in her sleep, but she did not wake up.
“I think we should ask a noisy cuckoo,” said Bessie.
The bears went out to the trees near the cave. Sitting in the tree was a cuckoo.
“Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo,” sang the bird.
The two bears asked the cuckoo to follow them back to the cave and call out to their mom.
“Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo,” sang the bird but mom just rolled over and carried on sleeping.
The two little bears did not know what to do. They had tried tickling, making a loud noise and calling out to mum.
“I know,” said Ben. “What about something she likes to eat?”
“Honey!” said the bears together.
Off they ran to a beehive. They talked politely to the bees and the bees gave them some honey. They ran back to the cave and tiptoed in to see if their mum would smell the honey.
Mum’s big brown bear nose began to twitch. Then her nose began to wiggle and she opened one eye. The baby bears took a few steps backwards.
Mother bear opened both her eyes and blinked. The baby bears took a few more steps back. Now they were up at the opening of the cave. Mother bear sat up and gave a big sniff.
“I smell honey,” she said.
Mother bear was awake at last. Ben and Bessie were so happy.
The little bears took a few more steps out of the cave and happily mother bear followed them. At last, they had found the best way to wake up mum!
Three happy bears skipped into the forest to enjoy the spring and have fun together.
The Mighty MeetingWritten by Christina Wither
Illustrated by Dannaria
It was a hot, sunny day in Africa. Elephant was walking down the path on his way to his favourite water hole. He was looking forward to the cool water and a mud bath.
Lion was also walking along the path. Lion was on his way to the grassy plains. He was going to lie down and wait for his lunch.
Elephant turned the corner and lifted his trunk in the air. He smelt the water at the water hole. Lion turned into the same corner. He was getting closer to his favourite hunting spot.
Suddenly the two animals met in the middle of the path.
“Out of my way,” roared the lion.
“Out of my way,” trumpeted the elephant.
“Make way for the king of the jungle,” growled the lion.
“Certainly not! Where shall I go?” answered the elephant.
The path was blocked. The two strong animals stood facing each other.
The elephant would not move. The lion would not move.
Other animals began to walk along the path. Some were standing behind the elephant and others behind the lion.
Lion and elephant just stared at each other and refused to move.
A monkey came running past. He greeted the other animals. Then he reached the lion and the elephant. He looked at the fierce lion. He looked at the enormous elephant.
The monkey started to chuckle. He ran off into the jungle to get some ‘monkey vine’ that hung from the trees. He rushed back to the lion and the elephant.
“I know how to solve your problem,” said the monkey.
All the animals behind the elephant and the lion wanted to get a look at what was going on. They saw the monkey arrive with a long piece of monkey vine.
He tied one end around the elephant and the other around the lion. He stood on an anthill nearby and shouted!
“Friends, we are going to have a tug of war. When I say ‘heave’ then it is time for the lion and the elephant to pull the monkey vine!”
“May the best animal win,” shouted the monkey.
Elephant was very strong and pulled hard at the rope. Lion dug his extra sharp claws into the path and pulled hard too.
Suddenly there was a clap of thunder! The animals looked up into the sky. They saw huge dark rain clouds. A storm was on its way.
Then Lion felt the first drops of rain. He let go of the monkey vine and ran off into the bushes.
“My mane, my beautiful mane. I combed it as smooth as silk this morning!” he cried.
Lion ran to hide under an Acacia Tortillas, the umbrella thorn tree.
“I win,” cried Elephant, as he stood in the rain. Elephant’s thick skin was like a raincoat. He was not worried about getting wet.
Monkey hopped about with delight. He wanted Elephant to win.
Suddenly all the animals heard a mighty roar! “No, rain stopped play, there is no contest.”
Lion did not want the animals to think he had lost. No contest meant there was no winner.
Elephant nodded his head and walked down the path. He did not care if he got wet and he was looking forward to getting muddy too.
Five Rats and a Funny Top HatWritten by Christina Wither
Illustrated by Dannaria
Samson, the big black cat, lay across the mat fast asleep. He was a very big, fat cat. Samson looked as if he was asleep, but he really had one eye open all the time.
Samson’s one eye was looking right at the hole in the wall where a family of rats lived. One, two, three, four and five little rats.
Five little frightened rats were peeping out from behind the hole in the wall. The five rats wanted to get away from the big, black cat.
Samson yawned and stretched and turned over to sleep a bit longer. The rats were quivering with excitement. Now was their chance to escape. One rat tiptoed out to cross the room. He started to run towards the door.
Suddenly the door opened! In walked a tall man wearing a top hat. The man threw the top hat onto a chair but it missed the chair and fell on the floor.
Samson jumped up and hissed. The rat ran back to his hole with the other rats. The chance to escape had gone.
Slowly Samson went back to sleep. The rats looked at the cat and then they noticed the top hat lying on the floor and it gave them an idea.
The rats nodded to each other as they made a plan. They would hide under the hat and see if they could sneak past the big, black cat. Carefully, one by one, they wriggled under the hat and waited.
The rats heard Samson snoring. They thought they would start to walk towards the door under the shelter of the hat. Slowly the hat slid across the floor. The cat did not wake up.
The rats reached the door. It was open just enough for them to slip out and go on down the road. The hat, with the rats, went out of the door.
At the same time Samson woke up. His greedy eyes saw the hat moving across the steps and out of the door.
He jumped up and started to walk towards the door. The rats knew they would have to start to run.
The cat was getting closer and the rats could see no escape. Behind them was the cat and in front of them was the road and it led to a duck pond. Oh, what should they do?
Whoosh, a sudden gust of wind blew down the road. It tipped the hat over and the rats fell inside. They hung on tightly. What would happen now?
The hat blew down the road and into the pond. The rats peeped over the edge. They saw that they were floating on the pond. Now the hat was a boat!
Samson looked at the rats floating on the pond. He was very angry. He could not swim. The rats had escaped in their funny top hat. The little rats laughed at the cat. Samson hissed and went home.
The Spotty Grey KittenWritten by Christina Wither
Illustrated by Dannaria
Grady was a little, grey kitten. He had a white spot on his back and a black spot on his nose. Grady lived with his mum and two sisters on a farm.
Grady’s sisters were white with black spots. Both of his sisters were very good. Grady was the naughty one. He was always getting into trouble.
Grady was very adventurous. He wanted to explore the farm. One day he went out into the farmyard to see what was in the big wide world.
Grady said to himself, “I am not afraid of anything!”
Suddenly a big monster roared out of the garage and sent Grady spinning into the bushes. He did not know what had roared past. He picked himself up and decided it was time to go home.
Grady looked left and he looked right, but there was nowhere that looked like home. He was lost.
‘Oh dear,’ Grady thought. ‘Now what shall I do?’ He walked across a field and suddenly he stopped!
There in front of him was a furry, white animal with spots on its back. Grady thought it must be one of his sisters.
Grady ran up to the furry, spotted animal.
“Can you take me home?” asked Grady.
“No,” said the furry animal. “You do not belong in my home.
“Look at you, you do not have big ears and you do not hop like me,” said the furry animal.
Grady realized he did not belong with this animal. Grady ran to the farmyard where he saw another spotty animal. It was a bit bigger than Grady, but it had spots on its back.
Grady ran up to the spotty animal.
“Can I come home with you? You look just like me with all those spots,” said Grady.
The big animal grunted and jumped into a mud puddle.
“I have mud spots on my back. Come and roll in the mud if you want mud spots,” said the muddy spotty animal.
“No thanks,” said Grady. He did not want to get muddy. Grady ran away again.
Grady was getting worried. He was hungry too.
Then Grady saw another spotted animal. This animal had a loud voice.
“Ruff, ruff,” said the voice. “Can I help you?”
Grady just nodded. He felt himself being lifted up and carried away. A spotty dog had found Grady. He scratched at the front door. A little girl opened the door. She jumped up and down.
She was so happy to see the spotty dog and the kitten. She took Grady right back to his mother. She was lying in a basket in the kitchen.
Grady saw his mum and his two sisters. Grady listened to their soft purring.
“Purr, purr,” said the other kittens. They were happy too.
Grady was put back in his basket. He felt happy as he snuggled up with his family. He was safe now and he was going to get some milk for his supper.
Purr, purr, purr!
I hope you liked these stories. For a printable version of these stories, scroll to the FREE downloads at the end of the post.
Here are more short, bedtime stories for kids and here is some info on the importance of listening skills in early childhood.
These stories are written by Christina Wither and illustrated by Dannaria.
About the Author:
Christina Wither lives in the Natal Midlands of South Africa. She loves writing stories for children. She believes stories are a great way of empowering parents to connect with their children.
‘A story a day will bring happiness your way,’ says Christina, who especially enjoys writing quirky stories for the very young.
Christina is a co-writer for Empowered Parents and is also the creator of the awesome children’s brand Wart and Fish – Play and Learn.
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7 Funny Night Time Stories To Read To Kids
Booklistsby Himanshu
Kids love stories. Period. I am yet to meet a kid who does not listen to stories with rapt attention, forgetting everything else. Every good story leaves the audience craving for more. And what better than those fun filled stories that make the kids burst into peals of laughter while giving them invaluable nuggets of wisdom.
That’s the power of storytelling. Here’s a list of 7 funny night time stories that your kid will love and transform her into a cheerful little devil.
7 stories to tickle your funny bone
- Foolish Lion and the Clever Rabbit – A famous Panchatantra story of a fearsome, merciless lion and a clever rabbit. The lion who killed animals for no reason is approached by all the animals of the jungle. They promise to send one animal to the lion, daily, to become lion’s meal. When the clever rabbit is told to go to the lion, he is determined to end the lion’s tyranny. Did the rabbit succeed? Find out in this funny story.
- The Intelligent Merchant – Merchant’s are known to be intelligent and shrewd. And why shouldn’t they be when their livelihood depends on it. Sometimes literally. A short and witty tale about a merchant who was “punished” for speaking his mind when everyone else in the king’s court resorted to sycophancy. The king ordered the merchant to give up everything he owns except his weighing scale and prove that – A merchant can never go hungry at night as long as he possesses the weighing scale.
Whether the merchant was able to prove it, remains to be seen.
- The Musical Donkey – In the animal world, a donkey is always portrayed as someone lacking brains. Despite its hardworking nature, a donkey is always shown as doing jobs that do not require much brains. Now whether a donkey actually lacks brain can be debated but the motive behind the entire portrayal is to demonstrate that raw strength alone does not make anyone valuable. To be respected, one needs to have brains and be able to apply it, when needed. The Musical Donkey teaches that a person should always consider the consequences of their actions.
- The Brahmin’s Dream – We are all dreamers in our unique ways. Dreaming is not bad. Infact, elders encourage us to dream because only when we dream, can we “act” towards achieving our dreams. Acting upon the dreams is very important. Day dreaming is never fruitful. Can the Brahmin, dreaming of becoming very rich in life, realize his dreams while sleeping? A fun-filled story that makes for a very interesting read to a group of children.
- The Mice That Ate Iron – It always amazes me how friendship can bring two people closer than the bond of blood. While we are related to scores of people by virtue of our birth, we are free to choose our friends. This freedom comes with a grave responsibility of choosing our friends carefully. It is said that a known enemy is less harmful than a false friend. This story teaches an important lesson in a funny tale.
- The King and The Drum – The King had a funny secret and he kept it from everyone in the Kingdom, even his Queen. But the barber had to be let in on the secret under oath of secrecy. However, secrets can’t be kept long, as the King discovered soon enough. And his secret came out in the most hilarious way imaginable. Read this story to find out!
- The Kettle Who Gave Birth – As kids we loved the antics of Nasreddin Hodja and his stories always brought us a hearty laugh. This is one of his best stories. We promise you will have the kids rolling on the floor in laughter as you tell them about the kettle who gave birth to a baby kettle.
Click on the link above and enjoy the stories.
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Funny and touching stories about books read at the dacha
Summer is a dacha! And a dacha is not only a forest-lake-strawberry, but also books. Bookmate Journal and PostPost.Media asked readers to share their stories about country reading — and learned how books help in marriage, what is better to read under the howl of the wind, and what is the "pure happiness of prepubertal age." Here are some of these stories (spelling and punctuation are copyright).
Dina Lyakh: My grandmother had a limited selection of books and magazines in her dacha, so I read them several times. Most of all I remember Korolenko's "Children of the Underground", they contrasted so sharply with reality: outside the sun, flowers and gooseberries, and I was reading about a gloomy and penetrating world in a dark attic. And also an article about Siamese twins, it seems their names were Masha and Dasha Krivoshlyapovs. For some reason, I remember a paragraph about how one of the sisters drank alcohol, and the second one also got drunk, although she did not want to.
Konstantin Osnos: A special branch was on a thick pine tree, there was almost an armchair, the neighboring branch was a backrest. I spent hours there reading "St. John's Wort" by Fenimore Cooper, absolutely endless. Later, at the dacha, I leisurely reread stacks of "Chemistry and Life" and the Riga Spring. Still, when it was raining outside the window, and it was cozy in the house, leafing through grandmother's books about gardening, the most beautiful thing was the systematics of plants. And there was also a pre-revolutionary book "Country Garden" with engravings of wheelbarrows and shovels and a warning that garden workers are lazy and require supervision.
Daria Amirkhanova: The most unnecessary reading material turned out to be at the dacha. Stacks of "Young Technician" magazines from which my brother grew. "Murzilka", from which I grew up. "Brownie", which my mother read. And also very random books - Yuri Nikulin's autobiography, for example. Several volumes of Pushkin. A book about therapeutic fasting. The book is about the fact that people descended from the ancient Atlanteans - six-meter translucent giants. Children's colorful books about Lenin and pioneers. Some creepy action movie about a Russian spy who was trained in secret training and now he can lie in ambush for days, and then kill enemies with his bare hands. Everything except Pushkin and starvation, out of boredom, I read more than a dozen times.
Anastasia Linnala: For some reason, I began to carry books like Simone de Beauvoir's "The Power of Things" in the original, which I picked up somewhere for free, to our Finnish forest dacha without electricity. In everyday reality, it would not even occur to one to read such a thing - those years have passed when there was time and resources for this. And in the country, when the phone is dead, there is a thunderstorm outside the window and a candle is burning, you almost involuntarily open Simon - and there she has Sartre, friends, wine and a lot of the verb "tituber" - to sway when walking - and you seem to read out of boredom and a little with boredom, but so nice.
"I spent a very merry night in the company of Camus, Chauffard, Lola Bellon, Witold and a charming Portuguese woman named Vioja"Read
Oleg Lekmanov: Our dacha bookshelves mostly had all sorts of waste paper gathering dust, for example, a book of feuilletons by a certain Boris Privalov, which I re-read a million times out of nothing to do and remember almost by heart. But the Tales of Sherlock Holmes was also there, so reading The Motley Ribbon on a late summer evening with the wind howling is one of my most terrible and sweetest memories.
Anna Marchenko: The Forsyte Saga at a friend's dacha. She came every year and re-read it with pleasure, feeling like different heroines depending on the situation in her personal life: either Irene, or Dinny, or someone else. Only the attitude towards Soames did not change - she could not stand him, but her friend defended him, and so we had life-literary conversations over evening tea. Long-foggy London went very well in the heat on the summer cottage, and suddenly in the scene of the death of old Forsyth there was a complete coincidence (I don’t remember verbatim): “Heat, heat! July . .. Singing grasshoppers in the grass.
Ekaterina Rakitina: Magazines! Long-term collections of "Science and Life", "Young Naturalist", "Around the World", etc. How much I learned from there, eating young carrots and gooseberries, is incomprehensible to the mind. Sometimes something unexpected still pops up, from where? ... Yes, from there, from the second summer cottage floor, from under the balcony door covered with old tulle from flies - it was cooler to read lying on the floor.
And sometimes in "Science and Life" there was an unsolved crossword puzzle with fragments, such were only there, and it was supposed to be honestly taken to the veranda to be solved by everyone together over afternoon tea.
Alla Sobolevskaya: In the summer I came to the dacha in Orekhovo, to our Leningrad friends. I am 12 years old, there is a cot behind the garden rose bushes. And at the dacha there are bundles of magazines "Foreigner", "New World", "Seeker" with fantastic stories and the book "1001 Nights". Time on this folding bed was my window into the wonderful world of domestic and foreign literature. I dream of a cot under roses. But I don't have a dacha.
Lilith Wolf: In the dacha, papa built himself a man's cave (Shelter - Ed.) - a tiny house with a single room and a half by one and a half. He had a couch, a workbench, a potbelly stove and a shelf of old magazines that he brought from Germany. No one, including himself, read German, so everyone just looked at the pictures. And above this room was an attic, and this was my cave. All sorts of unnecessary things were thrown there, all sorts of bent bicycle wheels, parts from no one knows what - and the old magazines "Science and Life" and "Knowledge is Power". I dragged hay there and hung a hammock. A stuffy dusty attic, a hammock, a pot of sand to put out cigarette butts - and fantastic stories from old magazines, Sheckley, Bradbury, Lem, Asimov, Strugatsky, Bulychev. The pure happiness of prepubertal age.
In puberty, alas, it all ended: I became too tall to sit comfortably there, and too heavy not to crush the ceiling. I was forbidden to sit there, but the hammock, magazines and a saucepan are still there.
Maria Galina: Among the dacha girls (the case was near Kyiv, in a cooperative of e... art workers, and the director of Kievmultfilm lived next to us) went from hand to hand drenched in tears and tattered "Chalikushka, a singing bird", perfect an example of a Turkish ladies' novel. The heroine fell in love with a certain Kamran, but after learning about his affair with a certain Yellow Flower, she broke off relations and left for the village to teach. I suspect that for Turkey at that time the book was quite bold, almost shocking. But again, we did not understand this, shedding tears over the fate of Chalykushka, songbirds, she is Gülbesheker, rose petal jam, so named for her beautiful complexion.
Ekaterina Zakharova: Grandfather held a senior position in the police, so an incredible amount of periodicals about crimes and investigations accumulated at his house during the year. And besides, at home there were books on forensics, with pictures and diagrams. I loved to come to their house for the summer, I was allowed to drag my criminal "treasures" into a comfortable chair - and read, read all day and night long.
My grandmother was horrified when I ran to my grandfather for explanations - and in the pictures there are all sorts of consequences of violent deaths.
And the grandfather just chuckled and honestly, without pressure and lyrics, explained.
Evguenia Lanyaguina: I read a lot at the dacha, but I remember two things the most. Nietzsche's "Antichrist", who gave me a lot to understand about how European culture is the culture of Christianity. And my grandmother's extensive collection of completely pornographic women's novels, which did a lot for my sex education.
“This book belongs to a few. Maybe none of these few exist yet. They may be those who understand my Zarathustra; how could I mix with those whose ears are only opening today?”Read
Svetlana Kouznetsova : My parents, employees of research institutes, had a translated book about gender relations bound in the same place. Now it's funny, but when you're thirteen, you want to know everything. I have read this quasi-scientific book with medical illustrations.
Very boring, but I have always remembered the phrase from there: "A woman has the right to enjoy her own husband.
" It liberated me in marriage.
Other stories about country reading (there are even more!) Read on the website of the PostPost.Media project
Funny stories for children. Read online with pictures.
This section of our site contains the most funny stories for children of all ages. The stories of Nosov, Dragunsky, Zoshchenko, Oster and other classics have been read by thousands of children for several decades. The works have not lost their relevance and humor. Clear texts, interesting stories, funny characters and situations are very popular with young readers.
Moral and educational aspects of the works are hidden behind funny stories. Therefore, reading stories is not only an interesting activity, but also extremely useful!
Read funny stories by Russian writers on Mishka's Books website online !
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Grade 1Dreamers
For children 5-6 years old funny
1m 5C 5C 1m
4.75 (1177)
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Tam Glen
Burns R.
Oh, aunt, I ask for advice! With such a young man, I don’t have to be afraid of the fate of change.
I’ll be glad of poverty, - If only I would be with me ...
Lines about war and love I give my blood In that life-creating battle, What we call love. I glorify the triumph of the world, Contentment and prosperity. It is more pleasant to create one Than to destroy a dozen!
What's a girl to do
Burns R.
What's a girl to do? What shall I do, little girl? How shall I, little girl, live with my hubby? He is grouchy and ill, always dissatisfied. There is cold in his chest, ice in his hands. He grunts, ...
1 - Little Red Riding Hood
Charles Perrault
A short tale about a gullible girl and a cunning gray wolf. Disobeying her mother, the girl turns off the road and talks to a stranger - a gray wolf ... "Little Red Riding Hood" read Once upon a time there was a little girl. Her mother loved her without memory, and her grandmother ...
2 - Three little pigs
Mikhalkov S.
A fairy tale about three pig brothers who built houses for themselves. One brother built a house out of straw, another out of twigs and twigs, and a third out of bricks. "Three Little Pigs" read Once upon a time there were three little pigs in the world. Three brothers. All…
3 - Kolobok
Russian folk tale
The tale about Kolobok is found in Russian and Ukrainian folklore, and also has analogues in the tales of many other peoples. Our site presents a version of a folk tale in the processing of A.N. Tolstoy. "Kolobok" read Once upon a time there was an old man with an old woman. Here ...
4 - Turnip
Russian folk tale
Turnip is a famous fairy tale for the little ones with a lot of repetitions. The child quickly remembers the sequence of presentation and a simple plot.
"Turnip" read Grandfather planted a turnip and says: - Grow a turnip, sweet, sweet! Grow big, big! A turnip has grown, sweet and big, big….
5 - Wolf and seven kids
Russian folk tale
The tale tells about an evil wolf who changed his voice, made his way into the goat's house and ate little kids. But the mother goat will be able to save her children and get rid of the wolf. "The Wolf and the Seven Kids" read Once upon a time there was a goat with kids ....
6 - The Tale of Tsar Saltan
Pushkin A.S.
The tale of Tsar Saltan, of his son, the glorious and mighty hero Prince Gvidon Saltanovich, and of the beautiful Swan Princess was created on the basis of the folk tale "Wonderful Sons". Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin enriched the folk work with new plot twists,… and Livanov V.B.
The story of the animals and the young Troubadour who went to the city of Bremen to become street musicians.
In the city they stopped in front of the royal castle. The king and princess came out onto the balcony of the palace, the townspeople ran to the square and it began ...
8 - Flower of seven flowers
Kataev V.P.
A fairy tale about a girl Zhenya, who was presented with a magic seven-flower flower. It had seven petals and could grant any seven wishes. Zhenya spent the first six wishes, but did not get any pleasure and only made her last wish ...
9 - The Snow Queen test and melt even an icy heart! "The Snow Queen" read Table of contents: ♦ The first story, which tells about ...0003
10 - Three Bears
Russian folk tale
Three Bears is a fairy tale about a girl who got lost in the forest and ended up in a house of bears. There she behaved very rudely: without permission, she ate from every cup, sat on every chair, lay in every bed, ...
11 - Geese-Swans
the swan geese carried the boy away and the little sister went to look for him.The stove, apple tree and river helped the girl save her brother. Read the fairy tale in the processing of A.N. Tolstoy. "Geese-swans" read There lived a man and a woman. At…
12 - Wizard of the Emerald City
Volkov A.M.
"The Wizard of the Emerald City" - a fairy tale story by Alexander Volkov written in 1939 based on the fairy tale "The Wise Man of Oz" by American writer Frank Baum with some changes. In 1959, a new edition of the book was published, significantly revised ...
13 - Winnie the Pooh and all, all, all
Alan Milne
A cheerful and beloved fairy tale about Winnie the Pooh does not obey the laws of the fairy tale genre. The tale is devoid of negative characters, the struggle between good and evil forces. The main characters of the tale are the toys of the boy Christopher, with whom funny situations happen in a magical ...
14 - The Frog Princess
Russian folk tale
The Frog Princess is a Russian folk tale where the main character, Ivan Tsarevich, married a frog by the will of fate.
Ivan had no idea that his wife was Vasilisa the Wise, turned by Koshchei into a frog. Ivan hurried, burned the frog's skin and had to ...
15 - The Fox and the Crane
Russian folk tale
The Fox and the Crane is a fairy tale about friendship between a cunning fox and a clever crane. The crane could not eat the semolina porridge, which the Fox smeared on a plate. He invited her to his place and treated her to a delicious okroshka, which he put ...
16 - Masha and the Bear
Russian folk tale
Masha and the Bear is a fairy tale about a girl who got lost in the forest and ended up in a bear's hut. The bear did not let Mashenka go home, however, the girl came up with a way to return to her grandparents. Masha and ...
17 - The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish
Pushkin A.S.
The tale of a poor fisherman who caught a golden fish in his net.
The old man took pity on the fish, released it into the sea. For this, the fish promised to fulfill his every desire. The old man didn’t ask for anything, but when he returned home, he told about…
18 - Hen Ryaba
Russian folk tale
Hen Ryaba is the first fairy tale-parable that mothers read to their babies. Children quickly grasp a simple plot and remember it by heart. Hen Ryaba read Once upon a time there was a grandfather and a woman. And they had a Ryaba Hen. The hen laid an egg, yes…
19 - Thumbelina
Hans Christian Andersen
The fairy tale about Thumbelina is loved by children all over the world. A tiny girl born from a flower goes through many trials on the way to her happiness. Fate rewards Thumbelina for her kind heart. The swallow she rescued earlier endures...
20 - The Little Mermaid
Hans Christian Andersen
A touching tale of the Little Mermaid's strong love for the prince.
The little mermaid is ready to give up everything that is dear to her for the sake of the human soul and the love of the prince ... The fairy tale formed the basis of the plots of many films, cartoons and musicals. Little Mermaid read In the open…
21 - Puss in Boots
Charles Perrault
The tale of an unusual cat, which was inherited by the younger brother from the miller's father. The young man was not very happy at first with his share of the inheritance, but the cunning and intelligent cat made him the richest man and son-in-law of the king ... The cat in ...
22 - Sleeping Beauty
Charles Perrault
A fairy tale about a beautiful princess who was cursed by an offended fairy at a celebration in honor of her birth. The old fairy predicted the girl's death from a spindle prick, but the good fairy was able to commute the sentence. The girl did not die, but fell asleep on…
23 - Porridge from an ax
Russian folk tale
Porridge from an ax is a small fairy tale about a witty soldier.
The greedy old woman did not want to feed the soldier, but he outwitted her and got porridge with butter ... Read porridge from an ax The old soldier went on a visit. Tired in…
24 - The ugly duckling
Hans Christian Andersen
A fairy tale about the miraculous transformation of an ugly duckling into a beautiful swan. The duckling was born unlike his brothers, the inhabitants of the poultry yard disliked him for his dissimilarity to the others. The duckling had to leave the house and go through many trials before he…
25 - The Princess and the Pea
Hans Christian Andersen
A short story about how the prince wanted to marry a real princess. One day, a girl knocked on the gate, who was soaked to the skin, but assured that she was a real princess. She was allowed to sleep, and the old queen gave her a check…… 9Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka -there was an old man and an old woman, they had .
27 - Fear has big eyes
Russian folk tale
Fear has big eyes - a short tale about the fact that fear can see what was not really ... ( from the collection of M.M. Serova) Fear has big eyes to read Once upon a time there was an old grandmother, a laughing granddaughter, a chicken-klokhtushka and a mouse-leaf. Each…
28 - Bean seed
Russian folk tale
The cockerel and the bean seed is a Russian folk tale about a rooster who was always in a hurry when pecking at the seeds. The hen warned him all the time and asked him to peck more slowly. One day he choked on a bean seed and fell down. But the chicken...
29 - Sivka Burka
Russian folk tale
Sivka-Burka is a fairy tale about the adventures of Ivan the Fool and his gallant horse. Sivka Burka read The old man had three sons: two smart ones, and the third Ivanushka the Fool; day and night the fool is lying on the stove.
The old man sowed wheat, and it grew ...
30 - Crocodile Gena and his friends
Uspensky E.N.
Tale about a lonely crocodile Gena. Coming home from work from the zoo, he was left alone and bored. Crocodile Gena decided to make friends with someone. He wrote an announcement that he was looking for friends, hung them around the city and ...
31 - Baba Yaga
Russian folk tale a cat… Read Baba Yaga Once upon a time there was a husband and wife, and they had a daughter. The wife fell ill and died. Grieved, grieved ...
32 - Twelve months
Samuil Marshak
Do you know how many months there are in a year? - Twelve. And what are their names? — January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December. As soon as one month ends, another immediately begins. And…
33 - Teremok
Russian folk audio fairy tale
Teremok is a short fairy tale for kids about a house that sheltered many animals.
However, the tower could not accommodate a huge bear and broke.
34 - The tale of the priest and his worker Balda
Pushkin A.S.
The tale of the stingy priest and resourceful worker Balda. Somehow Balda was hired for the service for three clicks on the forehead of the priest. When the time of reckoning was approaching, the priest decided to give Balda an impossible task in order to get rid of him. But Balda…
35 - Little Humpbacked Horse
Ershov P.
An old man lived in a village and had three sons. They grew wheat and sold it in the market. But then someone got into the habit of trampling wheat in the field at night ... Table of contents: ♦ Part one. Starting…
36 - Alice in Wonderland
Carroll L.
An exciting story about a girl Alice who met a talking White Rabbit and ended up in amazing worlds where she met very unusual characters .
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