Is early a preposition

Early - English Grammar Today

Grammar > Adjectives and adverbs > Adverbs > Time adverbs > Early

Early is an adverb or an adjective.

Early means ‘near the beginning of a period of time or event’. The comparative and superlative forms are earlier and earliest. We most commonly use early as an adverb:

We’ll have to get up early to catch the flight. (early in the morning)

The meeting’s now taking place in March, two months earlier.

Early can also be used as an adjective:

[talking about a famous composer]

His early music was written mainly for children.

His earliest memories were of life in Brazil.

Early as an adverb can also mean ‘before the time that was expected’:

You’re early. We haven’t had breakfast yet.

Let’s meet soon.

Not: Let’s meet early.

They had only been in Greece for a week but they soon learned to speak a few words of the local language.

Not: … but they early learned to speak a few words …


  • 01 Prefixes
  • 02 Table of irregular verbs
  • 03 As, because or since?
  • 04 Ought to
  • 05 Had better
  • 06 Suggest
  • 07 Intonation
  • 08 In spite of and despite
  • 09 Since
  • 10 Would rather, would sooner

Preposition or Adverb? - Quick and Dirty Tips

Today’s episode is about parts of speech and the interesting gray area between opens in a new windowprepositions and opens in a new windowadverbs. Let’s start with the opens in a new windowhelp section of the Grammar Girl opens in a new windowGrammar Pop game, which has this rule about labeling parts of speech:

“Sometimes, words you might think of as prepositions act like adverbs. When a word such as over or up is modifying a verb, it’s acting like an adverb, but in Grammar Pop we still call it a preposition. Grammar Pop calls the words in the following sentences prepositions:

  1. She needed to speak up.
  2. The statue tipped over.

“It’s the difference between what something is and what something does: It’s a preposition doing a job that is typically associated with adverbs. Rational people can disagree about this. It’s a gray area of grammar.”

As a reminder, you may have learned that prepositions are little words like up, over, or with that express time, direction, and spatial relationships, while adverbs modify verbs, adjectives, other adverbs, and entire sentences. (The prepositions up and over in these examples are also a type of preposition called “particles,” but that’s a topic for a future episode!)

This decision to go with what the word is, instead of by what it does, is interesting because it is unusual. In other words, with most gray-area parts of speech, we grammarians do go by the job that the word does in the sentence to make the call. For example, the “-ing” form of a verb can be a present participle, like “The baby is crawling,” but the same -ing word can be a “gerund” instead of a participle. The gerund is the noun form of the -ing verb, like “Crawling is what babies do before they learn to walk.” In that sentence, crawling is the subject, and so it’s acting like a noun, not a verb, even though it technically describes an “action.” And, the -ing words can be adjectives, too! Like this: “Crawling babies can be a real handful.” In that sentence, crawling modifies the noun babies. Even though it seems tricky, we cannot call this third crawling anything but an adjective, because it describes a property of the babies, and is not a verb, nor a noun. You can read more about these -ing forms opens in a new windowhere and opens in a new windowhere.

The point is, few grammarians would lump all three -ing word types together as one part of speech, and yet, many grammarians keep the “adverb-like” prepositions that we talked about earlier as prepositions, even though they are doing more of an adverbial job. It seems that “adverb” is a part-of-speech category whose members run on a spectrum from “fully adverbial” to “barely adverbial.” In fact, some linguists opens in a new windowrefer to adverbs that end in -ly, like fortunately or quickly, as “indisputable adverbs”! (2) So why is that? We’ll talk about four possible explanations.

What Makes Some Adverbs Controversial, and Why Do Grammarians Classify “Adverb-like” Prepositions as Prepositions?

Let’s back up and look more closely at those controversial prepositions described in the Grammar Pop instructions. According to traditional grammar, we all agree that the word inside in this sentence is a preposition:

  1. Get inside the castle!

We call inside a preposition because it has an object—the castle. But, in this next sentence, many people call the word inside an adverb:

  1. Get inside!

They call that inside an adverb because without the castle, there is no object of the preposition, and all that inside can modify is the verb get.


It may seem like a no-brainer to label all prepositions as adverbs when they modify verbs (again, that’s in those cases when they have no object). Indeed, decisions like this are a common problem to solve in related fields like computational linguistics. Computational linguistics is a science that does things like create software to do language-related tasks, such as translate written language, program voice recognition software for when you call an automated 800 number, or tag (which means “label”) the parts of speech of written words. For example, in an early computational linguistics article, the tagging software that the authors describe had an extra portion of code to teach the computer when to call as a preposition, and when to call as an adverb. For example, in this next sentence, the first time we use the word as, it’s an adverb, and the second time, it’s a preposition:

  1. The Catskill mountains are not as (adverb) tall as (preposition) the Himalayan mountains.

The first as is an adverb because it modifies the adjective tall, but the second as is a preposition because it acts as a comparison, and the noun phrase the Himalayan mountains is arguably the object of the preposition.

The Adverb/Preposition Distinction Is Not Straightforward

Now, let’s go over some fascinating theoretical arguments for why “adverb” may not always be the best label for those prepositions with no object. Even syntacticians disagree, but their reasons are interesting.

Adverbs tend to be considered grammatically optional.

First, adverbs tend to be considered grammatically optional. In other words, they add detail and meaning to the sentence, but don’t cause the sentence to be wrong if they’re removed. “Jennifer runs fast” and “Jennifer runs,” without the adverb fast, are both grammatically correct. Prepositions, on the other hand, play a much more important role in the grammar of their sentences. In that way, we could argue that in “Get inside!”, inside is not grammatically optional (because “Get!” alone means something else, if anything). This makes inside a lot more like a preposition than an adverb, even though some grammarians would call it an adverb.

A second argument in favor of the preposition label is the fact that the sentence “Get inside!” may be a case of what linguists call “ellipsis.” (It’s not the same as the punctuation, but it’s a similar concept: Think of the way the three-dot punctuation mark is used to show a trail-off of missing words. ) Speakers frequently “elide” words, which means that they are not spoken, but they are implied. We know they are there, but it may be redundant to say them out loud. In other words, if I point to the castle and shout “Get inside!” some linguists might argue that inside does indeed have an object—the castle—it’s just that this object is provided by context, and is not needed in the grammar of the sentence. The linguistic study of when context interacts with syntax is called “pragmatics.”

A third pro-preposition point is that these controversial adverbs fail certain syntactic adverb tests. For example, take the prepositions inside, up, around, and over. We know that adverbs can modify adjectives, like incredibly in “She is incredibly smart” (incredibly is an adverb modifying the adjective smart) and they can modify other adverbs, like incredibly in “She drove incredibly fast.” (Incredibly is an adverb modifying the other adverb fast. ) However, the preposition around is different: We can’t say “She is around smart,” and if we say “She drove around fast,” around is not modifying the adverb fast. The preposition inside has similar problems: “She is inside smart” and “She is inside fast,” show that inside fails the adverb tests, making many of us inclined to call it a preposition no matter what job it does. (2) This shows that while incredibly is an “indisputable” adverb, prepositions like inside and around when they have no object fall further away on the spectrum of adverbs, so saying that inside is an adverb just because it has no object may not be 100% right. Even though not all adverbs pass all syntactic adverb tests, some members are more controversial than others. Remember that those “indisputable” “-ly” adverb members, like incredibly, on the other hand, are not controversial! We’re all in agreement about those.

Transitivity Is Not Just for Verbs

Finally, here’s the most interesting line of reasoning in defense of the preposition label for words like up in the sentence “She needs to speak up” and inside in “Get inside. ” You may have heard of “transitivity” as a property of verbs. For example, snore is intransitive, because it never takes a direct object (a direct object is a recipient of the action), while devour is transitive, because it sounds very strange without a direct object. She devoured. It just sounds weird. In other words, in English sentences, something edible must be devoured. Further, there is an interesting middle ground for verbs that alternate, such as fly: They can be both transitive and intransitive, in different sentences. You can fly a plane, which is a transitive use of fly with the direct object a plane, but you can also just fly. (Wouldn’t that be nice!) Snore, on the other hand, is called “obligatorily intransitive,” because it really can’t alternate or be used transitively (again, “used transitively” means “used with a direct object”). You can’t really snore anything. Another example of an obligatorily intransitive verb is sneeze. Let’s re-cap: “Neil flies (transitive verb) planes (direct object).” “Neil flies (intransitive verb).” You can also read more about transitivity opens in a new windowhere.

Now, by the way: Some of you may be trying to find examples of forcing an obligatorily intransitive verb like snore to take an object. A common example people come up with is “But, I can say, ‘He snored the night away’!” That sentence is metaphorical, and it may seem like the night is the direct object of snored, but it technically isn’t. The night is not actually being snored, or affected by the snoring action in any way. This is one of the fun things about unconscious language and grammar rules: We “break” the rules in certain situations, such as when we want to create humor, metaphors and idioms, or poetry. In other words, remember that just because a verb has words after it, that doesn’t mean it is transitive. Here is another example: “Poppy sneezed all day.” In that sentence, sneeze is intransitive, because “all day” is an adverbial expression that indicates the duration of her sneezing action, but not “what” she sneezed, so it is not a direct object.

OK so, when elements such as objects are required after a verb, those are called “arguments” by syntacticians. Arguments can be subjects, direct objects, or indirect objects, for example. Unlike optional words like adverbs, arguments are required by the grammar rules. Verbs take inventory, so to speak. For example, to give (like this):

  1. Eleanor gave a house to Kate.

usually requires three arguments: First, a subject: Eleanor to do the giving action. All English verbs require subjects. Second, a direct object: a house. Third, an indirect object: (to) Kate. We know all three are required in this context because “Eleanor gave Kate” sounds very strange. Kate is the indirect object, because she is the recipient of the direct object a house. Indirect objects usually have to or for in front of them, like “I baked a cake for our guest. ” You can read more about direct and indirect objects opens in a new windowhere.

Prepositions have argument structure, too!

This system of arguments that verbs take, reject, and require is called “argument structure,” and here’s where things get interesting for prepositions: Prepositions have argument structure, too! For example, the preposition by is a transitive preposition. “The dress is by the chair” is fine, but “The dress is by” makes no sense at all. (You may be thinking that the chair in that sentence is the object of the preposition by, and that’s right.)

The point is that viewing prepositions as having transitivity is one way grammarians can reject that adverb label for the adverb-like prepositions. Some linguists theorize that those prepositions with no object are intransitive, the way the verb snore is intransitive, or the way the verb eat can be either one. This line of reasoning points out that when verbs like fly don’t have an object, we don’t re-name the part of speech of the verb; we just say that the verb fly is intransitive in that particular sentence. Therefore, logic suggests not re-naming prepositions as adverbs just because they have no object. In that way, in our “Get inside!” example, you could say that inside is just an intransitive preposition. (2)

What’s neat about this theory is that there are actually a few prepositions that must always take objects, like to and toward. In other words, you can’t say “Andrea ran toward,” with no object. So, those prepositions are obligatorily transitive, like the verb devour. Also parallel to verb transitivity is the fact that most prepositions can alternate, which means both be prepositions (i.e., take an object) and be adverb-like prepositions that do the job of an adverbs. Two examples are prepositions down or around. These are parallel to those verbs that can be both transitive and intransitive, like fly or eat. Finally, there are prepositions that cannot ever take an object, like away and overhead, and so they are obligatorily intransitive prepositions, like our example intransitive verbs snore and sneeze. (2, 4) You’ve probably never heard the term intransitive preposition, but classifying prepositions without objects as intransitive—instead of as adverbs—can even be found in opens in a new windowThe Cambridge Grammar of the English Language. (3, 5) Welcome to advanced linguistics!

As you can see, the distinction between adverbs and prepositions is an interesting gray area of grammar, and calling the adverb-like prepositions “adverbs” isn’t always the right choice. Just because a preposition does the job of an adverb, it doesn’t necessarily follow that it is no longer a preposition. It seems best to choose the category you prefer as needed—but be prepared with a good defense for your choice!

This article was written by Syelle Graves, who has two master’s degrees in linguistics. You can read more about her at opens in a new


(1)Brill, E. (1994). Some Advances in Transformation-Based Part of Speech Tagging. Spoken Language Systems Group Laboratory for Computer Science at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

(2)Burton-Roberts, N. (1991). Prepositions, adverbs, and adverbials. In I. Tieken-Boon van Ostade, & J. Frankis (Eds), Language: Usage and description (pp. 159–172). Amsterdam: Rodopi.

(3)Cappelle, B. (2005). The particularity of particles, or why they are not just ‘intransitive prepositions’. Belgian Journal of Linguistics, 18, 29–57.

(4)Emonds, J. (1972). Evidence that indirect object movement is a structure-preserving rule. Foundations of Language, 8(4), 546–561.

(5)Huddleston, R., & Pullum, G.K. (2002). The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

(6)Myler, N. (2017). Personal communication.

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    Appendix 1.

    Non-primitive prepositions - "" - reference and information Internet portal "Russian language"


    General rules sentence with the help of non-primitive (derivative) prepositions - simple ( thanks to, contrary to, due to, contrary to, according to , etc.) and composite ( depending on, to avoid, in connection with, in the absence of , etc.). Such constructions can be isolated, but the punctuation difficulty lies in the fact that their isolation is not always appropriate, and sometimes even erroneous.

    Turnover is separated if its boundaries are required (so that the sentence does not look ambiguous):0013 , changes have been made to the document. – In order to avoid misunderstanding of the phrase , the director made changes to the document.

    Turnover is not isolated if it is part of the predicate or is closely related to it in meaning. (As a rule, in such cases, the turnover cannot be removed from the composition of the sentence without distorting the meaning of the phrase.) For example:

    ... Kazbich imagined that Azamat with the consent of his father stole his horse... M. Lermontov, Hero of our time. (meaning from Lermontov: Kazbich imagined that Azamat's father agreed to the theft.) Cf. change in meaning when separating the turnover: ... Kazbich imagined that Azamat, with the consent of his father, stole his horse ... (=Kazbich imagined that Azamat stole the horse.)

    Cf. See also: The sons of the wind divided the people against their will . I. Efremov, On the Edge of the Ecumene. She walks through life with her head held high is on a par with a man , because freedom is impossible without full responsibility for one's destiny . I. Efremov, Razor's Edge. In Kolya's room, evening came according to the laws of nature , since the light had not been on there for a long time. L. Petrushevskaya, Kozel Vanya.

    In other cases, we can talk about optional isolation of turnover (depending on the degree of its prevalence, proximity to the main part of the sentence, word order in the sentence, the author's intention and other factors). At the same time, there are a number of factors that affect the punctuation marks.

    Turnovers are usually separated, which are:

    • are located between the subject and the predicate: It is enough to press your finger on the eyeball, and all real objects - , unlike hallucinations - will split in two . A. and B. Strugatsky, Monday begins on Saturday. The left wall , as opposed to the right , reflected the concept of early death. I. Efremov, The hour of the bull. And mother , against all odds , gathered me, although before that no one from our village in the district had studied . V. Rasputin, French Lessons. Our fires burned all night, and ship , in case of alarm , was ready to sail . V. Jan, Phoenician ship. Dining table , depending on the circumstances , turned either into a desk or into a bed when one of the friends who came from the front stayed overnight. V. Kaverin, Open book.

    • are not at the beginning and not at the end of the sentence: Exactly at three o'clock, in accordance with labor legislation , doctor of sciences Amvrosy Ambruazovich Vybegallo brought the keys. A. and B. Strugatsky, Monday starts on Saturday. ...I re-examined the situation in Prague, which should become - on a par with Vienna and the Alpine redoubt - the center of a decisive battle against Bolshevism. Yu. Semenov, Seventeen Moments of Spring. At first, what only, along with the praises of my art , I have not heard enough! V. Kataev, Grass of oblivion.

    • contain an explanation of what is said in the sentence, and stand out intonation: ... Children, due to infancy , did not determine any positions, which, however, did not prevent them from becoming completely lazy ... I. Turgenev, Raspberry Water . By the way, Bim had no idea at all, due to lack of experience , that no one ever counts time using such dead half-roosters . G. Troepolsky, White Bim Black Ear.

    However, other variants of punctuation are also possible, due to the author's intention. For example: And yet, having chosen a convenient moment, Khizhnyak , in violation of all the rules, went overtaking on the right side and caught up with the "jeep" ... (V. Bogomolov, Moment of Truth) - failure to distinguish between subject and predicate; The next morning thanks to many aliens in a quarter of an hour the skeleton of a new dugout was completed (V. Obruchev, Sannikov Land) - non-selection of a phrase that is not at the beginning or at the end of the sentence.

    In disputable cases, the final decision on punctuation is made by the author of the text.

    Some regularities

    Turnovers with the following prepositions may or may not be isolated depending on the above conditions: , in contrast, in contrast, in connection with, due to, due to, in case, in accordance with, minus, insufficiency, in the absence of, in the absence of, in spite of, on the basis of, contrary to, on a par with, along with, on the occasion , under the guise of, similarly, under the pretext, after the expiration, to the extent, according to the standards, by right, by reason, by chance, by conditions, if available, provided, against (meaning "contrary to") , over (meaning "except for") according to, respectively, .

    Usually isolated (with the exception of those cases when the turnover is part of the predicate or is closely related to it in meaning) turns with verbal prepositions by, judging by, and also restrictive-eliminative phrases with prepositions despite, except for , except for , regardless of, apart from.

    Usually turns with prepositions instead of, in response to, as a result, like, at the expense of, like, on the contrary, not reaching, about, for the sake of, later are not isolated.

    1 All prepositions are divided into primitive and non-primitive (derivatives). Primitive prepositions is a small closed group of words that are not connected by living word-formation relations with any significant words. These include prepositions such as in, for, to, from, under , etc.

    Non-primitive prepositions are prepositions that have live word-building relations and lexical-semantic connections with significant words - nouns, adverbs and verbs (gerunds).

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