High school reading level test
Assessing a Student's Level | Reading A-Z
Running Records
on Raz-Plus
With our online running record tool, Raz-Plus or Raz-Kids members can:
- Assign a Benchmark Book from Levels aa-J
- Assign a Benchmark Passage from Levels aa-Z2
- Listen to students' recordings from reading aloud a book or passage.
- Score all student recordings using an online running-record tool.
- Listen to students' recordings of retellings.
- Score retellings using an online rubric.
- See quiz questions missed and a report on which comprehension skills to support or re-teach with each student.
- Reward students' progress through awarding stars to spend in the RAZ Rocket.
- Track your students' progress over time.
Reading A-Z provides a three-part assessment process to help you place students in instructionally appropriate level texts.
- Find out at which level to start a student.
- Determine when a student is ready to move to the next level.
Part 1: Students read Benchmark Passages or Benchmark Books (Levels aa-J), and you capture their reading behavior on Running Records.
Part 2: Students retell the text, and you use Retelling Rubrics to score their comprehension.
Part 3: Students take an oral or written Comprehension Quick Check Quiz, and each question's answer tells what skill it assessed to help you identify comprehension skills for additional practice.
Part 1: Start with Benchmark Passages & Running Records or Benchmark Books & Running Records (Levels aa-J). Select a passage or book that best approximates a student's reading level. Use the running records that accompany each passage or book to score a student's reading behavior. (Initially you may have to take more than one running record to determine a student's instructional level.

Review About Running Records to learn about the details of taking, marking and scoring a running record.
Parts 2 & 3: Retelling Rubrics and Comprehension Quick Check Quizzes provide details about a student's understanding and comprehension of the Benchmark Passage or Book.
- Retelling Rubrics provide details that identify strengths and weaknesses students might have comprehending fiction or nonfiction texts; including analysis of text structures.
- Benchmark Passages and Benchmark Books (Levels aa-J) have multiple-choice Comprehension Quick Check Quizzes and answer keys. Use the skill tags on the answer key to see comprehension strengths and opportunities for additional instruction.
The three-part process establishes a baseline of your students' levels. Assign leveled books from Reading A-Z's extensive collection for small group practice at students' instructional levels.

How Do I Monitor Students' Reading Progress?
Use Benchmark Books or Benchmark Passages and their associated resources for progress monitoring as students' reading at their instructional levels improves.
Assessment Schedule
Developmental Level | Reading Level | Schedule |
Beginning readers | Levels aa-C | every 2 to 4 weeks |
Developing readers | Levels D-J | every 4 to 6 weeks |
Effective readers | Levels K-P | every 6 to 8 weeks |
Automatic readers | Levels Q-Z | every 8 to 10 weeks |
Students who are not progressing at the expected rate should be assessed even more frequently than the Assessment Schedule suggests.

The scores your students achieve on running records, retellings, and comprehension quizzes give you valuable information about their reading behavior and comprehension. Use it to inform your instruction in addition to placing students and monitoring their progress.
Use the chart below along with the other information you learn from the three-part assessment process to determine if students are ready to move up a level.
Running Record | Quick Check Comprehension Quiz | Action |
95% + | 100% | Advance Student a Level |
95% + | 80% | Instruct at this Level |
95% + | Lower a Level, Assess Again | |
90-94% | 80-100% | Instruct at this Level |
90-94% | Lower a Level, Assess Again | |
N/A | Lower a Level, Assess Again |
For Raz-Plus members, results from the printable running records can be entered to display in a student's Reading Rate report in your Kids A-Z management hub.

How Do I Match Learning A-Z Levels to Other Leveling Systems?
For your convenience, Learning A-Z correlates its levels to other leveling systems. If you've already placed students in levels according to another system, please reference the Level Correlation Chart to determine how another system's levels best match Learning A-Z's levels.
The correlations are not official levels assigned by the other leveling systems, but rather an approximate correlation based on a comparison of attributes in books assigned official levels by both the other leveling system and Learning A-Z.
Reading Speed Test: Calculate Words-Per-Minute (WPM)
Test Your Reading Speed and Fluency
This free reading speed test will help you understand how your student’s reading speed and accuracy compares to other students in their grade level.
- Directions
- Materials
- Assessment
- Fluency Training
- Download Free Reading Drill
- At-Home Online Reading Program
Directions Reading Speed Test (WPM)
Follow the steps below to test your child’s reading speed, fluency, and words-per-minute (wpm).
- Estimate the reading level of your student
Do they seem to be at reading grade level, below grade level, or above grade level? If the test reading passage is frustrating, the level is too high. - Print out the student and instructor reading passages
- Your student will use the student version.
- As a parent, teacher, tutor, or instructor, use the instructor version of the reading passage. The instructor copy has word counts on the right-hand side to make it easy to count the number of words read after the timed reading.
- Time your student for one minute while they read the passage aloud
- Follow along with your printed instructor version.
Mark any mistakes discreetly. You can tilt your paper up so that your student will not see you make any marks. If your student sees you react as they are reading, it will distract them and could give inaccurate results.
- Follow along with your printed instructor version.
- Calculate the total number of words per minute your student reads and the total mistakes/errors
Mistakes/errors are:- Mispronunciation or dropped endings
- Skipped words (Skipped lines count as one mistake)
- Omissions
- Substitutions
- Repeated words
- Inserting words that are not there
- Self-corrections
- If your child makes more mistakes or errors than marked below, you will want to try the level below the one you selected
- 1st through 4th grade: 5 mistakes/errors
- 5th through 8th grade: 6 mistakes/errors
Materials Reading Fluency Passages For Grades 1-8
Grade 1 – Track ALet's Fly a Kite (Student)
Grade 1 – Track ALet's Fly a Kite (Instructor)
Grade 1 – Track BSoft and Hard (Student)
Grade 1 – Track BSoft and Hard (Instructor)
Grade 2Seagulls (Student)
Grade 2Seagulls (Instructor)
Grade 3Flying a Kite (Student)
Grade 3Flying a Kite (Instructor)
Grade 4The Harp (Student)
Grade 4The Harp (Instructor)
Grade 5Aspen Trees (Student)
Grade 5Aspen Trees (Instructor)
Grade 6Antarctica (Student)
Grade 6Antarctica (Instructor)
Level 7History of Skiing (Student)
Level 7History of Skiing (Instructor)
Grade 8Saguaro Cactus (Student)
Grade 8Saguaro Cactus (Instructor)
Assessment After the Reading Speed and Fluency Test
Assess your child’s reading speed by comparing current reading speed rates (words-per-minute) by grade level. The chart below includes average reading fluency rates.
1st Grade (Spring) | 53 – 111 | wpm |
2nd Grade (Spring) | 89 – 149 | wpm |
3rd Grade (Spring) | 107 – 162 | wpm |
4th Grade (Spring) | 123 – 180 | wpm |
5h Grade (Spring) | 139 – 194 | wpm |
6th-8th Grade (Spring) | 150 – 204 | wpm |
Remember, there is no good or bad result. We expect kids to make mistakes. You may want to repeat the test with reading levels above and below to see if there are any major differences in the number of words read per minute and the number of mistakes or errors made.
How You Can Improve Your Reading Speed
Reading Fluency Training
Reading fluency drills are one of the best activities you can do to improve your reading fluency. With our custom-designed, phonetic-based drills, you work on improving the underlying brain processes of reading. When you do these drills, you target five areas of visual processing, six areas of auditory processing, and two areas of tactile-kinesthetic processing. This process also strengthens phonemic awareness and phonics skills at the same time. We do this in just 5-minutes a day and 3-5 days a week.
Scholar Within’s reading program has these reading fluency training drills built-in. This training has been custom designed to work on improving your eye tracking skills and speed up your visual processing skills.
Download Free Reading Drill
Download the first drill of our custom-designed reading fluency training. The first sets of words have extra space between the letters, highlighting or emphasizing the letter or letter combination being studied. In our program, the drills are organized according to phonic rules and letter combinations that are used in reading. Each drill builds upon prior drills, providing continual review and mastery of all concepts.
› Download the Free Reading Drill
Download Free Reading Drill
Research Supports Reading Fluency
Students who read slowly typically have difficulty sounding out words, focusing, and attending to reading content. As a result, both their comprehension and writing skills are impacted.
Multiple studies by Palmer, Bashir, and Hook found a strong positive correlation between reading fluency, reading comprehension, and writing skills.
If a reader does not recognize words quickly enough, the meaning will be lost.
Reid Lyon, Ph.D., stated in 1997, “While the ability to read words accurately is a necessary skill in learning to read, the speed at which this is done becomes a critical factor in ensuring that children understand what they read. As one child recently remarked, ‘If you don’t ride a bike fast enough, you fall off.’ Likewise, if the reader does not recognize words quickly enough, the meaning will be lost… If the reading of the words on the page is slow and labored, the reader simply cannot remember what he or she has read, much less relate the ideas they have read about to their own background knowledge.”
A 2017 study by Taylor, Davis, and Rastle showed that learning to read by sounding out words (phonics) has a dramatic impact on both the accuracy of reading aloud and on comprehension. Researchers tested whether learning to read by sounding out words is more effective than focusing on whole-word meanings. Their results suggest that early literacy should focus on phonics (letters-to-sounds) rather than on teaching sight-word strategies (whole language approach).
What is your child’s reading level?
Select a grade level to learn more about each individualized program:
Read speed test. Online simulator for developing reading speed and awareness skills in 2021!
Reading speed is an important indicator not only for schoolchildren, who regularly check it. It is very important for an adult in the modern world to be able to navigate in huge flows of information. A reading speed test will help you determine your current level and see if you need to work on improving this skill or if you are reading fluently enough.
1. How to check reading speed?
2. How can I check my reading speed myself?
3. How to test a child's reading speed?
4. What reading speed is considered normal for adults and children?
5. How to choose the right text to test reading speed?
6. The book "Everything you wanted to know about speed reading, but were afraid to ask"
How to check reading speed?
The easiest way is to take a stopwatch (you can use the application on your phone), a text to check your reading speed and read it at a normal pace for one minute. It is important that the text is non-technical, does not contain highly specialized terms and concepts, and is not familiar to the reader. The text should not be too primitive. The testee must see the text for the first time so that the results are not artificially inflated.
But what do you care about speed, if you don't understand with what awareness you absorb the text? :)
A much better way to find out your reading speed is to take a free online test. To do this, sit back, enter your name in the form above, press the button and you will immediately see the text that you need to read, slowly, trying to understand everything that is written.
When the entire text is read - click on the button at the very bottom. The program will automatically determine the reading speed and prompt you to answer a few questions to understand the degree of assimilation of the material. As a result of testing, you will receive not only the result of your reading speed and awareness, but also recommendations for improving your reading technique in the format of the book "Everything you wanted to know about speed reading, but were afraid to ask." Enter a name. Click the button and find out your real reading speed. Have a good day.
How can I test my reading speed myself?
We have prepared for you a tool with which you can independently check the speed of reading. Our tool include a certain amount of text that you need to read as quickly as possible. You will then have the opportunity to answer a series of questions about the text, allowing the program to determine your level of understanding. Based on the data received, a result and a certificate are issued. This certificate can be shared with your friends on social networks and challenge them to a battle to test the speed and awareness of reading :).
If you want to do it yourself, you can do it according to the following scenario. A text of medium complexity is taken, located on one sheet. You will need an assistant who will keep track of the time and will be able to test the level of your understanding of the information. Check algorithm:
Simultaneously with the start command and the start of the stopwatch, you begin to silently read the text.
When the text is finished, you say stop - time stops.
Then you need to answer a few questions regarding the content (reading speed implies a full reading comprehension).
The last step is to count the words in the text and determine the average number of words per minute (words in the text can be counted before reading).
This is the certificate you can get based on the results of passing the test
How to check the reading speed of a child?
A child's reading speed can be tested in a similar way. The child should read aloud, at least in elementary school. Then you can switch to the usual way of checking for adults.
Schools often test reading skills by counting the number of words read per minute. This gives a small error, since words come in different sizes, but a similar verification method can also be used.
What reading speed is considered normal for adults and children?
The average reading speed for an adult is 200-230 words per minute. Below average, but an acceptable rate is 150-200 words per minute. Adults who read more than 230 words per minute are considered fast readers. For the speed reading technique, the optimal speed is 350-400 words per minute.
In children, the indicators are dynamic and change depending on age. Approximate norms used in elementary school:
20-30 words per minute for first grade;
45-60 words per minute for second grade;
70-85 words per minute for third grade;
90-125 words per minute for fourth grade.
How to choose the right text to test reading speed?
The criteria for selecting text to test reading speed are identical for adults and children. The only difference is the volume and complexity of the information. The text must match the following parameters:
medium difficulty appropriate for age;
the absence of specific unfamiliar words or their minimum number;
no dialogs;
location on one page;
large, comfortable to read font;
lack of pictures and other distracting elements.
In our tool for testing reading speed and comprehension, we tried to take into account all these factors so that the resulting tool would be convenient for both adults and children. At the same time, he gave a fairly clear answer to the question about the real reading speed.
It should be remembered that reading speed is a variable parameter, which decreases if a person rarely sits down at a book, and increases with constant reading. There are many special techniques aimed at significantly increasing the speed of reading text information.
Everything you wanted to know about speed reading but were afraid to ask test. So don't waste a second,
go back to the very top of the page and go take the test!Reading speed test online is simple, convenient and fast
We have already written so much here about how to correctly measure your reading speed, achieve awareness and interpret the results, that every second of delay before you pass the online reading speed test and receive a personal certificate is just like death. Return to the very beginning of the page, enter your name in the field under the video and go to the enchanting world of unfamiliar texts and tricky questions :).
📖 Reading speed Q&A section
📕 What formula is used to calculate reading speed?
If it’s very short, then the formula for calculating the reading speed is as follows: V = (Q / T) x K. This formula allows you to get a real figure for reading speed with a correlation to the coefficient of meaningfulness. You can read more about the formula here in this article .
📗 What books do you recommend reading to develop speed reading?
We have compiled a list of the most useful books for the development of speed reading and posted it in a separate post on the blog. The list is constantly updated and gives an idea of the main books with which you can develop speed reading skills.
📘 What if I want to increase my reading speed?
You can start by learning the theory, or you can download our workbooks , which we have created especially for those who who wants to start learning speed reading. There are two of them: one notebook for adults, the second for children. Contains some theory and practical exercises designed for several weeks of regular classes.
📙 How to check a child's reading speed?
The reading speed test, which is located on our website, is suitable for both adults, as well as for children. We specifically tried to choose mostly literary texts that will be easy to read. to understand the child. Just go to the reading speed test page from the link above, enter child's name and start reading. Then the program will do everything for you.
📔 I want to check my reading speed online for free. How to do it?
Easier nowhere. The tool, which is located at https://bukva.info/rapid/ , was created just for this. You just enter your name, read the text and answer the questions. The program monitors the speed of your reading and its meaningfulness. After answering the questions, you will receive a certificate with your result. The certificate can be shared with friends in social networks :).
📓 What is the "Read Fast" project?
Read Fast is a project dedicated to the problem of fast and conscious reading. We believe that you can read 3-4 times faster. However, the quality of memory reading material will only increase. Let's try together :).
Test control when teaching to read in a foreign language
In the age of the scientific and technological revolution, when the volume of knowledge necessary for a person increases sharply and rapidly, it is no longer possible to place the main bet on the assimilation of a certain amount of facts. It is important to instill the ability to independently replenish their knowledge, to navigate the rapid flow of scientific information. At the same time, a special role is given to reading - the most important source of enrichment of the individual with ever new and diverse information.[2]
At the same time, attention is being paid to reading in a foreign language as a type of speech activity, the purpose of which is understanding. It is the onset of the act of understanding that gives the reading a complete character. In the process of learning to read in a foreign language at various stages of the formation of this type of speech activity, control by the teacher helps to form the ability to self-control. Control is the same element of educational reading as self-control of natural reading, it makes it possible to reveal understanding, objectify it, bringing it to the external plane. This implies the importance of control, its content and organizational forms for teaching reading. [1]
This problem is particularly acute in relation to mass general education schools. As numerous checks show, high school students still read at low standards and with insufficient depth of understanding. In order to bring every student of a mass school to the ability to read in a foreign language in accordance with the requirements of the program, it is necessary to rationalize various ways to control comprehension, develop and implement the most economical and effective of them. [5]
It seems that the test methods are most suitable for the conditions of general education schools. Properties of tests - to organically enter into controlled activities - already proven both at the university and at school; both in our country and abroad.[3]
Recently, many works have appeared in which tests are applied to reading. In the study of I.A. Rappoport, addressed to the secondary school, tests are used to take into account the performance of schoolchildren in general; this study also covers reading testing, mainly reading techniques. Thus, the problem of reading comprehension based on test methodology in secondary school has not been specifically investigated.
Systematic testing stimulates the activity and attention of students in the classroom, increases their responsibility in completing educational tasks.
The test results are analyzed by the teacher and serve for him, on the one hand, as an indicator of the level of knowledge of students, and on the other hand, as a self-assessment of the work of the teacher himself, which allows him to make the necessary adjustments to the learning process and thereby prevent the repetition of schoolchildren's mistakes.
Those students who did not cope with the control task, after analyzing and correcting errors, are given the opportunity to get a higher mark by completing another version of the test task. The exclusion of an unsatisfactory grade, as experience has shown, turned out to be an additional motive for students in mastering a foreign language, the implementation in pedagogical practice of Janusz Korczak's mandate addressed to the teacher: "Respect children's ignorance. "
It should be noted that different researchers working in the field of sociology, psychology, didactics, private methods do not always put identical content into the term test, since there is still no definition acceptable to everyone. Often, regardless of the purpose of the tests, most teachers use them as controls, on the basis of which they set marks (both current and final), but, obviously, not any test used for this is valid for this interpretation of its results. Along the way, let's ask the question: "Do you need a test at all just to put a mark on a student?"
An experienced teacher working with a student can evaluate his achievements without any test. A test is required for scoring only when an objective, standardized assessment (certification of student achievement) is needed.[6]
In conclusion, I would like to note that it is test methods of teaching that provide an opportunity to learn a foreign language faster and with greater efficiency and productivity, however, we have to admit that the problems of monitoring speech skills have not been developed enough: a number of theoretical issues have not been considered, the specifics of testing are poorly disclosed.