Games to play with three year olds

10 fun and educational games to play with toddlers

The right game can boost your kid’s cognitive, physical and emotional skills. Kick off playtime with some easy toddler games that are fun and educational!

You’ve probably heard the saying that kids are like sponges—this is especially true for toddlers. Little ones between the ages of one and three are always absorbing new things. Their main mode for learning: Playtime. They begin by playing side-by-side (called parallel play), then progress into more interactive stuff, where they engage with and absorb information from their playmates. The right game can boost your kid’s cognitive, physical, and emotional skills, so get your toddler started with one of these games:

1. Simon Says

A game that you can play one on one or with a group of kids, Simon Says is a classic that teaches kids how to follow instructions. The rules are easy: You are Simon and what you say goes. Call out commands—“Simon says touch your toes!—and your kid has to follow them. It’s key they listen for the words “Simon says”—if you call out a command like “Jump up!” without prefacing with Simon says, players can be eliminated. Be sure to throw in some funny commands, too—do a silly dance, wiggle your ears, hop like a frog! This game is great for teaching toddlers the names for their body parts.

2. Hot and cold

See his favourite stuffy over there? Hide it and then have him search the room. If he’s wandering away from it, he’s cold, and as he gets closer he’s warm, warmer, hot! If he gets frustrated, you can hold his hand while he looks around. This game will sharpen your kid’s emotional skills—he’ll learn patience, perseverance and the idea that just because you can’t see something, it doesn’t mean it isn’t there.

3. One for you, one for me

Perfect for younger toddlers, this game teaches sharing (see here for more on teaching your toddler how to share). Set out a pile of objects like crayons or buttons and ask him to distribute them between you while saying “One for you, one for me.” Make sure you each have a container to hold your growing collections.

4. Hokey-Pokey

Another classic, this one is super fun to play and helps your kid follow instructions and learn the names for his body parts. The song “Hokey-Pokey” is a simple one with instructional lyrics. Playing is easy (you just do as the song says) and there are no losers!

You put your left foot (you can substitute for any body part) in,

You put your left foot out,

You put your left foot in, and you shake it all about!

You do the Hokey Pokey
(Raise hands, wiggle fingers, move arms—you can do whatever, really)

And you turn yourself around
(Turn around in a full circle)

That’s what it’s all about!
(Clap with each syllable)



Often played at daycares or preschools, this game is best with more than two people. Spread out a large sheet (or a parachute if you have it!) and have everyone hold an edge tightly in both hands. Working together, you can slowly raise it overhead and say “Up, up, up!” then lower it saying “Down, down, down!” When you call “Under, under, under!” everyone can let go of the sheet and hurry under. Alternatively, you can get under the sheet while still holding its corners. This games helps kids develop their fine motor skills while teaching them to wait and listen.

6. Scavenger hunt

Is there anything more fun than a scavenger hunt? Send your toddler hunting for objects around the house based on commands, such as “find me something round” or “find me something red.” Or, you could ask her to choose a bunch of random objects and ask her questions like “Which one is blue?” or “Which one is longer?”



Teach your little kid problem solving skills by hiding from him! Or, if you’d rather not hide, you can always ask your her to hide an object in another room or sneaky spot of her choice—it could be as simple as asking her to go put a wrapper in the trash without telling her where the trash can is.


Obstacle course

Promote gross motor skills, coordination and balance with a fun, safe obstacle course. If space allows, you can set up a small course in your living room or outside in the yard to get your kid rolling, jumping and running around, over or under objects or markers.

9. Puzzles

Puzzles are great games for toddlers because they cover all bases: Physical (from making the pieces fit), cognitive (actually solving the puzzle) and emotional skills (learning how to be patient.) Building a puzzle can also boost your kid’s memory, teach him about different shapes, and help him set (and meet!) simple goals.

10. Odd one out

Place a series of blocks of the same colour in front of your toddler, making sure to add at least one block that’s a different colour (you could also do this with small fruit or veggies). Once she’s had a chance to look at all the blocks, ask her which one is the odd one out. You can make this game harder by using flash cards of shapes or plants, then ask her which ones are similar and which ones are different.

Read more:
6 fun indoor activities for toddlers
5 toddler games to play when you’re sick
Baby talk: Bad for your toddler’s language development?

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75 Everyday Activities For 3 Year Olds


What are your favorite activities for 3 year olds? These simple activities aren’t just for 3 year olds, they are great activities and preschool learning games for older kids too! Don’t miss my new book Everyday Preschool, it’s the best book for parents who want to make sure their child is learning every day.


Finding the right activities for 3 year olds should be easy… but it isn’t. This summer my daughter and I have had a lot of time to play. Extra time in fact because she decided when she turned 3 to give up naps. With her brother home from school for the summer, my attempts at forcing the issue have been met with refusal. I am going to try again in a month when her brother returns to school but in the meantime, she has quiet time, earlier bedtimes and lots of simple activities like these peppered throughout the day. For more specific games for 3 year olds check out our post here with our favorites!

If you have a younger child check out our similar list of 75 TV Free Activities For Toddlers. These 3 year old activities have been the bulk of what we’ve done this summer. Big projects are fun but day in and day out this is what we do.

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Fun Activities for 3 year olds

  1. Playdough sculptures with dry spaghetti.
  2. Fill a table with books and read, read, read.
  3. Doodle with smelly markers on cardboard from your recycle bin.
  4. Play doctor with dolls.
  5. Take a walk and hunt for colors.
  6. Play with puzzles.
  7. Look at family photos together.
  8. Create with peel and stick jewels.
  9. Read through catalogs.
  10. Build a fort.

  11. Play eye spy with a favorite book.
  12. Eat lunch outside.
  13. Play in a box.
  14. Paint with watercolors.
  15. Play with stickers.
  16. Play sports in the yard.
  17. Play-Doh and sequins.
  18. Play The Cupcake Game.
  19. Play Simon Says.
  20. Make a balance beam out of painter’s tape and walk it!
  21. Play in a kiddie pool.
  22. Color with Color Wonder markers and coloring sheets.
  23. Water some plants
  24. Play with Magic Nuudles.
  25. Play with Play-Doh and Duplo together.

    What are some easy things to do with a 3 year old? Keep reading!

  26. Play with a light table ( easy DIY here ).
  27. Play with cold cooked spaghetti.
  28. Cook together.
  29. Play with water, rice, beans, gravel, etc… in your water table .
  30. Play with the hose.
  31. Dress up some dolls.
  32. Take silly pictures together.
  33. Play hide and seek.
  34. Cuddle.
  35. Play with stamps.
  36. Make some window clings .
  37. Paint your toenails with kid-safe nail polish.
  38. Run Through the sprinkler.
  39. Write in a journal with markers, stamps, and crayons.
  40. Go to the beach.
  41. Learn about emotions with Mr. Potato Head.
  42. Go to the library.
  43. Read with a sibling.
  44. Call Grandma ( or Aunty, Uncle… you get the picture.)
  45. Help clean.
  46. Play dentist with dolls.
  47. Finger paint.
  48. Draw with chalk on black construction paper.
  49. Go to a local elementary school and play at the playground.

    What are the best activities for 3 year old ?

  50. Play dress-up.
  51. Take markers and paint onto the porch for art outside.
  52. Duplo
  53. Play School
  54. Mix sidewalk chalk and other toys for pretend play outside.
  55. Bubbles.
  56. Scrap paper collages. All you need is some paper and glue!
  57. Hunt for magnets with a magnetic wand in a bowl of uncooked oatmeal or rice.
  58. Jump in puddles. I don’t know of a better activity for a 3 year old than this one!
  59. Build a tower out of recycling.
  60. Wash the car.
  61. Backyard nature hunt. Tape painter’s tape sticky side out on a window or wall and have your child stick what they find on it.
  62. Take some pictures.
  63. Have a tea party.
  64. Practice cutting with playdough!
  65. Make a ramp with cardboard and drive matchbox cars down it.
  66. Read books outside.
  67. Play-Doh with pipe cleaners.
  68. Wash push cars, scooters, and bikes.
  69. Go for a hike.
  70. Play with Play-doh and egg molds.
  71. Play airplane or train with your kitchen chairs.
  72. Wash windows with water and vinegar.
  73. Turn snack bars into shapes and practice using a knife at the same time.
  74. Play alone. Yes, it’s more than OK, it’s awesome to let kids play alone. Let your 3 year old think up their own activities. We don’t need to entertain them 24/7 !

What is your family’s favorite everyday activity? Not listed? Add it in the comments and tell us why your kids love it!


Need more activities to do with  3 year olds?





Filed Under: 75 activities for 3 year olds, Age Preschool, Age: Toddlers, Preschool Activities | 75 Comments

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Games with children of three or four years old - what are games with a three-year-old child aimed at?

September 22, 2021

Games with children 3-4 years old at home allow you to spend time with your child in a fun and interesting way and at the same time develop the necessary skills. A wide variety of games should be selected, using toys, dolls, boxes, beads, etc.

What is the purpose of playing with a three-year-old at home?

Children of this age need to develop:

  • Attention and memory.
  • Color perception.
  • Movement coordination.
  • Fine motor skills of hands.

We have selected the most interesting and exciting activities for you.

Games with inexpensive toys

A mosaic with colored carnations and a plastic base where the elements are inserted, cubes and any board game will do.

Minimal adult involvement

This is a game with cutlery, pots, food containers and other safe items.

Educational games for children 3 years old at home

There are a huge number of educational games created by specialists specifically for playing with a child of 3 years old. There are classes for every age group. The main condition is that the child was interested.

Mobile, active games

The most beneficial activities for health and general physical development. Children love to play ball, catch up, organize group sports competitions.

Games with children 3-4 years old. What to do with the baby at home?

Game #1. Hospitable host

What you need:

  • dolls or animals;
  • beads, assorted colors;
  • doll crockery.

How to play?

Put the beads in the box. Invite the baby to treat the "guests" with sweets. Put raspberries (red beads) in a plate for your favorite bear, grapes (green and blue beads) for a chanterelle, sweets for a doll - orange candy beads, etc.

What does the game give?

The kid learns to distinguish colors, pick up small objects, carefully arrange them on plates. Games with a child of 3 years old should benefit the baby and practice regularly, and not from time to time.

Game #2. Magician

What you need:

  • small box;
  • ropes and cords;
  • table and chair to make your baby comfortable.

How to play?

Put ropes and strings of different lengths, thicknesses and colors into the magician's box. Show how, with the help of ropes and laces, it is possible to lay out various figures and objects on the surface of the table. For example, an orange string closed in a ring is the sun, a green string is an apple, a blue string is the sea, etc.

What does the game give?

Games with a three-year-old child improve the perception of color shades, develop imagination, teach accuracy and perseverance, introduce the shape of objects.

Important! Such games require the organization of a workplace for classes. In order not to spoil the posture of the child, take care of the presence of a comfortable chair. The most optimal option is a “growing” chair with a set of settings according to the parameters of the baby.

Game #3. Little gardener

What you need:

  • colored cardboard;
  • buttons;
  • scissors.

How to play?

An adult will cut out “apples” from cardboard and a tree. Loops need to be sewn to the fruits, buttons to the twigs. Let the little gardener make his own apple garden by attaching fruits to the branches.

What does the game give?

The child collects trees with different colors of fruits - red, green, yellow. Games for children 3 years old at home, the result: the fingers are trained, coordination and fine motor skills develop, the ability to classify objects.

Game #4. Artist

What you need:

  • tray;
  • semolina.

How to play?

Sprinkle semolina thinly on a tray. Draw figurines on the semolina with your finger.

What does the game give?

Develops fantasy and imagination, artistic skills and fine motor skills.

Game No. 5. Lacing

What you will need:

  • Ready-made lacing game according to the method of M. Montessori.

How to play?

Lacing games available in toy stores are extremely versatile. Instructions are included with them.

What does the game give?

This is a very effective exercise that develops the eye, fine motor skills of the hands and sensorimotor coordination, creativity, spatial orientation, the concept of "up - down", "right - left".

Game No. 6. Embroiderer

What do you need?

  • large sheet of cardboard;
  • colored laces or very thick threads.

How to play?

Make holes in the cardboard. Show your child how to thread threads or laces through them, creating patterns and patterns.

What does the game give?

Develops imagination, accuracy, perseverance and eye, helps to train fingers and creativity.

Game 7. Tailor

What do you need?

  • cardboard sheet;
  • sheets of paper;
  • multicolored thick threads.

How to play?

Draw pants or a skirt on a sheet of cardboard. Make a hole in the clothes. Invite the child to “fix” the clothes. To do this, cut out a circle of paper of a suitable size, and then attach it, closing the torn one. The patch can be applied using threads and a wooden safety needle.

What does the game give?

Develops fine motor skills and the eye.

Game No. 8. New Year

What do you need?

  • sheets of colored cardboard;
  • threads.

How to play?

Draw a Christmas tree silhouette on the paper. Cut wood with scissors. Draw and cut toys of different sizes, shapes and colors. Let your little one decorate the Christmas tree by attaching the toys to the branches with thread and a wooden needle.

What does the game give?

Develops fantasy, imagination, hand motor skills.

Game number 9. Guess it!

What do you need?

  • Miscellaneous small items that can be held in the hand.

How to play?

Ask the child to close their eyes. In turn, put different objects into his palm - cubes, balls, etc. Ask them to describe what it is.

What does the game give?

Develops imagination and logic.

Game No. 10. Guess the walk

What do you need?

  • pail;
  • a wide variety of items that you will find on a walk - leaves, sticks, pebbles, etc.

How to play?

On a walk, it's fun to put things in a bucket. Then ask the child to close their eyes. Let him take turns taking out objects from the bucket and say - what is it. Tries to compare a leaf and a pebble, a stick and an acorn, etc.

What does the game give?

General development, the ability to memorize and analyze, guess based on tactile sensations.

Game #11. Little sculptor

What you need:

  • colored children's plasticine;
  • modeling board.

How to play?

You can use a ready-made set for children's creativity. An adult shows how to sculpt different figures.

What does the game give?

The child trains the fingers and develops fantasy and imagination.

Game #12. Find circles

What you need:

  • colored cardboard;
  • velvet paper;
  • landscape sheets.

How to play?

Cut shapes out of different textures. Let the child, without looking, by touch, identify objects.

Game #13. Builder

What you need:

  • wooden cubes;
  • mat.

How to play?

Invite the child to build a turret first, then a more complex structure. During the game, sing songs and read poems about builders and construction.

Game #14. Little fingers

An adult touches the baby's fingers, massages them and reads a rhyme, for example, about a magpie-crow or "our fingers are tired."

Game #15. Gossamer

What you need:

  • box;
  • thick threads.

How to play?

Cut holes in the box. Let the baby thread the threads through the holes. These are very useful games with a three year old child.

Game #16. Rain

What you need:

  • blue and gray thread;
  • blue grey;

How to play?

Make holes in the cardboard. Let the kid draw clouds on the cardboard, and put threads-streams of rain through the holes. Despite the seeming simplicity of the game, children love it very much and are ready to play it literally for hours.

Game #17. Little singer

An adult sings a song cheerfully. The kid sings and dances. On the Internet you can find a lot of children's songs and learn them.

Game #18. Cheerful reader

An adult starts counting a rhyme and suddenly stops. The kid continues, and so - in turn.

Playing at home with children aged 3-4 must necessarily include reading books and memorizing poems. Read with children of this age the poems of Marshak, Korney Chukovsky and Agnia Barto. Buy beautifully illustrated books. They will become your baby's best friends.

Game #19. With water

Babies just love to pour water from one container to another, catch different objects from them and splash around.

Game #20. Choosing clothes for a walk

An adult offers to choose clothes for a walk on his own. Let the baby look out the window, tell what time of year it is and what other children wear. And then he will pick up panties, tights, panties, etc. according to the season. You can do it by touch with your eyes closed. Thus, the gathering for a walk will take place in the form of a game and will not end in hysteria and whims.

What to play with a 3 year old child. Conclusion

Don't be afraid to be imaginative. It is not necessary to use only examples from the network. Remember your own childhood! Show your child your favorite games you played when you were that age. Pay attention to the baby and do not leave it to yourself. Of course, kids should be able to keep themselves busy, but when it becomes a system, there are always problems.

Playing with a 3-4 year old child at home helps to establish an emotional connection between parents and babies. The main rule is that the game should take place in a comfortable environment for the child and in a place specially designated for this. If the baby needs to sit while playing with a three-year-old child, take care of having a “growing” smart chair. This will allow you to form the correct posture.

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Educational games for 3-4 year olds with parents at home

For a 3-4 year old child, play is the main way of interacting with the world. In the game process, the child develops logic and thinking, trains memory, expands communication skills, and strengthens physically. We have collected games that will appeal to both the baby and his parents, because they will be not only fun and interesting, but also useful.

Article content:

  • Outdoor games
  • Educational games
  • Educational games
  • Tips for parents
  • Terminals

Outdoor games

Active games are aimed primarily at physical development. The kid improves coordination, attention, endurance. Regular activity strengthens the immune system and is the best prevention of diseases. Find out what you can play with your child at home or on the street.

  1. Keeping balance. The parent lays out a rope or a long rope (such as a linen rope) on the floor. The child should walk along it, spreading his arms to the sides. The game can be made more difficult. For example, a child can carry a glass of water in his hands (of course, plastic) or hold a small book on his head.

  2. Collecting flowers. For this game, you will need several squares of colored paper, as well as a path, which can also be made from paper or, for example, a long scarf. The track is placed on the floor, pieces of multi-colored paper are scattered around it. We imagine that we are walking along a path, on both sides of which flowers grow. The facilitator (parent) periodically says how many and what flowers need to be collected. For example, 3 yellow or 5 red. The child stops and collects the right flowers. This game not only teaches coordination, but also distinguishes colors and recognizes numbers.

  3. Sly fox. A mobile game that children love very much. It is more interesting to play it when there are many participants, but you can also play it together. The participants stand in a line, and the leader moves a few meters away and turns his back. The task of the player is to reach the leader. But you can only go when he is not looking! And when the leader turned, the participant must freeze, or they will have to go to the start.

  4. Traffic light. For this game, you need to prepare red, yellow and green circles that can be made from colored paper. Each color represents a specific action. For example, the host shows a green circle - the child is running, yellow - jumping on 1 leg, red - crouching, etc. The game can be started with three signals, but when the baby remembers them, complicate and add new ones.

Educational games

All games are educational for a child. But adults by developing games usually mean those that are aimed at studying any objects, phenomena. Such games develop intelligence, broaden horizons, improve memory, attention and speech.

On the development of motor skills

The development of fine motor skills directly affects the formation of speech, self-service skills, thinking, memory. At home, you can use various household items for games: buttons, clothespins, colored pasta, pencils, etc. On the street you can take cones, chestnuts, sticks. Consider several options for games for the development of motor skills.

  1. Piggy bank. Let's take 2 cans. Pour beans into one of them, and leave the other empty. A cover with a small slot is put on the second. The task of the child is to shift the beans from one jar to another. Alternatively, you can use the steam container from the multicooker (with small round holes). You can put pasta in them.
  2. Drawing with groats. PVA glue is applied to a sheet of paper, cereals are poured on top in a certain order. You can use semolina, wheat groats, buckwheat to create multi-colored patterns.
  3. Beads. The child is given a fishing line on which objects must be strung. It can be beads, buttons and even drying. Objects should not be too small, otherwise it will be difficult for the child to cope with them.
  4. Flower. Cut out a circle from paper - this will be the base of the flower. We will give the child colorful clothespins. He should attach them in a circle as if they were flower petals. In parallel, you can memorize colors and lay them out in a certain sequence.

For the development of logic

Logical connections are a very important part in the development of a child's thinking. To understand why and why, simple and exciting tasks will help.

  1. Find the extra. For this educational game, you will need special cards or sheets that can be found on the Internet and printed. The task for this age usually contains four simple subjects, one of which does not fit into the group for a certain reason. These can be color, shape, skills (for example, flies - does not fly), the purpose of the object (clothes, dishes, etc.) and other signs. It is important to allow the child to think independently.
  2. Divide into groups. A similar task, but here you need to select from the abundance of objects those that belong to a certain group. For example, vegetables, fruits, pets, toys, etc.
  3. Say the opposite. A child at 4 years old already understands what antonyms are, that is, words with the opposite meaning. The parent says "hot" - the child answers "cold", etc. Use understandable words: quiet-loud, white-black, sad-cheerful, deep-shallow, wet-dry.
  4. Who needs what. This game requires a ball. The facilitator says the profession, for example, "doctor", and throws the ball to the child. He must answer what the doctor may need (thermometer, syringe, white coat) and throw the ball back.

For the development of speech

It is important to develop speech from birth. Talking even with a baby who is still silent seems strange, but in fact it is an investment in his future. Often, already studying at school, children cannot connect several sentences into a logical text, retell what they read, or talk about some event. To prevent this from happening, at 3-4 years old you can offer such home games with children.

  1. Describe the item. For this game, you need to collect several toys and put them in a box. The child takes out a toy and describes it. For example, the girl took out a doll. She can tell what size the doll is, what color her eyes and hair are, what clothes she is wearing, and come up with a name for the doll.
  2. Tell me from the picture. For this game, you will need an illustration of some popular fairy tale (again, you can find it on the Internet and print it out, or just show it on the screen). The child must tell what he sees in the picture, what happened first and what happened later, how the story ended.
  3. Everything is messed up. For this game, you can take the plot of a fairy tale that the child knows well. In telling it, you need to make mistakes. For example, the animals did not let the fox into Teremok, or Little Red Riding Hood went not to her grandmother, but to her friend. The kid must understand what is wrong in the fairy tale. You can dream up and compose your own fairy tale, in which the end will be different.

Educational games

At the age of 3, you can introduce your child to letters and numbers. The number is average, sometimes more developed children show interest in letters even at 2 years old. But there is no need to rush and force the baby to study - this will only discourage the desire to learn new things.

For learning to read and write

A popular technique for learning letters is to hang cards in different places in the apartment/room. And you can do this without even waiting for the age of three. Cards with letters should be bright, arouse the interest of the child. If the baby does not ask what kind of letter it is, you should sometimes pronounce them on your own. You can hang a card with a letter on an object that begins with it. For example, hang the letter L on a chandelier, and the letter T on a TV. Periodically, cards need to be changed, outweighed in other places.

The following ideas are useful for learning about letters.

  1. Application. Cut out large letters from paper. For decoration, you can use cereals (motor development!), Cotton wool, fabric, beads, sparkles - whatever you like. When decorating a letter, be sure to pronounce it many times so that the baby remembers what it is called.
  2. Find the letter. Print the letter in several copies. Keep one for yourself, hide the rest in the children's room. Show the child a picture with a letter: "This is the letter O. Find 3 more such letters." At the same time, the letters should be hidden so that they are not difficult to find, you can give the baby hints.
  3. What's in common? Place items (or images of items) that begin with the same letter in a bag. The child must take them out and pronounce the names aloud, and then guess which letter was guessed.

When the child knows all the letters of the alphabet, you can move on to the study of syllables and words. To do this, write syllables or simple words of 3 letters on cardboard squares. These will be houses. Then take small toys, for example, from kinder surprises, and find a house for each toy. At the same time, pronounce: the horse lives in the “MA” house, the squirrel lives in the “CO” house, the bunny’s house is called “KY”, etc.

For learning math

Educational games with numbers are the basis of learning mathematics for a child of 3-4 years old. They teach not only to memorize numbers, but also to compare, solve simple problems.

  1. Construction site. This game is suitable for both boys and girls. Build a brick house with your child. In this case, you need to determine how many floors there will be in the house, and how many apartments (cubes) on each floor. For example, on the 1st floor - 4 cubes, on the second - 3. To complicate it, you can take cubes of different colors and give tasks not only with numbers, but also with color (2 yellow cubes for the third floor).
  2. Engine. Make cards with numbers from 1 to 10 and invite your child to make a train out of them. Only for this you need to arrange all the cards in order, from 1 to 10. If everything is done correctly, the train will go on a journey.
  3. Count the candies. Take two dolls (bears) and put them at the table to drink tea with sweets. Give one doll 2 candies, and the other 3. You can ask: "who has more candies", "how many candies do two dolls have in total." Then more dolls can come to visit, while the hostess will have to share the sweets equally among everyone. This game teaches not only to count, but also to think logically.
  4. One-many. Play a mindfulness game. You can ask the child: “What items are many in the room? And what subject is one? For example, in the kitchen there are many plates, but there is only one table.

Tips for parents

In conclusion of the article, we will give some important recommendations.

  1. For a kid, the game process itself, the action, and not the final result, is important. You should not be upset and even more so scold the child if the elephant you made looks more like a snowman.
  2. The rules of the game should be simple and clear. At the same time, it is necessary to leave room for creative improvisation. It develops imagination and initiative.
  3. Not all games may appeal to a child. You need to feel the mood of the crumbs and, if necessary, stop the game.
  4. Exercise regularly with your child. Try to set aside at least 15 minutes a day for joint activities.


Games at home with children are interesting and cool, but there is not always time and ideas for this. In order not to deprive the child of the opportunity to fully develop, you can take him to a specialized children's center or kindergarten "Baby Club", where the child will receive the necessary skills in a playful way and will develop all types of intelligence. Specially equipped and safe rooms for classes are suitable for children of different ages: from 8 months to 7 years. Professional educators support the natural curiosity of children, directing it in the right direction.

Learn more