Identify shapes kindergarten
Shapes Worksheets for Kindergarten
Open up new and exciting avenues of practice with our printable shapes worksheets for kindergarten students that help them obtain the vocabulary to describe and categorize the world around. The exercises corralled here are just perfect, be it charts, tracing shapes, identifying and naming 2-dimensional shapes based on their attributes, plane shapes in real-life, composing and decomposing flat shapes, comparing 2D and 3D figures, this pdf pack has it all covered for your kids. Grab your free kindergarten 2D shapes worksheets and effectively warm students up for more!
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2D Shapes Charts
Spruce up knowledge of 2D shapes and their attributes and create a meaningful learning environment with our printable 2-dimensional shapes charts, guaranteed to please every little kid in your class.
(14 Charts)
Coloring, Tracing and Drawing Shapes
Abuzz with engaging activities for each individual 2D shape, our coloring, tracing, and drawing shapes worksheets instantly raise the literary quotient of your preschool and kindergarten kids.
Select the Shape:
Tracing Shapes of Different Sizes
Give kids their Ah-ha! moment as they draw over the dotted lines and create visually accurate figures in this kindergarten shapes pdf, and refine their muscle coordination and shape identification skills.
Identifying, Tracing, and Coloring the Shapes in the Picture
Embedding fun into learning, this worksheet begins with hunting the 2D shapes in the picture, mapping them to the color code and coloring the shapes and doubles up as a colorful poster for your little artist's room.
Drawing Shapes
Move to the big leagues and develop spatial-awareness with this 2D shapes worksheet pdf where kids are expected to read the names of the shapes, and sketch them in the boxes.
Coloring by Shapes
Discriminating between shapes using their properties is an important skill. Get kids to recognize the shapes jumbled up in this printable kindergarten shapes worksheet and color them following the color key.
Counting Shapes
Shapes form the basis of many drawings, which is evident from this clown made up of 2D shapes. Kids scout the circles, rectangles, triangles, ovals, pentagons, and hexagons in the clown, and count them.
Matching Shapes
Task kids with this printable matching shapes exercise that has similar shapes on either side. The twist is that the colors of shapes vary. Kids need to make a one-to-one correspondence between the shapes.
Recognizing Similar Shapes
Entice your crew with this recognizing shapes worksheet pdf for kindergarten kids, giving each one of them a reason to scream "I found it!", as they look for the specified shape in the options and color it.
Identifying and Naming 2D Shapes
Stir interest in kids with our identifying and naming 2D shapes handouts featuring a wide range of exercises involving basic 2-dimensional flat shapes, quadrilaterals and polygons.
(10 Worksheets)
2D Shapes in Real-Life
Take kids on a shape safari around the school, follow up with this set of skills involving real-life 2D figures, a simple-crowd pleaser that helps kids learn to describe the shapes in their environment.
(7 Worksheets)
Sides and Corners of 2D Shapes
The sides and corners of 2D shapes worksheets are enough to ignite your kid's passion for learning and get them acquainted with the attributes of the basic shapes.
(9 Worksheets)
Composing and Decomposing 2D Shapes
What could trump this batch of composing and decomposing plane shapes exercises? Whether it is partitioning a 2D shape or combining 2D shapes to construct a composite shape, these pdfs have them all.
(7 Worksheets)
Comparing 2D and 3D Shapes
Up your game with our printable comparing 2D and 3D shapes handouts, and learn to distinguish, and classify shapes. Get kids to identify 2D figures as the faces of 3D shapes.
(9 Worksheets)
Related Worksheets
Fun and Engaging 2D Shape Activities
One of the very first math lessons we teach in kindergarten is two-dimensional shapes! There are so many ways you can introduce shapes while also engaging your students in fun, hands-on activities. I think one of my favorite things about teaching shapes is that the students don’t even realize they are learning! They get to build, sort, and manipulate shapes in many ways, which leads to high engagement. Read on for my favorite kindergarten-approved 2D shape activities that your students will love!
Activities for Teaching 2D Shapes
Since shapes are all around us, chances are that many of our students will enter kindergarten with a basic knowledge of shape names. It also doesn’t take too long to fill in the missing shape names that our students haven’t quite mastered. After that, the goal is for our students to describe, build, and even manipulate two-dimensional shapes. This is where some additional shape practice activities can come in handy!
Introducing Shape Names and Attributes
The first step in teaching students shapes is to make sure they know all of the 2D shape names and their unique attributes. I have found that
all students benefit from an introduction (or reintroduction) to the shape names and attributes before we move on to other 2D shape activities.
I love introducing and reviewing shapes with these 2D Shapes Poems! These poems are catchy and help students learn about each shape’s attributes as well as relate them to real-world objects that they already know. Before you know it, your students will look at a stop sign and say, “Hey, that’s an octagon!” 🙂 #proudteachermoment
I introduce the shapes one at a time which prevents overwhelm and allows the students to focus on that shape and its unique attributes. We practice one shape each day until all of them have been added to our shape wall!
Identifying and Describing Shapes
After plenty of time has been spent pronouncing the shape names and discussing the shape attributes, it is time for students to put that knowledge into practice. They are now ready to identify shapes in different contexts and describe them in their own words! As with any new concept, it’s important to keep young learners engaged by using a variety of activities when practicing the same skill multiple times, such as identifying and describing shapes.
Shape Bingo is a fun way to add repetition to your 2D shape practice because students will want to play this game over and over again! I love to play this game in small groups, so we can quickly review the shape names and attributes as we draw each card. For an added challenge, you could pull a card and keep it hidden from the students. Then, give them clues about the shape by describing its unique attributes so that the students can guess the correct shape before placing their bingo markers.
I also love to encourage students to identify shapes in the world around them. One way to practice this skill is with a shape sort, where students can identify and sort a variety of real-world objects based on shape. This 2D shape sort is a very fun center activity that gets students excited to look for shapes all around them. It’s so fun to hear students point out the shapes they see as they walk down the hall!
Here are several more 2D shape activity ideas that will keep your students engaged as they practice identifying and describing shapes in multiple ways:
- Play a shape game where students draw a shape out of a bucket and say its name and whether it has curved or straight lines
- Play “I Spy” where students must find real-world objects that match a specific shape
- Go outside on a nature hunt and see what you can find in each shape
- Do a shape show-and-tell
Making Shapes
After students have a good understanding of shape names and their attributes, they are ready to start building shapes on their own! There are many ways to provide individualized opportunities for shape building, based on the fine motor skills of your students. Some students might form shapes using craft sticks while other students might be ready to trace shapes with a highlighter.
In the kindergarten classroom, it’s important to include fine motor practice anywhere we can. Two-dimensional shape building practice is the perfect time to strengthen hand-eye coordination and writing skills! Here are some additional ways to practice forming and writing shapes:
- Practice drawing shapes in the air
- Highlight shapes
- Trace shapes with a writing utensil
- Practice making shapes with sensory materials, such as in sensory trays filled with beads, cereal, rice, etc.
- Trace over shapes with little cars or something similar
- Form shapes with playdough (Check out this playdough mat freebie)
- Form shapes with craft supplies, such as pom-poms, craft sticks, pipe cleaners, etc.
Working With Shapes
Once students have had plenty of time to form shapes using their knowledge of shape names and attributes, they’re ready for the next step: Working with shapes.
When students are given plenty of opportunities to manipulate and work with shapes in various ways, it deepens their understanding of two-dimensional shapes and prepares them for future math concepts.
One of my favorite 2D shape activities is this shape-building activity, where students can see the relationship between shapes as they use pattern blocks to create a larger shape. I love how this activity encourages students to see how shapes are related to each other.
Here are some of my other favorite ways to help students build on their budding knowledge of 2D shapes:
- Sort shapes by attributes, size, color, etc.
- Build with shapes
- See what they can build using only one shape
- Do art projects using a variety of shapes
- Build their name with shapes
- Make a shape book
Using 2D Shape Activities for Centers
Many of the activities I mentioned above would be perfect for math centers in your kindergarten classroom. In fact, I have compiled my ten favorites into a collection of 2D Shapes Centers and Activities! These activities include practice opportunities for 12 different two-dimensional shapes. These shape centers are perfect for kindergarten, Pre-K, and preschool!
2D Shapes Centers and Activities
These 2D shapes centers and activities are full of learning and fun for your preschool and kindergarten students. You can use these activities as you introduce the 2D shapes to your class, or spread them out throughout the year in your math centers. Some centers are also in black and white to be printed on colored paper.
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Save These 2D Shape Activities
Be sure to save this post to your favorite classroom board on Pinterest so that you can refer back to these ideas later!
Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Kindergarten No. 16
Form of organization of education is a way of organizing education, which is carried out in a certain order and mode.
Forms differ:
- according to the number of participants;
- the nature of the interaction between them;
- ways of activity;
- venue.
Our kindergarten uses frontal, group, individual forms of organized education, development and training.
Individual form of organization of education allows individualization of education (content, methods, means), however, it requires a lot of nervous costs from the child; creates emotional discomfort; uneconomical training; limiting cooperation with other children.
Group form of organization of training (individual-collective). The group is divided into subgroups. The bases for a complete set: personal sympathy, common interests, but not on levels of development. At the same time, it is important for the teacher, first of all, to ensure the interaction of children in the process of development and learning.
Frontal form of organization of training . Work with the whole group, a clear schedule, a single content. At the same time, the content of training in frontal classes can be activities: both cognitive and speech in nature, and artistically productive. The advantages of this form of education are a clear organizational structure, simple management, the possibility of interaction between children, the cost-effectiveness of education; The disadvantage is the difficulty in individualizing learning.
The main form of organizing development and learning in our preschool educational institution is organized educational activities (OOE). Organized educational activities are organized and conducted by teachers in accordance with the main general educational program of the preschool educational institution and the recommendations of the Federal State Educational Standard. OOD are held with children of all age groups of the kindergarten. In the daily routine of each group, the time of the OOD is determined in accordance with the "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, content and organization of the working hours of preschool educational organizations".
Organized educational activities are organized in all areas of educational work with children: familiarization with others, speech development, musical education, fine arts, design, the formation of elementary mathematical concepts, physical culture, etc.
educational activities stand out three main parts.
First part - introducing children to the topic of the lesson, setting goals, explaining what children should do.
The second part of is the independent activity of children to fulfill the task of the teacher or the plan of the child himself.
The third part of - analysis of the performance of the task and its evaluation.
Requirements for organizing organized educational activities
Hygiene requirements:
- directly educational activities are carried out in a clean, ventilated, well-lit room;
- educator, constantly monitors the correct posture of the child;
- does not allow overwork of children in the classroom;
- provides for the alternation of various types of children's activities not only in different classes, but also throughout one lesson.
Didactic requirements:
- precise definition of the educational tasks of GCD, its place in the general system of educational activities;
- creative use of all didactic principles in unity when conducting GCD;
- determine the optimal content of GCD in accordance with the program and the level of training of children;
- choose the most rational methods and techniques of teaching, depending on the didactic goal of GCD;
- ensure the cognitive activity of children and the developmental nature of GCD, rationally correlate verbal, visual and practical methods with the purpose of the lesson;
- use didactic games for the purpose of teaching (board-printed, games with objects, plot-didactic and dramatization games, verbal and game techniques, didactic material;
- systematically monitor the quality of children's assimilation of cognitive material (knowledge, skills and abilities).
Organizational requirements
- have a well-thought-out plan for conducting GCD;
- clearly define the purpose and didactic tasks of GCD;
- competently select and rationally use various teaching aids, including TCO, ICT;
- to maintain the necessary discipline and organization of children during the GCD.
- conduct GCD in a playful way, because in the game, the child to a greater extent masters the ways of communication, masters human relations.
- GCD in a preschool educational institution should not be carried out according to school technologies, but should be organized as a planned GCD in the morning and evening in a playful way, in regime moments, in the play and creative activities of children.
- GCD should be carried out in a certain system, connected with the daily life of children (knowledge gained in the classroom is used in free activities.).
- When organizing the learning process, the integration of content is useful, which allows you to make the learning process meaningful, interesting for children and contributes to the effectiveness of development. To this end, integrated and comprehensive classes are conducted.
What certificates are needed for kindergarten
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What certificates are needed for kindergarten
Collecting all the necessary certificates before kindergarten is the most important moment in preparing a child for preschool.
This procedure takes a lot of time and effort, but without the necessary documents, your child will not be enrolled in a nursery or junior group, so you will have to be patient and visit all the necessary doctors and medical facilities.
So that you are at least a little prepared in this matter and can avoid a number of troubles, we will tell you what certificates are needed for kindergarten, how to get them faster and where you can get them.
List of documents
The main package of documents for kindergartens consists of medical certificates. Moreover, each of them must be framed accordingly. That is why it is worthwhile to clarify with the pediatrician or nurse of the children's institution where the child will go, what form of certificate is needed for kindergarten. As a rule, a pediatrician can also provide such information, since there are certain standards.
Basically, it is required to issue certificate forms before the kindergarten of the following nature:
- child's medical record No.
- occupational vaccination card No. 063 / y;
- document on the epidemiological environment of the baby No. 095 / y.
In addition, you will need a CHI policy and a standard package of documents, consisting of a birth certificate, an application for admission. If you have benefits, be sure to bring a document confirming this fact with you.
Design features
Many problems arise in the course of paperwork for accepting a child in a kindergarten. Basically, parents are faced with an incomplete vaccination card. The reason for this is the lack of vaccination records. As a rule, untimely vaccination is a consequence of the lack of drugs or the refusal of parents due to the illness of the baby. As a result, it is for this reason that you may be denied admission to the kindergarten. Although there is no legal basis for this.
Obtaining an extract from the medical card is also not an easy procedure. First you need to go to the pediatrician and find out which doctors are required to visit, what form they must fill out and what tests they need to pass. He will give you a special sheet where specialist doctors will enter the results of the examination and referrals for tests.
Routine medical examination includes visits to specialists such as:
- ENT;
- neurologist;
- surgeon or orthopedist;
- optometrist;
- speech therapist (as prescribed by a pediatrician).
Of the examinations, you will need to undergo an ECG, CBC and OAM. It is also mandatory to be tested for enterobiasis, diphtheria and eggworms. Based on all the results of the tests and examination by doctors, a certificate for children will be issued, giving permission to visit a preschool institution.
Only after that you should take a certificate confirming the absence of contacts with infectious patients. It is valid for three days only. If for some reason the documents are not accepted, then such a certificate will have to be taken again.
How to speed up and simplify the registration process?
You can speed up and simplify the process of registering a child in kindergarten if you contact a private clinic, where you can visit any doctor at a convenient time and without a queue.