How to find lexile levels for books
Here Are Some Find a Book Tips
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Skip to main content- Go to to access Lexile® Find a Book.
- Enter the student’s Lexile measure. If you don’t know a student’s Lexile measure, you can search for books based on their comfort with grade-level materials.
- Select the student’s interest categories.
- View and refine the search results. As you browse books, click the “Find This Book” button next to the book title to check for availability at the local public library.
- Add books to the student’s reading list. You can print the custom list or email it to other teachers or the student’s parents.
Generally, choosing books within a student’s Lexile range is best. This way, students advance their literacy skills without getting frustrated. However, there are times when you might want to choose books below or above a child’s reported Lexile reader measure.
- Choosing materials with a higher Lexile text measure for advanced and enthusiastic readers can challenge them with a hard but interesting book.
- Choosing materials with a lower Lexile text measure can allow struggling and reluctant readers to build confidence and skills with less challenging books on their topics of choice.
You can still build reading lists for students without knowing their reported Lexile reading measure from a test. Find a Book can estimate a student’s starting Lexile range based on the student’s grade and comfort with the reading materials at that grade level. Then, based on the book search results, you can help students further refine their book search results to select titles that best support successful reading.
The Lexile measure (text complexity) of a book is an excellent starting point for a student’s book selection. It’s important, though, to understand that the book’s Lexile measure should not be the only factor in a student’s book selection process. A Lexile measure is a quantitative measure of text complexity only. Lexile measures do not consider factors such as age-appropriateness, interest and prior knowledge. These are also key factors when matching children and adolescents with books they might like and are able to read. Some books also have a two-letter designation that appears before a Lexile measure (for example, AD580L) called a Lexile Code. Lexile codes provide more information about developmental appropriateness, reading difficulty and common or intended usage of books. Learn more about Lexile Codes.
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Use Mobile Apps to Find Book Matches
The following apps use Lexile measures to match readers with level-appropriate books.
- Early Learning Academy
- BOOKR Class
- Classroom Library Company: Book Retriever
- FikesFarm LLC: Literacy Leveler™
- KTL Mobile Apps LLC: Level It Books™
- ReadingIQ
- Unbound Concepts: Artifact Early Learning Academy is a winner of numerous awards from national educational, parent, and media organization, our flagship product is the leading and most comprehensive digital early learning resource for children ages 2-8. Early Learning Academy offers a research-validated curriculum for preschool, pre-k, kindergarten, 1st grade, and 2nd grade with more than 9,000 individual Learning Activites and more than 850 complete lessons along our Step-by-Step Learning Path. ABCmouse encompasses all key academic subject areas, including literacy, math, science, health, and social studies, and offers many art- and music- based activities.
To date, children have completed billions of Learning Activites on ABCmouse!
Large-scale research studies assessing the effectiveness of ABCmouse have concluded that ABCmouse accelerates learning and helps children make significant gains in early literacy and math skills. ABCmouse is available to families on a low-cost subscription basis for use on computers, tablets, and smartphones. ABCmouse is regularly ranked as the leading children’s learning iPad, iPhone, and Android app un both the Kids and Education categories.
BOOKR Class is a digital library of animated books and games with a Teacher’s Dashboard, trusted by 25,000 teachers worldwide. Effective and easy to use in-class, after school and in distance learning, BOOKR Class offers a 3-in-1 solution for teachers and students: a fast-growing digital library and a Teacher’s Dashboard for tracking engagement and reading activity.
BOOKR Class is designed for teachers by teachers. To help children reach their full potential, BOOKR Class follows a proven researched methodology with texts and activities designed for individual and classroom learning.
The illustrations and animations support the understanding of the texts, but don’t distract from reading, while the educational games practise the linguistic elements in a focused, fun and entertaining way.
Book Retriever is the Classroom Library Company’s accompanying app for managing book borrowing between teachers, parents and students. The Book Retriever software makes it easy to:
- Match appropriate books to readers
- Level, Manage, Track, Lend and Organize your whole Classroom Library
- Helps parents determine books appropriate books for their children.
- Communicate easily with Parents via phone or email.
- Leveled Reading Correlation Chart built in
- PC and smart phone ready! PC version comes with barcode scanner. Access the same info rom either format.
- Over 136,000 books in our database (includes some sole source publishers)
- Easily import your current book list into the Book Retriever!
- Never buy the wrong or duplicate book in a bookstore ever again!
- We can easily add your school or districts book database *Fee based
- Easily Print Leveled Labels for your books!
Level It Books™ is a library management app that allows you to scan your books’ ISBNs to view the Guided Reading, Lexile®, Grade Level Equivalent, and DRA levels for the book and store them in a personalized library. You can build your leveled library quickly by searching our comprehensive database of over 180K books spanning those 4 leveling standards. We have a passion for education and our goals are to help you organize your classroom library and to alleviate the struggles associated with finding the levels of books. This app is great for educators who need to level their classroom library and also need a way to organize those books digitally. Parents will also find this app useful in order to locate level appropriate books for their child’s reading enjoyment.
ReadingIQ is an advanced digital library for children 12 and under. ReadingIQ gives families and teachers access to thousands of high-quality books, all curated by experts to advance literacy. Building on the success of ABCmouse Early Learning Academy, we’ve brought the same research-based, educator-led approach to ReadingIQ. This digital library provides the very best of children’s literature, including Caldecott and Newbery award winners, National Geographic Kids books, more than 1,000 exclusive titles, and thousands of additional high-quality and high-interest fiction and nonfiction books from leading publishers
The entire ReadingIQ library is easily searchable by topic and leveled with both the Guided Reading and Lexile® systems so that children can find titles that match their interests and reading ability. ReadingIQ is available at no cost to teachers for use in their classrooms, with the ability to assign books to each student to read at home, completely free. Families who would like full home access to the entire library can subscribe for a monthly or annual fee.
Literacy Leveler™ makes it easy to level children’s books in your collection and find books of an appropriate reading level. Literacy Leveler focuses on grades K though 8 and is available for iOS and Android.
- Scan a book’s ISBN and see its level.
- Search for a book by title, author, or level.
- Add books to your personal library.
Artifact is a book app that enables teachers to search discover and reflect on the books that are right for their students. For more information, visit
Top 8 Books ‹ Inglex
A wide vocabulary is something every English learner should strive for, because the more words you know, the more you can say. However, in addition to learning new words, you also need to learn how to combine them correctly, make sentences from them and use them in your speech. And all these tricks you will be taught by textbooks on the vocabulary of the English language. We'll cover 8 of the most popular vocabulary building aids and explain how to work with them.
We have already compiled a detailed review of the 4 best English textbooks for our readers. At the same time, we wrote that these comprehensive manuals help develop all English language skills, as well as expand your vocabulary. Below we will explain why it is worth adding a book to a universal textbook to increase vocabulary. In this review, we will present you 8 vocabulary guides.
Why additional textbooks on English vocabulary are needed
1. Learn words effectively
Each of the textbooks on English vocabulary is focused on learning new words in context. You learn new vocabulary and immediately use it in practical exercises, see how it "works" in natural speech. This is the most productive and fastest way to improve your vocabulary.
2. Expressing Your Thoughts Accurately
Knowledge of grammar and a good vocabulary is essential to speak English confidently. In addition, if you are going to take an exam or emigrate, a large vocabulary will make your life much easier. Of course, the basic textbook provides a good supply of vocabulary for every level of knowledge, but if you want to make your speech more natural and expressive, vocabulary replenishment books will come in handy.
3. Better listening comprehension
Obviously, the more English words you know, the more you can understand. Therefore, we advise those who complain that they can hardly perceive English speech by ear to pay attention to such aids. Quite often, the reason for such a misunderstanding is that a person has a limited vocabulary, so our brain plays a cruel joke with us - we simply do not hear all unfamiliar words.
4. Activate vocabulary
A huge plus of such manuals is that they focus not so much on learning new words as on the practice of using various words of the English language. Surely you have heard people complain: “I already read English texts, but I speak very badly.” The thing is that such students have an extensive passive vocabulary of the English language - they recognize the word when they hear it or meet it in the text. At the same time, their active stock is very small - they cannot use words that they seem to know in their speech. English vocabulary books help to solve this problem: through practical exercises and constant repetition, words move from passive to active vocabulary.
5. Reach the next level of English knowledge faster
It happens that it is a poor vocabulary that "slows down" a person, does not allow him to move to the next level. In this case, working with additional aids will help speed up the learning process.
At what level is it necessary to take such a study allowance? Each of the series of books includes textbooks for different levels of knowledge, so at any level you can pick up good material for vocabulary replenishment. If you are learning English with a teacher, you can ask him to take additional material from the textbook you like. If you study English on your own, try to regularly complete tasks from the selected manual.
The format of this textbook is similar to the editions of English Grammar in Use by Raymond Murphy, which we wrote about in the review "The 4 Best English Grammar Textbooks". Each lesson-unit takes 1 turn: the theory is given on the left, practical exercises are given on the right.
There are two ways to work with this tutorial. If your vocabulary is rather poor, it is best to go from the first lesson to the last one and not skip anything. If you do not have enough knowledge on some specific topics, you can choose and study them.
Vocabulary replenishment exercises in English Vocabulary in Use are tasks for choosing a word, filling in missing words in a text, crossword puzzles, writing short texts, matching a word to a picture, dividing words into groups according to some criteria, selecting definitions for idioms and phrasal verbs, selection of synonyms, etc.
Features of the textbook
If you learn English on your own, then this manual will be convenient to use. At the end of the textbook there are answers to all the exercises, you can check yourself.
The undoubted advantage of the manual is the presence at the end of the book of a list of all the words found in the units. The words are written in alphabetical order, each of them is given a transcription. Also, next to each word is the page number on which it occurs, so if you want to know how to use it correctly, just open the desired page.
2. Work on Your Vocabulary0003
We advise you to go through the textbook sequentially - step by step to analyze each of the lessons. However, there is a list of topics in the table of contents, so you can choose which vocabulary to learn first. In addition, at the end of the textbook, in alphabetical order, there is a list of all the words used in each lesson.
When completing tasks, you need to insert a missing word, underline the correct meaning, choose the appropriate option, or correctly sign the illustration.
Textbook features
Authors: Ruth Gairns, Stuart Redman.
Structure of the textbook and how it works
In this series of British vocabulary books, suitable material should be selected according to the following principle:
- Basic - for Elementary and Pre-Intermediate levels.
- Intermediate Manual - for Intermediate and Upper-Intermediate levels.
- Advanced Handbook - for Advanced and Proficiency levels.
Each book in this series contains 80 units. The lesson takes from one to three pages, depending on the topic. Practical exercises are immediately attached to blocks of theoretical material to consolidate knowledge. All units are divided by topic into groups-modules of 5 or 10 lessons. After each module in the textbook, you will be asked to take a test that will check how well you have learned the material of all the lessons you have completed.
As you work through this tutorial, you can also choose to go in order or select exactly those topics where you have gaps. However, if you are learning English on your own, the first option is preferable: this way you won't miss anything important.
Vocabulary tasks are diverse: fill in missing letters, find synonyms, answer questions, choose a word, insert a missing word in a phrase, etc. In addition to written vocabulary training exercises, Oxford Word Skills has tasks for developing speaking and listening.
Textbook features
At the end of the manual there are answers to all exercises, as well as tests following each module, so this textbook can also be recommended for self-study. At the end of the manual there is a list of words in alphabetical order. For each of them, a transcription is given and the page number on which you will find exercises with this word is indicated.
Additional online exercises for this tutorial series can be found at Follow the link to the Basic, Intermediate or Advanced section, and the exercises for the corresponding manual will be available to you.
Sign up for a speaking practice course and practice vocabulary in dialogue with a teacher.
4. Test Your Vocabulary0039 Advanced
Authors: Peter Watcyn-Jones, Olivia Johnston, Mark Farrell.
The structure of the textbook and the principle of working with it
Each of the five books in the Test Your Vocabulary series consists of 60 units, which occupy 1-2 pages depending on the topic. These English vocabulary learning tutorials will appeal to those who like to take various tests. However, the books also contain theoretical material, it is presented briefly, in the form of a small historical or grammatical reference.
Despite the fact that this series is a series of books with vocabulary tests, the tasks are very diverse. You can solve different types of crossword puzzles, sign pictures, combine words into phrases, choose phrases for comic book characters, etc.
The authors suggest working with the textbook in the following way. To memorize new words well, you need to return to them repeatedly, so make all notes in the book in pencil. After completing the exercise and self-checking, remove all answers. After 1-2 months, return to the lesson and try to go through it again. This way you will fix the vocabulary in memory.
Features of the textbook
The main advantage of this series is interesting practice tests that help you quickly memorize new words and the specifics of their use. At the end of each textbook you will find answers to tests and a list of words to study in alphabetical order.
5. Key Words for Fluency0051
Publisher: Heinle.
Author: George Woolard.
The structure of the textbook and the principle of working with it
The Pre-Intermediate and Intermediate level textbooks in this series contain 22 voluminous lessons each, which are divided into several parts. Each part is devoted to 1 word. For this word, you will be offered about 10-20 options for phrases (collocations), that is, you will see with which words and how exactly the vocabulary in question can “work”. In the manual of the Upper-Intermediate level, words are not combined by topic, but the principle of presenting the material is the same.
You can learn and remember all these useful phrases during the practical exercises. They are quite the same type, but after completing them, you will learn in which cases which expression should be used. In addition, many phrases contain prepositions, and English learners will confirm that it is not always easy to remember which preposition to use in a particular case. Having learned the expression completely, you will well remember the preposition that is used in a particular phrase.
Features of the textbook
This series of textbooks differs from other manuals in that you do not learn new words, but entire expressions. To speak confidently, you need to know how words "cooperate" with each other, that is, in conjunction with which words they are used. Knowing such expressions will allow you to speak English faster, avoiding mistakes in the use of words.
We recommend this textbook for those who are preparing for the FCE exam, because when writing an essay or passing the conversational part, it will be easier for you to operate with expressions, and not with individual words.
The Pre-Intermediate manual provides tests after studying each group of lessons, the other two textbooks do not have such tasks for checking, but you can return to the lesson after a while and try to go through it again, so you will see what has been deposited in your memory.
At the end of the textbooks there are answers to all tasks, as well as a list of words in alphabetical order indicating the pages on which they occur.