Make word sentences
English Sentences with Audio Using the Word "Make"
English Sentences with Audio Using the Word "Make"- Make it real.
- Make your choice.
- You make me happy.
- What did Jean make?
- How did you make it?
- We all make mistakes.
- How do you make a box?
- Make yourself at home.
- Do I make myself clear?
- I know you can make it.
- Let's make a phone call.
- Don't make fun of people.
- I want to make her happy.
- Can you make the deadline?
- You will make a good wife.
- Anybody can make a mistake.
- Could I make a reservation?
- Did you make it by yourself?
- Make yourselves comfortable.
- Do you have to make a speech?
- I said I would make her happy.
- Two wrongs don't make a right.
- We must make up for lost time.
- He seems to make nothing of it.
- I can't make out what she said.
- Sulfur is used to make matches.
- She told us not to make a noise.
- This message doesn't make sense.
- This sentence doesn't make sense.
- I think we'll make it if we hurry.
- I am afraid he will make a mistake.
- I wanted to make some telephone calls.
- You should make good use of your time.
- I'm afraid that I might make you angry.
- I didn't think you were going to make it.
- I couldn't make him understand my English.
- A good businessman knows how to make money.
- She said nothing that would make him angry.
- I couldn't make myself heard above the noise.
- I'm going to make a cake for Mary's birthday.
- He tried to make his wife happy, but couldn't.
- I asked her to make four copies of the letter.
- I checked to make sure that he was still alive.
- I make it a rule to get up early in the morning.
- Tom checked to make sure the gas was turned off.
- I don't know what to say to make you feel better.
- You have to work harder to make up for lost time.
- I think it's time for me to make some new friends.
- If you can't make it, call us as soon as possible.
- You should make sure that you don't make Tom angry.
- I completely forgot to make something for us to eat.
- I'm going to make some coffee. Would you like some, too?
- It was so noisy there that I couldn't make myself heard.
- I want to spend more time doing things that make me happy.
- If you want to make your dreams come true, keep on trying.
- I make it a rule not to watch television after nine o'clock.
- Before you go to visit him, you should make sure he's at home.
- I spoke to him in English, but I couldn't make myself understood.
- I think that maybe I won't be able to make understood in English.
- What he told us the other day simply doesn't make sense, does it?
- She made it clear that she couldn't make it in time for the meeting.
- I tried hard to make them stay home, but they refused to listen to me.
- How much time and energy do you spend on projects that don't make you any money?
- Make your airplane reservations early since flights fill up quickly around Christmas.
- We’re going to make sure that no one is taking advantage of the American people for their own short-term gain.
- Make your choice.
Sentence Examples | Examples of Words Used in a Sentence
A Word Can Be Used in a Sentence Many Ways
Sometimes to understand a word's meaning you need more than a definition; you need to see the word used in a sentence.
At YourDictionary, we give you the tools to learn what a word means and how to use it correctly. With this sentence maker, simply type a word in the search bar and see a variety of sentences with that word used in its different ways. Our sentence generator can provide more context and relevance, ensuring you use a word the right way.
How Do Our Sentence Examples Help You?
Whether it’s simple sentences for those just learning the English language or phrasing for an academic paper, this easy-to-use sentence generator will help you choose your words with confidence.
With our sentence examples, seeing a word within the context of a sentence helps you better understand it and know how to use it correctly. From long to short, simple to complex, this tool can assist you with how to use words that may have more than one meaning.
How to See a Word Used in a Sentence
If you want to hear how the word is said, we can assist with that too. Just click on the speaker icon at the top of the page to listen to a clear pronunciation of the word.
What is a Sentence?
There are many types of sentences, all with different structures and complexities. In its most basic form, a sentence is made up of a subject and predicate, which is the verb and the words that follow. But no matter how simple or complex, a sentence consists of words. Words in a sentence are what make it come alive and make sense.
Understand how words are used within the sentence, no matter the structure, and get inspiration for writing your own sentence correctly with the help of these example sentences.
We’re Here to Make Learning Easy
We get it. Learning the meaning of the many words that make up the English language can seem overwhelming. Take away the nerves and make it simple and easy to understand with the use of our sentence maker.
YourDictionary strives to make learning as stress-free as possible, no matter what your age or understanding is. And our sentence examples are no different.
We understand that sometimes the best way to truly understand a new concept is to see it used in an example. With the help of our useful tool, you can be one step ahead with grasping the complexity and workings of English vocabulary.
With an increased understanding of how words can be used, you can make your writing come to life with an arsenal of words of varying difficulties and meanings.
Simply type the word into the sentence generator and we’ll do the rest.
Make a verbal portrait of your friend. Try to present him in such a way that other people can recognize him...
All questions / Social studies / class
attention to those qualities of a friend that you like the most.
0 /10000
I have a friend who I understand at least half a word. She: kind, with a sense of humor, always ready to support in difficult times, always listen and give advice. She is also blonde, tall, medium build, blue eyes. Maybe she's kind of strange, but for me she's a real friend
Vera and I have been friends since early childhood because we live in the same house. Vera is a very beautiful girl. She has large green eyes and long, waist-length black hair, which she has been growing since she was five years old. Vera's hair is the envy of all her friends. Vera has a thin straight nose, small ears and a wide forehead. A strong-willed chin betrays a determined and purposeful personality in my girlfriend. And indeed, Vera will always achieve her goal, no matter how difficult it is. Vera is very neat, all her things are in their places, notebooks and textbooks in covers so that they do not rub or get dirty. And at home she always has order, because Vera is not afraid of work and is happy to help her mother clean and cook. Vera dresses with taste and knows how to decorate even the simplest outfit with a strap, a handbag or a matching scarf, scarf. She herself likes to sew suits and dresses for herself, because she is engaged in a youth clothing design studio. After graduating from school, Vera is going to study as a designer in order to model costumes for theater and cinema herself. Vera is diligent and patient, so she gets mostly good grades at school. My friend's favorite lessons are literature and history. In addition to sewing, Vera likes to watch TV. She likes popular science films about animals and the mysteries of our planet, as well as Disney cartoons. But the most important thing is that Vera is a good friend, which means she will never let me down and leave me in trouble.
My friend is short, with broad shoulders and a strong build. He is very attractive, with blue eyes and blond hair. He is often invited to the Olympics because he is smart and talented. Girls like him, as he is protective and cheerful, you will not get bored with him. He is also neat and takes care of himself, his appearance. He has a good character, he does not put on airs, does not like lies and dishonesty. I would like to please him by inviting him to our country house for barbecues. He loves to relax in nature. I think he will like this offer.
I have a girlfriend, she has brown hair, green eyes, she loves small dogs and cats, her character is quick-tempered and mischievous, but I love her for her sense of humor, but she herself does not like when people make fun of her.
when she comes to visit me we play various games. she loves to clean and I always wonder how you can love to clean so much.
she is a very good friend, sometimes very harmful, sometimes funny, but that's why I love her.
%d1%81%d0%bb%d0%be%d0%b2%d0%b5%d1%81%d0%bd%d1%8b%d0%b9%20%d0%bf%d0%be%d1%80%d1%82%d1%80%d0%b5%d1%82 - Hungarian translation
Example of a translated sentence: I bet you 20 bucks that you can't spend the whole day alone. ↔ Felteszek 20 dollárt arra, hogy nem leszel képes az egész napot egymagad tolteni.
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We currently have no translations for %d1%81%d0%bb%d0%be%d0%b2%d0%b5%d1%81%d0%bd%d1%8b%d0%b9%20%d0%bf%d0%be%d1%80%d1%82%d1%80%d0%b5%d1%82 in the dictionary, maybe you can add it? Be sure to check out automatic translations, translation memories, or indirect translations.
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declination Base
How appropriate it was, after all, graduates were appointed to serve in 20 countries of the world!
Milyen találó ez a gondolat, hiszen a végzősök húsz országba kapták a megbízatásukat!
jw2019I knew how much God values man and his body, but even that did not stop me. Jennifer, 20 years
Tudtam, hogy mennyire becsben tartja Isten az emberi testet, de még ez sem állított meg” (Jennifer, 20 éves ) .
jw2019God subsequently prescribed this order in the covenant of the Law that he made with the people of Israel through Moses.
Később Isten jogi előírássá tette a sabbat megtartását, amikor Mózes által gondoskodott a törvényszövetségről Izrael nemzete számára (2Mó 20 :8–11; 5Mo 5:12–15).
jw2019Bet 20 bucks you can't spend the whole day alone.
Felteszek 20 dollárt arra, hogy nem leszel képes az egész napot egymagad tolteni.
When we help others, we ourselves experience some measure of happiness and satisfaction, and our own burden becomes lighter (Acts 20 :35).
Amikor áldozatokat hozunk másokért, azzal nemcsak rajtuk segítünk, hanem mi magunk is érzünk bizonyos mértékű boldogságot és elégedettséget, ami elviselhetőbbé teszi a saját terheetek (Cseleked 20 :35).
jw2019The company celebrated its 20 anniversary.
Boldogasszony hava 20 . elmondott.
WikiMatrix20 The words of Jesus at Matthew 28:19, 20 show that those who have become His disciples should be baptized.
20 Jézusnak a Maté 28:19, 20 . versében leírt szavai megmutatják, hogy azokat kell alámeríteni, akik Jézus tanítványaivá lettek.
jw2019 Talk and discussion with listeners based on The Watchtower, July 15, 2003, p. 20 .
Előadás és beszélgetés a hallgatósággal Az Őrtorony 2003. július 15-ei számának 20 . oldala alapjan.
jw2019Nearly 40 years later, by the time of the second census, the number of men in the tribe of Manasseh had risen to 52,700, 90,037,20,,200 more than the tribe of Ephraim.—Nu 26:28-34, 37.
Amikor csaknem négy évtizeddel később újból népszámlálást tartottak, a törzs bejegyzett férfiainak száma 52 700-ra emelkedett, vagyis 20 200-zal tobben voltak, mint Efraimban (4Mó 26:28–34, 37).
jw2019He left 20 minutes ago.
20 perce ment el.
OpenSubtitles2018.v320 I will bring them into the land that I swore to their forefathers,+ into the land flowing with milk and honey,+ and they will eat+ their fill, become fat+ and turn to other gods.+
+ 20 Mert elviszem őket arra a tejjel és mézzel folyó földre,+ mely felől megesküdtem ősatyáiknak,+ és majd esznek+, jóllaknak, megkövérednek+, és más istenekhez fordulnak,+ azokat szolgálják, engem pedig megvetnek, és megszegik szövetségemet.
I have been married for 20 years.
20 éve vagyok hazas.
Opensubtitles2018.v320 left by parents, but loved by God
20 A Szüleim Elhagytak, Isten a Szeretébe Fogadott
JW2019, as I already mentioned, more than 50% of our drug consumers of Boleli AID 100% and now it has dropped to less than 10%.
Amint mondtam a droghasználók több mind fele volt AIDS- es a "80- as évek végén és ez mostanra 10% alá esett.
(Laughter) Now stand up, those who sat down when I said 20 .
ted2019I have a very important meeting at 20 :30.
Találkozóm van fél kilenckor .
OpenSubtitles2018.v3She left 20 minutes ago.
Lelepett úgy 20 perce.
OpenSubtitles2018.v3You just went from 20 to 150 kilometers in 2 seconds!
2 mp alatt gyorsulsz 10 -ről 110-re.
When, in 80 , the Yakuza people saw how easy it was to take out loans and "make" money, they formed companies and entered into real estate and stock trading.
Amikor a jakuza látta, hogy az
jw2019Usually, a connection is made between this ancient city and modern Gaza (Gazza, Azza), located approximately 80 km to the west-south-west. from Jerusalem.
Az ókori várost rendszerint a mai Gázával (Ghazahh-hal; Azzával) hozzák összefüggésbe, amely Jeruzsálemtől kb. 80 km-re Ny-DNy-ra található.
jw2019Genuinely concerned for Paul, who was imprisoned in Rome, they helped him through his difficulties by supporting him financially.—Ph 4:15- 20 ).
jw201920 Even persecution or imprisonment cannot close the mouths of devoted Jehovah's Witnesses.
jw2019 While Mike and I were harassing loyal US Postal Service employees, it turned out not to be 80 th, and the news that we all have been waiting for, came in a completely different type of mail.