Ice cream compound word
English Grammar 101 - Nouns, Lesson 6: Compound Nouns
Definition: A compound noun is a noun made up of two or more words. Each word makes up part of the meaning of the noun.
Compound nouns can be written three ways:
A single word | Two words | Hyphenated |
haircut | rain forest | self-esteem |
toothpaste | ice cream | brother-in-law |
- Hint:
- A compound noun is the sum of its two parts. However, there are some words that aren't compound nouns even though they can be broken up into two words. One example is a compound adjective.
A half-eaten pie (Half-eaten describes the pie, so it is an adjective, not a noun.)
Two-word proper nouns can also be classified as compound nouns. Remember that proper nouns name specific people, places, and things.
Angkor Wat |
Atlantic Ocean |
Eiffel Tower |
Nelson Mandela |
- Hint:
- Single-word compounds and hyphenated compounds are easy to spot, but two-word compounds can be tricky. Ask yourself, "Would I find both words together as a single entry in the dictionary?" For example, if you compare the phrase cold water with the compound noun ice cream, you can see the difference. In the phrase cold water, cold is an adjective that describes the noun water. However, ice cream is a compound noun because ice is not an adjective describing cream. The two words work together to create a single noun. To check the spelling of a compound noun, look it up in the dictionary.
When a compound noun is a single word, make it plural by adding s to the end. If the compound noun is hyphenated or composed of two separate words, remember to add s
only to the word that is plural.
one mother-in-law ⇒ two mothers-in-law
(There are two mothers, not two laws.)
one director general ⇒ two directors general
(There are two directors, not two generals.)
Practice What You've Learned
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Part 1
- Directions:
- Click on the compound nouns in each sentence. If the compound noun is written as two words, be sure to click on both parts.
- 1.
- We watched the angry blue jays chase each other around the backyard.
- 2.
- My sister-in-law loves to watch football on her wide-screen television.
- 3.
- The lawyer presented the fingerprint as evidence to the grand jury in the courtroom.
- 4.
- For Halloween, we decorate jack-o'-lanterns and hang pictures of witches on broomsticks.
- 5.
- We gathered seashells on the beach below the lighthouse.
- 6.
- Be careful going to the swimming pool. I saw a rattlesnake near the clothesline.
- 7.
- The bystanders near the bus stop saw the accident.
- 8.
- You will need the software in order to install that new keyboard.
- 9.
- My little sister got a jack-in-the-box for her birthday.
- 10.
- My half brother is running for the position of vice president in our club.
Part 2
- Directions:
- Choose the correct spelling of the compound word.
- 11.
- evergreen ... ever green ... ever-green
- 12.
- drumstick ...
drum stick ... drum-stick
- 13.
- firefly ... fire fly ... fire-fly
- 14.
- kneecap ... knee cap ... knee-cap
- 15.
- lighthouse ... light house ... light-house
- 16.
- shellfish ... shell fish ... shell-fish
- 17.
- swimmingpool ... swimming pool ... swimming-pool
- 18.
- busstop ... bus stop ... bus-stop
- 19.
- seaweed ... sea weed ... sea-weed
- 20.
- sixyearold ... six year old ... six-year-old
Part 3
- Directions:
- Choose the correct plural spelling.
- 21.
- city-states ... cities-state
- 22.
- jack-o'-lanterns ... jacks-o'-lantern
- 23.
- passerbys ... passersby
- 24.
- son-in-laws ... sons-in-law
- 25.
- toothbrushes ... toothsbrushes ... teethbrushes
- 26.
- attorneys at law .
.. attorney at laws
- 27.
- runner-ups ... runners-up
- 28.
- hand-me-downs ... hands-me-down
- 29.
- gets-together ... get-togethers
- 30.
- workmans ... worksman ... workmen
🍧 FREE Printable Ice Cream Compound Words Activity
Kids will love this fun using the free ice cream printable for this Ice Cream Themed Compound Words Activity. This fun summer themed literacy activity shas kindergarten, first grade, 2nd grade, and 3rd grade students add ice cream scoop words to create the compound word pictured on the ice cream cone. This is such a fun by Simply print pdf file with compound words exercises and you are ready to play and learn!
Compound Words ActivityEarly elementary age children tend to prefer a hands-on compound words activity than a compound words worksheet. So we’ve created this fun compound words activities to help kindergartners, grade 1, grade 2, and grade 3 students practic building compoundwords. Whether you are a parent, teacher, or homeschooler – you will love this ice cream themed compound words printable activity which helps students strengthen their fine motor skill while working on their literacy skill. Use this compound words game for extra practice, at school or at home, summer learning, an ice cream or literacy activity or as part of an extra activity for those who finish their other work early.
Compound words exercises
Start by scrolling to the bottom of the post, under the terms of use, and click on the text link that says >> _____ <<. The pdf file will open in a new window for you to save the freebie and print the template.
At the bottom of the post you will find the pdf file. Print off all the pages. There are three compound words per page, with a total of twenty-seven different compound words such as backpack, strawberry, cupcake, dragonfly, footprint, toothbrush, snowman, hot dog, ladybug and starfish.
Ice cream compound word
To get this ready for your compound words game simply cut out each of the colored ice creams and the cones. Laminate for durability. Place all the ice cream parts in a pile and the cones in a separate pile.
When you are ready to play the Children will chose a cone from the pile and look at the picture on the cone.
- They will then go through the ice cream pile and find the two parts of the compound word.
- To extend learning, children can then practice writing the compound words down on paper.
Though this activity comes in color only, it is a great way for children to learn compound words and strengthen their fine motor skills.
Compound words ice cream
The following are the compound words included in this compound words actiities:
- backpack – back and pack
- bandaid – band and aid
- baseball – base and ball
- basketball – basket and ball
- butterfly – butter and fly
- cookbook cook and book
- cupcake – cup and cake
- dragonfly – dragon and fly
- footprint – foot and print
- groundhog – ground and hog
- hotdog – hot and dog
- ladybug – lady and bug
- mushroom – mush and room
- peanut – pea and nut
- pineapple – pine and apple
- rainbow – rain and bot
- sandcastle – sand and castle
- snowflake – snow and flake
- snowglobe – snow and globe
- snowman – snow and man
- starfish – star and fish
- sunglasses – sun and glasses
- superhero – super and hero
- toothbrush – tooth and brush
- toothpaste – tooth and paste
- strawberry – straw and berry
- watermelon – water and melon
Compound Word Activities
For more practice learning compound words for kids, try these fun compound word ideas for early learners!
- Learning Compound Words with Block – a fun compound words activities
- Compound Word Puzzles – print the free set in color or black and white (self-checking)
- Apple Compound Words for kids Worksheets
- Clip it Free Compound Word Cards
- 5 Free Compound Word Activities – including picture cards, worksheets, puzzles, and more!
- Compound Words Mini Pack
- Building Compound Words
- Rocket Rhyming Activity
- Winter Compound Word Activities – free printable set includes compound word worksheets and snowflake puzzles
- Free printable Compound Words for Kids printable readers
- Ice Cream Compound Words Activity
Ice Cream Activities
If you are looking for more ice cream activities to add to your ice cream theme of summer learning, check these out!
- Kids will go nuts over this edible ice cream sand castle summer snack for kids
- AMAZING, Edible ice cream play doh recipe that scoops like ice creaam!
- Ice Cream Themed, Summer Bucket List Ideas
- Color Matching Activity for your Ice Cream Theme
- Simple Ice Cream Coloring Pages pdf
- Fun and EASY How to Make ice cream in a bag science experiment worksheet
- 2 ingredient Gummy Bear Popsicles are so COLORFUL and EASY!
- Try our delicious and EASY How to make homemade ice cream
- TONS of cute Ice Cream Craft Preschool
- EPIC Ice Cream Volcano
- Cute I Spy I spy ice cream
- Ice Cream Handprint Craft for toddler and preschool kids
- Simple Ice Cream craft using washi tape for toddlers, preschoolers and kindergartners.
- Bubble Wrap and Puffy Paint Ice Cream craft
- Ice Cream Name Craft with free printable template
- Simple, free printable Ice Cream Coloring Pages
Ice Cream Printables
- Work on tracing letter with these free Alphabet ice cream handwriting paper
- Delicious Alphabet Ice Cream alphabet printable Puzzles to help kids practice matching upper and lowercase letters
- Check out these Alphabet Mats for your Ice Cream Theme
- Free printable Alphabet Popsicles matching capital and lowercase letters nad beginning sounds too
- Trace the Letters on the Alphabet Popsicles in this fun letter tracing
- Match the upper and lowercase letter puzzles in this free ice cream game
- Kids will love building their ABCs with these popsicle stick letters free template
- Ice Cream Compound Word Puzzles or this other set of ice cream compound words
- Practice adding Ice Cream scoop endings to words with this word endings worksheets and activity
- Printable Digraph Activities for first grade scooping Ice Cream
- Cut and paste sentences ice cream worksheets
- Popsicle Rhyme and Dab Summer Literacy Activity for Pre-k and Kindergarten
Ice Cream Worksheets
- Ice Cream Scoop Pattern Activity
- Make practicing math fun with these fun Ice Cream Worksheets
- Count to 10 free printable ice cream counting printable math craft
- Popsicle counting – free printable number sense puzzles
- Number Popsicles – count to 10 clip cards are a fun
- Scoop pom-pom ice cream and count 1-10 with this ice cream counting printable
- Ice Cream Worksheets Preschool – count and trace to ten
- Count to 20 as you build with your free printable ice cream sundae template
- Ice Cream Math Game Book Based Activity for Kindergartners
- Practice completing patterns with this FUN ice cream pattern printable and activity for kids
- Hands-on Addition with this Ice Cream Math task cards using playdough!
- Free Printable Ice Cream Playdough Mats to learn shapes
- Popsicle Shape Sorting Printable Free
Ice Cream Math
Looking for more fun ways to learn this summer with popsicle themed activities? You will love these free printables:
- Free Printable Ice Cream Math Worksheets
- Practice adding to 1o with this cute Make 10 Ice Cream Cut and Paste Activity
- Popsicle Division Puzzles with printable popsicle puzzles makes practicing math FUN
- Or scoop a sunday with this Place Value Ice Cream for grade 1, grade 2, and grade 3 students
- Free Printable Place Value Ice Cream Cone
Summer compound words
Before you grab your free pack you agree to the following:- This set is for personal and classroom use only.
- This printable set may not be sold, hosted, reproduced, or stored on any other website or electronic retrieval system.
- Graphics Purchased and used with permission from
- All material provided on this blog is copyright protected.
>> Compound Words Snowflake Puzzles <<
Beth Gorden
Beth Gorden is the creative multi-tasking creator of 123 Homeschool 4 Me. As a busy homeschooling mother of six, she strives to create hands-on learning activities and worksheets that kids will love to make learning FUN! She has created over 1 million pages of printables to help teach kids ABCs, science, English grammar, history, math, and so much more! Beth is also the creator of 2 additional sites with even more educational activities and FREE printables – and
9 Facts You Should Know -
In this article we will deal with the compound noun. Yes, with the help of various examples of compound nouns, we will learn various important facts about compound nouns.
A compound noun is a noun that is or is formed by two or more words. When two or more words joined together name a person, animal, place, or thing, then the word is called a compound noun because it performs the function of a noun.
Below are some sentences that have compound nouns in them.
- 1. lighthouse on the beach is a beautiful sight to be seen at night.
- 2. We have to do role play today in our class.
- 3. My brother-in-law is a senior manager in Bangalore.
- 4. flower shop near our house sells all imported flowers at affordable prices.
- 5. We waited a long time at airport because our flight was delayed.
- 6. They have a glass dining table in their new house.
- 7. shopkeeper was very kind and polite to explain the characteristics of each product.
- 8. Last night we had a heavy snowfall .
- 9. We all expect to receive the satisfaction of output.
- 10 Blueberry is my friend Rishi's favorite fruit and taste.
Now let's define, understand and analyze the compound nouns that are used in each of the above sentences.
1. lighthouse on the beach is a beautiful sight to be seen at night.
Compound noun used in the above sentence, 'lighthouse' (noun + noun), is a combination of two words 'light' and 'house'. Both of these words together form a compound noun 'lighthouse' name a place.
2. We have to do role play today in our class.
Company is a compound noun in this sentence 'role play' (noun + verb) is used, is a combination of two words 'role' and 'play in'. Both of these words together form a compound noun 'role playing' name activities.
3. My brother-in-law is a senior manager in Bangalore.
This sentence uses the compound noun 'brother-in-law' (noun + preposition + noun), is a combination of the three words 'brother', 'in' and 'law'. All these three words together form a compound noun 'brother-in-law' call a people.
4. flower shop near our house sells all imported flowers at affordable prices.
'Flower shop' (noun + noun) is a compound noun used in this sentence, formed by joining the two words 'flower' and 'shop'. Thus the compound noun 'flower shop' is used to name a place (shop).

'Airport' (noun + noun) is a compound noun used in this sentence, formed by combining the two words 'air' and 'port'. Thus the compound noun 'airport' is used to name a place.
6. They have a glass dining table in their new home.
This sentence uses the compound noun 'dinning table' (gerund + noun), is a combination of two words canteen and 'table'. They join to form a compound noun 'dinning table' name an object.
7. shopkeeper was very kind and polite to explain the characteristics of each product.
This sentence uses a compound noun 'shop owner' (noun + noun), is a combination of the two words 'shop' and 'keeper'. They join to form a compound noun 'shopkeeper' call a person's position.
8. Last night we had a heavy snowfall .
"Snowfall" (noun + verb) is a compound noun used in this sentence, which is formed by joining two words 'snow' and 'fall'. They combine to create a compound noun 'snowfall' name the weather conditions of the place.
9. We all expect to receive the satisfaction of output.
"going out" (preposition + verb) is a compound noun used in this sentence, which is formed by joining the two words 'outside' and 'put'. They combine to create a compound noun 'exit' name result or result.
10 Blueberry is my friend Rishi's favorite fruit and taste.

This sentence uses the compound noun 'blueberry' (adjective + noun), is a combination of two words 'blue' and 'berry'. They combine to form a compound noun 'blueberry' name fruit (object).
Examples of compound nounsWhat are compound nouns?
Compound nouns are nothing but nouns consisting of more than one word. When a noun consists of more than one word, that is, when it is a combination of two or more words, then it can be considered as a compound noun.
Example: My brother Rahul gave me a brand new smartphone for my birthday.
'smartphone' is a compound noun in the above sentence, since the word is formed by joining two separate words 'smart' which is adjective and 'phone' which is noun . The compound noun "Smartphone" is used to name an electronic gadget, is nothing but thing.
When are nouns compound?
Nouns are compound if they are formed by combining two or more words.
Example: the afterlife of is still the subject of mysteries and discussions.
"afterlife" is the noun in this sentence, and it is a compound noun because it is a combination of two different words "after" (preposition) and "life" (noun). "Afterlife" is a compound noun used to represent period of time or life after death.
Why are nouns compound?
Nouns are compound because with two or more words belonging to different or the same part of speech, the combined new word performs the function of a noun, naming an object, person, place or animal.
Example: Sonali likes to watch sunset from the beach.
'Sunset' is a noun this sentence, and it is compound, as it is formed by joining two words 'sun' and 'set' which refer to two different parts of speech 'noun' and 'verb' respectively. But when they are combined, they function as a noun, calling Time period.
What makes a compound noun?
Compound nouns can consist of two or more words belonging to any part of speech. When these words are combined, they become compound nouns and function as a noun, naming a person, animal, place, idea, or thing.
Example: The lady in the red sari is my mother-in-law.
'Mother-in-law' is a compound noun used in this sentence. It is a combination of three words 'mother', 'in' and 'law' (noun + preposition + noun) which refer to two different parts of speech. But when these words are combined, we get the compound word 'mother-in-law' compound noun as the word names a person.
When are complex nouns in the singular?
Compound nouns are singular when their grammatical number is one. When a compound noun names one person, one animal, one idea, one object, one place, then it is singular.
Example: I caught firefly today in my garden.
The compound noun in the above sentence 'Firefly' which is formed by two words ' fire (noun) and 'fly' (noun) and these are names insect , a compound noun one single number .
When are compound nouns plural?
Plural compound nouns when their grammatical number is greater than one, i.e. two or more than two. When a compound noun names more than one person, place, idea, animal, or thing, then it is plural.
Example: This furniture store has many new models. dressing tables.
The compound noun in the above sentence is dressing tables which is formed by two words ' dressing' (gerund) and tables (noun) and these are the names of things. Compound noun dressing tables is plural of because it refers to more than one dressing table.
Types of compound nouns
There are three different types of compound nouns and they are as follows.
1. Compound nouns with spacing or open spacing
This is a type of compound noun in which we can find the space between words that combine to form a compound noun. All words used to form a compound noun are written as separate words, not as a single word.
Example: Ice cream is Monica's favorite dessert of all time.

Here the compound noun 'ice cream' is formed by joining the two words ice (noun) and cream (noun). Although these two words together form the compound noun 'ice cream' they are written as separate words with a space between them. Therefore, 'ice cream' can be considered as compound noun with spacing or open.
2. Hyphenated compound nouns
As the name suggests, hyphenated compound nouns are compound nouns in which the words combined to form a specific compound noun are joined by a hyphen between them.
Example: The inspiration for this poem of mine is passerby .
The compound noun in this sentence is 'passerby' and is created by joining the two words 'passerby' (noun) and 'by' (preposition). The two words 'passerby' and 'to' in the compound noun 'passerby' He are joined by a hyphen and therefore can be considered as a hyphenated compound noun.
3. Solid or closed compound nouns
Solid or closed compound nouns are compound nouns that do not have a space or hyphen between words. Separate words are written together without spaces or hyphens and thus become a single word.
Example: sunflower This is a bright yellow flower that blooms at the sight of the sun.
"Sun" (noun) and "flower" (noun) two separate words combined into a compound noun 'sunflower' what are the names of flower. Since there is without a space or hyphen between the two words 'sun' and 'flower' in the word 'sunflower' , this counts as one word and thus is a solid or closed compound noun.
Compound Noun Examples
Go through the following compound noun examples.
- 1. make-up The bride's dress was too heavy, but it suited her well.
- 2. Your laptop is in my room. up the stairs.
- 3. Public speaking is one of the most important skills to acquire.
- 4. My father-in-law , father-in-law is a retired army officer.
- 5. Our math teacher solves all the problems on the board.
Now we will learn how compound nouns are used in each sentence.
1. make-up The bride's dress was too heavy, but it suited her well.
'Make up, put up' is a closed compound noun is used in this sentence and is formed by joining the two words "make" (verb) and 'up' (preposition) name object.
2. Your laptop is in my room. up the stairs.
'Up the stairs' is a closed compound noun is used in the above sentence and is formed by combining the two words 'up' (preposition) and stairs (noun) to call place.
3. Public speaking is one of the most important skills to acquire.
"Public speaking" (adjective + verb) is open compound noun is used in this sentence by joining two words 'public' and 'speaking' name skill.
4. My father-in-law , father-in-law is a retired army officer.
'Father-in-law' is a hyphenated compound noun is used in the above sentence and is formed by combining three words 'father' (noun) 'in' (preposition) and law (noun) name person.
5. Our math teacher solves all problems on the board.
"board" is the solid compound noun used in the above sentence and is formed by combining the two words 'black' (adjective) and board (noun) to name thing.
Thus, from the above article, using the connection of noun examples, we learned how, when, where and why nouns can be compound, consisting of more words and acting as a noun.
404 Not found | Taganrog Deanery
Author admin | 03/31/2023 | News
On March 30, parishioners of the church, at the request of the rector, Priest George Danilishen, took an active part in a charity event dedicated to the Day of the Homeless, collecting a fairly large number of things and shoes in good condition, or completely new. The action aimed at providing humanitarian assistance to people in difficult life situations, strengthening the traditions of mercy, was held in the Rostov-on-Don diocese with the blessing of Metropolitan Mercury of Rostov and Novocherkassk. The parishioners of the Daraganovsky church, led by its rector, Priest Georgy, regularly provide assistance in collecting things, money and food for refugees from Ukraine, children from Donbass, patients of the Daraganovsky psycho-neurological dispensary. All collected things were transferred to the Center for Humanitarian...
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Author admin | 03/31/2023 | News
On March 26, 2023, the city of Rostov-on-Don hosted the IV International Open Remote Multi-Genre Creative Competition "Musical Express 2023", which was held with the information support of cultural and educational institutions of the Russian Federation. The jury included outstanding figures of culture and art: pianist, associate professor of the Voronezh State Institute of Arts, candidate of art history, soloist of the Voronezh Philharmonic O. Kalashnikova; accordion player, soloist of the ensemble "Donets" of the Rostov State Philharmonic Society, teacher of the Rostov College of Arts Kochin S. N.; music director, conductor, laureate and diploma winner of All-Russian international competitions and festivals Yu.P. Naumkin; artistic director and chief choreographer of the Regional State Budgetary Institution of Culture "Variety Ballet" Exciton "(Ulyanovsk), Honored Worker of Culture of the Ulyanovsk Region Afanasyeva N.V....
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Author admin | 03/30/2023 | News
The meeting was chaired by the rector of St. Nicholas Church Hieromonk Mauritius (Zvyagintsev). The meeting was attended by the director of LLC RSF "Kupola" Petr Kolobaev, the architect of the temple Andrey Maksimenko and the lawyer of the diocese Ekaterina Grosheva. Options for reconstruction projects were presented, issues related to design and construction work were discussed. Recall that in February 2014, an off-site meeting of the Architectural and Art History Commission of the Don Metropolis was held in Taganrog, headed by Metropolitan Mercury of Rostov and Novocherkassk. At the meeting, it was decided to begin preparations for the reconstruction of St. Nicholas Church. The participants discussed the main stages of work. In October 2016, with the blessing of His Eminence Mercury, Metropolitan of Rostov and Novocherkassk, Head of the Don Metropolis, work was completed to strengthen the foundation of St. Nicholas Church...
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Author admin | 03/29/2023 | News
In accordance with the decision of the Diocesan Council of the Rostov-on-Don diocese of March 27, 2023, and also in connection with the need to correlate the boundaries of the Taganrog deanery with the administrative division of the city of Taganrog and the Neklinovsky district of the Rostov region, by separating from the Taganrog deanery, the Neklinovsky deanery was formed . Priest Boris Gushchin, rector of the Ilyinsky Church in the city of Taganrog, was appointed dean of the Taganrog district, and archpriest Gennady, rector of the Church of the Intercession of the Holy Mother of God in the village of Pokrovskoye, Neklinovsky district, was appointed dean of the Neklinovsky district . ..
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Author admin | 03/28/2023 | News
On March 24, 2023, the rector of the Seraphim Church in the city of Taganrog, Priest Georgy Fomenko, took part as a jury member in the Spring Drop festival-competition for people with disabilities. The holiday brought together participants from all cities and districts of the Rostov region, as well as from the Donbass. "Spring drops" includes three areas: sports competitions, creative competitions and an exhibition of arts and crafts. On the final day, March 30, a solemn ceremony of awarding the winners and a gala concert of the festival laureates will take place. The Spring Drop festival has been held in the Rostov region for the fifth time. It is aimed at the social integration of disabled people in Russian society. “The Church has always patronized people with disabilities, considering helping them...
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Author admin | 03/28/2023 | News
On March 26, 2023, the parishioners of the Church of the Holy Righteous Prince Alexander Nevsky in the village of Varenovka, together with the rector, Priest Panteleimon Sheremetyev, made a pilgrimage to the city of Taganrog to the memorial places of St. Righteous Paul of Taganrog. During the trip, the pilgrims visited the cell of the elder, where they performed a prayer service, and in St. Nicholas Church, the participants of the trip bowed to the shrine with the relics of the saint. The pilgrims also visited the old cemetery in the chapel of Righteous Paul, where he was...
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Author admin | 03/28/2023 | News
On March 25, 2023, Sunday school students of the St. Sergius Church made a traditional pilgrimage to the shrines of the city of Taganrog. During the trip, the Sunday school pupils visited the cell of the holy blessed elder Pavel of Taganrog, the church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, which he visited during his lifetime and where his relics are now buried. The participants of the trip visited the old cemetery in the chapel at the grave of the righteous Pavel Taganrog, prayed in the Church of All Saints. The young pilgrims got acquainted with the life and exploits of the perspicacious elder, learned about the novice and successor of the elder Maria Velichko, who led the community of admirers of the elder Paul after his death. For the young pilgrims the day continued with a friendly picnic...
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Author Ekaterina Galochkina | 03/28/2023 | Publications
March 30 (new style), 2023 marks the 180th birthday of the creator of the famous "Sea Tales" Konstantin Mikhailovich Stanyukovich. The admiral's son, who had traveled around the world and in Siberian exile, in the summer of 1870 he lived in Taganrog, about which he wrote a comedy, a feuilleton and a novel.
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Author Priest George Kancha | 03/27/2023 | Publications
On March 23, Taganrog and many Orthodox people who arrived in our city celebrated another day of remembrance of the holy righteous elder Pavel of Taganrog. In St. Nicholas Church, where the relics of this righteous man are buried, His Eminence Mercury, Metropolitan of Rostov and Novocherkassk officiated the Divine Liturgy, co-served by the priesthood. Despite the fact that the day was a weekday, the temple was overcrowded, largely due to the pilgrims. And the majority of those present took communion, which is especially pleasing. St. Paul of Taganrog, depicted on icons with prosphora, teaches us how to lead the Eucharistic life. Who needs such a life? – Priest George Kancha shared his thoughts on this with us. - Father George! Founder of Taganrog Peter the Great...
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Author Anton Sakhnovsky | 03/24/2023 | Publications
A book with this title, published by the Lukomorye publishing house, will soon go to all Taganrog branch libraries. And it was presented to the people of Taganrog on March 19 in the Chekhov Library. The main characters of the event were the first mayor of our city, Sergei Shilo, who died in 2002, and the author of a book about him, Anatoly Malinovsky, the former editor-in-chief of the Taganrogskaya Pravda newspaper, who now lives and works in Rostov-on-Don. As Anatoly Albertovich said, a quarter of a century ago, at the end of the last millennium, Sergei Ivanovich on Saturdays after a detour of Taganrog found time and strength for their communication.