How many syllables in play

How many syllables in play?

Syllables    Synonyms    Rhymes

  621975483 syllable

Divide play into syllables:   play
Syllable stress:   play
How to pronounce play:   pley
How to say play:   play syllables

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1.  What is a syllable?
2.  How to count syllables.
3.  How to divide into syllables.

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Syllables    Synonyms    Rhymes

Synonyms for play

1 syllable

  • act hear the syllables in act
  • frisk hear the syllables in frisk
  • games hear the syllables in games
  • plunk hear the syllables in plunk
  • sham hear the syllables in sham
  • sport hear the syllables in sport
  • strum hear the syllables in strum
  • twang hear the syllables in twang
  • face hear the syllables in face
  • fun hear the syllables in fun
  • pluck hear the syllables in pluck
  • script hear the syllables in script
  • show hear the syllables in show
  • stage hear the syllables in stage
  • tease hear the syllables in tease

2 syllables

  • appear hear the syllables in appear
  • drama hear the syllables in drama
  • have fun
  • join in
  • perform hear the syllables in perform
  • screenplay hear the syllables in screenplay
  • tinker hear the syllables in tinker
  • compete hear the syllables in compete
  • frolic hear the syllables in frolic
  • horseplay hear the syllables in horseplay
  • pageant hear the syllables in pageant
  • putter hear the syllables in putter
  • star as
  • twiddle hear the syllables in twiddle

3 syllables

  • amusement hear the syllables in amusement
  • comedy hear the syllables in comedy
  • joke about
  • performance hear the syllables in performance
  • take part in
  • be flippant
  • fool around hear the syllables in fool around
  • mess about hear the syllables in mess about
  • play a part
  • tragedy hear the syllables in tragedy

4 syllables

  • amuse yourself
  • dramatic piece
  • recreation hear the syllables in recreation
  • cooperate hear the syllables in cooperate
  • participate hear the syllables in participate
  • take the part of

5 syllables

  • occupy yourself

7 syllables

  • engage in recreation
  • theatrical production

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Synonyms and Words Related to


played (1 syllables), playing (2 syllables), playingly (3 syllables), plays (1 syllables), act as (2 Syllables), bet (1 Syllables), bid (1 Syllables), bring (1 Syllables), caper (2 Syllables), child's play (2 Syllables), dally (2 Syllables), dally (2 Syllables), diddle (2 Syllables), drama (2 Syllables), fiddle (2 Syllables), flirt (1 Syllables), free rein (2 Syllables), frolic (2 Syllables), fun (1 Syllables), gambling (2 Syllables), gambol (2 Syllables), gaming (2 Syllables), looseness (2 Syllables), make for (2 Syllables), maneuver (3 Syllables), manoeuvre (3 Syllables), period of play (5 Syllables), playing period (5 Syllables), recreate (3 Syllables), represent (3 Syllables), romp (1 Syllables), run (1 Syllables), shimmer (2 Syllables), (0 Syllables) accroach (2 syllables), act (1 syllables), activism (3 syllables), anagram (3 syllables), ante (2 syllables), background (2 syllables), bamboozle (3 syllables), barnstorm (2 syllables), befriend (2 syllables), bet (1 syllables), bid (1 syllables), blooper (2 syllables), blunder (2 syllables), bobble (2 syllables), boner (2 syllables),

One syllable words that rhyme with Play

a, brugh, ca, dah, duh, huh, klugh, krugh, rugh, ruh, sta, suh, the, uh, uhh, a, a. , ae, ay, bay, baye, bayh, bey, blay, bley, brae, bray, brey, c'est, cay, che, clay, cray, dae, day, daye, de, dey, dray, drey, fay, faye, fe, fey, flay, fray, frey, gay, gaye, gray, graye, grey, guay, gway, haigh, hay, haye, hey, hwe, j, j., jae, jay, jaye, k, k., kay, kaye, khe, klay, kley, kray, krey, lait, lay, laye, lei, ley, leyh, mae, may, maye, mei, mey, nay, ne, neigh, nej, ney, pay, paye, pei, play, pray, prey, quai, quay, quaye, rae, ray, raye, re, reay, rey, say, saye, schey, schley, se, seay, shay, shea, slay, sleigh, smay, snay, spey, spray, stay, stray, strey, sway, sze, tae, tay, they, tray, trey, vey, way, waye, wei, weigh, wey, whey, wray, wy, yay, yea

Two syllable words that rhyme with Play

uh-huh, abbe, aday, aggrey, aigner, allais, allay, anway, array, asay, astray, away, b'nai, b-j, ballet, banpais, beauvais, belay, beret, bernay, betray, bombay, boulais, boulay, bouquet, buffet, ca, cache, cafe, calais, callais, calvey, carre, cathay, chalet, ciskei, cliche, coday, convey, crochet, croquet, d'orsay, da, decay, defray, dekay, delay, delray, devey, dismay, display, dk, donais, dorais, dossier, dovey, dumais, dupay, ek, essay, filet, fillet, francais, ga, galle, gerais, gervais, ha, halfway, hefei, hervey, hevey, hongwei, hooray, hurray, ilhae, imlay, jaquay, jose, jouret, kamei, langlais, levey, lurvey, mackay, maclay, macrae, maltais, manet, marais, marquai, mcbay, mccay, mcclay, mccrae, mccray, mccrea, mcgray, mckay, mclay, mcnay, mcquay, mcrae, mcray, mcshea, mcstay, mcvay, mcveigh, mcvey, millay, mobay, monet, morais, moray, moutray, mulvey, nihei, nikkei, nisei, nissei, o'dea, o'shea, obey, oj, ok, okay, olay, ole, orsay, palais, parquet, passe, per-se, pevey, porcher, portray, prepay, puree, purvey, rene, renee, repay, replay, resnais, risque, saute, sergei, servais, sevey, shinsei, sinay, sochet, soiree, sorbet, souffle, stupay, survey, today, toray, torme, toupee, turvey, vadnais, valet, voisey, waga, wah-pei, zalay

Three syllable words that rhyme with Play

depardieu, aaa, aka, antigay, attache, bouvier, bta, bua, cabaret, cabernet, cea, chevrolet, dak, deseret, disarray, disobey, dunlavey, ekk, faberge, fiance, intraday, ira, ita, jna, jonbenet, kkk, la-carre, lyonnais, mcgarvey, meservey, monterey, monterrey, overplay, overstay, perrier, piaget, pinochet, redisplay, santa-fe, sta, touvier, underplay, underway, usa, uva

Four syllable words that rhyme with Play

asea, buga, cabriolet, ceta, cluj, communique, compusa, foia, hiaa, l'espalier, naivete, noaa, societe, yakutakay, zepa

What do you think of our answer to how many syllables are in play? Are the syllable count, pronunciation, words that rhyme, and syllable divisions for play correct? There are numerous syllabic anomalies found within the U. S. English language. Can play be pronounced differently? Did we divide the syllables correctly? Do regional variations in the pronunciation of play effect the syllable count? Has language changed? Provide your comments or thoughts on the syllable count for play below.

A comprehensive resource for finding syllables in play, how many syllables are in play, words that rhyme with play, how to divide play into syllables, how to pronounce play in US and British English, how to break play into syllables.

Words "game" morphological and phonetic analysis

Explanation of the rules for dividing (breaking down) the word "game" into syllables for transfer. Online Dictionary will help: parse the word “ game ” phonetically and morphologically by composition, correctly divide into syllables according to the rules of the Russian language, highlight parts of the word, put stress, indicate the meaning, synonyms, antonyms and compatibility for the word “ game ".

Word game by syllables


  • 1 Syllables in the word "game" division into syllables
  • 2 How to transfer the word "game"
  • 3 Morphological analysis of the word "game"
  • 4 Analysis of the word "game" by composition
  • 5 Words similar in morphemic structure " game"
  • 6 Synonyms of the word "game"
  • 7 Emphasis in the word "game"
  • 8 Phonetic transcription of the word "game"
  • 9 Phonetic analysis of the word "game" into letters and sounds (Sound-letter)
  • 10 Sentences with the word "game"
  • 11 Matches for the word “game”
  • 12 Meaning of the word “game”
  • 13 Declension of the word “game” by category
  • 14 Correct spelling of the word “game”
  • 15 Associations to the word “game”
Syllables in word "game" division into syllables

Number of syllables: 2
By syllables: i-gra

According to the rules of the school curriculum, the word "game" can be divided into syllables in different ways. Variability is allowed, that is, all options are correct. For example, like this:

According to the program of the institute, syllables are distinguished on the basis of ascending sonority:

The types of syllables are listed below and the division is explained taking into account the program of the institute and schools with in-depth study of the Russian language.

  • and - initial, open, open, 1 letter
  • gra - final, covered, open, 3 letters0017

    How to transfer the word “Game”

    IG - RA

    Morphological analysis of the word “Game”

    Part Speech:



    Part Speech: Noun name;
    animation: inanimate;
    gender: female;
    number: singular;
    case: nominative;
    answers the question: (is) What?

    Initial form:


    Analysis of the word "game" by composition

    games root
    a ending


    Words similar in morphemic structure “game”

    Words similar in morphemic structure

  • fun
  • quiz
  • relay
  • premiere
  • Aerobics
  • Synonyms Words “Game”

    1. Video game

    2. Toy

    3. Gorka

    4. screw

    5. Basketball

    6. Volleyball

    7. Football

    8. Tennis tennis

    9. badminton

    10. hockey

    11. Chess

    12. Pharaoh

    13. Billiard

    14. Shell

    15. GO

    16. Polo

    17. Loto

    18. PIKKHAR

    19. Gandbol

    20. King

    21. BURA

    22. FLUSH

    23. WIST

    24. Roulette

    25. SwAK

    26. Golf

    27. Login

    28. CROCKAY

    29. Vocabulary

    30. Rugby

    31. squash

    32. backgammon

    33. Domino

    34. Boston

    35. Shatbord

    36. Pentamino

    37. Pinball

    38. RAMS

    39. Basebol

    40. Mikst

    41. Vaterpolo

    42. Klobolbolol.

    43. Cricket

    44. Motobol

    45. Pushbol

    46. Bilboke

    47. Chees

    48. Futzal

    49. Napoleon

    50. Macau

    51. Bes

    52. Bridge Bridge

    53. skittles

    54. NARDS

    55. SERSO

    56. Bowling

    57. Kerling

    58. Lyakoss

    59. Softball

    60. Painintball

    61. Backard

    63. Arcades

    64. Single

    65. Lapte

    66. Akulina

    67. Poker

    68. Potekha


    70. Drunkard

    71. Fifteen

    72. Salka

    73. Thirteen

    74. matador

    75. Chekhard

    76. Erudite

    77. Fool

    78. Ekarte

    79. Kunken

    80. Diabollo

    81. Orlyanka

    82. Landsknecht

    84. Kapermbololina

    85. Carambol

    86. Ping-Pong

    87. Chatulars

    88. Bingo

    89. Kanashens

    90. Nine

    91. Juke

    92. 9000 9000 93. Goban

    94 .ombre

    95. Majong

    96. Netball

    97. NEDi

    98. Pachisi

    99. Pelota

    100. Paste

    101. Skrabl

    102. Town

    103. Semerik

    104. Babki

    . Babka

    105. Vyuha

    106. Zhmurki

    107. Renju

    108. Burners

    109. BECIC

    110. Condition

    115. GRAINSISH

    116. Reconciliation

    117. Fun

    125. Thekvondo

    126. Juncling

    127. Perfomanes

    128. Seek

    129. Chushi

    130. Rink-Hockey

    131. Rennzu

    132. Burime

    133. Victorina 93. Victorina 93. Victorina

    134. Speech

    135. Shoes

    136. catch-up

    137. Daughters-material

    138. Eralash

    139. Kozel

    140. Design

    141. Contrecer

    142. Cross-tanks


    143. Crossword

    144. Chainword

    145. Chizhik

    146. Lomber

    147. Silence

    148. Musculation

    149. Round dance

    150. FAN0008

    153. Salki

    154. Snowball

    155. Totalizer

    156. Baset

    157. Besig

    158. Granpasyansa

    159. Lamush

    160. Lottery

    161. Maryazh

    162. Piramidyida

    163. Shass

    164. Shtos

    165. Sparring

    166. Believe, you do not believe

    167. Cossacks-robbers

    168. Cards

    169. Classes

    170. Strongs

    171. cubes

    172. Ladushki

    173. Love-not-love

    174. Lice

    175. Guess

    176. Teleigraph

    177. Snowballs

    178. Streetball

    179. Superigra

    180. Grain

    181. Overflows

    182. Burning

    183. Shine

    184. Brill

    185. Blisting

    186. Glorification

    187. Joke

    188. Laughter

    189. pleasure

    190. Through 9000.0008

    191. TRANSHANY

    192. Braces

    193. Table tennis

    194. Hihanki-Khakhanki

    195. Hahanki da hakhanki

    196. Point

    197. Sika

    198. Ches 9000

    200. Khodka

    201. 2012. Kozlodniy

    202. Spying

    203. Meeting

    204. Amusement

    205. Competition

    206. Match

    207. Rivalry

    208. Lyudus 98. Lyudus 98.0008

    209. Thousand

    210. Reversei

    211. CrybBezh

    212. Balovism

    213. Perfect

    214. FULTS

    215. Soliter

    216. Baiga

    217. Barbut

    218. Brain -ing

    219. Gusek

    220. Politicalger

    221. Radio game

    222. Lights

    Estimation in the word “Game”

    Game-Hanging on the 2nd syllable

    Phonetic transcription of the word “Game”


    Phonetic analysis of the word "game" into letters and sounds (Sound-letter)

    Letter Sound Sound characteristics Color
    and [and] vowel, unstressed and
    g [g] consonant, voiced double, hard, noisy g
    p [r] consonant, voiced unpaired (sonor), hard p
    a [a] vowel, stressed a

    Number of letters and sounds:
    Based on the analysis made, we conclude that there are 4 letters and 4 sounds in the word.
    Letters: 2 vowels, 2 consonants.
    Sounds: 2 vowels, 2 consonants.

    Sentences with the word "game"

    This is very similar to sports, world championships and the Olympics games .

    Source: Yuri Sobolev, Classical music as a system and what it's like to be a conductor. The musical world without illusions.

    Looking at the whimsical play of light and shadow on the rocks, she thought that thanks to them she has a steady income, and she can always be near her son.

    Source: Barbara McMahon, Take a Risk and Win!, 2011.

    He writes about two radically different approaches to the learning process itself: the drowning type and the love type games .

    Source: Malin Ryudal, happy as Danes, 2014.

    Compatibility of the word “Game”

    1. Gambling

    2. Computer games

    3. Olympic Games

    4. Game of imagination

    5 pun

    6. play of light

    7. game rules

    8. game start

    9. game rules

    10. game over

    11. game started

    12. game in progress

    12. game continues0008

    13. play the game

    14. play your game

    15. continue the game

    16. (complete compatibility table)

    Meaning of the word "game" games, games, g. 1. Action on verb. play (in 1 value). (Small Academic Dictionary, IAS)

    Declension of the word "game" by terms

    Case Question Singular unit Plural Mn.
    Nominative what? game games
    Genitive what? games games
    DativeDat. what? game games
    Blame Wine what? game games
    Creative TV. what? game games
    prepositional about what? game games

    How the word “game” is written correctly.

    Spelling of the word “game”
    Spelling of the word “game”

    Correctly written: game

    Number of letters game" in forward and reverse order:

    • 4
    • 3
    • 2
    • 1

    Associations to the word «game»

    • Winner

    • Pawn

    • Poker

    • Developer

    • Point

    • Sochi

    • Champion

    • Engine

    • Attachment

    • Console

    • Washer

    • Chess

    • Beijing

    • Roulette

    • Relay

    • Golf

    • Skating

    • Player

    • Soundtrack

    • Ball

    • Team

    • Member

    • Goal

    • Tennis

    • Championship

    • Piano

    • Olympics

    • Chip

    • Basketball

    • Athlete

    • Montreal

    • Competition

    • Champion

    • Genre

    • Loss

    • Win

    • Athletics

    • Barcelona

    • Semi-final

    • Volleyball

    • Browser

    • Fan

    • Graphics

    • Selection

    • Hockey

    • Fan

    • Match

    • Medal

    • Turin

    • Premier League

    • Rate

    • Sydney

    • Mexico City

    • Check-in

    • Bridge

    • Winner

    • Trump

    • Character

    • Championship

    • Quarterfinal

    • Playing

    • Sport

    • Release

    • Series

    • Series

    • Olympic

    • Gambling

    • Card

    • Computer

    • Play

    • Summer

    • Selection

    • Tabletop

    • Friendly

    • Asian

    • Multiple

    • Figured

    • Winter

    • Weight

    • Chess

    • Final

    • Bronze

    • Storyline

    • Acting

    • Fascinating

    • Penalty

    • Spectacle

    • Point

    • Hockey

    • Start

    • Drop out

    • Conquer

    • Reward

    • Win back

    • Compete

    • Start

    • Debut

    • Play

    • Hammer

    • Play

    Division into syllables.

    Educational games - Mishutkin school

    At the age of 6-7, a child begins a new life stage associated with schooling.

    This important transition for children is not always comfortable.

    One leading type of activity - play - replaces another - study.

    And this change makes it difficult to get used to the school, to the processes taking place in it.

    To mitigate this transition as much as possible, already in the preparatory period before school, it is necessary to use educational games as much as possible, which combine both learning and play.

    Such games help the child comfortably switch from one type of leading activity to another.

    In order for a child to read consciously, and not mechanically, write correctly and be able to check what is written, he needs certain skills and abilities for this.

    Before learning to read, a child must be taught to listen carefully and hear. And it is better to start by dividing words into syllables, pronouncing words by syllables, composing words from individual syllables. And do not forget at the same time the correct pronunciation of the word with the exact setting of stress.

    And the best way to do all of the above is in a game situation.

    You are already familiar with the game "Dividing words into syllables" .

    I offer you a few more educational games, with the help of which children will be able to master the techniques of breaking words into syllables, the correct pronunciation of words with the emphasis on stressed syllables.

    1. 1. Add a syllable game

    You can play this game everywhere - on the bus, on the train, standing in line, walking, on the way to kindergarten. The adult names the first syllable. The task of the child is to complete the word by adding the desired syllable. The goal of the game is to name as many words as possible starting with the same first syllable.

    For example, ko — (-ni, -zy, -tic, -zha, -sy, -mar, -ra, -chan)

    Ba- (-ba, -nan, -ran, -cal, -za , -nya)

    Va- (-za, -ta)

    Whoever named the last syllable wins.

    1. Match the chain game

    The first word is called by an adult. The child needs to break this word into syllables and name the last syllable. Then come up with a word that begins with this syllable. Now an adult (or another child) divides the word into syllables, voices the last syllable, then also comes up with a word that begins with this syllable.

    For example, ta-rel-ki, ki-no, no-gi, gi-rya, rows, dy-ra, ra-ma, ma-ma, etc.

    1. 3. Game "Finish the sentence"

    An adult pronounces a short sentence, consisting of 3-5 words, and does not finish the last syllable in the last word. The child repeats this sentence and names the missing syllable.

    For example, Lisa has a pencil ... (-shi).

    My phone rang… (-background).

    There is a book on the table ... (-ha).

    A car pulled up to the bus stop… (bus).

    Birds peck at the grain… (-on).

    1. Telegraphist game.

    1 variant.

    The presenter, who is also a telegraph operator, transmits words by telegraph - he taps with a hammer (or pencil) one (two or three) times. You need to guess which word he conveyed. Before the game begins, the subject of words is called, for example, vegetables, fruits, animals, clothes or furniture.

    2nd variant.

    The host calls the word, and the child, acting as a telegraph operator, taps out the required number of syllables - sends telegrams.

    1. Game "What is extra?"

    1 variant.

    Four pictures are laid out for adults. They depict various objects. Three item names have two syllables, and the fourth has three syllables. The stress in each word falls on the same syllable - on the first or last. (For example, a vase, soap, fish, girl; moon, houses, sofa, pencil). It is necessary to determine which item is superfluous. Those. find an object whose name has a different number of syllables.

    2nd option.

    Similar to the previous one. Only all the names of objects consist of the same number of syllables. The difference is in the place of emphasis. In the names of three objects, the stress falls on the first syllable, and in the fourth - on the last syllable. (For example, a vase, soap, fish, hand; moon, houses, sofa, bun). It is necessary to determine which item is superfluous. Those. find an object that differs from others in the location of the stressed syllable.

    1. Echo Game

    Well, everything is simple. The adult is the leader, and the child portrays the echo. The leader pronounces the word, the child must repeat only the stressed syllable.

    1. Be careful game

    Pick up a set of pictures showing objects whose names consist of a different number of syllables. The facilitator explains that you need to name only those pictures where the words consist of two syllables. He shuffles the cards, takes out one at a time and shows it to the children.

    Learn more