Fun with 3 year olds
75 Everyday Activities For 3 Year Olds
What are your favorite activities for 3 year olds? These simple activities aren’t just for 3 year olds, they are great activities and preschool learning games for older kids too! Don’t miss my new book Everyday Preschool, it’s the best book for parents who want to make sure their child is learning every day.
Finding the right activities for 3 year olds should be easy… but it isn’t. This summer my daughter and I have had a lot of time to play. Extra time in fact because she decided when she turned 3 to give up naps. With her brother home from school for the summer, my attempts at forcing the issue have been met with refusal. I am going to try again in a month when her brother returns to school but in the meantime, she has quiet time, earlier bedtimes and lots of simple activities like these peppered throughout the day. For more specific games for 3 year olds check out our post here with our favorites! If you have a younger child check out our similar list of 75 TV Free Activities For Toddlers.
These 3 year old activities have been the bulk of what we’ve done this summer. Big projects are fun but day in and day out this is what we do.
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Fun Activities for 3 year olds
- Playdough sculptures with dry spaghetti.
- Fill a table with books and read, read, read.
- Doodle with smelly markers on cardboard from your recycle bin.
- Play doctor with dolls.
- Take a walk and hunt for colors.
- Play with puzzles.
- Look at family photos together.
- Create with peel and stick jewels.
- Read through catalogs.
- Build a fort.
- Play eye spy with a favorite book.
- Eat lunch outside.
- Play in a box.
- Paint with watercolors.
- Play with stickers.
- Play sports in the yard.
- Play-Doh and sequins.
- Play The Cupcake Game.
- Play Simon Says.
- Make a balance beam out of painter’s tape and walk it!
- Play in a kiddie pool.
- Color with Color Wonder markers and coloring sheets.
- Water some plants
- Play with Magic Nuudles.
- Play with Play-Doh and Duplo together.
What are some easy things to do with a 3 year old? Keep reading!
- Play with a light table ( easy DIY here ).
- Play with cold cooked spaghetti.
- Cook together.
- Play with water, rice, beans, gravel, etc… in your water table .
- Play with the hose.
- Dress up some dolls.
- Take silly pictures together.
- Play hide and seek.
- Cuddle.
- Play with stamps.
- Make some window clings .
- Paint your toenails with kid-safe nail polish.
- Run Through the sprinkler.
- Write in a journal with markers, stamps, and crayons.
- Go to the beach.
- Learn about emotions with Mr. Potato Head.
- Go to the library.
- Read with a sibling.
- Call Grandma ( or Aunty, Uncle… you get the picture.
- Help clean.
- Play dentist with dolls.
- Finger paint.
- Draw with chalk on black construction paper.
- Go to a local elementary school and play at the playground.
What are the best activities for 3 year old ?
- Play dress-up.
- Take markers and paint onto the porch for art outside.
- Duplo
- Play School
- Mix sidewalk chalk and other toys for pretend play outside.
- Bubbles.
- Scrap paper collages. All you need is some paper and glue!
- Hunt for magnets with a magnetic wand in a bowl of uncooked oatmeal or rice.
- Jump in puddles. I don’t know of a better activity for a 3 year old than this one!
- Build a tower out of recycling.
- Wash the car.
- Backyard nature hunt. Tape painter’s tape sticky side out on a window or wall and have your child stick what they find on it.
- Take some pictures.
- Have a tea party.
- Practice cutting with playdough!
- Make a ramp with cardboard and drive matchbox cars down it.
- Read books outside.
- Play-Doh with pipe cleaners.
- Wash push cars, scooters, and bikes.
- Go for a hike.
- Play with Play-doh and egg molds.
- Play airplane or train with your kitchen chairs.
- Wash windows with water and vinegar.
- Turn snack bars into shapes and practice using a knife at the same time.
- Play alone. Yes, it’s more than OK, it’s incredible to let kids play alone. Let your 3 year old think up their own activities. We don’t need to entertain them 24/7 !
What is your family’s favorite everyday activity? Not listed? Add it in the comments and tell us why your kids love it!
Need more activities to do with 3 year olds?
Filed Under: 75 activities for 3 year olds, Age Preschool, Age: Toddlers, Preschool Activities | 75 Comments
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50+ Easy Things To Do At Home with Your 3 Year Old
What To Do at Home with Your 3 Year Old
Being at home with a 3 year old can be hard when you are not prepared.
Most pediatric guidelines recommend less than 1 hour of screen time a day. So what on earth do you do the 4-5 hours you may have at home with them?!?
To help you get through your day I have come up with a list of 50+ fun and easy things you can do throughout the day with them.
Most of these items do not require any preparation and use items you already most likely have in your home. The clean up for most of these activities is nothing or very minimal.
How To Use This List
Obviously you aren’t going to do everything on this list. So go through the list, choose about 10-15 things you think your preschooler would like to do.
Chances are there will be a few they will like more than others. So it’s a good idea to go armed with several activities in case one falls through.
Ready? Let’s get started!
50+ Things To Do at Home with your 3 year old
1. Finger painting with water on cardboard.
2. Cut junk mail with scissors.
3. Foil Puzzle Presents.
4. Melt ice with warm water and eye dropper or turkey baster.
5. See how much water a diaper or pull-up can hold.
6. Use eye dropper to decorate a diaper or pull up with coloured water.
7. Tear a sheet into small squares. Draw on them. And then glue them together onto another sheet.
8. Play restaurant.
9. Place plastic wrap around a bowl using an elastic band and let them poke holes in it with their fingers.
10. Place a cardboard tube on their arm and use it to hit a balloon like a bat.
11. Fill sink with water and give them some large beads to put in the water.
12. Fill sink with water and add pom poms.
13. Fill sink with water and bubbles and add a few non-bath toys.
14. Have a dance party to their favourite Disney soundtrack.
15. Have a dance party to your favourite dance songs.
16. Build a pillow and blanket fort.
17. Take a bath with plastic balls.
18. Build a Book Rainbow.
19. Play dress up with your shoes.
20. Read a book lying down on the floor.
21. Play dress up with daddy’s old ties.
22. Teach them how to play rock, paper, scissors.
23. Stick some paper to the stairs and have them draw on the stairs.
24. Stick paper under a chair and have them colour a picture there.
25. Play in bath tub in swimsuit with toys.
26. Look at your child’s baby book.
27. Paint a colouring book with watercolours.
28. Have a toga party with swaddling blankets or towels.
29. Bake muffins together.
30. Make fruit kebabs and eat them.
31. Snuggle on the floor looking up at the ceiling pretending you see clouds shaped like different animals.
32. Play hide and go seek.
33. Have tickle fight.
34. Have a pretend wedding.
35. Cover rocks with shaving cream and have them clean them off.
36. Paint with a potato masher or spatula or other kitchen utensils.
37. Paint Lego or Megabloks.
38. Wash paint off Lego or Megabloks with soap and water.
39. Take a magnifying glass (pretend, real or handmade) and go looking for bugs.
40. Play with balloons.
41. Make faces on plate with their snack. (For instance cut up some fruit and have them make faces on their plate with the pieces of fruit.)
42. Play pretend telephone with 2 cups over your ears.
43. Make car ramps using books or cardboard on a couch or stairs.
44. Eat lunch on the floor picnic style.
45. Make funny faces in the mirror or smartphone.
46. Put several puzzles in a bin and then have your 3 year old search for pieces and put them all together.
47. Play pretend firefighters.
48. Build a tower using toilet paper and tissue boxes.
49. Take mattress off their crib and use it as a tumbling mat. For added protection, arrange pillows all around and set safety ground rules.
50. Have them ‘read’ their favourite books to you.
51. Blow bubbles outside, no matter the weather.
52. Use a measuring tape to measure your body parts such as arms and legs.
53. Dress up for lunch.
28 educational and entertaining games
Games for a 3-year-old child are the main activity. As the famous teacher K.D. Uspensky, "in the game the child lives, and the traces of this life remain deeper in him than the traces of real life." Various kinds of fun and entertainment are critical for a three-year-old, since it is with the help of games that a child learns to interact with the outside world and other people, receives new information and masters important skills.
Play is an effective tool for the psychological, cognitive, emotional and physical development of children.
In addition, during the game, the child can show their creative abilities, inclinations towards a particular occupation, and this will help parents to better understand the baby, while creating a trusting relationship with him.
In addition, at this age, the child begins the so-called "crisis of three years" - one of the most difficult periods of growing up a baby. During a crisis, it is difficult not only for the baby, who is going through a stage of psychological and emotional transformation, but also for his mom and dad, who do not know how to respond to the behavioral characteristics of a three-year-old. It will be easier for parents to cope with the obstinate baby if they use not screaming, bribery or exhortation, but games. It is not necessary to suppress the children's rebellion by force, it is better to direct it in the right direction in an entertaining way and in a friendly atmosphere.
- Games with a 3-year-old child at home together
- Games for children 3 years old at home
- Music games
- Board games
- Games for a group of children aged 3
- Logic games
- Educational games
- Math games
- Christmas games
- Speech therapy games
- Attention games
- Role play
- Outdoor games for children 3 years old
Games with a child 3 years old at home together
Not all three-year-olds attend kindergarten, many at this age stay at home with their parents. In such cases, all responsibility for development and useful leisure falls on the shoulders of mom or dad. Of course, the easiest way is to give the child a tablet, turn on some cartoon and go about your business. But this is a big mistake that will lead to problems in the development of the child. Do not be lazy, plan the day with the baby so that you can spend at least a few hours together playing a game that will speed up the development process. What to do mom / dad and child together? Sports games are best left for the street and the playground, but quiet games are perfect for the house.
1. "Build a house"
Props: a large cardboard box, various additional details that can decorate the interior.
This game can captivate even the most restless kid for several hours, because what could be more interesting than making your own mini-house in the middle of the apartment! First of all, you will need a large cardboard box (ideally - from large household appliances: a refrigerator or a washing machine, but a shoe box is also suitable). An adult cuts out doors and windows, and then, together with the baby, arranges new apartments.
The advantage of this game is that it perfectly develops the fantasy, imagination and creativity of the child. Let the three-year-old choose the color of the curtains for the windows himself, paint the walls with finger paints or watercolors, and settle his plush friends.
Cardboard boxes of different sizes are a real find for parents of small children. Literally everything can be made from boxes: a puppet theater, a “computer”, a toy house, a “mouse trap”, a treasure vault, and more. With such an ordinary thing that usually just goes to the landfill, it's easy to come up with a lot of interesting games.
2. "Rope walkers"
Props: rope or long rope (thread, ribbon).
This is a fun and entertaining game for a mother with a 3-year-old child, which does not require special preparation. The parent lays out the track with a ribbon or a skipping rope. It can be straight, or it can stray. The task of the kid is to walk smoothly along the impromptu path and not stumble. The task can be made more difficult (pass with a glass of water in hand, put a book on your head, etc.).
Games for children 3 years old at home
Three-year-olds tend to spend most of their time at home. Therefore, parents often have the question of what to do at home with a child of 3 years. Options - a lot! You just need to show a little imagination, and then the three-year-old enthusiastically supports almost any game.
Educational games can be alternated with active and entertaining ones. Thus, the child will always be in business, and the fun that replaces each other will not bore the baby.
3. “I see something…”
Facilitator says “I see something…” and then adds color, shape, size, etc. The child must find an item that matches the description. So, the host says “I see something red”, and the kid needs to find something red in the apartment. You can complicate the task and combine characteristics - for example, "I see something blue and round", "I see something iron and big." Only select the characteristics for those items that really exist in the house, so as not to confuse the child.
4. "Obstacle course"
Arrange a real adventure with your child, the theme of which should be chosen based on the child's hobbies. Does a 3 year old love space? Then go on a journey through the galaxies! Does your kid love dinosaurs? Welcome to the prehistoric forest!
How to create an obstacle course? To do this, you need any improvised means and a bit of imagination. Here are just a few options:
- you can build a tunnel out of chairs and bedspreads;
- pillows turn into saving bumps in the swamp;
- a jump rope or a tourniquet will become a path from which in no case should you go, so as not to fall into quicksand;
- to go to the next level, you need to feed the dragon guard (throw cotton or paper balls into the basket).
Music games
Little kids love dancing games. If so far the situation with songs is not very good, since not all three-year-olds pronounce words well and are able to get in time with the music, then the kids are always ready to dance. In addition, music games can be not only entertaining, but also educational.
Of course, a win-win option for such a game is Musical Chairs. But the child will quickly get bored with the same fun, so you need to have several alternative options in stock.
- Things to do with the kids at home: 35 fun ideas for fun
5. "Guess the instrument"
Props: various toy musical instruments.
First, get to know the musical instruments laid out in front of you with your child. It can be maracas, drum, xylophone, triangle, tambourine, wooden spoons, guitar. Listen to how each instrument sounds. Next, the child closes his eyes, his task is to guess the instrument by sound. In addition, there is another option - the presenter portrays the game on some instrument, and the kid must guess what the adult “plays music” on, and show this instrument among the toys.
You can also find out with your 3 year old how ordinary things sound (pots, bags, keys, doorbell, oven timer) and try to create a melody with these sounds. A more advanced option is to add audio recordings that record the noise of a vacuum cleaner, the sound of a running washing machine, the creak of a door, and more.
6. "Guess the melody"
Props: records with famous musical compositions from cartoons, images of cartoon characters or toys.
A three-year-old child probably already has favorite cartoons. The parent includes a song from a cartoon, and the child must pick up a picture with the corresponding character or a toy. You can complicate the task and choose to work with "backing tracks", compositions without words.
7. "Unusual dances"
Props: musical selection of various compositions.
Want to have some fun? Then this entertainment is for you! This game is the best cure for a bad mood, because the participants simply cannot help laughing.
The facilitator chooses several melodies (no need to take too many, because it will be difficult for the child to remember them, a sufficient number - from 3 to 5). Each composition corresponds to a certain movement: for example, you need to dance to the first one only with your hands, to the second - to the head, to the third - to the lower part of the body, etc. The host takes on the duties of a DJ and turns on one or another record, and the children need not get confused performing their unusual dances.
Board games
Entertaining games are extremely important for the comprehensive development and socialization of the baby. But various educational games (cubes, cards, quests, etc. ) should be selected according to the age of the baby, only in this case they will be the most effective.
It is still difficult for a three-year-old to memorize games with complex rules, so when it comes to board games, you should choose options with easy tasks (for example, just “walkers” with chips and a die).
- Board games for the whole family
- DIY board games for children
8. "Sounds of animals"
Props: cards with images of various animals (you can buy a ready-made set or make it yourself).
This is a funny game in which you have to imitate the sounds of different animals and scream as loudly as possible. Three-year-old fidgets will definitely appreciate this noisy entertainment. At the beginning of the game, each participant takes a few cards for himself and puts them face down in front of him. Each player then reveals one card each. Those who match the images must shout in the voice of the animal depicted on the card. Moreover, you need to get ahead of your opponent (by the way, the conditions of the game can be simplified a bit: open the cards in turn and imitate the sounds of animals). If the player succeeded, he takes both cards for himself, if not, he gives his card to the opponent.
9. “Freaky Yudik”
Props: cards with different pictures, among which there are images of funny monsters or emoticons with different emotions.
The cards are stacked and placed face down on the table. Each participant takes turns drawing a card. The one who comes across a weirdo-yudik must portray the same emotion (you can have the other players guess it or evaluate how successful the emotion turned out to be).
Freaks can not only portray emotions, but also freeze in different poses and perform simple movements (dance, sing, perform some exercise).
Games for a group of children aged 3
If one three-year-old is a "little tornado," then a group of three-year-olds is a "12 Beaufort hurricane. " To prevent the leisure of kids from turning into destructive chaos, adults need to not only control the gameplay, but also offer suitable options for team games.
10. "Sun"
The game is similar to the usual "hide and seek", but with a slight difference. The facilitator counts with their eyes closed while the children hide. When he starts looking for babies, he cannot leave his place - he is only allowed to turn around his axis. If a child becomes the leader, then it is better to draw a circle beyond which it is impossible to go.
11. “Do those who…”
The facilitator comes up with different tasks and conditions for their implementation. For example:
- jump those who ate porridge today;
- sit down those who love the cartoon "Peppa Pig";
- clap your hands those who hugged mom today;
- dance those who go to kindergarten;
- jump those who have pets at home.
As a rule, during the game, children begin to share who ate what today, what animals live in their homes, etc. This perfectly develops attention, speech and communication skills.
Logic games
It is necessary to solve simple logic problems from childhood. Of course, tasks such as quizzes or quests are still too tough for three-year-olds, but there are other games specially adapted for this age for them.
12. "Find the extra"
This is a simple game that teaches the child to build logical chains. The parent puts several items in a row, one of which is superfluous. So, you can put three animal toys and a hat (an extra hat, since there are all animals in the row, and it belongs to clothing items) or several kitchen utensils and soap.
Another variant of this game is to divide objects into groups. From the many different items you need to choose, for example, only animals or vegetables / fruits. In addition, you can sort items by any action (flies, makes sounds, jumps).
13. "In the world of professions"
Props: printed images of representatives of different professions, toys / images of attributes that these professionals need.
The parent shows the child a picture with a profession, and the kid must choose from the objects / pictures in front of him what this specialist uses. For example, a mother shows a picture of a doctor, and the child must choose a thermometer, syringe, pills (all of this, of course, should be toys, from a children's first aid kit).
Educational games
Three-year-old children, like a sponge, absorb new knowledge, and the task of parents is to give young inquisitive minds as much new information about the world as possible. Games about dinosaurs or animals, games about space or the North Pole, about forest and underwater inhabitants - there are countless options. The main thing is to choose exactly the game, the subject of which interests your child most of all. Simply put, you don’t need to devote your baby to, say, the world of football if he is fond of flora and fauna.
14. Water World
Props: ice cubes, small toys, a basin of water, a toy boat.
Prepare ice cubes in advance, you can freeze small toy underwater inhabitants, penguins, seals, mammoths, etc. in them. Draw a large basin of water - this will be your sea (you can give it a real name - Azov, Black, Red, Aegean - and during the game, tell the child what the seas are, or you can come up with your own fantasy name). Select the animal toys that will go on an expedition along the "sea" and put them in the boat.
During the expedition, talk about the underwater inhabitants that you meet on the way, explain why a mammoth or a dinosaur was frozen in an ice floe. By the way, ice floes can be breakaway parts of an iceberg.
One of the participants may fall overboard while swimming, and the others must rescue him. Thus, the child learns about the rules of behavior on the water, safety and first aid. And if you catch the drowning passengers of the liner with a strainer or colander, then this will also be an excellent motor skills training.

Requisites: colorful pictures depicting phenomena typical of each of the four seasons; four separate large images of the seasons; glue; cardboard folder; velvet paper.
Picture options:
- rain;
- snow;
- frozen river;
- trees with yellow leaves;
- flower meadow;
- berry field;
- bare trees;
- sledding;
- beach holiday;
- images of different seasonal clothes.
Before the game, you need to prepare - stick the images on one side of the cardboard folder, and stick the velvet paper on the other. Spread small images on velvet paper (this type of paper must be taken so that the pictures do not slip) and start playing with the child. The task is to correctly distribute the images by season. During the game, it is necessary to explain why this or that phenomenon is suitable for a given time of the year.
The second variant of the game: the parent arranges the events by seasons, adding one extra (for example, by the summer he puts a picture showing children on skates). The child must find an extra card and explain why it does not belong here.
Math games
Games are not only a remedy for boredom, but also an effective way of learning. At 3 years old, it is already quite possible for a baby to be taught oral counting, shapes, location in space and elementary measures (width, length, height). There is nothing to think about how to seat a three-year-old at a desk and hand over a notebook: the child is still too small for such a serious learning process. But useful mathematical games are what you need for the educational process at such a tender age.
16. “What a number looks like”
Props: cards with numbers and images “What a number looks like”.
To arouse interest in mathematics in a three-year-old, you can play the game “What does a number look like?”. The parent reads the poems and shows the appropriate illustrations, and then shows a card with a hidden number. Together with the child, you need to consider both pictures, see how they are similar.
The study of numbers will be more effective if you use rhymes:
This figure is one,
The nose is thin, like a match,
I hung it down. Sad,
She's all alone.
What does a deuce look like?
Maybe a duck? Rack!
No, it can compare with her
Only a swan, arching its neck.
The number three and the letter Z -
Twin sisters.
Bunny, Zoya and Splinter -
We repeat loudly!
The wooden chair broke down,
But he was not at all confused:
He stood upside down in the apartment.
And became the number four.
Five fingers - count guys.
Here is the big one, little finger is the fifth,
Index is the second,
Middle is in the center… No, wait,
Nameless is the fourth,
What's the cherry, mate?
Stalk turned up.
Try to eat it,
This cherry is the number six.
Index - number seven -
Told the guys all:
“Don't go into this thicket!
The wolf walks there more often!”
We add two bagels together,
A number will come out. That's eight!
Eight - two handlebars together
Or two zeros together.
Strong wind blew and blew,
Cherry turned upside down.
Number six, pray tell,
How did you turn into nine?
Zero is like the letter "O",
It means nothing.
But any number at once
Will increase ten times.
17. "In the Land of Geometry"
Props: colored paper or cardboard, album, glue, scissors.
Together with your child, cut out geometric shapes from cardboard or colored paper, and then make appliqués out of them or simply fold different pictures. From geometric shapes, you can "build" a house, a Christmas tree, a sun, a little man, etc.
In addition, you can look for errors by lining up the shapes in a row in shape, size and color, each time adding an extra element.
Christmas games
At the age of 3, children are already familiar with Santa Claus and his faithful assistant Snegurochka and are looking forward to their arrival. And so that the wait is not so tedious, parents can captivate the kids with holiday games.
- Children's Christmas games: how to have fun on the most magical night of the year
18. “Dress up the Christmas tree”
Props: a small Christmas tree, colorful clothespins.
The game develops fine motor skills well. The task is simple - you need to dress up the Christmas tree by attaching clothespins to it. If several children participate, you can divide into teams and dress up the forest beauty for speed.
19. "Collect presents"
Props: a large bag and many different items.
Grandfather Frost was in a hurry to go to the party to see the kids, but he accidentally stumbled and dropped the bag with gifts. We need to help him collect all the presents as soon as possible. The game is great for teams to compete for speed.
Speech therapy games
It is necessary to develop a child's speech from birth. According to WHO recommendations, by the age of 3, his vocabulary should be at least 1000-1500 words. Of course, at this age, children may not pronounce some sounds, distort words and build sentences incorrectly - this is absolutely normal for a three-year-old. Parents should not focus on this, but they should not completely ignore the shortcomings of speech.
Phonemic games will help you to better understand oral speech. Parents should also take note of a few gaming exercises aimed at developing speech.

In this game, the parent tells a story that the child knows well. During his narration, he confuses some details (for example, he calls Kolobok Sharobok, at the end he is eaten not by a fox, but by a crocodile, etc.). The child needs to notice mistakes and correct the negligent narrator.
21. “Say the opposite”
Props: ball.
At the age of 3-4, the child already understands what antonyms are, and can independently choose the opposite meaning to the named word. The leader throws the ball to the child and says the word (“hot”, “dark”, “night”, “sweet”, “hard”, etc.), and the kid must return the ball, naming the antonym.
Attention games
At first glance, it seems that a three-year-old and attention are completely incompatible things. And the truth is, the baby is not yet able to concentrate on one thing for a long time. However, attention, like any other skill, needs to be trained, and simple games will help with this.
22. “Bouquet”
Props: flowers cut out of colored paper, clothesline (ribbon, skipping rope).
The parent lays out a “path” from the rope, and on both sides of it lays flowers cut out of paper. The child needs to walk along the path and collect flowers in a basket, following the instructions of the parent ("pick two yellow flowers", "pick four green ones", "take one rose", "find five daisies", etc.). This game not only develops attention, but also teaches counting, recognizing the colors of the rainbow and flowers that grow in nature.
23. "Traffic light"
Props: three circles - green, yellow and red.
This is a simple attention game. Each circle corresponds to a certain action, the task of the child is not to get confused. For example, the presenter shows a green circle, which means you need to jump on one leg, red - sit down, yellow - clap your hands. As the game progresses, tasks can be changed.
Role play
In play, children often imitate the serious activities of adults. Such copying is a way to better understand the complex adult world for a three-year-old. Story games will help to cope with this difficult task.
24. "Kindergarten"
Both kindergarten students and those who do not attend preschool can participate in this game. In the first case, parents can learn a lot about what is happening in the garden. Some children do not openly talk about kindergarten, but all the nuances appear during the game. If the kid, playing the role of a teacher, carefully feeds his beloved bunny from a spoon and wipes his muzzle, then, most likely, a real teacher treats children in the same way.
If the child does not go to kindergarten yet, but the parents plan to send him there, then a role-play on this topic will be an excellent preparation. The kid will know what kind of animal this kindergarten is and what to expect from it.
25. "Knight and Dragon"
There are also psychological theatrical games aimed at correcting the child's emotional and psychological behavior. For example, with the help of such games, you can save a child from fears.
Let's say a three-year-old kid is terribly afraid of a gray top that can bite on the barrel. Invite the child to play this top: the parent will play the role of the wolf, and the baby will need to drive him away (of course, the child should always emerge victorious from this fight). Then you can switch roles: the child will be a wolf, and the parent, for example, a hare who easily runs away or finds another cunning way to elude a predator. So the kid will understand that the wolf may well be defeated and you should not be afraid of him.
Outdoor games for children 3 years old
Above, Kidpassage told what to play at home with a 3-year-old child, but what fun is suitable for the street? The main rule of street games is to choose a safe place. Special playgrounds and parks are best suited for children's entertainment. You should not play near the roadway, construction site or other dangerous places - the baby can play too much and step where it shouldn't, and adults who are carried away by fun can lose their vigilance.
What street games are suitable for three-year-old children?
- Children's outdoor games: 17 replacements for shooters, fighting games and arcades
26. "Slower ride - you will continue ... Stop!"
The facilitator pronounces the phrase “Slow down - you will continue ... Stop!”, and the children slowly try to get to him. As soon as the word “stop!” sounds, the young participants immediately freeze in place. Those who didn't stop are out of the game and everything starts all over again. The one who gets to the leader first wins.
27. "Catch my shadow"
This is a kind of "catch-up" game, only you need to pin down not the player, but his shadow. As the game progresses, you can change the rules: touch the shadow with your hand or foot (you can also teach the baby where the right and left are) or catch only the head of the shadow. The game is great for young children as their short stature is an advantage.

This is another simple but fun game. The leader is the helmsman, the children are trailers. All participants cling to each other, and the train begins to move. Players must follow the helmsman who can go straight, turn right or left, zigzag, jump on one foot, back up, sing songs. If older children are involved in the game, they can also play the role of a helmsman in turn.
Playing together with a 3 year old is great and fun. Moreover, it is a connecting thread between parents and crumbs. What matters is not the amount of time spent together, but its quality. Even 15 minutes of fun with a three-year-old will play a role in his development, not to mention the fact that he will help dispel boredom.
Try to play regularly with your little one, and if your supply of fun ideas runs out, KidPassage is always ready to offer a few backup options. Many more examples of children's games can be found in the article "Games with children at home: 42 entertaining ideas. " Learn and have fun with your little one!
Games for children up to 3 years old
In this section we have collected games for the smallest children (up to 3 years old)
Save for yourself, share with friends: the most
little children.More about the game Dariki Mosquitoes 🦟
Rating : 3.3 (323 votes), comments : 1
Wonderful game! A sea of fun, smiles and joy is guaranteed! Suitable for all companies and ages! There are different difficulty levels. It can even be used at corporate parties as a team-building game!
Read more about the game of the centipede
Assessment : 4.1 (votes 441), Comments : 20
Two funny children's games- Entertainment , without much deep meaning, but very noisy and cheerful and built and constructed and constructed on one principle: find your shoes among the big pile!
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Rating : 4 (251 votes), comments : 43
Funny game- nursery rhyme for babies . We develop fine motor skills by telling a rhyme about a turtle.
Read more about the game a large turtle ... 🐢
Estimation : 3.5 (votes 61), Comments : 2
Funny Sitter - Development for the small . The creativity of the Russian people has created many different versions of this game.
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Rating : 3.5 (150 votes), comments : 4
More about the game Snow Angel
Rating : 3.9 (41 votes), comments : 1
Another little classic. This game is known to everyone from childhood. “Wow, such a width! Look at such a height!
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Rating : 3.7 (votes 98), comments : 2
Musical song game for kids .
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