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Winter wheat Homer. Characteristics, description of the variety, zoning, stability. Elite wheat seeds Homer from the manufacturer AgroMir-Seeds
Originator of the hybrid: National Grain Center named after P.P. Lukyanenko (Krasnodar)
8: 00-17: 00-17: 00
working hours of Mon-PT
- 7777777777 Homer
Wheat variety Homer - mid-late, high-yielding, semi-dwarf with a growing season of 212-298 days. The variety is resistant to lodging, overstay and shedding. The heading and ripening period is 2-4 days earlier than that of the Grom variety. Recommended for cultivation in the Rostov region in the South and Azov zones, the Belgorod region, the South Piedmont and North zones of the Krasnodar Territory, the Central and Eastern zones of the Stavropol Territory, the Karachay-Cherkess Republic and Adygea.
Characteristics of wheat "Homer"
- Growing regions: Central Black Earth and North Caucasian regions of Russia
- Maturity group: mid-late wheat variety
- Ear productivity: average
- Weight of 1000 seeds: 37-46 gr.
- Flour-grinding and baking qualities: high. Included in the register of "strong varieties". On a high agricultural background, the indicators were: protein - 14.6%, gluten - 27.1%
- Sowing time: Best for zone
- Variety originator: KNIISKh im. P.P. Lukyanenko (Krasnodar)
- Producer of seeds: AgroMir-Seeds (Krasnodar Territory)
Properties of wheat "Homer"
- Plant height: 68-90 cm (semi-dwarf wheat variety)
- Yield: high. Yield potential from 1 ha - up to 126.
9 centners.
- Frost resistance: increased. Frost resistance close to the standard of Grom
- Drought resistance: high
- Agricultural background level: high agricultural background
- Seeding rate: per 1 ha 4-5 million seeds
Disease resistance of Gomer wheat
- Leaf rust: resistance
- Yellow rust: resistance
- Septoria and leaf spots: susceptibility
- Powdery mildew: resistant
- Head blight: susceptibility
- Bunt: Susceptibility
- Viruses: medium resistant
Precursors for "Homer" wheat
"Homer" wheat can be sown according to the predecessors: after a busy fallow, after sunflowers, after cereals. Avoid sowing after corn.
Our offers
- Corn hybrid seeds
- Winter wheat seeds
- Sunflower seed SPK
- Seed dressing
- Agricultural services
HOMER • Big Russian Encyclopedia
HOMER (Ὅμηρος), legendary ancient Greek. poet. Since antiquity, he was considered the creator of the first two epic. poems of Europe - "Iliad" and "Odyssey". In addition, he was credited with the authorship of the so-called. Homeric hymns and a number of other works, including comic. poems "The War of Mice and Frogs" and "Margit". All testimonies about G. are vague: many cities claimed the right to be considered his homeland; the language in which poems are written is an art. mixing diff. dialect forms and does not make it possible to associate their occurrence with a specific region of Greece. The late antique biographies of G. (“On the Life and Poetry of Homer” by Pseudo-Plutarch, 2–3 centuries AD, and others) contain either completely fictitious information or traditional. mythopoetic. ideas about the great singer, partly gleaned from the Homeric poems themselves. As befits a sage-seer, G. appeared to be blind; accordingly (as “blind man”) his name itself was interpreted (by the historian Efor, 4th century BC, and others), the first mention of which is found in the lyric.
the singer Callinus (7th century BC). G. is similar in this to the singer Demodocus depicted in the Odyssey and at the same time corresponds to the “self-portrait” of the “blind old man from Chios” from the Homeric hymn “To Apollo” (whose authorship was also attributed in antiquity to the poet Cynephus, 6th century BC. ). Dr. a variant of the etymology of the name G. is “hostage”, allegedly because G. himself or his father were in captivity in the East. According to various sources, the Muses and Apollo, as well as the son of Odysseus Telemak, appeared as G.'s parents; it was believed that initially G. had a different name (Meles, Melisegen, etc.), and G. proper began to be called later. Associating the name with poetic. activities of G., modern. scholars interpret him as a "composer [of songs]", simply "narrator, singer" (G. Nagy) or as "[singer] in the assembly" (M. Durante, M. West).
"The Apotheosis of Homer". Fragment of the relief of Archelaus from Priene (2nd century BC). British Museum (London).
In antiquity, G., together with Hesiod, acted as the first sage poets, teachers of the Greeks; there were constant disputes about which of them lived earlier; they themselves became poetic characters. "The dispute between Homer and Hesiod" (4th century BC). G. considered their progenitor rhapsodes - performers of epic. poems, calling themselves the sons of G. ("Gomerids"). Like other archaic. poets (Archilochus and the same Hesiod), G. became an object of worship: temples in his honor (the so-called homereions) existed on Chios, in Smyrna, and others. In Alexandria, King Ptolemy IV Philopator erected a sanctuary for him. For the ancient perception of G., the famous Hellenistic is highly characteristic. the relief of Archelaus from Priene “The Apotheosis of Homer” (2nd century BC): G. is iconographically likened to Zeus surrounded by the muses and Apollo, allegorical artists pay their tribute to him. figures of History, Poetry, Tragedy and Comedy, symbolizing all ancient literature, and a wreath of Time (Chronos) and Peace (Ecumene) is placed on his head - some scientists see in them the images of Ptolemy IV Philopator himself and his wife Arsinoe.
In modern times, the historicity of the figure of G. began to cause more and more doubts in the context of disputes around the Homeric question. Proponents of the idea of the author's creation of Homeric poems usually attribute his life to the 8th-7th centuries. BC e.; at the same time, it is even possible to trace their “relative dating”: it is believed that the Odyssey was created by the already aged and wise G. Adherents of the oral theory of the origin of other Greek. the epic is more likely to be considered G. mythopoetic. the personification of tradition, similar to the legendary Ind. the poets Vyasa and Valmiki, who, according to legend, created the Mahabharata and the Ramayana. Nevertheless, even with this approach, sometimes there is a noticeable tendency to preserve the individuality of G.: researchers consider him either the most prominent in the centuries-old chain of oral epic performers, or one of the last in this series, from whose words the poems were recorded for the first time.