How many syllables in summer
What is a syllable? | TheSchoolRun
Syllables explained for parents, including details of how primary-school children are taught to identify syllables to help them with spelling and reading and understanding poetry.
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What is a syllable?
A syllable is a single, unbroken sound of a spoken (or written) word. Syllables usually contain a vowel and accompanying consonants. Sometimes syllables are referred to as the ‘beats’ of spoken language.
Syllables differ from phonemes in that a phoneme is the smallest unit of sound; the number of syllables in a word is unrelated to the number of phonemes it contains. For example: /b/, /k/, /t/, /ch/, /sh/, /ee/, /ai/, /igh/, /ear/ are all phonemes. The word ‘chat’ is made up of three phonemes (/ch/ /a/ /t/). The word ‘light’ is made up of three phonemes (/l/ /igh/ /t/). However, both the words ‘chat’ and ‘light’ have only one syllable each.
The number of times you hear a vowel (a, e, i , o, u) in a word is equal to the number of syllables a word has. A good way to identify syllables is to think about whether you need to change your mouth shape to say the next bit of the word / the new syllable.
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Learning about syllables in primary school
Learning about syllables is part of learning how to decode and spell words. It helps children understand the conventions of English spelling, including when to double letters and how to pronounce the vowels in words they might not have seen before.
Teachers will often get children to clap out the syllables of a word, to help them to understand the concept. (A good game to introduce syllables is to ask each child to stand up and say their name, while clapping out the syllables.
For example:
- Cat has one syllable (words of one syllable are monosyllabic)
- Water has two syllables (wa / ter)
- Computer has three syllables (com / pu / ter)
- Category has four syllables (cat / e / gor / y)
Syllables in KS1 English
Children in Key Stage 1 will be expected to read words of two syllables. They may be shown how to split the words up into syllables, in order to help them sound them out. For example: if they are shown the word ‘thunder’ and get stuck, a teach may cover the second half of the word (‘der’) and ask them to just sound out the first syllable. Once they have managed this, they uncover the rest of the word and ask them to sound this out.
Children in Key Stage 1 will also learn to spell words with two syllables, at which point they will be encouraged to separate the two syllables themselves, in order to learn the spelling of the whole word.
Syllables in KS2 English
During Key Stage 2, children will progress to learning the spellings of words containing four syllables (or possibly more). They also learn about the use of syllables in poetry.
Children may learn about syllables through writing haikus. A haiku is a Japanese poem with three lines, the first containing 5 syllables, the second containing 7 syllables and the third containing 5 syllables.
This is a haiku about a frog:
Wet amphibian,
Gulps, blinks and flicks out his tongue
To snatch a black fly.
Writing haikus encourages children to think about syllables, but also to think very carefully about their word choices – it may be that one word has too many syllables and does not fit, so they have to think of a new, similar word that fits the given criteria.
Another poetic form based on syllable number is the limerick (the first, second and fifth lines rhyme and have the same number of syllables, usually eight or nine).
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Six Syllable Types | Reading Rockets
By: Louisa Moats, Carol Tolman
Six written syllable-spelling conventions are used in English spelling. These were regularized by Noah Webster to justify his 1806 dictionary's division of syllables. The conventions are useful to teach because they help students remember when to double letters in spelling and how to pronounce the vowels in new words. The conventions also help teachers organize decoding and spelling instruction.
Warm-up: Why double?
Read this fascinating tale. As you read, underline words in which there are two or more consonants between the first and second syllables.
Thunker's pet cats, Pete and Kate, enjoyed dining on dinner. They were fated to fatness. The pet Pete, who was cuter than Kate, was a cutter cat with sharp claws and teeth, scary scars, and one jagged ear.
Pete was ripping up ripening apples and biting bitter strips of striped bug bits as he stared into the starry night. The cat Kate was not as scared or scarred. Kate liked licking slimy slops that slopped from a bucket, sitting at a site that sloped and caused the slop to slide. Kate liked sitting at the site where the slops slid.
— Created by Bruce Rosow (Moats & Rosow, 2003)
What do you notice about the vowel sounds that come before the doubled consonants?
Why teach syllables?
Without a strategy for chunking longer words into manageable parts, students may look at a longer word and simply resort to guessing what it is — or altogether skipping it. Familiarity with syllable-spelling conventions helps readers know whether a vowel is long, short, a diphthong, r-controlled, or whether endings have been added. Familiarity with syllable patterns helps students to read longer words accurately and fluently and to solve spelling problems — although knowledge of syllables alone is not sufficient for being a good speller.
Spoken and written syllables are different
Say these word pairs aloud and listen to where the syllable breaks occur:
bridle – riddle table – tatter even – ever
Spoken syllables are organized around a vowel sound. Each word above has two syllables. The jaw drops open when a vowel in a syllable is spoken. Syllables can be counted by putting your hand under your chin and feeling the number of times the jaw drops for a vowel sound.
Spoken syllable divisions often do not coincide with or give the rationale for the conventions of written syllables. In the first word pair above, you may naturally divide the spoken syllables of bridle between bri and dle and the spoken syllables of riddle between ri and ddle. Nevertheless, the syllable rid is "closed" because it has a short vowel; therefore, it must end with consonant. The first syllable bri is "open," because the syllable ends with a long vowel sound. The result of the syllable-combining process leaves a double d in riddle (a closed syllable plus consonant-le) but not in bridle (open syllable plus consonant-le). These spelling conventions are among many that were invented to help readers decide how to pronounce and spell a printed word.
The hourglass illustrates the chronology or sequence in which students learn about both spoken and written syllables. Segmenting and blending spoken syllables is an early phonological awareness skill; reading syllable patterns is a more advanced decoding skill, reliant on student mastery of phoneme awareness and phoneme-grapheme correspondences.
Figure 5.1. Hourglass Depiction of the Relationship Between Awareness in Oral Language and Written Syllable Decoding
(Contributed by Carol Tolman, and used with permission.)
Click to see full image
Closed syllables
The closed syllable is the most common spelling unit in English; it accounts for just under 50 percent of the syllables in running text. When the vowel of a syllable is short, the syllable will be closed off by one or more consonants. Therefore, if a closed syllable is connected to another syllable that begins with a consonant, two consonant letters will come between the syllables (com-mon, but-ter).
Two or more consonant letters often follow short vowels in closed syllables (dodge, stretch, back, stuff, doll, mess, jazz). This is a spelling convention; the extra letters do not represent extra sounds. Each of these example words has only one consonant phoneme at the end of the word. The letters give the short vowel extra protection against the unwanted influence of vowel suffixes (backing; stuffed; messy).
Vowel-Consonant-e (VCe) syllables
Also known as "magic e" syllable patterns, VCe syllables contain long vowels spelled with a single letter, followed by a single consonant, and a silent e. Examples of VCe syllables are found in wake, whale, while, yoke, yore, rude, and hare. Every long vowel can be spelled with a VCe pattern, although spelling "long e" with VCe is unusual.
Open syllables
If a syllable is open, it will end with a long vowel sound spelled with one vowel letter; there will be no consonant to close it and protect the vowel (to-tal, ri-val, bi-ble, mo-tor). Therefore, when syllables are combined, there will be no doubled consonant between an open syllable and one that follows.
A few single-syllable words in English are also open syllables. They include me, she, he and no, so, go. In Romance languages — especially Spanish, Portuguese, and Italian — open syllables predominate.
Vowel team syllables
A vowel team may be two, three, or four letters; thus, the term vowel digraph is not used. A vowel team can represent a long, short, or diphthong vowel sound. Vowel teams occur most often in old Anglo-Saxon words whose pronunciations have changed over hundreds of years. They must be learned gradually through word sorting and systematic practice. Examples of vowel teams are found in thief, boil, hay, suit, boat, and straw.
Sometimes, consonant letters are used in vowel teams. The letter y is found in ey, ay, oy, and uy, and the letter w is found in ew, aw, and ow. It is not accurate to say that "w can be a vowel," because the letter is working as part of a vowel team to represent a single vowel sound. Other vowel teams that use consonant letters are -augh, -ough, -igh, and the silent -al spelling for /aw/, as in walk.
Vowel-r syllables
We have chosen the term "vowel-r" over "r-controlled" because the sequence of letters in this type of syllable is a vowel followed by r (er, ir, ur, ar, or). Vowel-r syllables are numerous, variable, and difficult for students to master; they require continuous review. The /r/ phoneme is elusive for students whose phonological awareness is underdeveloped. Examples of vowel-r syllables are found in perform, ardor, mirror, further, worth, and wart.
Consonant-le (C-le) syllables
Also known as the stable final syllable, C-le combinations are found only at the ends of words. If a C-le syllable is combined with an open syllable — as in cable, bugle, or title — there is no doubled consonant. If one is combined with a closed syllable — as in dabble, topple, or little — a double consonant results.
Not every consonant is found in a C-le syllable. These are the ones that are used in English:
-ble (bubble) | -fle (rifle) | -stle (whistle) | -cle (cycle) |
-gle (bugle) | -tle (whittle) | -ckle (trickle) | -kle (tinkle) |
-zle (puzzle) | -dle (riddle) | -ple (quadruple) |
Simple and complex syllables
Closed, open, vowel team, vowel-r, and VCe syllables can be either simple or complex. A complex syllable is any syllable containing a consonant cluster (i.e., a sequence of two or three consonant phonemes) spelled with a consonant blend before and/or after the vowel. Simple syllables have no consonant clusters.
Simple | Complex |
late | plate |
sack | stack |
rick | shrink |
tee | tree |
bide | blind |
Complex syllables are more difficult for students than simple syllables. Introduce complex syllables after students can handle simple syllables.
Table 5.1. Summary of Six Types of Syllables in English Orthography
Syllable Type | Examples | Definition |
Closed | dap-ple hos-tel bev-er-age | A syllable with a short vowel, spelled with a single vowel letter ending in one or more consonants.![]() |
Vowel-Consonant-e (VCe) | com-pete des-pite | A syllable with a long vowel, spelled with one vowel + one consonant + silent e. |
Open | pro-gram ta-ble re-cent | A syllable that ends with a long vowel sound, spelled with a single vowel letter. |
Vowel Team (including diphthongs) | aw-ful train-er con-geal spoil-age | Syllables with long or short vowel spellings that use two to four letters to spell the vowel. Diphthongs ou/ow and oi/oy are included in this category. |
Vowel-r (r-controlled) | in-jur-i-ous con-sort char-ter | A syllable with er, ir, or, ar, or ur. Vowel pronunciation often changes before /r/.![]() |
Consonant-le (C-le) | drib-ble bea-gle lit-tle | An unaccented final syllable that contains a consonant before /l/, followed by a silent e. |
Leftovers: Odd and Schwa syllables | dam-age act-ive na-tion | Usually final, unaccented syllables with odd spellings. |
Summer - phonetic (sound-alphabetical) analysis of the word Phonetic analysis Phonetic analysis: "summer"
- Definition and parsing of the word
- Dividing a word into syllables and hyphenation options
- Transcription of the word "summer"
- Sound-letter (phonetic) analysis of the word "summer"
Definition and parsing of the word
“Summer” is an inanimate noun of the neuter gender of the 2nd declension. nine0005
The word "summer" means the season between spring and autumn.
Dividing the word into syllables and hyphenation options
Let's break the word "summer" into syllables:
The word consists of 2 syllables. The stress falls on the letter "e" of the first syllable.
Transfer options:
Transcription of the word "summer"
Sound-letter (phonetic) analysis of the word "summer"
Now let's characterize each sound:
l - [l '] - consonant, unpaired voiced, sonorous, paired soft
e - [e] - vowel, stressed o - [a] - vowel, unstressed
Number of letters and sounds:
- 4 letters and 4 sounds
Cases where the sound does not correspond to the letter:
- The letter "e" stands for the sound [e],
- The letter "o" denotes the sound [a]. nine0008
“hello” or “hello”
“choose” or “choose”
“please” or “please”
“come” or “come”
“as if” - as if”
“later” or “later”
“the same” or “also”
“girls” or “girls”
accent in the word “BEAUTIFUL”
spelling: “address” or “address ”
“because” or “because”
“weather” or “pagoda”
“in mind” or “in mind”
“do” or “do”
“nothing” or “nothing”
“like” or “like”
“ but” or “for that”
“in principle” or “in principle”
“incomprehensible” or “incomprehensible”
“not for long” or “not for long”
“anyway”, “anyway” or “everything -equal”
“live” or “live”
“too much” or “too much”
stress in the word “BEET”
“nevertheless” or “darker”
“thank you” or “thank you”
“I adore” or “I adore”
“in the sense” or “in the sense”
“at first” or “from the beginning”
“on time” or “on time”
“better” or “better”
“training” or “training”
“that is” or “that is”
accent in the word “BLINDS”
“mandatory” or “mandatory”
“cartridge” or “cartridge”
“burner”, “burner” or “burner”
don't know or don't know
how much, how long, or how much
doesn't matter or doesn't matter
wrong or wrong
ingredients or “ingredients”
“try” or “by trying”
“calculate” or “calculate”
“slowly”, “slowly” or “slowly”
stress in the word “CATALOGUE”
“ until now” or “until now”
“through” or “through”
nine0000 Words "summer" morphological and phonetic analysis Explanation of the rules for dividing (breaking down) the word "summer" into syllables for transfer.
The online dictionary will help: parse the word “ leto ” phonetically and morphologically by composition, correctly divide it into syllables according to the rules of the Russian language, highlight parts of the word, put stress, indicate the meaning, synonyms, antonyms and compatibility for the word “ leto” ".
- 1 Syllables in the word "summer" division into syllables
- 2 How to transfer the word "summer"
- 3 Morphological analysis of the word "summer"
- 4 Analysis of the word "summer" by composition
- 5 Words similar in morphemic structure " summer"
- 6 Synonyms of the word "summer"
- 7 Antonyms of the word "summer"
- 8 Stress in the word "summer"
- 9 Phonetic transcription of the word "summer"
- 10 Phonetic analysis of the word "summer" into letters and sounds ( Sound letter)
- 11 Sentences with the word "summer"
- 12 Matches for the word "summer"
- 13 Meaning of the word "summer"
- 14 Declension of the word "summer" by wear
- 15 How to spell the word "summer" 160 associations the word "summer"
Syllables in the word "summer" division into syllables
Number of syllables: 2
By syllables: leto
How to transfer the word "Summer"
Morphological analysis of the word "Summer"
Part Speech:
Part of the speech: noun;
animation: inanimate;
genus: middle;
number: singular;
case: nominative, accusative;
other characters: singularia tantum;
answers the question: (is) What?, (see/blame) What?
Initial form:
Analysis of the word "summer" by composition
years | root |
about | ending |
Words similar in morphemic structure "summer"
Words similar in morphemic structure
Synonyms of the word "summer"
1st season
2nd season
3rd vacation time
4th equator of the year
Antonyms of the word "summer"
1st winter
Emphasis in the word "summer"
summer - stress falls on the 1st syllable
Phonetic transcription of the word "summer" and sounds (Sound-letter)
Letter | Sound | Sound characteristics | Color |
l | [l’] | consonant, voiced unpaired (sonor), soft | nine0275 l|
e | [`e] | vowel, stressed | e |
t | [t] | consonant, deaf double, hard, noisy | t |
about | [a] | vowel, unstressed | about |
Number of letters and sounds:
Based on the analysis made, we conclude that there are 4 letters and 4 sounds in the word.
Letters: 2 vowels, 2 consonants. nine0053 Sounds: 2 vowels, 2 consonants.
Sentences with the word "summer"
There are many ways to spend summer beautifully .
Source: Aleksey Semenychev, I don't go to school! Homeschooling in Russian, 2015.
When growing cucumbers in a greenhouse for summer , 5–6 fertilizing with mineral and organic fertilizers is carried out.
Source: OA Ganichkina, Everything about the garden and the garden. Complete modern encyclopedia, 2014.
The spring has passed, and the hot summer has come.
Source: Kondraty Birkin, Louis XIV, 1870.
Compatibility of the word “Summer”
1. Past summer
2. Next summer
3. Babier summer