Counting games for kindy
Kindergarten Math Games That Make Learning Fun from the Start
Looking for ways to make math fun for young learners? Check out these kindergarten math games! They teach all the basic math skills kindergartners need to master and are sure to engage every kid in the learning process.
(Just a heads up, WeAreTeachers may collect a share of sales from the links on this page. We only recommend items our team loves!)
1. Conquer cardinality with penguin dominoes
Kindergarten math students work to master cardinality, understanding that written numerals correspond to the number of items pictured. These free printable penguin dominoes make the concept fun to practice.
Learn more: Playdough to Plato
2. Put together puzzles to gain number sense
Kindergarten math students learn to understand that numbers can be represented in a variety of ways. These free printable puzzles help them practice those skills.
Learn more: Tickled Pink in Primary
This free printable game helps little ones master their numbers from 11 to 20, both as numerals and represented on ten-frames.
Learn more: The Measured Mom
4. Stack cups and count to 100
Kids love stacking things, so they’ll get a kick out of kindergarten math games that make use of stackable cups. This one has them doing it with 100 cups while they count! Turn it into a competition by putting them in teams and timing them to see who can finish the task the fastest.
Learn more: Kindergarten Smorgasboard/100 Cups
5. Visit the skip-counting store
How fun is this? Grab some toys and label them with price tags in increments of 10 cents. Give kids a handful of plastic dimes, and have them count out the amount needed for each “purchase.”
Learn more: Creative Family Fun/Skip Counting Store
6. Have a rubber duck race
In this game, kids race to see who can be the first to get their rubber duckies to 10 (or any number you choose). They roll a die and lay out tiles to move their duck. The twist? To get to 10 at the end, they must roll the exact number they need—no going over! Kindergarten math games like this one are terrific for practicing counting on, basic addition, and making 10.
Learn more: Happy Toddler Playtime
7. Practice counting on with cards and dice
Remove the face cards from a deck of playing cards and grab a pair of dice. The first player turns over a card and then rolls the dice. The number on the dice indicates how far they “count on” from the card. (For example, a player turns over a three and rolls a four. They say, “Three: four, five, six, seven.”) If the player gets it right, they keep the card, and the other player(s) get a turn.
Learn more: Creative Family Fun/Counting On
8. Skip-count with craft sticks
There are endless ways to use craft sticks in the classroom. For this game, number a series of colorful sticks by fives, as shown. Kids can practice by putting them in order first.
Then, have a student draw a stick and count on by fives from that number to 100—if they draw 75, they then count 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100. If they get it right, they keep the stick, and the next player takes a turn.
Learn more: Simply Kinder
9. Match teen numbers
Once they’ve mastered the numbers 1 to 10, it’s time to understand how those numerals add up to make bigger numbers. These free printable cards show numerals and matching bundles of sticks that deconstruct each teen number into tens and ones.
Learn more: The Kindergarten Connection
10. Compare numbers with dominoes
Kindergartners learn to compare numbers to determine which is larger and which smaller. Stacking math cubes based on the numbers on dominoes is a fun, hands-on way to compare the two numbers side by side, making it easier to see the difference.
Learn more: My Fabulous Class
11. Face off and compare numbers
You’ll need some small toys for this game, as well as polyhedral dice.
Kids roll and place the number of items on their side. Then, they compare the two to see which is bigger.
Learn more: Natalie Lynn Kindergarten
12. Make 10 with two-sided chips
You’ll need counting chips that are a different color on each side for this activity. Kids shake up 10 chips in a cup and pour them out on the table. Then they see how many they have of each color and write that number bond to make 10.
Learn more: First Grade Fairytales
13. Throw snowballs to make 10
Make “snowballs” from paper (or any way you like), then place them in a bucket at one end of the room. Start kids out by having them toss snowballs into another bucket until they reach 10 (or any target number). Then, up the challenge by placing some snowballs in each bucket and have kids figure out how many more they need to toss in to make 10.
Learn more: Frugal Fun for Boys and Girls—Snowball Math Games
14. Use Uno cards to play addition war
In the card game War, players each flip an Uno card, and the one whose card is greatest takes them both. In this twist on one of our favorite kindergarten games, players each flip two cards. They then use counting blocks to represent the numbers and count on or add to find the sum. The largest sum wins the hand, and play continues.
Learn more: Planning Playtime—Addition Game
15. Roll and add for fluency within 5
Kindergarten math students work to become fluent in adding and subtracting within 5. This free printable board game makes it fun!
Learn more: Liz’s Early Learning Spot
16. Get four in a row and learn place value
This customizable game helps teach the early place-value concept of tens plus ones. Get it for free at the link.
Learn more: Two Boys and a Dad
17. Bowl and subtract within 10
Set up a toy bowling pin set (or make one from plastic bottles or toilet-paper tubes). Kids bowl and see how many pins they knock down, subtracting that number from 10. Then they repeat, this time subtracting from the previous answer. First to get to zero wins!
Learn more: Planning Playtime—Subtraction Worksheets
18. Get off my boat!
So simple, so engaging, so fun! Use tape to outline a boat shape on the floor (or try this outside with sidewalk chalk). Let some kids board the “boat,” then make some get off. Use those numbers to write a subtraction number sentence and solve the equation!
Learn more: Kindergarten Smorgasboard—Get Off My Boat!
19. Drive and compare numbers to music
Prep for this game by using dot markers on paper plates as shown (visit the link below for more examples). Each kid takes a plate then uses it to “drive” around the room as you play music. When the music stops, they find a nearby partner and compare what they see on each other’s plates (e.g., “8 dots is more than 4 dots. 1 green dot is less than 4 green dots.” Then start the music up and repeat!
20. Build a weigh station
Use a hanger and plastic cups to build a super-simple weigh station. Kids will love dropping items into the cups to see which weighs more or less. Turn it into a game by having them try to guess which object weighs more first or how many of one item equals another.
21. Battle it out in ribbon war
Looking for kindergarten math games that teach non-standard measurement? This idea is fun and easy. Cut colorful ribbons into a variety of lengths and place them in a bag. Each student pulls a ribbon from the bag. Then, put students in pairs and have them compare their ribbons to identify the longer one. The student with the longer ribbon keeps both, and the game continues.
22. Hold a shape scavenger hunt
Kindergarten math students are learning to recognize shapes in their environment and also to categorize and sort. This scavenger hunt does it all! Send them out to find objects in the room that match the shapes. Then count and compare to see how many you have in each category.
Learn more: Frugal Fun for Boys and Girls—Shape Scavenger Hunt

Use sidewalk chalk to lay out a shape maze on the playground or driveway. Choose a shape and hop from one to the next, or call out a different shape for every jump!
Learn more: Creative Family Fun—Shape Maze
24. Make a match to learn shapes
Grab these free printable memory cards at the link. Then play and learn the basic shapes.
Learn more: Life Over C’s
25. Guess the mystery shapes
Work on geometry terms like “sides” and “vertices” when you sort shapes using these attributes. Start by placing 3D shapes into paper bags and asking students questions like “The shape in this bag has 4 sides. What could it be?”
Learn more: Susan Jones Teaching
Love these kindergarten math games? You’ll also enjoy these 50 Kindergarten Math Word Problems of the Day!
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Counting Games for Kindergarteners Online
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q1: What are the activities to learn counting numbers?
Ans: To learn counting numbers, students can use pictures to count, they can also count on fingers or use counters to count. Kids can learn counting numbers by playing games or using fun drawing and coloring activities and worksheets Further, they can also count forward or backward to practice counting.
Q2: How do we introduce counting to kids?
Ans: We can introduce counting to kids by looking at the things and objects in our surroundings and asking them "how many objects are there"? Kids learn to count by using their fingers. They may also use counters to count all the objects. Once they can easily count things up to 5, they can be gradually taught to count larger quantities using other counting techniques.
Q3: Till what number a child should be able to count in kindergarten?
Ans: A kindergartener should be able to count till 20 using various tools such as fingers on the hand, pictures, counters and objects.
Basic math and number concepts learnt in prekindergarten or kindergarten classroom lays the foundation for understanding higher math concepts. Counting is an essential foundation skill which kids begin learning through preschool activities. By the start of the first day of kindergarten, the kids are expected to count from 1 to 10 (basic rote memorization) and recognize some numerals. In kindergarten, the kids are expected to count to 100, count group of objects up to 20 and create complex patterns.
Kindergarten math involves variety of skills that includes:
1: Numeral Identification which involves identification or recognition of all 10 numerals from 0 to 9. The kindergarten curriculum expects kids to learn number names for numbers from 0 to 20.
2: Counting which involves learning counting strategies like count out loud, touch and count, move and count, line up and count, and count on.
3: Pattern recognition and creation which starts with recognizing pattern in the objects and extend to observing patterns in the number system.
4: Classifying and sorting which develops logical reasoning skills and divergent thinking in kids.
- Numeral Identification and counting sequence: In kindergarten, the kids learn to count to 100 by ones and tens.
They learn forward rote counting by ones from any number less than 100. When counting by tens, they are expected to count only by decades like 10, 20, 30, …. etc. The kids practice kindergarten worksheets to develop fluency with number sequence.
The kids learn to write numbers 0-20 in words. They also learn to represent a number by pictures or objects. For example, the kids can represent number 8 by 8 pictures or 8 tiles.
- Count to tell the number of objects in a set: The kids develop an understanding of numbers. They understand the relationship between the numbers and the quantities. They first learn one-to-one correspondence with numbers and objects. They connect one number with each object. They begin by counting objects in small sets.
The kids also understand the order irrelevance while counting. They understand that the number of objects in a set remains the same irrespective of the arrangement or the order in which the objects are counted. Also, they understand that each successive number is one quantity larger. The kids practice various counting worksheets to strengthen their skills.
Counting strategies:
- Count out Loud: Counting out loud in everyday routine with kids can be fun way to develop fluency in counting. There are so many counting games that can be played in everyday routine. For example, asking kids to count the steps aloud while walking can develop fluency in counting. The games like counting crows sitting on a tree or counting coins can improve their counting skills.
- Touch and count: When asked to count a group of objects, the kids touch each object and say 1 each time. They may touch the objects randomly at first. With proper instructions, the kids learn to math counts in sequence. They touch each object and count 1, 2, 3,…..
- Count and Move: Another strategy to teach counting is to move the objects being counted to another place. This strategy eliminates the chances of double counting any object.
- Line up and count: In this strategy, the objects are lined up and the kids are asked to say the counting sequence while touching the objects from left to right or right to left.
- Counting on: This strategy enables the kids to count new objects without recounting the already counted objects. For example, give kids four coins and ask him/her to count them. Now, give him/her two more coins. By using counting on strategy, the kid will start counting coins from five, six, instead of counting coins from 1.
- Pattern Recognition & Creation: Understanding patterns is an important everyday math concept. The kids start learning and recognizing patterns at an infant stage. There are many toddler games based on pattern recognition. Understanding this form an important part of the early childhood education. The first type of patterns introduced at pre school are AB patterns. These are the patterns that involve two objects lined up in an alternating manner.
For example, car bike car bike and so on. Gradually, the understanding of the math patterns grows among kids. They develop their skill from recognizing AB pattern to understanding ABC pattern and much more. The skills are further enhanced by practicing various pattern worksheets.
This understanding enables kids to recognize the recurring math patterns in counting. When counting, they notice the recurring pattern of the digits from 0 to 9. This makes it easier for them to learn the long counting sequence up to billions and trillions.
- Sorting and Classifying to compare numbers: Sorting and classifying forms a part of preschool activities or kindergarten worksheets. These activities or worksheets develop logical reasoning skills which in turns develop comparing skills in the kids. While comparing two different sets of objects, for example, apple and oranges, the kids can be made to put all the apples in one group and all the oranges in another group. They may then be asked to arrange all the apples in one line and oranges in another line.
Sorting and arranging objects in a line makes comparison easier. Sorting and comparing different objects in groups are some of the activities which form the base for understanding higher mathematical concepts. The kids develop skills to compare numbers presented to them in different ways. They compare number of objects in different sets to identify which set has fewer or lesser objects.
Strategies for comparing numbers:
- Matching numbers
- Counting strategies
- Equal strategies
Manipulatives For Learning Counting
Learning Math concepts become fun when manipulatives are incorporated in the learning. The abstract concepts like counting and numbers are easier to understand through manipulatives. For example, the kids often get distracted when counting to 20 or higher numbers. This problem can be solved by coin counter. Giving 20 coin counters to kids for counting, he/she will likely use on-to-one correspondence and count all 20 counters without getting distracted.
These counters also proves beneficial in teaching sorting and pattern recognization to kids. For example, verbally telling patterns to the kids might confuse them. However, showing the pattern through coin counter makes it easier for them to understand and they are able to continue the same pattern.
Learning counting in a fun way
Counting the beans: Developing fluency in counting to 10.
Take 10 plastic cups and label them 1-10. Give a bowl filled with marbles to the kids and ask them to put marbles in each cup. The number of marbles in each cup should be same as the number labelled on them.
Memory matchup- Fish counts: This activity aims to develop number sense and skills to count to 10.
The game will have 20 cards. Of which 10 cards will have numerals from 1 – 10 and the other 10 cards will have pictures of fish from 1 – 10. The game is played by mixing up the cards and laying them in rows face down. The player 1 turn over any two cards, if the cards match, that is, the fish counts and the number on the cards are the same. He/She keeps the cards. If they do not match, they are turned back over. The players need to remember what was on each card and the place where they are. The game gets over when all the cards are matched. The player with the maximum number of match cards won the game.
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"Amur" won the first major victory of the season // Watching
Ovation after the game: "Amur" won the first major victory of the season // Watching-
October 28, 2022, 02:10 October 28, 2022, 03:10 October 28, 2022, 04:10 October 28, 2022, 05:10 October 28, 2022, 06:10 October 28, 2022, 07:10 October 28, 2022, 08:10 October 28, 2022, 09:10 October 28, 2022, 10:10 October 28, 2022, 11:10 October 28, 2022, 12:10
Khabarovsk hockey players defeated Cherepovets "Severstal" on their own ice, losing in the course of the meeting.
According to an unpleasant tradition, which the head coach of the Khabarovsk club Vadim Yepanchintsev said after the match, the "Tigers" again failed the opening segment of the game. Guests opened the scoring in the match and once again took the lead in the middle of the second period.
Vadim Yepanchintsev, head coach of HC Amur: "It's just one game after another. We can't start well. But we rebuilt. We scored goals. Today we showed our strengths."
After Pavel Makhanovskiy scored the second goal of "Amur" and equalized the score, only the Khabarovsk team scored goals. True, for a long time the advantage of the hosts was minimal, and the Tigers managed to bring the difference in the score to devastating only in the end of the meeting.
Nevertheless, for the first time in the season, the Khabarovsk team won with a big score and took five out of six possible points in the "home" series.
Vadim Yepanchintsev, head coach of HC Amur: "Many thanks to our fans who drove forward throughout the match and the home series.
Today the team deserved a standing ovation after the game."
The next matches "Amur" will hold on the road - already on Sunday, October 30, Khabarovsk will cross clubs with the Chelyabinsk "Tractor".
Photo: Press Service of HC Amur (Khabarovsk).
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- Khabarovsk
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- Severstal hockey
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