Newborn bedtime story
Age 0-3 | Bedtime Stories
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Read the best free bedtime stories for babies, baby books, fairy tales, stories for toddlers and toddler books online!
5 Min Stories Age 0-3 Age 4-6 All Animals Bedtime Christmas Stories Meditations Mindfulness Picture Books Picture Books Seasons Sleep and Bedtime Stories Winter and Snow
A guided meditation for children about being warm and cosy, while the world is cold outside. A tranquil bedtime story to initiate sweet dreams...
5 Min Stories Age 0-3 All Animals Baby Books Birthdays Friends Picture Books Picture Books Rhyming Stories
Koah Koala is having his first birthday! He's about to discover how fun it is to be One!
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Ollie the Octopus is best friends with Sukey the Spider. Read all about their sixteen-legged rhyming adventures!
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A story about the beauty and love your special light can bring to others, and how it spreads from one person to everyone!
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Ted is a big boy and wears big boy undies! But something goes wrong when the washing happens!
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Leah is trying to think of the best present in the world for her mother. Her whole family is here to help her think of the perfect gift!
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Some mummies help us, and some mummies love us. What does your mummy do?
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Baby Bunny has an Easter Picnic with all her baby animal friends. There's lots of chocolate!
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Kynan the caterpillar LOVES shoes. .. but he can't possibly put them all on by himself!
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Learn your ABCs with this fun and simple alphabet book!
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A nature alphabet ABCD book for tomorrow's little learners.
Baby Books | Bedtime Stories
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Short Baby Books
5 Min Stories Age 0-3 All Animals Baby Books Birthdays Friends Picture Books Picture Books Rhyming Stories
Koah Koala is having his first birthday! He's about to discover how fun it is to be One!
5 Min Stories Age 0-3 Age 4-6 All All Poems for Kids Animals Baby Books Early Readers Early Readers Friends Love Picture Books Poems for Kids Rhyming Poems Rhyming Stories
Ollie the Octopus is best friends with Sukey the Spider. Read all about their sixteen-legged rhyming adventures!
5 Min Stories Age 0-3 Age 4-6 All Baby Books Family Feelings and Emotions Growth Mindset Love Mindfulness Picture Books Picture Books
A story about the beauty and love your special light can bring to others, and how it spreads from one person to everyone!
5 Min Stories Age 0-3 Age 4-6 All Baby Books Picture Books Picture Books
Ted is a big boy and wears big boy undies! But something goes wrong when the washing happens!
5 Min Stories Age 0-3 Age 4-6 All Animals Baby Books Early Readers Early Readers Mothers Picture Books Picture Books
Leah is trying to think of the best present in the world for her mother. Her whole family is here to help her think of the perfect gift!
5 Min Stories Age 0-3 All Baby Books Early Readers Early Readers Mothers Picture Books
Some mummies help us, and some mummies love us. What does your mummy do?
5 Min Stories Age 0-3 All Animals Baby Books Early Readers Early Readers Easter Friends Picnics Picture Books Picture Books
Baby Bunny has an Easter Picnic with all her baby animal friends. There's lots of chocolate!
5 Min Stories Age 0-3 Age 4-6 All Animals Baby Books Friends Helping Insects Picture Books Picture Books
Kynan the caterpillar LOVES shoes. .. but he can't possibly put them all on by himself!
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Oh no, there's a fire! But Billy the fire-truck doesn't want to get dirty!
5 Min Stories Age 0-3 All Animals Baby Books Early Readers Food Friends Gardens Helping Picture Books Picture Books
Jimmy the Cat wants to make a garden with his friends. What should he plant?
Tales for newborns - Nochdobra.

When should children start reading fairy tales? Immediately upon learning of her pregnancy. A fairy tale is a trusting contact between a parent and a child. The loving voice of mom or dad, telling an instructive story, has a positive effect on the development of the crumbs. Fairy tales are also needed for newborns. Although the baby may not yet understand the deep meaning, the voice of a loved one will help calm the child. You can read a fairy tale for a newborn in a calm, gentle voice in order to quickly lull, fill with love, send into a trance. We have collected several fairy tales for newborns.
The world lived its own life, but one day a little boy Styopa appeared in it. It was tiny but very important. Styopa himself did not yet understand where he had ended up. The only thing he knew how to do was to express emotions if something bothered him. Feeling hungry, the boy gave a sign in the form of crying. He wanted milk and got it quickly. And at the same time, he felt the warmth of his mother and heard the sound of her heart, which soothed. So Styopa was convinced that everything was in order.
Once a mother told her son that she needed to go to the gym. Styopa felt uncomfortable. He did not understand what a gym was, the kid just felt his mother's concern and began to worry too. Crying convinced the mother that it was better to postpone the trip to sports and stay at home with the child.
- Beloved son, I love you so much. But I have other desires and things that I got used to in my life before you. I really want to go to my favorite gym and start exercising, - my mother said, lying next to her son.
With these words, Styopa felt joy. Mom was very happy, remembering her classes, they filled her with happiness and confidence. The kid also smiled, and mom decided that this was a sign. The son lets go to the gym. So for the first time Styopa was left alone with his dad without his beloved mother, whom he was so used to. But during this time he saw a lot of interesting things. Dad showed him different rattles, cars and glowing lights.
- We love you so much, you are such an important person. How glad we are that you chose us as your parents. You will change this world for the better. I hope you will be a happy person. Daddy said to Styopa in a whisper and the baby smiled.
Tale of an owl
A wise owl lived in the forest, who knew everything in the world. Once a little turtle crawled up to her and asked:
- Why do I live on this planet? Hares run so fast. Whites are jumping. The wolves are hunting. And I just crawl slowly, I'm afraid of everything, I hide in my house.
- If you appeared in the forest, then you are very important, turtle. It doesn't matter what others do or can do. Someone runs, someone flies, someone crawls, but each is unique and necessary. Be yourself and you will be in your place, and if you look at others for a long time, you will lose yourself.
The turtle listened to the owl and crawled home. On the way home, everyone overtook her. Everyone was in a hurry. And only the turtle crawled slowly, studying everything in its path. She noticed beautiful butterflies and was filled with beauty. Smelled the scent of flowers. I saw a little bear. Warmed up under the sun.
When the turtle crawled to the house, she was met by a she-wolf.
- Trouble happened in the forest. The bear lost her baby.
- I know where he is, - said the turtle and told about where she saw the cub.
The baby was quickly found and everyone was happy. And the turtle realized that its slowness is really very important. Indeed, because of her, the turtle was the most attentive and observant, and also knew how to enjoy everything, everything in its path. Since then, the turtle has been very grateful to life for who she was born.
Tales for newborns can be invented by yourself. We wish you and your children sweet fabulous dreams!
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Fairy tales for kids - read fairy tales online
Kids just came into this world and started to learn it. It is easier to do this through a fairy tale. The most important thing is to choose short pieces with a lot of vowels and interjections. Let them get used to the voice, recitative, song. Parents prefer to read fairy tales online - and rightly so. The child hears the creaking of the door, the howling of the wind, the meowing of a cat, the exclamations of “Goal!” from TV. He enjoys the presence of his mother, her gentle, addressed to her "My dear, my glorious!" It is good if these or similar melodic sounds, phrases, lines appear on audio media, sound in a text that is pleasant to the ear.
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In the world, the old woman lived quietly, Crackers ate and drank coffee. And the old woman had a thoroughbred dog, shaggy ears and a shorn nose. The old woman said: - I'll open the buffet And give the Poodle a bone for lunch. Approaches the sideboard, Looks at the shelf, And the poodle sits on a platter In the sideboard. One day the old woman went to the forest. Comes back, And the poodle is gone. …
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Fairy tales in verse, Fairy tales for kids, Tales of Mikhalkov S.A. Yulia does not eat well, does not listen to anyone. - Eat an egg, Yulechka! - I don't want to, mommy! - Eat a sandwich with sausage! - Julia covers her mouth. — Soup? - Not! — Cutlet? - Not! - Yulechkin's dinner is getting cold. - What's the matter with you, Yulechka? - Nothing, mommy! - Take a sip, girl, Swallow another bite! Have pity on us, Yulechka! - I can't, mommy! Mom and grandmother in tears - Julia is melting before our eyes! A pediatrician appeared - Gleb Sergeevich . ..
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Short tales, Fairy tale cars, Instructive tales, Fairy tales for girls, Fairy tales for children 3-6 years old, Fairy tales for kids, Tales for boys, Tales of Prokofieva S. L.Once upon a time there were two girls in the world. One girl was named Masha, and the other was Zoya. Masha loved to do everything herself. She eats her own soup. She drinks milk from a cup. She puts the toys in the box herself. But Zoya herself does not want to do anything and only says: - Oh, I don’t want to! Oh, I can't! Oh, I won't! All "oh" yes "oh"! …
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Once upon a time there was a baby elephant. That's what they called him Elephant. The Baby Elephant had a mother - a big smart and kind elephant. That's what they called her - Mother Elephant. Once a little Elephant decided to make the first independent trip and told his mother about it. - Well, well, - answered the Elephant-mother, - you made the right decision. The most important thing is to take the first step. And …
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Short fairy tales, Fairy tales for children 3-6 years old, Fairy tales for kids, Tales of Tsyferova G.M. A young cockerel met the sun every morning. He jumps on the fence, crows, and now a golden luminary has already appeared above the forest. And then, as always, he crowed, and instead of the sun, gray fog floated out from behind the forest. "Where is the sun to be found?" - the cockerel stood, thought, put on his boots and went to the kitten. - Do you know where the sun is? he asked the kitten. …
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Short fairy tales, Fairy tale cars, Instructive tales, Fairy tales for kids, Fairy tales by Prokofieva S. L.Masha went to bed and asked: - Mom, give me a pacifier! I won't sleep without a pacifier. Then the night bird Owl flew into the room. — Wow! Wow! So big, but you suck on the pacifier. There are hares in the forest, squirrels smaller than you. They need a pacifier. The Owl Machine grabbed a nipple and carried it far, far away - across the field, across the road into the dense forest. …
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Short tales, Fairy tale cars, Instructive tales, Fairy tales for kids, Tales of Prokofieva S. L.Oika the capricious does not want to wash his hair. The Bear came to Oika. “Let me wash your head, Oika!” - said Bear. “You even have twigs sticking out in your hair.” — Oh, I don’t want to wash my hair! Oh, I won't! Oika screamed. Zaychiha came to Oika. “Let me wash your head,” suggested the Hare. — Here…
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Short fairy tales, Fairy tale cars, Fairy tales for children 3-6 years old, Fairy tales for kids, Fairy tales by Prokofieva S.