Kindergarten feelings lesson
Lessons and Activities to Build Self-Awareness – Proud to be Primary
Teaching emotions for kids is easy with these social-emotional learning ideas and activities for the classroom.
Social-emotional learning is a key component in teaching young children. You’ll find that a good part of your day is spent educating your students about how to recognize, manage and express feelings. Because of this, below are engaging ways to teach emotions for kids in your classroom.
Everything You Must Know to Teach Emotions to Kids
Why do students need help learning how to express healthy emotions and feelings?
Students learn healthy emotional habits and ways of expressing their feelings in several ways. They learn at home as well as in their interactions with their family and friends. Children tend to pick these things up naturally. They learn by watching how others respond and mimicking their behavior. Many kids are active in their churches, community centers, sports, and hobbies.
In those places, they learn how to interact with friends and neighbors as well.
But, what about the students who don’t have such opportunities?
It’s up to us, as educators, to model, teach, and encourage them to practice healthy emotional responses to everyday situations and events! Helping children to express their feelings and handle difficult situations with calm is our ultimate goal.
1. Helping Kids Identify Different Emotions
Children should be taught the language necessary to label and identify the different emotions they may experience. The reason is, we need to let them know that feeling different emotion is normal. By giving them the vocabulary needed to describe how they’re feeling, you are encouraging them to express themselves productively.
- Recognizing Facial Expressions and Body Language: Children need to learn how to identify their own emotions, as well as others. One way to do this is by learning to pay attention to their own body signals, such as a frown and queasy stomach when nervous, or balled fists and tight shoulders when angry.
Once they can recognize it in themselves, they can pick up on facial expressions and body language of others and then learn to react accordingly. In your morning meetings, perhaps spend five minutes modeling and discussing different emotional states.
- Clip Chart: One way to encourage recognition of feelings is to provide a visual reference for them to use. A clip chart helps students to recognize and identify how they are feeling. They simply place a clip on the chart in the space that shows how they are feeling.
- Play Games: One fun way to introduce, teach, and practice the names of emotions is to play an engaging game with students, such as these emoji card games, matching games, and board game.
2. Teaching Kids Healthy Expression of Emotions
We all feel the full range of emotions. Wherever they are on the happy or sad, engaged or bored, proud or embarrassed, ends of the spectrum, we can help them express those emotions in a safe and healthy way.
The classroom is a great place to learn and practice!
- “I Feel…” Statements: To learn how to express their feelings appropriately, students need to be taught how to use “I feel…” statements. Instead of screaming insults at another child who broke his crayon, little Johnny can say “I feel sad that you broke my crayon”, opening up the communication between the two students. This allows for healthy conflict resolution.
- Coping with Extreme Emotions: Sometimes we must step in and help kids deal with the emotional roller coasters they sometimes find themselves on. Their extreme emotions get out of control and they need help finding their way back to calmness. We must realize that addressing the whole brain is key to understanding how to help them best.
- Teaching Emotional Rights: It’s important for children to understand and assert their rights when it comes to emotions. This helps them maintain healthy boundaries with their friends and peers, and be respectful to teachers and adults.
3. Connecting Kids to Experiences with Emotions
Children learn to embrace their emotional state by realizing that it is normal and ok to feel the way they do. It’s our job to give them opportunities to label their feelings correctly. Emotional memory is strong! We can harness that power by helping students connect their experiences in the classroom with their emotions. By recognizing and acknowledging their feelings during a learning activity or classroom event, we can increase the chances of it sticking in our students’ long-term memory. You see, that’s why emotions for kids is so important!
- Journaling: Encouraging students to journal about their feelings is helpful. They express their feelings by writing about learning tasks, field trips, or school events. For one, we often use this learning method in our classrooms for improving handwriting, spelling, vocabulary, and of course writing skills.
- Emotion Sort: Have students sort pictures of children with experiencing different emotions.
By doing so, they will gain practice recognizing facial expressions and body language and therefore, feel more confident understanding their own and others feelings.
4. Teaching Kids about Brain Biology and Emotions
The human brain is a fascinating subject, even for the youngest learners. Teach them what the parts of the brain are called, and talk about how different parts of the brain control their emotions and feelings.
- Brain Craftivity: Try this fun craft activity that teaches children about the parts of the brain that control the emotions.
- Upstairs and Downstairs: To try to explain how the parts of our brain work together, and how the emotions part can sometimes take over, try explaining it in terms they can understand, such as the “upstairs and downstairs.”
5. Encouraging Kids to Have a Positive Mindset
Additionally, add in self-talk and self-motivation skills. Positive and encouraging self-talk will help your students succeed, and create a more positive classroom environment overall. For example, you can teach them ways to feel good and focus on positivity. Here are ways to influence them to have a good attitude at school and teach emotions for kids.
- Create a Vision Board: Vision boards are used in all types of professions, from business to graphic design. They can be used in the classroom too! Help children visualize what they desire and what makes them happy. Precisely, when they have an image in their mind of what makes them thrive, they are more likely to reach their own goals, and ultimately succeed in the classroom.
- My Heart Map: This creative activity encourages children to thoughtfully consider what makes them happy and depict it on paper. It’s a great way to help them own and recognize their emotions and focus more on having a positive outlook.
- Teach Growth Mindset: Any lesson about emotions and feelings can easily be integrated into a growth mindset curriculum plan.
The two go together like peas and carrots!
Resources for Teaching Emotions with Kids
Emotions Self-Awareness Unit
The Emotions: Social Emotional Learning Unit includes 5 detailed, research-based lessons to teach emotions for kids. It is filled with hands-on and mindful activities. The curriculum teaches children about how their brain controls their emotions. It also teaches how to identify and express how they are feeling, and ways to encourage a positive mindset.
Emotions Book Companions
This emotional awareness resource includes 5 book companions on popular children’s books that relate to feelings and emotions (The Color Monster; The Feelings Book; Glad Monster, Sad Monster; F is for Feelings; In My Heart).
Children will participate in classroom discussions and book chats, share their feelings in written form, and participate in fun, engaging activities that build emotional awareness and social skills.
This emotions book companion resource includes a detailed lesson plan, guided questions, anchor chart, writing response, and follow-up activities (printable and digital included) for all 5 books. Great for distance learning and remote teaching of social-emotional skills!
FREE Emotions Lesson & Feelings Journal
Help students learn to identify and process their feelings in an emotions journal.
Download a free lesson and activities on identifying and labeling emotions from the Emotions unit by clicking the image below and signing up.
Social-Emotional Learning Curriculum
The mind + heart Social Emotional Learning Curriculum includes 8 units with 5+ detailed, character education, research-based LESSONS filled with TONS of hands-on and mindful ACTIVITIES that encourage children to express themselves and build important emotional and social skills. It includes emotions for kids!
More About Teaching Emotions
Emotional Skills Books and Videos
Self Regulation Strategies, Books & Videos
Empathy Skills Books & Videos
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My feelings and emotions preschool activities, games, lessons, and printables This month's theme explores two subjects close to children's health and well being: Feelings and Emotions. Children participate in literacy activities that help them build vocabulary and word recognition skills around topics that relate directly to their daily lives and experiences. Let your preschool and kindergarten children explore what it means to have feelings via movement, singing, drawing, writing, matching, talking, and listening.
Themes and Projects
My Feelings
Monsters and Halloween Feelings
Friendship Heart Painting
Funny Faces Pumpkins
Happy and Sad Face
Activities and Lessons
Emotions and Feelings Rhymes and Songs
Emotion Intro
Faces and Emotions Flip-Book
Emotion Faces Matching
Making Faces Folder Game
Feelings Bingo
We're Going on a Monster Hunt
Emotions Movement Rhyme
If You're Happy and You Know It (Emotions)
Booklets and Other
Emotions Word Wall
Emotions Photo Cards
My Many Moods Emergent Reader Book
Emotions Write
Feelings Chart
Halloween Ghost Drawing
Free Emotions Activities, Games, and Printables
Introduce and let children explore the different feelings they can experience on any day. Our activities help children identify and name their emotions and feelings. Use the activities during your All About Me theme:
All About Me
My Feeling and Emotions
Place different size mirrors all around the room.
Fine Motor SkillsPrint out a monster face without facial features and let children use play dough to create different facial expressions and mood. Let children share with you how the monster feels.
My Feeling Preschool ActivitiesToday I feel
Read the book: Today I Feel Silly: And Other Moods That Make My Day
After reading the book prompt students to discuss a variety of feelings. Hand out a small paper plate to each child and encourage them to make a feeling puppet. Have them color or cut out and paste a feeling face on their paper plate. Decorate with yarn annd paper scraps for hair and ears. Attach a large craft stick to the back. Let children share their feeling puppet with the group. Re-read the book and let the children with the matching feeling hold up their puppet.
Happy and Sad
Hand out a mirror to each child. Talk about how we feel when we're happy and how it shows in our face. Sing the song "If You're Happy and You Know It." Let children look in the mirror and make a happy face.
If you're happy and you know it, show a smile.
If you're happy and you know it, show a smile.
If you're happy and you know it, and you really want to show it,
If you're happy and you know it, show a smile.
Repat by children looking in the mirror making a sad face.
If you're sad and you know it, cry BOO-HOO.
Feeling and Emotions Craft
Hand out a paper plate and a mouth piece to each child. Drill a hole to the bottom of the paper plate and attach the mouth piece with a brass fastener. Let children decorate the face. Sing the song again and let children show the matching feeling on their puppet's face.
Preschool Activities:
Media Root
My Feelings and Emotions Lesson and Printables (available inside our KidsSoup Resource Library)Preschool Activities:
Media Root
Sorting Out Emotions Activity
What you need:
Several magazines or magazine pages
White construction paper
What you do:
Label several sheets of blank white construction paper with emotions words: happy, sad, mad, surprised, shy, worried, silly, proud, etc. Give children magazines or magazine pictures to look through for images of people that match each of the words. Let children cut out the pictures and glue them to the appropriate pages. The pages can be made into a classroom book once they have been filled with images.
Preschool Activities:
Media Root
Feelings Matching Game
Print two copies of the emotion cards and cut out. Let children match the pictures.
Matching Game: Place cards face down on the table. Let children turn over two cards at a time. If the cards match, they can keep them and get another turn. If the cards don't match, the next player gets a turn.
How Are You Feeling Today?
Place feelings picture cards in a row on a board. Let children pick out their name cards. Point at each emotion card on the board and name it or ask children to name the emotion. Discuss why they think the child in the picture feels that way. Ask children how they feel today. Let children place their name card below the emotion card that fits their feeling.
Sing the "I Have Feelings" song:
I Have Feelings
(Tune: Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star)
I have feelings (point to self)
So do you (point to children)
Let's all sing about a few.
I am happy (make a big smile)
I am sad (frown)
I get scared (cross arms and make scared face)
I get mad (make fists and stomp feet)
I am proud of being me (hands on hips, shoulders straight, smile)
That's a feeling too, you see.
I have feelings (point to self)
You do, too (Point to children)
We just sang about a few.
Book:Guess How Much I Love You
Read the book and discuss with children how they feel when someone tells them "I love you." Sing the song:
I love You
(Tune: You Are My Sunshine)
I love you mommy
My dearest mommy
You make me happy
When I am sad
I want to tell you
I really love you!
When I'm with you, I am so glad!
Change to any other family member.
Go Away, Big Green Monster! Activities, Lessons and PrintablesBook: Go Away, Big Green Monster!
After reading the book, invite children to share with the group things that scare them (storms, snakes, etc.). Then say the following rhyme for each thing:
A Monster Goes Like This and That
By Jolanda Garcia
A monster goes like this and that (walk feet in front of you)
It's terrible (big) (use arms out at side)
BUT, I'm not scared of that! (shake head)
A storm goes like this and that (move from side to side)
It's terrible (loud) (stomp)
BUT, I'm not scared of that! (shake head)
Preschool Activities:
Media Root
If You're Happy and You Know It (Gross motor skills)
If You're Happy and You Know It
Adaptation from Original by Author Unknown
If you're happy and you know it, show a smile.
If you're happy and you know it, show a smile.
If you're happy and you know it, and you really want to show it,
If you're happy and you know it, show a smile.
Continue with additional verses for other emotions:
If you're mad and you know it, stomp your feet.
If you're surprised and you know it, say "OH MY."
If you're sad and you know it, cry BOO-HOO.
If you're silly and you know it, make a face.
If you're scared and you know it, shiver and shake.
Finish the song with: If you're happy and you know it, shout HURRAY!
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Emotion Faces Cut and Color | Emotions Write and Draw |
Magic sense organs | Plan-summary of the lesson (senior group) on the topic:
Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 4"
Chistopol municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan
Cycle: "Lessons for Zdorovyachkov"
"Magic sense organs"
cognitive classes with children of senior preschool age
Completed by:
A.I. Belyakova
- continue to form elementary ideas about the role of the senses: eyes, ears, nose in human life;
- to discuss issues of hearing, vision, and breathing hygiene;
- work on improving the skills of setting experiments and experimenting;
- continue to develop the ability to analyze the results of observations and experiments based on data obtained through sensory perception;
- develop quick thinking, creative imagination;
- to continue the formation of interest in the knowledge of one's body;
- cultivate a careful and caring attitude towards your body.
Preliminary work:
- talks about the sense organs in animals and humans;
- reading fiction: “Moydodyr”, “Doctor Aibolit” K.
I. Chukovsky, “Neboleika” by I. Semenova;
- role-playing games “Hospital”, “Oculist's office”.
Material and equipment:
- blindfold scarf, book, “wonderful bag”, set of small items;
- screen, paper, scissors, 2 glasses of water,
- tray with scented items, napkin.
Course of the lesson
Educator: Children, listen to the riddle:
Two brothers live across the road,
But they don’t see each other ... (Eyes.)
- Guys, why do people need eyes?
Children: To see
Educator: How would we live if a person had no eyes?
Children: It would be very difficult for us.
Educator: What is the name of a person who cannot see?
Children: Blind
Educator: How can this person be helped?
Children: Help to cross the road, give a hand, objects.
Educator: Listen to the poem:
Let's figure it out together, children,
What are eyes in the world for?
And why do we all have
Two pairs of eyes on the face?
For tears to flow from them?
Close your eyes with your palm,
Sit just a little while,
Where is the bed, where is the window?
Strange, boring and insulting -
You can't see anything around.
We must remember every hour,
How important the eyes are to us!
The teacher invites the children to find out with the help of an experiment why a person needs eyes? Calls one child and blindfolds him:
- Tell me what I have in my hands?
(The child does not know.)
– What am I doing?
(The teacher does 2–3 noiseless actions. The child does not see these actions and cannot say anything about them.)
– Now take off the scarf and say: why do people need eyes?
(Child's answer; other children complete it.)
- How would we live if a person had no eyes?
Children: It would be bad for us.
Educator: Nature carefully protects the eyes: they are located in special recesses - eye sockets (houses). This “house” is closed by a special “door” called the eyelid. And if there is a danger, the eyelids, by order of the brain, will slam shut with lightning speed. Only when the eyes are covered with eyelids are they at rest. When the eyes are open, a person constantly examines what is in front of his eyes. They move to the left, then to the right, then up, then down, as if feeling the image.
During the story, the educator offers to see (touch) the eye sockets, eyelids, eyebrows, eyelashes, move the eyes to the right, left, up, down.
– And now let's make sure again, is it possible to do without eyes?
We will play with you. Let's stand randomly in a group. We blindfold Serezha and ask him to go from door to window, bypassing his comrades, even if he tried to remember their location.
And now Serezha will do another task: he will take a candy and eat it.
(Seryozha easily completes the task.)
- You see, he couldn't walk around the room, and he doesn't carry it past his mouth.
Next, the teacher conducts the game “Wonderful bag”
(The child is blindfolded, he must guess the object by touch.)
The game is repeated 4–5 times, played while standing. Then the teacher offers to sit on their chairs and focuses the attention of the children at the next stage of the lesson. Asks questions:
– What do we hear?
Children: Ears
Educator: How many ears does a person have?
Children: Two
Educator: All people have two ears and they are located on both sides of our head. Unlike eyes that are closed for centuries, our ears are constantly open, which means that they constantly hear, pick up some sounds, even when a person is sleeping. Therefore, the ears are one of the first to tell us about the danger. Primitive man was in danger at every turn, so his ears could move like locators. In modern people, the ears cannot move, but they also hear different sounds very well: how someone screams and talks, how the sea, trees rustle, leaves rustle, etc.
What is a person who cannot hear called?
Children: Deaf.
Educator: How can we help him?
Children: Doctors prescribe hearing aids, you can write on a piece of paper.
Educator: Why else do people need ears?
Children: To learn to speak.
The teacher offers to explain the saying: “It flew into one ear and flew out of the other.”
Hear me game. (A child is selected who is offered words of different volume. First, the child must hear them with two ears, then with one ear, then try to hear them with two closed ears.) The game is repeated 2-3 times.
Children are offered another game to analyze auditory stimuli.
Educator: And now let's listen to the silence. Who will hear more sounds in it?
(Children fall silent and listen to sounds in the street, heard in the building, kindergarten area.)
Conclusion: What good ears you have.
Educator: You and I know that sounds can be different. Try to figure out what I'm going to do now.
(Hiding his hands behind the screen, the teacher performs actions accompanied by sound phenomena: pours water from one jar to another, rustles paper, knocks with spoons, stirs with a teaspoon in a glass, tears paper. )
Children must identify the source of the sound each time. After the games, the teacher spends a physical education session with the children, standing in a circle:
There is a hut in a large forest
Standing backwards
(Tilts with a turn around him.)
There is an old woman in that hut
Grandmother Yaga lives,
Crocheted nose,
(Show hands forward.)
Large eyes,
(Circular rotation of the arms to the sides.)
Like sparks burning,
(Clenching and inflaming fingers into fists.)
Old, deaf ears,
But everyone wants to eavesdrop.
(Tilts to the right, to the left with palms placed near the ears.)
And under the stove, grasshoppers forge-forge-forge,
Like a cheerful song they sing-sing-sing,
(Blows with fists in a circle in front of them.) - there, clap - here,
(Claps to the right, to the left with a turn.)
No big deal.
(Jumping in place, hands on the belt. )
Then the children sit on their chairs. The teacher asks a question.
Educator: What is the only thing on our face?
Children: Nose
Educator: Why does a person need a nose?
Children: Smell smells to breathe.
Educator: Please listen to the poem.
The teacher reads a poem by Y. Prokopovich “Why do babies need a nose?”
There are straight noses,
There are snub noses...
Every nose is very necessary
Since it has grown to the face.
Hot summer on the meadow
Nosik smells the flowers.
Strawberries in the meadow,
Ripe strawberries in the garden.
In the garden he smells his nose
Where garlic and onions have grown.
It can happen in the house,
A spout will also come in handy:
He will find jam in the closet,
Where candies and cookies are,
Where chocolates are in the buffet
Or juice, sweet in a bottle.
Who brought the oranges?
Our nose will sniff out everything.
He even remembers what
The smell of mother's perfume is like.
The nose should not be cold,
We all need a healthy nose,
To sleep when it comes,
Sleep quietly with your mouth closed.
One more wish:
Don't put your finger in the nose.
Do not sit in the sun during the day -
Spout may burn.
And in winter, in the great frost
Don't stick your nose out!
Well, now you understand,
Why do babies need a spout?
Next, the teacher talks about the nose:
Teacher: Some people think that the nose is just a decoration of the face. Others think that nature gave us a nose to turn it up. There are even expressions: “Look, you turned up your nose!” or “Well, what, you hung your nose?” It's a joke. In fact, even the smallest nose is a very important part of the body. We breathe through our nose. And the nose helps to smell and distinguish smells. This is what we are going to check now.
The teacher conducts the game “Identify by smell”.
Flavored items (fruits, vegetables) are placed on plates on a large tray. The teacher blindfolds the child's eyes with a handkerchief and brings any plate to his nose. The child must determine by the smell what lies in this plate.
After the game there is a knock on the door. The group includes Dunno.
Dunno: Hello guys! What are you doing here?
(Children's answers.)
Dunno: Let's play with you. I know a game called Show Body Parts.
Children stand in a circle. Dunno first names and shows the parts of the body correctly, then incorrectly, following the reaction and attentiveness of the children. Dunno shows the following parts of the body: arms, legs, head, neck, ears, nose, eyes, mouth, cheeks, eyelids, eyelashes, eyebrows, chin, forehead, hair, etc.
After the game Dunno praises the children and says goodbye. The teacher summarizes the lesson
Lesson in kindergarten on the topic "Sense organs"
Municipal budgetary educational institution
"Vesyegonskaya secondary school"
Educational center " Pereshkolnaya time ”
Lesson for children preparatory group.
Topic: “Self -senses”
9000 9000
prepared prepared Art. teacher:
Kopyltsova V.V.
Lesson Purpose: strengthening children's knowledge about the senses, specify which are important to a person.
Develop speech, logical thinking, research skills and draw conclusions.
Cultivate a caring attitude to your health.
Build positive and an adequate self-image among students; broaden the horizons of children.
Planned results: fastening children's knowledge to distinguish, characterize the sense organs, set up experiments, reason, draw conclusions, promote the development of interest in knowledge himself.
Personal UUD: form educational and cognitive interest in educational material.
Regulatory UUD: independently adequately assess the correctness of performance actions.
Cognitive UUD: exercise analysis of objects with identification of essential features, comparison, generalization.
Communicative UUD : form their own opinion, participate in a collective discussion, cooperation
Equipment: Presentation "Sense Organs"; a toy; glasses of water - simple, sweet, disposable cups; scarf, soap; basket, mitten, ball, apple, orange, ball; disposable plates, cotton pads impregnated aromas;
The course of the lesson
1. Organizational moment
- There are many interesting things in the world,
sometimes unknown to us.
There is no limit to the world of knowledge,
So hurry, friends, get down to business!
2. Motivation educational activities
Educator: Today, I want to introduce you to one little man, with a very unusual person. What do you notice about him that is strange? (He has there are no eyes, nose, mouth, ears on the face.)
He thinks that he simply does not need them. In this lesson, we will try it prove he is wrong.
Setting Problems.
Today at the lesson we have to answer: who are they, our assistants, without which we can not do in the world around us?
3. Primary assimilation of knowledge by children
1. Examination of the organ of vision
Now, I will give you a riddle:
Brother and brother live across the path,
But they don't see each other (eyes)
Guys, let's close our eyes. With your eyes closed tell me what item appeared on my table? (toy placed on the table)
Open your eyes. Why couldn't you answer my question? (We didn't see anything)
What can we do with our eyes? (We can determine the shape of an object, color)
Eyes are an integral part of the body, guys, what organ is it? ( This is the body of view) .
With the help of the eyes, we learn the beauty of the world around us. Eyes help us to see different colors. With the help of the eyes, we distinguish the shapes and sizes of objects; we can read books, magazines, see beautiful pictures.
With their help, we get more information about the world around us.
No wonder they say: "It is better to see once than to hear a hundred times."
How should we take care of our eyes in order to maintain our sight?
- do not rub your eyes with dirty hands;
- you can not watch TV close and for a long time;
- you can not play computer games for a long time;
- you need to protect your eyes from piercing and cutting objects.
Our little man is getting eyes.
(Return to the person's face, eyes appear, presentation)
2. Examination of the organ of hearing
Let's proceed to the next study.
At the top of the head,
And we have below the eyes (ears)
Close your ears and repeat what I say. Not just eavesdrop! 6,3,5. "silence" .
How did you feel? (We didn't hear anything because our ears were closed).
What conclusion can we draw? (Ears are needed to hear ).
And now we will listen to music:
What did you hear? (Noise of trees, murmur of water…)
Which organ allows us to feel this? (Ears)
Ears - which organ is this? Organ of hearing.
With our ears we can hear the sound of trees, the murmur of water, songs of birds, voices of people.
How can we save our hearing?
- you can not listen to loud music;
- do not put sharp objects into the ears:
- clean the ears with cotton buds
(Return to the person's face, ears appear, presentation)
3. Study of the olfactory organ.
Between two luminaries
I am alone in the middle (nose)
There is a saucer with cotton pads on the table in front of you. You are invited such a task: "Determine which of the cotton pads smells like perfume?"
What smells have you identified yet? (the smell of orange)
When did you smell the smell? (When breathing in).
That's right, the sense of smell arises only when we inhale.
With what organ did we smell? (With the help of the nose, we smell)
You did a good job. And the ability of a person to distinguish smells, what got a name? (Smell)
We smell and smell with the help of the nose.
(I move the image of the nose to the image of a person)
Physical education
4. Study of the organ of taste with plain water on a white napkin)
Always in your mouth,
But you can’t swallow it (tongue)
On everyone’s tables cost 2 cups of water.
Look, listen, smell. Can you tell by sight smell, hearing, what's in the cups? (Yes)
What is in the cups? (Water)
Can we determine what kind of water tastes like? (No)
So we need one more study.
What should we do? (Taste the water)
Try it. What do you feel? (Children identify by taste: in which glass is sweet water, in which is plain)
Which organ helped you to feel the taste of the liquid? (Language)
Let's try to give a scientific definition of this body: Is language an organ? (Taste .)
The organ of taste helps us to get acquainted with the property of an object when we do not can help the organs of sight, smell, hearing.
Guys, we have already said that the surface of the tongue has certain areas that perceive a certain taste. Let's remember:
the middle of the tongue is responsible for the bitter;
lateral anterior margins responsible for saltiness;
lateral rear edges responsible for sour;
the tip of the tongue is responsible for sweetness.
How should we take care of our tongue? (When we brush our teeth, clean the tongue, do not touch the tongue with dirty hands)
(Put a drawing of lips on the face of a little man, presentation)
5. Study of the organ of touch
winter and summer
C dressed head to toe,
Even we cannot rent for the night,
Because what is it…( skin)
Find out what's in the basket game
Try to identify the item in the basket by touch. (Basket covered with a napkin).
(Students put on a glove and try to identify the object).
(rubber ball, ball, orange, apple)
How do you feel? Can you identify the subject? (Children describe object, they say that it has the shape of a ball, but they cannot name it exactly).
Now take off your mitten and try to identify the object. (Children guess the object and take it out of the basket)
Guys, how could you guess the objects? With the help of what? (Using hands)
But at first you used your hand in a mitten and could not guess subject.