Goldilocks sitting in chairs

folk tales - How did Mama and Papa bear know someone was sitting in their chairs?


Modified 5 years, 2 months ago

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Goldilocks sits in Mama and Papa bears' chairs, but does not break them:

After she'd eaten the three bears' breakfasts she decided she was feeling a little tired. So, she walked into the living room where she saw three chairs. Goldilocks sat in the first chair to rest her feet.

"This chair is too big!" she exclaimed.

So she sat in the second chair.

"This chair is too big, too!" she whined.

Later, when the bears come home, they somehow discover someone had been sitting in the chairs:

"Someone's been sitting in my chair," growled the Papa bear.

"Someone's been sitting in my chair," said the Mama bear.

What did Mama and Papa bear see that led them to believe someone had been sitting in their chairs?

  • folk-tales


According to the 1839 edition of Robert Southey's The Story of the Three Bears it was because their chairs' cushions were disturbed:

"Somebody in my chair has sat!"
With voice so gruff and great
The Huge bear said, when he saw that
His cushion was not straight.

"Somebody in my chair has been!"
The middle Bear exclaim'd;
Seeing the cushion dinted in
By what may not be named.

The wording was slightly different in the first edition (of 1837). The history of this story (and its publication history) is interesting and complex: see the Wikipedia article on it. In particular, the identity of the home invader has changed.


The chairs were disorganized and put in an unorderly fashion, suggesting that they had recently moved, along with the seat cushions (as stated in the other answer).

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Goldilocks & the Three Bears

There was once a family of bears who lived in a cosy cottage in the woods. There was a great big Papa Bear, a medium-size Momma Bear, and a little tiny baby bear.

One morning Mama Bear cooked them some porridge for breakfast. As the porridge was too hot to eat, the three bears decided to take a walk in the woods while it cooled.

They had not been gone long when a little girl named Goldilocks came along. She had been picking flowers and had wandered into the woods. When she saw the three bears cottage, she smiled and clapped her hands. “How pretty!” she cried. “I wonder who lives there?” She stood on her toes and peaked in the window. There didn’t seem to be anyone home, so Goldilocks opened the door and went right inside!

The first thing she saw was the table set with three bowls of porridge; a great big bowl for Papa Bear, a medium-size bowl for Momma Bear, and a tiny little bowl for baby bear. “Oh, that porridge smells good!” Goldilocks said. Then, as she was feeling a little hungry, she picked up a spoon and tasted the porridge in the Great Big Bowl.

“OUCH!” she cried, dropping the spoon. “That porridge is MUCH too hot!”

She tasted the porridge in the medium-size bowl. But that porridge was MUCH too cold.

Then she tasted the porridge in the tiny little bowl. “Mmmmmm,” she said. “This porridge is JUST right!” so she ate it all up!

Then Goldilocks saw the three chairs set before the fire; a great big chair for Papa Bear, a medium-size chair for Mamma Bear, and a tiny little chair for Baby Bear. “Oh, it would be nice to sit down for a while!” Goldilocks thought.

So she climbed into the great big chair that belonged to Papa Bear. “Oh, no!” she said. “That chair is MUCH too hard.”

Then she sat in Mamma Bears medium size Chair “Oh, no,” she said. “That chair is MUCH too soft!”

Next, she sat in Baby Bears tiny little chair. “Ahhhh,” she said with a smile. “This chair is JUST right!”

Just then there was a loud CRAAACK! and the little chair broke right through!

Goldilocks stood up and dusted herself off. Then she climbed upstairs to the bedroom. There she saw three beds all in a row. “Oh,” she said, yawning, “I am feeling sleepy.”

So she pulled down the covers and climbed into Papa Bears great big bed. But she quickly jumped down. “That bed is MUCH too hard!” she said.

Then she tried Mamma Bears medium size bed. But it was too soft.

So she climbed into Baby Bears tiny little bed. It was JUST right. Soon Goldilocks was fast asleep!

A little while later the Three Bears returned from their walk. They were feeling very hungry and were looking forward to eating the nice bowls of tasty porridge.

Suddenly Papa cried out in his great big voice, “Someone has been eating my porridge!”

Then Mamma cried out in her medium size voice, “Someone has been eating MY porridge!”

And Baby Bear cried out in his tiny little voice, “Some has been eating my porridge. And they’ve eaten it ALL UP!”

Then the Three Bears saw their chairs near the fireplace.

“Someone has been sitting in my chair!” Papa Bear said in his great big voice.

“Someone has been sitting in MY chair!” Mamma Bear said in her medium size voice.

“Someone has been sitting in MY chair,” Baby Bear cried in his tiny little voice. “And now it’s BROKEN!”

Then the Three Bears went upstairs to the bedroom.

“Someone has been sleeping in my bed!” Papa Bear shouted in his great big voice.

“And someone has been sleeping in MY bed!” Mamma Bear exclaimed in her medium size voice.

“Someone has been sleeping in MY bed,” Baby Bear squeaked in his tiny little voice. “AND HERE SHE IS!”

Just then Goldilocks woke up! When she saw the three bears standing around her, she leaped off the bed and ran down the stairs and out the door.

She didn’t stop until she was all the way back home.

And the Three Bears never saw Goldilocks again!

Goldilocks (and the three bears) is an English fairy tale. It was first published in 1837 by British author and poet Robert Southey. The story was before that time already part of English folklore. The story is about three bears and an intrusive old woman. The moral of the story is about egoism, respecting others’ property and the abuse of someone’s hospitality.

Goldilocks was originally an old woman. In a publication from 1849 she was replaced by a young girl. In the course of the twentieth century, she was named Goldilocks. Also, the three bachelor bears by Southey evolved in a family of three bears. What was originally a terrifying story, gradually changing into a charming tale for the whole family.

Long live Irzhik!

Alexandra Nastechik
Writer, poetess, playwright.
(Born March 28, 2007)

"Long live Irzhik!"
(Musical fantasy for a puppet theater on the themes of Czech folklore - mainly the Czech fairy tale "Goldilocks". In 3 acts, with a prologue and an epilogue)

Berilyaka, aka
Papa, aka
Clown Zephyrka, aka
Flies, aka
Birds, aka
Goldilocks, aka
Fairy, aka
Girl Fira
Clowness Malinka, aka
Fly, aka
Maid of Honor, aka
Goldilocks Sisters, aka
Rybka, aka
Geese, aka
Girl Lina, aka
Clown Ray, aka
Boy Lyosha, aka
Spider, aka
Ants, aka
Evil King, aka
Crows, aka
Clown Fantik, aka
Boy Fedya, aka
Good King, aka

All puppets in the performance are puppets or floor puppets. Animal puppets - finger puppets.
Locations - Evil King's castle; castle of the Good King; forest; royal cuisine; meadow in front of the castle.


Opening song

Hush, hush, the curtains are parted by sleep,
And together we will walk along the path of light.
Beams of lanterns crawl across the stage
And they fly faster than the winds...
Our fairy tale is like a fabulous rainbow bridge,
What passes through the night sky between the stars,
What leads us forward, up and away to heaven,
You yourself will become a part of it ...
There will be a fairy tale a little magical and sad,
A fairy tale will help adults return the beginning,
Well, children will help to enter adulthood
And the beginning of the road find.

The lights come on. In their rays, Berilyaka, Zefirka, Malinka, Luchik and Fantik walk around the stage, seat dolls depicting the heroes of the performance on chairs.

Berilyaka: Well, Zefirka, do you want to listen to something interesting? nine0005 Marshmallow: Of course. When I was still little, I was a girl Fira and lived with my dad, sister Lina and brothers Lyosha and Fedya.
Luchik (sadly): Oh, childhood, you can never get it back... Once upon a time I was a boy, Lyosha, and lived with my brother Fedya and two younger sisters.
Fantik: Eh, if only I had remained a boy Fedya with kind cheerful eyes...
Malinka: And I have already grown up, but in my soul I remained a girl Lina...


Picture one0008

Child. Berilyaka sits on the sofa, takes a newspaper and becomes the Pope. And the clowns become the children of the Pope: Malinka - Lina, Zephyrka - Fira, Fantik - Fedey, Luchik - Lyosha. Both Dad and children are puppets.

Lyosha: Dad, tell us about superheroes.
Dad (pointing his fingers): Well, superheroes are Superman, Batman, Spiderman...
Fira: I'm tired of American superheroes. And what is the superhero in the Czech Republic?
Dad: In the Czech Republic, the main superhero is Jirik.
Fira: What's his superpower? nine0005 Dad: The ability to understand the language of animals and birds. And also...
Fedya: What else?
Lina: What?
Dad: Kind heart.
Fira: Good heart! Also my superpower!
Dad: You'll see that this is the superpower! The most real.

Distributes character dolls to clowns. Then the actors create a throne from the chair, Luchik plays the Evil King doll.

Evil King: Hey! Chancellor!

Fantik starts playing with the Chancellor's doll.

Chancellor: What was your name, Your Majesty?
Evil King: Put aside "Your Majesty"!
Chancellor: Was it?
Evil King: Called. Someone knocked there, right?

The Chancellor nods silently. Marshmallow plays with a Fairy doll.

Evil King: Who is there?
Fairy: I brought you a fish.

Hands out a snake-like fish to the King.

Evil King: I have never seen such a fish. Definitely poisonous!
Fairy: What are you, Your Majesty! Whoever eats this fish will gain the ability to understand the language of animals. nine0008

The king gives the fairy some coins and leaves. Only the Chancellor remains on stage.

Song of the Chancellor

Yes, I'm not the first, I'm the second -
King - he is, unfortunately, the first,
And, unfortunately, very angry.
Even the nerves could not stand it
The Queen,
his ex-wife, and ran away
His wife from him,
But this, guys, is not enough!
One minister on the same day...
He drowned himself in a water pump!
Another (he is too lazy to drown himself) -
The one from the firecracker shot himself! nine0005 All servants of the evil king
Died of grief, left
Only me. "La-la-la-la-la-la" -
I sang and laughed merrily!

Second painting

The artists create the scenery for the kitchen. Berilyaka plays with Irzhik's doll.

Irzhik: It's been a good day today! The sun is shining, the birds are singing...

The Evil King enters and gives Irzhik a fish.

Evil King: Cook this fish for me. But if you pinch even a tiny bit, I'll cut off your head. nine0005 Irzhik: I see.

The king is leaving. Irzhik is left alone.

Why don't I try this fish? What if she was undercooked or undersalted? Or burned out!

Pinches off a piece, eats it.


Marshmallow plays with Muh dolls.

Flies: And we have a piece! And we have a piece! W-w-fried fish!
Irzhik: Strange. Nobody there. Only flies fly over a dish of fish.

Malinka plays with Geese dolls. nine0068

Geese (outside the window):
— Where are we going? Where shall we go?
- To the miller in the barley field! To the miller in the barley field!
Irzhik: So that's what kind of fish it is! Yes, this is certainly not a fish, but a magic snake - it hurts that fish looks like a snake! And in Europe (in some countries) they have long believed that if you eat such a magical snake, you will learn to understand the language of animals!


Song of Irzhik

Adults and children know,
What is nowhere and never
Nothing in the world
Not given without labor,
Sweet salt of labor happens -
This is wisdom for ages!
Labor gives, but laziness deprives
Even crumbs of sand!
Without a smile and without laughter
It's not easy to live in the world -
All problems are not a hindrance,
If you don't forget the joy!
What you leave behind,
You find ahead -
Beats not for fun
Good heart in the chest!

Third painting

Throne room. The king, sleepy, sits on the throne. Nearby is the Chancellor. nine0068

Evil King: We have to wait a long time for this Irzhik, who is the only one who dared to break my law, which forbids all the inhabitants of my kingdom to laugh, smile and sing various stupid songs, like "No matter what anyone says there, there is a way out for sure..." etc!

The first song of the Evil King

I am the King, which means
That the people are crying all the time,
When they see the menacing look
of the King. The ruler is happy,
If all the people weep,
And the ruler collects
They pay taxes, and the people
Let them live without money!

Enter Irzhik. In his hands is a tray of fish.

Irzhik: What was your name, Your Royal Majesty?
Evil King: Called. Did you bring fish?
Irzhik: I brought it, sir king.
Evil King: Have you eaten fish?
Irzhik: Didn't eat. The cat climbed on the table and ate a piece!

Malinka plays with a cat doll.

Cat: There you go! They'll make soup out of me because of that nasty Irzhik!

Irzhik laughs. nine0068

Evil King: What are you laughing at?
Irzhik: Yes, I remembered something funny!
Evil King (conspiratorially): Look at me, Irzhik! Now give me some juice! But if you don't fill it up or overfill it, I'll order you to cut off your head.

Irzhik pours juice into a glass. Marshmallow takes two dolls representing Birds. One of the birds has three golden hairs in its beak. Another flies after her.

- Give it back! Give it back! They are mine!
- No, mine!
- I first saw them when Princess Goldilocks was combing her hair and those three hairs came off! nine0005 - Me!
- No, I am!

Irzhik looks around and accidentally spills juice on the tablecloth. Three golden hairs fall and ring.

Evil King: This is the second time you've given yourself away! Find Goldilocks! Then I will forgive you.

Irzhik leaves, sad and thoughtful. At this sad moment, the first act ends.


Scene four

Irzhik is riding a horse. Around the forest.

Irzhik's road song

A long, long way ahead of me,
The horse runs forward, flies like an arrow,
I need to find Goldilocks,
How can I get to the princess!

But no matter how long the road is,
You should not turn back,
And no matter how long it is
The road to Goldilocks,
I will ride a horse
To my fairy side,
I have one road -
To the end of the fairy fairy tales!

The King is angry, but evil is defeated
It will be all the same in our fairy tale! nine0005 No matter how long the way forward,
Evil - it will decay and die!

And I am not afraid of the king,
I will laugh out loud at evil!
The road to the king's daughter
Unbelievably long,
But still I'll rush on a horse
To my wonderful side,
I'll go around the forests and fields,
But I'll come back!!!

Luchik plays with Ants dolls.

Ants: Help, Irzhik, help, help! Our anthill is on fire! It’s just that the court confectioner of our ant queen was preparing the “Anthill” cake, but our anthill ignited! nine0005 Irzhik: Now!

Runs to the stream, fills his flask with some water, fills the anthill.

Ants: Thank you, Irzhik! We will never forget your kindness! When you need help, just call us!

Irzhik goes on. At this time, the melody of the song "Proč jsem chutnal rybu" from the Czech film "Goldilocks" sounds. While it sounds, the actors create the decoration of a tree (any - for example, a Christmas tree).

Picture 5

Ibid.; the same without Ants. That is, Irzhik is alone. Apart from the horse, of course! Luchik plays crows.

Crows: Irzhik, Irzhik! Help us! Mom and Dad are gone! And we can't get our own food!

Irzhik, without thinking twice, takes out his sword and kills the Horse.

Irzhik: Eat well, birds!
Crows: Thank you, Irzhik! When you need help, just call us!

Irzhik goes further and further into the forest. The sound of the sea is heard. Luchik plays two Rybakov with dolls. nine0068

— My net is mine and the fish!
- Whose boat is it? Without my boat, you would not have thrown the nets !!!
- My fish!
- No, my fish!
- My fish!
- No, my fish!
- Mine!
- Mine!
Irzhik: Stop making noise! Here's a hundred ducats for you! Give me the fish. By the way, my name is Irzhik!

Pours coins into the palm of the fishermen. Malinka plays with a Rybka doll, Irzhik throws a fish into the water.

Rybka: Thank you, Irzhik! When you need my help, just call me! I will sail. nine0005 1st Rybak: Well, Irzhik, you reconciled us, so we should thank you somehow. Where are you going?
Irzhik: I'm going to get a golden-haired princess for my master, the Evil King.
2nd Fisherman: Yes, this is the local princess! Her name is Goldilocks! Get on the boat with us! But remember - the king has twelve daughters, but only one, the youngest, has golden hair!

Irzhik gets into the boat to the Fishermen and the boat sails away. From the far shore of the lake comes singing and laughter.

Song of the King father and his daughters

King father:
I have twelve daughters...
Ding-dong, ding-dong, ding-dong!
Father King:
I can't live a day without them...
Ding-dong, ding-dong, ding-dong!
They sing so cheerfully,
They always live with me
And their voices ringing is heard...
Ding-dong, ding-dong, ding-dong!

1st fisherman: This is them singing.
2nd fisherman: Well, Irzhik, go.

Irzhik gets out of the boat and sings. nine0068

Irzhik's song about Goldilocks

There, beyond the short river,
What flows through the forest,
In a wonderful old castle
Goldilocks lives.
I wish I could find a princess
Golden-haired for me
Or beyond the field, beyond the forest
At least see in a dream...
I'll get Goldilocks
For my King,
But I won't forget her -
Why, I don't understand.

Picture six

Garden near the castle of the Good King and his daughters. Malinka plays with the dolls of the Goldilocks sisters, one by one removing them from the chairs on which they sat in the prologue, and Zefirka plays Goldilocks. nine0068

Goldilocks Sisters:
- Let's play!
- What?
- Let's get into the traps!
- No, let's go to the burners!
- No - in "wolf and sheep"!
- Into the stream!
- In the "bear in the forest"!
Goldilocks: Ah, sisters! I wish I could play with you too!

Malinka cleans up the Goldilocks Sisters, plays with the maid of honor doll.

The maid of honor: Your Highness!
Goldilocks: Madam, I want to play with my sisters!
Maid of honor: Fu! Play! I hate all games, and especially those horrible Czech folk games!!! nine0005 Goldilocks: Mrs. maid of honor, you can!
Maid of honor: No.
Goldilocks: Mrs. maid of honor! Well, lady maid of honor!
Maid of honor: I said no!

Goldilocks's sad song

I don't want to be a princess,
The king's youngest daughter -
I want to walk in the forest,
Singing "la-la-la"
And play tag, ball,
Fanta, paint, into the stream:
I am a princess, which means -
My world is locked up.
I will remove the crown from my head,
I will replace it with a wreath,
How hard are the pillows of the throne,
The royal cramped house...
I'll ride away to a distant land,
I'll sit on a fabulous tram...
How cruel the rules are...
Joy, don't die!

Yirzhik comes out, then the Good King appears.

Good King: Why did you come?
Irzhik: For your golden-haired daughter.
Kind King: To do this, you need to complete the task. Until then, get some sleep!


Scene seven

Ibid.; the same without princesses.
Kind King: My youngest daughter had a necklace of precious pearls - one hundred and eight beads. But it crumbled into thick grass. If you collect all the pearls, I'll give you the princess, if you don't find it, I'll cut off your head.
Irzhik sits down on the grass looking for pearls.
Irzhik: Wow! The grass is up to my waist, I can't see my feet. Hey! Ants! Come, help me as soon as possible, find all one hundred and eight pearls as soon as possible!
Ants (from grass) : What, Irzhik? Why did you call?
Irzhik: Gather me one hundred and eight pearls.
Ants collect beads.
Thank you, ants!
Ants: No way!
Irzhik strings pearls on a string.
Kind King: Well, Irzhik, you did your job! Now...
Goldilocks (running backstage) : No! No! No! I won't marry that old Evil King! Better let him get my ring out of the sea!
Kind King: You read my mind right! Go to the sea...
Irzhik goes to the sea.
Irzhik: Wow, what a deep and dark sea! You can't even see the bottom, let alone the princess's rings... Hey! A fish! Swim out, don't forget about me, and get the capricious princess's ring as soon as possible!
Fish (from the bottom) : Why did you call me, Irzhik?
Irzhik: Please bring me the capricious Princess Goldilocks ring!
Fish: Yes, it's time for me to spit!
Dives, takes out a ring from the bottom.
Irzhik: Thank you, fish! nine0005 Fish: Not at all.
Enter Goldilocks. Irzhik hands Goldilocks a ring.

Picture Eight

The King and Irzhik are standing not far from the forest.
Kind King: And now the last task. Bring me living and dead water.
The king is leaving. Irzhik remains alone on stage.
Irzhik: Hey! Crows! Fly, help me as soon as possible, bring me dead and living water as soon as possible!
Crows: Why did you call us, Irzhik? nine0005 Irzhik: Please bring me living and dead water.
The crows fly away, then return with two flasks - one with the sun, the other with a skull.
Irzhik: Thank you, friends!
Crows: No problem, Irzhik!
Fly away.
Good King (entering): You have done all my tasks. Now recognize Goldilocks among my daughters.
Out. Luchik plays with a Spider doll, Malinka plays with a Fly. A spider pounces on a fly, Irzhik drips water from a flask with a skull on the spider, he falls dead, and splashes water on the fly from a flask with the sun. nine0068
Fly (taking off) : Thank you, Irzhik. Without me, you won't recognize the younger princess.
Kind King: Follow me.
Irzhik: Good.
The king and Irzhik enter a room with a golden ceiling and white walls, where all the king's daughters are sitting on golden chairs around a large round table. They have white veils on their heads.
Irzhik (sadly): How can you recognize the younger princess?
Fly: Follow me, follow me! I'll give you a hint!
A fly flies from one princess to another. nine0068
Not her... not her... not her either... not her... not her again... but it's her, golden-haired!
Falls on the head of Goldilocks.
Irzhik: Here is the golden-haired princess!
Kind King: That's right!
Goldilocks: Now I agree.
Gets up, throws off the veil. Irzhik and Goldilocks, holding hands, leave the stage.

Ninth scene

Scenery for the beginning of the first act - the throne next to the Chancellor's throne.
Evil King: Irzhik didn't return for a long time! nine0005 Chancellor: Well, thank God!
Irzhik (entering) : Your Majesty, I brought you a princess!
Enters Goldilocks, wiping her tears with a veil.
Evil King: Don't cry!

The second song of the Evil King

I am the King, which means
That my wife does not cry,
Even if she does not want to
Be my wife. I know,
That she is very beautiful,
But what the princess wants,
I don't know. Let her
Tell me why she is sad.

Goldilocks: O King, I want to marry Irzhik. nine0005 Evil King: I will execute Yrzhik!
Goldilocks: What have you done with my beloved?
Evil King: I cut off his head.
Goldilocks: Give it to me!
The king takes out the dead Irzhik. Goldilocks attaches her head to her body, sprinkles Irzhik with water from a flask with a skull, the head and body grow together, and then sprinkles water from a flask with the sun on him, and Irzhik comes to life.

Song of Goldilocks and Irzhik

You are quickened, my love,
My beloved, my beloved,
And you will be with me,
With me, with me, with me...
We will fly to your home,
To your home, to your home,
And you will be together you with me,
with me, with me, with me...

Evil King: Oh no...
Falls to the floor and disappears.


The same scenery as at the beginning of the first scene.
Dad: That's it, children...
All the artists who participated in the performance come to bow with the dolls that participated in the fairy tale. nine0068

previous publications:
Translation of the song "Brave"
"Shamus and Poultry" 9000 "Fairy Tale"
Fairy tale-allegory "Shoes"
Lullaby of the King
Play for children "White Heron"
"Queen's Dreams"
fairy tales0004
"Sold Laughter"
Audio fairy tale "Cinderella"
"Theater of Fun"
"In the Underground Country"

The work belongs to the author.
We kindly ask you to remember copyrights and treat them with respect.
Use of the work without the consent of the author and his legal representatives is prohibited!

Read Online Collection of Classic Tales by Chris Colfer - LitRes, page 2

Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Retelling of a folk tale

Once upon a time there was a daddy bear, a mommy bear and a baby bear cub. It is customary that bears live in dens, but this family settled in a beautiful tree house in the middle of the forest. It was small, but they lived in it very nicely.

As in any family, all the bears were different and used to live according to their own conveniences. Each of them had their own chair in the living room. Papa Bear sat in a wooden rocking chair by the fireplace. Mama bear is in an easy chair by the window. The baby bear had his own little chair next to the toy chest. nine0008

At night, all three bears slept in their own beds. Papa Bear had a big bed with a hard mattress. Mama bear loved to sleep in a medium sized bed with lots of soft pillows. The little teddy bear slept in a small crib, which was just right for him in length and breadth.

One morning daddy bear cooked porridge for his family for breakfast, poured it into three different bowls, and the bears sat down at the table to have breakfast. Father, mother and son rarely agreed, but after tasting the porridge, they all agreed that it was too hot. nine0008

– Maybe we can take a walk while the porridge is getting cold? Dad suggested. We haven't been out with the whole family for a long time.

Mother bear and baby bear thought it was a wonderful idea, and together they went for a walk in the forest.

On the same day, a little girl from a nearby village was walking near their home. For her beautiful golden curls, she was nicknamed Goldilocks.

Surprisingly, Goldilocks did not meet the bears in the forest, although she reached their house shortly after they left. She had never seen such a home before. Goldilocks was a curious girl who loved to explore new places, so she knocked to ask to come in. nine0008

She knocked hard and was very surprised when the door swung open. The bears forgot to lock it behind them.

- Hey! Is there anyone at home? Goldilocks called, but only an echo came back.

Without waiting for an answer, Goldilocks decided to wander around the house. The smell of fresh porridge led her to the kitchen, and the girl saw three bowls on the table.

- Porridge! My lovely! - she exclaimed.

During the walk, Goldilocks got so hungry that she completely forgot about decorum. She grabbed a spoon, tasted Papa Bear's porridge without asking, and immediately burned herself. nine0008

“Too hot,” Goldilocks said.

She moved over and scooped up some mama bear porridge. Her bowl was much closer to the window, and the porridge had cooled so much that it didn’t even taste like porridge.

“Too cold,” said Goldilocks.

She moved further and tried the baby bear's porridge. And she smiled, deciding that porridge should taste like this.

- That's it! - she said.

Goldilocks ate the baby bear's porridge clean and began to look for a place to rest. She walked into the living room and sat in Papa Bear's rocking chair. It was so hard that it hurt her to sit in it. nine0008

“Too harsh,” Goldilocks said.

She moved to the mama bear chair. It was so soft that the girl almost drowned in it.

“Too soft,” said Goldilocks.

It took her a while to get out of the bear's chair. And when it did work out, Goldilocks sat down in the little bear's chair, and it fit her.

- That's it! - the girl said happily.

As soon as she leaned back in her chair, it suddenly collapsed right under her. Before Goldilocks looked back, she was on the floor. She had never broken her chair and was very frightened. nine0008

“I must have overeaten the porridge,” the girl said.

There were no more comfortable chairs left, and Goldilocks decided to rest on the bed, especially since after a long day of walking she was not averse to taking a nap. The girl went to the bedroom and lay down on the bed of Papa Bear.

“Too hard,” she said.

Goldilocks jumped out of bed and climbed into the mother bear's bed. Like the chair, her bed was so soft that Goldilocks sank into it and barely got out. nine0008

“Too soft,” she said.

The only thing left in the bedroom is the baby bear's bed. Goldilocks sat down on her to make sure the bed would support her. Then she climbed under the covers and lay down comfortably.

– That’s the best… – she muttered, yawning, closed her eyes and immediately fell fast asleep.

Soon a family of bears returned from their walk. They rejoiced and rejoiced until they saw that the door of their house was wide open.

- Strange, I remember, I closed the door, - said the mother bear. nine0008

- Looks like we have uninvited guests! growled Papa Bear.

Bears rushed into the house. They first searched the kitchen, but found nothing out of the ordinary except for an empty porridge bowl.

- Someone ate my breakfast! - said the baby bear.

The bears then searched the living room, but found only a broken armchair.

- Someone broke my chair! - the little bear cub sobbed.

Only the bedroom remains. Papa Bear released his claws and headed there, not knowing who he would find there. nine0008

- Someone is sleeping in my bed! exclaimed the baby bear. - Yes, it's a girl!

The bears were very surprised that a little girl could make such a mess. They gathered by the bed and looked at her. Goldilocks felt this, woke up and saw bears around her. She screamed so loudly that all three bears covered their ears.

Goldilocks jumped out of the bedroom, ran through the living room, rushed past the kitchen and quickly rushed out the door. The bears chased the girl through the forest for a long time, until they decided that now she certainly would not return to their home. nine0008

That's how Goldilocks learned that you can't eat someone else's porridge without asking, sit in someone else's armchairs, sleep in someone else's bed, and go into someone else's house. And she never did that again.


Jack and the beanstalk

Retelling of a folk tale

There was a poor widow who had a son named Jack. The widow was a kind woman, but after many years of hardship she became strict and gloomy. Jack, on the other hand, was a curious and courageous boy, always in the clouds and dreaming of a life full of delights and adventures. nine0008

They lived in a tiny house on a small farm where there was never a harvest. The only food they had was milk, which was given by the Belyanka cow. One day, she ran out of milk, and her mother sent Jack to the market to sell the cow.

- Mother, how is it to sell Belyanka! Jack exclaimed. We are like family with her!

“We won’t have any family if we die of hunger,” the mother answered. “Life is not easy, son, and sometimes you have to sacrifice something in order to survive. But in the end, it's all for the best. Now take the cow, go to the village, sell it for good money, and on the way back buy a loaf of bread. nine0008

Reluctantly, Jack obeyed his mother's command. He led Belyanka through the forest to the nearest village, but on the path he met an old man.

“Hello, kid,” he said. He was a strange-looking old man with a long beard and in rags.

“Good evening to you too,” answered Jack.

– May I ask where you are taking this lovely creature? the old man asked.

“To the village, for sale,” answered Jack.

- My boy, you are lucky! exclaimed the old man. “I just need a cow. nine0008

– Want to buy Belyanka? Jack asked.

“I’m afraid I don’t have a penny, but I’ll be very happy to give you something else in return,” the old man replied.

“Mother won’t like it,” Jack said. She told me to sell the cow and buy a loaf of bread for dinner.

“Dear boy, I want to give you something a hundred times more expensive than all the bread in the kingdom!” the merchant said.

Jack was curious, but he doubted that his mother would be happy about such an exchange. nine0008

- What is it? Jack asked.

The old man took out a handful of beans from his pocket.

- Beans? Jack was surprised. “But my cow is worth a lot more than beans, that’s for sure.

- These are not ordinary beans, but magical ones! The old man winked at him. - They can fulfill your most cherished desire!

Jack's eyes widened as he imagined how much he could get with these beans.

– Are they definitely magical? - he asked.

- I'll fail in this very place, if not magical! exclaimed the old man and stamped his foot. nine0008

Jack took the beans from him and gave the rope to White. He was so delighted that he immediately ran home without even saying goodbye to the old man.

- Mother! Mother! he shouted. “I traded Belyanka for magic beans!” The man in the forest said they could grant my deepest wish!

He proudly poured his mother's beans into his palm. She looked at them and blushed.

- Stupid boy! she screamed. - Yes, you were fooled! None of these beans are magic, and now we will definitely starve to death! nine0008

The widow threw the beans out the window and burst into tears. She locked herself in her room and cried all night, lamenting how stupid her son was. Jack went to bed. He, too, was angry with himself and could not believe how easily he was tricked. Too much he hoped to heal well and forgot about everything in the world.

The next morning, Jack was awakened by a terrible crack. The boy jumped out of bed and found his frightened mother in the yard.

- Jack, look! - she exclaimed. “While we slept, a beanstalk grew here!” nine0008

Indeed, a huge beanstalk sprang out of the ground. It was so long that it reached the very sky and disappeared behind the clouds.

- Beans! They must have sprouted when you threw them away! Jack cheered. - It turns out they are still magical!

“Help me gather some leaves and I’ll make a nice soup out of them,” said the widow.

Jack did not listen to her and immediately began to climb up the stem.

- Jack, come back! the mother shouted. - You're going to fall! nine0008

Once again, Jack didn't listen to her. He simply could not resist - nothing more interesting had ever happened to him in his life. For years he dreamed of adventure, and now the time has finally come.

The higher he climbed, the more he saw around. Jack climbed so high that the whole kingdom and even neighboring lands stretched out before him. By the time he reached the clouds, his own house was only a tiny speck far below, and Jack could no longer hear his mother's cries. He scooped up the clouds with his palm and was delighted to find that they were soft and fluffy, just as he always thought. nine0008

Jack climbed further. He wanted to know how high the stem had grown. Rising above the clouds, he seemed to be in a completely different world. All around, a sea of ​​fluffy white hills stretched all the way to the horizon.

To Jack's amazement, a paved road hovered right between the clouds. He jumped off the stem and walked along it. From somewhere in the distance he heard beautiful singing. It got louder and louder. More beautiful sounds Jack had never heard and wanted to know who sang it.

At the very end of the road, Jack found a huge castle. He was so big that Jack looked like a tiny mouse next to him. The boy guessed that someone very big must live in such a castle. Jack's curiosity always won over fear, so he slipped under the giant door and snuck inside to find out what was there. nine0008

The castle was full of different things, and they were all huge. The furniture was so large that the boy could walk under the table and chairs without hitting them with his head. The fireplace was so gigantic that Jack's entire house could fit in it.

Everywhere he looked, Jack saw plate-sized gold coins. He was never a thief, but since there was so much gold in the castle, and he and his mother had so little, Jack decided that nothing bad would happen if he took some and brought it home. So he stuffed a large bag with gold and slung it over his shoulder. nine0008

Just as Jack was about to leave, he heard the beautiful singing again. And I was ready to swear that a golden woman was standing on top of a huge table. Curiosity won again, and Jack decided to look at her.

He climbed up the leg of the chair, stood on the seat, and then climbed onto the table. But he found there not a golden woman, but a magical golden harp with hands and a face. She sang a song while the strings on her back played a tune:

Where are you, brave hero? I have been waiting for you for many years. nine0005 I compose songs about love, but there is still no salvation.
Are all the knights dead? Or do people not care?
It is bitter for me to grieve in captivity, I know only one thing for sure:
If the prince sits idle, the young lady is doomed,
The fate of the lady is unenviable, which the heroes do not need.

The harp gasped when it saw Jack.

- Man! - she exclaimed. - Glory to heaven! Finally, someone has come to save me from the giant!

- What kind of giant? Jack asked.

- The one who lives in this castle, of course! the harp replied. "He's cruel and very scary!" Every day makes me sing disgusting songs for him! Please take me with you! nine0008

Suddenly, thunderous footsteps sounded from above, and the whole castle shook.

- Oh no! the harp screamed. The giant has woken up! Hide quickly, otherwise he will eat you alive!

Jack got down from the table and hid in the oven.

A few moments later, a huge giant came down from the giant stairs. He was so big that it seemed that even in the vast castle he was cramped.

- Fi-fi-fo-fam! I can smell the boy's spirit there! the giant growled. "Whether he's alive or not, I'll eat him for dinner!" nine0008

He searched all over the house for Jack, opened every cupboard, but didn't think to look into the stove. Finally the giant got tired and sat down at the table.

- Sing! he said to the harp.

She obediently started the song, but Jack felt that she was not at all happy about it.

Destroy villages, scare people,
Crush houses with your feet!
Do not leave the cities
And a stone on a stone!
Thunder, smash, break and beat,
Rage and rage!
Drive people through the streets
And steal their meat!

The harp sang, while the giant's eyes began to droop. He dropped his head on the table and fell asleep. His snoring was like the roar of a hundred bears. Jack got out of the oven and went to the door with a bag full of gold.

- Don't leave me, please! the harp pleaded. "I can't stand another day in this castle!"

Jack hesitated whether to rescue the harp, but he knew that leaving it would not be very nice. He carefully climbed onto the table and moved towards the harp.

The Giant suffocated on Jack and nearly knocked him off his feet. The giant's eyes began to open, and the harp quickly sang again to put him to sleep:

Destroy villages, scare people,
Be merciless with enemies!
This devastation, torment the peasants,
Crush them with your boots!
Thunder, smash, break and beat,
Spare no life,
Eat cows and horses
And steal gold!

Jack took the harp and carried it to the edge of the table. They were right under the giant's nose as he took a deep breath in his sleep. The giant smelled Jack and woke up.

- Fi-fi-fo-fam, I smell the boy's spirit there! the giant roared.

And roared again when he saw Jack trying to steal the harp. Jack jumped off the table, and together with the harp, they landed right on the giant's leg.

- AAAAAAA! yelled the giant. He grabbed his sore toe and hopped up and down the castle on one leg.

Jack took the harp with one hand, the bag of gold with the other, rushed to the door, crawled under it and ran along the road to the stem.

As soon as Jack reached the stem, the giant jumped out of the castle and rushed after him. Jack quickly climbed down, but the giant began to descend after him, and the stalk swayed in the clouds. nine0008

Jack's mother heard the noise and ran out to see what was going on. She was so frightened when she saw the giant chasing her son that she did not immediately find the power of speech.

– Jack! What are you doing? she screamed at her son.

- Mother, bring the ax as soon as possible! We need to cut down the stem before the giant gets to the ground! said Jack, nimbly moving from leaf to leaf.

The widow ran into the house and returned with an axe. Jack descended to the ground, took the ax from his mother, and with one mighty swing cut the stalk in two. He collapsed to the ground, and the giant fell with him, breaking to death. nine0008

- Jack, do you have any idea how worried I was about you? exclaimed the widow.

“Sorry to disturb you, mother,” Jack said. “But I promise you will never have to worry about anything again.” Look what I brought!

Jack took the gold coins out of his bag and showed them to his mother. The widow was so delighted that she even burst into tears of happiness. She hugged her son tightly and kissed him on the cheek.

- My brave boy! - she said. - You saved us! Now we will never go hungry! nine0008

Jack and his mother built a new house and started a real farm with so many crops that they didn't even know where to put it all. They ate three times a day, and the harp sang marvelous songs to them before going to bed.

The old man did not lie: the magic beans really fulfilled Jack's most cherished wish. But the true magic was hidden in himself - if Jack did not know for sure what he wanted from life, the beans would not be able to help him.

Anyone who hears Jack's story will learn an important lesson from it: if life gives you beans, grow them into a beanstalk! nine0008


Little Red Riding Hood

Retelling of the story of Charles Perrault

In a village on the edge of the forest there lived a little girl with her mother and father. Beloved grandmother gave her a beautiful bright red hat, which the girl wore without taking off, and therefore in the village they called her that - Little Red Riding Hood.

One day Little Red Riding Hood's grandmother sent a letter to her mother. The poor old woman caught a bad cold and could not even leave the house - and she lived in the forest. Mother Riding Hood collected a whole basket of goodies, gave it to her daughter and ordered her to take it to her grandmother. nine0008

“Be careful in the woods, Riding Hood,” her mother warned her. “Don’t leave the path, don’t linger anywhere, and don’t talk to strangers.

Red took the basket and set off, not even thinking about disobeying her mother. But as soon as the girl entered the forest, she immediately found herself in the middle of a clearing of wonderful wild flowers.

– What beautiful flowers! Red was delighted. “Mother will certainly not be angry if I collect a small bouquet for grandmother. Flowers are always a joy when someone is unwell. nine0008

The girl decided that nothing terrible would happen if she was a little late, and began to collect the brightest flowers. Riding Hood wove a crown, a necklace and two bracelets out of them, but when she wanted to collect a bouquet for her grandmother, it turned out that there were no flowers left in the clearing at all.

- Oh, well, - said Riding Hood. - Surely my grandmother will be delighted with me even without any flowers.

The girl returned to the path, but very soon she noticed a bush of ripe blueberries along the way.

– What glorious berries and they must be delicious! Red was delighted. “Mother will certainly not be angry if I collect a handful for my grandmother.” Goodies are always a consolation when someone feels bad. nine0008

And Riding Hood started picking blueberries for her grandmother. She ate the first berry to know for sure that blueberries are sweet. I also ate the second one - I wanted to find out for sure that the first one was not sweet by chance and all the other berries are also tasty. Riding Hood was so delighted with her foresight that she ate the third and fourth berries just to reward herself somehow.

The berries were so wonderful that Riding Hood ate them and ate them and still couldn't stop. When she remembered that she needed to leave some for her grandmother, it turned out that there were no more berries. nine0008

“Ah, well,” said Riding Hood. - Surely my grandmother will be delighted with me even without any delicacies.

Riding Hood didn't want to linger anywhere else, so she decided not to leave the path until her grandmother's house. But halfway she met a terrible ferocious wolf with big ears and sharp teeth.

“Hello girl,” growled the wolf.

“Hello,” Riding Hood replied, because it would be impolite to remain silent, but immediately covered her mouth with her frightened hand. - Oh, I promised my mother that I would not talk to strangers! nine0008

“But I’m not a stranger at all,” the wolf grinned. “I have been watching you ever since you entered the forest. I watched you picking flowers in the clearing, I saw you eating blueberries by the bush. It turns out that you and I know each other very well.

- Oh, wonderful! Little Red Riding Hood smiled happily. “And I was afraid that I had disobeyed my mother.

– What brought you to the forest, dear girl? the wolf asked.

“I’m in a hurry to see my grandmother,” answered Riding Hood. - She has a very cold, and I go to visit her and carry a basket of goodies. nine0008

“What a glorious granddaughter you are,” replied the wolf. - Where does your grandmother live?

“A little further along this path,” said Riding Hood. “I have to go now, or I’ll be late home for dinner.”

Riding Hood said goodbye to the wolf and went further along the path. But she didn’t know that the wolf ran through the forest on his own way and managed to get to her grandmother’s house earlier. Riding Hood very opportunely showed him the way, and now the wolf had two dishes for dinner at once!

The old woman was sleeping in her bed when the wolf found her and immediately swallowed her in one fell swoop. Before the arrival of Riding Hood, he managed to dress up in his grandmother's clothes and lie down on the bed. nine0008

- Grandma, it's me, Riding Hood! The girl called out and knocked on the door. “I brought you a basket of treats!”

“Come in, my child,” answered the wolf, pretending to be Riding Hood’s grandmother.

Riding Hood decided that Grandmother must be very sick, because her voice was almost unrecognizable. The girl went up to the old woman and looked at her properly. Grandma didn't look like herself either.

– Oh, grandma, what big ears you have, – Riding Hood was surprised.

“This is to hear you better, my dear,” answered the wolf. nine0008

“Oh, what big eyes you have,” Red continued.

“This is to see you better, my dear,” answered the wolf.

– Oh, what big teeth you have!


The wolf jumped out from under the blanket, and Little Red Riding Hood screamed in fear. He swallowed the girl in one fell swoop, and she ended up in his belly along with her grandmother.

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