Humpty dumpty bedtime story
Humpty Dumpty Nursery Rhyme - Bedtimeshortstories
Humpty Dumpty Nursery Rhyme is one of the most loved English-speaking rhymes by the children. In the song, Humpty Dumpty is a character which is portrayed as an egg. The song is most likely to be a riddle. There are many versions of this rhyme but the first ever version was published in the year 1797 by Samuel Arnold. Later in the 18th century, the first recording of Humpty Dumpty was made by James William Elliott in the year 1870.
The origins are completely unknown and several theories have been made to identify its original meanings. One of the theories depicts Humpty Dumpty as the soldier while the other depicts it as an egg. Many of the popular publishers republished this rhyme such as National Nursery Rhymes and Rhyming Songs, Mother Goose’s Melody etc.We bring to you the counting version of the rhyme. Here is the rhyme for you!
Humpty Dumpty Nursery Rhyme
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Ten Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall
One Humpty Dumpty had a great fall
All the king’s horses and all the king’s men
Couldn’t put Humpty together again
Nine Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall
One Humpty Dumpty had a great fall
All the king’s horses and all the king’s men
Couldn’t put Humpty together again
Eight Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall
One Humpty Dumpty had a great fall
All the king’s horses and all the king’s men
Couldn’t put Humpty together again
Seven Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall
One Humpty Dumpty had a great fall
All the king’s horses and all the king’s men
Couldn’t put Humpty together again
Six Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall
One Humpty Dumpty had a great fall
All the king’s horses and all the king’s men
Couldn’t put Humpty together again
Five Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall
One Humpty Dumpty had a great fall
All the king’s horses and all the king’s men
Couldn’t put Humpty together again
Four Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall
One Humpty Dumpty had a great fall
All the king’s horses and all the king’s men
Couldn’t put Humpty together again
Three Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall
One Humpty Dumpty had a great fall
All the king’s horses and all the king’s men
Couldn’t put Humpty together again
Two Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall
One Humpty Dumpty had a great fall
All the king’s horses and all the king’s men
Couldn’t put Humpty together again
One Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall
One Humpty Dumpty had a great fall
All the king’s horses and all the king’s men
Couldn’t put Humpty together again
No Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall
No Humpty Dumpty had a great fall
All the king’s horses and all the king’s men
Didnt put Humpty together again
Brief Summary about Humpty Dumpty Nursery Rhyme:
In this rhyme, Ten Humpty Dumpty are sitting on a wall but one of them falls from the wall. The Humpty Dumpty breaks as it falls on the ground. All the King’s horses and all the King’s come to assemble it, but all of them fail to pick it up. Now, nine Humpty Dumpty are sitting on a wall but again one of the falls. It breaks as it falls on the ground. Again, all the King’s horses and all the King’s men come to gather it but all in vein.
From nine to eight, eight to seven, seven to six, six to five, five to four, four to three, three to two, two to one, all of them fall. But none of the King’s horses and King’s men could gather them. As a result, no Humpty Dumpty sits on the wall. So, it did not fall. Now none of the King’s horses and none of the King’s men need not put Humpty together again.
A little something for the parents:
Poems should be an integral part of your child’s growing process as they make their lives more colorful and vibrant by adding a variety of rich experience. So, every child should be encouraged to read more and more poems.
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Tagged with: humpty dumpty nursery rhyme, humpty dumpty rhyme, humpty dumpty sat on a wall, humpty dumpty sat on the wall, poem humpty dumpty
Humpty Dumpty, The Real Story – A Bedtime Short Story by George Davis – Reedsy Prompts
Humpty Dumpty, the Real Story George Davis
The headlines in the Eggland Gazette read, HUMPTY DUMPTY, FELL FROM THE TOP OF THE OLD STONE WALL AT POACHBURG HALL. Mr. Dumpty is in surgery at the Albumin Medical Center.
The article went on to say, he had a skull fracture. The King has sent for all his men, ordering them to drop whatever they are doing, and rush to the hospital and make sure, Humpty lives.
“I want you to stay with him until he recovers,” the king said.
Humpty Dumpty is the mayor of the small town of Cracopen on the coast off the island of Crate. His work has been exemplary for the seventeen years he has held that position. He has collected more taxes for the king than any previous mayor in that town. Is it any wonder the king wants Humpty restored to health?
“Nurse Cluck, keep the patient comfortable and let me know if anything changes and I mean, anything.”
“Yes, Doctor.” Doctor Crower knew how important it was to keep Humpty alive. If anything happens to him on the doctor’s watch, the king will have his head.
“How are you feeling, Mr. Dumpty?” Miss Cluck asked.
“I’ve got a terrible headache,” Dumpty replied. “And I hurt all over.”
“Well, the doctor is doing everything within his power to get you up and out of here.”
“That’s ni...” Humpty fell asleep; the drugs kept him drowsy most of the time.
The King himself came by the hospital to check on Humpty.
“How’d this terrible thing happen?” He asked.
“How?” Miss Cluck said. The king, known for his impatience and terrible temper, frightened Miss Cluck.
“They said he fell off the wall at Poachburg Hall, Your Highness.”
“What was he doing sitting atop that rock wall?” the king asked.
“I... I... I'm--- not--- sure, Your Majesty,” Miss Cluck said.
“Then who is? I want to know what he was doing on that wall. Get me the doctor. Now.”
Miss Cluck called the doctor at home and told him the king wanted to see him. Now.
“But... I haven’t eaten supper yet--- oh, never mind, I’ll be right there.”
“Good evening, Your Highness,” Doctor Crower said entering the room.
“Good evening, nothing. I want to know what Dumpty was doing sitting atop that awful wall. Now, why was he up there?”
The doctor afraid to say the wrong thing said, “I don’t know, Your Highness.”
“Well, who, for pity sake knows if you don’t?”
“I have no idea, Your Highness. I only know they brought him in around three-thirty this afternoon...”
“I won’t stand to have you lose this patient, Doctor. He is very valuable to me. If he dies--- you will answer to me. Do you understand?” the King raged.
“, Your Highness, I understand.”
“Then see that you use whatever is necessary to make sure he lives. All my men are available to help. Is that clear?”
“Yes, Your Highness.”
“Now take these men and their horses and put my mayor back together. Today, Doctor, today.” The king stormed out of the room, his entourage in his wake.
“Doctor, Dumpty isn’t going to make it, is he?” Miss Cluck said.
“I’m afraid not…too much damage.”
While the doctor and Miss Cluck were talking, Humpty Dumpty flatlined.
“He’s gone, Doctor,” Miss Cluck said.
“What are we going to do Miss Cluck?”
“I don’t know, Doctor, but you’d better think of something fast, or you will be at the king’s mercy, and you know, he is not merciful.”
Doctor Crower thought for a moment, his eyes staring blankly at the ceiling. Suddenly, a smile crossed his lips. “I’ve got it, Miss Cluck, I’ve got a plan. I’ve got something I want you to do for me.”
“Anything, Doctor?”
Miss Cluck returned from her errand for Doctor Crower. She passed him the gray carton containing a dozen eggs, twelve mayoral candidates enclosed. It should not be a problem.
“Yes, we are going to find a clone,” the doctor smiled.
“But, how will you pass him off as Mr. Dumpty? There is a lot to being a mayor.”
“Humpty Dumpty was nothing more than a stooge for the king, and anybody can make a stooge out of an egg. After all most of these guys have scrambled brains.”
The doctor sat back in his chair, a frown on his face. “Now get going, Miss Cluck, and don’t let any of the King’s Men know what we are up to, or it will be the end of us all.”
“I won’t, Doctor.”
Miss Cluck opened the carton and picked an egg that looked very much like Humpty Dumpty. She put it in an incubator to warm it up.
“Brrrr! I’m cold,” the egg said. “Where have I been. The last thing I remember is some man putting me into a soft bed. I must have fallen asleep.”
“What’s your name?” the doctor asked.
“I have no idea. I don’t know who I am.”
All the better, the doctor thought. “Your name is Humpty Dumpty. You are the mayor of Eggland.”
“I am? That’s funny, I don’t remember being a mayor.”
“You’ve got amnesia, Mr. Dumpty, of course, you wouldn’t remember. Trust me, you are Humpty Dumpty.”
“If you say, just who are you?”
“I’m Doctor Crower and this is Nurse Cluck. You are in the hospital.”
“I am? What’s the matter with me?”
“You fell off the wall at Poachburg Hall and broke your skull.” “I did?”
“Yes, and our fine staff here put you back together again. You are as good as new.”
“That’s nice," the new mayor replied. "When can I go home? And, by the way, where is home?”
“Why, it’s Eggland. You’re the mayor, remember?”
“Yes, yes, of course. I am the mayor of Eggland. My name is Humpty Dumpty.”
“And, under no circumstances are you ever to sit on that wall at Poachburg Hall. Understood?”
“Yes, Doctor, I understand.”
The Captain of the Guard told the king, his men had put Humpty Dumpty together again.
The egg from the market became the new mayor of Eggland and ruled for many years to the delight of the king and all his men. And, everyone lived happily ever after, except the real Humpty Dumpty, of course, the doctor poached him for breakfast the next morning and had him on English muffin with Hollandaise sauce. From then on throughout the city of Eggland, that meal became known as Eggs Benedict(ion.) Though, I doubt Humpty would have appreciated the doctor’s irreverent choice of food.
Dumpty - Samuil Marshak. Read online with illustrations.
Humpty Dumpty
Sitting on the wall.
Humpty Dumpty
Fell off in his sleep.
All of the King's Cavalry,
All of the King's Men
Can't Humpty,
Can't Dumpty,
Humpty Dumpty,
Dumpty Humpty,
Humpty Dumpty Gather!
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Humpty talk from what fairy tale. Character history
Humpty Dumpty
Fell off in my sleep.
All royal cavalry,
All the king's men
Can't Humpty,
Can't Chatter,
Humpty Dumpty,
Humpty Dumpty collect!
A well-known poem translated by S. Ya.Marshak. But this, of course, is not about Humpty Dumpty from Lewis Carroll's wonderful fairy tale "Through the Looking-Glass".
Our hero, it seems, also "fell", but
"royal men" are in no hurry to help Humpty.
I tried to understand a little about Humpty of our days, about him in recent days both the media and the Internet are endlessly trumpeting.
Who is who?
Shaltai Dumpty Leader Vladimir Anikeev ("nickname" Lewis - you see, he thinks he is Carroll of our days).
A lot has already been written about him:
That he was born in Makhachkala, which is at 90's worked in the St. Petersburg media; that he himself was not much of a writer, but he had other (very valuable) abilities: he knew how to find the right information, get dirt on businessmen and officials, get to know the right people, have a drink with them, have affairs with secretaries, in general, acquire useful connections. Later he began to appear in Moscow and even "became a member of the presidential administration" , where he was known as a journalist and black PR specialist.
After creation of Humpty Dumpty in 2013 (the group called itself "Anonymous International") Anikeev learned the addresses of personal mailboxes of "necessary people" (clients) and passed them on to hackers for hacking (phishing).
It is said that he even somehow created fake Wi-Fi networks and cells of mobile operators near restaurants in the presidential administration area. All collected information was forwarded to team members in Thailand and Estonia. However, others deny this.
But there is no doubt about it: Anikeev is not so much a journalist as a PR man and an investigator - he knew how to collect information and turn his skills into business.
He was well known to many people in St. Petersburg, and then in Moscow - Anikeev began to frequently attend events of the "Effective Policy Fund", which was headed by Gleb Pavlovsky.
Co-founder of Shaltai-Boltai Alexander Glazastikov now lives in Estonia, where he is going to apply for political asylum. In early February 2016, he gave about ten interviews to various media - and in all he said about the same thing. BBC, The Insider, Medusa and other publications confirmed that Glazastikov was related to Humpty Dumpty.
He also clarified the use of these beautiful names (in an interview with Rain ):
According to Glazastikov, there were two main participants in the project - Anikeev and him. There was no clear separation of who would be Humpty and who would be Dumpty. To communicate with journalists, they appeared differently.
Sobchak: How exactly did you introduce yourself?
Glazastikov: In different ways: both Shaltai and Chatter.
According to Glazastikov, the project was created with a political goal - "to reveal some secrets that not all the public knows. " Over time, it acquired a commercial component - the group obtained information by sending out phishing emails.
In an interview The Financial Times Glazastikov said that at the beginning of 2016, Vladimir Anikeev told his "colleagues" that the group had curators in the special services, who asked for the right to veto the publication of the data. In December 2016, Anikeev summoned members of the group to a meeting in Moscow. Glazastikov refused to go and announced his withdrawal from the project.
Konstantin Teplyakov in Shaltai was processing the received correspondence archives.
In 2005 he graduated from St. Petersburg State University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics; according to Kommersant he was the developer of the computer games Destiny Sphere, NetWars and Astronix. In 2007, Teplyakov moved to Thailand - he called himself the managing partner of Q Property, which sells real estate in Thailand and Montenegro. Merchant indicates that about 30 sites are registered on Teplyakov, from which Trojans and fake antiviruses were distributed.
According to Glazastikov, Teplyakov had nothing to do with the hacks themselves and was primarily engaged in processing the data already received. All hacks were carried out by hackers who were occasionally hired on specialized forums.
Teplyakov was detained in early December 2016. At a court hearing on February 9, he pleaded guilty.
Alexander Filinov was born in 1986 in Moscow, at the time of his arrest he was unemployed and was on the labor exchange. Moskovsky Komsomolets described him as "an intelligent-looking young man in glasses and a black suit and white shirt" . He said that he worked as a technical officer at MTS (this may mean that he had access to a vulnerability in the SS7 signaling protocol system, which allows intercepting calls, SMS, network user passwords).
"Everything that I am charged with, I was not able to do, I am not a programmer, information technology does not interest me at all, I am a technician, I am interested in communications, music" , - Filinov told the court, stating that he had nothing to do with Shaltai-Boltai, and the charge against him was based on the testimony of Anikeev.
Filinov was also detained in early December 2016. The investigation believes that he is connected with one episode of illegal access to computer information; his lawyer, Merab Shamdinov, stated that he was talking about an official whose name was kept secret.
Another alleged member of Humpty is 30-year-old Irina Shevchenko, known as Alice. No official charges have been brought against her, she is at large.
Meduza Lewis told that Alice - "a field worker who performs very important work - when it is necessary, for example, to go to a cafe where Prokopenko goes, sit down behind him and see what he is typing on his computer." Shevchenko said that she considers accusations in connection with Humpty Dumpty to be "nonsense". Alexander Glazastikov declared to Rain that Alice is a fictional character. In general, while the fog, perhaps, "the investigation will show ..."
Humpty Dumpty, according to Lewis, is a "side project" of his team; their main job is to search for information commissioned by private and official persons. In total, the company has a little more than ten people.
The structure of the company is most similar to the "clan from online games": employees do not know each other personally, but spend a lot of time together in chat rooms. They are not paid a salary, the amount of fees varies depending on the degree of participation in the next operation to search for information. Fees are transferred in cash, sometimes in bitcoins.
After the company began publishing documents under the Anonymous International brand, no new people were recruited to the team.
"Feats" of Humpty Dumpty.
According to Glazastikov, the hackers initially pursued ideological goals, breaking into corrupt officials or businessmen associated with them. "Reveal some secrets that not all the public knows, maybe even does not suspect of their existence: about the activities of persons associated with the Russian government, with the presidential administration and some close, let's say, businessmen" , he says.
Publications Humpty Dumpty signed with the phrase "Always with you, even when you don't know it."
However, from the very beginning Anikeev hoped that after some time it would be possible to earn money on this. Lewis achieved this goal - someone else's correspondence turned into a big and profitable business. " Selling the contents of the boxes at auctions for bitcoins, of course, brought some profit. But the main funds for ensuring that the correspondence did not get on the Web or, conversely, appeared on Shaltai Boltai, were paid in cash in Moscow and St. Petersburg."
During the existence of the project , Glazastikov earned about 100 thousand dollars. How much did Anikeev earn, is not exactly known. Glazastikov suggests that is about half a million dollars.
The group first became famous in 2013: a few hours before the New Year, hackers published a text of congratulations from Russian President Vladimir Putin. Glazastikov considers the hacked emails of the deputy head of the internal policy department of the presidential administration to be the best publications of the group Timur Prokopenko, businessman Yevgeny Prigozhin and former Defense Minister of the self-proclaimed DNR Igor Strelkov. "Those were great times, it was nice to participate", , he recalls.
In the mid-2000s, Anikeev "gained access to the mail of a high-ranking St. Petersburg official" - this was his first "goldfish": the official had to pay Anikeev so that the information from his mail was not published anywhere. The same was done with other civil servants and businessmen from St. Petersburg.
Later, hackers published correspondence between Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, secretariat of Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov, Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich, head of Roskomnadzor Alexander Zharov and other high-status officials . Often, only some of the letters were made public, the rest were put up for sale for several thousand dollars.
In 2013, hackers sent a fake message about the dismissal of Vladimir Yakunin from the post of head of the Russian Railways . In 2014, Humpty Dumpty claimed responsibility for hacking of Dmitry Medvedev's Twitter account and for announcing the Prime Minister's resignation: "I'm resigning. I'm ashamed of the government's actions. Sorry."
Later, other messages appeared in the microblog, including: "I have long wanted to say. Vova! You are wrong" and "I will become a free photographer anyway!" . On behalf of the prime minister, tweets appeared about the senselessness of the meeting of the top leadership of the Russian Federation in Yalta on August 14, as well as about the "ban on electricity" being discussed in the government.
In addition to writing the prime minister's tweets, they also subscribed to several new accounts: opposition leader Alexei Navalny, journalist Roman Dobrokhotov, Anonymous radio, and the blog of Humpty Dumpty blocked in Russia.
According to Life , many civil servants and businessmen bought their correspondence before putting it up for public auction. Hackers were paid by more than 30 officials (regional and federal) and representatives of the business community.
The scandal was caused by the publication of a photograph with a well-known public figure, a member of the Public Chamber Kristina Potupchik, who sits next to the cash bag in the presidential office. Also, the press got the correspondence of the deputy head of the presidential department for domestic policy Timur Prokopenko, in which he discusses the cases against Alexei Navalny and his associates.
The correspondence of those who did not make a deal with hackers for two reasons was published - either the "opened" had nothing to hide, or they were sure that their roof was stronger and the publication of compromising evidence would not lead to their resignation or to other consequences . Those who were afraid of revealing some corruption schemes and their dishonest attitude towards partners were ready to pay huge sums of money for Humpty's silence.
More than a hundred victims of publications, who at least somehow appeared in correspondence, .
Now, as part of the investigation into the case of Anonymous International, the special services are also checking those who paid for the correspondence and the materials of this correspondence.
"Many of them paid just to ensure that information about corrupt deals and tenders in which they were tied up did not become public. Now it is possible that they will become defendants in cases - but not as victims, but as defendants, " - says a source in the investigation team.
As for publications about the work of the pro-Kremlin media, the most scandalous was the leak of personal correspondence of the well-known media manager, head of News Media Aram Gabrelyanov, as well as fragments of the correspondence of the TV presenter, head of MIA "Russia Today" Dmitry Kiselev. The publication of information about Evgeny Prigozhin was also of interest, who is considered the "personal chef" of Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Finally, the last major leak - Shaltai-Boltai publicizing the alleged correspondence of the assistant to the President of the Russian Federation Vladislav Surkov, which dealt with Ukraine, Abkhazia and South Ossetia. In particular, the media paid particular attention to a document called "Shatun", which formulated a "plan to destabilize Ukraine", and proposals on how to form the leadership of the DPR. In article of Rosbalt it is alleged that it was this leak that worried the authorities more than others and hastened the arrest of the group's members.
"Whether the curator asked Volodya about this, or whether he himself got her and decided to place her because of his political convictions, is unknown. As already mentioned, Anikeev played a double or even a triple game all the time. Well, he played it out", - said the source.
As a result, in the course of an operational combination, Lewis was lured to St. Petersburg in October 2016 - under the pretext of receiving a large amount for one job. However, instead of a suitcase with money, FSB operatives were waiting for him in the northern capital. This could no longer prevent the publication of "Surkov's correspondence". Individual members of the Humpty team (particularly in Ukraine and Thailand) continue to work with the old content, which has accumulated a lot. Some of them have been put on the wanted list.
A according to Fontanka Anikeev was detained by military counterintelligence officers who began to develop Shaltai-Boltai after the group published documents related to the Ministry of Defense:
more specifically - in criminal negligence. Through free mail services such as, and the American gmail, unencrypted official documents were transmitted, often representing classified information related to the defense capability of the Russian Federation " . (Something reminds me of a story that happened recently in another country...)
Anikeev was detained and then arrested. The FSB SU charged him under article 272 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation ( Illegal access to computer information). Already at the second interrogation, Lewis began to cooperate with the investigation and give information about literally everything that he knows. What exactly Anikeev said is unclear.
However, in December 2016, employees of the FSB Information Security Center were detained Mikhailov and Dokuchaev . At the same time, Surkov's chief of staff resigned from his post Alexander Pavlov . Newspaper Vedomosti linked this personnel change to the leak of "Surkov's correspondence" to a Ukrainian website.
Anikeev’s lawyer stated that his client was not connected and did not know the FSB officers detained in the case of treason (while Rosbalt claimed that they were arrested precisely because of his testimony). On January 30, the court extended his arrest until March 8, 2017.
To be continued
Like on Valdai Island,
There lived one Humpty Dumpty.
The forest is all around, there is a hut,
An animal sits on a chain.
Toli owl, toli cat,
Who will sort out the little animal.
Bored with living alone
Scarecrow - meow.
Protects Humpty's sleep
After all, he will wake up and chatter.
Day and night non-stop
Speaks, and all to no avail.
He was small in stature, had a snub nose,
All woolly, barefoot on his feet.
Eyes like buttons
Lop-eared like a goat.
One morning at dawn,
He woke up in January.
Eye opened, no sun visible.
After all, a hut without a window.
Stretched and yawned,
Stretched arms and legs.
He lowered his legs to the floor.
His mouth opened and… shut up.
He spoke about cockroaches,
About bugs, that there are no glasses,
That he slept well over the summer,
That he had not seen the world for a long time . ..
He hung around the hut for an hour.
Sometimes angry, sometimes laughing.
He put on a hat on his ears,
He opened the door, he was dumbfounded...
The snow is lying, the frost is fierce.
You won't notice how it blows.
After all, one lives like a finger,
And no one is waiting for him ...
Staggered near the house,
Hanged between the fir trees,
I should have found a girlfriend,
What to walk around in the woods.
And Humpty Dumpty went
For the bride to Altai.
He walked and walked straight ahead
Because he was so used to it.
Through the swamp, through the forest
Climbed into the forest blockage.
Scared a bear in the thicket -
As asked by his deeds.
What are you doing? -He waved his hand...
I'm a friend! Where? Wait!
And again on the road, on the road -
Do not take a nap or rest.
And so it went day and night
I saw the mountain with my own eyes.
- This is Altai Mountain!
So came Humpty Dumpty.
He began to question the animals
Where does he live, after all, they know better,
Where does Shaltayushka live -
Dear Chatterbox?
Animals tell him
In secret and in his ear,
What lives - staggers.
You won't find it - it hangs out.
Waited all spring for a hostess.
I was waiting in the hut, on the lawn.
The nearest forest proceeded
On a pine tree, searched, climbed.
Suddenly I heard a noise and uproar
Someone jumps on the trunks
Sobs, then laughs -
Someone is talking.
Flies out of the thicket
Sweeping a branch with a skirt
Sundress, wearing a sweatshirt -
She is ... Humpty Dumpty.
She saw the guest at once,
She ran up and said,
That he came to her and was glad!
Valdai is far away, not near!
Listen, I'll tell you!
I'm sitting alone in the wilderness!
Went for mushrooms,
Last year's snows….
And Humpty… started talking.
That she gathered mushrooms,
That she was bored without help,
That she trampled her feet to death...
Described where she had been,
Gathered cedar cones,
And grinded everything incessantly
He realized that everything was useless.
And she told him… geraniums…
That she was too lazy to get up early,
That she was too lazy to wash pots,
Gathering roots…
I learned from a magpie,
That he didn't come lopsided,
That he came to marry her
And I had to come back.
Humpty couldn't stand it
Cursed everything Siberia, Altai,
And sideways, sideways, sideways...
He darted home silently.
He ran through the windbreak
He remembered Valdai and the house.
He ran and rushed after him
How wonderful her life was...
Walked silently Humpty talk
Silence... this is paradise.
And since then Humpty the Silent
Talkative has become like a boulder.
Lived and lived in his own hut
On a deaf forest edge.
And I come from Altai,
and met that Humpty,
he went west, was silent,
to know Humpty saw ...
We were on the way
a couple of thousand miles to go,
he was silent all the way -Road
silently we reached the Volga.
There he found a bride
and she was from the locals,
was always ready to listen,
did not contradict a word.
There is such an underlying reason:
there is no need to go far.
Wonderful fairy tale! Thanks, Sergey!
Victor, thank you for visiting... I'm glad you liked it... I've lived in East Kazakhstan (where the name is given... as Rudny Altai) for more than 30 years... Wait on my page, I want to get acquainted with your poems .
The daily audience of the portal is about 200 thousand visitors, who in total view more than two million pages according to the traffic counter, which is located to the right of this text. Each column contains two numbers: the number of views and the number of visitors.
Humpty Dumpty
Fell off in my sleep.
All royal cavalry,
All the king's men
Can't Humpty,
Can't Chatter,
Humpty Dumpty,
Humpty Dumpty collect!
A well-known poem translated by S.Ya.Marshak. But this, of course, is not about Humpty Dumpty from Lewis Carroll's wonderful fairy tale "Through the Looking-Glass".
Our hero, it seems, also "fell down", but
"royal men" are in no hurry to help Humpty.
I tried to understand a little about Humpty of our days, about him in recent days both the media and the Internet are endlessly trumpeting.
Who is who?
Shaltai Dumpty Leader Vladimir Anikeev ("nickname" Lewis - you see, he thinks he is Carroll of our days).
A lot has already been written about him:
That he was born in Makhachkala, that in the 90s he worked in the St. Petersburg media; that he himself was not much of a writer, but he had other (very valuable) abilities: he knew how to find the right information, get dirt on businessmen and officials, get to know the right people, have a drink with them, have affairs with secretaries, in general, acquire useful connections. Later he began to appear in Moscow and even "became a member of the presidential administration" , where he was known as a journalist and black PR specialist.
After creation of Humpty Dumpty in 2013 (the group called itself "Anonymous International") Anikeev learned the addresses of personal mailboxes of "necessary people" (clients) and passed them on to hackers for hacking (phishing).
It is said that he even somehow created fake Wi-Fi networks and cells of mobile operators near restaurants in the presidential administration area. All collected information was forwarded to team members in Thailand and Estonia. However, others deny this.
But there is no doubt about it: Anikeev is not so much a journalist as a PR and investigator - he knew how to collect information and turn his skills into business.
He was well known to many people in St. Petersburg, and then in Moscow - Anikeev began to frequently attend events of the "Effective Policy Fund", which was headed by Gleb Pavlovsky.
Co-founder of Shaltai-Boltai Alexander Glazastikov now lives in Estonia, where he is going to apply for political asylum. In early February 2016, he gave about ten interviews to various media - and in all he said about the same thing. BBC, The Insider, Medusa and other publications confirmed that Glazastikov was related to Humpty Dumpty.
He also clarified the use of these beautiful names (in an interview with Rain ):
According to Glazastikov, there were two main participants in the project - Anikeev and him. There was no clear separation of who would be Humpty and who would be Dumpty. To communicate with journalists, they appeared differently.
Sobchak: How exactly did you introduce yourself?
Glazastikov: In different ways: both Shaltai and Chatter.
According to Glazastikov, the project was created with a political goal - "to reveal some secrets that not all the public knows." Over time, it acquired a commercial component - the group obtained information by sending out phishing emails.
In an interview The Financial Times Glazastikov said that at the beginning of 2016, Vladimir Anikeev told his "colleagues" that the group had curators in the special services, who asked for the right to veto the publication of the data. In December 2016, Anikeev summoned members of the group to a meeting in Moscow. Glazastikov refused to go and announced his withdrawal from the project.
Konstantin Teplyakov in Shaltai was processing the received correspondence archives.
In 2005 he graduated from St. Petersburg State University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics; according to Kommersant he was the developer of the computer games Destiny Sphere, NetWars and Astronix. In 2007, Teplyakov moved to Thailand - he called himself the managing partner of Q Property, which sells real estate in Thailand and Montenegro. Kommersant indicates that about 30 sites are registered on Teplyakov, from which Trojans and fake antiviruses were distributed.
According to Glazastikov, Teplyakov had nothing to do with the hacks themselves and was primarily engaged in processing the data already received. All hacks were carried out by hackers who were occasionally hired on specialized forums.
Teplyakov was detained in early December 2016. At a court hearing on February 9, he pleaded guilty.
Alexander Filinov was born in 1986 in Moscow, at the time of his arrest he was unemployed and was on the labor exchange. Moskovsky Komsomolets described him as "an intelligent-looking young man in glasses and a black suit and white shirt" . He said that he worked as a technical officer at MTS (this may mean that he had access to a vulnerability in the SS7 signaling protocol system, which allows intercepting calls, SMS, network user passwords).
"Everything that I am charged with, I was not able to do, I am not a programmer, information technology does not interest me at all, I am a technician, I am interested in communications, music" , - Filinov told the court, stating that he had nothing to do with Shaltai-Boltai, and the charge against him was based on the testimony of Anikeev.
Filinov was also detained in early December 2016. The investigation believes that he is connected with one episode of illegal access to computer information; his lawyer, Merab Shamdinov, stated that he was talking about an official whose name was kept secret.
Another alleged member of Humpty is 30-year-old Irina Shevchenko, known as Alice. No official charges have been brought against her, she is at large.
Meduza Lewis told that Alice - "a field worker who performs very important work - when it is necessary, for example, to go to a cafe where Prokopenko goes, sit down behind him and see what he is typing on his computer." Shevchenko said that she considers accusations in connection with Humpty Dumpty to be "nonsense". Alexander Glazastikov declared to Rain that Alice is a fictional character. In general, while the fog, perhaps, "the investigation will show ..."
Humpty Dumpty, according to Lewis, is a "side project" of his team; their main job is to search for information commissioned by private and official persons. In total, the company has a little more than ten people.
The structure of the company is most similar to the "clan from online games": employees do not know each other personally, but spend a lot of time together in chat rooms. They are not paid a salary, the amount of fees varies depending on the degree of participation in the next operation to search for information. Fees are transferred in cash, sometimes in bitcoins.
After the company began publishing documents under the Anonymous International brand, no new people were recruited to the team.
"Feats" of Humpty Dumpty.
According to Glazastikov, the hackers initially pursued ideological goals, breaking into corrupt officials or businessmen associated with them. "Reveal some secrets that not all the public knows, maybe even does not suspect of their existence: about the activities of persons associated with the Russian government, with the presidential administration and some close, let's say, businessmen" , he says.
Publications Humpty Dumpty signed with the phrase "Always with you, even when you don't know it."
However, from the very beginning Anikeev hoped that after some time it would be possible to earn money on this. Lewis achieved this goal - someone else's correspondence turned into a big and profitable business. " Selling the contents of the boxes at auctions for bitcoins, of course, brought some profit. But the main funds for ensuring that the correspondence did not get on the Web or, conversely, appeared on Shaltai Boltai, were paid in cash in Moscow and St. Petersburg."
During the existence of the project , Glazastikov earned about 100 thousand dollars. How much did Anikeev earn, is not exactly known. Glazastikov suggests that is about half a million dollars.
The group first became famous in 2013: a few hours before the New Year, hackers published a text of congratulations from Russian President Vladimir Putin. Glazastikov considers the hacked emails of the deputy head of the internal policy department of the presidential administration to be the best publications of the group Timur Prokopenko, businessman Yevgeny Prigozhin and former Defense Minister of the self-proclaimed DNR Igor Strelkov. "Those were great times, it was nice to participate", , he recalls.
In the mid-2000s, Anikeev "gained access to the mail of a high-ranking St. Petersburg official" - this was his first "goldfish": the official had to pay Anikeev so that the information from his mail was not published anywhere. The same was done with other civil servants and businessmen from St. Petersburg.
Later, hackers published correspondence between Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, secretariat of Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov, Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich, head of Roskomnadzor Alexander Zharov and other high-status officials . Often, only some of the letters were made public, the rest were put up for sale for several thousand dollars.
In 2013, hackers sent a fake message about the dismissal of Vladimir Yakunin from the post of head of the Russian Railways . In 2014, Humpty Dumpty claimed responsibility for hacking of Dmitry Medvedev's Twitter account and for announcing the Prime Minister's resignation: "I'm resigning. I'm ashamed of the government's actions. Sorry."
Later, other messages appeared in the microblog, including: "I have long wanted to say. Vova! You are wrong" and "I will become a free photographer anyway!" . On behalf of the prime minister, tweets appeared about the senselessness of the meeting of the top leadership of the Russian Federation in Yalta on August 14, as well as about the "ban on electricity" being discussed in the government.
In addition to writing the prime minister's tweets, they also subscribed to several new accounts: opposition leader Alexei Navalny, journalist Roman Dobrokhotov, Anonymous radio, and the blog of Humpty Dumpty blocked in Russia.
According to Life , many civil servants and businessmen bought their correspondence before putting it up for public auction. Hackers were paid by more than 30 officials (regional and federal) and representatives of the business community.
The scandal was caused by the publication of a photograph with a well-known public figure, a member of the Public Chamber Kristina Potupchik, who sits next to the cash bag in the presidential office. Also, the press got the correspondence of the deputy head of the presidential department for domestic policy Timur Prokopenko, in which he discusses the cases against Alexei Navalny and his associates.
The correspondence of those who did not make a deal with hackers for two reasons was published - either the "opened" had nothing to hide, or they were sure that their roof was stronger and the publication of compromising evidence would not lead to their resignation or to other consequences . Those who were afraid of revealing some corruption schemes and their dishonest attitude towards partners were ready to pay huge sums of money for Humpty's silence.
More than a hundred victims of publications, who at least somehow appeared in correspondence, .
Now, as part of the investigation into the case of Anonymous International, the special services are also checking those who paid for the correspondence and the materials of this correspondence.
"Many of them paid just to ensure that information about corrupt deals and tenders in which they were tied up did not become public. Now it is possible that they will become defendants in cases - but not as victims, but as defendants, " - says a source in the investigation team.
As for publications about the work of the pro-Kremlin media, the most scandalous was the leak of personal correspondence of the well-known media manager, head of News Media Aram Gabrelyanov, as well as fragments of the correspondence of the TV presenter, head of MIA "Russia Today" Dmitry Kiselev. The publication of information about Evgeny Prigozhin was also of interest, who is considered the "personal chef" of Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Finally, the last major leak - Shaltai-Boltai publicizing the alleged correspondence of the assistant to the President of the Russian Federation Vladislav Surkov, which dealt with Ukraine, Abkhazia and South Ossetia. In particular, the media paid particular attention to a document called "Shatun", which formulated a "plan to destabilize Ukraine", and proposals on how to form the leadership of the DPR. In article of Rosbalt it is alleged that it was this leak that worried the authorities more than others and hastened the arrest of the group's members.
"Whether the curator asked Volodya about this, or whether he himself got her and decided to place her because of his political convictions, is unknown. As already mentioned, Anikeev played a double or even a triple game all the time. Well, he played it out", - said the source.
As a result, in the course of an operational combination, Lewis was lured to St. Petersburg in October 2016 - under the pretext of receiving a large amount for one job. However, instead of a suitcase with money, FSB operatives were waiting for him in the northern capital. This could no longer prevent the publication of "Surkov's correspondence". Individual members of the Humpty team (particularly in Ukraine and Thailand) continue to work with the old content, which has accumulated a lot. Some of them have been put on the wanted list.
A according to Fontanka Anikeev was detained by military counterintelligence officers who began to develop Shaltai-Boltai after the group published documents related to the Ministry of Defense:
more specifically - in criminal negligence. Through free mail services such as, and the American gmail, unencrypted official documents were transmitted, often representing classified information related to the defense capability of the Russian Federation " . (Something reminds me of a story that happened recently in another country...)
Anikeev was detained and then arrested. The FSB SU charged him under article 272 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation ( Illegal access to computer information). Already at the second interrogation, Lewis began to cooperate with the investigation and give information about literally everything that he knows. What exactly Anikeev said is unclear.
However, in December 2016, employees of the FSB Information Security Center were detained Mikhailov and Dokuchaev . At the same time, Surkov's chief of staff resigned from his post Alexander Pavlov . Newspaper Vedomosti linked this personnel change to the leak of "Surkov's correspondence" to a Ukrainian website.
Anikeev’s lawyer stated that his client was not connected and did not know the FSB officers detained in the case of treason (while Rosbalt claimed that they were arrested precisely because of his testimony). On January 30, the court extended his arrest until March 8, 2017.
To be continued
Through the Looking Glass
Initially, the verse about Humpty Dumpty was included in the Tales of Mother Goose. In modern English, the word "humpty dumpty" (humpty dumpty) has two meanings: "fatty-shorty" and "a thing that has fallen or broken and unrepairable."
Historically, the Humpty Dumpty is believed to have been a large fortress weapon. The story with him is connected with the events of the civil war in England (1642-1649). ), which took place during the siege by Cromwell's supporters of the city of Colchester in the summer of 1648. The Royalists heavily fortified Colchester. A huge cannon, colloquially called "Humpty-Dumpty" ("Humpty Dumpty"), was mounted on a wall next to St. Mary's Church. During the siege, the parliamentarians managed to damage the wall below the Humpty Dumpty with a cannon shot, and the gun fell to the ground. The royalists tried to install "Humpty Dumpty" on another part of the wall. However, the cannon was so heavy that "all the king's men and all the king's horses were unable to lift it again". As a result, the royalist forces were severely undermined and the strategically important Colchester fell after an 11-week siege.
Saying goodbye to Alice, Humpty Dumpty says that the next time they meet, he won't recognize her because he can't tell her face from other people's faces. Thus, Lewis Carroll gives one of the first descriptions of prosopagnosia - a mental disorder, expressed in the inability to recognize faces. Informally, this disorder is sometimes referred to as "Humpty Dumpty Syndrome".
A line from a poem about Humpty Dumpty was chosen by R. P. Warren as the title of his famous novel All the King's Men.
The character is not currently forgotten. His image was used in the Kinder Surprise commercial
Text of the original poem
There is another version of the poem:
In Russian, the poem is known in the translation of S. Ya. Marshak:
Reflection in art
- In the cartoon "Puss in Boots" () Humpty "Alexander" Dumpty is a friend of Puss in Boots. They were both orphans in an orphanage.
- In the same year, Humpty Dumpty appears as one of the main characters in the Oscar-winning cartoon Mr. Morris Lessmore's Fantastic Flying Books.
- Humpty Dumpty also appears in the animated film "Kids in Toyland", where he works in a toy factory.
Video games
In the game American McGee's Alice, Humpty Dumpty sits on a broken wall, his head is broken, he smokes a cigar. He refuses to talk to Alice.
- Kuttner G. Humpty Dumpty. Novel. - 1953.
- Kibirov T. Yu. Humpty Dumpty. Sat. poems. - St. Petersburg. , 2002.
- Demin R.N. Apollo and Humpty Dumpty as Mentors of Philosophy // Philosophical Sciences . - 2006. - No. 3.
- Alphabetical Characters
- Lewis Carroll Characters
- British Literature
- Samuel Marshak
- Fictional poets
Wikimedia Foundation . 2010 .
Synonyms :
See what "Humpty Dumpty" is in other dictionaries:
Go ahead, loafer, nonsense, in vain, fool, fool Dictionary of Russian synonyms. humpty chat see in vain Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M.: Russian language. Z. E. Aleksandrova ... Dictionary of synonyms
SHALLTAY DUMMY, non-consecutive, male (simple). Nonsense, rubbish. Every humpty carries. || An absurd person. Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary
SHALLTAY DUMMY, adv. (colloquial neod.). Without any business, purpose, occupation (about pastime; originally about empty chatter). Humpty chatting around the yard all day long. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary
Humpty talk, incons. and neizm ... Spelling Dictionary-Reference
Humpty Dumpty - Simple Neglect 1. Nonsense, trifles, idle chatter. [Dasha:] You wanted from these fashionistas of yours! What do they have? Just talk humpty in your head (Grigorovich. Capital air). She (politics) does not give immutable laws, she almost always lies, but about the humpty ... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language
Having a small child and reading the same poems and stories hundreds of times a day, you begin to pronounce the text mechanically while extraneous processes are going on in your head: for example, the rhyme about Humpty Dumpty in Marshak's translation. After all, this is just a very famous character in English classic rhymes, and this legendary fall must mean something.
Meaning of the Phrase Humpty Dumpty.
Egg Man
Humpty Dumpty0505 Humpty Dumpty ) - in dictionaries of the late 17th century "humpty-dumpty" is defined as "a boiled ale-and-brandy drink" (something like warm ale with brandy).
Modern English the word "humpty dumpty" has two meanings: "fat shorty" and "a thing that has fallen or broken and unrepairable."
Dumpty gained fame after he became the hero of Lewis Carroll's book "Through the Looking-Glass", where he looks like a big humanoid egg with a tie. He sits in Turkish on a high wall and acts as a sage through the mirror, who helps Alice to comprehend the meaning of the words from the poem about Jabberwocky. After the fall of Humpty Dumpty, the White King sends "all the king's cavalry, all the king's men" ( all the King's horses and all the King's men ) in order to assemble it.