I like sentences for kindergarten
Sentences for Kindergarten: 11 Activities that Make Teaching Sentences Fun
Students come into kindergarten at all different levels. You will probably have some kids ready to learn about sentences and some not. And, that’s ok. Starting the year out teaching about sentences will benefit all kids. I started teaching about sentences the first week of school. I taught them that a sentence is a group of words that makes a complete thought and has a capital and an end mark. This was done in my morning message and my objectives for each lesson.
Teaching Sentences for Kindergarten with Morning Message
I wrote a message on the board each day before the kids arrived. There were usually about 3-4 sentences in my message. At the beginning of the year, I wrote each sentence in a different color. After reading the message, I asked questions about the sentences, such as: How many sentences are in our message? How many words in the green sentence? As the year went on, the messages got longer and the questions I asked were more challenging.
Teaching Sentences with the Objective
Using objectives for each lesson is a great way to teach about sentences. At the beginning of each lesson, I wrote an objective on the board in kid friendly language. Before writing the objective, I would tell students what it was and then count how many words were in the sentence. Ex. Our objective is I can circle sight words. Let’s count the words. (Then we say the sentence slowly as I hold up a finger to count each word.) There are 5 words in that sentence. Next I drew a line on the board for each word in our objective. I wrote the words on the lines, rereading the sentence every time I added a new word. I always pointed out that sentences begin with capitals and end with end marks.
Sentences During Writing Time
Of course, writing time is the prime time to work on writing sentences for kindergarten. At the beginning of the year, we focused on writing stories about ourselves. For some kids, this looked like drawing a picture about an experience they had and labeling parts of their picture with words.
Students that were ready, added a sentence to their picture. For each lesson, I modeled a story of my own by telling them the story, then drawing the picture and adding words. I also added a sentence in the same way I wrote our objective on the board. I told them my sentence, counted how many words were in my sentence, and drew lines for each word. Then I sounded out each word as I wrote on the lines. This guidance really helps students to understand how to write a sentence themselves. During our writing block, I also pulled small groups and helped the students work on coming up with a sentence to match their story and write it. As the year progressed, our stories got longer and the genre changed. We wrote nonfiction texts, fiction stories, and more. By the end of the year, most of my students were writing paragraphs!
Sentences During Reading Time
Reading can be a great time to focus on sentences. During small group reading instruction, we looked at different components of sentences, like capitals, periods, spaces between words… After reading a book, we often did an interactive writing about the book.
To learn how to use interactive writing, read our blog, Interactive Writing: Fun and Engaging for Kindergarten.
Specific Lessons for Sentences in Kindergarten
There are many great lessons and activities to teach sentences in kindergarten. Here are a few I liked doing in my classroom.
Interactive Writing
Interactive writing is such a great way to teach kindergarteners about sentences. This is a teaching technique where the teacher and the student collaborate to compose and write sentences. To learn how to use interactive writing, read our blog, Interactive Writing: Fun and Engaging for Kindergarten.
Count the Words
This fun lesson is quick and can be done anywhere, like waiting in line for picture time.
Count the Words is as simple as the teacher saying a sentence and students counting the words. I would tell my students, “I’m going to say a sentence, let’s see how many words are in my sentence. You count the words and hold that many fingers in the air. My sentence is Sam went to the store. How many words?” I would say the sentence slowly and say it twice. Having students hold up their fingers gives everyone a chance to count on their own and keeps this a quiet game. After seeing most students holding up their fingers, I would have them clap and count with me as I said the sentence again to check their answers.
Sentence or Not a Sentence?
Sentence or Not a Sentence? helps students learn that a sentence is a complete thought. The teacher says a few words and students decide if those words make up a sentence or not. I taught it this way: “We’re going to play Sentence or Not a Sentence! I’ll say a few words and you show thumbs up if what I said was a sentence. If it’s not a sentence do thumbs down. Ready? The dog.” Watch for students’ thumbs, then say, “That’s right, that was not a sentence, we don’t know what the dog is doing. How could we make that a sentence?” This game pairs perfectly with our Is This Sentence Correct worksheet.
Dictation Sentences for Kindergarten
Between the middle and end of the school year, I added weekly spelling tests. These were not used as part of their grade, but instead as a way to work on sight words and word families that we were learning. There were 5 words on each quiz and 1 dictated sentence that included a few of the words on the test. After calling out the words on the test, I would tell the students the sentence. We counted the words together. Then they wrote the sentence. For example, if the words were mug, rug, slug, bug, tug; the sentence would be: The slug is in the mug on the rug. This is another good time to remind students that sentences begin with capital letters and end with end marks.
Unscramble Sentences for Kindergarten
Unscrambling sentences can be tricky for students still learning about sentences, so this is something we did towards the end of the year. I demonstrated how to unscramble a sentence a few times, so my kids understood how to do this. Then I gave them 3 or 4 word simple sentences to try on their own. Students loved this activity, but it is important to model this and watch for students who have a hard time figuring this skill out. You can easily create a scrambled sentence on your white board for your students to unscramble. Or check out our Unscramble the Sentence worksheets.
Reading Simple Sentences for Kindergarten
These sight word sentences for kindergarten reinforce one to one correspondence. They are great during small group instruction. The dots under each word aid in pointing, as the student reads.
Fix the Sentence Worksheets
My students loved fixing sentences. I often wrote sentences on the board with a few mistakes and had students help to make the sentence correct. Towards the end of the year, and after doing this activity together on the board, students worked on Fix the Sentence Worksheets.
Sentence Checklist
This sentence checklist is great any time your students are writing sentences. I put a copy of the sentence checklist in my students’ writing folders, and they would take these out after they finished a writing project to check their sentences. The checklists were laminated, so students could add a check mark with a crayon or dry erase marker after making sure their sentences followed the checklist. You’ll also notice the checklist on some of our worksheets as a helpful reminder when working on sentences. A few students pick these things up quickly, but most students need lots of reminders to add an end mark, use spaces…
Sentences for Kindergarten Worksheets
Our sentence worksheets can be very helpful when teaching your kids about sentences. Get them by clicking on the link above or visit our Tpt store, 4 Kinder Teachers.
The more opportunities students get with sentences, the more they will understand them and be able to read and write sentences. Sprinkle sentence lessons throughout your day, and watch the students grow and grow! If you are doing any of these activities, or ones that I don’t have here, I’d love to hear about it! Tell me which activities you try and how it worked with your students!
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The Best Simple Sentences for Kindergarten
There are so many fulfilling perks to teaching kindergarten, but near the top of the list is teaching students how to read. I think one of the best parts of literacy instruction is seeing the excitement in my students’ eyes when they start reading sentences! Once students are ready to take that step, it’s just a matter of keeping up that momentum and excitement with additional practice. In this post, I’m sharing some of my favorite ways to use simple sentences for kindergarten reading instruction.
Are My Students Ready for Reading Sentences?
Before we can expect young learners to read even simple sentences, it’s important to make sure they have the right foundation. The road to reading sentences includes important milestones such as:
- Identifying letters by name
- Identifying the sounds that letters make
- Blending sounds together to read words
- Reading words fluently in isolation, including sight words
Plus, between each milestone is a variety of phonemic and phonological awareness skills that need to be mastered in order to build a solid foundation for reading.
Once this foundation is in place, students are ready to begin reading words within sentences. Keep reading if you’d like to sneak a peek at the simple sentences that I use with kindergarten students when they’re ready to take this exciting step!
Simple Sentences for Kindergarten
There are many ways to practice reading sentences in kindergarten. Below are some of my favorite ways to incorporate simple sentences into literacy instruction. I love that these activities are perfect for literacy centers, morning work, small group intervention, or even homework! These activities also grow with students, so that they can read more challenging sentences as they learn more phonics patterns and master additional high frequency words.
Sight Word Fluency Sentences
When students first start reading words within sentences, it’s helpful to start with predictable text. I find that sight word fluency sentences are perfect for this!
These simple sentences often arrange the sight words in a predictable pattern, such as “I see a cat.” and “I see a pig.” This means that students can practice decoding words within sentences while building their sight word fluency. It’s a win-win!
Read and Reveal Sentences
Hands-on activities will help students stay engaged in reading practice. Read and reveal cards are always a hit with students! This activity has students read simple sentences on a card, then unclip the flap to reveal a picture that corresponds to the sentence. Students will use their comprehension skills to decide if the sentence they read makes sense with the picture they just uncovered.
Since this adds an element of self-correction to the activity, read and reveal cards are perfect for literacy centers, morning work, or even a fast finisher activity. The fine motor practice from using clips for this activity is an added bonus!
Sentence Scramble Activities
As students grow more comfortable with reading sentences, they will start to get a feel for the natural rhythm of language and word order. This, in turn, will help improve reading fluency. One of my favorite ways to help students understand and practice word order is with sentence scramble activities. After putting a sentence in the correct order, they can practice reading it fluently.
You can add some cutting practice by having the students cut out the scrambled words themselves. Plus, having the word strips available to move around helps students in the task of unscrambling each sentence.
Sentence Dictation
Writing activities are another way that I incorporate simple sentences into literacy instruction. When students write sentences, they are able to practice their phonics skills in a different, yet still very important, way. Sentence dictation is a great activity that incorporates many kindergarten skills!
After listening to a simple sentence, students will use their phonics skills to write each word in the sentence. Then they will use their fine motor skills to form the letters and words in the sentence. Finally, students will practice reading what they wrote as they decide if their written sentence matches what the teacher said. Sentence dictation doesn’t have to take a lot of time! If you have whiteboards and markers out for a different activity, do a quick sentence dictation before having the students put things away.
Sight Word Sentence Strips
This is another activity that incorporates writing as students practice reading sentences. Students can use these sight word sentence strips to practice decoding sentences fluently as they practice writing them as well.
Once these strips are laminated for durability, students can use dry erase marker to practice letter formation as they copy each sentence. This is another activity that students can work on independently during literacy centers or morning work time.
Since these sight word sentences are prepped and on binder rings, you can also take them on the go for even more practice! Use them as “password” flashcards: Have each student read a sentence from the bundle before entering the cafeteria, going outside for recess, or leaving for the day.
Kindergarten Reading Fluency Passages
Young learners get so excited when they can start reading passages with multiple sentences! This is why I love to use kindergarten reading fluency passages. Students are able to review phonics patterns and high frequency words as they improve their reading fluency and comprehension skills.
After students have had time to practice each passage in the classroom, I encourage them to take it home and read it to friends and family. They are always so excited to show off their reading skills!
Keep scrolling for information about a free reading fluency download that you can use in your classroom.
Free Reading Practice for Kindergarten
Would you like to try these reading fluency passages with simple sentences? You can grab this free collection of nine passages to share with your students. This free download focuses on short vowels, long vowels, blends, and digraphs. Each passage also includes common sight words to help build reading fluency. Just fill out the form below and it will be delivered straight to your inbox!
Free Reading Fluency
Help your students make the leap from sounding out words to reading with fluency! These fluency passages are designed to give kids successful reading practice to help students become strong readers!
First Name Your email addressSave These Kindergarten Sentences
Be sure to save this pin to your favorite phonics board on Pinterest! You’ll be able to come back to these simple sentences for kindergarten when your little readers are eager to give them a try.
Reviews and offers | Kindergarten "Solnyshko" Chernogolovka
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Wonderful kindergarten! Very caring and kind teachers! Professionals in their field! Children's food is very varied and tasty! All additional classes are very interesting and of high quality!
Lyubov Nikolaevna
There is a warm and friendly atmosphere in the kindergarten Solnyshko. The teachers are attentive and responsive. Diverse, comprehensive program for the development of children. Separately, I would like to thank you for organizing classes in the pool, they delight children and have a positive effect on their development. Thanks a lot, everyone!!!!!!!
I want to express my deep gratitude to our wonderful teachers of group 8 "Pchelki" Diana Dakostaevna, Anastasia Andreevna and our substitute teacher Elena Mikhailovna! Thank you very much for your love and care for our children! My daughter goes to the garden with pleasure, talks about interesting activities, loves Galina Maratovna and her physical education lessons, and especially the pool! At home, she sings songs to us, which they learn with Olga Evgenievna! I can confidently say that the best matinees in Chernogolovka are held in the recreation center Solnyshko! Thanks to our dear teachers and teachers!
Many thanks to the staff of the kindergarten for their work, love for our children and care for our children. Special thanks to Diana Dakostaevna and Anastasia Andreevna for raising our son Zakhar!
I would like to say a huge thank you to our beloved teacher Diana Dakostaevna Mokrova! This is the most sensitive, attentive and kind teacher. Diana Dakostaevna is loved not only by children, but also by parents)) thank you very much for your work, care and attention to each baby!!
I want to express my gratitude to all the staff of the kindergarten "Solnyshko" for their professionalism, friendliness and responsiveness!
Separately, I want to thank Elena Vladimirovna Marikhina for revealing my child's talents, for the exciting and informative atmosphere in the group, for active cooperation with parents. My child goes to kindergarten with pleasure, and this is an important indicator of the excellent work of the teacher!
My daughter attends the kindergarten "Solnyshko". Group number 8. Relations in the group are developing well, the child is happy to go to the garden in the morning. Diana Dakostaevna (our teacher) does everything to make the atmosphere in the group positive. Thank her very much for this. In general, I am satisfied with the work of the kindergarten.
Victoria Alexandrovna
Absolutely satisfied with the work of our wonderful educator Diana Dakostaevna Mokrovaya, assistant, teachers and substitute educator. The authorities should pay attention to cleaning in the garden building. The issue of landscaping and walking areas also remains open.
Olga Yurievna
Congratulations to all employees of the kindergarten Solnyshko on their professional holiday!
We wish you peace of mind on the holidays,
Always enjoy everything,
Always only joy and positive,
Patience and creativity in work.
So that your quiet hour is really quiet,
So that everything works out beautifully and dashingly.
So that discipline, and so that obedience ...
So that happiness knocks on you without delay,
So that life is sonorous, like children's songs,
And every year of yours was interesting!
Health, patience, kindness, inspiration! Thank you for your work!
Parents of the Lily of the Valley group.
I would like to express my deep gratitude to the substitute teacher of the younger groups - Kulkova Elena Yurievna! Very responsive and conscientious teacher. Also great with kids. The child goes to the garden as home.
I express my heartfelt gratitude on my own behalf and on behalf of Ganina Yulia Nikolaevna - mother of Alisa Ganina, a wonderful person, highly professional specialist, educator of group No. 5 "Rays" Eremina Galina Viktorovna! Thank you for your attention, your love, your care, your patience, your dedication!!! Thank you for the great mornings, excellent preparation for school (testing at our school showed a high degree of Sophia's readiness for school), for the fact that you were always there!
I wish you professional growth, new pupils and good parents!!!
With respect and gratitude to you,
Ekaterina Syresina, mother of Sofya Syresina,
Yulia Ganina, mother of Alisa Ganina, graduation of 2018.
Good afternoon. My son goes to the fifth group to Eremina Galina Viktorovna. During my visit, I had only good impressions about the kindergarten. I want to express my deep gratitude to Galina Viktorovna for her approach to each child. For the calling to organize and interest children in the educational and creative process. The child goes to the garden with pleasure.
Many thanks to Nina Mikhailovna Sokolova, teacher's assistant. Her concern for children and participation in festive events is beyond praise.
Galina Viktorovna and Nina Mikhailovna, thank you for your hard work.
My son Isoyan Haykaz goes to the preparatory group N5, teacher: Eremina Galina Viktorovna! We have been going to the garden since the opening for the third year. We are very grateful to Galina Viktorovna for the excellent preparation of the child for school, as well as for her kindness and responsiveness.
Israelyan Maria Igorevna
Children go to the kindergarten "Solnyshko" for three years. I would like to note that all this time the garden is constantly developing and changing. Gradually, our kindergarten became cozy, an experimentarium and a sensory room were opened, where children love to go and share their impressions in the evening. Thanks to the administration of the garden.
I also want to express my deep gratitude to our teachers!
Nazarova Marina Viktorovna. This is a teacher from God. The child calls his group - my second family. Marina Viktorovna is a very sensitive and sympathetic person who will find an approach to every child. And what is probably the most difficult thing in the work of an educator is the approach to each parent. He is also a great teacher, and there are a lot of interesting projects in our group. Within the framework of these projects, children also learned how to work (the “Collect Toys” project), and grew vegetables (in the mornings they ran for a watering can in the group), and the “Kindness” project and others. It's great, the child participates in such events with such enthusiasm and responsibility. And it also brings children and parents very close, because the whole family invents and creates something interesting. And this is not counting the daily interesting and informative activities in the group. Marina Viktorovna, we love you.
Nikulshina Olga Evgenievna. Thank you for discovering and developing in children the love of music. And what mornings are held in our garden !!! Every morning is a real holiday. Everything is so thought out and with a twist, and with humor, at the same time touching and fun. Olga Evgenievna is an inexhaustible source of ideas and energy. I wish you that this energy never ends.
And of course, what is a matinee without Elena Vladimirovna Marihina!? Each time Elena Vladimirovna, enchantingly appearing, delights, shocks and delights children and parents. Thank you.
I would also like to express my gratitude to Nina Mikhailovna Sokolova. For her love for children, for her sincerity, for the fact that Nina Mikhailovna knows the characteristics of each child. For always supporting and helping. For a graduation gift - a real delight for children. When Nina Mikhailovna is with children, it will certainly be exciting. With all my heart I wish you professional growth.
Thanks to Knyazeva Marina Nikolaevna for the professional testing of graduate children at the beginning of the year. Parents had the opportunity to pay attention and pull up those points that the parent himself might not have paid attention to. For exciting, creative activities with children. With the advent of Marina Nikolaevna, the experimentarium, the opening of which we have been waiting for so long, has been launched. The work of a psychologist is very important and necessary for children. This is especially acute in the early stages, when the child is just starting to go to the garden.
Thanks to all the staff at the garden, whose work remains behind the scenes, but is undoubtedly very important for the smooth running of the entire garden.
We, the team of parents of pupils of group No. 8 "Bees" of MDOU "Solnyshko", express our deep gratitude to our educator Diana Dakostaevna Mokrova! We would like to note the high professionalism, pedagogical skills, sensitive attitude towards our children, care and responsibility.
Please accept our sincere gratitude for teaching our children to be friends and respect each other, to fantasize and create, to be kind, caring and honest. Our children are proud of their successes, achievements and discoveries!
We especially want to mention our matinees and performances! The kids are just transforming. Thank you for putting a piece of your soul into our children. We wish you good health, patience and pleasure from the results of your work.
We also thank the leadership of the MDOU d / s "Solnyshko" in the person of and. about. Director Udachina E.V. for a well-chosen team of professionals.
Sincerely, the parents of group No. 8 "Bees"
I want to express my deep gratitude to the wonderful educator, group 5, Galina Viktorovna!
Professional with a capital letter! Top notch teacher! Children are always on the job! Galina Viktorovna develops children in all possible areas! Conducts exciting and informative classes, finds an individual approach to each child! Every day my child tells me something interesting that happened in kindergarten! Preparing for high school! Write, read, count! for additional classes and did not have to go! Fabulous! We are very glad that we got to Galina Viktorovna! This is the best teacher ever! Thank you for your approach to children, kindness and understanding!
Many thanks to our teacher of the "Berry" group Dementieva Natalya Anatolyevna for the kindness and affection that she gives to our children! The children love her very much, they are happy to go to kindergarten. Natalya Anatolyevna is a very friendly, good person and teacher! We are very happy to have her in the group!
Hello! We go to group number 2 "Berries". My son, Andrei, is happy to go to kindergarten! Our beloved teacher Natalya Anatolyevna takes care of our kids with patience and kindness! Wonderful crafts and drawings made by the hands of children are very pleasing to parents! The development of our kids is in good hands! THANK YOU SO MUCH to our teacher Natalya Anatolyevna Dementieva, as well as to our caring nanny Marina! I would also like to thank Marina Nikolaevna for interesting classes in the experimentarium and Olga Evgenievna for the musical development of children! We are very satisfied and glad that we go to this kindergarten! Thanks again EVERYONE!
Alina Kosareva
We have recently come to this kindergarten. From the first day, I am simply delighted with both the kindergarten itself and the people who work there. I have never met such a polite and attentive attitude in any kindergarten (my eldest son has changed several kindergartens, so I have something to compare with).
I want to thank our teacher Natalya Anatolyevna for her attention and such a warm attitude towards children. My daughter enjoys gardening very much. And this is a very big indicator.
Good afternoon! I would like to express my deep gratitude to the teacher of the 2nd group "Berries" - Dementieva Natalya Anatolyevna, as well as our nanny - Marina. They are true professionals in their field: kind, responsive and fair. My daughter goes to the garden with great pleasure and talks about the fact that every day they do drawing, modeling from plasticine, learn to speak correctly, teach children to respect each other, listen to fairy tales, sing and dance (thanks to the music director for this). There is also a room in the garden - Experimentarium, where a psychologist works with children, and after each lesson, the daughter enthusiastically tells what they did and how they all had fun.
In general, I would like to note that the kindergarten has a very good material and technical base, the game material is constantly updated, all conditions have been created for the successful development and upbringing of children. The room is always warm and cozy. The children are fed tasty and satisfying (judging by the menu).
Such a wonderful atmosphere creates a friendly staff of the kindergarten "Solnyshko" and parents appreciate it!
Very satisfied with the garden. Good facility, great teachers. The child walks with pleasure.
My daughter, Tatyana, attends group 1 of the Lily of the Valley kindergarten. She has been going to this wonderful and cozy kindergarten for a whole year. In addition to a large play area in the kindergarten building, within its territory on the street, each group also has its own playground, which is always clean and equipped with a modern complex of children's entertainment facilities, including swings, various slides and auxiliary equipment for outdoor games that develop children's coordination and communication skills both among themselves and in contact with adults.
For the development and improvement of children's creative abilities, in addition to compulsory classes, there is a large selection of additional circles: physical education, dancing, drawing, modeling and music. From an early age, our kids are taught the basic skills of behavior on the street and are told about the basics of the rules of the road (a real traffic inspector even came to the group).
In order to diversify life in the kindergarten, our wonderful and beloved teacher, Svetlana Evgenievna, organizes interesting cultural events every month: puppet theater, interesting and entertaining holidays, actively involving her young pupils in this process. My daughter likes these events very much, and she takes part in them with great pleasure. Svetlana Evgenievna photographs all the interesting and funny moments about our children and sends them to the parents of the children with comments using the WhatsUp messenger. Therefore, parents not only always know what is happening with their beloved children, but also a lot of interesting and funny photos appear for the family album. Svetlana Evgenievna is a highly qualified specialist, a talented children's teacher and a very kind and sympathetic person who puts her whole soul into our children. My daughter goes to the group led by Svetlana Evgenievna with great pleasure, because thanks to the care and comfort she feels at home.
I want to express my deep gratitude to the leadership of our kindergarten and wonderful people who give their warmth to our children: the teacher Svetlana Evgenievna and the nanny Alla.
I would like to thank Diana Dakostaevna, teacher of group N8, and nanny Svetlana Evgenievna for their care and love for our children. I really like Diana Dakostaevna's approach to children. With her arrival, my daughter began to eagerly attend kindergarten. She is great with children, they make crafts, gifts with their own hands for parents for the holiday. Thank you, we are very lucky to have you.
I want to express my deep gratitude to our teacher Elena Vladimirovna Marikhina and assistant teacher Natalya Vladimirovna Sobko.
I want to note their high professional level, sensitive attitude towards children, care, kindness and warmth. Elena Vladimirovna and Natalya Vladimirovna strive to make our children full-fledged individuals, active members of the children's team, they teach us to be honest, kind, open and caring. They teach kids to be friends and respect each other, to create and fantasize.
In the dressing room of the group, the works of our children are constantly hung out, children's crafts are exhibited. It also contains useful and interesting information for parents: how our children grow and develop, what activities they have during the day and what they eat.
During her stay in the kindergarten, my daughter Alice's horizons have broadened significantly, her speech has been enriched, and a desire to learn something else has appeared. She became much more self-confident, more inquisitive. Alice has made many new friends, which is necessary for a child. Alice happily shows me her crafts, repeats what she has done with interest at home, goes to kindergarten with pleasure. At the entrance to the group we are met by caring and attentive teachers who are always polite and friendly.
Our educators conduct very interesting activities with children, trying to engage them in various activities and, in the aggregate, provide the child with a diverse personal growth. Step by step, children learn about the world around them, the joy of friendship, creativity, independent activity, learn their personal capabilities. Thank them for this.
Lapshina Maria Alexandrovna
I want to express my gratitude to the teacher of group N7 Elena Vladimirovna and nanny Natalya Vladimirovna for their attentive attitude towards our children, as well as for kindness, patience, for hard work and approach to each child. Thanks to them, beautiful morning performances, interesting exhibitions of children's works are held. Their children are developing day by day. Thank you for always understanding parental wishes and requests.
It's good that our garden website already has a section for reviews, where we can express our opinions and emotions.
Having chosen the "Solnyshko" garden, I can confidently say that I was not mistaken. And we were especially lucky with our teacher. We are talking about the teacher of the 8th group Diana Dakostaevna Mokrova. Being a good educator, I think, is a vocation that is not given to everyone. Education theoretically gives knowledge, but this does not make you a good teacher. You need to understand children with your soul, love them strongly and accept them as your own child. They, breaking away from their families for several hours, accept the educator as a native person. Here, those who are in good hands will be lucky. In this case, we were lucky with our Diana Dakostaevna. You should have seen how the children talk about her with admiration and how they look forward to meeting her after the weekend. And for children, this is all sincere. They show what they feel.
Diana Dakostaevna holiday person. With her, children are never bored. She is a friend to them, and a caring soul, and an educator, and a leader . .. All this gives us, parents, to be calm for our crumbs.
And in the end, I'll just say - thanks to the leadership of our kindergarten and a huge THANK YOU to our teacher!
We express our gratitude to Diana Dakostaevna and Svetlana Evgenievna for their attentive attitude towards children. Always friendly, very patient with children, have an approach to each child. We go to kindergarten with pleasure. Group 8. Thank you very much for your work.
I want to express my deep gratitude to the teacher of the group number 8 Diana Dakostaevna Mokrova! Thanks to her, my slightly shy daughter fell in love with the garden and made many friends! I am very happy when a child says in the morning that he wants to go to kindergarten, because I cannot organize full-fledged communication with her peers at home. I believe that Diana Dakostaevna is a teacher from God! She is a very cheerful, kind person who really loves children.

We are very grateful to the teacher of group No. 6 Nazarova Marina Viktorovna. The son had problems with adaptation, they were even going to leave the kindergarten. But her sensitive, attentive attitude, kindness helped, and now he walks without tears and with pleasure. Thank you.
Many thanks to the teacher Marikhina Elena Vladimirovna and the nanny Sobko Natalya Vladimirovna of group No. 7!
My son happily goes to the garden in the morning, and in the evening he asks not to pick him up too early - that says a lot! They are very friendly and patient with children, they will always find an approach and agree with the child “not in the mood” (which even parents do not always succeed). I see how much they invest in our children!
In addition to developing and creative activities, children go to the swimming pool, sensory room, and music classes. Many thanks to the music director Olga Evgenievna Nikulshina! We are very pleased that we sent the child to the Sun!
Daria L.
Our son attends the 5th group of kindergarten Solnyshko! We are very grateful to our teacher Galina Viktorovna for her professionalism and, most importantly, for her warm attitude towards children!
We express our deep gratitude to you, our teachers Elena Vladimirovna (group No. 7) and Diana Dakostaevna (group No. 8).
I want to note your professionalism, sensitive attitude towards children, care, attention, kindness and warmth, individual approach to each family. The educational process is organized in such a way that all the little things of everyday life in society, in the family and in the team are taken into account. Children are happy to go to the garden, because there they will be met by their favorite teachers, with whom it is easy and interesting for them.
A warm and comfortable atmosphere reigns in the group thanks to understanding and equality. You teach our children to be friends and respect each other, to create and fantasize, to appreciate beauty, to be honest, kind, caring. Our children are proud of their achievements, they are happy to show us their crafts, they repeat what they did in kindergarten with interest at home. Step by step, under your strict guidance, children learn about the world around them, the joy of friendship, and their personal abilities. We fully trust you, because it is very important for a parent, when he leaves a child for almost the whole day, to know that his child is in good hands. We are calm for the life and safety of our guys, because next to them is a real team of professionals. We are very grateful to you. We are very lucky to have you!
Lusine Fedorovna
My daughter, Kantemirova K. attends the 1st group of the kindergarten "Solnyshko".
I would like to express my gratitude for the attitude towards children, for the attention and kindness to our teacher Svetlana Evgenievna and our nanny Alla. Thanks to your warmth, our children go to the garden with great pleasure, talk about the past day with interest, and get bored at home.
Victoria Kantemirova
I want to express my deep gratitude to our teacher Kokleeva Svetlana Evgenievna and nanny Alla (group No. 1 "Lilies of the valley").
I want to note their high professionalism, sensitive attitude towards children, care, kindness and warmth. Svetlana Evgenievna strives to make our children full-fledged individuals, active participants in the children's team, she teaches us to be honest, kind, open and caring. She teaches kids to be friends and respect each other, to create and fantasize.
In the dressing room of the group, the works of our children are constantly hung out, children's crafts are exhibited. There is also useful and interesting information for parents: how our children grow and develop, what activities they have during the day and what they eat.
During his stay in the kindergarten, Sasha's horizons expanded significantly, his speech became richer, and a desire to learn something else appeared. He became much more confident in himself, more inquisitive. Sasha is happy to go to kindergarten.
Svetlana Evgenievna conducts very interesting activities with children, trying to keep them busy with various activities. Step by step, children learn the world around them, the joy of friendship, creativity, and independent activity. Thank her for this.
We attend 1 group "Lilies of the Valley".
The child is always fed, dressed in dry clothes, learns a lot of new things in kindergarten. Thank you very much to our teacher Svetlana Evgenievna and nanny Alla for their attentive attitude towards children, for their kindness, care and patience! They always talk about the day they spent, at any time you can write and find out how the child is doing.
We are happy with everything!
Our son goes to the 1st Lily of the Valley group.
We would like to thank our teacher Svetlana Evgenievna and now Alla for their attentive attitude.
Thanks to them, the adaptation to kindergarten was very fast and painless. They are always in touch, very responsive, they will always tell you in detail about the day spent and what you should pay attention to in the behavior of the child.
We are satisfied with the kindergarten.
Our group 6, teacher Nazarova Marina Viktorovna is the best teacher! She has a kindness and sensitivity and responsiveness to children. Children can share their experiences, little secrets, ask for advice and will always hear support in response and how to do the right thing in a given situation, and this is very important for children and us parents to know that children trust Marina Viktorovna. She spends a lot of interesting activities with children, trying to ensure that each child participates, and does not sit on the sidelines. Participates in their upbringing, teaches them to be friends and respect each other. Gives us parents some advice on what to pay attention to in education.
As a parent, I completely trust her with my son! Marina Viktorovna, thank you very much!
Vera Margieva
Satisfied with the teacher's work.
Parents' feedback on the work of the kindergarten
Thank you!
On behalf of our family, we express our gratitude to kindergarten No. 235 in the person of the head Elena Valentinovna Sergeeva for their attentive and professional attitude towards children. We especially thank the educators of group No. 5: Martynova Galina Leonidovna, Kiryukhina Nina Anatolyevna, Askerova Irina Vladimirovna, Pospelova Tatyana Borisovna.
They are always friendly, very patient with children, have an approach to each child, they will always find the right and affectionate word, without raising their voices, they know how to calm down even the most naughty. In kindergarten, children are doing great: lessons in the development of speech, mathematics, drawing, music classes, physical education and more. And what wonderful performances are being prepared for us - children's matinees.
We go to kindergarten with pleasure!
Thank you very much!
The Kulikov family (group No. 5, 06/09/13)
Thank you!
Since we are going to school this year, I really want to say a lot of kind words and words of gratitude to our kindergarten.
I would especially like to note the educators of group No. 8: Olga Anatolyevna Grishina, Tatyana Vladimirovna Shishova, Galina Mikhailovna Savina and, of course, the nanny Natalya Yuryevna. Our teachers are professionals in their field. They spend a lot of interesting activities with children: they cut, and glue, and sculpt. They come up with many different competitions for children for the best crafts, good motivation, Sasha loves to participate in such events!
I am very glad that my child got to such kind, sensitive and sincere people.
I was at almost all matinees and saw how educators take a responsible approach to preparing events and with what attention and care they treat each child.
I can only be happy for my daughter.
In general, it is felt that a very friendly and well-coordinated team and experienced specialists work in the garden. This is also very important.
Many thanks to the manager - Sergeeva Elena Valentinovna, who was able to organize all this, I know that not everyone succeeds.
Afanasyev family (group No. 8, 06/09/13)
Thank you teachers!
My son attended group number 9 from 2010 to 2012. We came from home, we had not visited the nursery before. At first they went to the clock, within a month they got used to it and began to stay for the whole day. Very sincere people work here: Lebedeva Marina Guryevna, Nesterova Galina Anatolyevna, Zarubina Marina Anatolyevna, Filimonova Anna Vladimirovna. For me personally, these people have become very dear. This garden is a wonderful preparation for school. Our teachers are interested in the success of their graduates, and graduates visit their kindergarten. And what holidays they did! This is a delight! One can only guess how much work it cost them. Now we are in the 1st grade, I would like to say a huge thank you for their care, preparation for school. Low bow to you!
Belova Irina Borisovna.
Thank you!
On behalf of our family, we express our gratitude to the teachers of group No. 1 - Khvatova Svetlana Vladimirovna, Artamonova Rimma Pavlovna, Izyumova Svetlana Konstantinovna for their attentive and kind attitude towards our children. In the implementation of the educational process, in addition to high professionalism, they individually approach each child, taking into account all personal characteristics. They are always sympathetic to parental wishes and requests. Thank them very much!
Kulikovs, group No. 1, 04/27/2013
Thank you teachers!
I really want to express my gratitude to the teachers of group No. 9 for their attentive attitude towards our children, preparing children for school, beautiful holidays, interesting exhibitions of children's work, informative parent meetings. We still remember the "Funny Quiz", in which parents and children took part.
We came to a bright, clean, recently renovated group, where there are a lot of toys. Children enjoy attending kindergarten.
We thank the head of the kindergarten E.V. Sergeev for creating a developing environment in the group and a good selection of teachers.
Thank you so much! We make you success!
Parents of group No. 9 (2012-2013 academic year)
Dear Svetlana Nikolaevna, Natalya Igorevna and Olga Fedorovna!
We express our deep gratitude to you. We would like to note your high professionalism, sensitive attitude towards children, care, attention, kindness and warmth, individual approach to each family. The educational process is organized in such a way that all the little things of everyday life in society, in the family and in the team are taken into account. Children are happy to go to the garden, because there they will be met by their favorite teachers, with whom it is easy, interesting for them and they can share children's secrets. A comfortable warm atmosphere reigns in the group due to understanding and equality. You teach our children to be friends and respect each other, to create and fantasize, to appreciate beauty, to be honest, kind, caring. Our children are proud of their achievements, they are happy to show us their crafts, they repeat what they did in kindergarten with interest at home. Step by step, under your strict guidance, children learn about the world around them, the joy of friendship, and their personal abilities.
The group is clean and tidy, comfortable and cosy. The children are well fed and tidy. We fully trust you, because it is very important for a parent, when he leaves a child for almost the whole day, to know that his child is in good hands. We are calm for the life and safety of our guys, because next to them is a real team of professionals. We are very grateful to you. Thank you! We are very lucky to have you!
The Fedorov family (group No. 3).
Thanks to the staff of the kindergarten.
We, the parents of kindergarten No. 235, group No. 7, want to express our gratitude to the head of Sergeeva Elena Valentinovna. Under her leadership, improvements in the life of the kindergarten are noticeable. The groups have all the conditions for the development of children, according to the age category. For our children, the chefs cook in the renovated kitchen. The territory of the garden is always put in order. All wishes and comments of parents are taken into account. At parent meetings, questions on the work of the kindergarten are always discussed, reports on the work done are always carried out. Everyone knows that the work of a manager requires an attentive and reverent attitude towards each employee, while remaining quite strict and demanding in the performance of duties. in our opinion, Elena Valentinovna is such a leader.
Separately, we want to note the work of our educators Volkova Svetlana Borisovna, Kravets Galina Nikolaevna, speech therapist Chistova Olga Alexandrovna and assistant teacher Mikheeva Valentina Anatolyevna. We would like to note their high professionalism in difficult work with children. We, parents, always look with great interest at all the creative works of our children, which are exhibited in the locker room of the group. It is impossible not to note their work with parents, they will always explain, give advice, our requests and comments are never left without attention. At the children's laying, the teachers made a labyrinth and a slide of snow, which the children really like. At matinees, we watch a small performance with great pleasure and pride, where teachers with our children dance, dance and read poetry! It is always unforgettably interesting. We would like to note the work of our speech therapist. Both group and personal classes are held with children. Of course, we, parents, immediately noticed the positive result of these classes. Our children do their homework with great pleasure, which Olga Aleksandrovna spends with them during the week. Thanks to the teacher's assistant Valentina Anatolyevna, the group is always perfectly clean and tidy. Which is very important for every parent. Of course, the work of specialists (music director, educators in physical education, mathematics, drawing and modeling) makes the stay of children in kindergarten more interesting and varied.
Step by step, under the strict guidance of these educators, our children learn about the world around them, learn to be friends and respect each other, learn to work independently, learn personal opportunities taking the child to kindergarten, it is very important for any parent that the stay in the group is as comfortable as possible. And with our children a real team of professionals is nearby, so we leave our children with a calm heart, as we are sure that they will be fed on time, looked after, and, most importantly, trained and properly educated!
Parents of group No. 7: Kuryleva O.V., Skvortsova O.V., Danilova T.S., Antonova E.N. 03/22/2013
We would like to express our gratitude to the teachers of group No. 6, kindergarten No. 235 Tatyana Vladimirovna and Anzhela Mikhailovna. Wonderful teachers: caring, loyal and friendly to both children and parents, have an amazing ability to find a special approach to each child. They conduct developmental classes with the children, sculpt, draw, dance and sing, learn poems and songs (the children even sing at home). Our educators put so much soul into their work, and what matinees they spend with the kids!!! Parents leave the holidays with a lot of positive emotions.
I would also like to note the skillful and sensitive leadership of the head of the kindergarten, Elena Valentinovna, who creates order in the garden, a friendly and warm atmosphere, and always keeps in touch with parents. After all, without her competent guidance, there would probably not be such teachers working with our children.
Thank you so much for everything you do for our kids!
Our nursery is the BEST!!!
Parents of group No. 6 (30.03.13)
I would like to thank the administration and teaching staff of our kindergarten.
Excellent organization of classes, highly qualified and attentive teachers, excellent professional preparation for the holidays of both children and teaching staff, a cozy atmosphere, cleanliness, excellent food, a child who goes to kindergarten with real pleasure - these are the main indicators of the level of our kindergarten.
Elena Valentinovna and her staff make every effort to ensure that our garden is always an "excellent student". I am very glad that my child attends kindergarten No. 235, and I wish the team to keep this warm and cozy atmosphere of the kindergarten, which you want to go to in the morning.
E.M. Kalashnikov (group 4) (26.03.13)
Dear staff of kindergarten No. 235!
I would like to express my deep gratitude to you for your upbringing, care, kindness and sensitivity to our children. This kindergarten is attended by my second child, and again we cannot get enough of the warm atmosphere that reigns in the garden. I would like to express my special gratitude to the medical staff. Thank you very much for the constant monitoring of the health of children. For many years, you have been involved in disease prevention. Oxygen cocktails, therapeutic exercises, outdoor exercises, of course, increase immunity. Thanks also to the head - Elena Valentinovna - for the fact that she pays great attention to the medical direction.
With respect, parents of group No. 3.
Dear Svetlana Vladimirovna, Rimma Pavlovna and Svetlana Konstantinovna!
Thank you very much for taking care of the smallest children in the kindergarten. You have done a great job teaching our children to count, play, dance, sing and much, much more. We believe that this requires great patience, pedagogical talent and boundless love for children. At the cost of your friendly, calm, confident behavior, professional experience, you managed to organize a matinee dedicated to graduation from the nursery, bright, cheerful and unforgettable!
Parents and children are grateful for everything you have done for us!
There should be more such teachers!
Many thanks to the musical director Ekaterina Nikolaevna.
So the cherished door opened in summer,
Will scatter from groups of children.
To all educators, we bow to the ground,
And nurses, and nannies, and cooks.
You set fire to the hearts of children with love,0007
For children's happiness, praise and honor to you!
Your work is like tributaries by a river,
Thank you very much for being you!
Parents of a group of young children.
Kindergarten No. 235 is the best kindergarten in the city!
Yesterday I bought stationery in the store, and the seller asked me if I was taking my child to an expensive kindergarten. I answered that in the most ordinary kindergarten. “Although,” I said, raising my head proudly, “our kindergarten is the best kindergarten in the city according to the results of the current year. And I want to tell you about the best group, in my opinion, the best kindergarten.
For two years we were happy to go to the 10th group. And when the time came to move to the mass, of course, there was a lot of unrest about this. Firstly, I was anxiously waiting for a meeting with new teachers, because. it seemed to me that it could not be better than our former educators. Secondly, Nastya's character had formed a difficult one by this time. She does not accept all adults unconditionally. There were also not unfounded fears that a certain kind of friction and misunderstanding might arise. Thirdly, they were afraid how she would join the already established children's team. Will she find friends there, because children are now difficult, and for a child at this age, communication in a children's team is no less important than with adults. And the most important fear was that there were 2 times more children in the mass group than in the previous one. It seemed to me then that no even the most wonderful teacher could cope with thirty screaming, laughing and crying children of this age at the same time. And that day has come!
We came to the 4th group. It was very disturbing. Nastya was hiding behind me, and she clearly did not intend to make contact. But, having reached the stairs to the second floor, it seemed to us that we were in a fairy-tale meadow flooded with sun, where butterflies were flying around. Such an effect was created by bright curtains and multi-colored iridescent butterflies skillfully attached to the walls. The mood immediately improved, even Nastya decided not to cry yet. After all, the educators who invented and made such beauty cannot be not kind and friendly. The junior teacher Elena Stanislavovna met us. Friendly, active, with kind eyes and a soft, "home" smile. She answered my questions very clearly and competently. Somehow she quickly found a common language with Nastya and went with her to the group. I was surprised: what professional junior educators work in kindergarten. From the very first day, I was completely sure that we were lucky again. In any case, I went to work that day without waiting for the “concert” from my daughter, which I was very glad about. Having taken Nastya home in the evening, I listened to a bunch of positive reviews about Elena Stanislavovna. And even Nastya promised not to cry tomorrow if there was again a “beloved nanny” in the group, as to this day, Nastya calls Elena Stanislavovna.
We began to wait for the release of our tutors. But there were no more worries about it. I have already seen the group prepared for the children by the teachers. This is a very cozy room, with such a variety of toys, which, I'm sure, is not even in many apartments. All toys are in good condition. And among them there are many developing ones. The new furniture, which is so skillfully arranged, that despite the small space, the group does not look cramped and cluttered. All around cleanliness and comfort. All this characterizes our educators as good housewives, creative personalities and, what is most important for me, not indifferent people. In addition, I heard a lot of good reviews about them from people whose opinion I tend to listen to. In short, we were looking forward to meeting them.
I write in such detail about my first impressions, because. I still feel the same enthusiastic feelings for them now. And I can say with confidence that our teachers: Tatyana Vladimirovna and Olga Anatolyevna are the best teachers not only in our kindergarten, but also in the city. In no case do I want to offend the beloved teachers of other children, but I am the author of this letter, and I can have my own opinion. I will give a few examples so as not to be unfounded. I often come for the child early. Now I have already got used to the silence in the group during classes or meals, but let's not forget that there are thirty children there. How can you maintain interest, teach something to so many children? I don’t understand how you can be with so many children in the same room all day. And yet I never heard them even raise their voices. I have not seen a single child who would be injured in the group or not calmed down if he fell. With just a look, calmness, professional wisdom, they resolved the emerging conflicts. Our educators gently, with their very appearance, have a sobering effect not only on naughty children, but also on us parents. I have never seen one of the parents speak rudely to any of them. It's just not possible. I, as a quick-tempered person by nature, often learn from them patience and sincere love (note, for other people's children).
Rarely does a caregiver become a de facto member of the family, whose opinion is sought after and valued. And Olga Anatolyevna and Tatyana Vladimirovna became truly second mothers for our children.
I am sure that for a long time, even when we leave for school, we will come to our beloved teachers for advice, and just share our joy. After all, we are already used to the fact that next to us there are such responsive and attentive, balanced and not indifferent, creative and highly qualified teachers.
I could write a lot about those exhibitions and show jumping in which our educators and their pupils took part, became prize-winners and winners. The number of creative works, surprises, drawings and crafts that Nastya brought home simply cannot be counted. How many merry holidays and entertainments passed in the group, not a single child's birthday was left without attention. I especially remember the musical performance in which Nastya played Baba Yaga. The child wants to go to kindergarten and sincerely loves his teachers. And this is the most important thing, because I can safely trust them with my daughter while I'm at work.
And I would also like to note that our educators are just beautiful young women who are raising wonderful children who have succeeded as mothers and as housewives. Thus, they set a positive example for the younger generation, especially girls. An example of the fact that in our time you can successfully make a career and be happy in your personal life.
Summing up the above, I would like to say “many thanks” to the head of the kindergarten, Elena Valentinovna, for keeping a wonderful team, despite the fact that the state almost does not help her in this. I wish patience, joy and health to the wonderful teachers - Olga Anatolyevna and Tatyana Vladimirovna. After all, including the best educators make our garden the best in the city. Thank you very much for our children!
Kortusheva Svetlana Lvovna (Group 4),
mother of a pupil of the group preparatory to school
Dear employees of the kindergarten!
We express our deep gratitude to the teacher Perepletchikova Svetlana Gennadievna and the music worker Burmistrova Valentina Fedorovna for exciting, interesting, informative classes, for their attentive attitude towards us and our children.