Homework for 5 year olds
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Search Printable Kindergarten Worksheets
Options abound with our kindergarten worksheets, which establish the foundation for developmental math, writing, and reading skills through activities that range from simple addition and sight words to vowel sounds and consonant blends. With neat themes like circus math and color by number butterflies and dinosaurs, our kindergarten worksheets are as entertaining as they are educational, meaning your little learner will be begging you to do extra work when she gets home from school.
Make the Transition to Kindergarten Easier with Our Printable Kindergarten Worksheets
Kindergarten is where most kids are first exposed to a structured academic environment where a certain level of focus is expected. For some, the transition is smooth. For others, it can be challenging, and those challenges sometimes result in classroom struggles that slow the learning process. Thankfully, we offer a vast supply of free kindergarten worksheets that parents and teachers can use to provide young pupils with some much-needed academic support — and increased confidence.
When using these printable kindergarten worksheets at home, parents should consider setting up a designated workspace (a desk or table) stocked with all the necessary supplies so the child can focus on the tasks at hand. To minimize frustration, be sure to provide clear instructions for each worksheet, and set time limits for completion. All of these steps will help mimic the classroom experience and get your child more comfortable with the daily rigors of school life. And don’t forgot to supplement the academic kindergarten worksheets with some artistic pages to give the child both a mental and creative break.
Even if your kindergartner is flourishing in the classroom, our printable kindergarten worksheets can accelerate the mastering of various reading, writing, math, and motor skills as they prepare to make the leap to first grade — which will be here before you know it!
Browse Printable Math Worksheets | Education.com
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Search Printable Math Worksheets
Love it or loathe it, math is going to be a part of your child’s life from preschool through his last day of high school — and likely far beyond that.
That’s why we offer hundreds of math worksheets that touch on a wide variety of math concept across all ages and grade levels. Whether you have a little one who is just learning how to count or a teenager who needs a pre-algebra refresher, our math worksheets are here to help.
Math Worksheets You Can Count On
There are few certainties in life, but here’s one of them: At some point, your child will get frustrated with math. Sometimes this frustration lasts only for the duration of a particularly challenging lesson plan. Sometimes it lasts an entire year. And sometimes it never dissipates. Which explains why we developed a vast array of math worksheets that cover every school-age subject through every grade level. It also explains why, to help ease the inevitable frustrations, many of these worksheets incorporate educational games, puzzles, riddles, creative imagery, and fun themes.
So if you have a kindergartner who is struggling with number sequencing, print out a color-by-number math worksheet. Or if you have an eighth-grader who needs a little help with geometry, access our geometry word problem sheets. Whatever the challenges and whatever the topic, math can be made so much easier with a little encouragement and a lot of resources. You take care of the former, and our math worksheets will cover the latter.
How to do homework with a child: a step-by-step instruction for parents
In the late 70s of the twentieth century, Alla Pugacheva broke a flurry of applause, going on stage with the "First Grader Song". You probably remember: “For some reason they began to load more and more of us ...” If only she knew what the load on schoolchildren would be 40 years later! KP columnist Alexander Milkus explains how to do homework with a child
Alexander Milkus
You can't sit out knowledge
The story is generally simple. The program, over which the students of the Soviet era pored over, has not changed much. But new knowledge that has appeared over the past decades has begun to be squeezed into it. She swelled up like bread crumbs in water.
As a result, today's teachers need to shove much more knowledge into the heads of students than what their parents were supposed to. It is clear that many do not have time to do this in the classroom. As a result, homework began to grow. nine0004
Recently in Moscow, at the City of Education forum, they showed a graph showing how much time is spent studying natural sciences in different countries - at school and at home. The results of knowledge of subjects by students from these countries were superimposed on multi-colored columns. And here's what turned out: the correlation between how much schoolchildren sit at the table, buried in textbooks, and the learning outcomes are not visible! That is, knowledge cannot be sat. Especially the current generation, accustomed to the rapid change of information. Knowledge can be assimilated - and these are completely different methods. It should be an interesting teacher's story, an exciting program, written tasks with fiction. nine0003
Step-by-step instructions for parents
On Radio Komsomolskaya Pravda (fm.kp.ru) in the Parent Question program, we discussed with listeners and experts how to save a schoolchild from many hours of evening vigils problem book? But so that he does not get a deuce later. There are several options.
1. Distribute homework evenly over the days of the week
Very rarely (in fact, almost never) teachers do not coordinate the amount of homework with each other. Each of them has a task - to pass the subject. Therefore, it often happens - in one day, mathematics, physics, geography fall on the head of an unfortunate schoolchild: several serious examples and several paragraphs for reading ... Parents can calculate the load for the evening by opening the child's electronic diary (if there is no electronic diary yet - paper ). What to do? On freer days, ask the child to do part of the task for the next day. nine0003
Important to know
How to choose a school backpack that will not harm your child's posture
Posture should be protected from an early age. However, textbooks weigh a lot - and the health of the student's spine largely depends on the choice of the right school backpack. KP compiled a list of the best models of school backpacks
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2. Help with homework
There are child psychologists who believe that parents should not help children with homework. Like, let them plow themselves. Yeah, you yourself, having come home from work, relax, buried in a TV or a smartphone...
In general, there will be nothing to worry about if you help your child do some tasks (or even do it for him, explaining what and how you are doing). Especially when you see that the student is sewn up, rubs his eyes and catches a crow over the table.
3. Keep track of the schedule of studies and rest
Have you ever tried to sit for three hours on some kind of work? Hardly. It will definitely come to mind to go out for a smoke or drink coffee. A child in primary and secondary school physiologically cannot work more than 15 - 20 minutes in a row. Therefore, do not be touched when your baby sits at his desk for hours. Most likely, the child does nothing. Or does it so slowly that it would be better not to do it at all. nine0004
It is not necessary to immediately drag your student to some section, to a circle, for additional classes with a tutor after the lessons. And then in the evening to demand homework.
The student needs to switch, to rest. After dinner, it would be nice to take a walk (I know that modern children rarely walk, and in the yards of the company, to play and make a fuss, they gather with great difficulty). Well, at least let him switch, he will roll the fool at home. You can also sit at a computer-smartphone, play, watch cartoons. But to agree that such entertainment will not drag on for two hours - 20 - 30 minutes is enough. nine0004
And be sure to take breaks while doing homework: 15 - 20 minutes of work - 10 - 15 minutes break.
Remember, sitting in elementary school for more than an hour and a half on homework is useless (see "How much time should a child spend on assignments?") .
Picture: Katerina MARTINOVICH
It's interesting
Student workload
Many parents would agree that the workload for schoolchildren can be prohibitive. "Komsomolskaya Pravda" studied the sanitary standards and offers to check your child
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Exercises to relax the child
- says Alena Minina, an expert at the Center for the Development of Intellect. - If right-handed - left, if left-handed - right. We have the right half of the brain responsible for the left hand and vice versa. Thus, a switch occurs: that half of the brain that was involved in doing homework is unloaded. And the child relaxes. What at this time he will write and draw does not matter. nine0004
Another option is to juggle with your fingers with a pen or pencil, passing it all over your hand - this is how craftsmen roll a coin. Fine motor skills are activated, the brain is resting.
How much time should a child spend on tasks?
From the sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of training in educational institutions (2013 edition):
“Item 10.30. The volume of homework (for all subjects) should be such that the time spent on its completion does not exceed (in astronomical hours): in grades 2-3 - 1.5 hours, in grades 4-5 - 2 hours, in the 6th - 8th grades - 2. 5 hours, at 9- 11th grade - up to 3.5 hours.
Or maybe no homework at all?
In some countries, almost no homework assignments are given - for example, in Israel (but in primary and secondary schools). There is a legend that in Spain, Italy, Finland, Canada there are no exercises for the evening. This is not true. The volume of tasks can be small - yes. Or they try to do their homework at school after the main lessons. In many countries, children spend a full day in their educational institution - they have lunch, study in circles or sections. Homework consolidates the material covered. And so far, not one of the developed countries has abandoned such a technique - the development of a new topic and its subsequent consolidation. nine0004
Komsomolskaya Pravda recommends
Electronic interactive textbooks
Komsomolskaya Pravda recommends - electronic textbooks from leading Russian publishing houses at attractive prices at shop. kp.ru.
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Comments for the site Cackl e
exercises, games and tasks for the summer for a future first grader
Preparing for school / Assignments
Parents no longer need to review dozens of manuals and children's websites. After all, the team LogicLike has prepared everything you need for an easy start and exciting learning.
Assignments for classes online nine0029
Find the extra
Count the cubes
Logic tasks
nine0002 Logic questionsSay a word
Guess by description
Entertaining account nine0004
patterns in pictures
How much should a future first grader study?
Start with 5-7 tasks a day and gradually build up. nine0004
Looking for ideas for offline classes?
Here is a selection of popular developmental tasks and other activities, examples of entertaining assignments from LogicLike.
- We develop voluntary attention.
- We train short-term and long-term memory. nine0198 We develop logical thinking.
- Performing speech therapy exercises.
- Preparing a hand for writing.
We develop attention
Initially, children do not know how to control their attention. They actively respond to everything new and interesting, but can't focus for long on something that doesn't appeal to them. therefore it can be difficult for a first grader to sit through 45 minutes of a lesson without switching to extraneous matters. Games, tasks and exercises to develop attention from LogicLike. nine0004
Task "Find and circle"
Give the child a short text (this could be an article from a children's magazine or a printed fairy tale) and invite him to cross out a certain letter in each line, for example, “A”. How can complicate the task? Ask the preschooler to cross out "A" and circle "B", or mark "A" only when it is preceded by a consonant. nine0004
Mission "Abracadabra"
On a piece of paper, write down a number of complex non-existent words and offer the child without errors copy them in a notebook:
Attention task and spatial thinking
To decide tasks, click Start classes!
Yura made a building out of cubes (fig. on the right). Irishka hid a few cubes. nine0004
How many cubes does Yura need to restore the building?
Show answer
Exercise "Listen and act" nine0190
Name different words (table, bed, cup, pencil, bear, fork, etc. ) and ask clap your hands when the word for an animal comes up. Increasing the difficulty: now it will be necessary to get up every time you hear the name of the plant. Connect two parts of the exercise. If it's easy, add another action.
Exercise "Show me"
Name the parts of the body and point to them. And the child must repeat the words and show on himself. Then start to confuse him: say "hand" and point to the leg, etc.
We develop memory
Like attention, the memory of a preschooler only passes from involuntary to controlled: he quickly memorizes verses with bright and interesting images, but learns boring texts with difficulty. nine0004
Tasks and exercises for the development of memory will help the future first grader to better absorb any useful new information.
The task "Chain of words: listen and remember"
Out of ten spoken words, an older preschooler (6-7 years old) is able to remember about seven. Let's check how well your child's memory is developed? nine0004
Chain of words to check: bedroom, vase, tiger, oval, square, rhombus, wolf, fish, winter, hare, house, sun, hedgehog, cloud.
Task "Pairs of words"
Read all pairs of words. Then call only the first and wait for the second in response:
autumn - rain; vase - flowers; doll - dress; nine0003 cup - saucer; book - page; water - fish;
machine - wheel; house - window; hours are arrows.
Good to know. Russian psychologist Lev Vygotsky advised teaching a child several techniques that will help him memorize information easier:
- repeat aloud and to himself;
- mentally fix some objects through others, creating associations; nine0003 - to combine objects into groups, highlighting their similarities or differences.
Exercise "Remember and describe"
After a joint walk, remember what interesting things you saw on the street. Perhaps it was a bright sign or a passer-by with a funny dog. Ask the child to describe the object in detail. nine0004
Exercise "Repeat the figure"
Take counting sticks, lay out an intricate figure from them and give the preschooler time to for him to remember. Suggest from memory to depict the same composition of counting sticks.
More ideas - in the material "Games, developing thinking, memory, attention. nine0004
Online games for training memory and attention
You can develop the speed of perception, reaction and visual memory with ease. Suggest to the child try our game "Master Schulte".
We develop thinking
Children with developed thinking more easily absorb new knowledge and come up with how to apply. nine0004
When children complete LogicLike's pre-school assignments, they learn to analyze information, establish relationships between objects, divide them into groups, compare and generalize.
Learn more about the development of logic and thinking in children.
Start with age-appropriate tasks nine0004
- 5-6 years
- 6-7 years
- 1 class
It can be difficult for a preschooler to understand all the variety of tasks and exercises. on one's own. To facilitate the first steps, we recommend completing 5-7 tasks from each category together with child. nine0004
"What, why and why?"
Reflect together on the following questions:
In the morning we have breakfast, and at noon - . ..?
Why, before the train passes, barriers are lowered along the track?
A small cow is a calf, a baby lamb is...?
Is the dog more like a cat or a chicken? What, what do they have in common? nine0003 Why do all cars have brakes?
Why do you need to put a stamp on a letter?
"Which word is missing?"
In each row you need to find an extra word:
old, decrepit, small, dilapidated;
Brave, evil, courageous, bold; nine0003 Apple, plum, cucumber, pear;
Milk, cottage cheese, sour cream, bread;
Hour, minute, summer, second;
Spoon, plate, bag, pan;
Dress, hat, shirt, sweater;
Soap, toothpaste, broom, shampoo;
Birch, oak, pine, strawberry;
Book, TV, tape recorder, radio. nine0004
The fourth extra task
On the LogicLike platform, you can perform similar and other tasks for the development of thinking in interactive format. Example from our database:
To decide tasks, click Start classes!
See more tasks like "Find an extra word or item". nine0004
Exercise "Who is more?"
Invite the child to name as many words as possible that stand for specific concepts: trees, flowers, modes of transport, sports, etc.
Exercise "Important words"
Name one concept (garden) and add accompanying words to it (plants, gardener, fence, Earth). Ask the child to choose the two most important of them, without which the main subject cannot get by. Ask questions to understand why he chose certain words. Examples of other pairs: shop - seller, milk, counter, money; water park - inflatable circle, slides, water, bathing suit. nine0004
Logic task
Logic problem solving is one of the most effective ways to develop thinking. We create a variety of entertaining tasks that are interesting to solve for children and adults.
To decide tasks, click Start classes!
We develop speech
An older preschooler can easily pronounce sounds, knows how to build complex, but coherent sentences. His vocabulary has increased: if at 3 years old the child knew about 1200 words, then at 6 years old - at three times more. Active communication and solving tasks and exercises for the development of speech will help a preschooler to speak beautifully and fluently. nine0004
"Warm-up for the tongue"
Learn a few tongue twisters together and practice pronouncing them without hesitation:
Marina pickled mushrooms, Marina sorted raspberries;
The hedgehog chewed blackberry jelly in his dwelling;
The cat lapped up the milk, and Vitya dipped the roll into the milk;
Senya carries hay in the canopy, Senya will sleep in the hay; nine0003 Dima gives melons to Dina, Dima gives melons to Dina;
Mom, you don’t look for us, we pinch sorrel on cabbage soup.
Quest "I know everything"
Read the word and ask them to explain its meaning. Example: the word "chair". To which group objects it belongs to (furniture), what it is made of (wood), why it is needed (to sit on German)? nine0262 Words for completing the task: notebook, plane, pencil, table.
Exercise "Tell me what you see"
Take a book with bright plot illustrations, choose an entertaining picture and ask questions about her: who? what is he doing? when? why? why? Suggestive phrases will help to talk: “What do you think?”, “Have you ever met such a thing?” etc. nine0004
Exercise "Journalist"
Offer to play journalist and interview you. Can you imagine being a singer actor, athlete Existing or fictional - it doesn’t matter, the main thing is to ignite interest in child. During this exercise, you will have a good time and learn how to correctly build dialogues.
We develop fine motor skills nine0029
“A child’s mind is at his fingertips,” the Soviet teacher rightly stated. Vasily Sukhomlinsky. Do exercises that simultaneously prepare your hand for writing and stimulate the development of speech and thinking.
Exercise "Our hobbies"
Origami, paper applications, modeling from plasticine, dough or "space" sand, assembly building blocks or puzzles are all great ways to develop fine motor skills.