Learning the number 2
When Do Kids Start Counting to 10?
Feb 12, 2022 Counting to 10 is a major developmental milestone to which many parents look forward. But, at what point should your child start to learn numbers, and when should they be able to count to 10?
In This Article
- When Should My Toddler Learn to Count to 10?
- Do you feel like your child should be counting by now?
- When Do Children Understand Basic Math Concepts?
- 9 Early Math Games for Kids Learning to Count to 10
- 1. Coin counting game
- 2. Magnetic fishing game
- 3. Songs about numbers
- 4. Get active while counting
- 5. Speech Blubs’ “Numbers and Me” section
Math is all around us and from the moment children start exploring the world, they are learning. Whether they are identifying shapes, recognizing patterns, or predicting events, these are all mathematical concepts that develop as a child ages. But, at what age do children start to understand numbers?
The truth is, children will recite numbers before they actually understand the concept behind them. Though every child is different, most toddlers will be able to count to 10 by the time they are two-years-old. At this point in time they are probably repeating them mostly by memory and have yet to understand what they actually mean.
This concept is known as “rote” counting. Rote counting is when a child can say numbers in order, and is mostly learned through hearing the numbers repeatedly said out loud by others.
Do you feel like your child should be counting by now?Take this free cutting-edge 3-minute quiz. You will find out if your child is on track with his milestones and receive a free report with a personalized plan of learning. Speech Blubs is full of activities to encourage speech development!
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When rote counting to 10, children may be able to cite numbers in order or may jump from number to number randomly. The more they hear others count, the more confident they will become in reciting the proper number orders.
Note: Don’t panic if your child is not able to count to 10 by the time they are 2-years-old. This is the average age that children learn to count, but is by no means definitive.
All children learn at their own pace and some will learn more quickly than others. You can help your child learn numbers by working with them on a regular basis and engaging in toddler math activities.
When Do Children Understand Basic Math Concepts?We mentioned above that even though most toddlers can cite their numbers by 2, they don’t necessarily understand the concept behind them.
Children don’t actually start to understand the concepts of counting until between 2-4 years of age.
The first sign that your child is starting to understand the concept behind numbers is with a skill known as one-to-one correspondence. You will often see this during playtime. One-to-one correspondence is when children start to group objects, pointing to each one as they count them. Again, this math skill is often learned by copying others.
The next stage is understanding what these numbers represent. For example, if you count “one,” “two,” “three” cars, then there are three cars total in that group.
Once children start to understand this concept, the next stage is pairing numbers with their written numerals. Most children can start to understand this pairing by their preschool years, or 3-4 years of age.
Other mathematical concepts that are usually developed by the preschool years include the ability to recognize shapes, use classifications
(height, size, etc. ), use spatial awareness for puzzles, and start predicting cause and effect relationships.
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9 Early Math Games for Kids Learning to Count to 10
Here are some early math games for kids that you can do with your toddler to help them learn numbers and to count to 10:
Coin counting gameIf you give a toddler a beautiful toy, what will they want to play with? A box. This is because toddlers love “real-life” toys and often prefer them to plastic kids’ toys.
With a toddler, things like boxes, pots, and pans, and money will attract more attention than any toddler toy – so why not utilize this to your advantage?
To encourage counting for preschoolers, let them count coins. At the same time, you can work on sorting the coins by size and on learning the different values of the coins. Each of these are mathematical concepts that will develop over time, but that you can encourage by practicing regularly.
You can purchase magnetic fishing games at almost any store that sells children’s toys.
These games are exactly what you would think they are – children use a magnetic pole to go “fishing” for magnetic fish.
Encourage your child to count the number of fish as they catch them. Not only will this encourage counting, but it will also help them with their hand-eye coordination.
3. Songs about numbersChildren love to sing and dance, and singing songs together is a great way to enhance learning. It is a perfect math game for kids, since they won’t even know they are learning! And when it comes to counting to 10, there are many songs out there that can help your child learn.
All you have to do is search YouTube for “number songs,” and you can choose from a long list of catchy tunes to help your child learn their numbers – and have a blast while doing it.
When it comes to learning, we always like to encourage you to get your children outside. And when it comes to mathematics, nature is one of the most educational places your child can be.
Why? Because there are examples of math all over – the symmetry of a snowflake, the pattern of a pinecone, the geometry of a honeycomb, the height of different trees – math is everywhere you look. Of course, you can’t expect your toddler to understand the geometry of a honeycomb, but you can encourage them to count outdoors. **You also might check out Jon Scieszka’s bestseller, The Math Curse, for a fun story about a child who encounters math in everyday activities.
Go for a walk, choose a piece of nature (i.e., a tree), and see how many you can count on your way.
Learn Numbers With Speech Blubs!
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5. Speech Blubs’ “Numbers and Me” sectionSpeech Blubs is a speech therapy app that can help toddlers and young children to work on their speech. It can be used by all children, including those at a “typical” developmental level, and those with developmental speech delays due to conditions like autism or other learning disabilities.
The NUM8ER5 AND M3 section of the app puts elementary numerical concepts on the tips of children’s tongues. It is a great early math game that you can use to teach counting to preschoolers.
Speech therapists will tell you that as children learn, the brain processes mathematical and linguistic stimulus in completely different locations of the brain. But, by doing exercises that target both of these neural centers simultaneously, you can help pave new neural networks within the brain.
When using Speech Blubs, children’s participation will be rewarded with fun facts that show how various numbers appear within the world, on our bodies, and within society in general. Regular updates of fresh and new content keep the app exciting and interesting for young ones.
Remember, however, that while the app works to help kids learn numbers and the concepts behind them, children always reap the most benefits when their parents participate. In return, it’s important that you make time to laugh along, mimic the speech models with your child, and extend the ideas on the app into the real world so that they can gain more context.
The more time you spend doing toddler activities and using the Speech Blubs app with your child, the more benefits they will receive from it.
Teach numbers with Speech Blubs! Our fun section, NUM8ERS & M3 will help your toddler learn counting and develop his number sense in no time!

Draw numbers from 1 to 10 on large pieces of paper. Tape them on the objects around the playroom or in your living room. For example, one can be on a chair, two can be on the couch, three in the corner, four on the wall, five at the window, etc. When you shout out a number, your child has to go to that number and point to any object they represent! If they struggle you can give them clues. This activity is best for kids aged 3 or 4 when they have already learned the numbers by rote. It is also fun physical activity if you tell them they have to be as fast as possible or if you have more kids in the room who can compete to arrive first at the right number.
Find more ideas in this video about Number Recognition Preschool Activities:
Watch this video for more educational math activities for preschoolers!7.

For this one, you need masking tape. Tape the shape of a number on a big piece of paper and ask your little one to trace them with colored pencils or sharpies. Besides the number writing practice, this activity is also great for working on their fine motor skills! If they like it, it can keep them occupied while you take some time off, prepare a meal, etc.
8. Sort the Colorful Mini Pom-Poms
Take an egg carton, and write a number in each of the egg compartments. Color each with a specific color. Now find objects to fit in the egg compartment that are the same color. This can be paper clips or small fluffy pom-poms you can get in the dollar store. Now match the number of pom-poms with the number and color in an egg compartment. For example, 1 yellow pom-pom, 2 red pom-poms, 3 green pom-poms, etc. Give your toddler the exact number of pom-poms for each color! Mix them up, and ask your child to sort them. They will be sorting for hours, learning colors and numbers at the same time.
9. Count with Legos
If you have Legos or any other toy building bricks at home, you can simply count them and learn numbers. Write numbers from one to 10 on a piece of paper. Below each number write a square or a box. Ask your child to put one Lego brick in the box under the number one, two under the number two, three under the number three, and so on. This will teach your child to compare what is less and what is more. You can also ask them: “Is one less than two? If I have two lego bricks, do I have more than one?” Don’t be too bothered with right or wrong answers (you can model to them what is right), the point is to just get them familiar with comparisons.
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40 Awesome Number Activities for Preschoolers
You are here: Home / Activities / Learning / Math & 123s / 40+ Awesome Number Activities for Preschoolers
16 Dec
Math & 123s
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Number activities for preschoolers don't have to be boring and just worksheets, make them fun so your preschooler will love math!
I love math. I’m a nerd, yes. But I love anything to do with numbers.
I really do hope I can pass this along to my kids by making learning activities about numbers and counting fun for them and not a chore.
As I’m typing this, Henry’s shouting excitedly as he’s counting how many things on his sprayer…though I’m not really sure what he’s counting exactly. He made it to 39 though!
Because I’m a huge math nerd I searched for easy and fun number activities for preschoolers.
My Favorite 40+ Number Activities for Preschoolers!
Try these activities to help preschoolers learn their ABCs!
Recognizing Numbers Activities for Preschoolers
Identifying numbers can be a learning experience for preschoolers (and younger!). Many of the ABC recognition activities can also be adjusted for numbers.
My kids love these 12 number activities for preschoolers to recognize numbers.
- Turn a number into sensory art – perfect for the 100th day of school!
- Go on a hunt for numbers and match it with the same number!
- Follow a number from start to finish in a maze.
- Trace numbers, really big!
- Little Family Fun created a parking lot with numbers.
- Pop! Find the number and pop it!
- Find and match playing cards.
- Have target practice with water balloons and numbers, like Motherhood on a Dime
- Make art! Do this paint by number canvas art.
- Use stickers and printable number cards to play hide and seek, from Teach Mama.
- Draw and paint over numbers with q-tips, like Toddler at Play!
- Clip and match with giant numbers from You’ve Got This Math!
Activities for Number Recognition
Counting Activities for Preschoolers
Learning there’s a sequence to the numbers and what comes next. Try these 18 number activities to help preschoolers learn to count.
- Connect the dots! A simple past-time activity that reinforces the order of numbers.
- Upcycle a box into a puzzle of numbers!
- Create a maze of numbers to drive through. Can they count their way to the end?
- Stacking up boxes and counting how high you can go!
- Make a craft together with multiple pieces.
Have your child do the counting!
- Count cars of a particular color while on the road, or semis, or vans, whatever suits their interest!
- Create a learning game with your ABC mat and number blocks. Choose a number block and pound the corresponding times with a hammer on the corresponding number mat!
- Let your child run an experiment and measure how much something holds! How many cups fit?
- Make puzzles with a picture. Label sections of the puzzle in numerical order. Cut apart and have your child put it back together again, from Growing in PreK.
- Use friendly animal crackers to practice counting and number recognition, like I Can Teach My Child.
- Measure objects (or yourself!) and count how big they are, from The Imagination Tree
- Count objects around the house. No Time For Flash Cards wants to know “How many doors do you have?”
- Play any board game, or make your own! Little Family Fun creates a fish race game!
- Count with LEGO! Do Play Learn likes to label a paper with numbers and count out the LEGO next to it.
- Snack time! Use dice and fruit snacks and play until you eat them all up, like Kids Activities Blog.
- Have a bean bag toss on the stairs, number them!
- new
- new
Counting Activities for Preschoolers
One to One Correspondence Activities for Preschoolers
Knowing your numbers is one thing and knowing how to count is another. But being able to put them into context that they each have meaning is done with one to one correspondence.
Get ready for preschool with 35 name activities!
I love these 12 number activities that help a preschool practice one to one correspondence.
- Head out into nature and explore flowers. Count and compare flower petals!
- Go on a hunt for a number and match it to its corresponding dots.
- Build towers of blocks on a number mat, with the correct number of blocks high!
- Spark your child’s interest with their interests! A farming approach of loading grain bins with the corresponding number of pieces of “grain.
- Have a newspaper throwing game and count up the newspaper balls, or how many you make, or miss!
- Make something in the kitchen together, or do an experiment and let your child measure out and do the counting.
- Sort through objects by color, and count how many you have of each!
- Fill a dump truck with objects (like Dominoes!) and count how many you can fit in there, like Inspiration Laboratories.
- Estimate first for some fun and then count item, from Teach Preschool.
- Have a counting race in the front yard and pick dandelions in the process!
- Roll a die (or two!) and practice one to one correspondence as kids build towers with blocks.
- Use a dice and small objects (like pom poms or corn kernels) and count them and fill up a tray.
One to One Number Activities for Preschoolers
Counting and number books that will get preschoolers excited about numbers:
- The Baker’s Dozen: A Counting Book
- I Spy Numbers
- One Big Building: A Counting Book About Construction (Know Your Numbers)
Do you actively work on numbers and counting with your child? Share your favorite activities!
About Jamie Reimer
Jamie learned to be a hands on mom by creating activities, crafts and art projects for her three boys to do. Jamie needed the creative outlet that activities provided to get through the early years of parenting with a smile! Follow Jamie on Pinterest and Instagram!
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Copybook number 2 for preschoolers (print copybook for children for free) | learning to write the number 2
Starting from the age of 3-4, children master the first copybooks and writing numbers. The number 2 is one of the most difficult for kids. You need to learn to write 2 gradually. Children will need a single lesson for this beautiful figure.
We have prepared different recipes for the number 2 for children from 3 to 7 years old. Copybooks “learn to write” dotted, in a cage, with tasks and exercises, combined copybooks of several numbers - 1.2 or 2.3, etc. nine0003
Learning to write the number 2. Copybook
While you are learning to write, you can learn the rhyme about the number 2. So the lesson will be more fun!
And this is the number two.
Admire what it is like:
The deuce arches its neck,
Dragging its tail behind it.
Dva looks like a caterpillar
With a long neck,
With a thin beak.
Recipe by dots. Learning to write the number 2
- Dotted copybook. Learning to write the number 2
- Dotted copybook. Learning to write the number 2
- Recipe by dots. Learning to write the number 2
- Dotted copybook. Learning to write the number 2
- Dotted copybook. Learning to write the number 2
- Dotted copybook. Learning to write the number 2
To learn how to write the number 2 better, use 3 writing methods:
a) Write the number on the blackboard.
b) The letter of the figure "in the air".
c) A letter according to the model on a piece of paper - our recipes. nine0003
Recipe in a cage for preschoolers.

- Recipe in a cage for preschoolers. Learning to write the number 2 with children
- Recipe in a cage for preschoolers. Learning to write the number 2 with children
- Recipe in a cage for preschoolers. Learning to write the number 2 with children
Write the number 2 with tasks for children. Learning to write the number 2
- Recipe in a cage for preschoolers. Learning to write the number 2 with children
- Checkered copybook for preschoolers. Learning to write the number 2 with children
- Recipe in a cage for preschoolers. Learning to write the number 2 with children
Questions that will help children remember and understand the number 2:
- Guys, let's remember what is the second day of the week? (Tuesday)
- What is the second month of the year? (February)
- Which of you guys has a birthday this month?
- Guys, what holiday does the whole country celebrate this month? (February 23)
- Guys, let me give you riddles, and you will try to guess them.
- Now look at yourself and find out what you have one by one and what you have two each?
Copy numbers 1 and 2. Learning to write with kids
Lesson type : learning new material
Purpose : Introduction to and the number 2 .
Tasks :
Give initial information about number and digit 2 , introduce the formation of number 2 ;
Learn to correlate number , number and quantity , determine the composition of the number
Repeat geometric figures : circle, square, triangle, rectangle.
Practice counting by ear, touch, counting movements.
To develop attention, thinking, memory, observation, ingenuity, oral speech, general and fine motor skills of students.
To cultivate a culture of academic work, to broaden one's horizons.
Equipment : cards with numbers , counting material, sample digit 2 , squirrel, mushrooms, task cards, cereal bowls, emoticons "suns and clouds" , house - composition number , geometric shapes, notebook, workbook.
Course of the lesson:
1. Psychological attitude of children to the upcoming work.
one two three : listen and see
three two times : we will start now
The sun has risen for a long time,
Looked into our window,
Urging us to the lesson -
Mathematics now.
2. Updating of basic knowledge. nine0003
1. Mental count
1) Let's count from 1 to 10
2) Count : 1r : 3 to 6
2p : 4 to 8
3r : 2 to 7
3) Ball game :
I say and throw the ball , you call the next number . For example : number 5 - next 6 .
4)Now I will count and skip one number , and you listen carefully. nine0003
What number did I miss ? (5.2)
Logic puzzles :
Who swims faster - a duck or a chicken?
Who will reach the flower faster - a butterfly or a caterpillar?
Two fish were flying over the forest. One landed. How many flew away
Who will moo louder - a rooster or a cow?
Dasha's grandmother has a granddaughter Masha, cat Fluff, dog Druzhok. How many grandchildren does the grandmother have?
There are 2 apples and 3 pears on the table. How many vegetables are on the table? nine0003
(none because apples and pears are fruits)
Continue the phrase :
If the pine is higher than the birch, then the birch.
If the belt is wider than the belt, then the belt…
If the watermelon is heavier than the melon, then the melon.
2. Working with geometric material
We need to unravel one secret - guess which of the figures is superfluous.
Guys, what geometric shapes do you see? Are there similar figures here? Compare them and tell me how they are similar, what do they have in common? nine0003
(comparison by shape, color, size)
How do the figures differ? What figure do you think is missing? (circle - no corners) . Into what groups can we divide the figures?
- What digit Did you learn in the last lesson? (one)
And let's tell a poem about number one .
Here is one, or one -
Very thin, like a knitting needle.
3. Lesson problem
What do you think, which one digit we will study today? (Topic lesson : « Number and digit 2 » )
4. Learning new material. Acquaintance with the number and the number 2
Well done! But today we will get acquainted with the new number and the number 2 .
Guess the riddle :
Who deftly jumps under the tree
And flies up to the oaks.
Who hides nuts in a hollow,
Dry mushrooms for the winter
Children : Squirrel
The squirrel had one fungus and then found another fungus.
How many mushrooms? (Two)
Place number 2 .
What place of numbers is number 2 ?
How much is the number 2 is greater than the previous number 1 ?
Sample response : number 2 is in second place; it is more than the previous number 1 by 1
Game “Bows”.
There are bows on your table.
Take the white bow in your right hand and the blue one in your left. Lift the bows up, hide behind your back, stretch forward.
How many bows are in the right hand? One.
How many in the left hand? One. Take the bows in one hand.
How many bows are there? One and one is two.
How many bows do you have? Two. Hide 1 bow. How many bows are left? One. Show bows again. How many bows do you have? nine0003
The number two is represented by the number 2
Oh, guys, who is that floating on the lake?
Children. Swans.
How beautiful and important they are
The swan is a proud bird. The body is elongated, the neck is long, the beak is medium, red. Lives in swamps and lakes. Nests nest on land in the reeds. Swans are white and black in color. They feed on green grass, leaves and stems of plants. What do they remind us of?
Children. Digit 2 .
Important head, long neck, arched body. nine0003
What does look like the number 2 ?
Children recite poetry
2 looks like a caterpillar
With a long beak, thin neck (showing the picture)
What a wonder! What a become!
Two to match.
Arched Swan neck,
You won't find another one like it!
- Number two - horse - marvel .
Rushing, waving his mane.
(I. Blyumkin)
Which of you has seen 9 before0125 number 2 ? Where? (house number, coin, textbook page, on a ruler)
Now let's play with you (element of physical education) .
You put your heads on your hands and close your eyes. And in silence, think that we have 2 each.
While the children are thinking, the teacher comes and gently strokes everyone's head, transferring his warmth to them, inviting them to him.
I have a surprise for you. Open your eyes.
In front of you are plates of cereals. What color are the plates, cereals? nine0003
Who knows the name of this cereal?
A surprise is hidden in the semolina. Find it, but look carefully so that the grits do not crumble.
What did you find?
This is digit 2
Children, why do we have two each. (Eyes, ears, arms, legs, eyebrows, cheeks)
What else can you call number 2 (pair) A pair of skis, a pair of boots, skate socks. These are paired items and are rarely used singly
Put number in front of you
Let's take the invisible magic pencil (finger pinch) . We will write the number two in the air .
To write the number , you need to caress the swan.
How does your mother caress you? (stroking the head) .
Let's stroke the swan. Let's put a point where the swan's beak is. We lead the magic pencil up, round it, down to the corner we stopped, and to the right. Let's take one more time. Well done. Now let's try to write digit 2 in plates for grits. First, flatten the semolina with the palm of your hand.
Prepare a pencil finger. (letter in the air)
What a beautiful number you got . (2 times) . Well done.
5. Primary consolidation of what has been learned
Finger gymnastics
Now take pencils and circle the number 2 . on the leaves.
Let's do a physics minute.
I invite you all to circle
You are my friend and I am your friend.
Take a friend by the hand,
Quickly lead him into the circle!
Two claps above the head,
Two claps in front of you.
Let's hide two hands behind our backs
And let's jump on two legs.
6. Independent work
Finding number 2 among other numbers . (Work on cards) .
- Sat straight down : straight back, legs together.
(Work on cards) .
Find all digits 2 and circle with red pencil (comparison with the standard)
Well done and coped with this task.
7. Secondary consolidation of what has been learned. Work in the textbook
"Draw and color"
How many hares 2, and leaves 2, you need to draw carrots.
How many carrots will you draw? (2)
Now take your pencils and circle number 2 on leaflets .
Count out 4 sticks. Lay out the number 2 from sticks
8. Total. Game Claps
Show cards with numbers 1 , 2, 1,2,2,
You must clap as many times as indicates
What digit met today (two)
Two is one and one more )
9. Reflection.
Glue the sun on the board if you got a charge of good mood during the lesson and learned something new during the lesson.
Well, stick a cloud if you didn't like the lesson, if your mood worsened. (Children glue) .
Our lesson has come to an end. Thanks to all! I wanted you to remember this lesson. I'll end with this song. (sounds Clara Rumyantseva “Song about figures » )
Chuksina Irina Vladimirovna
MADOU Kindergarten "Mashenka" Tambov region, p.Stroitel
Knowledge. Formation of elementary mathematical representations. Lesson summary Topic: "Number 2"
Program content:
Introduce children to the number 2.
Strengthen counting skills.
To consolidate knowledge about geometric shapes.
Learn to understand the learning task and perform it independently.
Develop thinking, fine motor skills
Tasks :
Educational :
Consolidate knowledge of geometric shapes;
Learn to solve problems for intelligence;
Educational :
Develop logical thinking. Ingenuity, imagination;
Develop coherent speech, memory, attention.
Educational :
To cultivate curiosity, activity, purposefulness,
to cultivate perseverance, the ability to work in a team.
Demonstration material: number "2", subject pictures, magnetic board.
Handout: notebooks or sheets of paper, pens, cash registers of numbers or fans of "numbers", colored pencils, sheets of cardboard, plasticine.
Lesson progress:
Invite the children to guess the riddle:
How many ears on the top of the head,
How many legs a half-frog has,
How many mustaches a catfish has
The planet has poles,
How many halves in total,
In a pair of brand new boots,
And the front paws of a lion
Only a number knows. ..
That's right guys, that's number two. Let's look at it
But this is the number two .
Look how it is:
Arches two neck,
Tail dragging behind her.
Didactic exercise "Trace and color the number"
Children trace the number with a pen and fill it in with colored pencil.
Physical education "Pinocchio" - Movements in the text of the poem.
Pinocchio stretched,
Bending down once, bending down twice,
Spread his hands to the sides_
Apparently, he did not find the key.
To get the key for us,
We have to stand on our toes
Didactic game "Funny tasks".
A puppy is sitting on the porch,
Warming his fluffy side.
Another one came running
And sat down next to him. nine0003
( How many puppies were there?)
Masha has one pencil,
Grisha has one pencil.
How many pencils
Do both babies have?
Invite the children to color the correct number of crayons on the prepared material.
Dynamic pause "Soldiers"
Stay on one leg,
As if you are a steadfast soldier.
Left leg - to the chest,
Yes, look - do not fall ...
And now stay on the right,
If you are a brave soldier.
And now stay on the left,
If you are a brave soldier.
Time - get up, stretch.
Two - bend, straighten.
Three - three claps of hands,
Three nods of the head.
Four - arms wider.
Five - wave your hands.
Six - sit quietly in your seat.
Didactic exercise "Geometric shapes"
Here are fidgety figures,
They like to play hide and seek.
So let's get them guys,
Let's look for them with our eyes. nine0003
Look left, look right,
Look? Where is the circle?
And we found you.
There he is, dear friend.
Let's take a look to the left.
What's in there? Where is the square
Do not leave you prankster,
From the inquisitive eyes of the guys.
Let's move our eyes down,
We'll find a triangle there.
This is a triangle.
Where is the rectangle?
Look in your notebook and find these figures in them.
How many figures are there in total?
Which pattern is first?
Color the square yellow. nine0012 Which figure is next? What is her account? Second.
Color the circle red.
Which figure is next? What is her account? Third.
Color the triangle blue.
Which figure is next? What is her account? Fourth.
Color the rectangle in any color you like.
Warm-up for fingers "counting with a shoe"
One time! Two! Three! Four!
I am jumping along the path.
One time! Two! Three! Four!
I'm learning to skip a slipper.
One time! Two! Three! Four!
Broken heel.
One time! Two! Three! Four!
Slipper lost.
Children, the name of which fairy tale reminds us of the number c that we met today.
That's right, "Two Greedy Little Bears". Reading a fairy tale.
Lesson "Number and number 2"
On the board: numbers from 0 to 10 (up to 20 is possible)
On the tables: cups with colored and pencils, cards with numbers. nine0003
Hello guys! (sit down 1 minute)
The sun has risen for a long time,
Looked into our window,
Urging us to the lesson -
Zanimatika now.
Direct and reverse counting. (1 minute)
Guys, let's count to 20 and back. (we count with children from 0 to 20, pointing to the numbers on the board with a pointer).
And now that you have remembered the order of the numbers on the number line, take the cards and get ready for our warm-up. (lay out the cards on the tables from 0 to 9).
(While the children are opening the cards, you can mark them).
Math warm-up. (2-3 minutes).
(the teacher asks questions, the children show the answer with a card).
Show number 2, 5, 8…
Show the number that comes before 4, 7.
Show the number after 8, 6.
Show neighbors of number 3 (answers 2 and 4), neighbors of number 6 (answers 5 and 7).
Well done guys! Let's remove the cards. nine0003
(To make it faster I start the countdown: from 10 to 0)
Checking homework (1 minute)
Guys, tell me what did you learn at the last lesson??? (number 1)
Do you also have homework? Show how you tried, open notebooks (we put down a seal).
Well done, you did a great job at home..
Card work: (3 minutes)
And now we will get to know each other, and someone will repeat and practice writing the number 2 beautifully. Look at how this number is written: (write the number two on the board, saying “from top to bottom”). nine0003
I will give you cards now, you find the largest number two, and color it.
Look, you have a number line on your card from 1 to 10. Let's circle the number two. Color in the cells with numbers - the neighbors of the number two. (number 1 and number 3).
Guys, find the circles and fill in the first one with any color. How many more circles do you need to fill in to make two? (One) . Okay, let's paint the second one. So 1+1=2. (Write an example on the board.)
In order for us to get beautiful twos, let's circle the figures in the cells, as well as the shovels and buckets. (any color). nine0003
Warm-up (any warm-up 1-2 minutes)
We write the number 2 (5-7 minutes)
Well done guys! Have a rest? Let's see again how to write the number two correctly (we show on the board and say a rhyme).
Guys, we have some time, let's write down all the deuces in your cards, whoever has three lines will earn a sticker. Who will be the first?
We look at who works, how we help, we see that everyone works. Attach stickers. nine0003
Talking about homework (on the back of the card) (2 minutes)
At home, you will need to find all the cells where the number two is written correctly!
Find the correct number, fill in the box. When you find everything you will get some kind of drawing.
3. Final reflection. (before the call)
Where do we see the number 2? (Number, on the clock, the second month of February, the second day of the week?)
Raise two hands, two fingers. nine0003
What number did we meet?
How many objects are indicated by this number?
Well done!
When you begin to study the number 2 with your child, try to draw his attention to this material as unexpectedly as possible . For this purpose, we recommend that you use riddles, proverbs, sayings, tongue twisters, poems . Presentation, photo numbers with pictures are perfect. All of these manuals and materials can be downloaded from the website. They will certainly become excellent assistants for teachers who go to a math lesson in grade 1. nine0003
Roman numerals
Beautiful photos of the number 2
Mathematics and speech development
By studying the number 2, you can simultaneously develop children's speech. To this end, in between tasks, offer them tongue twisters, poems, riddles, proverbs and sayings.
Tongue twisters will help not only to consolidate the material, but also to develop a clear speech. In Russian, there are tongue twisters in which numbers are actively involved. They can also be downloaded from the website. nine0003
Proverbs and sayings are instructive genres of folklore. Use them in interesting stories involving the number 2 as the lesson progresses. Also, proverbs and sayings will be a great addition to an open lesson.
Use verses to develop speech and consolidate the learned material. You can take for example or other modern authors. On our site you will find a selection of poems, the character of which is the number 2.
Riddles will help develop ingenuity and ingenuity. Riddles are built on the basis of the description of the subject so that the other person can guess from the description what it is about. On our site you will find a selection of riddles in which the number 2 is encrypted.
For the development of creative thinking, the question will not be superfluous: what does the number 2 look like. Do not prompt yourself: let the guys think what it looks like. Perhaps the figure will look like a hook, like a swan with its neck bent. Such an exercise perfectly develops imagination. As homework, you can also ask the question: what does the number look like.
Visual aids
Visual aids in the process of learning the number 2 can be a presentation, photo, coloring, copybook, picture.