How many syllables in computer

How many syllables in computer?

Syllables    Synonyms    Rhymes

  328167594 syllables

Divide computer into syllables:   com-put-er
Stressed syllable in computer:   com-put-er
How to pronounce computer:   kum-pyoo-ter
How to say computer:   computer syllables

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Syllable Rules

1.  What is a syllable?
2.  How to count syllables.
3.  How to divide into syllables.

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Syllables    Synonyms    Rhymes

Synonyms for computer

2 syllables

  • laptop hear the syllables in laptop
  • notebook hear the syllables in notebook
  • mainframe hear the syllables in mainframe
  • PC hear the syllables in pc

3 syllables

  • CPU hear the syllables in cpu
  • terminal hear the syllables in terminal
  • processor hear the syllables in processor
  • workstation hear the syllables in workstation

5 syllables

  • supercomputer hear the syllables in supercomputer

7 syllables

  • central processing unit

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Syllables    Synonyms    Rhymes

What rhymes with computer

2 syllables

  • cooter hear the syllables in cooter
  • hooter hear the syllables in hooter
  • luter hear the syllables in luter
  • pewter hear the syllables in pewter
  • scooter hear the syllables in scooter
  • Souter hear the syllables in souter
  • sutor hear the syllables in sutor
  • cuter hear the syllables in cuter
  • looter hear the syllables in looter
  • neuter hear the syllables in neuter
  • rooter hear the syllables in rooter
  • shooter hear the syllables in shooter
  • suitor hear the syllables in suitor
  • tutor hear the syllables in tutor

3 syllables

  • accoutre hear the syllables in accoutre
  • confuter hear the syllables in confuter
  • diluter hear the syllables in diluter
  • freebooter hear the syllables in freebooter
  • jump shooter hear the syllables in jump shooter
  • polluter hear the syllables in polluter
  • recruiter's hear the syllables in recruiter's
  • saluter hear the syllables in saluter
  • sharpshooter hear the syllables in sharpshooter
  • square shooter hear the syllables in square shooter
  • trapshooter hear the syllables in trapshooter
  • uprooter hear the syllables in uprooter
  • commuter hear the syllables in commuter
  • crapshooter hear the syllables in crapshooter
  • disputer hear the syllables in disputer
  • hip shooter hear the syllables in hip shooter
  • peashooter hear the syllables in peashooter
  • recruiter hear the syllables in recruiter
  • refuter hear the syllables in refuter
  • scooterer hear the syllables in scooterer
  • six-shooter hear the syllables in six-shooter
  • straight shooter hear the syllables in straight shooter
  • two-suiter hear the syllables in two-suiter
  • zoot-suiter hear the syllables in zoot-suiter

5 syllables

  • microcomputer hear the syllables in microcomputer
  • minicomputer hear the syllables in minicomputer
  • supercomputer hear the syllables in supercomputer
  • microcomputer's hear the syllables in microcomputer's
  • minicomputer's hear the syllables in minicomputer's
  • supercomputer's hear the syllables in supercomputer's

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How many syllables are in computer?

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Are computer 3 syllables?

Computer has three syllables.

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How many syllable does a computer have?

Computer has three syllables (com / pu / ter)

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Is Apple 2 syllables or 1?

Apple. A-pple. Apple has 2 syllables.

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How many syllables does Desktop have?

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Speaking English - How to count syllables

How many syllables are in laptop?

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How many syllables is iPad?

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How many syllables are in mango?

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How many syllables is there in pencil?

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How many syllables is book?

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How do you count syllables?

  1. Count the number of vowels (A, E, I, O, U) in the word.
  2. Subtract 1 for each diphthong or triphthong in the word.
  3. Does the word end with "le" or "les?" Add 1 only if the letter before the "le" is a consonant.
  4. The number you get is the number of syllables in your word.
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Is very 1 or 2 syllables?

'Very' is a two-syllable word with stress on the first syllable. Ver-y, ver-y, very, very.

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Is every 2 syllables or 3?

It's a two syllable word with stress on the first syllable. DA-da, every. It looks like it might be a three syllable word Ev-er-y but it's not, only two syllables.

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How many syllables does apple have?

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How many syllables are in Strawberry?

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How many syllables are there in iPhone?

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How many syllables are in the word pizza?

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Is Hour 1 or 2 syllables?

The answer may well be that it's one syllable in British English and two in American English and perhaps other dialects.

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How many syllables are in the word mouse?

The word mouse, for example, is a one syllable word because o and u combine and e is silent.

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How many syllables is orange?

Orange is two syllables.

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The words "computer" morphological and phonetic analysis

Explanation of the rules for dividing (breaking down) the word "computer" into syllables for transfer.
The online dictionary will help: parse the word “ computer ” phonetically and morphologically by composition, correctly divide it into syllables according to the rules of the Russian language, highlight parts of the word, put stress, indicate the meaning, synonyms, antonyms and compatibility for the word “ computer ".

Word computer by syllables


  • 1 Syllables in the word "computer" division into syllables
  • according to the morpheme structure of the word "computer"
  • 6 Synonyms of the word "computer"
  • 7 Emphasis in the word "computer"
  • 8 Phonetic transcription of the word "computer"
  • 9 Phonetic analysis of the word "computer" into letters and sounds )
  • 10 Sentences with the word "computer"
  • 11 Matches for the word "computer"
  • 12 Meaning of the word "computer"
  • 13 Declension of the word "computer" by category
  • 14 Correct spelling of the word "computer" 1 Associations
  • the word "computer"

Syllables in the word "computer" division into syllables

Number of syllables: 3
By syllables: computer

According to the rules of the school curriculum, the word "computer" can be divided into syllables in different ways. Variability is allowed, that is, all options are correct. For example, like this:

According to the program of the institute, syllables are distinguished on the basis of ascending sonority:

The types of syllables are listed below and the division is explained taking into account the program of the institute and schools with in-depth study of the Russian language.

  • comp - initial, covered, closed, 5 letters
  • u - medium, uncovered, open, 1 letter
  • ter - final, covered, half-closed, 3 letters
  • How to postpone the word "computer"

    Computer - Ter

    Morphological analysis of the word "Computer"

    Part Speech:



    part of speech: noun;
    animation: inanimate;
    gender: male;
    number: singular;
    case: nominative, accusative;
    answers the question: (is) What?, (see/blame) What?

    Initial form:


    Analysis of the word "computer" by composition

    computer root
    ø zero


    Similar morphemic words "computer"

    Similar morphemic words

  • printer0017
  • display
  • modem
  • monitor
  • console
  • Synonyms of the word "computer"

    1. computer

    2. Miniocomputer

    3. PC

    4. Server

    5. PC

    6. Printserever

    7. MAK

    8. Fileserver

    9. Microevm

    10. Supercompeuter

    11. Laptop

    12. Laptop

    13. Notbook

    14. Laptop

    15. Subnoletbook

    16. Personnel

    17. SuperVM

    18. Microcomputer

    19. Neurocomputer

    20. HELP

    9 9000 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000

    21. Routor

    22. Templator

    23. LAP-top

    24. Hardver

    25. Mini-computer

    26. Mini-EVM

    27. Promoter

    28. Supermirticuvm

    29. Electronic Computing machine

    30. Head

    31. Sycyushnik

    32. Camp

    33. Computer

    34. Comp

    35. Thinking machine

    36. Smart machine

    37. Electronic architect

    38. electronic cutter

    39. pisyuk

    Emphasis in the word "computer"

    computer - stress falls on the 2nd syllable

    Phonetic transcription of the word "computer" Phonetic analysis of the word "computer" into letters and sounds (Sound-letter)

    Letter Sound Sound characteristics Color
    to [k] consonant, deaf double, hard, noisy to
    about [a] vowel, unstressed about
    m [m] consonant, voiced unpaired (sonor), hard m
    p [n'] consonant, deaf double, soft, noisy p
    - does not indicate sound b
    [y’] consonant, voiced unpaired (sonor), soft y
    [y] vowel, stressed
    t [t’] consonant, deaf double, soft, noisy t
    e [and] vowel, unstressed e
    p [r] consonant, voiced unpaired (sonor), hard r

    Number of letters and sounds:
    Based on the analysis made, we conclude that the word has 9 letters and 9 sounds.
    Letters: 3 vowels, 5 consonants, 1 letter means no sound.
    Sounds: 3 vowels, 6 consonants.

    Sentences with the word "computer"

    Having set the search parameters for the on-board computer , I began to study the specifics of this government facility.

    Source: Vladimir Sakaly, Second Chance.

    High accuracy and quality of measurements and reproducibility of results on the screen of the computer or printout on the printer are noted.

    Source: Collective of authors, Complete reference book of medical equipment.

    Looked again at the display of the personal computer .

    Source: Ch. A. Abdullaev, Pass Purgatory, 1996.

    Matching the word “computer”

    1. board computer

    2. personal computer

    3. main computer

    4. ship computer

    5. control computer

    900 computer 2 7.6002 home computer monitor

    8. computer monitor

    9. computer operation

    10. computer worked

    11. computer reported

    12. computer booted

    13. turn on computer

    14. sit at a computer

    15. sit at a computer

    16. (complete compatibility table)

    The meaning of the word "computer"

    COMPUTER, -a, m. One of the names of an electronic computer. (Small Academic Dictionary, MAC)

    Declension of the word "computer" by terms

    Case Question Singular unit Plural Mn.
    Nominative what? computer computers
    Genitive what? computer computers
    DativeDat. what? computer computers
    accusatory what? computer computers
    Creative TV. what? computer computers
    prepositional about what? computer computers

    How to spell the word “computer” correctly

    Spelling of the word “computer”
    Spelling of the word “computer”

    Consonants: k, m, p, t, p;

    Numbering of letters in a word
    Numbers of letters in the word "computer" in forward and reverse order:

    • 9
    • 8
    • 7
    • 6
    • 5

    • 4

    • 3
    • 2
    • 1

    Associations to the word «computer»

    • Printer

    • Keyboard

    • Floppy disk

    • Key

    • Connection

    • Processor

    • File

    • Monitor

    • Display

    • User

    • Notebook

    • Fax

    • Internet

    • Keys

    • Attachment

    • Server

    • Interface

    • Hacker

    • Programmer

    • Printout

    • Loading

    • Password

    • Console

    • Fault

    • Terminal

    • Screen

    • Programming

    • Calculation

    • Access

    • Scanner

    • Enter

    • Virus

    • Electronics

    • Configuration

    • Hacking

    • Program

    • OS

    • Autopilot

    • Coordinate

    • Performance

    • Winchester

    • Pressing

    • Disc

    • Code

    • Cable

    • Scan

    • Sensor

    • Onboard

    • Portable

    • Personal

    • Onboard

    • Navigation

    • Computing

    • Software

    • Pocket

    • Tabletop

    • System

    • Network

    • Portable

    • Operational

    • Quantum

    • Digital

    • Local

    • Graphic

    • Computer

    • Ship

    • Electronic

    • Virtual

    • Disc

    • Library

    • Managed

    • Molecular

    • Voice

    • Touch

    • Holographic

    • Stationary

    • Play

    • Program

    • Connect

    • Connect

    • Download

    • Embed

    • Download

    • Print

    • Switch off

    • Disable

    • Check

    • Scan

    • Request

    • Copy

    • Hack

    • Enter

    • Track

    • Print

    • Calculate

    • Disable

    • Bring in

    • Disable

    • Print

    • Identify

    Literacy lesson in the 1st grade using a computer "Sounds [f], [f'], letters F, f"

    Purpose: to introduce children to voiceless consonants [f], [f '], letters F, f.


    1. Introduce children to voiceless consonants [f], [f’], letters f, f.
    2. Develop the skill of fluent reading by syllables and whole words, phonemic hearing, attention, memory, speech, thinking, imagination students.
    3. Cultivate love for the subject, for reading.


    • alphabet, tape of letters, cash register of letters and syllables, flannelgraph;
    • subject pictures, plate with letters;
    • blanks for "plucking" letters;
    • texts for reading, pictures with texts;
    • game "Sea", Fairy;
    • computer with the ABC program.

    Lesson progress:

    I . Organizing time.

    - Hello. Guys, today guests came to our lesson. They want to see how you can work in class and what you have already learned in school. Let's greet guests with our smiles. Now let's smile friend friend to recharge your good mood for the whole day. Sit down please.

    - If you remove the same consonants from the flannelgraph, then you will read the title of our lesson:

    p ch p t e s ch n r s t and re (reading)

    - Today in the reading lesson we will repeat the division of words into syllables and Let's get to know the new letter.

    II . Dividing words into syllables using a computer (repetition).

    - Let's remember how to find out how many syllables are in a word?

    __________ in the computer, and on the board we will choose from of the proposed words are monosyllabic (two-syllable, three-syllable).

    Children complete the task with an explanation at the blackboard, then with using the yes - no squares, check the correctness of the work classmates at the computer.

    - How can one name all the words? (Plants.)

    - What is the difference between the plants written on the blackboard and the plants in computer? (Trees and flowering plants. )

    - What is the extra word on the board? (Spruce, because all trees deciduous, and coniferous spruce.)

    III . The main stage of the lesson.


    1. Finding the same sound in words.

    - A fairy-tale sorceress came to our lesson today. Learn her? Of course, this is a Fairy (Figure 1).

    Picture 1

    It will help us to get acquainted with new letters. Fairy invites you to look at these indoor plants (Figure 2).

    Figure 2

    - Who knows what they are called? (Fuchsia, violet.)

    - Highlight the first sounds in the names of these plants. ([f], [f’])

    - What do these sounds have in common? (Consonants, deaf.)

    - What is the difference? (One is hard, the other is soft.)

    2. Determination of hardness-softness of sounds [f], [f’] (with using a computer).

    - Now try to determine the hardness or softness sounds [f], [f '] in the proposed words on the computer. As a teacher today will be _______.

    3. Phonetic charging.

    - How a hedgehog snorts (Fr - fr - fr ...)

    4. Breathing exercises.

    - How does porridge puff? (Pf - pf - pf ...)

    The left hand is on the chest.

    Inhale - take the left hand away from the chest, press the right hand on the stomach.

    Exhale - pf, pf, pf! - press the left hand to the chest, slightly we press, we take the right away from the stomach. ( Exercise repeat in slow tempo 3-4 times. )

    5. Definition of sonority - deafness.

    - So, you correctly noticed that the sounds [f] and [f '] are deaf. But they have brothers - sonorous sounds. Which? ([in], [in’])

    - Correct. I will now name the words. If you hear ringing sounds [in], [in '], you should get up and stomp your feet, and if I say words with deaf sounds [f], [f '], then sit down and cover your ears with your palms. Get ready: branch, Fedya, sweater, light, water, sweatshirt.


    1. Acquaintance with the letter.

    - And now let's see what letter denotes the sounds [f] and [f ']. The fairy will help us now to perform a miracle. A new letter will be born to you, Guys, right at your fingertips. On the desks you have leaves folded in half. Which Are they written in pencil? ("Er") Let's pluck it. ( Plucked. )

    - And now let's open the plucked letter "er". Look, she turned into a new letter called .... Who knows guys how right she is called? ("Ef")

    - Let's find her place in the alphabet.

    - And now let's move her into our house. Which apartment? (Blue) Why? (Consonant.) Which floor? (Lower.) Why? (Deaf.) How are you Where do you think she hid? (Under the letter "ve".)

    - Now look at the plate. Why are there 4 letters here? ( Two printed ones - small and large, and two written ones - lowercase and capital.)

    2. The game "Sea".

    - Read the syllables with the letter "f" ( with agreement ). The captain of the ship with the letter "f" today will be _________.

    The captain holds a boat with the letter "f" in his hands and "floats" along sea, alternately "swimming" to the boats with vowels, reading the received mergers: fa, phi, pho, .... Children finish the words: headlight, violet, focus, ....

    3. Physical culture minute.

    - The fairy asks you to read the word by the first sounds of the names items ( traffic light ).

    On flannelgraph pictures, for example : with ova, with kernel, e l, t ramway, o slick, f onar, o cucumber and r ul.

    - Who will tell a poem about a traffic light?

    Traffic lights have three colors.
    They are understandable for the driver:
    Red light - no way.
    Yellow get ready to go,
    And the green light - roll!

    - Let's play now. I will alternately show the signals traffic light (Figure 3).

    Figure 3

    Everyone must sit at a red light, stand up at a yellow green - run in place, "steering left and right", as if you were driving car..

    4. Finding letters in words and text.

    - You have papers with texts on your desks. (cm. Annex 1) Task: read the text and underline letter "f" in pencil. At the same time, along the chain, you will be able to go to the computer and find the letter "f" in words.

    - How many letters did you find in the text? Raise your hands who has so much same. In what words? Read the text. ( Children read .)

    First-graders have 2 versions of the text - for the reading impaired and those who read well. The teacher checks both options.

    5. What does this letter look like?

    - Look carefully at the letter you made and imagine - what does it look like?

    Children make guesses, teacher shows pictures and asks to read the captions to them.

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