Homer you love me
homer simpson dance if you love me
For You
samantha parmenter
not gonna lie, he kinda popped off though 😂 #bestievibesonly #homersimpsonchallenge #homersimpson #fyp #foryou
214 Likes, 14 Comments. TikTok video from samantha parmenter (@samantha.parmenter): "not gonna lie, he kinda popped off though 😂 #bestievibesonly #homersimpsonchallenge #homersimpson #fyp #foryou". told my bf to send me a video doing this dance if he loves me lmao . get yo ratchet right.
get yo ratchet right - ㅤ ㅤㅤ
Lacey Nicole Horne
#ifyourboyfriendlovesyou #homarsimpson #simpsonsdancechallenge
696 Likes, 39 Comments. TikTok video from Lacey Nicole Horne (@laceyyy724): "#ifyourboyfriendlovesyou #homarsimpson #simpsonsdancechallenge". If your boyfriend loves you he will do this dance. original sound.
original sound - 💖
Holly Marie Wagers
I Love Him So Good! 😂😂😂 #homersimpson #homersimpsonchallenge #homersimpsondance #husband #fencersoftiktok #fencer #ifyouloveme
144 Likes, 5 Comments. TikTok video from Holly Marie Wagers (@meetthewagers): "I Love Him So Good! 😂😂😂 #homersimpson #homersimpsonchallenge #homersimpsondance #husband #fencersoftiktok #fencer #ifyouloveme". Send this to your husband and tell him if he loves you he will send you a video of him doing this while at work. get yo ratchet right.
get yo ratchet right - ㅤ ㅤㅤ
Chemy Martinez
He does love me 🤣❤️#homersimpson #fyp #boyfriend #fyp @thomasjzamora
TikTok video from Chemy Martinez (@_chemymartinez): "He does love me 🤣❤️#homersimpson #fyp #boyfriend #fyp @thomasjzamora". Told my bf to send me a video of doing this dance if he really loves me . Get Yo Ratchet Right.
Get Yo Ratchet Right - Compton Ro2co & EZ
He loves me😂😍 #homersimpsondance #boyfriend #movethosehips
TikTok video from Nikkii (@nikkiixbby): "He loves me😂😍 #homersimpsondance #boyfriend #movethosehips". They say if your boyfriend really loves you he’ll do this dance at work. original sound.
original sound - user3191879284845
LMFAOOO SHE LOVE ME! 🥺😂 #fyp #homersimpsonchallenge #lgtbqtiktok
1.8K Likes, 26 Comments. TikTok video from DESIRE🦋 (@desireepulles): "LMFAOOO SHE LOVE ME! 🥺😂 #fyp #homersimpsonchallenge #lgtbqtiktok". Told my gf to send me a video of her doing this dance if she loved me😭😂 . get yo ratchet right.
get yo ratchet right - ㅤ ㅤㅤ
she loves me 😌 #dance #love #homer #simpson
TikTok video from YourLocalEBoy (@youreboy): "she loves me 😌 #dance #love #homer #simpson". if your gf loves you she’ll send you a video of her doing this dance. get yo ratchet right.
get yo ratchet right - ㅤ ㅤㅤ
#fyp #fyppppppppppppppppppppppp #homersimpson #viral
TikTok video from Brayden (@braydenbburrow): "#fyp #fyppppppppppppppppppppppp #homersimpson #viral". If he loves you he’ll send you this dance. original sound.
original sound - Drxp.x.editzs
#greenscreenvideo #homersimpson #MyPlayoffPicks #fypシ #cashapp13plus #manifestation #foryou #foryoupage #foryourpage #dance #relationshipgoals
6.4K Likes, 346 Comments. TikTok video from ⱧØ₦ɆɎ🍯 (@aspen.kayy): "#greenscreenvideo #homersimpson #MyPlayoffPicks #fypシ #cashapp13plus #manifestation #foryou #foryoupage #foryourpage #dance #relationshipgoals". if your significant other loves you they will send you a video of them doing this dance💀. get yo ratchet right.
get yo ratchet right - ㅤ ㅤㅤ
I can’t believe he did it 😂 #ilovehim ❤️#helovesme❤️ #fypシ #teamhunter #homersimpsondancechallenge
TikTok video from Brenda (@bb_hunter): "I can’t believe he did it 😂 #ilovehim ❤️#helovesme❤️ #fypシ #teamhunter #homersimpsondancechallenge". He really loves me ❤️. Dream Girl.
Dream Girl - Ir Sais
The Simpsons Anniversary Card Funny Homer and Marge Simpson
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60 Life Lessons from Homer Simpson
October 17, 2021Inspiration
Witty quotes about self-development, career achievements, family values, love and more.
0Homer Simpson is already 65 years old, according to the driver's license, which got into the frame in one of the episodes. It's time to share worldly wisdom.
About self-development
A scene from The Simpsons- Kids, you tried your best and still failed. Conclusion: never try.
- Son, if you really want to achieve something in life, you have to work hard at it. And now it's quiet: the winning lottery numbers will be announced now.
- All my life I have had one dream: to achieve all my goals.
- If it's hard to do something, don't do it.
- If you don't succeed the first time, give up.
- Trying is the first step to failure.
- No matter how good you are at something, there will always be a million people who do it even better.
- Beer is the cause and solution of all life's problems.
- Books are useless! I've only read one, To Kill a Mockingbird, and I never got any idea of how to kill mockingbirds. Of course, she taught me not to judge a person by the color of his skin, but what good did she give me?
- Son, this is the only time I will say this. Losing is not good.
- It's not easy to be torn between a pregnant wife and a restless child, but I still carve out my eight hours of watching TV.
- The only way to make everyone think good of you is to make everyone think bad of themselves. I'm tired of giving everyone the pleasure to think well of myself.
About career achievements
A scene from The Simpsons- There are three phrases that you should carry with you through life. First: "Cover me.
" Second: "Oh, great idea, boss!" Third: "When I came, it was already like that."
- If something goes wrong at work, blame the guy who doesn't speak English.
- I think Smithers hired me for my ability to motivate others. Now that I'm around, everyone says they need to work twice as hard.
- Kill the boss?! Will my hand rise to fulfill the American dream?
- You don't like your job, but you don't go on strike. You go to work every day and do it somehow. This is the American way.
- Fell asleep at a meeting? I didn't sleep, I was drunk.
- Work is work. Take, for example, me. If my factory pollutes the water and poisons the city, by your logic I must be a criminal.
- Marge: “Homer, they called from the factory. They say if you don't come tomorrow, you don't have to show up on Monday." Homer: "Yo-hoo! Four days off!”
- You can work multiple jobs at the same time and still be lazy.
- Give a man a fish and he will eat all day.
Teach a man to fish, and he will certainly catch a hook on the eyelid or something like that.
About family values
A scene from The Simpsons- Marge, two people are involved in a lie. One to lie and one to listen.
- Son, in sports it's not about winning or losing. The main thing is to get drunk.
- Space aliens! Please don't eat me! I have a wife and children. Eat them!
- Old people don't need company. They need to be isolated and studied to find out if they contain any substances useful to us.
- Bart, with $10,000 we'd be millionaires! We could buy anything, like... love!
- Marge, don't disturb the boy! It is important to learn how to avoid obligations. This is what distinguishes us from animals.
- So, it's already one in the morning. It's better to go home and spend some time with the kids.
- Schoolyard code, Marge! Rules that make a man out of a boy. Let's see... Don't gossip. Always make fun of those who are different from you.
Never say anything until you're sure everyone else thinks the same as you. What else?..
- Just because I'm not worried doesn't mean I don't understand.
- Dad, you have done a lot of good things in life, but you are very old and old people are useless.
- I see the smiles of my children. And I understand that they started something bad.
- My mother once said one thing that haunts me. She said, "Homer, you're a big disappointment." She meant something.
- My father never believed in me. I will not repeat his mistakes: from today I will be softer with my son. And tougher with my father.
- Dad wanted to say that the family is the coffin, and the children are the nails in its lid.
About love
Still from The Simpsons- You know, boys, a nuclear reactor is like a woman. You just need to read the instructions and press the right button in time.
- Son, women are like beer. They smell good, they look good, and you're willing to step over your own mother to get them.
But don't stop at one.
- When it comes to compliments, women become irrepressible blood-sucking monsters and demand more, more and more. But if their desire is satisfied, the payment will be sweet.
- If a woman says that everything is is so , so everything is wrong . And if she says that everything is wrong , then is generally wrong .
- I won't go to bed with a woman who thinks I'm lazy. Let him make a sofa in the living room. I want to sleep.
- Marge, I don't want to scare you, but I think I love you...
About money
A scene from The Simpsons- Oh no! What have I done! I broke my little boy's piggy bank! And for what? Just a few miserable cents, not even enough for one beer. Wait a minute, let me count and make sure… not even close.
- All is well, don't panic. If anything, I'll make money by selling one of my kidneys. Both are useless to me.
- A fool and money part quickly.
I would pay a lot to someone who would explain this pattern to me.
About philosophy, religion and education
A scene from The Simpsons- I'm not a bad guy! I work hard, I love my children. So why should I spend half my Sunday listening to how I'm going to hell?
- What is the point of leaving the house? We still come back every time.
- A stupid risk gives meaning to life.
- Of course, everything will look bad if you remember this.
- I can't believe it! Reading and writing actually brings results.
- And when will I finally understand this? The solution to all life's problems is not at the bottom of the bottle, but on TV!
- How can education make me feel smarter? Every time I remember something, it takes up space, pushing something old out of my brain. Like the time I took a wine class and then forgot how to drive.
- People can come up with any statistic to prove anything. 14% of people know this.
- Facts are absolutely meaningless. You can use facts to prove any fiction.
The important things in life
A scene from The Simpsons- Being popular is the most important thing in the world.
- Beer... My only weakness. My Achilles heel, if you will.
- You can't constantly blame yourself for something. Blame yourself once and move on with your life.
- To be loved, you have to be nice to everyone every day. To hate, you don’t have to strain at all.
- From now on, I will look forward to everything. My God! Tomorrow there will be a special promotion: two piano benches for the price of one! Oh-oh-oh, maybe tomorrow!
- Do I need to do anything for this?
Read also 🧐
- What would the Simpsons look like if they were drawn by Soviet cartoonists
- The style and humor of Matt Groening, author of The Simpsons and Futurama
- 10 frighteningly accurate prophecies from The Simpsons
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Homer the beggar - Durov. The full text of the poem is Homer the Beggar
“Sweetly captivating land, irrigated by the wave of Hermes,
City, raising buildings on golden hills, a favorite of
Proud Juno, where everything breathes mystery and antiquity -
Kuma - I welcome you! Within your limits three times
I had a sweet dream (and dreams are given to us from the gods).
It is true, the mighty Zeus himself, guiding the wanderers from above,
deigned us to see the walls of the sacred city.
This is the twelfth time the sun rises and goes out,
I, alone with a child, without protection and true shelter,
Wandered and wandered in the wooded wilds, but along the seashore.
Our food was the fruit rejected by the beast,
Silt and rotten grass, carried away by a bitter wave.
Gods! Can it be that the child, my only companion in misfortune,
Will perish in my eyes, calling in vain for help?
Am I myself, finally, like a boat without a rudder and sail,
Will I wander all my life, running from rock to rock?
No! We have come to the hearth where wealth and valor
They beckon involuntarily to themselves. In the name of the laurel branch,
Shaky in our hand, open the doors for us!.. for this
My young companion will pluck flowers for you from the neighboring valley
And, braiding them into wreaths, will crown your brow with them…”
Thus spoke the dejected by fate and time an old man,
With a look extinguished long ago from sorrows and endless tears -
This was the old man-Homer! .. And the chambers to which he came,
Lucus was a dwelling {not a dwelling, but a great miracle):
The Dorian Order shone, but how as if arguing with the Corinthian,
Marble whiter than snow, cut into straight columns;
One hundred ravishing virgins, lively, voluptuous Indians,
From early to late dawn, rich dishes are offered here,
Wine from the bunches of Naxos and Cypriots is poured into amphorae.
The orgy is always in full swing, and the tired host with his guests
Here falls asleep to the sound of Phrygian flutes and tympanums.
The elder entered the threshold. And in the name of gray hairs and misfortunes,
In the name of the virgin Lars, the patroness of our shelter,
He asks for shelter for himself and his companion. Lucus harsh
Met him angrily. But Homer, keeping the custom,
kissing his dress, says to him: “Happy mortal,
Equal in happiness to the gods! Chance brought us together (and you know,
Beggar is the messenger of heaven!). Shelter us amicably and peacefully:
Request is the beloved daughter of the owner of the sky, Zeus; -
Bowing your ears to her, share a meal with the wanderer;
I will pay you everything: not in gold, but with this lyre.
You know, I visited the banks of the fruitful Nile,
Wandered in distant lands, crossed all the seas, oceans,
Everywhere I amazed people - and for my songs I received
Golden rams and tripods. Do you believe, often,
Listening to my songs, Meonia doubted in her soul,
Whether I sang them or the god Apollo, the patron of art;
I once sang to the gods, but now I will sing for you.
Oh, let my song fly to heaven! May
Zeus the Thunderer hear me... and reward you a hundredfold in life!
Let ambergris and fragrant nard be at your feast
Pour their sweet smell. May the pleasures forever
They live in your house, speeding up the flying time;
Let the harvested bread, from your fields, tire
Strong and strong oxen; Yes, widely noisy willows,
Growing together in your gardens from day to day, not so many
Flexible branches will be brought for weaving braids, (as much as necessary)
To the collection of amber clusters in your garden. I will,
With each new spring, fly to you like a light bird;
Arches of the rich chambers to be announced with a sweet-sounding song.
Compose ringing hymns in honor of the gods and goddesses of the household.
“Wanderer,” he answers, “I don’t need songs like that;
Sing them to others, not to me. (To God Pluto, perhaps
They will be after their heart!) But they are hateful to me:
The sight of misfortune alone makes me uneasy,
Poison pours around. - And the old man, with his soul,
Squeezed by caustic longing, raises his extinct eyes
To the sky, which he has not seen for a long time, for a long time ...
His young companion, faithful in misfortune as before,
Takes Homer's hand and leads him to the seashore,
Where he sits - and, behold, the last song is sweet
Blows from his mouth, combined in accordance with the distant
Splash of running waves, on the golden sand of the coast.
"O my dear home! O grace-filled walls of Meles,
Where is Kritenea, like a truly kind mother, with warmth,
Childhood kept me, and Zeus allowed me to see
Faces of noble features and azure-beautiful sky.
Gold Silk Fields! Oak forests full of mysteries!
Send your goddesses, so that they will convey this mournful song,
Echo by mouth, to convey to the borders of the fatherland.
To you, O daughters of heaven, gracious muses, for the sounds,
Who gave me laurel in recompense (an insignificant alms in life!),
Now I send my greetings, but the last farewell!
No more will I sing either goddesses, or gods, or heroes;
Neilion loopholes, constrained by the Greek army;
Nor Andromache in tears, Hector's tender wife;
Neither Achilles' revenge; nor the son of Laertes, who
To the distant shores was carried by a stormy wave.