Letter b sesame
Did the Beatles Sue Sesame Street Over the Song 'Letter B'?
By Brian Cronin
In the latest TV Legends Revealed, find out whether Sesame Street was actually sued by the Beatles over a parody of the song, "Let it Be."
TV URBAN LEGEND: The Beatles sued Sesame Street over a parody of "Let It Be" called "Letter B."
It has been nearly thirty years since the Supreme Court made their ruling in 1994's Campbell v. Acuff-Rose Music, Inc., where Luther Campbell of the rap group, 2 Live Crew, was sued by the owners of the rights to Roy Orbison's "Oh, Pretty Woman" after Campbell initially requested a license to do a parody of the song and when they turned him down, 2 Live Crew release their parody rap song, "Pretty Woman," anyways and it was a big hit. The case came down to the determination of whether the parody was "fair use" or not.
The section of the Copyright Act that deals with fair use states:
Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 106 and 106A, the fair use of a copyrighted work, including such use by reproduction in copies or phonorecords or by any other means specified by that section, for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copyright. In determining whether the use made of a work in any particular case is a fair use the factors to be considered shall include—
(1) the purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of a commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes;
(2) the nature of the copyrighted work;
(3) the amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole; and
(4) the effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work.
The Supreme Court ultimately determined that commercial parodies COULD be considered fair use, even if they do use the so-called "heart" of the original song (in this instance, the chorus as well as the famous bass riff that opens the song), so long as the rest of the parody substantially alters the original song, arguing that parodies inherently HAVE to sound like the original for the parody to have any force.
The fascinating thing, though, is that the Court expressly explained that it was NOT saying that ALL parodies are considered fair use, but rather that it should be determined on a case by case basis, but this was still huge, as up until this case, recorded parodies were an extremely grey area (this is why Weird Al Yankovic has always made sure to acquire permission from each of the artists that he parodies BEFORE he parodies them and if they say no, he doesn't do the parody. He believes that he HAS the legal right to the parodies even with out their permission, but he just doesn't want to risk a lawsuit).
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The Supreme Court had previously ruled that written parodies of songs were protected as fair use, but recorded parodies were typically judged by whether they included the "heart" of the original song. Campbell v. Acuff-Rose Music, Inc. changed that. That, though, was over a decade after Sesame Street found itself also being sued for a song parody!
In 1979, Sesame Street aired a parody of The Beatles' hit song, "Let It Be," as a song by The Beetles called "Letter B," with lyrics and music by Christopher Cerf (a longtime Sesame Street employee who did more than 300 songs for the show, mostly parodies of contemporary songs). The lead vocals for the song was by Richard Hunt (the voice of Scooter, Beaker, Janice, Statler and Sweetums on The Muppet Show).
The song continued to air on occasion and in 1983, it appeared on the Sesame Street parody song album, Born to Add...
That same year, Northern Songs, the owner of the Beatles' publishing rights, sued The Children's Television Workshop (CTW), the makers of Sesame Street, for $5.5 million over the song.
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It is important to note, though, that the Beatles, by 1983, did not actually OWN Northern Songs. The company had been formed in 1963 by John Lennon, Paul McCartney, Brian Epstein and music publisher Dick James, with Lennon and McCartney owning 20% of the company each, Epstein owning 10% and James 50% (it was so early in their careers that Lennon and McCartney never questioned whether it was a good deal). In 1965, the company went public, by which point Lennon and McCartney owned about 8% each and James owned about 37%. In 1969, James abruptly sold his shares (and thus control of the company) to Lew Grade's Associated Television (ATV). Lennon and McCartney tried to buy out ATV for the rest of the year but when it became clear that they were not going to succeed, each man just sold their shares. In 1982, Robert Holmes à Court (Australia's first billionaire) purchased Associated Communications Corporation (ACC), the parent company of ATV.
So it was Holmes à Court who sued The Children's Television Workshop. Luckily for the CTW, Holmes à Court purchased ACC with the intent to flip ATV Music and in 1985, he sold the company to Michael Jackson (who amusingly had been turned on to the idea of buying the publishing rights to songs by none other than Paul McCartney). Jackson had no interest in continuing the lawsuit, so he was willing to settle for just a $50 fine and rather than continue the litigation any further, CTW agreed to settle. Cerf himself paid the fine out of his own pocket, later noting that he figured if he wrote a check to Michael Jackson for $50, Jackson would have to sign it to endorse it and then he would have Michael Jackson's autograph, which would be worth the $50 (Jackson, though, used a stamp instead).
The legend is...
STATUS: Technically False (because the Beatles didn't actually sue them. Cerf later noted that McCartney actually told him once that he rather enjoyed the song), but the Lawsuit itself is True
EDTIED TO ADD: Sesame Street's position here regarding parody law makes its Amicus brief filed in support of Dr. Seuss Enterprises' lawsuit against ComicMix over a Star Trek/Dr. Seuss parody book all the more galling, since the same parody laws that you would think would protect Sesame Street should have protected ComicMix. .
Thanks to Tony Sokol's informative article on the lawsuit at Den of Geek.
Be sure to check out my archive of TV Legends Revealed for more urban legends about the world of TV.
Feel free (heck, I implore you!) to write in with your suggestions for future installments! My e-mail address is [email protected].
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Did The Beatles Really Sue Sesame Street?
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- Did The Beatles Really Sue Sesame Street?
Sesame Street learned a valuable lesson when The Beatles tried to take back the Letter B but it barely cost a thing.
By Tony Sokol | |
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Photo: Children's Television Workshop/The BeatlesLet It Be—the 1970 film, album, and song—celebrates its 50th anniversary this year, and it will be accompanied by a frenzy of new and remastered material. Not only will the original film be presented in a new pristine cut, but Peter Jackson will use the same restorative magic he used on the film They Shall Not Grow Old on 55 hours of never-released Beatles footage for a new take on their cinematic swan song. The band who taught the world about group unity presented a cautionary tale on the way out. The Beatles were always educational, expanding the music theory of rock and roll, and Let It Be was a lesson on how a rock group said goodbye. Such lessons were never lost on the upstart educational series Sesame Street. Chris Cerf, who produced the show’s music and wrote the parody “Letter B,” remembers the impact the song had on him, and its distinction in the history of the educational series.
“I remember the first time I heard it, I was sitting in a car and I went wild,” Cerf tells Den of Geek. But it brings immediate memories of another Beatles parody he wrote. They are indelibly linked in the recollection. “It’s been a long time now, but I remember thinking the first time I heard ‘Hey Jude’ that not only was it incredibly original but that the ending would be fun to make fun of. And so the songs ‘Hey Food’ and ‘Letter B’ kind of happened on Sesame Street at the same time.”
The educational series decided to get back to musical roots by correcting the band’s spelling. They took out the “beat music” pun John Lennon put in the “crawly things” he celebrated when he named the band in tribute to Buddy Holly’s Crickets. “It happened because Tony Geiss, one of the writers here, had the idea that we could have little bugs that played guitars and they would be the Sesame Street Beetles, with a double E, and the Muppets actually built them,” Cert tells us.
You can’t spell the Beatles without the letter B, and you can’t launch a group without the right song. The Beatles passed on the first song George Martin offered them which went on to be a hit for Gerry and the Pacemakers. “Tony wrote a song, I think it was called ‘Thinking of You,’ that the Beetles play. I said, ‘Oh boy, we could do something else with them.’ I remembered I had to write a song about B one time as an assignment, and ‘Let It Be’/’Letter B’ was just too good a pun to pass up.”
Cerf, who was a contributing editor at National Lampoon from its first issue, wrote song parodies for National Lampoon Radio Hour. For Sesame Street, he scholastically spoofed Billy Idol with the song “The Rebel L,” and the Rolling Stones with “(I Can’t Get No) Cooperation. ” Cerf also jammed with broken heroes when Sesame Street’s “Bruce Stringbean and the S. Street Band” performed his “Born to Add,” a parody of Bruce Springsteen’s “Born to Run.” But two of his songs were not like the others.
“Letter B” and “Hey Food” were the “one time in the whole history of all the years we did parodies that anyone tried to sue over it,” Cerf says. “It was not the Beatles that sued us, but rather Northern Songs.”
The story of the Beatles’ song ownership is legendary in rock music deals on par with Colonel Parker‘s usurious contractual hold over Elvis Presley. Suffice it to say those “funny papers” Paul McCartney sang about on Abbey Road were problematic. The Beatles only owned a percentage of the songs they wrote, the majority went to their publishing company Northern Songs, founded by the band, their manager and music publisher Dick James in 1963.
In 1983, when the song was performed on Sesame Street, Northern Songs was run by entrepreneur Robert Holmes à Court, Australia’s first billionaire. “They were worried that if we could do what we did on Sesame, then advertisers could use Beatle-like songs without paying for them,” Cerf explains. “That was the main reason they went after us.”
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The $5.5 million suit against the nonprofit group Children’s Television Workshop would have made Sesame Street a dead end. But copyright laws are a two-way street. “It’s fair use to do a parody, so the suit didn’t have a great chance,” Cerf says. Two years before “Letter B” aired, Paul McCartney and Yoko Ono tried to buy the rights to the Beatles songbook. The attempt suffered the same fate as similar attempts in 1967, after Brian Epstein died, and 1969 when James and his partner sold their shares to Britain’s Associated Television, without warning the songwriters. “I’m sick to death of being fucked about by men in suits sitting on their fat arses in the city,” Lennon complained in the middle of negotiations, according to Solid State: The Story of “Abbey Road” and the End of the Beatles by Kenneth Womack.
After the deal fell through, McCartney passed on the lessons he learned to a collaborator who would prove to be an education to the legal minds on Sesame Street. “We were winning the lawsuit as it was,” Cerf remembers. “But luckily for us, Michael Jackson bought the entire catalog and he thought the lawsuit was ridiculous.” Before he was the King of Pop, Jackson performed with Oscar the Grouch on the Oct. 24, 1978, Sesame Street Christmas special, and came back bearing gifts. “He settled the entire suit for $50.”
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Cerf personally paid the settlement, thinking he might get something out of the investment. “The humor for me was that I had to write out a check to Michael Jackson for $50 and I figured I would come out ahead because he would endorse the check and then I could sell the autograph for more than $50,” Cerf admits. “But unfortunately he used a rubber stamp, so that didn’t work out. ”
If Cerf truly was an autograph hound, he would have had plenty of opportunities. From their first guests Pete Seeger and Don McLean, the series attracted big stars and crossed musical boundaries. Over the years they’ve hosted Gwen Stefani, Ray Charles, Beyoncé, Tony Bennett, Janelle Monáe, Katy Perry, Bruno Mars, and Smokey Robinson. Stevie Wonder performed a frighteningly inspired rendition of “Superstition” in 1973. Lena Horne sang “Bein’ Green” to Kermit in 1976.
“It’s staggering if you’re a music freak like I am,” Cerf says. “I got to meet people that I just idolized. What I began to learn over time, some of those people were just as excited to be on Sesame Street as I was that they were there. When R.E.M came on the show, they stayed all day. They wanted to keep working on the piece to make it better and better. They wanted to be in other pieces. It turned out that Michael Stipe loved Sesame Street. When Melissa Etheridge came on, she wanted to sit in Big Bird’s nest just so she could. ”
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Warner Music Group’s Arts Music has a deep catalog of Sesame Street recordings across digital streaming and download platforms. They also have brand-new compilation titles on CD and vinyl formats. Let that be a lesson to you.
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Tags: MusicSesame StreetThe Beatles
Tony Sokol | @tsokol
Culture Editor Tony Sokol is a writer, playwright and musician. He contributed to Altvariety, Chiseler, Smashpipe, and other magazines. He is the TV Editor at Entertainment…
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composition, useful and harmful properties, types of sesame
Sesame - its second name is sesame, is an annual or perennial plant. Sesame seeds ripen in its pods. They can be of different colors: from snow-white to deep black.
Growth history and species
Sesame seeds have been used since antiquity. They were used as a medicine in Ancient Rome, Greece, China, Babylon. Even in Holy Scripture, the properties of sesame oil were mentioned. Avicenna was the first to describe in his writings about the healing qualities of sesame and sesame oil. Now it is grown for export in India, Central Asia, Transcaucasia and the Far East. nine0003
Sesame seeds come in several varieties: yellow, white, brown, black. More common are seeds of white and black shades. White seeds are used in cooking and can be heat treated. Black seeds are more fragrant, they are most often used fresh.
Since sesame seeds belong to oilseed types of products, they contain about 60% vegetable fats, including oleic, linoleic, palmitic, stearic, lignoceric acids. These substances regulate the work of all body processes. nine0003
Sesame seeds are rich in vitamins and minerals:
- calcium;
- magnesium;
- phosphorus;
- iron;
- zinc;
- B vitamins;
- vitamin A;
- vitamin C;
- vitamin E;
- vitamin PP.
Sesame also contains organic acids: phytin, thiamine, beta-sitosterol and lecithin.
Interesting fact ! Of the entire composition, calcium predominates in its quantity. 100 g of sesame seeds contain 783 mg of calcium, which is the daily requirement for an adult. nine0049
Useful properties
Sesame has many healing properties that are widely used for medicinal purposes, especially valuable sesame oil made from seeds. It is used in cooking, medicine and cosmetic industry.
To get all the necessary nutrients from sesame, it must be taken after it has been infused in water. Roasted and added to the dish, the seeds will serve only as a fragrant seasoning.
Sesame contains sesamin, which has strong antioxidant properties that relieve coughs and the development of bronchial diseases. The use of sesame seeds is a good protection and prevention of cancerous growths. nine0003
The presence of phytin in sesame helps to restore the mineral balance in the body. Thiamine regulates metabolism and stabilizes the functions of the nervous system.
Sesame significantly strengthens hair and nails, favorably affects the composition of the blood and stimulates human growth cells due to the presence of riboflavin.
A large amount of calcium contained in miraculous seeds prevents the development of osteoporosis. The properties of sesame help to quickly build muscle mass and strengthen it. And also regular consumption of sesame seeds will relieve excess weight. nine0003
Note! Women over the age of 45 are especially useful to consume sesame seeds, the presence of phytoestrogen in them can replace the female sex hormone.
Sesame oil has no less useful qualities. Due to the ability of the oil to accelerate blood clotting, it is used in the manufacture of ointments, patches, emulsions.
Sesame oil is used as a laxative and as a treatment for hemorrhoids.
It is also widely used in cosmetology. Thanks to its moisturizing and softening properties, the oil well stimulates skin regeneration, relieves irritation, and activates protective properties. It can be used for make-up removal and for massages.
Harmful properties and restrictions on use
Sesame is contraindicated for people with poor blood clotting and kidney problems. Sesame can have a negative effect on the gastric mucosa, it is not recommended to take it for diseases of the gastric tract. nine0003
Taking seeds on an empty stomach can lead to nausea and thirst, to avoid this, it is better to eat roasted seeds with honey.
Do not use sesame oil with oxalic acid and aspirin, when combined, calcium forms harmful deposits in the kidneys.
Individual intolerance will also be the reason for the exclusion of sesame from the diet.
Caution! Pregnant women should be very careful when taking sesame seeds, in cases of unlimited intake of seeds, the body may provoke a miscarriage or a child will be born with hypocalcemia.
Sesame seeds will bring great benefits if used properly. The daily norm is two to three teaspoons.
How to prepare and consume
Sesame seeds are used in the preparation of:
- sweets;
- halvah;
- goats;
- marmalades;
- tahini paste;
- in various types of baking;
- as salad dressings.
Roasting seeds without oil, stirring for 1-2 minutes, enhances their nutty flavor. They are widely used in oriental and Asian spices. nine0003
Sesame goes well with beef, rice, breadcrumbs when frying chicken and fish.
In Japan and China, sesame seeds are sprinkled on salads and vegetable dishes. In Korea, sesame salt is very popular - a mixture of ground seeds and salt.
Kefir and sesame milk made from sesame will be a great addition to breakfast.
How to choose and store
Good sesame seeds are dry and crumbly. Also, a sign of quality will be the absence of bitterness. It is better to purchase them in a transparent container. nine0003
Peeled raw seeds do not need to be stored for a long time, after one or two months they will become rancid. To avoid bitterness, sesame seeds are best stored in the refrigerator or freezer. They will retain their properties for up to 12 months. In a dark, dry place, the shelf life of sesame seeds will be about three months.
Cold-pressed sesame oil can be stored for years without losing its beneficial properties and does not deteriorate even under hot conditions.
Sesame seeds dessert 5 letters crossword puzzle. Sesame dessert
The ingredients for this salad are very simple. Hard-boiled chicken eggs. Cooking potatoes in uniform. Cook beets until soft. We clean the herring from the skin, get rid of the bones and cut into cubes.
Step 1.
Move on to the holiday salad layers. We peel the potatoes and grate them on a medium grater, lay them on the bottom of a deep and wide plate. Lubricate with a layer of mayonnaise. Salt to taste, you can add a pinch of freshly ground pepper. The first layer is ready!!! nine0003
The next layer is herring. When there is not much time and guests are on the doorstep, then you can take pieces of herring from a jar. Such pieces are boneless, they can simply be cut into cubes. But still, the whole herring tastes different from the one in the jar, so the salad, for my taste, is more pleasant with it. But you will have to tinker with a whole herring more. It is important to get rid of all dense bones. So, put the herring on the potato and grease the layer with mayonnaise. The second layer is ready! nine0003
The third step in my salad is the onion. Grind the onion into a cube and spread the third layer on the herring. Since the layer is thin with mayonnaise, we do not cover the onion. The third layer is ready!!!
Step 4
The main ingredient that is important in this salad is grated sour cucumbers. Necessarily sour, they give the salad an unforgettable taste. We rub them on a fine grater, squeeze the juice and put them on the onion. Distribute on a plate, cover with mayonnaise. The fourth layer is ready!!! nine0147
Step 5
The next layer is chopped eggs. It is important to cook them hard boiled. You can grind arbitrarily, and you can finely chop, and crush with a fork. I rubbed them on a grater. Spread a layer, lightly salt, cover with mayonnaise. The fifth layer is ready!!!
Boil beets until tender. We clean and grind on a coarse grater. Completely cover the salad with beets and mayonnaise. For quick cooking, I rub the beets and add mayonnaise to it, then grease the top of the salad with the mixture. So he does not need to soak for a long time and you can eat immediately after cooking. But such a salad is fast and the taste still changes than the one that stands overnight and is saturated with all the juices. nine0147
Dear readers in the previous post you met, and in fact he is the king of calcium. It seems that we all perfectly understand that calcium is the main building material of our teeth, bones and nails, but we forget that our body is not yet a bottomless warehouse of useful elements, and that it definitely needs to replenish its “treasury” for normal healthy life. .
Just imagine - one cigarette smoked a day kills the daily dose of calcium in the body. And if you calculate how much he smokes a day of these cigarettes? It's just mind-boggling. This also applies to the use of alcohol, other intoxications and bad habits. nine0003
There are many possible reasons why the body is able to lose calcium and other useful trace elements, but do we also replenish these reserves daily? Of course not. Therefore, in this article, let's look at what sesame recipes can be prepared. for our health, to be tasty and healthy!
I want to note right away that when roasting seeds, the benefits of sesame seeds are partially reduced, so my advice is not to overcook them when cooking. Also, one should not forget that the seeds should be stored in the refrigerator, and no more than 2 months, since then they already begin to taste bitter. nine0003
To prolong the life of the nutrients in sesame, sesame oil can help. Unlike olive oil, it tastes very pleasant and tasty. In no case should you fry on it, but it will be better and more useful to add it to various salads and sauces. In its composition, sesame oil contains not only calcium, but also zinc, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, vitamins E and B. Containing antioxidants in sesame oil, it can be stored for up to 9 years.
Since sesame oil can be used everywhere in cosmetics, medicine and cooking, let's cook it at home. nine0003
How to prepare sesame oil at home?
The easiest way is to buy sesame oil, but you can make your own. Let's look at several cooking methods:
- By heating and squeezing oil from sesame seeds. This oil is of higher quality.
- Heat the sesame seeds a little until golden brown in a pan, then grind (I do this in a blender).
Put the crushed seeds back into the pan, pour vegetable oil so that they are completely covered. Heat the mixture for approximately 5 minutes. Then pour into a jar and insist for a day. Strain. nine0018
Store sesame oil in a dark, cool place.
In the following video you will learn about the beneficial qualities of sesame and the properties of sesame oil:
Health benefits of sesame
For colds
- Method 1: Rub your back, feet, chest (excluding the heart area) with warm sesame oil, put on warm pajamas and go to bed. The expectorant effect will be observed in the morning.
- Method 2: mix sesame seeds with honey and eat a spoonful very often, even every hour. nine0018
Mix 1 finely grated raw potato with a spoonful of sesame oil or crushed seeds, heat in a water bath and put warm as a compress on the chest and back, cover with a film, wrap. You need to keep such a compress for at least 8 hours. Helps with cough of various pathogenesis, that is, with colds, allergic, inflammatory (pneumonia) manifestations.
For angina
Take 3 tablespoons of sesame seed oil in a glass of water and gargle as often as possible. Although the pain recedes almost instantly, it is necessary to rinse until complete recovery. nine0003
For a cold
3 drops of oil should be instilled into each nasal passage.
Otitis media
For an adult, instill a few drops into both ears every 3 hours; for children, make a compress from a cloth soaked in oil, on top of which a layer of cotton is placed for insulation, after oilcloth and fixed with a scarf.
For mastopathy
Grind sesame seeds and, after mixing with vegetable oil until a mushy state, apply as a compress to the chest. nine0003
Anti-aging recipe
Mix a teaspoon each of ground ginger, powdered sugar and a tablespoon of sesame seeds. Eat a teaspoon of the mixture daily.
To strengthen teeth and gums
Rinse your mouth with sesame oil daily, keeping it in your mouth for about 5 minutes. Thus, you can get rid of caries, inflammation of the gums and their bleeding.
For complete sexual health
Mix equal parts of sesame, poppy and flax seeds and eat a spoon daily for both men and women. Moreover, this combination also acts as a fairly powerful aphrodisiac. nine0003
For diseases of the digestive system
A spoonful of sesame oil twice a day will help get rid of gastritis, stomach ulcers, constipation, although on an empty stomach it can provoke an attack of mild nausea.
In cosmetology
Basically, only sesame oil is used, since it is able to penetrate deep into the lower layers of the epidermis and heal various skin diseases. In addition, sesame oil has the ability to resist ultraviolet rays, and is widely used for burns. nine0003
- Massage - just mix sesame oil with any other oil or cream. With this use, massage warms and relaxes muscles well, heals wounds, bruises and abrasions.
- For face: refreshes and rejuvenates the skin, removes redness and inflammation, tightens pores.
- For hair: accelerates their growth, relieves dandruff, eczema, inflammation of the scalp.
Cooking uses of sesame nine0005
Sesame goes well with any other product. It is added to various pastries, bakery products, soups, cereals, salads and so on. For flavor in dishes, sesame is slightly warmed up, and in order for it to be better absorbed, it is advisable to grind it in a blender. I suggest cooking delicious recipes from sesame seeds. Especially your children will be delighted!
Banana dessert
For this dessert you will need banana, cottage cheese, honey and sesame seeds. The cooking process is incredibly simple, but the taste is simply amazing. So, cut the banana into circles and put it on a plate, put the cottage cheese rubbed through a sieve on top, mixed with honey and sprinkle it all with sesame seeds. nine0003
Of course, sesame seeds can also be pre-ground in a coffee grinder; in this form, children may like it more, because chewing sesame seeds can be problematic for children. By the way, adults will also like this dessert.
Sesame gozinaki
All children love sweets, however, store-bought sweets are not the most healthy treat for a child's body. Therefore, you can make homemade sesame gozinaki - sweets.
To prepare, you will need an equal amount of sesame seeds and honey (250 gr.), as well as a little lemon juice to your taste. Honey, stirring constantly, is heated in a water bath until a certain viscous substance is reached (about 10 minutes) and the juice of half a lemon is added. Mix honey and sesame seeds and spread on a baking sheet covered with parchment, with a layer of no more than 1.5 cm.
Put it in the oven for 20 minutes to dry and then cut into portioned pieces: rhombuses, squares, rectangles. I made it in the form of candy. You can also add some pre-steamed and chopped dried fruits (raisins, dried apricots, prunes, cherries) to kozinaki.
Winter Breeze Salad
This sweet vitamin salad will not leave anyone indifferent and is very good for an afternoon snack.
Grated carrot and apple are mixed in equal parts, pieces of grapefruit or orange are added, steamed raisins are added, seasoned with honey and sesame seeds. nine0003
Baked pumpkin
Sliced pumpkin is placed in a thick-walled saucepan and placed in the oven until fully cooked. Meanwhile, orange juice is mixed with honey and chopped sesame seeds, and this dressing is poured over the finished pumpkin. Very tasty, and most importantly - natural and healthy.
Greek salad with sesame seeds
Cut hard cheese, tomatoes, bell peppers, onions, cucumbers into cubes. Chop the basil, parsley and lettuce very finely. We mix the weight of the components and season with a mixture of olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Sprinkle the top generously with sesame seeds and olive halves. nine0003
Sesame oatmeal crackers
Can be prepared as a sweet option by adding honey, cinnamon, vanillin, etc. And you can as a snack, adding greens, curry and more. These crackers take about 20 minutes to cook.
You will need: 400 gr. oatmeal, 40 gr. sesame, 60 gr. bran, about 300 ml of water.
To begin with, the flakes, together with sesame seeds, are ground into flour in a blender or coffee grinder. Then you should mix bran with ground oatmeal and sesame seeds, add spices. Add honey to the resulting mixture (if it is a sweet option) and gradually introduce water, kneading an elastic dough. Roll out the dough as thin as possible on baking paper. Cut out crackers with a cookie cutter. Bake at a temperature of 170 gr. about 15 minutes. nine0003
Apples in caramel and sesame
It would seem that apples are a familiar and well-known product for a long time, but in fact, a very tasty dessert can be made from apples. This dessert was enjoyed by the Emperor's family in ancient China. The recipe was kept a closely guarded secret for a long time. And it's actually pretty easy to make.
We need: 2 apples, 2-4 tables. spoons of granulated sugar, fried sesame seeds (2 tablespoons), and 100 ml. water.
Wash, peel and core apples. Cut into slices one centimeter. Place well in a thick-walled pan, add water and simmer on each side for 3 minutes. Then add sugar. And make sure the apples don't burn. nine0003
Once the water has evaporated and the syrup begins to caramelize, carefully turn the apple slices over and sprinkle with sesame seeds. Then beautifully put on a saucer. I'm sure the family will be delighted with such yummy!
Sesame milk
Those who are familiar with know that an increased need for sweets tells us about a lack of calcium. Therefore, doctors and nutritionists advise using sesame milk. How to cook sesame milk, see the video:
Even in the distant Middle Ages, it was believed that a spoonful of sesame seeds eaten could prolong youth and give beauty, now this opinion is confirmed by scientific facts (studied composition and properties of sesame seeds). Therefore, it is worth listening to our ancient ancestors and including these wonderful sesame recipes in your daily diet, especially since now there will be no problems. nine0003
On this I say goodbye to you, dear readers, and I look forward to seeing you in my new articles, no less interesting and useful than this one! I will also be glad if you leave your feedback on this article, or maybe you share and offer your recipe with sesame seeds in the comments.
The history of this dessert in our family is very simple. After another visit to the dentist, my wife was advised to eat more calcium. Calcium is useful for everyone, for children and adults, for men and women. In summer, it served as a source of calcium. Now she decided to eat sesame. I see that sesame is purchased in large quantities, somehow she fumbles with it in the evenings, then eats it. Later, children joined in the process of eating. And one fine evening, going into the kitchen, I accidentally found out what kind of secret club of sesame lovers gather at our table at home. And the sesame dessert recipe turned out to be very simple, like. nine0003
Sesame Dessert Ingredients:
80-100 gr. sesame
about 50 gr. condensed milk
some pine nuts for decoration
Sesame dessert preparation:
Theoretically, sesame seeds can be roasted, but this makes the cooking process more complicated and longer. Therefore, a coffee grinder-type mill is taken, or a mill-type coffee grinder, as you like.
Sesame is crushed in small batches, 80-100 gr. crushed three times. Condensed milk is added to the chopped sesame, if there are a lot of nuts, they can be put inside. Sesame is thoroughly mixed with condensed milk. At a certain stage, it is easier to knead this dessert with your hands. nine0003
So, in the name of calcium intake and healthy teeth, in the secret club of lovers of sesame dessert, one member, in the form of me, has become more. Join and go through the initialization in your kitchen. Enjoy your meal!!!
Sesame, or sesame , came to us from ancient times. It appears in many legends and stories, and for good reason, because this product is a real storehouse of vitamins, minerals and other useful substances.
This product contains a large amount of oil, consisting of acids of organic origin, saturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids, triglycerides and glycerol esters. Also, sesame contains a powerful antioxidant sesamin, which is useful for the prevention of many diseases, including cancer, and reduces cholesterol level in the blood.
The useful composition of sesame seeds includes carbohydrates, amino acids, proteins and vitamins A, B, E, C. These seeds are rich in calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, magnesium and other mineral compounds.
It's hard not to agree that this product is necessary for a person, so "So Simple!" prepared a simple sesame dessert recipe for you. Sesame cookies are an easy-to-make and very appetizing treat!
Sesame cookies
Cookies are very tasty! While these flatbreads are still hot, they are slightly sticky and soft, and when they cool down, they become crispy. Prepare yourself such a useful and!
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