Goodnight story time
Bedtime Stories | Free 5 Min Bedtime Stories for Kids Online Bedtime Stories
The Classic fairytale of Cinderella: a young girl, mistreated by her step-mother and step-sisters, who finds out that dreams really can come true.
The Classic Fairytale Story of Snow White with a Modern Twist: Who is the “fair”est of them all? Snow White of course!
A Bedtime Story of Honesty, Courage and Truth. If Pinocchio is to become a Real boy he needs to learn how to be honest, brave and true.
A Grimm’s Brother Tale: A miller tells a tale that his daughter can turn straw into gold. A strange little man is willing to help…for a price. Guess his name and he will be gone…but what is his name?
Goldilocks and the Three Bears ~ Bedtime Stories for Kids. Goldilocks finds the three bears cottage in the woods. Should she make herself comfortable?
Hansel and Gretel Bedtime Stories for Kids. When Hansel and Gretel go in search of food, they find a gingerbread house. But who is inside?
A Story of Friendship, Love and Courage. Rapunzel’s Story ~ A Brothers Grimm Fairy Tale. An evil witch has trapped Rapunzel in a tower. Can her long hair or love save her?
A Story of Courage, Justice and Self-Awareness. Merlin the Magician places a magic sword in a stone…whomever can pull it out is the rightful king.
A Bedtime Story of Acceptance and Self-Awareness. A Mama Duck is proud when her six ducklings hatch from their eggs. But one duckling does not look like the others? Is he truly an Ugly Duckling?
The classic Brother’s Grimm fairytale that sparked the Disney adaptation.
A Story of Courage, Learning and Love. The Classic fairy tale: The Little Mermaid falls in love with a prince on shore and she makes a deal with the Sea Witch to become human. But without her voice, how can the prince fall in love with her?
This Classic Folktale is adapted from the original story of “Aladdin” from The Arabian Nights. Aladdin, the Genie and the Magic Lamp work to impress the princess who wishes to be a commoner.
A Story of Courage, Kindness to Animals and Learning. The Classic Tale of a male deer, Bambi, his mother and his adventures learning in the woods.
A Story of Charity, Compassion and Justice, from England. Robin Hood takes part in an archery contest thrown by the Sheriff of Nottingham. Will he realize its a trap before it is too late? One of the many Tales of Robin Hood.
This is the Legend Tale of Maui the Demi-God from Moana. It is part of our Classic Bedtime Stories for Kids Collection. It has been adapted from the Tales of Maui as well as Disney’s version of Moana.
A Bedtime Story in Simple English for Kids. A toy rabbit learns that through a child’s love it can become real.
The Classic Tale of the Snow Queen: Gerda and Kai struggle to fight the Snow Queen and find the balance between Good and Evil.
The Classic Fairy Tale of Sleeping Beauty. Princess Aurora has been cursed by Maleficent. When she pricks herself on a spinning wheel on her 16th birthday, she is put into a deep sleep for 100 years. Who can save her?
Bedtime Story for Kids: The Gift of the Magi, A Christmas Story. Della and Jim wish to give each other the perfect Christmas present, but how will they come up with the money?
A Bedtime Story of Friendship, Courage and Acceptance. . The story tells of the time Pocahontas saved the life of settler John Smith from her father, Powhatan.
A Cinderella Story ~ Bedtime Stories for Kids
The Classic fairytale of Cinderella: a young girl, mistreated by her step-mother and step-sisters, who finds out that dreams really can come true.
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Story ~ Bedtime Stories for Kids
The Classic Fairytale Story of Snow White with a Modern Twist: Who is the “fair”est of them all? Snow White of course!
Pinocchio Story ~ Fairy Tale Bedtime Stories in English for Kids
A Bedtime Story of Honesty, Courage and Truth. If Pinocchio is to become a Real boy he needs to learn how to be honest, brave and true.
Beauty and the Beast Classic Tale ~ Fairy Tale Stories for Kids
The classic fairy tale of a beautiful woman and the monstrous beast.
Rumpelstiltskin ~ A Fairy Tale Bedtime Story for Kids
A Grimm’s Brother Tale: A miller tells a tale that his daughter can turn straw into gold. A strange little man is willing to help…for a price. Guess his name and he will be gone…but what is his name?
Goldilocks and the Three Bears ~ Bedtime Stories for Kids
Goldilocks and the Three Bears ~ Bedtime Stories for Kids. Goldilocks finds the three bears cottage in the woods. Should she make herself comfortable?
Hansel and Gretel ~ Bedtime Stories for Kids
Hansel and Gretel Bedtime Stories for Kids. When Hansel and Gretel go in search of food, they find a gingerbread house. But who is inside?
Rapunzel by the Brothers Grimm ~ Bedtime Stories
A Story of Friendship, Love and Courage. Rapunzel’s Story ~ A Brothers Grimm Fairy Tale. An evil witch has trapped Rapunzel in a tower. Can her long hair or love save her?
The Sword in the Stone: a King Arthur Legend of the Sword Story
A Story of Courage, Justice and Self-Awareness. Merlin the Magician places a magic sword in a stone…whomever can pull it out is the rightful king.
The Ugly Duckling Story ~ Fairy Tale Story for Kids in English
A Bedtime Story of Acceptance and Self-Awareness. A Mama Duck is proud when her six ducklings hatch from their eggs. But one duckling does not look like the others? Is he truly an Ugly Duckling?
The Frog Prince: The Story of the Princess and the Frog ~ Bedtime Stories
The classic Brother’s Grimm fairytale that sparked the Disney adaptation.
The Little Mermaid Story ~ Bedtime Stories for Kids in English
A Story of Courage, Learning and Love. The Classic fairy tale: The Little Mermaid falls in love with a prince on shore and she makes a deal with the Sea Witch to become human. But without her voice, how can the prince fall in love with her?
Aladdin and the Magic Lamp from The Arabian Nights ~ Bedtime Stories
This Classic Folktale is adapted from the original story of “Aladdin” from The Arabian Nights. Aladdin, the Genie and the Magic Lamp work to impress the princess who wishes to be a commoner.
Bambi Story: A Life in the Woods ~ Bedtime Stories for Kids in English
A Story of Courage, Kindness to Animals and Learning. The Classic Tale of a male deer, Bambi, his mother and his adventures learning in the woods.
Robin Hood and the Golden Arrow Story ~ Legend Stories for Kids
A Story of Charity, Compassion and Justice, from England. Robin Hood takes part in an archery contest thrown by the Sheriff of Nottingham. Will he realize its a trap before it is too late? One of the many Tales of Robin Hood.
Maui from Moana: Tales of the Demi-God ~ Legend Stories for Kids
This is the Legend Tale of Maui the Demi-God from Moana. It is part of our Classic Bedtime Stories for Kids Collection. It has been adapted from the Tales of Maui as well as Disney’s version of Moana.
The Velveteen Rabbit Story ~ Bedtime English Story for Kids
A Bedtime Story in Simple English for Kids. A toy rabbit learns that through a child’s love it can become real.
The Snow Queen Fairy Tale Story ~Bedtime Story for Kids
The Classic Tale of the Snow Queen: Gerda and Kai struggle to fight the Snow Queen and find the balance between Good and Evil.
Sleeping Beauty Fairy Tale Story ~ Bedtime Stories for Kids
The Classic Fairy Tale of Sleeping Beauty. Princess Aurora has been cursed by Maleficent. When she pricks herself on a spinning wheel on her 16th birthday, she is put into a deep sleep for 100 years. Who can save her?
The Gift of the Magi Story ~ A Holiday Story for Kids
Bedtime Story for Kids: The Gift of the Magi, A Christmas Story. Della and Jim wish to give each other the perfect Christmas present, but how will they come up with the money?
Pocahontas and John Smith Story ~ Folktales Stories for Kids
A Bedtime Story of Friendship, Courage and Acceptance. . The story tells of the time Pocahontas saved the life of settler John Smith from her father, Powhatan.
The Emperor’s New Clothes Story ~ Bedtime Stories
A Bedtime Story in Simple English for Kids. The Emperor is fooled into believing he is wearing magic clothes which can’t be “seen”.
Mulan Story ~ Tale of Hua Mulan Bedtime Stories | English Story for Kids
A Bedtime Story in Simple English for Kids. Based on the “Ballad of Mulan” and Disney’s Mulan, this is a legend tale about a girl who goes in disguise as a boy and joins the army in her brother’s place.
Short Stories for Kids ~ Folk tales, Fairy Tales, Riddles, Legends, Poems
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Teaching Resources from Stories to Grow ByIn addition to our bedtime stories, we also offer a multitude teaching resources! This includes over 100 free bedtime stories, fairy tales, folk tales, readers theater play scripts, and performance notes!
You will find the bedtime stories or the materials you need for your classroom with Stories to Grow By.
History of the program "Good night, kids!". Help
The program "Good night, kids!", one of the most successful projects on domestic television, is 45 years old on September 1st. This program claims to be included in the Guinness Book of Records as the longest living children's television program.
Children's television program "Good night, kids!" first aired on September 1, 1964. The initiative to create the program belonged to the editor-in-chief of the editorial board of programs for children and youth, Valentina Fedorova. The very name of the program was discussed for a long time, there were many options: "Evening Tale", "Good Night", "Bedtime Tale", "Visiting the Magic Man Tick-Tock". But the final version appeared on the eve of the first broadcast: "Good night, kids!".
Children's writers, poets and screenwriters such as Alexander Kurlyandsky, Eduard Uspensky, Andrey Usachev, Roman Sef, Pavel Barto and others stood at the very origins of the creation of the program.
Initially, there was no technical possibility to record programs, so they were only broadcast live, and then in the form of pictures with voice-over text. Then there were puppet shows and small plays, in which the artists of the Moscow Art Theater and the Theater of Satire played. Pinocchio and Tepa the hare, Shustrik and Myamlik puppets took part in puppet shows (all puppets were made in the theater of Sergei Obraztsov). In addition to dolls, in "Good night, kids!" children of 4-6 years old took part, who were visited by famous theater actors: they gave advice, told fairy tales.
And only at the end of the 1960s did dolls familiar to everyone begin to appear in the program: Phil (1968), Stepashka (1970), Khryusha (1971) and Karkusha (1982). Sometimes the cat Tsap-Tsarapych took part in the program. And in 2002, a well-coordinated team was replenished with a new hero Mishutka.
On June 1, 2009, the boy Bibigon, the symbol of the children's channel of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, joined the friendly company of little animals.
The puppets were voiced by actors from Moscow theaters: Khryusha - Natalya Derzhavina, Stepashka - Natalya Golubentseva, Filya - Grigory Tolchinsky, Igor Golunenko, Karkusha - Gertrude Sufimova. Many actors have already passed away, today Filya is voiced by Sergey Grigoriev, Khryusha is voiced by Oksana Chabanyuk, and Karkusha is voiced by Galina Burmistrova.
Nina Kondratova became the first announcer of the only children's program at that time. Then there were more hosts: Valentina Leontyeva (Aunt Valya), Vladimir Ukhin (Uncle Volodya), Svetlana Zhiltsova, Tatiana Vedeneeva (Aunt Tanya), Angelina Vovk (Aunt Lina), Tatiana Sudets (Aunt Tanya), Yuri Grigoriev (Uncle Yura) , Yuri Nikolaev (Uncle Yura), Yulia Pustovoitova, Dmitry Khaustov. Currently, the hosts are: actress Anna Mikhalkova, TV presenter Oksana Fedorova, actor Viktor Bychkov.
After a short interlude with the participation of the hosts of the program, a mandatory cartoon follows. Often the cartoon is cut off at the most interesting place, and the continuation of the tale has to wait until the next transfer.
Ending with "Good night, little ones!" screensaver. The first screensaver, which appeared in 1965, was black and white. The screen saver depicted a watch with moving hands. Then the program did not have a constant release time, and the author of the intro, artist Irina Vlasova, each time set the time anew. In the late 1970s, the screen saver became colored.
A plasticine cartoon was made by Alexander Tatarsky in 1981.
The lullaby "Tired toys are sleeping", which appeared at 1963 year. The composer Arkady Ostrovsky wrote the music for it, the lyrics were written by the poetess Zoya Petrova, and the lullaby was performed by Oleg Anofriev, and a little later by Valentina Tolkunova.
In the late 1980s, the intro was changed. The TV with toys sitting around was replaced with a cartoon garden, birds and a lady in a huge hat. Another lullaby sounded in the new screen saver - "Sleep, my joy, sleep ..." (music by Wolfgang Mozart and Bernard Flies, Russian text by Sofia Sviridenko) performed by Elena Kamburova.
In the 1990s, the screensaver changed several times, until in September 2002 it took the form that it still retains.
Program "Good night, kids!" at first it appeared on Channel 1 (now ORT), then in 2001 it moved to the Kultura channel, and since March 2002 the heroes of the Good Night, Kids! - permanent residents of the TV channel RTR ("Russia").
In 2002, the program in Ostankino got a new studio equipped with bright modern scenery with a complex structure - a podium.
"Good night, kids!" three times became the winner of the TEFI television award (in 1997, 2002 and 2003) in the nomination "Best Children's Program".
The material was prepared on the basis of information from open sources
"Good night, kids!" - 55 years. How it all began
The TV program that raised more than one generation in our country, "Good night, kids!" actively preparing for the celebration of the anniversary. Let's remember how it all began!
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In January 2020, the Good Night, Kids program will turn 55 years old. The program every day before going to bed pleases the kids with an instructive story and an animated film. But once there were no cartoons in the program, there simply were no technical possibilities for this.
How it all began
But once upon a time there were no cartoons in the program, there simply were no technical possibilities for this. The first issue of the program was released on September 1, 1964 years old. But work on it began a year before. The team at Shabolovka thought over the concept of the release, wrote the first scripts.
The idea to create a special evening program came to Valentina Fedorova, editor-in-chief of programs for children and youth of the Central Television of the USSR. During her trip to Germany, she saw on TV a program dedicated to the adventures of the sandman and fired up to do the same.
It was decided pretty quickly that the show would air before going to bed and become a kind of bedtime story. But the name had to work hard. Many options were proposed, but no majority voted for one. The competition was attended by such titles as "A Bedtime Tale", "An Evening Tale". The final version, familiar to everyone since childhood, appeared almost before the first broadcast.
At first it was not possible to record the program, so it was broadcast live. Neither Phil nor Stepashka was out of the question then. The program was shown in the format of pictures voiced by the announcer behind the scenes. But later, dolls began to appear. They were borrowed from the theater of S. Obraztsov.
Instead of puppet shows, children were sometimes shown short plays with the participation of artists from the Moscow Art Theater and the Theater of Satire. Invited to the shooting and children who acted as presenters. Artists came to visit them, drank tea, talked and, of course, told a bedtime story.
The scripts were created by the best of the best. Usachev, Kurlyandsky, Uspensky and many others participated in their development.
The current permanent team appeared on the screens in the late 1960s and instantly won the hearts of young viewers and their parents. "Good Night, Kids" has always been officially a children's program, but in fact it has become a real family tradition.
In 1968, the dog Filya began to greet all the guys first. In 1970, the bunny Stepashka joined him, at 1971 - a pig Khryusha and in 1982 - a crow named Karkusha. Their puppeteers are usually also in no hurry to leave their seats.
So, Karkusha has been voiced by Galina Marchenko for 15 years. Since 1971, Natalya Golubentseva has been speaking for the hare Stepashka, and Khryusha has been speaking in the voice of Oksana Chabanyuk, for 17 years already.
The “backbone” of the program has remained the same, but sometimes new characters appear there, for example, the bear cub Mishutka, who was accepted into the program in 2202, and the tiger cub Moore, who appeared already in 2014.
The transmission concept itself has not changed since then. The host, together with the puppets, tells a story or analyzes a situation from which useful conclusions can be drawn. After that, a cartoon is usually turned on, then they say goodbye and a farewell musical screensaver starts.
By the way, the opening and closing songs were written at the very beginning of the program by composer Ostrovsky and poet Petrova. Today, this song has become a real symbol of the program along with its main characters.
But the splash screen, which has not changed for many years, was different at first. At 19In 1954, she depicted only a clock with moving hands, as before the Vremya program, and besides, it was black and white, like all television.
Plasticine screensaver, more like a full-fledged cartoon with a plot, was created by A.Tatarsky in 1981. Much has changed since then, but the screen saver with the same lullaby continues to delight all new generations of babies.
"Cars" our way
The creators of "Good Night, Kids" decided to prepare something special for their viewers for their 55th anniversary. The producer of the program, Alexander Mitroshenkov, said that the premiere of the new animated series "Super Rally" will take place on the air of the program.
“Now we are preparing our sensation. We will have a premiere in January. Let's make such a very beautiful cartoon series about racing cars, it's called "Super Rally". Our first victories in Formula 1 have now appeared. And now, we have the Russian version of "Cars", a cartoon about racing," he shared.
The new animated series, in his opinion, is doomed to success, because the show in the Good Night, Kids program has become a springboard for many famous cartoons.
“For example, we had the first series of the cartoon Dunno on the Moon. Moreover, the producer was very worried that we took his cartoon and cut it into pieces for six minutes, he was upset that everything would collapse and no one would be interested. It turned out the opposite. Also Smeshariki: they had only six episodes, and I convinced them that the best premiere was on Good Night, Kids! We launched the cartoons "Luntik", "Masha and the Bear," the producer recalled.