Kid book recommendations
Best Books for Kids 2021
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This compendium of short biographies richly details the lives of 10 historical people who not only lived, but thrived, in ancient Africa. With beautiful portraits woven among concise essays, this book guides young readers in a look at Africa's oft-ignored past.
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Illustrated by Michelle Mee Nutter | Maggie wants to stop feeling like the odd girl out and is convinced that a puppy will help. A newly discovered allergy stands in the way of her puppy dreams, but does that rule out all animals?
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After the disappearance of her brother Quinton, Amari Peters is recruited into a hidden magical society. As she trains to become a junior agent, will she be able to uncover the truth of what happened to her brother?
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Ilustrado por Vashti Harrison | ¡Hoy es un día muy importante y Zuri necesita que su cabello luzca perfecto! ¿Estará papá preparado para este desafío? Este dulce cuento destaca la conexión entre padre e hija y la belleza del cabello natural.
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In this joyful celebration of First Nations heritage, 16 Indigenous authors share original, interwoven stories, all culminating at the Dance for Mother Earth Powwow in Ann Arbor, Michigan.
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Illustrated by Anna Cunha | Anita imagines herself a princess of her beloved Dominican Republic, where she watches “dragons” roar as they pass overhead. One day she must come face to face with them when she journeys to her new home, far away from everything she's known.
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Cryptid kids with strange powers and "irregularities" are on the run from their high-security government facility, nicknamed the Playroom. In finding a new place to call home, they must evade the elusive Collector or risk being collected themselves.
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Ilustrado por Luisa Uribe | Traducido por Polo Orozco | Areli llega de México a Nueva York y encuentra un mundo muy diferente.
Una historia real de una Dreamer que hace una nueva vida y se reúne con su familia.
Artie finds her place when her mom confesses that they're werewolves and introduces her to their estranged werewolf community. But before Artie can hit her stride, her newly discovered pack comes under attack by an old enemy: vampires.
Ilustrado por Charlene Bowles | Basada en la leyenda y la cultura maya, esta historieta muestra que un héroe puede surgir de cualquier lugar y triunfar. Este cuento está lleno de aventuras y hazañas. Pero, al final de cuentas, ¿qué podría ser más heroico que la bondad?
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Nimra, a young Muslim girl desperate to fit in at her new school, accepts an invitation to join a popular eighth-grade boy band. Worried that her parents will find out, she intends to drop out before the big talent show, but acting on that plan proves harder than she imagined.
Traducido por Roberto Vivero Rodríguez | La ira de Bárbara la consume tanto que se convierte en entidad propia. La conoce, platican, y comprende que, aunque volverá a sentir enfado, puede encontrar formas de enfrentarlo y tener algo de tranquilidad.
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Petra has dreams of going to school and learning to read. Instead, she must lead her grandmother and younger siblings to safety from the army of Federales during the Mexican Revolution. Through her resilience, can Petra both save her family and make her dreams a reality?
Illustrated by Iacopo Bruno | This is the riveting untold story of how Italy’s 1938 Tour de France champion saved Jewish families during WWII’s darkest days by doing what he did best: cycling. Full Title: Bartali's Bicycle: The True Story of Gino Bartali, Italy's Secret Hero.
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Ilustrado por Charlene Chua | Un libro encantador de cartón sobre un niño que juega su primer juego de béisbol en el parque con su familia.
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Illustrated by Robbi Behr | With expressive illustrations and endearing humor, Ben Yokoyama takes on his fortune cookie’s words to "live each day as his last" quite literally. He arms himself with a to-do list that grows zanier with each new addition.
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Illustrated by Gracey Zhang | Honoring body positivity and intergenerational family connections, this heartwarming story radiates the communal joy of a Japanese onsen.
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A euphoric celebration of Black boyhood featuring 17 stories by contemporary Black male and nonbinary authors. Sampling popular genres and formats like Afrofuturism, realistic fiction, comics, and verse, these uplifting stories about Black male youth are not to be missed.
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How do you take a picture of a black hole? Learn about the teamwork, personalities, and innovations that accomplished this scientific feat.
This book will inspire young physicists! Full Title: Black Hole Chasers: The Amazing True Story of an Astronomical Breakthrough.
Illustrated by Deborah Marcero | American astronomer Edwin Hubble asks: how many stars are in the sky? How did the universe begin? Where did it come from? Mesmerizing nightscapes paired with simple text offer an engaging account of Hubble's life and findings.
Cartoon-style illustrations and astonishing facts send readers on an exploration into the unique world of insects in this quirky, engaging primer of bugs.
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Illustrated by Sonali Zohra | In this vibrantly illustrated novel in verse, Latika bravely confronts the problem of inadequate sanitation in her rural Indian village, a global issue with a dangerous impact on women and girls.
Traducido por Isabel Borrego | ¡Buu! Este divertido cuento submarino cautivará a los lectores jóvenes con sus bellas y brillantes ilustraciones.
Acompáñen a un diminuto pez rosado que desencadena una aterradora reacción en cadena que nos recuerda al juego del teléfono.
Ilustrado por Teresa Martinez | Traducido por Carmen Tafolla | Los fanáticos de la superestrella Selena Quintanilla disfrutarán esta biografía sobre una de las artistas más grandes de América Latina. ¡Un recordatorio de que con dedicación y perseverancia puedes lograr tus sueños!
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Translated from the Spanish by Elisa Amado | A charming tale about forging an unlikely friendship, forming a community, and embracing difference. This light-hearted story features predominately black-and-white illustrations with a pop of color on each page.
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Things are not easy for Cece. Her family is experiencing domestic violence, and now her sister has disappeared.
In this mesmerizing Latinx novel rooted in Aztec mythology, Cece has to learn forbidden magic in order to rescue her sister from El Sombrerón.
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Illustrated by Cornelia Li | This nonfiction book introduces readers to the flora and fauna of cities and highlights how urban areas, wildlife, and social justice intersect. Full Title: Chasing Bats and Tracking Rats: Urban Ecology, Community Science, and How We Share Our Cities.
Traducido por Karolina Jaszecka | Colmenas de abejas, nidos de pájaros, y termitarios: aprendan sobre estos y otros asombrosos hogares de animales en este hermoso libro para lectores de todas las edades.
Traducido por José C. Vales | Han pasado siete años desde que Omar y su hermano Hassan huyeron de Somalia, a un campo de refugiados en Kenia. Omar está perdiendo la esperanza de poder regresar o tener un futuro fuera del campamento.
Todo cambia cuando puede ir a la escuela.
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Ilustrado por Amanda Mijangos | Traducido por David Bowles | Durante miles y miles de años, los pueblos indígenas han viajado a través de las Américas, creando y transmitiendo historias. Esta impresionante recopilación honra a los pueblos originarios de estas tierras.
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When Dad gets home from a full day of baking, he bakes again—this time with his daughter. Readers see their tender relationship in loving focus while waiting for the bread to rise. An intimate story with bright illustrations, this book is a warm snapshot of family connection.
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Traducido por Farah Perez | Miguel ama a su cuidad natal en Puerto Rico, especialmente a su pequeño amigo Coquí. ¿Será la vida igual cuando se mude a la ciudad de Nueva York? Miguel aprende que a veces se puede encontrar un hogar lejos del hogar.
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Illustrated by Diana Sudyka | Moving can be hard, but with the help of a friendly treefrog, one lonely girl learns how to connect to the natural world around her.
Ilustrado por Iván Kerner | ¿Qué hay al otro lado de la puerta? Esta historia nos muestra que a veces los miedos son solo producto de nuestra imaginación.
Illustrated by Kate Cosgrove | There's an entire world beneath the dirt! Nature-loving readers will enjoy these lively poems that celebrate the many creatures living underground. The vertical format of the book creates an engaging reading experience.
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Twins Mei and Yun must embark on a magical adventure to save their grandfather after a mysteriously spoiled batch of his mooncakes earns a prince's wrath.
To succeed, they must break a poet's vengeful curse—with or without the guidance of the Jade Rabbit.
Traducido por Guillem Aubia | Cuando Lucas y María, que viven en la ciudad, visitan a su primo Esteban en el campo, descubren cómo es la vida de los animales en la granja. De repente, empieza a llover. ¿A dónde irán los animales?
Ilustrado por Cecilia Moreno | Se maravillarán con las ilustraciones coloridas y lo adorable que se ven los animales mientras leen este divertido libro de rimas y aprenden sobre dónde viven varios animales.
Ilustrado por Philip Giordano | Ilustraciones sencillas y nítidas, y frases concisas son utilizadas para presentar a los más jovenes algunas de las maravillas que se pueden encontrar en el cielo y el mar.
Ilustrado por Karla Monterrosa | Traducido por Bryce Breslin | Una nueva maestra llama a nuestro protagonista "Jefferson," pero en realidad, es Yefferson.
Cuando la clase sigue su ejemplo, ¡él tiene que hacer algo para corregir el error!
¡Qué diferencia hace un día —un siglo, un milenio! Dedicado a los adultos del mañana y a los niños de ayer, este libro especial invita a lectores de todas las edades a reflexionar sobre su lugar en el tiempo: pasado, presente y futuro.
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Would you believe that someone hijacked a plane, escaped with the ransom money by parachute, and was never caught? This daring true story captured headlines in the 1970s and is retold with primary source materials and plenty of panache. Kids will devour this rollicking story!
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Este libro da voz a los niños separados de sus familias y detenidos en la frontera. Estos relatos desgarradores contienen ilustraciones por artistas latinxs. Título completo: Escucha mi voz: Los testimonios de los jóvenes detenidos en la frontera sureña de los Estados Unidos.
Traducido por Susana Tornero Brugués | Vecinos que comparten un amor por la astronomía. Jacob es judío y Aisha, musulmana, y sus padres tienen planes para ellos. Acompáñenlos en su recorrido mientras se separan y vuelven a encontrar gracias a las fuerzas cósmicas y estrellas.
Illustrated by Julie Kwon | In a time when women weren’t encouraged to fly, Hazel Ying Lee was set her sights on the sky. An elegantly illustrated and moving account of the determination that propelled a Chinese American pilot’s aspirations despite racial and gender barriers.
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Illustrated by Rachel Wada | Kalia only knows of life in the Ban Vanai Refugee Camp in Thailand. She and her father climb the tallest tree to find out what's beyond the fence. This evocative book explores Hmong refugee camp life and a father's dream for his daughter beyond it.
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Garlic worries that she can't get anything right. When a vampire moves into a nearby castle, Garlic's vegetable folk village agrees that she is the obvious choice to drive him away. Will Garlic find the courage to believe in herself?
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In this coming-of-age tale, Morgan meets a selkie, Keltie, after nearly drowning. When Morgan gives Keltie an impulsive kiss, they quickly become inseparable. Morgan has always kept her feelings for girls hidden, and Keltie also has a secret of her own.
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Manuel uses photography to stay grounded after witnessing gun violence at school. When he teams up with his classmates Caysha and Sebastian for a county fair project, the new friends learn to open up, confront fear, and even find love.
Ilustrado por Sydney Smith | Traducido por Isabel Borrego | El lenguaje poético, la metáfora y las ilustraciones en acuarela transmiten tiernamente la lucha de un niño con la tartamudez y la autoaceptación.
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This powerful bilingual book, illustrated by Latinx artists, features the words of children detained at the U.S. border due to their immigration status. Full Title: Hear My Voice / Escucha mi voz: The Testimonies of Children Detained at the Southern Border of the United States.
Ilustrado por Mark Ruffle | Traducido por Elena Borrás | Ilustraciones vívidas sobre algunas características que compartimos con los animales. Con un glosario, índice y biografías breves sobre los científicos amantes de los animales, este libro es perfecto para mentes curiosas.
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Illustrated by Mercè López | Soft watercolor and naturalistic illustrations bring the voice of smoke to life as it shares its cycle of existence.
Learn about the fascinating and helpful ways it has been used by civilizations for millennia.
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Illustrated by Julia Kuo | A young girl who emigrates from Taiwan to the United States maintains a connection to her grandmother despite being an ocean apart. A vibrant color palette helps bring the author's and illustrator's experiences to life.
With fanciful mixed-media illustrations, Argentine author Bernasconi invites young readers to dip their toes into a thought-provoking journey that explores the concept of infinity.
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Illustrated by Akeem S. Roberts | Third-grader J.D. spins a bad haircut on its head by creating a thriving business. Now his competition wants to fight. Buzzing with humor and pop culture references, this is a delightful introduction to a new series.
May the best barber win!
Traducido por Pepa Arbelo | Un libro que nos permite ver el proceso de duelo a traves de los ojos de una niña pequeña. Su padre se convierte en su mayor apoyo y le hace ver que la tristeza, aunque la acompañe, no le impedirá crecer y disfrutar de las cosas bonitas de la vida.
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Filled with colorful illustrations and rhythmic text, this picture book biography celebrates African American composer Scott Joplin, whose ragtime music opened the door for jazz.
Twelve-year-old Petra is put in stasis on a shuttle bound for an uninhabited planet. Centuries later, she wakes as one of the few surviving travelers, and the only one not reprogrammed by the menacing Collective that has taken over the ship. Can her cuentas save them all?
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In this feminist collection, Grimes connects the works of underappreciated women poets of the Harlem Renaissance, her own poems created with the Golden Shovel method, and illustrations by contemporary Black women artists.
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Illustrated by Weshoyot Alvitre | These creepy ancestral tales and modern accounts of American Indian ghosts and monsters will haunt you long after you've closed the book. Full Title: Living Ghosts and Mischievous Monsters: Chilling American Indian Stories.
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Livy doesn't feel like she belongs anywhere, and Viola just makes it worse. But who's Viola? She's Livy's anxiety, ready to do anything to bring Livy down. Can Livy find a way to be stronger than Viola and be true to herself?
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A single father of three braces for a big storm. While stuck inside, the family struggles then find ways to come together. With bold illustrations, this timely story offers a conversation starter about facing fears, balancing conflict, and discovering strength in togetherness.
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Traducido por Eida Del Risco | Un venado nace en el desierto. Aunque esta zona está llena de vida, ella y su madre deben moverse para sobrevivir. Morales usa folclore y simbolismo para llamar atención al doble estándar que dicta quién y quién no puede moverse libremente.
Translated from the Korean by Sophie Bowman | Aided by a jar of magical candies, Tong Tong can hear the voices of people and objects around him. Hilarious and heartbreaking, this inventive picture book will change the way readers view their world.
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Etan has stopped speaking and no one knows how to help. Malia stays at home due to constant bullying. During the 1989 Bay Area earthquakes, their community of immigrant refugees help the two discover that the best form of healing comes from within.
Ilustrado por Eric Velasquez | Traducido por Georgina Lázaro | ¿Cómo sería escuchar música diferente a la que hayas escuchado antes? Sumérjete en este libro sobre el nacimiento del mambo y cómo reunió a todo tipo de personas en la década de los 1940.
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Twelve-year-old Meilan Hua's world is turned upside down when her family relocates from a big city Chinatown to small town Ohio. As she attempts to settle in, she gets renamed at school. Can Meilan find the power in her name and assert who she is?
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Illustrated by Christine Almeda | Fifth grade gets off to a rough start for Maya until she is gifted an unfinished robot. An engineering legacy is uncovered and inspiration ignites as Maya learns to embrace her ingenuity and finds friendship in an unlikely place.
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With her amazing imagination (and a little help from her best friend), Marisol learns that even though life throws us obstacles, we need to celebrate all the small victories!
Ilustrado por Raquel Catalina | Madani es el mejor jugador de fútbol del barrio y anda descalzo. Cuando saca el dinero de su alcancía, ¡nos muestra lo especial que realmente es!
Ilustrado por Iván Kerner | El cuerpo se utiliza para mirar, oler, correr, dibujar y contar historias. ¿Cómo ha crecido y cambiado tu cuerpo día con día?
Ilustrado por Amanda Mijangos | La historia de una niña indígena Nahuatl que vive con un padre tlacuilo: un escriba que ilustra toda la belleza del mundo.
Illustrated by Mariachiara Di Giorgio | A group of woodland animals takes over a fairground at night in this enchanting wordless picture book illustrated in glowing jewel tones.
Join them for an exhilarating night of nocturnal mischief and fun!
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Illustrated by Joshua Mangeshig Pawis-Steckley | Explore the four seasons in this lyrical bilingual picture book, illustrated in the Woodland Art style. Written in both Anishinaabemowin and English, this story takes readers on a familiar journey in an exciting new way.
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Ilustrado por Christian Robinson | Traducido por Yanitzia Canetti | En un largo viaje en metro, Milo dibuja a otros pasajeros, imaginando sus vidas fuera del tren. Mira cuántos neoyorquinos reconoces de tus viajes en este tierno cuento sobre cómo no todo es lo que parece.
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Illustrated by Christian Robinson | Vivid illustrations and rich text tell the story of Milo, who, while riding the NYC subway, envisions the lives of his fellow passengers through his drawings.
Soon, Milo learns you can’t always know a person just by looking at them.
Ilustrado por Erika Meza | Cada sábado, un niño y su padre cruzan la frontera que divide a los Estados Unidos de México. Visitan a familia y hacen la compra para traer del "otro lado". El viaje corto es dificil por el paso fronterizo, esa línea imaginaria que tanto decide.
This charming and cleverly designed picture book is a modern fable that encourages readers to move past their comfort zone in order to see the beauty that surrounds them.
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Illustrated by Edward Bettison | Mirabelle and her peculiar family live in an uneasy peace with the village of Rookhaven. When Jem and Tom stumble into Mirabelle’s world, readers will discover who the real "monsters'' are. Black line art adds to the otherworldly atmosphere.
Ilustrado por Helen Oxenbury | Traducido por Verónica Uribe | Una tarde tranquila en casa para bebé y mamá se convierte en una fiesta inesperada cuando familiares llegan. Un libro divertido con cariñosas ilustraciones retrata la alegría de tener una familia extensa.
Ilustrado por Amélie Graux | Lucas quiere una muñeca más que nada, pero un deseo hecho realidad no garantiza "felices para siempre". Después de que un compañero lo intimida en el recreo, ¿se puede reparar la muñeca de Lucas y su amistad?
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Illustrated by Sara Palacios | With lively illustrations and descriptive text, this beautiful coming-of-age story set in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, showcases the tradition of carrying the panye, a large basket, to market.
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The first day of school can be challenging, especially along the Mekong Delta in Vietnam.
Rich and poetic text complements whimsical and imaginative art on a journey you won't forget.
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Illustrated by Erika Meza | Through a young boy's eyes, readers follow a father and son’s Saturday ritual as they travel from Texas to Tamaulipas. Bilingual language and vibrant illustrations guide readers to see el otro lado (the other side) in a new light.
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How does a family cope with a missing child? What if he suddenly returns and claims he was whisked away to a magical land? This contemplative mystery examines a family's struggle to support and shield their found son as their community grows more skeptical of his claims.
Illustrated by Melissa Castillón | A fascinating and kid-friendly introduction to nanoscience by an expert and award-winning physicist! Simple terms break down the complex science of nanotech and appealing bright art will delight little scientists in this nonfiction picture book.
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Illustrated by Maya Ish-Shalom | Nathan leaves his home in Russia to study opera, but after boarding the wrong boat accidentally sets sail for New York City. Digital art and striking primary colors bring to life this joyful tale of Jewish immigration in the early 20th century.
Ilustrado por Kim Amate | Nahuel, un niño de diez años, viaja de una pequeña aldea en los Andes peruanos hasta Barcelona para reunirse con su madre. Una gran historia para reflexionar sobre la acogida de immigrantes que deben empezar su vida en un nuevo país.
Illustrated by Sue Todd | The high-contrast illustrations of this board book engage the youngest readers, while the soft, soothing lines of the repetitive lullaby wrap readers in a deep and dreamy song.
Translated from the French by Polly Lawson | This stunning book portrays the magic of a family trip and the beauty at the end of a nighttime journey.
Dazzling illustrations capture the extraordinary nature of light at night as a family connects with nature.
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Illustrated by Christian Robinson | Follow the transformation of Eunice Waymon into singer and activist Nina Simone in this lovely picture book biography. Simone's voice and message is remembered as nothing short of a triumph and this book and its dynamic illustrations honor it.
Traducido por Ximena Gómez | Jacqueline Woodson relata su niñez en Brooklyn. Con sus poemas honra a la familia, a la amistad, y a un vecindario que sin duda cambiará.
Translated from the Spanish by Lawrence Schimel | Illustrated by María Elena Valdez | In this extraordinary poetry collection, Ferrada gives voice to the children lost during General Pinochet’s dictatorship, exploring imagined joyful futures, reminding us of life's preciousness.
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The Enchanted Forest is forbidden, but feisty Pella can't stay away. Distraught older sister Bix must gather the strength to find her. This fantasy adventure is about overcoming fear when you have something to fight for.
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Ilustrado por Iván Rickenmann | Traducido por Aida Salazar | ¿Qué pasaría si lo que más amas en el mundo te fuese arrebatado de repente? Esta historia sobre el olvido es una hermosa metáfora de las cosas que se pierden y nunca se pueden recuperar.
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A grandmother and her grandson set off fishing in their beloved boat. Sparse text and stamped illustrations reveal the passage of time and the impact that human hands have had on the environment. As the young boy grows, he looks to his community to turn the tide.
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Illustrated by Julie Flett | Moshom shows his grandson the land his family used to hunt and live off of—a trapline. Cree words are highlighted and defined on each page, and the illustrations allow readers to reflect on the places and stories that give life to memory and ancestry.
Translated from the Spanish by Lawrence Schimel | Illustrated by Miren Asiain Lora | Through stylish illustrations and a genuine sense of curiosity and wonder at the facts of the natural world, this title clearly and captivatingly explains geologic history for a young audience.
¿Crees que conoces a los monos? Bueno, probablemente sí. Un cuento chistoso sobre un día en la vida de una manada de monos.
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Illustrated by Alleanna Harris | In the 1930s, New Yorker Victor Hugo Green published the Green Book, a guide that empowered Black Americans to travel safely across the nation.
Discover how this travel guide was created and distributed.
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Black history meets ghost story as Ophie Harrison abruptly moves to Pittsburgh with her mother. Working as a maid at Daffodil Manor, Ophie wants to help a glamorous ghost be at peace. Will Ophie unlock the mystery or get herself in more trouble than it is worth?
Illustrated by Qin Leng | Readers will experience joy and wonder while exploring the exquisite pages of this wordless narrative touching on queer pride, chosen family, and what goes into building a place to call home.
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Una niña y su abuela encuentran un pájaro herido en la nieve y lo llevan a casa para cuidarlo. Inspirado en la infancia de la autora, esta tierna historia nos muestra una relación muy especial entre abuela y nieta y su respeto por los seres vivos.
Ilustrado por Marc Majewski | Repleto de verbos, este libro de cartón invita a los lectores jóvenes a construir una historia basada en lo que hacen los animales.
Únase a una familia especial en su visita al bosque y disfrute explorando mientras aprende a respetar la naturaleza. El trasfondo es sustancial y proporciona excelentes consejos para una visita al bosque, incluido cómo observar el medio ambiente y mantenerse seguro al aire libre.
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During summer vacation, Jo spots a dog shopping alone. Amazed by the sight, she decides to follow him and is mistaken for his owner. Her tiny lie grows into a great deal of trouble involving the whole town!
Illustrated by Sofia Moore | Mourning the loss of her mom, Zora destroys her art with a thick scribble.
But the scribble retaliates by pulling Zora and her sister into Pencilvania, a magical realm where drawings come to life! Zora must be brave to save her sister and her art.
Illustrated by Loveis Wise | Using the principles of Kwanzaa, this powerful book takes readers through the history of Black Americans. Bringing Black history to life, this lyrical free verse collection is compelling, elegantly written, and partnered with dynamic illustrations.
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Illustrated by Evan Turk | Mimicking the social realist style of Lithuanian-born artist Ben Shahn, this biography tells the story of how one man was able to use his art to create a more equitable and just society for working class people.
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Three orphaned siblings are evacuated from London to the English countryside at the dawn of WWII.
As the siblings bounce between billets, they're unsure if they will ever find the perfect home. Heartwarming and perfect for fans of classic children's literature.
Illustrated by Darnell Johnson | Online, Miles and Rhys are BFFs. Offline, they are strangers, despite attending the same school. As Miles chases his classmates' approval and Rhys evades his classmates' scrutiny, will their friendship be able to cross into real life?
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Reha is trying to find a balance between wanting to be American like her friends at school and pleasing her traditional immigrant parents at home. When her mother gets sick, Reha is determined to make her feel better by being the perfect daughter.
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In 1963 South Carolina, twins Jezebel and Jay are learning traditional Gullah rootwork.
What looks like simple remedies are soon discovered to contain very powerful magic. Facing natural and supernatural threats, will the twins learn enough to save their family and heal their town?
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¿Te gustaria vivir en la selva? ¿Hablar con los animales y que fueran tus amigos? La niña de esta historia se divierte con sus amigos, los animales, pero luego descubren el desastre que está ocurriendo en su querida selva. ¿Quién los ayudará?
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Mic check! Meet Simon, a shy fifth-grader with a passion for rhyming. An unlikely friendship helps him overcome his stage fright, and Simon learns that appearances don’t always tell the whole story.
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Illustrated by Nikkolas Smith | This gripping book, with its soul-stirring illustrations and lyrical verse, evocatively traces African American lineages, chronicling the origins and impact of slavery in America while exploring the lives of African ancestors before slavery began.
Traducido por Haydée Silva Ochoa | Un humano vive multitudes, siendo varias cosas a la vez. ¿Quién eres tú?
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Adapted by Sonja Cherry-Paul | Illustrated by Rachelle Baker | Presented in a warm and sensitive voice, the difficult conversation about the history of racist ideas in America and the anti-racist movements that emerged in response is made accessible for young readers.
Ellie is constantly bullied for her weight and, as a result, writes her own "Fat Girl Rules." With the help of a new friend, Ellie embarks on an empowering journey toward body positivity and reclaims her self-worth.
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Illustrated by Raúl the Third | When Portico transforms into his alter-ego, Stuntboy, he can handle anything, whether his anxiety or his archnemesis.
But when his parents start arguing, not even Stuntboy's valiant tricks make them stop.
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Illustrated by Sarah Brannen | You've heard about hibernation, but what about estivation? In this eye-opening, fact-filled book, discover what a myriad of small creatures do during the hottest months of the year. Don't sleep on this one!
Ilustrado por Xavier Salomó | Sunan y Kay son dos hermanas que viven en una isla de plástico, rodeadas de un mar tan contaminado que no tiene vida marina. Un día, Kay zarpa sola y descubre un bello, brillante lugar bajo el agua. ¿Podría ser esta la clave para una nueva?
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This bilingual early reader introduces El Toro and La Oink Oink, the perfect tag team, as they clean up the stadium from last night's wrestling match.
Stylized comic book illustrations will absorb readers on this clean-up adventure!
Inspirado por una historia real, descubra cómo la compasión de una familia por las grullas japonesas ayuda a establecer una sociedad de conservación para estas magníficas aves.
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This collage-style illustrated book introduces young readers to 10 amazing land and sea animals from Antarctica. The text uses both alliteration and internal rhyme to describe the animals' traits and habitats. Don’t count this one out!
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Brian feels like a social misfit, and his anxiety worsens after his mom engages in self-harm. He finds solace in a budding friendship with his popular basketball teammate, Ezra. What will Ezra's friends say when they find out he has a crush on Brian?
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In this standout text, whimsical and colorful pages illustrate the abstract nature of time.
The incredible use of metaphor is sure to kindle the imagination of young readers.
Book E-Book
Slug notices new friends that look a lot like her, except they have shells! Slug decides she needs one too, but finding one is a lot harder than she expected.
Ilustrado por Ana Sanfelippo | Para tener experiencias extraordinarias no es necesario ir muy lejos: solo abre los ojos y usa tu imaginación.
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Bug feels different from others. As Bug grieves the death of a beloved uncle, can the ghosts in their old house guide Bug on their journey of self-discovery?
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Illustrated by Onyinye Iwu | Join small but mighty Tola on her everyday adventures in Lagos, Nigeria.
These charming and funny short stories about Tola and her neighbors will resonate with readers of any age.
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Ilustrado por Ana Ramírez González | Traducido por Alexis Romay | Está nevando y Gabo se pone los calcetines, el gorro y el abrigo para salir, pero no tiene trineo. Una vecina le muestra que a veces solo necesitas un amigo que te ayude a ver las cosas de una manera nueva.
Illustrated by Robbie Cathro | Told from the perspective of two wedding cake toppers, this is the story of the first same-sex couple in America to be legally wed on September 3, 1971. Sweet, vintage-style illustrations present this overlooked piece of LGBTQ history.
Illustrated by Floyd Cooper | This picture book depicts the tragic events of the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre. Sepia-toned illustrations show the prosperous Black community of the Greenwood district of Tulsa, Oklahoma, and the devastation it endured at the hands of a white mob.
Ilustrado por E.B. Goodale | Traducido por Georgina Lázaro | Al atardececer, un niño pasea su perro por el vecindario y trata de imaginar las vidas de las personas que ve a traves de las ventanas aluzadas.
Book E-Book
Illustrated by Jason Chin | Masterfully illustrated, this autobiographical picture book depicts a Chinese American family divided by struggles that a younger generation grapples to understand. This emotional story shows how the past can illuminate the present and bridge the gap.
Cree words are coupled with their English translations in this sweeping picture book that celebrates animals and nature. Kids will see themselves in the different scenes of play.
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Illustrated by Jenny Latham | This inclusive, conversational guide to periods celebrates body positivity and includes firsthand accounts from menstruators.
All your questions, no matter how awkward, are answered within these pages!
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Illustrated by Aaron Asis | Experience the vibrant sights, sounds, and smells of summer alongside a girl and her grandmother, Lola, in this colorful and evocative picture book. But what happens when summer ends and Lola returns to the Philippines?
Book E-Book
Illustrated by Keisha Morris | Ever wanted a cool nickname? Every summer, a young girl waits to earn hers—and this year, she's certain the wait is over. Accompanied by warm collage-style art, this story takes readers on a joyful adventure about the importance of being yourself.
Book E-Book
When Waka is sent to Tokyo to improve her Japanese, she's not excited to live with her strict grandmother.
Eventually, she figures out that it might not be so bad after all. A touching memoir about a young girl finding home across two cultural worlds.
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Did you know that trees interact with each other and other creatures? These poems examines the hidden communities and networks of trees with lush illustrations and pages brimming with details. Full Title: The Wisdom of Trees: How Trees Work Together to Form a Natural Kingdom.
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Illustrated by Victo Ngai | In this visually stunning and heartbreaking story, a young girl and her family leave home in search of safer shores. This title is a touching tribute to the author’s own journey from Vietnam to Hong Kong.
Book E-Book
Two inquisitive kids head off on a "wonder walk" where they ask each other questions about nature.
Archer's ink-and-collage illustrations provide a perfect background for the poetic and vocabulary-enriching text.
NPR's 100 Best Children's Books : NPR
NPR's 100 Best Children's Books This year we had kids and caregivers in mind when we chose the genre for our summer poll. So here are 100 favorite kids' books, picked by readers and expert judges, to while away the hours at home.
Esmé Shapiro for NPR
Esmé Shapiro for NPR
It's been such a strange, lost summer. Camps and schools and activities have shut down during the pandemic, leaving kids and caregivers stuck at home and climbing the walls — and sometimes the garden fences.
With that in mind, we decided that this year's summer reader poll should be all about keeping kids occupied. We asked you to tell us about your favorite kids' books, from board books for babies to great read-alouds to early chapter books and even a few books for older readers. And thousands of you answered.
As with all our summer polls, this one isn't a straight-up popularity contest. (Otherwise it would have been nothing but 100 Mo Willems books — and we love Mo Willems, but that wouldn't have been the most useful list.) Rather, it's a curated list built from your recommendations and picks from our expert panel of judges — a fantastic group of authors, librarians, publishers and all-around book nerds. And instead of a ranked list, it's grouped into categories that we hope will help you find just the right books for the kids in your life.
Now, we understand that half the fun of a list is arguing about what didn't make it on — and our judges had to make some hard choices. But there was one easy decision: A few years ago, we did a summer list based on All Things Considered's Backseat Book Club of great reads for kids from 9 to 14. This year's list is focused on younger readers, but we did include a few books for older kids. So if something appeared on the Backseat 100, we didn't include it here. That means no Charlotte's Web, no Matilda and no Little House books (though we've got some wonderful suggestions for Little House fans, like Linda Sue Park's Prairie Lotus).
We want this list to be a tool for discovery, which means we had to walk a delicate path when it comes to books that are undeniable classics — we knew all hell would rain down on us if we left out Where the Wild Things Are or The Very Hungry Caterpillar. But we decided you probably didn't need our help to discover Dr. Seuss, Richard Scarry or The Little Engine that Could, so those didn't make it onto the list.
And as always, we had to decide which work to pick from creators who were nominated multiple times. Readers may remember the Nora Roberts Rule, which came about during 2015's romance poll: No one gets on the list twice UNLESS they're as titanic a figure in their field as Roberts is in romance; we included her in that list under both her own name and her pen name, J.D. Robb.
This year brought an interesting twist. Since many books on the list have both authors and illustrators, we eventually decided that authors could appear only once, but we didn't mind seeing illustrators again. (Hello, Christian Robinson and Vashti Harrison!) And generally, when someone appeared more than once in the nominations, we went with whichever title was more popular with voters (so Kevin Henkes' Lilly's Purple Plastic Purse beat out Kitten's First Full Moon).
You'll also see there's a section of books for older readers. We wanted to recognize that a lot of kids read ahead of their age groups — and also, there have been so many great books that came out since we put together the Backseat 100 list in 2013 that it seemed a shame not to include a few of them here.
We hope you and the kids in your life will have as much fun poring through this list as we had putting it together! We had a blast recalling old favorites and discovering new classics (and a shoutout to our gracious judges, who let me sneak in one of my all-time childhood faves, Paul Goble's gorgeous The Girl Who Loved Wild Horses).
To make things easier, we've split up the list into categories: Picture Perfect, Baby's Bookshelf, Conversation Starters, Family Life, Animal (and Monster) Friends, Folktales and Fairy Tales, Fun to Read Out Loud, Nonfiction, Early Chapter Books, and Older Readers. Happy reading!
The Snowy Day
50th Anniversary Edition
by Ezra Jack Keats
One morning, a little boy in Brooklyn wakes up to a changed world — sparkling with fresh snowfall. And though it's never directly mentioned in the text, young Peter is Black, one of the first non-caricatured Black people to star in a major children's book.
Author and illustrator Ezra Jack Keats was white, but his sensitive depiction of a child's first experience with snow won the Caldecott Medal and was embraced by parents and children of all colors. (For ages 0 to 2)
Where the Wild Things Are
by Maurice Sendak
Readers nominated so many Maurice Sendak books, it was hard to pick just one. Well, no, actually — despite a moment of competition from In the Night Kitchen, we knew we had to go with this classic tale of Max, his wolf suit, the wild rumpus, and of course ... the dinner that was still warm when he got home. (For ages 4 to 8)
The Old Truck
by Jarrett Pumphrey and Jerome Pumphrey
Jerome Pumphrey was driving through central Texas to visit his brother Jarrett, and along the way he kept seeing old trucks sitting out in the fields. He began to wonder what stories those old trucks could tell — the result, created by both brothers together, is this story, illustrated by hundreds of hand-carved stamps, of a farm family and their beloved pickup.
(For ages 3 to 5)
Crown: An Ode to the Fresh Cut
by Derrick Barnes and Gordon C. James
We couldn't put Hair Love on the list (you'll find it a little further down) and leave out this tribute to the magic of the barbershop. "You came in as a lump of clay, a blank canvas, a slab of marble," author Derrick Barnes writes. "But when my man is done with you, they'll want to post you up in a museum!" Gordon C. James' lively paintings of smiling boys showing off their fresh cuts will put a smile on your face, too. (For ages 3 to 8)
Julián Is A Mermaid
by Jessica Love
Julián is riding the subway with his abuela when he sees them: three mermaids, with fabulous hair and fishtail dresses. And Julián loves mermaids. So much that he makes his own costume at home, with a yellow curtain for a tail and a potted fern for a crown.
This is a gorgeous tale of creativity and acceptance, rounded out with misty, jeweled gouache illustrations. (For ages 4 to 8)
Miss Rumphius
by Barbara Cooney
Miss Rumphius dreams of living by the sea, traveling the world, and making it a more beautiful place — and she does it on her own terms, living alone with her cat and sowing lupine seeds along the coast of Maine despite the local kids who call her "That Crazy Old Lady." (She was based on a real person — Maine resident Hilda Hamlin, who was known as the "Lupine Lady" for her habit of scattering seeds.) (For ages 5 to 8)
The Girl Who Loved Wild Horses
by Paul Goble
Everywhere you look in The Girl Who Loved Wild Horses, there's a tiny, precise and lovely detail — a plant, a bird, a lizard, a pebble, a shell and of course the magnificent horses.
This story of a Plains Indian girl who runs away with a band of wild horses, and eventually becomes one of them, won the Caldecott in 1978, and for good reason. (For ages 5 to 8)
Hello Lighthouse
by Sophie Blackall
Waves roll by, seasons come and go, keepers tend to their duties, and through it all, the lighthouse stands tall, sending its beam out into the darkness, bidding hello to all the ships at sea. Caldecott winner Sophie Blackall does a gorgeous job showing the timeless nature of lighthouse life — and the change that's coming. (For ages 4 to 8)
Tar Beach
by Faith Ringgold
Artist Faith Ringgold's tale of young Cassie Louise Lightfoot who flies far above the "tar beach" of her apartment building roof is — along with The Undefeated — one of the most beautiful books on this list.
Lifted up by the stars, Cassie flies over the city, claiming its beauty for her own and imagining a better life for her family. As a bonus, you can see Ringgold reading the book here. (For ages 5 to 8)
The Undefeated
by Kwame Alexander and Kadir Nelson
One of the most — if not the most — beautiful books on this list. Kadir Nelson's glowing, photorealistic paintings pair with Kwame Alexander's powerful words (with nods to Langston Hughes, Gwendolyn Brooks and more) for a tribute to decades of Black brilliance, pain and perseverance. "This is one of those texts that really spoke to me; it was beautifully written and I felt it was a really great pairing of words and pictures of an author and an artist," Nelson told NPR. (For ages 6 to 9)
A Poem
by Walter Dean Myers and Christopher Myers
This poem by Walter Dean Myers — a revered elder of children's literature — celebrates Harlem, where he grew up, full of "colors loud enough to be heard" and songs first heard in the villages of "Ghana/Mali/Senegal.
" His son Christopher's bold illustrations, part paint and part collage, don't talk down to kids, instead pulling them into a vibrant city. (For ages 9 and up)
Antiracist Baby
by Ibram X. Kendi and Ashley Lukashevsky
Ibram X. Kendi wanted to have a tool to teach his young daughter about racism, so he adapted the ideas in his book How to Be an Antiracist into this brightly colored guide. In nine steps, Kendi (and illustrator Ashley Lukashevsky) offers parents a way to open their eyes, and their children's eyes, to the realities of racism. (For ages 0 to 3)
Goodnight Moon
by Margaret Wise Brown and Clement Hurd
Margaret Wise Brown's hushed, incantatory bedtime poetry — set against Clement Hurd's bright blocks of green, blue, red and yellow — has sent generations of children off to sleep.
Don't you wish you had a great green room and a red balloon? And two little kittens and a pair of mittens? (For ages 0 to 4)
Freight Train
by Donald Crews
Red caboose at the back, and forward through the rainbow to the black tender and engine, Donald Crews' simple, powerful freight train chugs its way through towns and tunnels, days and nights. Kids will love exploring the blocky, brightly colored train cars and seeing what's inside. Here comes the train! (For ages 0 to 4)
Good Dog, Carl (series)
by Alexandra Day
Little Madeleine has a pretty great babysitter: A big friendly Rottweiler named Carl. Together, they go to the store and to the zoo, to costume parties and daycare classes — in richly illustrated, mostly wordless books that let readers form their own ideas about what's happening on each page.
(For ages 1 to 4)
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
by Eric Carle
In the light of the moon, a little egg lay on a leaf — and it hatched into a hungry caterpillar who munched his way right off the page and into the hearts of kids everywhere. Eric Carle's charming story and luminous, stained-glass illustrations make The Very Hungry Caterpillar a classic for the ages (and a good advertisement for the benefits of snacking). (For ages 2 to 5)
But Not the Hippopotamus
by Sandra Boynton
All the other animals are having fun! They cavort in the bog, they try on hats, they sip juice at a cute cafe ... but not the hippopotamus, who's always in the background looking on sadly. But luckily, by the end of Sandra Boynton's cheerful tale, the hippo gathers her courage and joins in the party. (For ages 2 to 5)
Brown Baby Lullaby
by Tameka Fryer Brown and A. G. Ford
Tameka Fryer Brown's lilting, musical rhymes and A.G. Ford's glowing art follow one very active baby through a very busy day of zooming around the house, getting kisses, napping, playing in the grass, getting a bath and finally going to bed as the sun sets. (For ages 2 to 6)
Go, Dog. Go!
by P. D. Eastman
Big dogs, little dogs, red dogs, blue dogs, dogs on cars and scooters — kids will love learning colors and emotions and ideas with P.D. Eastman's zippy dogs. And hopefully they'll learn some manners, too; the answer to "Do you like my hat?" should generally be "Yes!" (For ages 3 to 7)
The Napping House
by Audrey Wood and Don Wood
It's a soft gray rainy day and everyone's asleep in the Napping House — but unfortunately, they're all trying to pile into the same bed, with predictably unfortunate (but funny) results.
This is a book that'll put any kid to sleep — and we mean that in the best possible way. (For ages 4 to 7)
Last Stop on Market Street
by Matt De La Pena and Christian Robinson
CJ is full of questions: Why do we have to take the bus when my friend has a car? Why is it raining? Why can't that man see? Luckily, his nana is always ready with an answer that helps CJ find beauty wherever he looks."You can feel like you have been slighted if you are growing up without, if you have less money, or you can see the beauty in that," author Matt de la Peña told NPR in 2016. "And I feel like the most important thing that's ever happened to me is growing up without money." (For ages 3 to 5)
Story Boat
by Kyo MacLear and Rashin Kheiriyeh
For the family in Story Boat, "here" is home — but "here" keeps changing as they travel onward to an unknown destination.
Illustrator Rashin Kheiriyeh, whose family fled Iran after war broke out in 1980, told NPR that when she first read the manuscript, "I thought, oh, that's me." Her bold, carefully color-coded illustrations balance a serious situation with the whimsy of children spinning tales out of the few belongings they've brought with them. (For ages 3 to 7)
by Yuyi Morales
Yuyi Morales was born in Mexico; she came to America with her baby boy in 1999, and she builds that experience into a poetic, visually stunning tribute to the immigrant experience — to walking the streets of a new place, getting lost and learning a new life and language, and to the dreams, hopes and talents immigrants bring to this country. (For ages 4 to 8)
Jabari Jumps
by Gaia Cornwall
Not a lot of brand-new books make it into these lists, but our judges felt that Gaia Cornwall's sweet, engaging story of a little boy conquering his fear of the high jump would stand the test of time.
If you've ever stood at the edge of that board looking down at the deep end, Jabari Jumps is the book for you. (For ages 4 to 8)
The Rabbit Listened
by Cori Doerrfeld
Ever have a friend who's sad, and you just don't know what to say or how to help them? The Rabbit Listened is the book for you — with simple text and illustrations so cute you'll want to hug yourself, it tells the story of Taylor, who's sad that his tower of blocks fell down, and all the animals who really aren't helping until the rabbit comes along. (For ages 3 to 5)
by Lupita Nyong'o and Vashti Harrison
"Dear Lord," Sulwe prays, "Why do I look like midnight when my mother looks like dawn?" She tries makeup, eating only light-colored foods, and in one painful scene, using an eraser to rub away her darkness. But a magical flight through the night sky helps her learn to love that darkness.
Actor and author Lupita Nyong'o told NPR she based the book on her own experiences of colorism as a child, "And so that's why I wrote this — to hopefully bring it to the fore and people can address it." (For ages 4 to 8)
I Am Enough
by Grace Byers and Keturah A. Bobo
"I'm not meant to be like you; you're not meant to be like me," writes actor and author Grace Byers. "Sometimes we will get along, and sometimes we will disagree." But as kids will learn from I Am Enough, like the sun, we're all here to shine. (For ages 4 to 8)
Lilly's Purple Plastic Purse
by Kevin Henkes
Lilly loves everything, especially her purple plastic purse full of treasures. She even loves her teacher Mr. Slinger — but when the wondrous purse and its contents keep interrupting his lessons, he confiscates it, leading Lilly to attempt revenge.
Luckily, her favorite teacher understands her emotions. (For ages 4 to 8)
The Proudest Blue
A Story of Hijab and Family
by Ibtihaj Muhammad, S. K. Ali and Hatem Aly
Olympic fencer Ibtihaj Muhammad was bullied as a child for wearing a hijab. She decided to turn that experience into this lovely tale of two sisters, Faizah and Asiya, who confront a playground bully threatening to yank Asiya's blue hijab off her head. Muhammad told NPR she hopes little girls wearing hijabs will "see themselves in this work." (For ages 4 to 8)
Each Kindness
by Jacqueline Woodson
So many great Jacqueline Woodson books, so little space! We settle on Each Kindness, gorgeously illustrated by E.B. Lewis. Maya is the new girl at school, with ragged clothes and the wrong shoes for winter. No one wants to play with her — not even Chloe, who sits next to her, and eventually has to deal with the results of her unkindness.
(For ages 5 to 8)
Wherever I Go
by Mary Wagley Copp and Munir D. Mohammed
Abia is the queen of the Shimelba refugee camp — because she's been there the longest of any of her friends, and she rules her domain with love and an acacia-twig crown. Wherever I Go is a heartfelt portrait of life in a refugee family, and a meditation on the idea of home. Is the camp home? What about the "forever home" Abia's Papa dreams of? And will she still be a queen when she gets there? (For ages 6 to 9)
Front Desk
by Kelly Yang
10-year-old Mia Tang mans the desk at her family's motel — and helps keep its biggest secret: Her parents hide immigrants, letting them stay for free in empty rooms. And she wants to be a writer, but English isn't her first language. Writer Kelly Yang based this powerful story on her own experience, and the stories of the immigrants who stayed at her family's motels.
(For ages 8 to 12)
Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
by Judith Viorst and Ray Cruz
When Alexander wakes up with gum in his hair, he knows nothing good is coming. And he's right — there's no toy in his cereal, his teacher doesn't like his drawing and there's kissing on TV. A great read for anyone who's ever been down in the dumps. Even grown-ups can take solace in Alexander's troubles — poll judge Juanita Giles says it was the book she chose to read at her mother's bedside on her last day. (For ages 2 to 4)
Fry Bread
A Native American Family Story
by Kevin Noble Maillard and Juana Martinez-Neal
Author Kevin Noble Maillard — who's part of the Seminole Nation — told NPR he had a hard time finding books about Native Americans that weren't about historical figures like Sacagawea or Pocahontas.
"Nothing about people alive that were wearing sneakers, that were eating candy, or making cakes with their grandma." So he created this ode to a favorite food that brings Native families together. (For ages 3 to 6)
A Chair for My Mother
by Vera B. Williams
Rosa's mom works in a diner — and so does Rosa, sometimes, peeling onions, washing salt shakers and saving her pennies to buy her mom a comfortable chair because all their furniture was lost in a fire that turned their apartment to "charcoal and ashes." And bit by bit, with hard work and cooperation, Rosa and her mom find the perfect chair. (For ages 4 to 8)
My Papi Has a Motorcycle
by Isabel Quintero and Zeke Peña
Daisy Ramona waits every day for her Papi to come home from work — because then she gets to ride around their city on the back of his motorcycle.
Writer Isabel Quintero told NPR the story is a loving tribute to her own father, and her childhood in Corona, Calif. "It is very specific, but it's also a story that especially Latinx kids in other parts of the country can enjoy or relate to." Zeke Peña's warm, bustling illustrations bring those childhood memories to life. (For ages 4 to 8)
Drawn Together
by Minh Lê and Dan Santat
As a child, Minh Lê loved his grandparents but didn't really know what to say to them. He works through that awkwardness in Drawn Together, about a boy and his grandfather who learn to connect through their mutual love of art. "And then their relationship kind of takes off from there," Lê told NPR. (For ages 4 to 8)
Meet Yasmin! (series)
by Saadia Faruqi and Hatem Aly
Yasmin is a spunky second-grader who tries out all kinds of occupations — superhero, writer, chef, zookeeper — whether or not she actually knows what's involved.
But she always has fun, thanks to her quick thinking and support from her big Pakistani American family. (For ages 5 to 8)
Hair Love
by Matthew A. Cherry and Vashti Harrison
Based on the Oscar-winning short film, this lovely story of a dad learning to do his daughter's hair, which "kinks, coils and curves every which way," will leave you sniffling fondly. Creator Matthew Cherry told NPR he was inspired by friends of his who are young fathers, and "they're all willing to do whatever it takes for their young girls." (For ages 4 to 8)
A Different Pond
by Bao Phi and Thi Bui
Hours before the sun came up, Bao Phi's father would wake him — quietly — for a fishing trip. Not for fun, but to feed their family. And as they fished, Bao's father would tell him stories about another pond back in their homeland of Vietnam.
Thi Bui's gorgeous, quiet illustrations are perfect for this lovely story of the bond between father and son. (For ages 6 to 8)
The Boxcar Children (series)
by Gertrude Chandler Warner
No one knows what to do with orphaned siblings Henry, Violet, Jessie and Bennie — and they don't want to live with the grandfather they've never met. So they set up house in an abandoned boxcar and try to make it on their own. But that's just the first of more than 150 Boxcar Children adventures — eventually reconciled with their grandfather (who turns out to be both rich and quite nice), they end up as amateur sleuths in the tradition of the Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew. (For ages 7 to 10)
by Janell Cannon
Fact: Bats are adorable, and few bats are more adorable than Stellaluna, the little one who gets lost when an owl dives at her mother and ends up trying to fit in with a nest full of baby birds.
Janell Cannon's glowing illustrations, paired with a couple of pages of fun facts about bats, make this a great book for budding naturalists (or anyone who understands that yes, bats are adorable). (For ages 0 to 3)
Corduroy, by Don Freeman Viking Books for Young Readers hide caption
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Viking Books for Young Readers
by Don Freeman
Corduroy the bear sits on a shelf in a department store, longing for a friend — but little Lisa's mother refuses to buy him. He's missing a button after all. Corduroy's after-hours search for his missing button leads to escalating mischief and a story that's great for anyone who's ever wondered whether toys come to life when you aren't looking.
(For ages 2 to 5)
The Story of Ferdinand
by Munro Leaf and Robert Lawson
Peaceful Ferdinand just wants to be left alone, to sit under his cork tree sniffing the flowers — and when he ends up in the bullring, his refusal to fight (the flowers in the lady spectators' hair are so much more interesting) confounds the bullfighters. A classic tale of pacifism and being true to yourself. (For ages 3 to 5)
A Sick Day for Amos McGee
by Philip C. Stead and Erin E. Stead
Amos McGee is a zookeeper, and a kind and punctual fellow. He's always on the same bus every morning, and he always has time to visit his animal friends. But one day, he wakes up with a cold and decides to stay in bed, so his worried animal friends jump on the bus to visit him. A lovely, gentle story about what friends can do for each other.
(For ages 3 to 6)
Mother Bruce (series)
by Ryan T. Higgins
Oh, no! Bruce, the grumpy, solitary bear, loves to eat eggs — except these eggs happen to be full of goslings, and Bruce finds himself with a feathery family he doesn't know what to do with. And it's not just geese — mice, possums, foxes and more all pile into Bruce's den. (For age 3 to 5)
The Monster at the End of this Book
by Jon Stone
Don't turn the page! Don't you know there's a monster at the end of this book? "Lovable, furry old Grover" does his best to keep kids from turning the pages — but all his efforts can't prevent readers from discovering who the monster actually is. Oh no! So embarrassing! (For ages 3 to 7)
Blueberries for Sal
by Robert McCloskey
You guys voted in a lot of Robert McCloskey books! But the judges felt Blueberries for Sal was the most compelling read.
Sal and her mother head to Blueberry Hill to pick berries for canning; meanwhile a mother bear and her cub are fattening themselves for winter on the other side of the hill, and mix-ups ensue. First published in 1948, this tale of two mothers, two children and a bucket of blueberries is still charming young readers. (For ages 3 to 7)
Bowwow Powwow
by Brenda J. Child and Jonathan Thunder
Windy Girl loves the stories her uncle tells about long-ago powwows. And she loves the real-life powwows she goes to with her uncle and her dog, Itchy Boy. One night, lulled to sleep by drums, she dreams of an all-dog powwow, with all kinds of breeds dancing drumming, even selling Indian fast food to the attendees. It's a joyous, funny book that gives young readers a look at an important tradition. (For ages 3 to 7)
Catwings (series)
by Ursula K. Le Guin and S. D. Schindler
Putting together these lists is as much of a discovery experience as reading them is, and I'm especially glad to have discovered Catwings, Ursula K.
LeGuin's tale of four tabby kittens inexplicably born with wings. Thelma, Jane, Harriet and Roger use their wings to fly far away from the dangerous alley where they were born, but they find country life has its own challenges. Steven D. Schindler's soft-edged illustrations will make you believe winged kittens might actually exist. (For ages 4 and up)
Hyperion Books for Children
Elephant & Piggie (series)
by Mo Willems
Readers voted in just about everything Mo Willems has ever written, but sadly, with only 100 slots on the list, we could only keep one (although we cheated a little by picking a series). Elephant and Piggie are funny, adorable cartoon animals, but they have to work through the same serious issues — sharing, patience, new friendships, sadness — that all kids face as they grow up. (For ages 4 to 8)
Henry and Mudge (series)
by Cynthia Rylant and Suçie Stevenson
Lonely little Henry has no brothers and sisters.
He doesn't like the street he lives on, and then his parents get him Mudge, a dog who's considerably bigger than he is. It's pretty great to have a giant dog because then when you walk to school, you can think about ice cream and rain instead of tornadoes or ghosts. (For ages 5 to 7)
Mercy Watson (series)
by Kate DiCamillo and Chris Van Dusen
Kate DiCamillo is another author who showed up all over the original list of nominations, but our judges thought this series about a terrific, radiant little pig — who likes buttered toast, car rides and solving the occasional mystery — was the pick of the litter. Chris Van Dusen's lively, sweet-natured illustrations helped seal the deal. (For ages 5 to 8)
Dog Man (series)
by Dav Pilkey
You can't have a kids' books list without Dav Pilkey. So here comes Dog Man: Half dog, half cop, this gruff crime fighter is here to sniff out wrongdoing, especially when it involves his nemesis Petey the Cat, who cooks up crimes in his secret cat lab.
(For ages 7 and up)
Strega Nona
by Tomie dePaola
Strega Nona should have known better than to leave Big Anthony alone with her magic pasta pot! He's only supposed to look after her house and garden — but one day when she's away, he decides to make the pot produce dinner for the whole town. You can pretty much guess what happens after that. A terrible pasta flood might be scary, but Tomie dePaola's velvety illustrations reassure little readers that everything will be alright in the end, if a little sticky. (For ages 2 to 5)
The Mitten
by Jan Brett
Jan Brett's luminous art brings this Ukrainian folktale about a careless boy and a snow-white mitten to life. Nicki demands mittens knitted from wool as white as the snow — which his grandmother knows is impractical, but she humors him. When he drops one in the snow, a host of animals come to investigate, even a bear.
(For ages 3 to 5)
The Stinky Cheese Man and Other Fairly Stupid Tales
by Jon Scieszka and Lane Smith
Little kids are goofy and frequently gross, we all know that — so Jon Scieszka and Lane Smith's gleefully surreal inversion of familiar fairy tales is perfect for little readers. (And you don't actually have to be a little kid to laugh your ... hiney ... off at just the table of contents, even before you get to stories like "Little Red Running Shorts" and "Cinderumpelstiltsin.") (For ages 3 to 7)
Little, Brown Books for Young Readers
A Big Mooncake for Little Star
by Grace Lin
Any kid who has looked up at the moon and wondered why it changes shape will love the story of Little Star — who bakes a mooncake with her mother, and then can't resist a nibble .
.. and then another nibble ... and then another nibble. You'll want a mooncake of your own (and a set of sparkly, starry pajamas, too). (For ages 4 to 8)
Beautiful Blackbird
by Ashley Bryan
Long ago, the birds of Africa were all the colors of the rainbow — but none of them had any black, because Blackbird had it all. So they asked Blackbird to give them some of his beautiful color. Ashley Bryan's paper-cut illustrations, reminiscent of Henri Matisse, bring this story of envy, beauty and acceptance to gorgeous life. (For ages 3 to 8)
Extra Yarn
by Mac Barnett and Jon Klassen
Annabel finds what looks like an ordinary box full of ordinary yarn — but it's enough to clothe, brighten and bind together a whole town in colorful knitted cozies. And when a sinister archduke tries to grab the box for himself, he learns that crime doesn't pay.
A lovely story about a girl who has the power to change the world around her. (For ages 4 to 8)
The Princess in Black (series)
by Shannon Hale, Dean Hale and Leuyen Pham
A princess? A superhero? Why not both?! Princess Magnolia — inspired by author Shannon Hale's daughter, who insisted that princesses couldn't wear black — can have scones with duchesses AND fight monsters, or a mysterious stinky cloud, or a sea monster (some princesses just can't catch a break, even on the beach). (For ages 5 to 8)
The People Could Fly
American Black Folktales
by Virginia Hamilton, Leo Dillon and Diane Dillon
Virginia Hamilton — herself descended from enslaved people who escaped via the Underground Railroad — retells Black folktales like "He Lion, Bruh Bear and Bruh Rabbit" and "How Nehemiah Got Free" in a simple, powerful style.
Put that together with Leo and Diane Dillon's luscious illustrations and you have an almost perfect story-hour read. (For ages 8 and up)
A Wish in the Dark
by Christina Soontornvat
A fantastical, Thai-inspired twist on Les Misérables. In the city of Chattana, all the light was created by one man, the Governor. To Pong, born in prison, those lights mean freedom, but when he escapes he discovers that freedom is only for the wealthy. Nok, the prison warden's daughter, is determined to recapture Pong — but her quest leads her to some uncomfortable revelations. (For ages 8 to 12)
My Father's Dragon
by Ruth Stiles Gannett and Ruth Chrisman Gannett
Childhood surrealism at its best. If you like The Phantom Tollbooth, try this story about a little boy named Elmer Elevator (the narrator's father as a child) who befriends a talking alley cat that sets him on his way to a grand adventure on a wild island — past muddy rivers, fierce tigers and fashionable lions — to rescue a yellow-and-blue-striped dragon.
(For ages 8 to 12)
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom (Chicka Chicka series)
by Bill Martin Jr., John Archambault and Lois Ehlert
"A told B and B told C, I'll meet you at the top of the coconut tree." A read-aloud classic, this rollicking alphabet rhyme has all the letters racing one another up a coconut tree. "Chicka Chicka boom boom! Will there be enough room?" We defy you to read this to a kid and not end up dancing. (For ages 1 to 4)
A Is for Activist
by Innosanto Nagara
Innosanto Nagara's ABCs of activism simplifies ideas about environmentalism, feminism, civil rights and democracy for the littlest readers. Bold, bright illustrations and lively rhymes make this a solid read-aloud choice, too. (Oh, and there's a cat hiding on every page, too — can you find it?) (For ages 3 to 7)
The Gruffalo
by Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler
There's no such thing as a Gruffalo! Or is there? A savvy mouse avoids the clutches of a fox by invoking the terrible Gruffalo — setting off an increasingly ridiculous (and delightful) chain of events, all told in rhyming couplets that are all kinds of fun to read aloud.
(For ages 3 to 5)
Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel
Story and Pictures
by Virginia Lee Burton
Who doesn't love a big chunk of heavy machinery? First published in 1939, Virginia Lee Burton's tale of Mike Mulligan and his steam shovel, Mary Anne, has inspired decades of sandbox excavation projects — and, memorably, it also prompted Ramona Quimby to wonder out loud whether Mike ever had time to go to the bathroom. (For ages 4 to 7)
Bark, George
by Jules Feiffer
George is a little dog who just can't bark. He can meow and oink and quack — but barking? Nope. When his frustrated mother takes George to the vet, the answer to his problem turns out to be quite the surprise. Jules Feiffer's illustrations are minimalist but incredibly expressive — plus, it's just fun to yell MOO and OINK and QUACK QUACK! (For ages 4 to 8)
Kid Sheriff and the Terrible Toads
by Bob Shea and Lane Smith
Drywater Gulch has a toad problem — specifically the unmannerly Toad brothers, who will steal your gold and insult your chili.
But then hope arrives — sloooowly on tortoise-back — in the form of 7-year-old Kid Sheriff Ryan, who may not know about toads specifically, but he does know about dinosaurs. And that might just be enough. (For ages 4 to 8)
Ada Twist, Scientist (series)
by Andrea Beaty and David Roberts
Young Ada is insatiably curious: "She started with Why? And then What? How? and When? By bedtime she came back to Why? once again." From why roses have thorns to why noses have hair — and what's that stink in the house? — Ada Twist considers all the things. From the team that created Iggy Peck, Architect and Rosie Revere, Engineer. (For ages 5 to 7)
The Book With No Pictures
by B. J. Novak
Yup, it really doesn't have any pictures. But, as author B.J.
Novak points out, "Here is how books work: Everything the words say, the person reading the book has to say." And we bet the kids in your life will love making you say things like "BLORK" or "My only friend in the whole wide world is a hippo named BOO BOO BUTT" or "BADOONGYFACE!!!!" (For ages 5 to 8)
Where the Sidewalk Ends
The Poems and Drawings of Shel Silverstein
by Shel Silverstein
How many of you, reading this page, still have chunks of Where the Sidewalk Ends memorized? Do you think of Sarah Cynthia Sylvia Stout when you have to take the garbage out? Do you pause in the produce aisle and think about one real peach? And if you don't, why not? (For ages 6 to 8)
Hidden Figures
The True Story of Four Black Women and the Space Race
by Margot Lee Shetterly and Laura Freeman
Margot Lee Shetterly adapts her groundbreaking book about Black female mathematicians at NASA for young readers, with sharp-edged, jewel-toned illustrations by Laura Freeman.
A great pick for any budding mathematician or astronaut — and for any parent needing to teach their kids at home. (For ages 4 to 8)
Schwartz & Wade
The Oldest Student
How Mary Walker Learned to Read
by Rita Lorraine Hubbard and Oge Mora
Mary Walker's life stretched all the way from the Civil War to the civil rights movement. She was born into slavery in 1848, freed at 15, worked all kinds of jobs to support her family and then outlived them all — and in 1963, she enrolled in a literacy class where she learned to read and write. Oge Mora's painterly illustrations are a beautiful complement to this story about how you're never too old to learn. (For ages 4 to 8)
The Dazzling Life of Josephine Baker
by Patricia Hruby Powell and Christian Robinson
This gorgeous book will introduce kids to the glory of Josephine Baker — not just her fabulous dance routines, but her life of activism and service, including speaking alongside Dr.
Martin Luther King Jr. on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in 1963. Patricia Hruby Powell's jazz-inflected words and Christian Robinson's bright, exciting pictures make this book a treat for readers and listeners. (For ages 7 to 10)
Frog and Toad (series)
by Arnold Lobel
Amphibians, sport coats and lasting friendship. Over the course of four books, Frog and Toad go swimming and sledding, search for lost buttons, bake cookies, grow gardens and generally have fun together all year round. If only adult friendships were as simple and solid as Frog and Toad's! (For ages 4 to 8)
Little Bear (series)
by Else Holmelund Minarik and Maurice Sendak
Else Holmelund Minarik wrote this tale of a Bear and his Mother for her own daughter, to read in the mornings before school — longhand, as she wrote all her manuscripts, because she never learned to type.
Together with Maurice Sendak's delightfully shaggy illustrations, Minarik's gentle words are perfect for the littlest readers. (For ages 4 to 8)
Anna Hibiscus (series)
by Atinuke and Lauren Tobia
Anna Hibiscus lives in "Africa, amazing Africa," in a compound with her large and loving family. Nigerian storyteller Atinuke spins a wonderful saga of modern West African family life — follow along with Anna as she learns about the world outside her walls, faces stage fright and even snow for the first time. (For ages 4 to 10)
Juana & Lucas (series)
by Juana Medina
Juana lives in Bogotá, Colombia, and she loves drawing, her dog Lucas and Brussels sprouts. (Did you know they're called repollitas in Spanish?) This is a lively, loving tour of Juana's world, liberally sprinkled with Spanish words to learn as you go — meanwhile, Juana has to practice her English, and she's really not happy about that.
(For ages 5 to 8)
Dory Fantasmagory (series)
by Abby Hanlon
Dory is the youngest in her family, with a yen for attention and an overactive imagination — and did we mention her nemesis, Mrs. Gobble Cracker? Young readers will love following along with Dory as she battles everything from monsters around the house to pirates to more mundane concerns like making and keeping friends. (For ages 6 to 8)
Junie B. Jones (series)
by Barbara Park
Junie B. Jones is almost 6 years old! And she's really excited about everything, especially spaghetti and meatballs. The B stands for Beatrice, by the way. This series made the American Library Association's list of 100 top banned or challenged books from 2000 to 2009; apparently, some grown-ups thought sassy, mouthy Junie wasn't a good role model. We disagree. (For ages 6 to 9)
Ivy + Bean (series)
by Annie Barrows and Sophie Blackall
Ivy is quiet; Bean is loud and goofy.
Ivy wants to be a witch, Bean wants to play games. Naturally, they're going to end up being best friends and getting into all kinds of scrapes together since their approach to pretty much everything — from discovering dinosaurs to starting their own summer camp — is "Why not?" (For ages 6 to 10)
Clementine (series)
by Sara Pennypacker and Marla Frazee
Spunky, redheaded third-grader Clementine starts this series by having a seriously bad week (how many times is she going to get sent to the principal?), but we promise things will get better. Fans of Ramona Quimby will get a kick out of Clementine, her brother Spinach (that's not really his name) and her sort-of-snooty best friend Margaret. (For ages 6 to 10)
Ways to Make Sunshine
by Renée Watson and Nina Mata
Ryan Hart wants to see the good in everybody — even when she gets teased for having a boy's name.
She has a lot to deal with — her dad's been laid off and the family has to move to a smaller house. But when Ryan runs into problems, she's always looking for ways to make sunshine. (For ages 7 to 10)
by David Walliams
A delightfully gruesome tale in the Roald Dahl vein. Sheila lives with her father and unpleasant stepmother; she's bullied by a classmate and sneered at by her teacher. Her only friend is a rat she names Armitage, after the brand of toilet in her apartment — but could scary Burt, who sells burgers from a food truck outside her school, be making his burgers out of ground-up rat? (For ages 8 and up)
The Trumpet of the Swan
by E. B. White and Fred Marcellino
This book is responsible for my attempt, at age 7, to have a conversation with the swans at the National Zoo by standing outside their enclosure yelling "Ko-hooo!" E.
B. White wrote a full shelf of children's classics, but this story about a mute trumpeter swan — who woos his lady love with an actual trumpet — should get more attention than it does. (For ages 8 to 12)
From the Desk of Zoe Washington
by Janae Marks
On her 12th birthday, Zoe Washington gets a letter from the father she's never met, who's in prison for a crime he says he didn't commit. Is he innocent? Zoe decides to find out — but it's hard to keep her investigation secret from the rest of the family AND stay on top of things at her bakery internship so she can achieve her dream of competing on a TV baking show. (For ages 8 to 12)
The Penderwicks: A Summer Tale Of Four Sisters, Two Rabbits, And A Very Interesting Boy
by Jeanne Birdsall
Fans of Ballet Shoes and the Green Knowe books will love this tale of four sisters who go to spend their summer vacation in a cottage on the grounds of a grand mansion.
Each sister has a unique, winning personality; young readers will finish the first book and want to spend more time with them. Luckily, there are four more Penderwicks books. (For ages 8 to 12)
New Kid
by Jerry Craft
Fans of Raina Telgemeier will love Jerry Craft's sympathetic graphic novel about seventh-grader Jordan, who's trying to fit in at the fancy new private school where he's one of the few kids of color in his grade. And all he really wants to do is draw comics — so how can he stay true to himself and his neighborhood, and still figure out his new school? (For ages 8 to 12)
The Wild Robot
by Peter Brown
Roz the robot wakes up on a remote island — how did she get there? Who knows! All she knows is that she has to survive. And surviving involves making friends with otters and baby geese, climbing cliffs and avoiding storms — until Roz finally remembers who she is and why she's on the island.
(For ages 8 to 12)
Klawde: Evil Alien Warlord Cat (series)
by Johnny Marciano, Emily Chenoweth and Robb Mommaerts
Lots of people think their cats are aliens — but Klawde really is one. Once the High Commander of the planet Lyttyrboks, he's lost his throne and been exiled to earth, so he has something in common with Raj Banerjee, who's been exiled to rural Oregon because of his mom's new job. The chapters switch back and forth between Raj and Klawde, whose narration of his new life has the hilariously overamped hysteria of the best B-movies. (For ages 8 to 12)
by Maud Hart Lovelace and Lois Lenski
We always say that these polls don't produce ranked lists — and they truly don't — but I'd be remiss in not pointing out that Maud Hart Lovelace's Betsy-Tacy books, about the enduring friendship between two young girls — got the most votes of any book on this list.
The series grows up with its readers; at the beginning, Betsy and Tacy are small children; we see them through adventures fanciful and down-to-earth, and finally leave them as young married women. (For ages 8 to 12)
Ronia, the Robber's Daughter
by Astrid Lindgren
Sure, Pippi Longstocking is great — but have you met Ronia, the robber's daughter? Born in her father's castle in the middle of a thunderstorm, Ronia grows up compassionate and brave. She befriends Birk, the son of a rival robber, and when she brings him food during a harsh winter, her father disowns her; she ends up living an adventurous life in the woods with Birk. (Don't worry, everyone is reconciled in the end.) (For ages 8 to 12)
Encyclopedia Brown Boy Detective
by Donald J. Sobol
A classic! Leroy Brown (not the bad one) is a 10-year-old genius who solves mysteries for 25 cents a day (no case too small) — often for his police chief dad, and often involving his nemesis, the bully Bugs Meany — alongside his pal and partner Sally Kimball, who often solves the case by noticing things Encyclopedia doesn't.
(For ages 8 to 12)
by Jen Wang
Quiet, studious Christine and lively, messy Moon are unlikely friends — but when Moon and her family move in next door, they form a close bond. Moon has a secret: She sees heavenly visions, hears voices that tell her she doesn't belong on earth. But those visions have a terrible earthly cause, and Christine has to find it in herself to be the friend Moon needs as she fights for her life. Jen Wang based this heartfelt story of friendship through adversity — which was a 2019 Book Concierge pick — on her own childhood. (For ages 8 to 12)
The Jumbies (series)
by Tracey Baptiste
Fair warning — Tracey Baptiste's Jumbies books, based on Caribbean folklore, are scary. REALLY scary. But Corinne La Mer isn't afraid of anything, especially jumbies, since everyone knows they're just made up, right? But then one night she sees yellow eyes shining in the forest .
.. and soon, she finds she has to use all her wiles to keep the jumbies away from her island. (For ages 9 to 12)
Wells & Wong mysteries (series)
by Robin Stevens
Best friends Daisy Wells and Hazel Wong do what any enterprising young women at boarding school would do: They form a detective agency — and quickly run up against their first real case when Hazel finds the body of their science teacher sprawled on the gymnasium floor. And that's just the beginning for this detective duo and their strangely murder-prone school. (For ages 10 and up)
Better Nate Than Ever (series)
by Tim Federle
The budding drama club kids in your life will love this trilogy about a small-town boy with big Broadway dreams. Nate Foster longs to get away from Jankburg, Pa., to star in a Broadway show (or even just see one).
And then something amazing happens: There's an open casting call for a Broadway musical based on E.T. He just has to get there. (For ages 10 and up)
Prairie Lotus
by Linda Sue Park
We did not include the Little House books on this list — they're already part of the Ultimate Backseat Bookshelf. But readers wanting a frontier tale will find a friend in Hanna, a mixed-race girl growing up in the Dakota territory in 1880. Author Linda Sue Park made the parallels between Hanna and Laura Ingalls deliberate — as she writes in her author's note, she loved the Little House books as a child, but she knew Ma and Pa Ingalls wouldn't have let Laura "become friends with someone like me ... someone who wasn't white." (For ages 10 to 12)
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90,000 50 children's books for all time. What to read with the whole family during self-isolationPublications of the Literature section
Portal "Culture. RF" and Associate Professor of the Department of General and Russian Linguistics of the State Institute of the Russian Language. A.S. Pushkin Alexander Matrusov compiled a list of the 50 most fascinating children's books from different countries. Choose works to your liking and spend this week at home in the company of good books.
Still from Andrew Adamson's feature film The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (2005)
Maria Bershadskaya. "Big Little Girl"
The main character of the book is so tall that even her mother stands on a stool to braid her pigtails. But otherwise, she is no different from her peers, because every child is big enough to put away toys, but too small to learn something that only adults know. Kind, bright and joyful stories about how to tame the city or what an attempt to bake a pie can turn into, you will re-read more than once.
Julia Simbirskaya. "Once Upon a Time Dimka"
Photo: aldebaran. ru
Yulia Simbirskaya writes books for the little ones. Her character Dimka becomes understandable and close to readers from the first pages, because everything that happens to him happens in the life of every child. That is why everyone needs such a book friend.
Sven Nordqvist. "Petson and Findus"
The Norwegian writer and artist described the friendship of the kitten Findus and the old man Petson so captivatingly that for almost 40 years more and more new generations have been reading about the antics of Findus and the eccentricities of his owner not only children, but also adults.
Gerald Darrell. "Talking Package"
Go on a journey in an old steam locomotive to find a magical land, confront evil basilisks, befriend a magician who mistakenly created amazing animals - a wonderful scenario for a summer vacation in Greece, to which young readers of the book "The Talking Bundle" can also join.
Eduard Uspensky. "Down the Magic River"
Great aunt - Baba Yaga? Why not. The main character Mitya is at first surprised by everything that happens to him, and then stops - because he has to save the whole kingdom from trouble, which was captured by Koschey the Immortal. All Russian fairy tales are gathered in one ironic tale by the master of children's prose, and there is no doubt that after this book, readers will like both "Guarantee Men", and "Fur Boarding School", and, of course, "Uncle Fyodor, Dog and Cat" .
Yuri Druzhkov. "The Adventures of Pencil and Samodelkin"
Two wizards escaped from their boxes in a toy store. A pencil can create animated pictures, and Samodelkin can make literally anything with his own hands. But here's the problem - the artist fell ill and drew a terrible pirate and a nasty spy, so now friends will have to resist them and, of course, go on an exciting adventure. If you like Yuri Druzhkov's book, be sure to read its sequel - The Magic School of Pencil and Samodelkin.
Alexander Volkov. The Wizard of the Emerald City
Alexander Volkov's magical world echoes Frank Baum's fairy-tale land of Lyman — and both of these books are wonderful in their own way. Introduce children to the kind girl Ellie and her brave dog Totoshka, the Scarecrow, who pronounces difficult words in warehouses, and the Tin Woodman with the most sensitive and loving heart.
Carlo Collodi. The Adventures of Pinocchio
Many people know the cheerful Pinocchio, but not everyone has read about the adventures of his Italian predecessor - and after all, Pinocchio's trials were much more difficult. But the reward of the Italian hero was, perhaps, more significant - after all, he was able to become a real boy.
Joel Harris. "Tales of Uncle Remus"
The book by Joel Harris tells about the fascinating adventures of the resilient brother Rabbit, who is trying by all means to avoid the insidious tricks of brother Fox and other enemies. Uncle Remus Tales is based on Negro folklore that Joel Harris adapted for children.
Anne Hogarth. “Muffin and his merry friends”
The merry donkey, his friends and their simple and kind adventures seem to be created in order to make children fall in love with reading. Watching how Mafin learns to sing, bakes a cake or helps a tramp, young readers will not mind repeating these fascinating deeds themselves.
Otfried Preusler. "Dwarf Kherbe"
The author of "Little Baba Yaga" has many wonderful books for children - including a funny story about the gnome Kherbe. How to explain the saying "Fear has big eyes"? How to understand what friendship is? Just read Preusler! The adventures of a gnome who makes amazing hats and his friends is a wonderful path into the world of German children's literature.
Francis Burnett. "Little Princess" and "Little Lord Fauntleroy"
Photo: ozon. ru
Francis Burnett's heroes are small children, but despite their young age, they perform deeds worthy only of the best adults. So, Sarah Crewe, the little princess, remembers even in the most difficult time for her: there is always someone who has it even harder. And Cedric from the book "Little Lord Fauntleroy" will stop at nothing, even if you need to help people whom he himself does not know.
Eno Roud. "Coupling, Half Shoes and Moss Beard"
Once having met and made friends, the cheerful main characters set off on a journey to the sea. Clutch writes poetry, Mossbeard is ready to sacrifice himself in order not to disturb the bird, and Halfboot turns out to be not a very reliable comrade. Eno Raud's book tells how friendship is tested by fame and suspicion, as well as how to save not only good relations, but the whole planet.
Astrid Lindgren. "Pippi Longstocking"
Astrid Lindgren invented the strongest girl in the world, whose funny adventures hide stories about how sad it is for a child to be alone and how to make friends if you have a good heart, but very headstrong disposition The famous writer also has works in which she raises “non-childish” themes of death, self-sacrifice, boundless malice and infinite courage - after your favorite “Pippi” and “Carlson”, read “Mio, my Mio” with schoolchildren.
J.R.R. Tolkien. The Hobbit, or There and Back Again
The book about the exciting adventures of the hobbit Bilbo Baggins, the wise wizard Gandalf and the brave dwarves led by Thorin Oakenshield was published in 1937 and very quickly gained fans around the world. And today, Tolkien's Middle-earth is one of the most popular magical worlds. Go on a journey through it and you.
Vladislav Krapivin. "Choky-chok", or the Knight of the Transparent Cat"
This not the most famous story by Vladislav Krapivin tells about the fabulous country of Australia, where you can get if the samovar turns into a steam locomotive. At the special invitation of the Chief Mage, an ordinary boy Lesha is sent to these lands, who will have to go through incredible adventures and face many dangers. And the magic word "choki-chok" will help him to emerge victorious from all troubles.
Elinor Porter. Pollyanna
Photo: litres. ru
"The game of joy", which was invented by Pollyanna's father, the ability not to lose heart in any situation - this is what both adults and children sometimes lack. For a boost of optimism, read with your children a fascinating book about how one child changed the mood of an entire city.
Gianni Rodari. "Journey of the Blue Arrow"
One of the best winter fairy tales, in which there is a place for both real losses and happy meetings. The book is full of the recognizable humor of the famous Italian author, and the journey of the toy train is so captivating that you want to re-read the story again. However, open other works by Rodari - for example, "Gelsomino in the land of liars" and "Planet of Christmas Trees".
Maria Kruger. «Blue bead»
What if any of your wishes can come true? Is it possible to dream about everything? What to do if an evil sorceress is hunting for a magic bead? The main character of the book Karolinka very quickly understands how important it is to think about the possible consequences of her desires - and her kind story will appeal to both girls and boys, and their parents.
Valentina Oseeva. "Vasek Trubachev and his comrades"
The story of Valentina Oseeva can be called a real school epic. It covers two years of the life of schoolchildren and tells about the ordeals of the Great Patriotic War that befell the young heroes. There is no moralizing and edifying in the book - but there are many real feelings: resentment, disappointment, despair, desperate faith, and sincere friendship. Therefore, the events described are perceived as completely real, and not as dry facts from a textbook.
Miyoko Matsutani. “A bun the color of a fox tail”
A modern Japanese writer discovers a fairy-tale world that is both alien and understandable to European readers. Unusual transformations take place in it, and a girl makes friends with a fox cub - and each story is simple and elegant, like ikebana or haiku, to which this fairy tale may one day lead young readers.
Lesley Rees.

Australian author and naturalist brings his experience as a hunter and wildlife observer to books about koalas, kangaroos and platypuses. His characters do not look like people, as is often the case when writers talk about animals. On the contrary, Riis's animals are unusually natural and real - and therefore his wonderful stories are the best books for introducing young readers to the animal world.
Ernest Seton-Thompson. "Little Savages"
Even today, children sometimes play Indians and think how great it would be to build a wigwam and settle there. Jan and his friend Sam were lucky - they had the opportunity not only to live like real Indians, but also to learn a lot about the forest and even help their older friend Caleb return the farm taken by deceit. Fans of animal stories will also appreciate Thompson's other works, such as The Mustang Pacer and The Story of the Black and Brown Fox.
Tamara Mikheeva. Asino Leto
Who among us has not dreamed of being in a fairyland? And Asya has real magical friends - gnomes and fairies, with whom the girl spends a wonderful summer. But she has to learn that magical talents bring great responsibility, which requires, for example, to go through a thunderstorm in order to save a friend from mortal danger.
Irina Tokmakova. “And a cheerful morning will come”
The works of Irina Tokmakova do not need recommendations, more than one generation has grown up on them. And I want good storytellers to tell wonderful stories to young readers again and again. Especially when it seems that everything is bad: after all, in order for the most cherished dreams to come true, you must always move forward - which this book reminds you of.
Rune Belswick. "Prostodursen: Summer and Something Else"
A book for cozy, measured, warm reading. The Scandinavian writer Rune Belsvik knows how to envelop the story and transfer it to a magical world like no one else. His story about the good Prostodursen does not have a fast-paced plot, but there are many crispy gingerbread, pebbles gurgling into the river, pretend berries and juice from kudyka. And also a philosophical thought about how important it is to warm hearts. Rune Belswick's stories make you smile over and over again - so read this book even if you don't have kids.
Gray Owl. "Sajo and Her Beavers"
The story of a girl rescuing beaver friends from a zoo was created by an author who knows more about the relationship between Indians and colonists than anyone else. The author looks at his fellow tribesmen with sympathy, realizing that the usual way of life will never return. But he hopes that the most important thing can be saved - faith, hope and friendship. Therefore, not only the Indians themselves come to the aid of his heroine, but also "strangers" - and the book turns out to be life-affirming, despite everything that readers know about the tragedy of the indigenous population of America.
Hans Christian Andersen. "Thumbelina"
The story of a little girl who was born from a magic flower is probably one of the kindest and most childish in the world, because Thumbelina's adventures end with a classic happy ending. But after her, readers open the "Wild Swans", and "The Little Mermaid", and "The King's New Outfit" - and see a fairy-tale world in which there is always a place for both sadness and laughter.
Alexander Pushkin. "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs"
Pushkin's works are familiar to many from early childhood. First, parents read stories about Tsar Saltan, Prince Gvidon and the beautiful Swan Princess, an old fisherman and a goldfish to their kids. Then the children grow up and get acquainted with the work of the poet themselves. "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs" is one of the most famous Pushkin stories.
Lyubov Voronkova.

At the height of the war, a simple Russian woman takes in her family a little Valentinka, who has lost her relatives and her home. How can a city girl settle down in a village, overcome the pain of loss, and start living a full life again? How to find a common language with other children? Lyubov Voronkova's story "The Girl from the City" is dedicated to this.
Ulf Stark. “Let the polar bears dance”
Ulf Stark is not afraid of difficult topics. How to build relationships with parents, especially if they get divorced? What is most important for each person, a teenager or not? How to make the biggest choice in life? In the book “Let the polar bears dance”, the writer does not give unambiguous answers to these questions, but only invites readers to think about them for themselves.
Maria Parr. "Waffle Heart"
The heroes of Maria Parr are friends who live in a distant Scandinavian country and learn to grow up together, overcome difficulties at school and family troubles. They cope with the first losses, think about what lies ahead for them, and also love the sea and waffles very much.
Anne-Catherine Westley. “Dad, Mom, Grandmother, Eight Children and a Truck”
The story of a large family, created by the Norwegian children's writer Anne-Katrine Vestli, is a cozy, kind, cheerful and very realistic story. Westley's fascinating language makes you forget about everything, read and enjoy both the heroes of the book and life in general.
JK Rowling. "Harry Potter"
The cycle of books by the English writer JK Rowling is filled not only with miracles and the struggle between good and evil. The most important thing in her novels is a detailed and very realistic story of growing up. Rowling's heroes go through this path with all the accompanying hardships, quarrels and reconciliations, first love and true friendship.
Michael Ende. The Endless Book
Photo: ozon. ru
Finding yourself and understanding your desires are the most difficult problems that every growing teenager faces. Michael Ende weaves these themes into a fairy tale, confuses the reader by connecting real and fictional worlds, and tells a story full of both touching and painful episodes.
Nina Dashevskaya. "Willy"
Nina Dashevskaya wrote a kind fairy tale in which objects come to life and it seems that Willy's bicycle can really be an iron horse and a true friend. This story is important to read for those children and adolescents who have already begun to understand that they are somehow different from others. And for older schoolchildren, Dashevskaya has "I'm not a brake" and "Pi Day".
Clive Staples Lewis. The Chronicles of Narnia
A magical tale of a world beyond the door of an ordinary closet, Christian fantasy, a test of brotherly love, talking animals and subtle humor - everyone will find something to their liking in the Lewis book series. That is why readers around the world and at any age again and again return to their favorite heroes, dreaming of saving Narnia and meeting the Great Lion.
Andrei Zhvalevsky, Evgenia Pasternak. "Time is always good"
What happens if a child enters the 21st century from the 20th century and vice versa? Modern Belarusian authors are sure that brave children will cope with all the trials. Because there will always be a loving mother nearby, true friends will be found, and, most importantly, times will always be good, no matter how difficult they may seem from the outside.
Janusz Korczak. "King Matt the First"
Janusz Korczak wrote a fairy tale about a boy-king who most of all wanted everyone in his state to be happy - both adults and children. However, he did not succeed, because many tried to interfere with the king. The sad continuation of "King Matt on a Desert Island" tells about what happened next. And when you close the book, you want to hug your parents or children - it's so good that they are nearby.
Jeanne Birdsell. "Penderwicks"
A family with which something always happens - this is how the resilient Penderwicks can be characterized. They can brew an incredibly cool porridge, which they then disentangle themselves - and even with an excellent result.
Sarah Pennypacker. "Pax"
The heroes of Sarah Pennypacker's book are a boy and foxes who part because of the start of the war. The boy returns to the war zone to find his pet, while the pet fox learns to live in the forest with other animals. The author writes about abstract war in abstract geography, but in her book all the emotions experienced by the characters are sincere and true.
Daria Dotsuk. "Voice"
A book for those who suffer from panic attacks and those who cannot believe in them. Sasha faces these severe attacks after she witnesses a terrorist attack in the Moscow metro. Parents send the girl to Kaliningrad, to her grandmother, where Sasha joins the club of book lovers - and this becomes the first step on her path to recovery.
Marie Aude-Muraille. Miss Charity
The main character of the book, Charity Tiddler, overcomes the conventions of stiff England at the end of the 19th century and becomes a famous artist. To create a story about a talented, inquisitive and stubborn girl who, despite everything, believes in her dream, Marie-Aude Murail was inspired by the biography of the English writer Beatrice Potter, the author of the famous fairy tales about Peter Rabbit.
R. J. Palacio. "Miracle"
It is very difficult to get used to a new school when you are completely different from others. The hero Palacio suffers from a rare genetic disease, due to which he undergoes several plastic surgeries on his face. In order to settle down in the class, he shows willpower and perseverance - and soon, thanks to his amazing character, he finds real friends.
Nina Dashevskaya. “I am not a brake”
The protagonist of the book, Ignat, is used to running headlong, rushing on roller skates or racing on a scooter. Sometimes he stops, but only to help those around him - his friends, mother and younger brother. Nina Dashevskaya's book teaches you to always follow your dream, support your loved ones and never despair.
Christine Nöstlinger. Gretchen
The plot of the book to Christine Nöstlinger is banal at first glance: the parents of the main character separate and converge again, while she herself at this time finds her first love and new friends. But behind ordinary events lies a deep and dramatic story of growing up, the heroine of which has to radically reconsider the main values of her life.
Julia Kuznetsova.

High school student Masha Molochnikova dreams of going to Spain for language courses, but her parents cannot pay for the trip. Then mother arranges for Masha herself to work so that she can save up the required amount. So she faces all the difficulties of the adult world and is forced to solve quite serious questions: what to do when a student becomes attached to you, how to communicate with her super-successful mother, who to ask for help when all the seemingly correct methodological techniques do not work.
Ekaterina Murashova. "Correction class"
"Correction class" is a story about a difficult class in which each student has his own sad story. This is a book about how different teachers and parents are and what they do to make their lives a little easier. Elements of fantasy are woven into the story so naturally that they don't even seem unrealistic. They skillfully lead the reader to the tense ending of the story and give hope for a happy ending to the last page.
Dina Sabitova. "Where there is no winter"
The main characters of Dina Sabitova's story - brother and sister Pasha and Gulya - end up in an orphanage. There they face numerous adversities, learn to take care of each other and never lose their presence of mind. Dina Sabitova's book does not frighten, but gives hope, faith in a miracle.
Cornelia Funke. "Inkheart"
What reader would not like to meet the characters and see with their own eyes everything described by the author? When Mortimer Folhart reads a fairy tale to his daughter, his wife enters a fantasy world. Now the heroes are looking for a way to save her and defeat the fabulous villain Capricorn, who managed to get out of the book. The continuation of exciting adventures can be found in other works of the series - the novels "Ink Blood" and "Ink Death".
Frida Nilsson. "Thin Sword"
The main character Sasha sets off in pursuit of Lord Death, who took his mother to his kingdom. He has a difficult path ahead, which will help to understand the meaning of life and overcome fears. Such a plot twist is not new - since ancient times, heroes have sought to save their loved ones from death, to bring them out of the afterlife. However, the image of the Lord of Death in The Thin Sword is fundamentally different from the classical interpretations, and his kingdom presents both the hero and the reader with many surprises.
book listChildren's booksLiteratureLiterature section publications But to find a book in this stream that will really interest a child - it doesn’t matter if it’s a kindergartener or a teenager - is an almost impossible task. You can rely on luck and try to look for a needle in a haystack. But it is better to use our recommendations. Mel publishes a list of the 100 best new books for children aged 1 to 17, which was presented by the Gaidar Children's Library.
The Arkady Gaidar Moscow City Children's Library has released its regular annual catalog "The 100 Best New Books for Children and Teenagers 2016". Library staff, together with experts from the Samokat and Grand Fair publishing houses, selected the highest quality new book releases - reissues and brand new works - to guide parents on the literature market. Among them are collections of poems, comic books, artistic and educational works by Russian and foreign authors. Mel studied this catalog, divided it into age categories, supplemented it with information from online bookstores, and presents it to its readers.
Age: 1-6 years old
1. Shel Silverstein. Generous tree. Melik-Pashayev Publishing House
There was a boy in the world. Every day he came to play in the meadow where a wild apple tree grew. The boy climbed up its trunk, swayed on the branches and ate its fruits. The apple tree gave the boy everything he needed to be happy. But time passed, the boy grew up, and for happiness he needed much more: money, his own house, a solid boat ... And the apple tree gave itself all without a trace, if only the boy would fulfill his dreams and be happy.
This bright parable about true love that demands nothing in return was first published in 1964 and has been traveling the world for half a century. The book has long been in the world bestseller ratings, has been translated into more than 30 languages, and its total circulation over the years has exceeded eight million copies.
Shel Silverstein was a versatile man: musician, artist, screenwriter, playwright, novelist and poet. His musical compositions have received Grammy awards and Oscar nominations for Best Score. But Silverstein became world famous primarily for his children's books, which he himself illustrated.
2. Yuriy Koval. Collection of poems "How many crocodiles you want." Samokat Publishing House
3. Vadim Levin. Poems with mustard. Samokat Publishing House
4. Marina Boroditskaya. Collection of poems "Maykin's book". Clever Media Group Publishing House
5. Anastasia Orlova. This is a truck and this is a trailer. Rosmen Publishing House
6. Christina Andres. How to tame wolves. Rare Bird Publishing House
7. Rafik Shami, Catherine Scherer. Mouse fears. Rare Bird Publishing House
8. Lorenz Pauli. Only all together. Rare Bird Publishing House
9. Brigitta Endres, Joel Turlogna. Listen, I'm here! The story of a little chameleon. Enas-kniga publishing house
10. Bulat Okudzhava. Fairy tale-parable "Charming adventures". Vremya Publishing House
These were letters to my son, then a four-year-old boy, written in large letters, with funny pictures. Okudzhava sent them from Yalta so that his son would not be sad in separation. Once these letters were seen by the poetess Bella Akhmadulina. “Yes, this is a finished book!” she exclaimed. On her advice, Okudzhava combined all the letters into a fairy tale. It was almost immediately translated into several languages and published in the Czech Republic, Poland, Georgia, Israel, and Japan. So the heroes of the philosophical fairy tale-parable "Charming Adventures" in many countries are known as well as "The Little Prince" or "The Seagull named Jonathan Livingston".
The book was published twice in Russian, both times with illustrations by the author. It sold out very quickly and became almost a museum rarity - only a few copies are kept in the Bulat Okudzhava house-museum in Peredelkino. But now the "Charming Adventures" begins a new life. The fairy tale was designed by the artist Evgeny Antonenkov.
11. Robert McCloskey. Blueberries for Sasha. Pink Giraffe Publishing House
12. Torben Kuhlmann. "Lindberg. The Incredible Adventures of the Flying Mouse. Polyandria Publishing House
13. Josef Capek. Adventures of Dog and Kitty. Azbuka Publishing House
14. Nastya Kovalenkova. A drop. Art-Volkhonka Publishing House
15. Evgeny Anisimov, Nikita Andreev. From mast to keel. DETGIZ Publishing House
16. Helia Pevzner, Maria Maramzina. Jam Nostradamus. Art-Volkhonka Publishing House
17. Nina Dashevskaya. Willy. CompassGuide Publishing House
18. Anastasia Orlova. Collection of poems "We are sailing on a boat" . Publishing House "Children's Time"
19. Airat Bagautdinov. What Shukhov came up with. Art Volkhonka Publishing House
20. Ilya Kolmanovsky. Why don't birds fall? Pink Giraffe Publishing House
The author of the beloved Pocket Scientist podcast, biologist, journalist and head of the biological laboratory of the Polytechnic Museum has written a funny and very interesting children's encyclopedia. There are no complicated terms and long articles here. The text is divided into small chapters, and even a novice reader can master each.
21. Alexander Blinov. Stories of a fat boy. Art-Volkhonka Publishing House
22. William McCleary. A story about a wolf. Career Press
23. Kate DiCamillo. Flora and Odysseus. Brilliant adventure." Makhaon Publishing House
24. Anastasia Strokina. The whale is swimming north. CompassGuide Publishing House
25. Thornton Burgess "Mother West Wind". Career Press
26. Joyce Seedman. Living spirals. Publishing house "Career Press"
27. Petr Bagin. Picture book "In the forest". Melik-Pashayev Publishing House
28. Alan Serr. I have the right to be a child. Samokat Publishing House
Age: 6-12 years old
29. William Grill. “Lost in the ice. Shackleton Expedition. Mann, Ivanov & Ferber
At the end of the "golden age of polar exploration", British explorer Ernest Shackleton embarked on a long-distance expedition to cross the frozen heart of Antarctica. But his plans did not come true. The ship "Endurance", having approached the mainland, was tightly locked in ice and sank. Left without a ship, thousands of miles from home, the team made a desperate attempt to escape and set off across the Antarctic ice in search of help.
The true story of Shackleton's heroic expedition entered the history of polar exploration as an example of the courage and endurance of people who managed to survive in extreme conditions.
British artist William Grill retells the story to the children, embellishing it with stunning illustrations that recreate the smallest details of the expedition with documentary accuracy.
30. Elsie Homeland Minarik. Cycle of stories "Bear cub". Pink Giraffe Publishing House
31. Bjorn Ousland. "Nansen. Through Greenland" and other books in the "Great Expeditions" series. Paulsen Publishing
32. Ted Hughes. Iron Man. Publishing house "Career Press"
33. Maria Gripe. Fairy tale "Children of the glassblower". White Crow Publishing House
34. Radiy Pogodin. Fairy tale "Tournament in the Kingdom of Fiofigas". Samokat Publishing House
35. Roald Dahl. The story "Piglets". Samokat Publishing House
36. Jan Grabowski. The story "Tuzik, Red and guests". Melik-Pashaev Publishing House
37. Angie Trius, Mark Doran. “Animals are doctors. How animals heal each other. Mann, Ivanov and Ferber Publishing House
38. Daniel Nassar. Animal architects. How animals build their homes. Mann, Ivanov and Ferber Publishing House
39. Vladimir Babenko. Crow and her relatives. Rare Bird Publishing House
40. Oleg Bundur. "Towards the polar bear." Rosmen Publishing House
How many of us have been to the North Pole, seen polar bears walking on huge ice floes? And who rode a real nuclear icebreaker? The author of the book "Meet the White Bear" Oleg Bundur succeeded. On the icebreaker "50 Years of Victory" he traveled across the Arctic Ocean to the very Pole and back. And he wrote a book to tell the children about all the amazing things he saw. In a simple and understandable language, the author talks about polar bears, seals and northern birds, about parallels and meridians, about orders on a ship, and even explains the design of an atomic engine.
41. Ulf Svedberg, Lena Anderson. "All year round". White Crow Publishing House
42. Olga Dvornyakova. Snowflake book. Nastya and Nikita Publishing House
43. Owen Davey. Crazy about monkeys. Mann, Ivanov and Ferber Publishing House
44. Thorstein Hellewe, Esther van Hülsen. "Ida. A look from the past". Walk to History Publishing House
45. Martin Sodomka. Books in the "Technical Tales" series: "How to assemble a motorcycle", "How to assemble a car", "How to assemble an airplane". Mann, Ivanov and Ferber Publishing House
46. Alexander Tkachenko. And we have running water. Nastya and Nikita Publishing House
47. Natalya Sapunkova. "Incarnation of Time". Nastya and Nikita Publishing House
48. Anke Ber. Endres, son of a merchant. From the life of a medieval city. Walking into History Publishing House
49. Katherine Timmesch. Designed by girls. Stories about outstanding inventors. Mann, Ivanov and Ferber
50. Alexey Oleinikov. Say hello to me. Samokat Publishing House
In Russia, people of different nationalities lived side by side for centuries and found a common language. Today, those whom we recently called "residents of the fraternal republics" have suddenly become "migrants." If we explain who migrants really are, why they were forced to leave their homes, if we open the door to their culture, perhaps we will coexist more harmoniously. Stories about migrants are the subject of Aleksey Oleinikov's book Hello.
51. Faina Osmanova. The gimlet reached the handle. What and on what they wrote at different times. Publishing house "Boslen"
52. Vasily Volkov, Natalia Volkova. Professions of old Russia in drawings and photographs. Rech Publishing House
53. James Mayhew. Katya in the art gallery. Young Mother Publishing House
54. Lyman Baum. "The Great Wizard of Oz". Pink Giraffe Publishing House
55. Elena Borisova. Childhood on ships. Publishing house "Art-Volkhonka"
Illustrated edition for family reading, which tells about the difficult fate of the children of sailors of the Russian squadron, who were forced to leave the shores of Russia in 1920.
56. Rudolf Chekhura. Maxi-dog Fik. White Crow Publishing House.
57. Jean Regnault, Emile Bravo. Comic book "My mother is in America, she saw Buffalo Bill". Bumkniga Publishing House
58. David Kali. Picture book "I didn't do my homework because...". Career Press
59. Paul Gallico. Novella "Verna". Publishing house "Clever Media Group"
60. ABC truths. Clever-Media-Group Publishing House
A book for smart teenagers who want to think and draw conclusions. It contains the opinions of 33 contemporary writers on 33 different philosophical and ethical concepts. Each of the concepts corresponds to one of the letters of the Russian alphabet. Among the authors are Lyudmila Petrushevskaya, Boris Akunin, Alexander Arkhangelsky, Boris Grebenshchikov.
61. Stanislav Vostokov. "Higher powers need help." Clever Media Group Publishing House
62. Anatoly Orlov. The story of Pym the Fawn. Rosmen Publishing House
63. Alexandra Litvina. Metro on the ground and underground. Walking into History
64. Ian Graham. Informative comic "Dare to Climb Everest" and other books in the "Dangerous Adventures" series. Paulsen Publishing House
65. Ekaterina Polgueva. "A second before the explosion." Publishing house "Vremya"
This book is a tragic and bright story about the fate of children from a big city, in a big city that fall into the epicenter of an armed conflict between two neighboring countries.
66. Tamara Mikheeva. Fantastic story "Children of Dolphins". KompasGid Publishing House
67. Ulf Stark. "My friend Percy, Buffalo Bill and me." Samokat Publishing House
68. Nina Dashevskaya. The story "Violin of an unknown master". Publishing house "DETGIZ"
69. Frida Nilson. I was adopted by a gorilla. Samokat Publishing House
70. Elena Novichkova, Ekaterina Buntman, Anna Ratina. "Peter I". Labyrinth Press Publishing House
300 years separate us from the era of bold undertakings and unprecedented changes. On the pages of this interactive historical publication, Peter the Great appears to the sound of cannon fire, the sound of axes and the splashing of the Baltic waves. Tsar and ship's carpenter, commander and simple bombardier. Generous and quick to punish, desperate and far-sighted - a truly extraordinary ruler of a vast country. As additional materials - three-dimensional structures, movable elements, valves, books, interactive illustrations and maps, battle diagrams, a poster with portraits of Peter the Great's associates, a boat model for assembly.
Age: 12-17 years
71. Maria Bershadskaya. Collection of poems "The sea that is not on the map." Rosmen Publishing House
72. Victor Lunin. Collection of short stories "My Beast". BeringA Publishing House
73. Laurent Quentin. Catherine Racer. Encyclopedia "The World in the XIII century". Walking into History Publishing House
74. Thea Beckman. Crusade in jeans. Walk to History Publishing House
75. Fanny Britt. Jane, the Fox and Me Graphic Novel. White Crow Publishing House
76. Evgeny Rudashevsky. The story "Hello, my brother Bzou!". KompasGid Publishing House
77. Tamara Zinberg. The story of the Seventh Symphony. Rech Publishing House
The story of a besieged girl who, like other Leningraders, barely survived, but took upon herself the burden of caring for a helpless three-year-old boy.
78. Nina Dashevskaya. The story "I'm not a brake." Publishing house "Samokat"
This book is the winner of the sixth season of the All-Russian competition for the best work for children and teenagers "Kniguru". An inconsistent monologue of 13-year-old Ignat, moving on roller skates, a scooter, a skateboard around Moscow. He needs to be everywhere. And on the go he rhymes, draws, reads. She also dreams of learning to play the trumpet. He is interested in everything! The pace of life of Ignat is similar to the pace of life in a metropolis.
79. Lois Lowry. The novel "In Search of Blue". Pink Giraffe
80. Victoria Lebedeva. A series of stories for family reading "Devices and Gadgets". Publishing House "Wise Cricket"
81. Irina Degtyareva. The story "Steppe Wind" about a village boy Mishka. AST Publishing House
82. Chris Grabenstein. The story "Escape from Mr. Limoncello's Library". Career Press
83. Roland Smith. Adventure novel "Peak". Pink Giraffe Publishing House
84. Frank Cottrell Boyce. The story "Just Space". Pink Giraffe Publishing House
85. Aya en. The story "Christmas Tree, which is a steamboat". Rosmen Publishing House
86. Evgenia Putilova. “Row of golden steps. A book about childhood and books of childhood. Publishing house "DETGIZ"
87. Alexander Sharov. "Magicians come to people." Rech Publishing House
88. Dan Smith. Brother's secret. Clever-Media-Group Publishing House
The first book in the new Just Good Books series tells about heroic young men and women living under the yoke of the most brutal totalitarian regimes. But even here there will always be people who are ready to defend freedom and justice. Edelweiss - a flower that grows in incredibly difficult natural conditions - has long been a symbol of courage and resilience. It was this name that was chosen for their union by young men and women who were not afraid to remain faithful to their convictions in Nazi Germany.
"Edelweiss Pirates" distributed leaflets, fought with members of the Hitler Youth, supported prisoners of war. Autumn 19For 44 years, most of the activists were detained and sent to prisons and concentration camps. In Cologne, 13 young people associated with this organization were executed.
89. Francesco D'Adamo. The novel "The Story of Iqbal". KompasGid Publishing House
90. Elena Sholokhova. The stories "Bad, cruel, the best", "Below the abyss, above the clouds", "Star". Aquilegia-M Publishing House
91. Yulia Yakovleva. Novel-fairy tale "Children of the Raven". Samokat Publishing House
92. Irina Bogatyreva. The story "Kadyn". Eksmo Publishing House
93. Masha Rolnikayte. Documentary story "I have to tell". Samokat Publishing House
94. Marie-Aude Muray. The novel "Smart". Samokat Publishing House
95. Anastasia Maleiko. My mother loves the artist. CompassGuide Publishing House