Games for winter
40 Indoor and Outdoor Winter Games for Kids
When the summer heat finally breaks, the last leaves fall, and the first flakes have fallen, it's thrilling. Holiday seasons are in full swing and everyone is happy--if not a little stressed. But when it all ends, the wrapping paper is thrown out, the fireworks have been shot, what are you left with? 3 more months of cold and slush. When you don't want your kids sitting in front of the tv or computer, it can be really exhausting to try to figure out what to do to help the dark, slow days pass by with purpose and fun. That's why this list of winter activities was created to help you keep your kids busy!
Indoor Winter Games
1. The Most Ultimate Nerf Battle
There's nothing quite like building forts and arming everyone with different Nerf weapons to the entire family and letting everyone play. Make sure you hide anything fragile though!
Learn more: Happy Mom Hacks
Maybe you don't feel like being shot at with foamy darts. That's fair. Instead, try setting up targets around the house. You can use water bottles, plastic or paper cups, paper plates, or anything else you might like. Whoever has the best aim wins!
Learn more: Happy Mom Hacks
3. Uno
Never underestimate the power of a good, old-fashioned game of cards, especially Uno. This game is super fun for travel & family game night, as well as for entertaining kids without having to put too much thought or planning into it. Just go on Amazon, order some cards, and you're ready to go!
Learn more: Household Management 101
4. Keep the Balloon Up
When the temperature dips into subzero temperatures, you might be craving an indoor game to keep you moving and warm. Nothing is simpler than blowing up a balloon, tossing it in the air, and yelling "go!"
Learn more: Kid Spot

It's never too cold outside to practice your balance! Using painter's tape, create a line on the floor as long and as zig-zaggy as you please. Have your child see if they can walk the whole line. Then, have them do it backward, too. When they're done, tape a new line.
Learn more: Family Fun Twin Cities
6. Sock Hockey
If you love hockey, but you don't want to deal with the ice of the winter season, just play it indoors--with socks! Create goals with plastic laundry baskets, select a goalie, and use socks as pucks to throw around!
Learn more: Family Fun Twin Cities
7. Capture-The-Flag
This popular summer camp game is actually really easy to play indoors! Simply divide up the family into 2 teams, have each team hide their flag, and begin the hunt! The first team to capture the other's flag wins.
Learn more: Pivot
8. Fish Bow
Looking for something a little less active? Try Fish Bowl! Similar to charades, everyone writes down 3 nouns (person, place, or thing).
All 3 of the nouns go in the bowl, then you split into 2 teams. The game is played in 3 rounds. A round is over when all the paper slips have been guessed. One player at a time goes up for 30 seconds and pulls a slip of paper out of the bowl, then their team has to guess what is on the paper. If they guess it before time runs out, that same player draws another slip and the process is repeated. At the end of the round, all the slips go back in and the next round begins. In the first round, they can use words to explain it. The second round only motions/movements. The third round is a single word. Whichever team has the most points at the end of the 3 rounds, wins!
Learn more: Fun Attic
9. Indoor Bowling
Using pins (or water bottles) and a ball, set up your own indoor bowling alley! This indoor activity is simple and easy fun for all. Simply keep score as you usually would and have fun!
Learn more: Preschool Toolkit

This next indoor activity can be as easy or as difficult as you choose to make it! Take vague pictures of or describe objects around your house and send the kids out to find them. Each household object provides a new clue for where to go next. The winner gets the prize at the end.
Learn more: Thirty Handmade Days
11. Domino Chain
There's nothing more satisfying than watching a giant domino chain reaction. While the winter season is in full swing, take the time to set one up. The longer it stretches, the better!
Learn more: Hevesh5
12. Rube Goldberg Machine
If your domino extravaganza isn't enough satisfaction for you, try spending your winter day building a Rube Goldberg machine! It doesn't have to be too involved, but it can be if you'd like it to be. If you have multiple kids to entertain, try making it a competition!
Learn more: Scout Life
13. Paper Airplane Contest
Gather lots of paper for this one! Have everyone make a few paper airplanes out of sheets of paper using different folding techniques. Then see whose can fly the furthest, the most accurate, or the highest!
Learn more: The Thinker Builder
14. Bubbles
Sometimes on a cold winter day, you really miss the fun activities of summer. The good news is, one of these activities is easily done inside, too! A bubble activity could be just what you need. Just get some containers of bubble solution or make your own with dish detergent and water in a metal dish. Dip a bubble stick in and blow!
Learn more: 23 Brilliant Bubble Activities for Kids
15. Mad Scientist "Bath"
Set up different cups and dishes in the bathtub, then let your kid pretend to be a mad scientist as he/she concocts all different soap/water ratios. Bubbles and kid giggles galore! If you plan ahead, you can even try bubble path potions!
Learn more: MrBubbleBubbleBath
16. Read a book
Never underestimate the power of sitting down and reading a book. Sometimes just the simplest activity can turn a dull snow day into an adventure. Plus, instilling a lifelong love of reading in kids starts when they're young!
Learn more: Scientific American Blog
17. Bathtub Snow
If you really get hit hard by the winter weather and find yourself with a large amount of fluffy, cold snow, try bringing it into you to enjoy this fun winter activity! Using buckets, fill your tub with snow then let yourselves scoop, mold, and build whatever you can think of. When you're done, let it all melt down the drain.
Learn more: Totally The Bomb
18. Indoor Snowman
Do you want to build a snowman? No, not really? Well, how about an indoor snowman instead of a regular snowman? This activity is simple! Just fill a metal pan (or even a shoebox) with corn starch and shaving cream until you have the right consistency, then build away!
Learn more: Modern Parents Messy Kids

If outside is cold, but lacking the "winter wonderland" look, make it yourself! You'll need scissors, white paper (LOTS of paper), and your hands. Fold the sheet of paper into a triangle three times, then cut along all of the sides. When you open it up, you should have a 5-inch paper snowflake with your unique artistic design! Hang them up to create a winter-themed wonderland!
Learn more: HGTV
20. Colored Water
Outdoor Winter Activities
1. Snow Angels
Once you've decided to put on your winter coat, snow boots, and scarf to venture out into the cold winter air, you might as well drop down and immerse yourself completely! Spread your arms and legs and pull them back into yourself to create some of the most magical snow angels.
Learn more: Time
2. Snow Candy
This outdoor snow activity will be the sweetest part of your day! Just heat up some pure maple syrup on the stove, then go outside and (making sure to use clean snow) pour strips of the hot syrup on your clean snow. Watch as it hardens into candy, then enjoy!
Learn more: Happy Hooligans
3. Build an igloo
If you've got a lot of snow for this snow day, you can easily build an igloo. This may seem difficult, but all you really need to do is mound up snow into a huge pile, then use a snow shovel to hollow it out (not too thin, though). Crawl on in!
Learn more: Your Modern Family
4. Colored Snow
Some outdoor snow games that are great for the color-enthusiasts in your life: painting snow. To do this, simply fill a spray bottle or two with water, add in food coloring, and spray your food-colored-tinted water on the snow to color it. Coloring ✓ Snow ✓happiness ✓
Learn more: Glued to my Crafts Blog
5. Snow Castle
Missing the beach? Ease the pain with a little snow castle building! It's the same concept as with sand, but you might want to wear gloves or your finger will get a little cold. Take it a step further and make it giant so kids can play in it!
Learn more: Chicago Parent
6. Biggest Snowball Contest
This one is pretty self-explanatory. Gather everyone up and see who can make the biggest snowball! Or work together to make something truly spectacular!
Learn more: The Backyard Gnome
7. Snowman
Once you've rolled your giant snowballs, use them to help you out with one of the best snow activities of all time--building a snowman! Stack 3 balls of snow on top of each other, then add some sticks as arms, a scarf, a carrot nose, and a pebble face. Add a top hat if you've got one!
Learn more: Fun Boy
8. Sledding
Another fun activity that you can do is sledding. All you need is a sled (or a flat metal pan or smooth trash can lid) and a hill. Have fun and be careful!
Learn more: Backyard Sidekick
9. Ice Skating
This can be done indoors or outdoors at a skating rink. If you go somewhere public, just rent some ice skates and put them on! Kids can often use traffic cones or skate walkers to help them stay up while they learn the basics. If skating on a lake, make sure it's solidly frozen all the way through.
Learn more: Today's Parent
10. Snowball Relay
Build some snowballs and have kids pass them from person to person using spoons as they compete in a snowball relay race! This activity during winter can also be played indoors.
Learn more: Party Game Ideas
11. Crystal Ball
Gather some heavy-duty balloons, food dye, and glitter (if you want). Drop a bit of food dye into the balloons, add the optional glitter, and fill the balloons with water. Be careful not to fill the balloons with water all the way! Set them outside in subzero temperatures or in the freezer. When they're solid, peel away the balloon.
Learn more: Exploratorium
12. Snow Maze
Shovel paths through the snow to create a maze. Your limit is how much land you have!
Learn more: Life with Moore Babies
13. Star Gazing
There's nothing crisper than a clear winter night. Grab some hot chocolate and find the winter constellations!
Learn more: Sunset
14. Ski or Snowboard
Learning is easiest when you're young! Get a cheap kid's snowboard or skis, and let your kids play on soft hills to practice the basic skills. Before you know it, you'll have a WinterKids Winter Games in your own backyard!
Learn more: Men's Journal
15. Snowball Surprise
Build up a snowball around small toys (or even puzzle pieces that can get a little wet). Have kids smash the snowballs to find them all! You can also use sheets of paper.
Learn more: Speckled Egg
16. DIY Ski Ball
Mound up snow on different levels and place buckets with black construction paper numbers on them on the snow. Then try to roll snowballs into the buckets!
Learn more: Everyday Dishes
17. Snow Obstacle Course
Using whatever you can find (hula hoops, sleds, balls, just mounds of snow) build an obstacle course! Have kids go through it forwards, backward, and however else you can think of!
Learn more: Paper Heart Family
18. Snow-Tac-Toe
Draw a tic-tac-toe board in the snow. Using pinecones and sticks, play the game on a large, kinesthetic board!
Learn more: Building Our Story
19. Frozen Bubbles
This bubble activity works best in subzero temperatures. Using containers of bubble solution, blow the bubble softly and let it freeze on the wand!
Learn more: Building Our Story
20. Snow-tato Heads
Using the facial pieces from a Mr./Mrs. Potato Head kit, create snow potatoes, and decorate their faces. It's like a mini snowman, but sillier!
Learn more: Building Our Story
24 Fun Indoor Winter Activities for Kids [Indoor Winter Games]
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If you are looking for some fun indoor winter activities for kids, look no further. Here you will find 24 winter-themed activities and games to keep the kids busy when they are cooped up.
You will need:
Several sheets of white paper
Laundry basket
Ping-Pong ball
Empty plastic soda bottle
Crumple up the sheets of paper to make paper snowballs and try one or more of the following activities with the children:
1. Set a Hula-Hoop on the floor and try to toss the snowballs into the circle.
2. Place a laundry basket on a table and try to toss the snowballs into the basket.
3. Place a Ping-Pong ball on the mouth of an empty plastic soda bottle, then try to knock off the ball with the snowballs without knocking over the bottle.
• Crumple up several sheets of paper to make snowballs. Before play begins, create a safe zone to which the children may run.
• Have one player hide (turn their back) with a stack of ‘snowballs’. The other players pretend to ice-skate, ski, or play in the snow.
• With a shout of “Snowball Fight!” the hidden player begins to throw snowballs at the players, who must run to the safe zone before a snowball hits them.
• If the snowball thrower doesn’t hit a player with a snowball, he must return to his hiding place, and play resumes.
• If a player is hit, he becomes the hidden player.
(With a larger group have 2 or 3 snowball throwers)
Adapt tic-tac-toe to play at different seasons and holidays. Take a large piece of poster board and draw the tic tac toe lines on it and laminate if possible. FOR WINTER…
Make winter shape templates of mittens and hats…or snowballs and snowmen.
Cut out the shapes (laminate if possible) and play as usual.
Blackboard and chalk or a Dry Erase board. Also markers, slips of paper with different winter items/objects on each one, a container for words and timer.
Example of winter Pictionary words:
mittens, coat, snowflake, sled, ice-skates, snowman, etc…
Divide the kids into teams. The player up draws a slip of paper from the bowl and then reads it silently and hands to it to the facilitator. The player must then draw clues as to what was on their paper — their team guesses what it is. If the playing team guesses correctly, before the timer runs out, they get two points.
If the playing team cannot guess correctly, before the timer runs out, the opposing team may take one guess. If the opposing team guesses correctly they get a point and the playing team loses a point. Most points win.
For small children don’t divide into teams, use a timer, or keep track of points. Just play until someone in the class yells out the right answer.
Play Simon Says according to the season and theme:
Frosty Says, The Snowman Says, The Polar Bear Says, The Penguin Says, The Gingerbread Boy (or Girl) Says, etc.
I live in Southern CA where we don’t get snow. So, each December with my older group of children we assemble about 200 snowballs using newspaper and masking tape. (Or crumpled up paper) On cold days or on days we can’t be outside, we have a snowball fight.
Divide the group into two teams. Put each team on opposite sides of the room with the pile of snowballs in the middle. On go, each team must try to get as many snowballs on the other team’s side as fast as possible. I usually time them for about 1-2 minutes. At the stop, all of the snowballs are on the ground, and staff assists the children in gathering them into one pile and counting. The team with the least snowballs is the winner.
Of course, you have to have the typical rules: you can’t throw them at anyone, yada yada!. Have fun!! Tasha/California
Race against time and competitors to puff your ball to the finish line.
Large paper cups
Ping-Pong ball
Paper towel tubes
1. To set up, hang three large paper cups with tape off one side of a table, so that the cup openings are level with the table’s surface. Fill each cup halfway with small prizes. (If it’s a party; forget the prizes if it’s NOT a party)
2. Give the first two players paper towel tubes and explain that when you place a Ping-Pong ball in front of each of them, they must blow through the tubes like a snowblower. (Point out that a gentle breath is all it takes to get the “snowball” rolling.)
3. Each contestant will have 15 seconds to direct the ball across the table and into one of the paper cups; if the ball goes over the edge first, that player’s turn is over. Each winner gets to pick one prize from the cup–and the playing continues until each cup is empty.
(Just play if there are no prizers. This could be an on-going winter game; if it is, have the kids decorate their paper towel tubes with construction paper, stickers, ribbon, drawings, etc.
This is an Indoor race that challenges kids’ balancing skills – penguin style.
Beanbag or Hacky Sack-style footbag
Have children stand side by side with their “eggs” (beanbags or Hacky Sack-style footbags) on top of their feet. Players try to shuffle across the room without dropping their “eggs.” The first one to succeed wins.
Supplies: A 5-inch paper snowflake per team, masking tape or chalk
Divide children into equal teams. Use tape or chalk to mark a starting and turning point–about 10 feet apart for each team. Give the first team members a paper snowflake. At the signal, the first players place the snowflakes on their heads and clasp their hands behind their backs. They walk to the turning point and back.. If the snowflake falls off, players must return to the starting point and begin again.
Collect plastic grocery bags. Tie one on each foot. (This will take a little time.) Have children go into the gym and play a game–but they have to skate on the bags! Basketball is a riot! From Mrs.Z/Rochester, Mi.
One person picks something that is WINTER RELATED… and then the rest of the children ask “Yes -or -No- questions’ (up to 20 questions only) until someone guesses who/or what the person has chosen. Another version of this game is to place something “Winter-ish” IN A BOX that the children can’t see. Play the game from there! (You could put in a mitten, snowball-in a baggie), hat, paper snowflake, chap-stick, etc. )
Styrofoam ball for each team
Pencil for each team
How To Play:
Divide into teams. The first child on each team will be given a Styrofoam ball (snowball) and a pencil.
On your mark- they are to bend over, place the ball on the floor, and push the ball with the pencil across the room, around an obstacle, and back to the next child on a team. The first team to finish wins.
You’ll need:
Styrofoam balls or balls of white yarn, spoons and mittens for each team.
Play this game as you would any relay race. Divide into teams. Each player takes turns putting on mittens and balancing a “snowball” on a spoon while racing to the other side of the room. Drop the snowball
into a bucket, return to the team, pass the mittens, and go to the back of the line. The first team to complete the race wins!
Source: Amazingmoms. com
Materials: Draw Snowball, snowflake and icicle shapes on paper…chairs or carpet squares, tape
Divide kids into 3 groups–
• The snowballs
• The snowflakes
• The icicles.
Tape one labeled paper shape on each child to indicate what group they are part of. Have the children sit in a circle on chairs or carpet squares.
Choose one child to be Jack Frost and have him/her stand in the center of the circle.
Remove Jack Frost’s seat from the group so there is one seat less than the number of kids playing the game.
Begin by having Jack Frost call out ONE group name—such as “snowballs” (or one of the other two)
When a group hears their group name called, the children of THAT group run to a NEW chair in the circle. (All in that group switch seats) At the same time, Jack Frost tries to get into one of the empty seats…
Whoever is NOT in a seat is the NEW Jack Frost.
Jack may also call out SNOWSTORM! If so…All kids find new seats!
I first thought this game is only for younger children; however, even 3-5 graders wanted to play too! I join in and play with them. Laugh and have a good time. When adults laugh and play too…the kids have a better time! Barb
Do you have a ‘small’ group? If so, during the winter months when children can’t get outside or if you live in a warm climate and want to have a snowball fight— use large marshmallows.
The children stand across from each other and start throwing. Put the marshmallows into containers. The side that makes them all disappear first wins. After they all hit the floor you can use again to throw some more.
Remind the children they can’t eat them after they hit the floor or ground! This is a fun activity for ages 3 and up.(My older grandchildren love to do this all year round when they visit, they bombard grandpa! Barb)
White balloons are blown up
Adults to help
How To Play:
Children are divided into two teams. A sheet (the mountain) is held above eye level between the two groups by adults or tall youth (holding each end). Each side throws snowballs (white balloons) over to the other side. Adapted from
- Tootsie Rolls (1 for each child)
Shoebox for each team, Bell for each team
2 mittens for each team
2 bowls for each team
How To Play:
• Place tootsie rolls, in a bowl, at the opposite end of the room.
• Divide the children into two or more relay teams.
• Explain that when you say, “GO” the first person on each team will put on the mittens, step into the shoe boxes, and race to the other end of the room.
• They are then to pick up a tootsie roll out of the bowl and race back to their team still wearing their mittens and shoe boxes.
• Pass the mittens and shoebox to the next person in line, sit down, eat your tootsie roll.
• The first team to finish eating their tootsie rolls wins! Adapted from
• Have a large area with two adults and their own gloves, hats, coats, scarves, and boots laying next to them.
• The children l line up in front of one of the adults and one at a time run up and place an item of winter on the adult.
• The first team done, wins.
• Children love the excitement of this game and it also gets a lot of energy out on days it is too cold to go outside!
Supplies: A line is drawn or taped on the floor –pre-made tissue paper snowballs.
How To Play:
• Set a time for 2-3 minutes.
• Yell, “GO”!
• Each team throws their tissue paper snowballs back and forth across the lines.
• When the timer goes off, the team with the LEAST amount of snowballs on their side wins.
My kids (all ages) have a great time balling up old newspapers and then taking the “snowballs” outside for an old-fashioned snowball fight. Just remember that newspaper can leave inky hands… you could also use that rejected copy paper that is saved in a trash bag or large marshmallows (both read about elsewhere on this site) for warm climate winter game ideas! From Casey
***Idea: PLAY COLD BALL using a large white Styrofoam ball…the same way you would play “Hot Potato”.
21. PASS THE ICE (Young kids)
Play just like hot potato only with an ice cube. When the music stops… clap for the person with the ice.
22. PASS THE SNOWBALL – Circle Game (For younger kids)
When you have snow–make a couple of snowballs and freeze them until they are very hard.
Have the children put on their mittens. and play the “Wonder-ball game”.
While passing the snowball around the circle have children memorize and say,
“The wonder ball goes round and round. To pass it quickly, you are bound. If you’re the one to hold it last. The game for you has quickly passed. Out goes Y-O-U!”
The children sit out the rest of that round (or you can have them stay in–it’s your choice how you play this part)
The kids will think it’s fun wearing their mittens during the inside time–to play this game.
There have been several games here describing games that simulate “indoor ice-skating”. This is what we do with our kinder-program. We make a skating rink on the carpet by placing the tape on the floor as an outline and then put wax paper on the children’s shoes. They really like to do this—and it’s also good for indoor large motor skills. (Sarah/Oakbrook)
10-12 magazines for each team
Scissors for each team
Construction paper
Glue or stapler
Create identicle lists of winter items.
Example: snow, mittens, gloves, ice skates, winter coat/jacket, sled, hot cocoa, ice, snowman, igloo, earmuffs, scarf, polar bear, Christmas tree, holiday toys, a winter scene, Holiday food, etc.
1. Divide the players into two or more teams.
2. Give each team a stack of magazines, scissors, and a Scavenger list
3. Have teams search the magazines for the items on their list to cut out. Glue or staple to the construction paper.
The team has found the most items at the end of the time wins. (Remember this activity-it can be adapted to any other time of the year!)
Hot Cocoa Recipes and Fun
Winter Outside Snow Games
Winter Outside Fun
Winter Inside Fun
Snowman Themed Games…
Snowman Themed Arts and Crafts
Miscellaneous Snowman Ideas
Snowman Themed Snacks
Reindeer Theme
Snowflake Theme
There you have it, 24 fun indoor winter activities for kids. We hope you enjoy these activity and games and that you can make your day indoors a memorable one.
Winter games:❄☃ winter games for PC
It's nice to sit at home by the fireplace when it's cold outside and there's nowhere to go, as Frank Sinatra sang. It is unlikely that everyone will be able to take his advice, but on the other hand, in the days of Sinatra, people did not yet know video games. Therefore, we have compiled a list of the best games with a winter atmosphere that will definitely bring you no less pleasure.
Rise of the Tomb Raider
It took us a long time to decide between Rise of the Tomb Raider and Uncharted 2: Among Thieves. Frankly, the second part of Drake's adventures is better as a game, but the elements of crafting and survival, as well as the fact that Lara spends more time in the Siberian taiga than Nate in the ice of the Himalayas, swayed us in favor of the adventures of the tomb raider.
Horizon Zero Dawn: The Frozen Wilds
Horizon Zero Dawn has received numerous awards, and it's understandable why. Its addition, The Frozen Wilds, deserves a place on this list, not only for expanding the beauty and scope of the main game with impressive winter landscapes, but also for its 10-20 hour playthrough time - in essence, this is a standalone great game.
Metro 2033
Metro 2033 is creepy enough. But in this case, the word is a compliment: the books on which this series of games is based are dark and heavy, and the games perfectly recreate this atmosphere to their credit. Like Fallout, but without the fun fifties aesthetic.
The tunnels of the main Moscow metro are gloomy and cramped, making short forays to the surface - the frosty wastelands that were once Russia - seem even more beautiful and colder. In the last part of the series, Metro Exodus, you can fully experience the atmosphere of the outside world, but there is only one winter chapter, so it was not included in this list.
Until Dawn
Until Dawn is a rare beast. It seems to be a teenage horror movie, but much more scary than funny. It seems to be a quest, but creepy and dynamic. There are supernatural horrors here, but they do not negate the great likelihood that other people will kill you. On top of that, there are some very beautiful characters with great acting from Hayden Panettiere, Rami Malek and others (although the less said about Peter Stromare's hideous journey into the uncanny valley, the better).
And yes, the action of the game takes place in a ski resort, after all, this is a teenage horror movie.
Batman: Arkham Origins
Arkham Origins is not the best game in the Arkham series, but definitely one of the best games with a winter atmosphere. The Christmas mood of the inhabitants of Gotham can not be spoiled either by raging snow storms or bandits of all stripes frolicking in the streets. And while the townsfolk sit by the fireplaces with warming coffee in their hands and tell fairy tales to children, a young but very evil Batman does his job of pacifying the raging criminals and supervillains.
Max Payne
This 2001 hit revolves around former New York detective Max Payne as he tries to deal with the gruesome murder of his wife and daughter in connection with a new drug called Valkyrin. In the course of his investigation, Max becomes embroiled in a much larger and more complex conspiracy involving the military.
The game takes place in a gloomy winter New York, depicted in a neo-noir style, and instead of animated videos, the story is told in the form of comics with voice acting. In addition to the winter setting, the game borrows a lot from Nordic mythology, in particular, the myth of Ragnarok, and some names and titles are borrowed from Scandinavian gods and heroes.
The gameplay was heavily influenced by Hong Kong action movies, especially the work of John Woo. It was also one of the first games to feature the bullet slow effect popularized by The Matrix.
Fade to Silence
In the world of the victorious winter, it's almost impossible not to feel the appropriate atmosphere — especially when the body is pierced by a terrible cold, the supply of food is running out, and you need to walk a good half an hour to the nearest shelter in knee-deep snow. Fade to Silence is a very good survival sim with co-op, crafting and building, and we recommend you to pay attention to this game if you are looking for something as uncomfortable, cold and snow-white gloomy as possible.
Monster Hunter World: Iceborne
Iceborne is a "winter" add-on for the co-op action RPG Monster Hunter World, which sends players to a new location covered in snow and inhabited by new monsters.
The Frosty Expanses is a surprisingly atmospheric place where majestic forests coexist with high mountains, and monsters are just waiting for the opportunity to feast on negligent adventurers who set off for trophies without proper preparation. If you're looking to immerse yourself in a massive, long game with a winter vibe, then Monster Hunter World: Iceborne might be the place for you.
Buy now
Dead Rising 4
Even a zombie invasion can't ruin the New Year's miracle! In Dead Rising 4, photojournalist Frank West finds himself in a town where a new outbreak of a zombie epidemic has been recorded, and now must deal with hundreds of thousands of infected people in order to save the world.
The local apocalypse is unusually well combined with the atmosphere of the winter holidays, and colorful characters, like the Sadist Klaus, only increase the pleasure of what is happening on the screen trash.
SnowRunner you can sing praises for a long time. The game has an extraordinary appeal, beckons with an atmosphere of loneliness and inexplicable peace. Having climbed into the far corners of deserted locations, left alone with nature and your truck, you will learn, if not Zen, then something close to it.
Some maps in the game move the action to snowy regions. Off-road vehicles are required here, and the tracks become almost insurmountable, but the effort that you spend on conquering the off-road is worth it - you will be rewarded with the opportunity to contemplate the amazing winter landscapes.
Wasteland 3
Winter in Wasteland 3 is unusual, not familiar to modern gamers, but nuclear. Summer will have to wait a long time, if it comes at all. We have to survive in new conditions, and people cope well with this, improve their life and even try to recreate some semblance of civilization.
Here you have to restore order, assuming the role of a ranger who follows the law in the post-war world. Wasteland 3 combines the atmosphere of winter and post-apocalypse, is full of battles and humor, and is able to present many surprises.
Kholat is probably the most “winter” game in our collection. It is uncomfortable to be in, it causes an almost physical sensation of cold, it scares the shiver - not only with ghosts, but also with a masterfully realized winter atmosphere.
The game is dedicated to the history of the mysterious death of the Dyatlov tourist group, offering its own, mystical, interpretation of events. Of course, this is just a fantasy, but it is very easy to believe in it.
The Long Dark
The Long Dark can be loved and hated at the same time.
It doesn't revel in suffering and doesn't require endless training and perfect muscle memory like Bloodborne or Super Meat Boy, nor does it have the typical randomness of a true roguelike. But the darkness hides a quiet gloating, and an invisible hand slightly corrects the balance so that it is a little bit not in our favor.
Canada's frozen wilds have food, firewood and shelter, but going in search of them is a risk. And this risk will always haunt you, before every step and every decision you make.
The game is ingenious in its own way: it always seems to be perfectly balanced, even though it heavily depends on the random generation of the location of valuable trophies. You may know the map and prefer specific strategies, but each scenario is unique and not without its share of uncertainty and randomness. And still, every time it seems that everything was done by vile creators especially for you and testing your endurance.
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
"There must be only one left", as stated in another famous fantasy series, where ancient warriors with huge swords consumed the souls of powerful creatures to support their own limitless powers.
Maybe Skyrim isn't the best RPG ever made. It's probably not even the best game in the Elder Scrolls series. But this game is amazing in many ways, from the incredible sight of the dragons to the scope and scope of the story and the intricacies it creates. “Go your own way” is possible in a lot of games, from Deus Ex to Telltale adventures, but few of them allow you to make such significant decisions and immerse yourself in the character you created as much as Skyrim.
You'll never create the perfect character here or get the perfect playthrough, but that's all part of Skyrim's charm. The character is an extension of your personality that allows you to live in a wonderful fantasy world, feeling more connected to your digital avatar than in most other games. For a true taste of winter, try playing Skyrim on PC with a survival mod such as the Long Dark/Skyrim merge.
And also - returning to the winter theme again - Skyrim has a great setting. This is a wonderful dramatic environment for a wonderful dramatic game. And the ability to play almost anywhere - the game even came out on the Nintendo Switch - extols its merits even more.
Resident Evil Village
Resident Evil Village invites you to spend your winter holidays in a lost village somewhere in Eastern Europe. And everything would be fine, but only the inhabitants of the village almost all died out or fled, and those who did not have time roam the neighborhood in the guise of werewolves and ghouls. And nearby, a gloomy castle rises, ruled by mysterious mistresses ... the main character will have to put things in order here.
It is worth noting that the winter atmosphere is conveyed in Resident Evil Village very authentically: from the contemplation of the snow-covered village and other locations, it becomes physically cold.
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Riders Republic
The developers of Riders Republic fit several different biomes into a rather compact world: here the green forest is adjacent to the desert, and that turns into a snowy region. The latter will be discussed in the context of our selection: here you can heartily drive on a snowboard and ski, saddle a snowmobile and show your skills as part of an extreme descent from a mountain or freestyle. Riders Republic itself is very atmospheric, and a piece of winter in the game only enhances the immersion in the world of sports entertainment.
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Project Winter
Project Winter is a social deduction game that involves disguising yourself in front of your opponents. The eight survivors found themselves alone with the harsh winter nature. In order not to die from hypothermia, hunger and the teeth of predators, players must unite and work together: collect resources, get food and craft weapons. However, there is a catch: some of the characters are traitors who will do everything possible to fail the mission, if possible, not giving themselves away.
Snowy area Project Winter works to create an atmosphere of survival and affects the gameplay. It is impossible not to shiver from the cold when your alter ego in the game runs, falling into the snow, from a ferocious wolf, or trying to warm up by a liquid fire.
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Dread Hunger
Dread Hunger is a bit like Dan Simmons' The Terror: it has the Arctic, a ship whose crew members don't trust each other, and supernatural forces that want to kill travelers. Made in the genre of "social deduction", the game offers to survive, fight cold and hunger, and those who play the role of traitors - to contribute to the failure of the mission in every possible way: for example, spoil food, attract predators, use dark magic, or simply attack stealthily.
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Arctico is a meditative game about travel and survival in the Arctic. Using a dog sled, you will explore the snowy expanses, collect resources, and upon returning to the base, improve it and conduct research. The game is very atmospheric and “cold” for good, but since 2014 it has been in early access and, it seems, will not get to the release.
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According to the developer, SHHD: WINTER is a game in the “russian toska” genre. So it is: it is worth launching it if you want to feel the atmosphere of a hopeless Russian (and not only Russian) winter, empty, lifeless and lonely. This is not so much a game as a theatrical production, and should be treated accordingly - do not expect to get a rewarding gaming experience.
The Sims 4 Seasons
The most popular life simulator The Sims 4 has received many additions over the years of its development. One of them is dedicated to the change of seasons and related activities. In winter, for example, Sims go to build a snowman, draw a snow angel, and go ice skating, decorate the Christmas tree, meet Santa Claus, and give gifts. Other seasons are also atmospheric, but winter is still the best.
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Fahrenheit is a catchy interactive movie packed with QTEs and a compelling story about a reluctant killer who collides with a powerful cult. The game takes place in winter, and throughout the storyline in New York it gets colder - so much so that the low temperature is literally transmitted to the player through the monitor screen.
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The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit
Ahead of the release of Life is Strange 2, the game developers have released The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit, a free prologue about the adventures of a little boy who imagines himself a superhero. Its passage takes just a couple of hours, but this is enough to immerse the player in the atmosphere of a carefree childhood and winter holidays - when the biggest concern in life is the choice of what to play. The game is filled with childhood fantasies and fictional adventures, and is almost more memorable than LiS 2.
Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales
The 2018 spin-off Marvel's Spider-Man centers around Miles Morales, another Spider-Man younger and less experienced than Peter Parker. With New York City under threat, Miles has to dress up as a superhero and get used to his powers (and a few new ones as well).
Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales pleases not only with the scenario and dynamic combat, but also with the atmosphere of winter New York, which is so nice to cut through in one of the special Spiderman looks - in a warm hat and scarf.
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Distrust: Polar Survival
Distrust: Polar Survival is an isometric survival sim inspired by the movie The Thing, where the pair of protagonists break through a procedurally generated polar station and try not to die from a haunting nightmare. The game is very uncomfortable: it frightens with a deadly cold, gloomy shadows and hallucinations that cover the characters. But you will not be lonely: thanks to the cooperative, there is always the opportunity to enlist the help of a friend - perhaps this will help you escape from snow captivity.
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Tiny Bunny
Tiny Bunny, or "Bunny" is a game for those who like winter at its worst: when it's cold, dark and lonely. This is a dark visual novel about a young boy who has to face a ruthless evil that kidnaps children in a small quiet village. Players are waiting for a non-linear plot, atmospheric soundtrack, stylish black and white colors, secrets and riddles. The only drawback of Tiny Bunny is that the project is in early access, and will leave it only no earlier than 2023.
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Bully is an action-adventure game that takes place throughout the school year, including winter. The game is already very good, if you do not pay attention to the outdated picture, and in the cold season it gets even better: Bullworth covers the snow blanket, the streets and houses are decorated with New Year's paraphernalia, and the main character Jimmy Hopkins can play snowballs with other characters. A great game from the masters of Rockstar.
It's interesting that Steep is Ubisoft's best open world game. And these guys know a lot about open worlds.
Things that were a little annoying in Assassin's Creed - like climbing towers to open up new areas of the map - seem completely appropriate here. The controller vibrates to let you know that a potential drop zone is nearby, and as soon as you see it through your binoculars, the ubiquitous Red Bull helicopter can drop you off to drive around the new area you've discovered.
The world of Steep is open in the same sense as in Forza Horizon: of course, there are missions and objectives, but none of them are boxed in, as they are in Assassin's Creed and Watch Dogs, because they are all there only for in order to expand the horizons of mountain exploration and the pleasure of skiing.
Frostpunk puts the last city on Earth in a freezing world under your control, and it's up to you to do whatever it takes to keep it alive. And it will be very difficult to do this, because the constant cold, lack of resources and high mortality will put you in front of difficult choices. And if you think that the use of child labor is unacceptable, then we'll see what you say after a couple of days spent in this game.
Metal Gear Solid
Our trip to the Shadow of Moses complex in a remote part of Alaska back in 1998 was a revelation. This game set the trend from Rambo-style carnage to Pliskin-esque Snake infiltration, and the trend continues to live on.
While the latest titles in the series have been problematic and weird for a variety of reasons - and there aren't enough adjectives in the world to describe all of Metal Gear Survive's shortcomings - the first 3D adventure in the Metal Gear series was a fine cinematic masterpiece.
The game is not available on official digital services
Alto's Adventure
Alto's Adventure is a beautiful reimagining of procedurally generated "endless runners" that were fashionable a few years ago. With strikingly beautiful visuals and a simple gameplay structure—collecting coins, saddling stray llamas, and escaping grumpy old men while earning points on tricky stunts—the game feels near-perfect.
But quests (and a bit of intrusive advertising) can get in the way of just enjoying the chill of winter, so the Zen mode, which appeared in 2016, has become truly outstanding. There are no points, no tasks, no annoying old people, and if you fall face down in the snow, you can just get up and run on without watching a 20-second commercial.
The Division
Snowy New York is beautiful and romantic, as Hollywood has repeatedly convinced us (remember at least Home Alone 2). But in The Division, the city appears before us in a different guise - abandoned, dirty, filled with marauders and murderers. These are the aftermath of a terrorist attack that unleashed a deadly epidemic that you and your friends must deal with in this popular Ubisoft MMORPG.
Horace Goes Skiing
Horace Goes Skiing was the first winter sports video game for many, and it's insanely difficult. Particularly annoying is the need to cross a heavily loaded road before the actual skiing begins in order to get to the ski rental point. And having rented skis, you need to cross this road again to get to the descent. It's hard to imagine a better incentive to use your gear and choose more well-placed skiing spots.
Perhaps the road crossing, which is somewhat similar to the Frogger, is even more difficult here than the skiing itself. For those who just want to ride, this is a very unpleasant foreplay.
The game is not available on official digital services
Cryostasis: Sleep of Reason
Cryostasis is not the newest game, its release dates back to 2008. Nevertheless, it immerses you into the atmosphere of winter and permafrost more than other modern AAA hits. Going beyond the Arctic Circle and exploring the ship lost in the ice, you will find out what dead cold is.
The project can please with quite realistic physics: here the ice melts from the heat, and the water reliably flows down the walls. But most of all, the plot sinks into the soul - poignant, exciting and referring to classical legends.
The game is not available in official digital services
Never Alone
The game Never Alone (aka Kisima Ingitchuna) is based on the legends of the northern peoples, and tells about the journey of a girl and her companion fox across the snowy expanses. This is an amazing fairy tale that will enchant you with its visual design and storyline.
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Assassin's Creed Rogue
Rogue not only reveals a new side of the conflict between the Assassins and the Templars, but also provides an opportunity to travel to the cold regions of North America. You have to become a pioneer, explore hitherto unknown places and participate in exciting battles at sea and on land. Not the best part of the Assassin's Creed series, but you won't find the best game with a winter atmosphere in the line.
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The Thing
John Carpenter's The Thing is a horror classic. The game of the same name based on the motion picture has become the same classic. Gamers are waiting for a collision with an alien organism that infects people in an effort to break out of the polar station and conquer the Earth. The task of the players is not to let him achieve his goal, but it will not be easy to do this, because everyone can be under suspicion! Paranoia and horror surrounded by permafrost is a good way to spend a cozy winter evening.
The game is not available on official digital services
Mafia II
Winter does not last long in Mafia II: Definitive Edition. A few starting missions - and now the season of Christmas trees, gifts and the imperishable "Let it Snow" replaces another season. Nevertheless, the winter atmosphere in the game is implemented just fine, and you probably don’t want to rush during the introduction, get distracted from tasks, ride around Empire Bay, watch passers-by and get into the spirit of the holiday.
Lost Planet
The venerable age of Lost Planet does not prevent the game from being very atmospheric. A distant planet, where eternal winter reigns, conquers at first sight. The need to look for sources of heat, often literally gnawing them out of opponents, diversifies the gameplay. In a good way, the crazy story is captivating. This is a very stylish, in its own way (after all, the years did not spare Lost Planet), beautiful, dynamic shooter that can give pleasant emotions.
The game is not available on official digital services
There were a lot of great snowboarding games in the late 1990s. Well, how to say "beautiful". They were all very similar and equally good, despite the slight feel of Namco racing in a winter sports setting.
SSX compares favorably with games like Cool Boarders and 1080 Snowboarding in that it's more of a sports game. It has more in common with Tony Hawk's Pro Skater, which is focused on tricks and freestyle, than with corny games where you need to go down at speed, slightly spiced with rider style and tricks in the air.
In 2013, an updated version of SSX was released with improved graphics, which is shown in the screenshot.
The game is not available on official digital services
Shaun White Snowboarding
Where else to look for a winter atmosphere, if not in a snowboarding game? Shaun White Snowboarding is one of the best projects in the genre and definitely a pleasure to behold. Here you will meet an open world, addictive gameplay and an interesting career mode in which you can compete with Shaun White himself. The game is far from new, but it is worth attention.
The game is not available on official digital services
Silent Hill: Shattered Memories
Silent Hill: Shattered Memories is a free remake of the very first Silent Hill, which reshapes the storyline of the game and puts the gamer in front of complex psychological tests that determine the development of events, the appearance of monsters and the ending of the story. The developers even changed the calling card of the series: Silent Hill meets not with thick fog, but with cold and snow. However, that doesn't make it any less scary.
The game is not available on official digital services
Winter Survival Simulator
Winter Survival Simulator is a survival simulator in a harsh snowy winter. Left alone during a difficult campaign, the main character is forced to look for supplies, fight the cold, fight predators and look for a way to civilization - salvation from certain death. The developers promise realistic gameplay, hunting, crafting and base building mechanics, as well as an atmosphere of doom in the face of inexorable nature.
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That's it. If you think that some game was unfairly not included in this selection, let us know in the comments, and we will definitely fix this oversight!
Games with a winter atmosphere - Games for DTF
What to play in the winter. Recommendations from a reader.
So the first official day of winter has come - December 1! Now I want to go outside less and less. And there is only one desire, I just want to throw a warm blanket while sitting in front of the monitor screen, drinking some hot drink. But you still want to plunge into the winter atmosphere, especially if there is no winter in the yard. I present to your attention a number of games that would correctly set your mood for this cold period of time, or simply brighten up the expectation before the New Year holidays.
Rise of the Tomb Raider
The second part in the reboot of the Tomb Raider series, where this time Lara goes to Siberia in search of the secret of immortality. A good reason to play the game right now, if you have not had a chance to do this before.
Bully: Scholarship Edition
School bully simulator, which you will visit during the winter period of training. In my opinion, this is a great option to give yourself not only a winter atmosphere, but also a New Year's one in particular.
It feels very lamp-like if you remember your school years with warmth.
The Long Dark
Have you ever thought about how you could survive in the harsh conditions of winter somewhere far away from civilization and with a minimum of supplies? The Long Dark will give you the opportunity to experience all the hardships of such survival, in almost unbearable conditions of constant cold and howling wolves nearby, and striving to eat you.
Batman: Arkham Origins
The game is considered to be average in the Arkham series. But at the same time, as for me, she gave an excellent story about the formation of the Dark Knight and an unforgettable Gotham, covered with snow. It's the best thing to play in winter.
Assassin's Creed III
The third part has become a truly new game for the series.
She brought a lot of innovation. And one of them was snow. If we got into snowdrifts, it became much harder to move around. Snow also helped in hunting animals, showing their tracks and last location. In a word, a great game to pass your winter days.
Max Payne
I think there is nothing special to describe here. The tragic story of Max, which stretches against the backdrop of the night, winter New York. Such snow-covered streets give a great atmosphere to the game.
Probably the first game in its genre that tried to cross movies and games. And the experiment turned out to be very successful. A well written story with unexpected twists and turns. And snow is not only a subject of decoration, but also plays a direct role in the plot.
Mafia II
During the Winter period, the city in Mafia 2 is truly beautiful.
And I don’t even want to go through the game further, but just ride around the city and get high from the atmosphere that it gives. And realistic driving will give you an unforgettable experience of driving on ice.
Lost Planet
The game is suitable for all lovers of vigorous action. The action of which takes place on a completely snow-covered planet E.D.N. III.
Hitman 2: Silent Assassin
Missions in St. Petersburg probably everyone remembers with warmth. Because you don't often see games where the scene would be Russia. Now this is almost the best way to get back into the game. Don't miss this opportunity.
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
The best way now to return to this game and not think of. Snow and Nords are our everything!
If you love extreme winter sports.
This is definitely your choice.
Never Alone
One of the best representatives of the puzzle-platformer genre. And the beautiful aesthetics of the North will give you a memorable adventure and a great winter mood.
Do you like to feel your nerves? Uncover the terrible mystery of the death of the Dyatlov tourist group, stretching against the backdrop of the beautiful winter landscapes of the Ural Mountains. Pretty good horror and a bit hardcore. After all, you will have to navigate through the forest with the help of a map. And there are no markers. From here you can easily get lost wandering around the area and turning circles.
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Double Agent
Winter setting for such games is rare. The Double Agent is just such a relic.
For the sake of such missions, it is worth beating the game completely. And not only for their sake, the game is one of the best representatives of its genre.
Battlefield: Bad Company 2
A good shooter with perhaps the best single player campaign in the entire series. Winter levels here went with a bang.
Metro 2033
How was it possible to do without this game? This is one of the only games that will give you the right winter mood. In what other game can you see Russia from such a perspective? And the snow only adds gloss to this very beauty of the long-destroyed and withered city.
game seriesAn excellent choice for all connoisseurs of quests. The events of which take place somewhere in the Far East of Russia.
Game of Thrones - A Telltale Games Series
Pretty good game that tells the story of House Forrester, which contrasts with the events of the third and fourth seasons of the series.
The plot is successfully woven into the main events of the Game of Thrones series and only complements it, revealing some moments that happened behind the scenes. Wildlings and Walkers included.
Tom Clancy's The Division
The best option for those who are looking for a game for joint gatherings with friends. The scenery of the snowy New York looks amazing.
Cryostasis: Sleep of Reason
Atmospheric horror where, by chance, we have to find out what happened on board the nuclear icebreaker "Northern Wind". The game is now almost impossible to get legally. But if such an opportunity is nevertheless given. Don't miss it.
Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy
There are quite a few levels with snowy biomes in the game, which are guaranteed to give a winter atmosphere.
Especially the game will appeal to fans of classic 3D platformers.
Banner Saga
seriesThe game will appeal to all fans of Scandinavian mythology and turn-based battles. And the plot itself will develop on such beautiful snowy landscapes. The game has amazing art.
The game will appeal to those who love to build and build their infrastructure. Eternal winter has come to the world. And the only place where you can be saved. This is a city around which a huge generator has been erected, which fills it with heat. Your goal is to save the last remnants of humanity and bring civilization back to the community. It will depend on you on the path of what progress you will lead the people and whether you will be able to save people at all.
Fable game series
It was impossible to ignore such a series of games as Fable.