Kindergarten rhyming sentences

Rhymes for Young Learners | Kids

Words that rhyme are words that sound the same at the end.


Cat and sat sound similar. They don't start with the same sound, but they end with the same sound.

Read and listen to this sentence:

There once was a cat that ate a rat, and after that sat on a yellow mat.

Can you hear 5 words that rhyme?


Ball and fall rhyme. They end with the same sound - and with the same letters.

Read and listen to this sentence:

If you drop the ball it will fall on the doll.

Doll isn't spelled the same as ball and fall, but it sounds the same. Sometimes rhyming words aren't spelled the same.

Silly Rhymes

Here are some more examples of words that sound the same but aren't spelled the same.

Read and listen to these silly rhymes:

To your right,
you'll see a kite,
at a most incredible height

The big bear began to growl
when the little owl
used his towel

The boy of four
called the circus a bore
until he heard the lions roar

The lovesick hawk,
who found some chalk,
wrote his sweetheart's name
upon a rock

Silly Sentences Quiz

Read these silly sentences. Which words rhyme with the bold word in each sentence? Sometimes there are two or more words.

There once was a king who liked to sing in the rain. Click to check answerking, sing

A shoe is still new till you step in blue goo. Click to check answershoe, new, blue, goo

What did you cut when you fell into the rut? Click to check answerWhat, cut, rut

Don't stop going up till you get to the top if you really want to find the shop. Click to check answerstop, top, shop

With me you will see there's no need for TV. Click to check answerme, see, T.V.

Sing a tune about June and we'll find the moon soon. Click to check answertune, June, moon, soon

We'll never go if you continue to sew, so what you need to do is row. Click to check answergo, sew, so, row

I can't sleep with these sheep in my bed, though they seem to be sleeping quite deep by my head. Click to check answersleep, sheep, deep

We think you should eat food that's good instead of eating wet wood. Click to check answershould, good, wood

I don't lie when eye to eye unless I'm feeling really shy. Click to check answerI, lie, eye, shy

Now listen to the silly sentences and read along.

Rhymes recorded with North American accent.

Rhyming Words for Kids (Complete List)

Many of us have fond memories of learning nursery rhymes and rhyming stories when we were children.

These tales are important because they expose children to rhyme, which is essential for language development. Children who have strong early language abilities, including listening and speaking, are shown to develop more robust reading and writing skills.

Helping your child recognize and use rhyme will help them first with their verbal language and then with their literacy. Introducing rhyming words for kids is an excellent way to do that.

Table of Contents

  • How Do You Teach Rhyming Words To Children?
  • Rhyming Words For Kindergarten
  • Rhyming Words For First Grade And Older
  • Any Time Can Be Rhyme Time

How Do You Teach Rhyming Words To Children?

Children learn about rhyme in three stages, although there is much overlap as they move from one step to another.

Rhyme Exposure

This is when your child hears rhyming words. This can be in songs while reading rhyming together, or elsewhere. At this stage, you should point out rhyming words to your child.

Rhyme Recognition

Once your child hears a rhyme and points it out, they have reached the stage of rhyme recognition.

Rhyme Production

Finally, your child will be able to produce rhyme themselves. They may take great pride in asking you questions, such as, “Do you know what rhymes with door? More!”

While this may seem like a small thing to you, to them it’s big. Make sure to show them that you’re impressed with their newly-found knowledge.

Ways To Teach Rhyming Words

Make learning to rhyme fun by using some of these methods.

Share Rhyme In Books, Poems, And Songs

Reading rhyming books and poems and singing together will expose your child to rhymes in a fun, relaxing way. Read the complete story or sing the entire song first and then go back and point out the rhymes.

Then, when your child is aware of the concept of rhyming, ask them to point out the pairs of rhyming words they hear or read.

Once your child is familiar with rhymes, read or sing, but don’t say the second rhyming word. Instead, ask your child to provide a suitable rhyme.


Rhyme word puzzles are a fun way for your child to practice pairing up rhyming words.

Clip Cards

Not all rhyming words have the same spelling at the end. To prevent your child from becoming confused by the spelling, use peg cards where your child picks the correct rhyme according to the picture.

Lap Books

Create nursery rhyme lap-books with your child. First, print out the standard nursery rhyme and then have your child replace the original word with another of their own that rhymes.

Rhyming Dictionaries

Help your child find suitable rhyming words with a rhyming dictionary. These can be immensely helpful no matter what age you are, especially if you are a teacher, writer, or write lyrics for songs.

Rhyming Words For Kindergarten

These are great options for those who are younger than kindergarten or those who are still working on completing that first year in school. These are simple words that won’t be too challenging for this age.

Words That Rhyme With At

  1. Bat
  2. Cat
  3. Fat
  4. Hat
  5. Mat
  6. Pat
  7. Rat
  8. Sat
  9. Vat
  10. Slat
  11. Brat
  12. Flat
  13. Chat
  14. Splat
  15. That

Words That Rhyme With An

  1. Ban
  2. Can
  3. Fan
  4. Man
  5. Pan
  6. Ran
  7. Tan
  8. Van
  9. Flan
  10. Plan
  11. Span
  12. Scan

Words That Rhyme With Ab

  1. Cab
  2. Dab
  3. Drab
  4. Fab
  5. Flab
  6. Grab
  7. Jab
  8. Nab
  9. Lab
  10. Slab
  11. Tab
  12. Crab

Words That Rhyme With Ad

  1. Add
  2. Bad
  3. Clad
  4. Dad
  5. Fad
  6. Had
  7. Lad
  8. Mad
  9. Pad
  10. Rad
  11. Sad

Words That Rhyme With All

  1. Ball
  2. Call
  3. Fall
  4. Hall
  5. Mall
  6. Shawl
  7. Tall
  8. Wall
  9. Thrall
  10. Gall

Words That Rhyme With Ag

  1. Bag
  2. Flag
  3. Drag
  4. Gag
  5. Hag
  6. Nag
  7. Rag
  8. Sag
  9. Tag
  10. Wag

Words That Rhyme With Ip

  1. Ship
  2. Chip
  3. Clip
  4. Dip
  5. Drip
  6. Flip
  7. Grip
  8. Hip
  9. Kip
  10. Lip
  11. Nip
  12. Pip
  13. Rip
  14. Sip
  15. Slip
  16. Skip
  17. Snip
  18. Tip
  19. Trip
  20. Zip

Words That Rhyme With Ap

  1. App
  2. Cap
  3. Clap
  4. Flap
  5. Gap
  6. Lap
  7. Map
  8. Nap
  9. Rap
  10. Scrap
  11. Slap
  12. Snap
  13. Strap
  14. Snap
  15. Tap
  16. Trap

Words That Rhyme With Id

  1. Bid
  2. Did
  3. Hid
  4. Kid
  5. Lid
  6. Mid
  7. Rid
  8. Sid
  9. Grid
  10. Slid
  11. Skid
  12. Squid

Words That Rhyme With Op

  1. Bop
  2. Cop
  3. Crop
  4. Clop
  5. Drop
  6. Flop
  7. Hop
  8. Mop
  9. Plop
  10. Prop
  11. Shop
  12. Stop
  13. Swap
  14. Top

Words That Rhyme With Am

  1. Clam
  2. Cram
  3. Dam
  4. Gram
  5. Ham
  6. Jam
  7. Lamb
  8. Ram
  9. Slam
  10. Spam
  11. Tram

Words That Rhyme With Ig

  1. Big
  2. Dig
  3. Fig
  4. Gig
  5. Pig
  6. Rig
  7. Twig
  8. Swig
  9. Wig
  10. Brig

Words That Rhyme With Ar

  1. Are
  2. Bar
  3. Car
  4. Far
  5. Jar
  6. Scar
  7. Star
  8. Tar
  9. Ajar
  10. Guitar

Words That Rhyme With Aw

  1. Awe
  2. Caw
  3. Claw
  4. Draw
  5. Flaw
  6. Paw
  7. Raw
  8. Saw
  9. Straw
  10. Thaw

Words That Rhyme With Ay

  1. Bay
  2. Clay
  3. Day
  4. Gray
  5. Hay
  6. Jay
  7. Lay
  8. May
  9. Pay
  10. Play
  11. Pray
  12. Say
  13. Stay
  14. Spray
  15. Sway
  16. They
  17. Way
  18. Tray

Words That Rhyme With Ell

  1. Bell
  2. Cell
  3. Dell
  4. Fell
  5. Gel
  6. Sell
  7. Shell
  8. Smell
  9. Spell
  10. Tell
  11. Well
  12. Yell

Words That Rhyme With En

  1. Den
  2. Men
  3. Pen
  4. Ten
  5. Then
  6. When
  7. Wren
  8. Zen
  9. Ben
  10. Ken

Words That Rhyme With Et

  1. Bet
  2. Get
  3. Jet
  4. Let
  5. Met
  6. Net
  7. Pet
  8. Set
  9. Wet
  10. Yet

Words That Rhyme With Ew

  1. Blue
  2. Blew
  3. Brew
  4. Chew
  5. Clue
  6. Crew
  7. Cue
  8. Do
  9. Dew
  10. Drew
  11. Ewe
  12. Flew
  13. Glue
  14. Grew
  15. Knew
  16. New
  17. Phew
  18. Shoe
  19. Shoo
  20. Stew
  21. Through
  22. Threw
  23. True
  24. Two
  25. View
  26. You
  27. Who
  28. Zoo

Words That Rhyme With In

  1. Bin
  2. Chin
  3. Din
  4. Fin
  5. Grin
  6. Inn
  7. Pin
  8. Shin
  9. Skin
  10. Spin
  11. Twin
  12. Thin
  13. Tin
  14. Win

Words That Rhyme With It

  1. Bit
  2. Fit
  3. Hit
  4. Kit
  5. Knit
  6. Lit
  7. Mit
  8. Nit
  9. Pit
  10. Sit
  11. Quit
  12. Skit
  13. Slit
  14. Spit

Words That Rhyme With Od

  1. Cod
  2. Bod
  3. Odd
  4. Nod
  5. Plod
  6. Prod
  7. Rod
  8. Squad
  9. Trod
  10. Pod

Words That Rhyme With Og

  1. Bog
  2. Blog
  3. Cog
  4. Clog
  5. Dog
  6. Fog
  7. Frog
  8. Hog
  9. Jog
  10. Log

Words That Rhyme With Op

  1. Top
  2. Chop
  3. Cop
  4. Crop
  5. Drop
  6. Flop
  7. Hop
  8. Mop
  9. Pop
  10. Shop
  11. Stop

Words That Rhyme With Ot

  1. Blot
  2. Cot
  3. Clot
  4. Dot
  5. Got
  6. Hot
  7. Knot
  8. Not
  9. Plot
  10. Pot
  11. Rot
  12. Shot
  13. Spot

Words That Rhyme With Ow

  1. Bow
  2. Brow
  3. Cow
  4. How
  5. Now
  6. Pow
  7. Sow
  8. Row
  9. Vow
  10. Wow

Rhyming Words For First Grade And Older

These are useful rhyming words for first graders and above with an expanding skillset.

Words That Rhyme With Ake

  1. Ache
  2. Bake
  3. Cake
  4. Brake
  5. Break
  6. Fake
  7. Flake
  8. Lake
  9. Make
  10. Quake
  11. Rake
  12. Sake
  13. Take
  14. Sneak
  15. Steak
  16. Stake
  17. Wake

Words That Rhyme With Ale

  1. Bail
  2. Bale
  3. Kale
  4. Dale
  5. Fail
  6. Hail
  7. Mail
  8. Male
  9. Nail
  10. Pail
  11. Pale
  12. Rail
  13. Sail
  14. Snail
  15. Sale
  16. Stale
  17. Tail
  18. Tale
  19. Trail
  20. Whale
  21. Detail
  22. Toenail
  23. Email

Words That Rhyme With Ain

  1. Brain
  2. Cane
  3. Chain
  4. Crane
  5. Drain
  6. Gain
  7. Grain
  8. Lane
  9. Mane
  10. Main
  11. Pane
  12. Pain
  13. Plain
  14. Plane
  15. Reign
  16. Rain
  17. Sprain
  18. Stain
  19. Strain
  20. Train
  21. Again

Words That Rhyme With Or

  1. Door
  2. Chore
  3. Core
  4. Four
  5. For
  6. Sore
  7. Floor
  8. Door
  9. More
  10. Oar
  11. Snore
  12. Soar
  13. Store
  14. Score

Words That Rhyme With School

  1. Cool
  2. Cruel
  3. Drool
  4. Fool
  5. Fuel
  6. Ghoul
  7. Jewel
  8. Mule
  9. Pool
  10. Spool
  11. Tool
  12. Who’ll
  13. You’ll
  14. Yule

Any Time Can Be Rhyme Time

Whether you are playing rhyme I-spy, singing nursery rhymes, or reading a book of children’s poems, the time you spend sharing rhymes with your child is helping them develop spoken language.

Build a little rhyme time into every day and give your child an advantage.

Introducing rhyming words is an excellent way to lay a solid foundation for literacy.

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Wonderful kindergarten! Very caring and kind teachers! Professionals in their field! Children's food is very varied and tasty! All additional classes are very interesting and of high quality!

Lyubov Nikolaevna

There is a warm and friendly atmosphere in the kindergarten. The teachers are attentive and responsive. Diverse, comprehensive program for the development of children. Separately, I would like to thank you for organizing classes in the pool, they delight children and have a positive effect on their development. Thanks a lot, everyone!!!!!!!


I want to express my deep gratitude to our wonderful teachers of group 8 "Pchelki" Diana Dakostaevna, Anastasia Andreevna and our substitute teacher Elena Mikhailovna! Thank you very much for your love and care for our children! My daughter goes to the garden with pleasure, talks about interesting activities, loves Galina Maratovna and her physical education lessons, and especially the pool! At home, she sings songs to us, which they learn with Olga Evgenievna! I can confidently say that the best matinees in Chernogolovka are held in the recreation center Solnyshko! Thanks to our dear teachers and teachers!


Many thanks to the staff of the kindergarten for their work, love for our children and care for our children. Special thanks to Diana Dakostaevna and Anastasia Andreevna for raising our son Zakhar!


I would like to say a huge thank you to our beloved teacher Diana Dakostaevna Mokrova! This is the most sensitive, attentive and kind teacher. Diana Dakostaevna is loved not only by children, but also by parents)) thank you very much for your work, care and attention to each baby!!


I want to express my gratitude to all the staff of the kindergarten "Solnyshko" for their professionalism, friendliness and responsiveness!

Separately, I want to thank Elena Vladimirovna Marikhina for revealing my child's talents, for the exciting and informative atmosphere in the group, for active cooperation with parents. My child goes to kindergarten with pleasure, and this is an important indicator of the excellent work of the teacher!


My daughter attends the kindergarten "Solnyshko". Group number 8. Relations in the group are developing well, the child is happy to go to the garden in the morning. Diana Dakostaevna (our teacher) does everything to make the atmosphere in the group positive. Thank her very much for this. In general, I am satisfied with the work of the kindergarten.

Victoria Alexandrovna

Absolutely satisfied with the work of our wonderful educator Diana Dakostaevna Mokrovaya, assistant, teachers and substitute educator. The authorities should pay attention to cleaning in the garden building. The issue of landscaping and walking areas also remains open.

Olga Yurievna

Congratulations to all employees of the kindergarten Solnyshko on their professional holiday!

We wish you peace of mind on the holidays,
Always enjoy everything,
Always only joy and positive,
Patience and creativity in work.
So that your quiet hour is really quiet,
So that everything works out beautifully and dashingly.
So that discipline, and so that obedience ...
So that happiness knocks on you without delay,
So that life is sonorous, like children's songs,
And every year of yours was interesting!

Health, patience, kindness, inspiration! Thank you for your work!

Parents of the Lily of the Valley group.

I would like to express my deep gratitude to the substitute teacher of the younger groups - Kulkova Elena Yurievna! Very responsive and conscientious teacher. Also great with kids. The child goes to the garden as home.


I express my heartfelt gratitude on my own behalf and on behalf of Ganina Yulia Nikolaevna - mother of Alisa Ganina, a wonderful person, highly professional specialist, educator of group No. 5 "Rays" Eremina Galina Viktorovna! Thank you for your attention, your love, your care, your patience, your dedication!!! Thank you for the great mornings, excellent preparation for school (testing at our school showed a high degree of Sophia's readiness for school), for the fact that you were always there!

I wish you professional growth, new pupils and good parents!!!

With respect and gratitude to you,
Ekaterina Syresina, mother of Sofya Syresina,
Yulia Ganina, mother of Alisa Ganina, graduation of 2018.

Good afternoon. My son goes to the fifth group to Eremina Galina Viktorovna. During my visit, I had only good impressions about the kindergarten. I want to express my deep gratitude to Galina Viktorovna for her approach to each child. For the calling to organize and interest children in the educational and creative process. The child goes to the garden with pleasure.

Many thanks to Nina Mikhailovna Sokolova, teacher's assistant. Her concern for children and participation in festive events is beyond praise.

Galina Viktorovna and Nina Mikhailovna, thank you for your hard work.


My son Isoyan Haykaz goes to the preparatory group N5, teacher: Eremina Galina Viktorovna! We have been going to the garden since the opening for the third year. We are very grateful to Galina Viktorovna for the excellent preparation of the child for school, as well as for her kindness and responsiveness.

Israelyan Maria Igorevna

Children go to the kindergarten "Solnyshko" for three years. I would like to note that all this time the garden is constantly developing and changing. Gradually, our kindergarten became cozy, an experimentarium and a sensory room were opened, where children love to go and share their impressions in the evening. Thanks to the administration of the garden.
I also want to express my deep gratitude to our teachers!

Nazarova Marina Viktorovna. This is a teacher from God. The child calls his group - my second family. Marina Viktorovna is a very sensitive and sympathetic person who will find an approach to every child. And what is probably the most difficult thing in the work of an educator is the approach to each parent. He is also a great teacher, and there are a lot of interesting projects in our group. Within the framework of these projects, children also learned how to work (the “Collect Toys” project), and grew vegetables (in the mornings they ran for a watering can in the group), and the “Kindness” project and others. It's great, the child participates in such events with such enthusiasm and responsibility. And it also brings children and parents very close, because the whole family invents and creates something interesting. And this is not counting the daily interesting and informative activities in the group. Marina Viktorovna, we love you.

Nikulshina Olga Evgenievna. Thank you for discovering and developing in children the love of music. And what mornings are held in our garden !!! Every morning is a real holiday. Everything is so thought out and with a twist, and with humor, at the same time touching and fun. Olga Evgenievna is an inexhaustible source of ideas and energy. I wish you that this energy never ends.

And of course, what is a matinee without Elena Vladimirovna Marihina!? Each time Elena Vladimirovna, enchantingly appearing, delights, shocks and delights children and parents. Thank you.

I would also like to express my gratitude to Nina Mikhailovna Sokolova. For her love for children, for her sincerity, for the fact that Nina Mikhailovna knows the characteristics of each child. For always supporting and helping. For a graduation gift - a real delight for children. When Nina Mikhailovna is with children, it will certainly be exciting. With all my heart I wish you professional growth.

Thanks to Knyazeva Marina Nikolaevna for the professional testing of graduate children at the beginning of the year. Parents had the opportunity to pay attention and pull up those points that the parent himself might not have paid attention to. For exciting, creative activities with children. With the advent of Marina Nikolaevna, the experimentarium, the opening of which we have been waiting for so long, has been launched. The work of a psychologist is very important and necessary for children. This is especially acute in the early stages, when the child is just starting to go to the garden.

Thanks to all the staff at the garden, whose work remains behind the scenes, but is undoubtedly very important for the smooth running of the entire garden.


We, the team of parents of pupils of group No. 8 "Bees" of MDOU "Solnyshko", express our deep gratitude to our educator Diana Dakostaevna Mokrova! We would like to note the high professionalism, pedagogical skills, sensitive attitude towards our children, care and responsibility.
Please accept our sincere gratitude for teaching our children to be friends and respect each other, to fantasize and create, to be kind, caring and honest. Our children are proud of their successes, achievements and discoveries!

We especially want to mention our matinees and performances! The kids are just transforming. Thank you for putting a piece of your soul into our children. We wish you good health, patience and pleasure from the results of your work.

We also thank the leadership of the MDOU d / s "Solnyshko" in the person of and. about. Director Udachina E.V. for a well-chosen team of professionals.

Sincerely, the parents of group No. 8 "Bees"

I want to express my deep gratitude to the wonderful educator, group 5, Galina Viktorovna!

Professional with a capital letter! Top notch teacher! Children are always on the job! Galina Viktorovna develops children in all possible areas! Conducts exciting and informative classes, finds an individual approach to each child! Every day my child tells me something interesting that happened in kindergarten! Preparing for high school! Write, read, count! for additional classes and did not have to go! Fabulous! We are very glad that we got to Galina Viktorovna! This is the best teacher ever! Thank you for your approach to children, kindness and understanding!


Many thanks to our teacher of the "Berry" group Dementieva Natalya Anatolyevna for the kindness and affection that she gives to our children! The children love her very much, they are happy to go to kindergarten. Natalya Anatolyevna is a very friendly, good person and teacher! We are very happy to have her in the group!


Hello! We go to group number 2 "Berries". My son, Andrei, is happy to go to kindergarten! Our beloved teacher Natalya Anatolyevna takes care of our kids with patience and kindness! Wonderful crafts and drawings made by the hands of children are very pleasing to parents! The development of our kids is in good hands! THANK YOU SO MUCH to our teacher Natalya Anatolyevna Dementieva, as well as to our caring nanny Marina! I would also like to thank Marina Nikolaevna for interesting classes in the experimentarium and Olga Evgenievna for the musical development of children! We are very satisfied and glad that we go to this kindergarten! Thanks again EVERYONE!

Alina Kosareva

We have recently come to this kindergarten. From the first day, I am simply delighted with both the kindergarten itself and the people who work there. I have never met such a polite and attentive attitude in any kindergarten (my eldest son has changed several kindergartens, so I have something to compare with).

I want to thank our teacher Natalya Anatolyevna for her attention and such a warm attitude towards children. My daughter enjoys gardening very much. And this is a very big indicator.


Good afternoon! I would like to express my deep gratitude to the teacher of the 2nd group "Berries" - Dementieva Natalya Anatolyevna, as well as our nanny - Marina. They are true professionals in their field: kind, responsive and fair. My daughter goes to the garden with great pleasure and talks about the fact that every day they do drawing, modeling from plasticine, learn to speak correctly, teach children to respect each other, listen to fairy tales, sing and dance (thanks to the music director for this). There is also a room in the garden - Experimentarium, where a psychologist works with children, and after each lesson, the daughter enthusiastically tells what they did and how they all had fun.

In general, I would like to note that the kindergarten has a very good material and technical base, the game material is constantly updated, all conditions have been created for the successful development and upbringing of children. The room is always warm and cozy. The children are fed tasty and satisfying (judging by the menu).

Such a wonderful atmosphere creates a friendly staff of the kindergarten "Solnyshko" and parents appreciate it!


Very satisfied with the garden. Good facility, great teachers. The child walks with pleasure.


My daughter, Tatyana, attends group 1 of the Lily of the Valley kindergarten. She has been going to this wonderful and cozy kindergarten for a whole year. In addition to a large play area in the kindergarten building, within its territory on the street, each group also has its own playground, which is always clean and equipped with a modern complex of children's entertainment facilities, including swings, various slides and auxiliary equipment for outdoor games that develop children's coordination and communication skills both among themselves and in contact with adults.

For the development and improvement of children's creative abilities, in addition to compulsory classes, there is a large selection of additional circles: physical education, dancing, drawing, modeling and music. From an early age, our kids are taught the basic skills of behavior on the street and are told about the basics of the rules of the road (a real traffic inspector even came to the group).

In order to diversify life in the kindergarten, our wonderful and beloved teacher, Svetlana Evgenievna, organizes interesting cultural events every month: puppet theater, interesting and entertaining holidays, actively involving her young pupils in this process. My daughter likes these events very much, and she takes part in them with great pleasure. Svetlana Evgenievna photographs all the interesting and funny moments about our children and sends them to the parents of the children with comments using the WhatsUp messenger. Therefore, parents not only always know what is happening with their beloved children, but also a lot of interesting and funny photos appear for the family album. Svetlana Evgenievna is a highly qualified specialist, a talented children's teacher and a very kind and sympathetic person who puts her whole soul into our children. My daughter goes to the group led by Svetlana Evgenievna with great pleasure, because thanks to the care and comfort she feels at home.

I want to express my deep gratitude to the leadership of our kindergarten and wonderful people who give their warmth to our children: the teacher Svetlana Evgenievna and the nanny Alla.


I would like to thank Diana Dakostaevna, teacher of group N8, and nanny Svetlana Evgenievna for their care and love for our children. I really like Diana Dakostaevna's approach to children. With her arrival, my daughter began to eagerly attend kindergarten. She is great with children, they make crafts, gifts with their own hands for parents for the holiday. Thank you, we are very lucky to have you.


I want to express my deep gratitude to our teacher Elena Vladimirovna Marikhina and assistant teacher Natalya Vladimirovna Sobko.
I want to note their high professional level, sensitive attitude towards children, care, kindness and warmth. Elena Vladimirovna and Natalya Vladimirovna strive to make our children full-fledged individuals, active members of the children's team, they teach us to be honest, kind, open and caring. They teach kids to be friends and respect each other, to create and fantasize.

In the dressing room of the group, the works of our children are constantly hung out, children's crafts are exhibited. It also contains useful and interesting information for parents: how our children grow and develop, what activities they have during the day and what they eat.

During her stay in the kindergarten, my daughter Alice's horizons have broadened significantly, her speech has been enriched, and a desire to learn something else has appeared. She became much more self-confident, more inquisitive. Alice has made many new friends, which is necessary for a child. Alice happily shows me her crafts, repeats what she has done with interest at home, goes to kindergarten with pleasure. At the entrance to the group we are met by caring and attentive teachers who are always polite and friendly.
Our educators conduct very interesting activities with children, trying to engage them in various activities and, in the aggregate, provide the child with a diverse personal growth. Step by step, children learn about the world around them, the joy of friendship, creativity, independent activity, learn their personal capabilities. Thank them for this.

Lapshina Maria Alexandrovna

I want to express my gratitude to the teacher of group N7 Elena Vladimirovna and nanny Natalya Vladimirovna for their attentive attitude towards our children, as well as for kindness, patience, for hard work and approach to each child. Thanks to them, beautiful morning performances, interesting exhibitions of children's works are held. Their children are developing day by day. Thank you for always understanding parental wishes and requests.



It's good that our garden website already has a section for reviews, where we can express our opinions and emotions.

Having chosen the "Solnyshko" garden, I can confidently say that I was not mistaken. And we were especially lucky with our teacher. We are talking about the teacher of the 8th group Diana Dakostaevna Mokrova. Being a good educator, I think, is a vocation that is not given to everyone. Education theoretically gives knowledge, but this does not make you a good teacher. You need to understand children with your soul, love them strongly and accept them as your own child. They, breaking away from their families for several hours, accept the educator as a native person. Here, those who are in good hands will be lucky. In this case, we were lucky with our Diana Dakostaevna. You should have seen how the children talk about her with admiration and how they look forward to meeting her after the weekend. And for children, this is all sincere. They show what they feel.

Diana Dakostaevna holiday person. With her, children are never bored. She is a friend to them, and a caring soul, and an educator, and a leader . .. All this gives us, parents, to be calm for our crumbs.

And in the end, I'll just say - thanks to the leadership of our garden and a huge THANK YOU to our teacher!


We express our gratitude to Diana Dakostaevna and Svetlana Evgenievna for their attentive attitude towards children. Always friendly, very patient with children, have an approach to each child. We go to kindergarten with pleasure. Group 8. Thank you very much for your work.


I want to express my deep gratitude to the teacher of the group number 8 Diana Dakostaevna Mokrova! Thanks to her, my slightly shy daughter fell in love with the garden and made many friends! I am very happy when a child says in the morning that he wants to go to kindergarten, because I cannot organize full-fledged communication with her peers at home. I believe that Diana Dakostaevna is a teacher from God! She is a very cheerful, kind person who really loves children. I am very glad that she works in our group.


We are very grateful to the teacher of group No. 6 Nazarova Marina Viktorovna. The son had problems with adaptation, they were even going to leave the kindergarten. But her sensitive, attentive attitude, kindness helped, and now he walks without tears and with pleasure. Thank you.


Many thanks to the teacher Marikhina Elena Vladimirovna and the nanny Sobko Natalya Vladimirovna of group No. 7!

My son happily goes to the garden in the morning, and in the evening he asks not to pick him up too early - that says a lot! They are very friendly and patient with children, they will always find an approach and agree with the child “not in the mood” (which even parents do not always succeed). I see how much they invest in our children!

In addition to developing and creative activities, children go to the swimming pool, sensory room, and music classes. Many thanks to the music director Olga Evgenievna Nikulshina! We are very pleased that we sent the child to the Sun!

Daria L.

Our son attends the 5th group of kindergarten Solnyshko! We are very grateful to our teacher Galina Viktorovna for her professionalism and, most importantly, for her warm attitude towards children!


We express our deep gratitude to you, our teachers Elena Vladimirovna (group No. 7) and Diana Dakostaevna (group No. 8).

I want to note your professionalism, sensitive attitude towards children, care, attention, kindness and warmth, individual approach to each family. The educational process is organized in such a way that all the little things of everyday life in society, in the family and in the team are taken into account. Children are happy to go to the garden, because there they will be met by their favorite teachers, with whom it is easy and interesting for them.

A warm and comfortable atmosphere reigns in the group thanks to understanding and equality. You teach our children to be friends and respect each other, to create and fantasize, to appreciate beauty, to be honest, kind, caring. Our children are proud of their achievements, they are happy to show us their crafts, they repeat what they did in kindergarten with interest at home. Step by step, under your strict guidance, children learn about the world around them, the joy of friendship, and their personal abilities. We fully trust you, because it is very important for a parent, when he leaves a child for almost the whole day, to know that his child is in good hands. We are calm for the life and safety of our guys, because next to them is a real team of professionals. We are very grateful to you. We are very lucky to have you!

Lusine Fedorovna

My daughter, Kantemirova K. attends the 1st group of the kindergarten "Solnyshko".

I would like to express my gratitude for the attitude towards children, for the attention and kindness to our teacher Svetlana Evgenievna and our nanny Alla. Thanks to your warmth, our children go to the garden with great pleasure, talk about the past day with interest, and get bored at home.

Victoria Kantemirova

I want to express my deep gratitude to our teacher Kokleeva Svetlana Evgenievna and nanny Alla (group No. 1 "Lilies of the valley").

I want to note their high professionalism, sensitive attitude towards children, care, kindness and warmth. Svetlana Evgenievna strives to make our children full-fledged individuals, active members of the children's team, she teaches us to be honest, kind, open and caring. She teaches kids to be friends and respect each other, to create and fantasize.

In the dressing room of the group, the works of our children are constantly hung out, children's crafts are exhibited. There is also useful and interesting information for parents: how our children grow and develop, what activities they have during the day and what they eat.

During his stay in the kindergarten, Sasha's horizons expanded significantly, his speech became richer, and a desire to learn something else appeared. He became much more confident in himself, more inquisitive. Sasha is happy to go to kindergarten.

Svetlana Evgenievna conducts very interesting activities with children, trying to keep them busy with various activities. Step by step, children learn the world around them, the joy of friendship, creativity, and independent activity. Thank her for this.


We attend 1 group "Lilies of the valley".

The child is always fed, dressed in dry clothes, learns a lot of new things in kindergarten. Thank you very much to our teacher Svetlana Evgenievna and nanny Alla for their attentive attitude towards children, for their kindness, care and patience! They always talk about the day they spent, at any time you can write and find out how the child is doing.

We are happy with everything!


Our son goes to the 1st Lily of the Valley group.

We would like to thank our teacher Svetlana Evgenievna and now Alla for their attentive attitude.
Thanks to them, they quickly and painlessly passed the adaptation to kindergarten. They are always in touch, very responsive, they will always tell you in detail about the day spent and what you should pay attention to in the behavior of the child.

We are satisfied with the kindergarten.


Our group 6, teacher Nazarova Marina Viktorovna is the best teacher! She has a kindness and sensitivity and responsiveness to children. Children can share their experiences, little secrets, ask for advice and will always hear support in response and how to do the right thing in a given situation, and this is very important for children and us parents to know that children trust Marina Viktorovna. She spends a lot of interesting activities with children, trying to ensure that each child participates, and does not sit on the sidelines. Participates in their upbringing, teaches them to be friends and respect each other. Gives us parents some advice on what to pay attention to in education.

As a parent, I completely trust her with my son! Marina Viktorovna, thank you very much!

Vera Margieva

Satisfied with the teacher's work.


Consultation on the topic: "A fairy tale that needs to be guessed"

A riddle is an image or expression that needs to be solved, interpreted. Riddles are called differently by different peoples. Among the Chuvash, for example, the riddle is "tupmalli yumakh", which literally means "a fairy tale that requires a guess." Why? Many riddles contain a fairy tale plot and can be considered as a special kind of fairy tales (Illarionova Yu. Teach children to guess riddles. - M., 1976).

Signs of the riddle

  • In terms of content, it is an intricate description that needs to be deciphered.
  • The description is often framed as a question.
  • As a rule, this description is concise.
  • Riddle often has rhythm.

Many folklorists note that riddles are clever, highly poetic, and moral. This means that they have a corresponding influence on the mental, aesthetic and moral education of children. In ancient times, they probably performed all these functions, later, mental education became the dominant principle in them.

With the help of riddles, wisdom, resourcefulness, and education of a person were often tested, which was reflected in many folk rituals, including the initiation of young men into warriors, the ransom of the bride by the groom, etc. A similar role of the riddle is reflected in folklore works. For example, in the fairy tale "The Frog Princess" Ivan has to solve riddles before the spider gives him the treasurer's sword: "What is the most precious thing in the world?" (Life)

Features of the selection of riddles

Children of primary preschool age are happy to guess riddles, which indicate the real signs of a guessed object, its appearance. These riddles are called descriptive:

Long, smooth,
Orange, sweet.
Bunnies eat
And they tell us to. (Carrot)

Riddles with a rhyming answer are also suitable for this age:

Gets up at dawn,
Sings in the yard,
A comb on the head.
Who is this? (Cockerel)

Riddles for young children are limited. These are riddles about those objects that the child most often encounters and which are of interest to him: about toys, pets, household items, food. Riddles for kids should not be long, but descriptions should be detailed: a large number of signs will only confuse the child.

Children of middle preschool age already know how to distinguish different qualities and properties in objects, therefore, in working with them, more complex riddles can be used, in which there are comparisons, metaphors, images. But life experience at this age is still small. This means that comparisons and images should be familiar to children from their daily life or in connection with frequent repetitions in the classroom.

White tablecloth worn all winter. (Snow)

Fluffy cotton wool floats somewhere.

The lower the wool, the closer the rain. (Cloud)

Such images are understandable to children due to their resemblance to the guessing object. At the same age, riddles with rhyming answers are popular:

They fall from the sky in winter
And circle over the earth
Light fluffs, white ... (snowflakes).

How to come up with a riddle

Riddles are traditional folk art, inseparable from fairy tales. Together with them, riddles in an accessible form help the child to explore the world and get acquainted with unknown concepts and objects. Riddles develop figurative-associative thinking and teach children to fantasize. A two-year-old kid is thinking about some inedible pear, and a future first grader can easily guess what it is that grows without seeds. It is no less exciting to come up with riddles yourself. (1)

  • First you need to choose an object or concept that will be discussed in the riddle. It can be an animal, a household item or a natural phenomenon. (2)
  • Next, think with your child how the hidden object or animal differs from others. Special questions will help. What is he? What does it look like? What is it for or where is it used? What are the distinguishing features of this animal? Why is this item amazing? (3)
  • The key features and features of the hidden object named by the child should be included in the riddle, but do not mention the concept or object itself in the riddle. Rhyming riddles are best remembered. Thinking up a rhyme, consider the age of the child. A kid under 3 years old is unlikely to remember many lines. (4)
  • Riddles based on denial are especially popular with children. For example, "Not a dog, but not allowed into the house." If you can’t come up with rhyming riddles, try the negative option, it is much easier for children of any age. (5)
  • As an example, consider an object - a bicycle. What is he? Only two wheels and you need to pedal yourself, otherwise the bike will fall. Here is the riddle - "I only keep on the go, and if I get up, I will fall." Another option, the simplest - "On wheels and with a steering wheel, not a car." (6)
  • At first, self-invented riddles can be very simple, consisting of only one sentence. However, the benefits of such creativity are enormous, because riddles teach you to think, analyze, and even develop a sense of humor.

After the child gets used to the riddles and learns how to solve them, tell him about riddles with a wit, teach him to come up with such puzzles.

Pay attention

A riddle is a means of developing children, as well as an exercise in reasoning and in the ability to prove. Invite the children to come up with a riddle themselves or describe some object or phenomenon, and you try to guess it, then switch roles.

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