How do you spell home
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[ hohm ]
/ hoʊm /
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a house, apartment, or other shelter that is the usual residence of a person, family, or household.
the place in which one's domestic affections are centered.
an institution for people who lack stable housing, who are sick or infirm, etc. : a nursing home;a home for those with dementia.
the dwelling place or retreat of an animal.
the place or region where something is native or most common.
any place of residence or refuge: a heavenly home.
a person's native place or own country.
a principal base of operations or activities: The new stadium will be the home of the local football team.
(in games) the destination or goal.
Baseball. home plate.
Lacrosse. one of three attack positions nearest the opposing goal.
of, relating to, or connected with one's home or country: home cooking;the rising home demand for gasoline.
principal or main: the corporation's home office.
reaching the mark aimed at: a home thrust.
Sports. played in a ball park, arena, or the like, that is or is assumed to be the center of operations of a team: The pitcher didn't lose a single home game all season.Compare away (def. 11).
to, toward, or at home: to go home.
deep; to the heart: The truth of the accusation struck home.
to the mark or point aimed at: He drove the point home.
- into the position desired; perfectly or to the greatest possible extent: We radioed instructions to the crew, and the huge sails were sheeted home.
- in the proper, stowed position: The anchor is home.
- toward its vessel: to bring the anchor home.
verb (used without object), homed, hom·ing.
to navigate toward a point by means of coordinates other than those given by altitudes (often followed by on): This clever defensive technology prevented torpedoes from homing on the U-boat.
to go or return home: Bees have the ability to learn visual landmarks and use them when foraging and homing.
to have a home where specified; reside: God now homes in the hearts of His people.
verb (used with object), homed, hom·ing.
to provide with a home: After being microchipped and fully vaccinated, the puppy was homed with six weeks free insurance.
- to provide (a computer) with a network connection: Each subscriber must be homed to a node in the network.
- to prepare (a 3D printer) for use by setting the horizontal and vertical limits for positioning the extruder before a printing task: Do not try to do anything with your printer until you home it.
to provide a display or storage space for; house: Adding lighting to the unit creates a stunning wall feature to home all your treasured possessions. The library homes a wide variety of resources for the avid gardener.
to direct, especially under control of an automatic aiming device, toward an airport, target, etc.: The guidance system homed the missile on a target that was radar-illuminated by the launch aircraft.
to bring or send home.
Verb Phrases
home in (on),
- (of guided missiles, aircraft, etc.) to proceed, especially under control of an automatic aiming mechanism, toward a specified target, as a plane, missile, or location: The bomb homed in on the bridge.
- to direct one’s attention or energies toward: The committee quickly homed in on the relevant details.
1 abode, dwelling, habitation; domicile.
2 hearth, fireside.
3 asylum.
See synonyms for home on
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Question 1 of 7
Fill in the blank: I can’t figure out _____ gave me this gift.
Idioms about home
- in one's own house or place of residence.
- in one's own town or country.
- prepared or willing to receive social visits: Tell him I'm not at home.We are always at home to her.
- in a situation familiar to one; at ease: She has a way of making everyone feel at home.
- well-informed; proficient: to be at home in the classics.
- played in one's hometown or on one's own grounds: The Yankees played two games at home and one away.
at home,
bring home to, to make evident to; clarify or emphasize for: The irrevocability of her decision was brought home to her.
- assured of finishing, accomplishing, succeeding, etc.: If we can finish more than half the work today, we'll be home free.
- certain to be successfully finished, accomplished, secured, etc.: With most of the voters supporting it, the new law is home free.
home and dry, British Informal. having safely achieved one's goal.
home free,
write home about, to comment especially on; remark on (usually used in the negative): The town was nothing to write home about. His cooking is really something to write home about.
Origin of home
First recorded before 900; noun and adverb; Middle English hom, Old English hām; cognate with Dutch heim, Old Norse heimr, Danish hjem, Swedish hem, German Heim “home,” Gothic haims “village”; akin to haunt
synonym study for home
1. See house.
usage note for home
See hone in.
min·i·home, nounWORDS THAT MAY BE CONFUSED WITH home
home , house (see synonym study at house)Words nearby home
homage, homager, homalographic, hombre, homburg, home, home aid, home-alone, home automation, home banking, home base
Other definitions for home (2 of 2)
[ hyoom ]
/ hyum /
Lord. Douglas-Home. Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2022
What is a basic definition of
home?Home is a noun that refers to the place where a person or animal lives. Home can also mean a location where something is native or very common. Home is also used as an adverb to describe something that occurs to, toward, or at a home. Home has many other senses as a noun, adjective, and adverb.
The place where you live is your home. Animals also have homes. A nest is a bee’s home, for example.
Home is a synonym of the word house. However, home is often used to imply that a person is emotionally attached to the place they live and feels a sense of comfort there. While house can also refer to an empty building, home usually describes a building that is occupied.
- Real-life examples: Houses, apartments, and condominiums are buildings that are used for homes. Animals make their homes in water, trees, caves, grass, underground, and elsewhere.
- Used in a sentence: I invited my friends to a party at my home.
Home can also refer to a place where something is common or originates from.
- Real-life examples: The United States is the home of baseball. Israel is home to many religious sites. Social media is the home of most of our favorite Internet memes.
- Used in a sentence: Japan is the home of my heart.
As an adverb, home describes something that is happening at a home or happening to a home.
- Real-life examples: When school is over, children go home. When people are sick, they might decide to stay home and not go to work. Military spouses often wait for their partners to return home.
- Used in a sentence: She waited for her brother to come home before ordering pizza.
Where does
home come from?The first records of home come from before the 900s. It comes from the Old English word hām, both as a noun and adverb. The Old English word is related to words for home in other languages, such as the Dutch heim, the Old Norse heimr, and the German Heim.
Did you know ... ?
How is
home used in real life?Home is a common word that is most often used to refer to places where people live.
Sometimes I don't feel old but then I remember I used to access the internet via physical discs that were mailed to my home.
— Jesse McLaren (@McJesse) November 30, 2020
Tokushima is home to many sites of rich history and natural beauty. Check out our picks for the top tourist destinations on today's #JapanVirtualTour!
— Japan Consulate Miami (@JapanCons_Miami) October 28, 2020
Power walked home and made it with 8 minutes to spare 😅
— Sheepy (@ZsSheepy) November 29, 2020
Try using
home!Which of the following is NOT a synonym for home?
A. apartment
B. mansion
C. office
D. cabin
Words related to home
apartment, cabin, condo, condominium, cottage, dormitory, dwelling, farm, hospital, house, hut, mansion, palace, place, residence, resort, shelter, trailer, country, family
How to use home in a sentence
She was greeted by dozens of onlookers on the street outside the home.
Election live updates: Trump returns to Wisconsin; Biden to face live audience at town hall|Colby Itkowitz, Felicia Sonmez, John Wagner|September 17, 2020|Washington Post
Moreno on Wednesday night told the Washington Blade that he is at his home and safe.
Cuban authorities threaten to arrest LGBTQ activist, journalist|Michael K. Lavers|September 17, 2020|Washington Blade
We’re able to build the script in our own home by ourselves.
‘Antebellum’ explores truths of our ugly past|Brian T. Carney|September 16, 2020|Washington Blade
Streaming watch parties have outlasted states’ shelter-at-home orders.
How the future of TV and streaming has – and hasn’t – been reshaped so far by 2020|Tim Peterson|September 16, 2020|Digiday
Harris did best in vote-rich New Castle County, winning 37 percent of the vote there, and ran strongest near Newark, home to the University of Delaware.
The Trailer: The First State goes last|David Weigel|September 15, 2020|Washington Post
That officer fretting about his “stance,” we learn, is plagued by PTSD that cripples him both on the job and at home.
'Babylon' Review: The Dumb Lives of Trigger-Happy Cops|Melissa Leon|January 9, 2015|DAILY BEAST
So, Islamized teaching sends girls back home for marriage and housework, and remains exclusively for boys.
Houellebecq’s Incendiary Novel Imagines France With a Muslim President|Pierre Assouline|January 9, 2015|DAILY BEAST
Meanwhile, almost exactly 30 years after the trial, the judge left his home to board a steamboat and was never heard from again.
New York’s Most Tragic Ghost Loves Minimalist Swedish Fashion|Nina Strochlic|January 8, 2015|DAILY BEAST
The FBI raided his home in 2000 with an affidavit questioning his use of $200,000 from his white supremacist fundraising.
The Price of Steve Scalise’s Silence|Jason Berry|January 7, 2015|DAILY BEAST
Scalise spoke briefly, adding little of substance, saying that the people back home know him best.
The Price of Steve Scalise’s Silence|Jason Berry|January 7, 2015|DAILY BEAST
It was with a feeling of relief on both sides that the arrival of Mr. Haggard, of the Home Office, was announced.
The Pit Town Coronet, Volume I (of 3)|Charles James Wills
In the entrance hall of the Savoy, where large and lonely porters were dozing, he learnt that she was at home.
Bella Donna|Robert Hichens
I've never had time to write home about it, for I felt that it required a dissertation in itself to do it justice.
Music-Study in Germany|Amy Fay
Now and then the boy who had bought Squinty, and who was taking him home, would look around at his pet in the slatted box.
Squinty the Comical Pig|Richard Barnum
"I suppose the man Alessandro has something he calls a home," said the Senora, regaining herself a little.
Ramona|Helen Hunt Jackson
British Dictionary definitions for home (1 of 2)
/ (həʊm) /
the place or a place where one liveshave you no home to go to?
a house or other dwelling
a family or other group living in a house or other place
a person's country, city, etc, esp viewed as a birthplace, a residence during one's early years, or a place dear to one
the environment or habitat of a person or animal
the place where something is invented, founded, or developedthe US is the home of baseball
- a building or organization set up to care for orphans, the aged, etc
- an informal name for a mental home
sport one's own groundthe match is at home
- the objective towards which a player strives in certain sports
- an area where a player is safe from attack
- one of two positions of play nearest the opponents' goal
- a player assigned to such a positioninside home
baseball another name for home plate
NZ informal, obsolete Britain, esp England
a home from home a place other than one's own home where one can be at ease
at home
- in one's own home or country
- at ease, as if at one's own home
- giving an informal party at one's own home
- British such a party
at home in, at home on or at home with familiar or conversant with
home and dry British informal definitely safe or successfulwe will not be home and dry until the votes have been counted Austral. and NZ equivalent: home and hosed
near home concerning one deeply
adjective (usually prenominal)
of, relating to, or involving one's home, country, etc; domestic
(of an activity) done in one's househome taping
effective or deadlya home thrust
sport relating to one's own grounda home game
US central; principalthe company's home office
to or at homeI'll be home tomorrow
to or on the point
to the fullest extenthammer the nail home
(of nautical gear) into or in the best or proper positionthe boom is home
bring home to
- to make clear to
- to place the blame on
come home nautical (of an anchor) to fail to hold
come home to to become absolutely clear to
nothing to write home about informal to be of no particular interestthe film was nothing to write home about
(intr) (of birds and other animals) to return home accurately from a distance
(often foll by on or onto) to direct or be directed onto a point or target, esp by automatic navigational aids
to send or go home
to furnish with or have a home
(intr; often foll by in or in on) to be directed towards a goal, target, etc
Derived forms of home
homelike, adjectiveWord Origin for home
Old English hām; related to Old Norse heimr, Gothic haims, Old High German heim, Dutch heem, Greek kōmi village
British Dictionary definitions for home (2 of 2)
/ (hjuːm) /
Baron See Home of the Hirsel
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Other Idioms and Phrases with home
In addition to the idioms beginning with home
- home free
- home in on
- home run
- home truth
also see:
- at home
- bring home
- bring home the bacon
- chickens come home to roost
- close to home
Drive Homeeat someone out of house and homemake oneself at homenobody homenothing to write home abouttill the cows come home.
The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.
Home Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
Recent Examples on the Web
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2022 For a short time, Eliza lived in the home with her infant son and her 11-year-old brother. Melanie Savage, Hartford Courant, 27 Oct. 2022 Over the preceding few weeks, Donovan reported to Beamud continued strange happenings: Someone had put a listening device in his home, people were trying to break in, sketchy Russians were calling him. Ian Frisch, Town & Country, 27 Oct. 2022 The art in your home should reflect the people living in it, which makes this custom print the perfect gift. Cailey Lindberg, Good Housekeeping, 27 Oct. 2022
Camille*, 30, used to get home from her one-and-a-half hour commute and pour herself a drink. Alexandra Svokos, ABC News, 29 Oct. 2022 After returning home, the fever and headache persisted. Darcel Rockett, Chicago Tribune, 29 Oct. 2022 As pandemic restrictions for large gatherings began to lift last year, Democratic members privately expressed concerns routinely to leadership about security back home as violent threats continued to rise. Ashley Parker, Hannah Allam And Marianna Sotomayor, Anchorage Daily News, 29 Oct. 2022 Many of the men, including her father, had been required to join the army before she was born and fight in the second Sudanese civil war; most never returned home once they were conscripted. Caitlin Dickerson, The Atlantic, 26 Oct.
2022 The parade was virtual in 2020 and moved to East River Park in 2021, but this year the festivities returned home to Tompkins Square Park, site of the city’s first dog run. Olivia Mccormack, Washington Post, 25 Oct. 2022 Peterson eventually returned home to gather his belongings before leaving for the Dar es Salaam airport for an emergency evacuation by 2:30 p.m. Nick Penzenstadler, USA Today, 25 Oct. 2022 Nearly two years later, on March 11, 2022, Ramirez returned home without any explanation or reason. Steve Helling, Peoplemag, 25 Oct. 2022 The teen returned home on March 11, nearly two years later. Summer Linstaff Writer, Los Angeles Times, 24 Oct.
This multi-home compound in Upstate New York that attracts short-term renters all year thanks to a hops farm, chicken coup, outdoor wellness spa, wood shop, office space, and creative studio specializing in video and photography on the property. Veronica Toney, Better Homes & Gardens, 17 Aug. 2022 More than 30 San Antonio fire units were in a West Side neighborhood after a multi-home fire broke out Friday morning. Taylor Pettaway, San Antonio Express-News, 18 Feb. 2022 Current Sea Cliff neighbors include Twitter founder Jack Dorsey, hedge-fund billionaire Tom Steyer (who owns a multi-home compound) and San Francisco Giants CEO Larry Baer. Howard Walker, Robb Report, 21 Sep. 2021 Virtual care is likely here to stay: Medicare began covering remote appointment benefits in 2019, but limited them to rural areas and non-home settings. oregonlive, 12 Oct. 2020 The Astros were scheduled to play two home exhibition games and six regular season games at Minute Maid Park prior to April 9 — the earliest date on which the schedule will resume. Chandler Rome, Houston Chronicle, 14 Mar. 2020 The Hawks will play two home exhibition games at Georgia Tech’s McCamish Pavilion (Oct. 9 and Oct. 12) as Philips Arena undergoes renovation. Michael Cunningham, ajc, 1 Oct. 2017
Using the enormous 200-inch telescope at the Palomar Observatory, in rural San Diego County, Mr. Schmidt was able to home in on what appeared to be a faint blue star. Clay Risen,, 22 Sep. 2022 Here are nine itineraries that maximize fun in backcountry areas that feel light-years from the city grind but are still close enough to home to execute, thanks to that extra PTO day. Shawnté Salabert, Outside Online, 31 May 2021 Will home delivery take a tumble when the pandemic ends and people return to stores in droves? John Dorfman, Forbes, 10 Oct. 2022 Political analysts have observed a strong correlation between gas prices and Biden's approval rating, as voters home in on gas prices as a proxy for inflation and thus the state of the economy. Rob Wile, NBC News, 5 Oct.
2022 The Gossip Girl alum even crafted a pseudo cooler out of a white pumpkin to home her Betty Buzz non-alcoholic, sparkling mixers. Antonia Debianchi, Peoplemag, 26 Sep. 2022 Brands range from beauty labels to home furnishings to music electronics, and food companies that all seek to meld their traditional values with a modern take on the world. Jacorey Moon, Good Housekeeping, 9 Sep. 2022 Closer to home for many city dwellers, the rise of ecommerce could mean 36 percent more delivery vehicles in the world’s largest cities by 2030, according to a recent World Economic Forum report, and a similar increase in their carbon emissions. WIRED, 27 Aug. 2022 Starting on January 2019, investigators began to home in on Westrom and eventually launched a stealth mission at a hockey game that year, according to the complaint.
María Luisa Paúl, Washington Post, 30 Aug. 2022 See More
These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'home.' Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback.
How to write an address in English
An address in English is written in the following order: name - house number - street - apartment - city - zip code - country. Want to see examples? Read the article!
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Different countries have their own rules for writing addresses. English also has its own peculiarities. Let's find out what exactly they are.
Address in English
When writing an address, certain formatting rules must be followed. This is necessary so that the address is understandable to postal workers, and the letter reaches the addressee safely. It is customary to place the sender's address in the upper left corner of the envelope, and the recipient's address is usually located in the lower right corner.
How to write an address in English
Write in legible block letters. At the same time, do not forget that for convenience, the postal address to which the letter is sent should be written larger than your own.
American and British addresses are usually formed according to the following rules:
- Name of the person to whom the letter is intended
- Organization (if the purpose of the letter is business communication)
- House number, street name, apartment number
- City name (and state for USA)
- Postcode
- Country name
When writing a business letter, the appropriate form of address is put before the name:
- – any man
- Mrs.
- a married woman
- Miss - unmarried woman
- Ms. – in the absence of information about the marital status of a woman
For example: Mr. Richard Johnson (possibly Mr. R. Johnson)
If you don't know the recipient's name, you can use the name of the organization.
How to write a business letter and how to write a personal letter in English, read on the pages of our website.
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How to write an address in English for the UK
British English does not put a dot after Mr, Mrs, Ms and initials.
According to the requirements of the Royal Mail Service of Great Britain (Royal Mail), the name of the city is written in capital letters.
So an example of a UK postal address would look like this:
Miss S Pollard
2 Chapel Hill
Bh2 1AA
English address: house number before street name
English address for shipping to USA
- New York, CA - California). A complete list of abbreviations can be found on the official website of the US Postal Service -
In addition, in the case of business letters, it is recommended to write the address in full capital letters:
CA 94528
If you include an address in the body of the email, use punctuation. For example:
Please send mail to Mr. James Kerry, 438 Dark Spurt, San Francisco, CA 94528, USA.
Especially for Aliexpress visitors: Russian address in English
Since the return address in our case is intended for Russian mail, it is better to write it down so that it is understandable to Russian postmen.
All names are transliterated (more about transliteration rules). For example:
Smirnov A. N.
ul. Kosmonavtov 35-11
Leningradskaya oblast
Before sending the letter, be sure to check the spelling of all elements, first of all, the postal code.
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Many and not only fans of Sherlock Holmes stories know about Baker Street (221b Baker Street).
Housework and housework in English
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April 15, 2018
3 min. read
Hey , what ’ s up ? Today we will analyze how “homework” differs from “housework” in English, how not to confuse them, and how homework is spelled.
Homework, house work, domestic work
Homework in English in the sense of "work done at home from a school or other educational institution" is homework . After all, home is a house in the sense of the place where you live, and work is work. It is written only together, this is the only correct option.
Household duties (cleaning, laundry and other household chores) are house work . Because house - house in the meaning of the building, that is, we do work inside the building, which is our home. These two words in this sense are always written separately.
Housework done by a maid or nanny (still the same household cleaning, but paid) is more often called domestic work.
Exercises for self-examination
To consolidate, we offer you several tasks. You need to insert homework or house work in place of the pass. Write your answers in the comments.
- I need to do my chemistry ___
- I don't feel my legs. This ___ makes me tired
- Don't you want to help me with ___ or you prefer watching TV?
- What ___ do you have? — Writing an article
- Can you speak quietly? I am doing my ___
- Our mom is used to do all the ___
- Can you help me with my ___? I don't understand this rule.
- My younger sister usually does her ___ in advance.
- The next lesson is tomorrow. How can I do my ___ in time?
- Look around! How long ago did you do the ___?
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Mini template for the perfect compliment about appearance in English
Rules for registration of homework in English
If this is a title that is written before the start of the work itself, then the same requirements for registration apply in Russian and Ukrainian schools and higher educational institutions. Namely:
- The first letter is capital, the rest are lowercase
- The word is written in the middle of the line, or slightly to the left of the middle.
- If this is the beginning of the page, or the work is written on a separate sheet, Homework is written at the top
- In school notebooks and notebooks for notes, it is customary to indent four cells or two lines from previous entries, then after “homework”, without additional indents, the task itself begins.
Also before Homework is usually written the day of the week, day and month when the work was done. There are two spellings. The first is the numbers in the margins (if the British version, then the day-month-year goes, if the American one, then the month-day-year). The second option is in the words: Monday, the second of May). Do not forget that the day of the week and the month in English are capitalized.
Then go to exercise number. Most often, the word Exercise (or simply Ex.
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