Beginning reading for kindergarten
21 Kindergarten Books That Will Wow and Inspire Your Little Readers!
Kindergarten books are vitally important for early readers. The building blocks they provide as children learn to read are essential! Check out some of our favorite easy-reader books below.
Kindergarten books are essential for young readers!Watching my oldest son’s development while he was in kindergarten was nothing short of amazing.
He began the year mesmerized by books but not at all able to read them. Yet, by the time June came around, he had his own stack of awesome books for kindergarten readers (all of which he could read fluently,) he knew exactly which stories were “just right” for him in our school library (ok, ok — so I may be his school librarian — but it’s exciting nonetheless!!), and he would stay up way past his bedtime reading with his special book light.
It was incredible. And, of course, it made my book-loving heart so, so happy.
Just as he grew, so did his love of reading. I credit so much of this love not only to great kindergarten read-alouds, but also to getting the perfect books into his hands when he began his reading journey.
What makes a “good” book for kindergartners?When our children begin kindergarten, most of us typically have one thought in mind: my child will read this year! After all, is there anything more synonymous with kindergarten than this singular goal?
Finding the “right” kindergarten books is therefore essential. We want to give them books that will excite them, delight them, make them laugh, and boost their confidence as they begin to tackle a brand-new challenge.
So how do you know if a book is perfect for your beginning reader? What makes a great kindergarten book different from an easy chapter book? Check out these tips!
Large fonts help kindergarten readers comprehend
Believe it or not, larger fonts can make a difference for new readers! Larger fonts have been linked to a boost in decoding skills, in addition to greater fluency and enhanced comprehension.
Larger text in kindergarten books is also much less intimidating to new readers, as pages inherently have more white space and fewer words. It allows children to easily see where their eyes should go next.
Simplicity is key for new readers. Why? The longer the sentence, the more confusion your child will feel. Remember — kindergarten books are for those kids who are just learning to read. That means they have not yet mastered fluency and speed, nor do they understand the nuances of punctuation. And forget about a sentence extending over a page turn — these are the things that do nothing but frustrate our new readers. Thus, short and simple is key!
Repetition helps young readers grasp new conceptsRepetitive books for kindergarteners are like the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. These are the best! This type of story includes both repetitive structures and vocabulary words.
Repetition in early readers allows children to master new words and skills. On their first read-through, a child may stumble and pause frequently as they sound out what they see on the page. Yet, the more frequently they read a passage, sentence or word, the more flow and fluency will improve. The best part? When fluency improves, so does confidence.
Many books for beginning readers and kindergarten books incorporate easy-to-read words. But what are those words? These early readers contain not only sight words, but also words that can be decoded easily using the rules of phonics and “chunking” strategies (ie., breaking words up into smaller components.) Decodable books slowly build a child’s knowledge of phonics, and they are incredibly important for new readers.
Illustrations provide supportive clues to early readersIllustrations in kindergarten books should not just be engaging, but they should also provide supportive, or “context” clues to the reader. This means that a great early reader contains pictures that correspond to the text, support both the plot and mood of the book, and help readers decode unknown vocabulary words.
Our list of kindergarten books will engage your new readers!
As you explore our list of awesome kindergarten books below, keep in mind that books are arranged in a general order. The easier books are at the top of the list, and the more challenging (and longer) reads are at the end.
RELATED: Do you want to check out all of our children’s book lists in one place? This is the link you need!
Frequently Asked Questions
What types of books do kindergarteners read?
Aside from great picture books, decodable books are fantastic for kindergarteners. Additionally, kindergarten books often include large fonts, short sentences, and pictures that provide supportive clues to the readers. Finally, the text typically contains a significant amount of repetition, often containing word families and rhyme.
What if my child is struggling to read in kindergarten?
Don’t worry! Every child is different! Some children may begin sounding out words in pre-kindergarten when they are only four years old. Others learn to read in kindergarten, typically around five or six. Some countries don’t even begin teaching kids to read until they are seven years old! The most important thing you can do is read to your child as frequently as possible. When he or she is ready, they will be sure to let you know. Children become readers at different ages, and that is a-ok!
What is your favorite kindergarten book for new readers?
Two books I have fallen in love with recently are Big Bub, Small Tub and Nat the Cat Takes a Nap (both of which are featured below). They are both fun and funny, and I love the way my little guy laughs as he reads them thanks to the fun plots and adorable illustrations! There are so many wonderful kindergarten books, but these two will forever have a special place in my heart!
RELATED: In addition to the list below, we have more great books for beginning readers and books for 6-year-olds, so make sure to check them out.
Our favorite kindergarten books!
Big Bub, Small Tub
By Alastair Heim and Aaron Blecha
This is a family favorite! Big Bub is dirty, and it’s time for a bath. But when he tries to get himself clean, his small tub is just too little! What’s a monster to do? This one is adorable, and if your kids love books about monsters, this one is sure to be a hit.
Dog Can Hide
By Laura Gehl and Fred Blunt
For children who are just getting started with reading and decoding, this adorable kindergarten book rocks! Cat, Dog and Frog are playing hide and seek. Where will Dog hide? Where will Frog hide? Will Cat be able to find his pals? Simple, effective and so much fun, this is a perfect story for the newest readers.
I Did It!
By Michael Emberly
This darling kindergarten book is such a fun read and a wonderful way to inspire a growth mindset in kids. One little creature is trying hard to ride his bike, but it’s hard! Can he do it? Yes, he can! We adore the illustrations, the message, the easy text, and the graphic novel format.
Stop! Bot!
By James Yang
Winner of the 2020 Geisel Award, this is a darling picture book mystery with simple text and fabulous illustrations that tell much of the story in and of themselves. A young boy stops to show a doorman his new “bot,” but the bot suddenly gets away from him and floats high into the air like a balloon! As the doorman rushes from floor to floor in the building, the people on each floor get zanier and zanier. Will they be able to rescue the bot before it’s too late? Vibrant and engaging, we simply love this one!
Nat the Cat Takes a Nap
By Jarrett Lerner
Nat the Cat is taking a nap! At least, he’s trying to. There’s just one problem. The narrator keeps interrupting him from getting that shut-eye. We absolutely love this kindergarten book. It truly is easy to read, it’s hilarious, and Nat the Cat is such an engaging main character. This is a hit with my kiddo. Any book that gets him reading and laughing is a true winner!
Big Dog and Little Dog
By Dav Pilkey
Did you know the creator of the famous Dog Man and Captain Underpants series also writes beginning books for kids? This collection of five simple stories captures the friendship — and hilarious shenanigans — of Big Dog and Little Dog, both entertaining your children and developing their reading skills at the very same time. This collection was a huge winner in our house when my oldest first made the jump to beginning readers.
The Adventures of Otto: See Pip Flap
By David Milgrim
We absolutely love these books about Otto the Robot and all of his great adventures! The Adventures of Otto stories are perfect kindergarten books for brand-new readers who are beginning to master sight words and decode text all on their own. Several books in this set have won Theodore Seuss Geisel Award Honors for being distinguished books for beginning readers. We can’t rave about this starter set enough!
RELATED: Looking for the great books about starting kindergarten? This list will help your kids get ready for the big day.
What Will Fat Cat Sit On?
By Jan Thomas
In this funny story, Fat Cat is looking for a seat — and all of the animals in this silly story are hoping Fat Cat won’t sit on them! With each animal hoping he is not the victim, they have got to find something else for Fat Cat to sit on. Will a chair suffice? And if so, what will Fat Cat do for lunch? This one is so much fun!
Fox the Tiger
By Corey R. Tabor
Fox desperately wishes he was a tiger. Why? Tigers are sneaky! Fast! Big! This leaves Fox with an important mission- he will turn himself into a tiger by painting himself some stripes! Soon other animals join in the fun— but when it comes right down to it, Fox quickly discovers one very important lesson- the best thing to be is himself. Clever, fun, and with an awesome message to boot, it’s no wonder this great book won the 2019 Geisel Award. For our full review of Fox the Tiger, click here!
The Book Hog
By Greg Pizzoli
If you guessed that the book hog loves books, you guessed correctly! He loves everything about them — from the way they feel to the way they smell. One thing he doesn’t love, though? He can’t read them. Leave it to a special librarian to help him unlock the magic within each story! We love this one, a Geisel Honor from 2020.
Flubby is Not a Good Pet
By J.E. Morris
Flubby is a big, fat cat, but unfortunately, he can’t do what a lot of other pets do. Flubby can’t sing or catch — he can’t even jump! But Flubby needs his owner – and his owner needs him, too. And that’s enough. A sweet book, with repetition, simple text, and pictures that help tell this adorable story. Another 2020 Geisel honor book!
Go, Dog. Go!
By P.D. Eastman
This was one of the first books my son read aloud from start to finish, and there is so much to love about it! From big dogs to little dogs, dogs going in, to dogs going out, fast dogs, red dogs, blue dogs, and more, children for years have adored this silly story that is also a perfect one for beginning readers to share aloud. Read it once, your kids will laugh. Read it twice, and your kids will forever ask everyone “do you like my hat?” The best!
Jack at Bat
By Mac Barnett and Greg Pizzoli
We are loving this new series for beginning readers, with its big pictures, big text, simple prose, and plots that will undoubtedly make your kids laugh as they perfect their new reading skills. Is there anything better than that? In this book, it’s up to Jack to make a winning run during a baseball game, but on the way to the plate, he spots some snacks. Uh oh! Between Jack the rabbit, his funny dog, and a cranky old lady, this series is a delight!
My Kite is Stuck!
By Salina Yoon
In this Geisel Honor early reader series, Big Duck constantly bosses around her little brother, Little Duck. And this means that when Porcupine joins their crew, Big Duck is definitely the leader. This darling book contains stories about making lemonade, new friends, and kite flying. We love this lively and engaging series!
Smell My Foot!
By Cece Bell
If you want someone to smell your foot, no matter whether you think that scent will be good or bad, you better make sure to use your manners and say please!! My big one could not get through this book without laughing hysterically. And when I read it with him for the first time, I too was laughing so hard I could not catch my breath. If you want a book that’s sure to be a hit for new readers, with easy-to-read text, hilarious illustrations, and bucket-loads of fun, this one is a must!
Reina Ramos Works it Out
By Emma Otheguy and Andres Landazabal
Reina Ramos cannot wait – her class is going to have a wax museum day, and each student will get to dress as a famous star! Reina can’t wait to dress up as Frida Kahlo. The artist was a strong woman like Mami and Abuela, and she even has the perfect headband for the part. But then Reina learns her best friend has already picked Friday, so what will Reina do now?! We love Reina’s resilient personality, and we also adore the Hispanic representation in this great story!
Gigi and Ojiji
By Melissa Iwai
Gigi is so excited for her grandfather, Ojiji, to come to visit from Japan. She plans so many things for them to do together, but suddenly, nothing seems to go as planned. Will Gigi be able to connect with Ojiji when his visit isn’t at all what she expected? How will they have fun together when they can barely communicate and Ojiji and Gigi continue to misunderstand one another? We love this intergenerational story about an adorable biracial child learning about her Japanese heritage. It’s a tender story, and the way it celebrates inclusivity and diversity leaves us grinning from ear to ear!
Frog Meets Dog
By Janee Trasler
Poor Dog! All he wants is to play with Frog, Frog, and Frog! But when the frogs hop, Dog simply flops. Dog tries and tries but is unsuccessful until a bear comes along and Dog may just have a way to save the day. Funny, repetitive, and fun, we love this series about friendship!
Don’t Worry, Bee Happy
By Ross Burach
Bumble and Bee cause lots of mischief in the pond, and their cranky best friend Frog isn’t all that happy about giving up his peace and quiet. He won’t smile for pictures! He won’t do a waggle dance! Nonetheless, these guys are best friends despite their very different personalities. This is another great graphic novel and part of Scholastic’s Acorn line which is aimed at children who are learning to read.
Henry and Mudge
By Cynthia Ryland and Susie Stevenson
Meet Henry and Mudge, companions, friends, and forever partners! Henry has no siblings or friends on his street, so he convinces his parents to get him a pup — who grows into a very large dog. These delightful stories are terrific for children moving just beyond beginning readers, as they feature more complex sentences, longer paragraphs, and short chapters. A classic series for newly independent readers looking for easy chapter books!
Frank and Bean
By Jamie Michalak and Bob Kolar
What happens when calm and quiet Frank meets toot-toot-tooting Bean who just loves playing his trumpet? These two total opposites may be in trouble when they end up camping right next to each other. Can two seemingly different characters find a way to be friends? This goofy kindergarten book is perfect for your kids who want a longer story to read where they can practice their skills and laugh at the very same time.
RELATED: Are your kids moving on from beginning readers and looking for easy chapter books? Click the link for our favorite stories!
The Ultimate Guide to Kindergarten: Reading and Writing
On the first day of kindergarten, your child officially becomes a student! It’s an exciting transition as young learners blend the playing and craft-making from preschool with more writing, reading, and math lessons. Kindergarteners get used to routines and learn how to be successful students for years to come.
The expectations for what students should achieve, and specifically whether they should know how to read and write by the end of kindergarten, vary across schools, so talk to your child’s teacher for details regarding the specific curriculum.
By laying the right foundation for your child’s success in kindergarten, you can prime them for accomplishing great academic strides for years to come. Make sure they are prepared for kindergarten and excels throughout the year with this comprehensive guide to success.
Shop kindergarten workbooks, the best series for kindergarten readers, and kindergarten school stories at The Scholastic Store!
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Kindergarten Reading Skills
In kindergarten, children begin to grow as independent readers and become more comfortable with reading, which is now part of their daily life. Students read books, the day’s schedule, class letters, songs, and poems throughout the day.
To build reading skills, your kindergartener:
- Learns all of the letters of the alphabet (upper case and lower case) and their sounds.
- Begins to “read” books themselves, mainly by memorization
- Reads and listens to stories and then talks about the stories, including their plots, characters, and events.
- Follows words from left to right, top to bottom, and page by page.
- Recognizes and can produce rhyming words.
- Recognizes several basic sight words such as I, my, you, is, and are.
- Adds or substitutes individual sounds in simple, one-syllable words to make new words, such as replacing the “C” in “Cat” with an “R” to create the word “Rat.”
Kindergarten Reading Activities
Read and Repeat: Ask your child to “read” their favorite book to you, using their memory, associations, and clues from the pictures.
Alphabet Books: Use drawings or pictures from magazines to create an alphabet book with a letter and an object that begins with that letter on each page.
Fill in the Blank: When you read a favorite picture book to your child and come across a short word that rhymes or is familiar to your child because they know the story, stop and let them say the word. Point to the word as they say it and spell it out.
Kindergarten Writing Skills
In kindergarten, your child begins to truly grow as a writer. Kindergartners start to write words (often using their own creative or invented spellings), and may even write their own mini books and stories about their lives or what they’ve learned.
Don’t worry if they're spelling most words incorrectly: Creative or invented spelling is a crucial part of developing writing skills at this age. Spelling words based on sounds helps your child consider our language’s building blocks and gain a deeper understanding of them. Most of the words your kindergartner will learn to spell correctly are one-syllable words which often follow the pattern of CVC, or CONSONANT, VOWEL, CONSONANT — think “cat,” “big,” or “rug.”
To build writing skills, your kindergartener:
- Writes uppercase and lowercase letters
- Writes their name.
- Writes some letters and words when they are dictated.
- Uses invented or creative spelling to write a variety of words.
- Uses conventional spelling to write some words (CVC and basic sight words).
- Writes, draws, and dictates about a variety of topics, including their opinion and descriptions of objects or moments and events in their life.
Kindergarten Writing Activities
Label Everything: Create labels with your child for different objects in your house, like books, toy bins, foods, kitchen objects, and clothes. You or your child can write the names of the objects, and your child can draw a picture to go along with it.
Play Guessing Games: Draw a picture and have your child guess the spelling of that word, giving them a few letters in the word as a hint. Alternatively, show your child two letters (like this: “_at”) and ask them to make as many words as they can with it.
Create a Photo Album: When you take pictures of events or people, ask your child to label the picture. Glue it to a piece of a paper so they can write a description of the event, what happened, who was there, etc.
Find more expert-approved kindergarten books, tips, and resources at our guide to getting ready for kindergarten, including a list of books to read before kindergarten.
Shop the best resources for kindergarten below! You can find all books and activities at The Scholastic Store.
Explore other grade guides:
- First Grade
- Second Grade
- Third Grade
- Fourth Grade
- Fifth Grade
- Sixth Grade
- Seventh Grade
- Eighth Grade
Development reading techniques. Reading - is a complex psychophysiological process in which visual, speech-motor, speech-auditory analyzers. It is customary to characterize reading skill, naming its four qualities: correctness, fluency, expressiveness and consciousness (semantic component). 3 first components called technical, they characterize the child's reading technique. nine0008 Quality like correctness is defined as fluent reading without distortion affecting meaning readable. It is expressed in the fact that the student avoids, or, on the contrary, allows substitutions, omissions, permutations, additions, distortions, repetitions of letters, syllables and words. Reading fluency is characterized by a certain number of words spoken per minute. The reading pace is direct dependence on the way of reading and, of course, understanding. expressiveness manifested in the ability to reasonably use pauses; do boolean stress; find the right intonation, prompted by punctuation marks; to read quite loud and clear. Offer exercises to develop reading skills: 1. A column of words. Alternately read the words aloud in a column of words, trying in one minute read this column more and more times. 2. Write letters and read them. Sound workout. a-o-u-s-i-e; a-y, a-o, y-i, uh, uh, aouie, aiuoe; s-z-zh, sh-zh-s, zha-cha-shcha, zhba-zhbe. 3. Read tongue twisters, each time increasing the pace. 4. Select from given the text of the word, in which 4-5 syllables, learn how to pronounce them. nine0008 5. Photo eye game. Take a picture (memorize) a few words written by adults and answer to the question, is the word that the adult says in the list or not? 6. Find the desired line in the text (the exercise trains the vertical movement of the eyes across the page). 7. Speed comparison reading known text and unfamiliar. 8. Adult Reading (the exercise develops the speed of pronunciation of words). 9. Find in one minute in the text of the word to any letter. 10. Find a second half word: kos ---- no one's mo ---- ment ko ---- on the forest ---- ta ro ---- wok go ---- sa steam---mos co----torus weight---rod. Organization works: 1. Start a reader's diary, which indicates the author of the work, its title, measurements of technique reading. 2. Check understanding of the read text when measuring the reading technique, using the following options assignments: the child must answer the questions of an adult after reading the text, he make up questions, come up with the title of the read text, formulate main idea, retell the text. nine0008 3. When checking equipment read prepositions and conjunctions as whole words. 4. Do not read daily less than 20-30 minutes, 5 minutes training in reading technique, i.e. read the same text several times, each time noting how many words were read per minute, trying to get closer to the norm. 5. Recommended texts writers: A.S. Pushkin, L. Here are some more useful tips: 1. Not important duration and frequency of training exercises. What is often possible observe in many families? Mom sits down her son, who is ill reads, for a book and says the following: "Read this tale. Until If you read it, don't leave the table." With that low reading technique, which possessed by a first grader, it takes him an hour and a half to read this short fairy tale. This is an hour and a half of very hard work. Mom allows here a very serious pedagogical error, suppressing the child's desire to read. Was it would be much better if home training was carried out in three portions of 5 minutes. A small paragraph the child reads and retells its content, after an hour or two another portion. Another serving before bed. The effectiveness of such training is much higher than training for an hour and a half at a time. nine0008 2. Good results gives reading before bed. 3. If the child is not likes to read, then a gentle reading mode is necessary. Indeed, if the child is not likes to read, this means that he has difficulty reading. Mode sparing reading is such a mode when the child reads one or two lines and after that he will get a short rest. This mode is automatically it turns out if the child looks at filmstrips; two lines under the frame read, looked at the picture — rested. The next frame - again two lines read, looked at the picture again. Can be highly recommended to parents, children read reluctantly, this method of learning. Read in order: a few frames are read by the child, then, when the first signs of fatigue, parents are connected. nine0008 4. Found that the development of reading technique is often hampered due to underdeveloped operational memory. 5. Visual dictations. Six sentences of one of the sets are written on a piece of paper and closed with a sheet paper. Then the sheet is shifted down so that the first sentence is visible, and the child reads to himself for a certain time, trying to remember it offer. The exposure time is usually short: from four to seven seconds. By after this time, the offer is closed and the child is invited to write down him in a notebook. Perhaps someone in the recording process will say: I don’t remember offer. How to be in this case? You have to be very calm. Without irritation, kindly say: Well, write down what you remember, and in try to remember more next time. This is followed by exposure, reading and memorization of the second sentence. After the offer is hidden its also write down in a notebook. For six sentences of one set, usually from five to eight minutes time. In two months there is an opportunity to develop an operational memory, but on one condition. This condition must be observed without fail. 6. Most effective exercises are the following: repeated reading, reading in tongue twister tempo, expressive reading with a transition to an unfamiliar part text. When conducting repeated reading should take into account that the speed of reading in children is different. Therefore, it is carried out in this way. After the start of a new story read by the parent and understood, comprehended by the child, the latter reads the text in for one minute, after which he notes to which word he managed to finish reading. This is followed by a second reading of the same passage of text. Wherein the child again notes to which word he has read, and compares with the results first reading. Naturally, the second time he read a few words more. Increasing the pace of reading causes positive emotions in the baby, he want to read again. Better to change the job and practice the articulatory apparatus on the same passage of the text, i.e. use the following exercise of the Fedorenko-Palchenko system (reading at a pace Tongue Twisters). When reading at the pace of a tongue twister, attention should not be paid to expressiveness reading, it is impossible to set two mutually exclusive tasks at the same time. This exercise is intended only for the development of the articulatory apparatus, therefore, the requirements for the expressiveness of reading are lowered here, but they are increased requirements for the clarity of reading the endings of words. Word endings should not to be swallowed, only to speak clearly. The exercise lasts more than 30 seconds. nine0008 Then the third begins exercise. Invite the child to read the text again, but a little slower, but beautiful and expressive. Do not stop the child, let him read the text before end. 7. Now the last one recommendation - assessment as a stimulus for children. At the end of the reading session Invite your child to self-measure reading speed. Let him read the text for one minute, then notes to which word he has read, recounts read the words and write the result in a kind of diary. Already in a week you can invite the baby to compare the results of a week ago (provided daily reading!). This has a positive effect on the attitude of children to workout. So, the importance of control over the formation of the skill of fluent reading, in my opinion, it is difficult to overestimate. As a result of this work, the difficulty in reading is removed, student fear and insecurity. They develop a love for reading. Materials used in the article - Nikitina M. I. Reading and speech development: Educational and methodological allowance - St. Petersburg: KARO, 2006 - 256 p. - (Series "Correctional Pedagogy"). nine0008 Kostromina S.N. Study for five in reading. How?.-M.:AST, 2008, 224p. Omorokova M.I. Improving the reading of younger students.-M .: ARKTI, 2001, 160s.
The importance of books in the development of preschool children
The importance of books for a child is very great. Books serve to expand the child's understanding of the world, to acquaint him with things, nature, everything that surrounds him. nine0008
It is the parents who read the child's first books and influence the formation of his preferences and reading tastes.
You need to read with your child: take a book, sit down and read. When systematically books are read aloud, then over time the child begins to understand the structure of the work: where the beginning and end of the work, how the plot develops. The child develops logical thinking. Thanks to reading, the child learns to correctly compose sentences, his vocabulary expands, and his imagination develops. In addition, the child develops the ability to listen, and this is a very important quality. nine0008
Experience shows that those children who were read books in childhood, told fairy tales, becoming adults, they read a lot. Reading helps the child to better understand the native language, develops imagination.
It is believed that those children do not like to read, in whose families there was no tradition of reading aloud. It is also bad when a child is forced to read in early childhood, great success is expected of him, this can discourage the child from reading. Do not refuse the child when he asks to listen to how he reads. nine0008
Why read books to children?
Children have a great need for their parents to read aloud to them. For the successful development of the child, family reading is very important, and not only until the child himself can read, but also at a later age. Children look forward to when mom or dad has time for them.
In order for a child to grow up mentally healthy, he needs full communication with his parents, personal communication, when attention is paid to him completely. And reading together makes that possible. nine0008
The first reason to read books is to satisfy the child's need for security
and security. A single space is created, a sense of belonging. Such moments have a strong influence on the formation of a comfortable sense of the world.
The second reason is the feeling of value and significance of one's "I" .
When parents read what is interesting to the child and are ready to discuss with him topics that are significant for him, strive to understand his views as best as possible, the child develops an idea of himself as a significant person whose needs and interests are important (because they pay attention to such important people - parents).
The third reason is the formation of values
The book affects the moral ideals of the child, forming his values. The heroes of the books perform various actions, experience various life situations, consonant with the world of the child or unknown to him. Using the examples of situations in which the heroes of the books find themselves, the child learns to understand what good and evil, friendship and betrayal, sympathy, duty, honor are. And the task of parents is to help see the reflection of these values in the life of the child. nine0008
Release from fears
The book is also a means of defusing experiences that are painful or frightening for a child, which it is not always possible to cope with in a familiar situation. The child, together with the hero, experiences his failures and victories, overcomes fears and difficulties on the way to the goal. Thus, freeing yourself from your own fears and negative experiences. That is why a child can re-read a story (or a whole book) many times if it is consonant with his life situation. The child again and again experiences what he cannot yet cope with in reality. nine0008
Teaching new patterns of behavior
Through the book, the child perceives different patterns of behavior (how to make friends, how to achieve goals, how to resolve conflicts) that can be effective in various life situations. The greatest effect can be achieved if the reading is also supplemented by a joint discussion of who and what took out for themselves, what they liked, what was close, frightened, amused. Parents can help the child to see the analogies of what they read with his own life. nine0008
A book is the best teacher of a child.
With its help, he will be able to find answers to his questions, learn about the world and himself, experience the stories of heroes, fantasize the development of further events of a particular work.
The kid is growing, which means that every day more and more new experiences await him, he actively explores the world and makes many discoveries. He receives more and more diverse information he needs for further correct physical, mental and mental development. Children receive new knowledge from the people around them, primarily from their parents, as well as from books. nine0008
It's no secret that today's children read little, preferring books to watching TV programs and videos, computer films. This sad reality should make us parents think and try to somehow correct the situation.
From a young age, babies need to read as many books as possible. It is very important that he loves this activity. The book may be of interest to both boys and girls, the main thing is to find an option that the child will like. nine0008
Scientists have found that a child who is systematically read to accumulates a rich vocabulary.
Reading with the mother, the child actively develops imagination and memory.
It is reading that performs not only a cognitive, aesthetic, but also an educational function. Therefore, parents need to read books to their children from early childhood.
The variety of children's books surprises, but not always pleases. It is important to remember that in any book, including children's, the most important thing is the content. nine0109
Recommendations for purchasing literature:
Children 2-3 years old love books with large pictures, love to look at them. Here Russian folk tales come to the rescue: "Turnip", "Gingerbread Man", "Ryaba Hen", "Teremok".
It is always easier for a small child to perceive a story than reading. Therefore, tell him fairy tales in your own words and at the same time look at the pictures for the book.
In the third year of life, the vocabulary increases rapidly, and the child can already read poems. Introduce the work of A. Barto, Z. Alexandrova. nine0008
In children 4-5 years old, vocabulary is activated, coherent speech is developing. When reading literary works to a child, you need to pay attention to individual words and expressions. You can learn to retell short texts of Russian folk tales.
Slowly start memorizing poems. At this age, you can introduce the child to the tales of foreign authors, heroic folk tales, stories about nature and animals, and the work of K. Chukovsky. nine0008
For children 6-7 years old among all genres of fiction, fairy tales are still in the first place, only author's ones are added to the folk ones. Therefore, they can be introduced to the work of Eduard Uspensky, with the funny stories of N. Nosov. Children of this age should buy bright books with large print and many beautiful pictures, the plot of the book should be interesting so that the child wants to read to the end. A book at that age should be fun. When choosing a book, pay attention to the number of dialogues in the works, because you can read by roles. nine0008
In order for a child to love a book, parents need to work hard.