Letter d game
Letter D Games for Kids Online
Teaching the Lines and Curves of DThe uppercase letter D combines a straight line and a curve; the lowercase letter d also has a straight line and a curve, but a flipped or a mirror-image version. To teach kids the letter D, play letter D online games on SplashLearn that help develop their curiosity and build their vocabulary.
Offline, you can find many interactive letter D games. In order to help your kids write the letter D, it's crucial to determine where their writing progress has reached. If your kids are struggling with tracing, then try using powder, flour, or a sandbox where they can use their fingers to trace the letter D in. If they've moved on to using pencils, then show them images of objects associated with the letter D. This will help them learn new words and practice writing the letter D.
Why use Games for Learning Letters?Letter D online games are the best way to help your child explore the possibilities of making new words with the letter D. Talk to your kids about some words that begin with the letter D - words like donkey, dinosaur, dentist, and dragon. You could divide these words according to names, places, animals, and things, to help kids categorize the words.
Another great game to play with your kids is to practice sound recognition associated with the letter D. Read aloud words containing the letter D in the middle or end - for example, food, kinder, handyman, middle, credit, etc. Also, throw across some words that sound like they have the letter d in them; for example, words like 'then' and 'there' sound like they begin with the letter D because of the hard 'th' sound. Ask your kids to differentiate between words that have the letter D and words that don't. It will enable them to pick up on pronunciations and sound recognition quicker.
If you're looking for letter D games that enhance kids' visual skills, you could try cutting out a large letter D on a piece of paper and giving kids a magazine or newspaper. Ask them to cut out objects they can find and stick them next to the large alphabet cut-out. This exercise helps letter D games think and use their creative skills in identifying the words that begin with D.
On online platforms like SplashLearn, you can find several letter D games that help kids identify upper and lower case letters, match alphabets, and help kids associate objects with the letter D.
Is there something we missed out on? Write to us at [email protected] with your feedback and comments. We would love to hear from you and enhance the learning experience for your kids.
Frequently Asked Questions- How can kids practice the letter D?
Online letter D games for kids are very useful to help children practice the letter D. By playing these fun games, children can learn to read, write and identify the lowercase and uppercase form of the letter D.
- How to teach children about the letter D?
Letter D games are an engaging way to teach children about the letter D.
These games boost letter and sound recognition skills in children and encourage them to practice more by employing interactive learning strategies.
- How can I help my child understand the letter D?
To help your child better understand the letter D, you can read and write simple words that begin with the letter, and highlight the letter D in them using different colors. For example: dog, dance, day, etc.
- How can kids play games on the letter D?
Games on letter D can be played online using various devices such as phone, laptop, etc.
- What are some of the best fun activities on letter D for kids?
Some of the best fun activities for kids on the letter D are: tracing and coloring a dolphin and highlighting the letter D, making the letter D using cotton balls on a piece of cardboard, making a daisy on a piece of paper and writing the letter D in each petal, etc.
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Letter D Activities & Fun Ideas for Kids
You have come to the right place if you are looking for fun, engaging and exciting Letter D activities to do with toddlers, preschoolers and kindergartners. Our activities are widely used by teachers, moms, dads, child care providers etc. for learning and teaching while being fun for the kids!
All our activities are available at no cost and are free to print and share. Select below to get started.
- Letter D Arts and Crafts
- Letter D Games and Activities
- Letter D Recipes and Snacks
- Letter D Songs, Poems and Finger Plays
The Letter D
Make a large block letter D on a sheet of construction paper and have the children cut it out. Then taking pictures from magazines, have the children glue objects that begin with the letter D on the large D.
If you have a dime rubber stamp, use it to make dime prints (heads and tails) all along a letter D cut from light-colored construction paper. Invite the children to look at the dime prints and describe what is on each side (use large Dime).
Designer belts Have long rolls of paper to go around each student’s waist. Using cut out shapes, the students will follow a pattern on the belt. When completed allow the students to wear their belts.
Diamond patterns
Have children create a necklace using diamonds and straws.
Dotted D
Copy large D shapes onto construction paper. Have children use q-tips and paint to make dotted Ds.
Children decorate letter D shapes with dots made with a hole punch. Takes time, but it helps build up the strength in those little hands.
D Dinosaur
Print a large D on a piece of paper for each child. Place the papers, a capital D stamp, stamp pad, and markers at the writing center. Invite students to use the stamp and markers to turn their D into a “D dinosaur.” Have them color their dinosaurs and take them home.
Have children fold a long strip of construction paper accordion style. Ask each child to cut out D-pictures from magazines and glue them to the accordion sections. Have students design and cut out a dog’s head, feet, and tail and attach them to the paper accordion to make a D-dachshund.
Paper Dolls
Cut out and decorate paper dolls to form a multi-cultural garland, decorate with crayons, markers or paint. If done on a poster-board, decorate sections with scrap material, rickrack, buttons, yarn, etc.
Desk Organizer
Cut paper towel tubes into various lengths. Paint each tube a different color. Glue the tubes (grouped in a bunch – 4-5) to a piece of painted corrugated cardboard. Use to hold pencils, rulers, paint brushes, scissors, etc.
Dachshund Pencil Holder
For the body, remove the side of a paper towel with scissors to make sort of a well. Cover the tube and only one end with construction paper. For the head, cut a circle of paper 5″ . Cut a 1/3 wedge out of the circle. Fold the remaining 2/3 into a cone shape and tape together. Tape the head to the body. Add paper ears, draw on eyes, a mouth and a nose. For the tail, glue a piece of chenille stick to the covered end of the tube. For legs attach 4 small corks with glue.
Make an “I love Daddy” card! Simply take a piece of construction paper, bend it in half. Color (or paint) a picture of Daddy (or for Daddy–if drawing daddy is too hard!) Than, on the inside write “I love you Daddy!!” (Daddy has 3 D’s in it!!)
Dinosaur Crowns
Cut sponges into the shapes of tyrannosaurus dinosaur footprints. Fold paper towels in half and place them in shallow containers. Pour a small amount of brown tempera paint on top of each towel. Give the children crowns cut out of construction paper. Let the children cover their crown with dinosaur footprints by pressing the sponge stamps first into the paint and then onto their papers. When the paint has dried, write”tyrannosaurus (child’s name)” on the front of each crown.
Have the children cut out a circle and glue it to the center of a paper plate. Show them how to cut petals in a variety of colors and glue them around the circle to form a daises. Have the children add stems and leaves.
Ask the children to draw and color large pictures of their dads (or another important male figure in their lives). Have them tell you something special about their dads to write down on the pictures.
Drizzle Goo
1 cup flour, 1/4 cup sugar, 1/4 cup salt, 3/4 cup water, food coloring Mix all together and put in squeeze bottle. Drizzle on paper, or on a hot day – your friends!
Make a Dog Collage
Cut out pictures from magazines of dogs and glue them on a poster-board for a dog collage.
Play Pin the Tail on the Donkey.
Play dominoes.
Visit a Dentist’s Office.
Dinosaur Bones
Make some dinosaur bones out of Clay which hardens. Bury them in a sandbox and go on a dinosaur dig.
D at Home
Another fun idea is to have the children bring things from home that begin with the Letter D. Its fun to see the many different objects that the children bring.
Mystery Bag Game
(This can be done for any letter, or many other themes.) Have 2 identical bags each with a cord to close the top. Have 2 sets of identical items beginning with the letter D (ex. doll, diamond shape, rubber duck). One set of objects should be put in each bag. The child holds one bag and you hold the other. Put your hand in your bag and select an object, bring it out, say its name (doll) emphasizing the ‘d’ sound. Ask the child to put their hand in their bag and try to find the same object using only her sense of touch – not allowed to look inside.
D Math- Feeding the Dogs
Wash and dry five dog dishes or bowls. Number the dishes from 1 to 5 (may add a doggy as well) by taping numbered pieces of paper to the sides. Set out the dishes and fifteen dog biscuits. Let the children take turns identifying the numbers on the dishes and placing the appropriate number of bones in each one. Variation: Instead of dog biscuit and dog dishes, use small bone shapes cut out of brown construction paper and paper bowls.
In The Doghouse
Objective: Children will match dots/numerals to numerals.
How to play the Game: Count the spots on each Dalmatian. Match each Dalmatian to the correctly numbered Doghouse. You can trace an outline of a Dalmatian from any coloring book and add your own spots.
Putting Doggy All Together
Given a dog divided in to 5 sections numbered 0 to 4, have the children count while pointing to each number. After they have identified the numbers the dogs will be cut apart at the divisions. The head of the dog should be placed for the children as a starting point. Then have the children correctly assemble the dog in number sequence.
Double Decker
Using “Uno” cards the students will match numbers, colors, and patterns.
D’s in the Drawer
Print the letter D on an index card and attach the card to an empty drawer. Place the drawer on the floor, along with your D Display Box. Have the children sit with you in a circle. Let one child begin by taking an item from the box, naming it and then placing the item in the drawer. Continue until each child has had at least one turn.
My ___ Book
Give each student a set of the pages to the little book. Name an object and have the students find the object and put their finger on it (for all objects). Allow the students to color object. Assemble the book. Have each student read their book to the group.
Have a picture of a large dog: discuss things dogs do, parts of a dog, what dogs eat, etc. Make construction paper headbands and have the children design the ears they wish to have. Add pictures of dogs to the band. Get a hold of a local kennel club and see if they have “trade” magazines they will be discarding.
Cut large doughnut shapes (one for every two children) from different colors of construction paper. Cut each into two puzzle pieces. Mark one piece with an upper case D and the other with a lower-case D. Give each of the children a dough-nut half and have them note the colors and the letters. Then let them walk around to find the matching halves of their doughnuts. May have other halves on the floor or on the board for the students to match.
For this activity you will need a realistic picture of a dinosaur, chart paper, and a marker. Show children the picture. Say: “Pretend this dinosaur just walked into the room. Show me what you would do.”Then ask children to describe how they would feel. Say: “Let’s write a story about the day the dinosaur came to our class.” Have children dictate sentences for the story and record them on chart paper. Then read the story back to the children, tracking the words as you do so. Read the story a second time, asking children to point out words that begin like duck. Display the story where children can “read” it on their own. Suggest that interested students illustrate it.
D is for dominoes
Introduce them to the children. Make a domino matching game on paper as a learning game. You have a sheet of paper with drawn dominoes on it. Turn real dominoes upside down and let them find them!
Ducky Walk
Have children pretend to be ducks going in a walk. As they walk, instead of quacking they make the D sound.
Dandelion Walk
Walk the neighborhood looking for dandelions. When you find them, help the children to pull them up from their base, getting the roots if you can. The kids will think they are pretty and you will be “weeding” the neighborhood at the same time!
Dodge Ball Have the children form a circle facing inward. Choose two or three children to go inside the circle, the other children throw balls into the center trying to touch the inside children. If they are successful, they exchange places with the children they hit.
Dial Pad
Cut and paste a telephone dial pad and teach the kids to Dial 9-1-1 and/or their home phone numbers.
Use 1 package refrigerated biscuit dough. Punch a hole in the middle of each biscuit (a bottle cap will work). Fry in 1 inch of hot oil for about 1 minute or until light brown on both sides (fry the “holes” too). When cool, shake in a bag of cinnamon mixed with sugar, brown sugar, or powdered sugar.
Dirt Dessert
Give each child a small paper cup with 1/2 cup Vanilla Yogurt. Let them measure and crush 1/2 cup of Granola and sprinkle on top for “dirt”.
Dog (Puppy) Chow
1 stick butter
1 (12 oz.) pkg. chocolate chips
3/4 c. creamy peanut butter
1 lg. box Chex cereal
2 c. powdered sugar
Melt first 3 ingredients together. Stir in cereal. Gently mix until the cereal is well coated. In large grocery bag, place the powdered sugar. Add coated cereal. Shake until well coated and resembling puppy chow.
Donut Song
(Tune: Turkey in the Straw) (Traditional)
Oh I walked around the corner
And I walked around the block
And I walked right into a donut shop.
And I picked up a donut and I wiped off the grease,
And I handed the lady a five-cent piece.
Well she looked at the nickle
And she looked at me,
And she said, “Hey kid can’t you plainly see?
There’s a hole in the nickle,
There’s a hole right through!”
And I said, ” There’s a hole in my donut too!
Thanks for the donut! Good day!”
Dippy Donut Song
(tune: Baa Baa Black Sheep)
Yum, yum, Donuts.
Chocolate iced,
Glazed and twisted,
Warm and nice.
Cream filled, Peanuts on the top.
Long John! Jelly! I can’t stop!
Better than a sticky roll,
Eat them right down to the hole!
Nursery Rhyme
Diddle diddle Dumpling, my son John
Went to bed with his stockings on.
One shoe off and one shoe on,
Diddle diddle dumpling, my son John.
Dinosaur Poem
Dinosaurs lived long ago.
They were so big and strong, you know!
Sharp teeth and claws,
Long tails too.
Some that walked
And some that flew.
Though they don’t live here anymore,
We still adore the dinosaur!
Dear Reader: You can help us make this theme even better!
All of our theme ideas have come from our imagination and from reader submissions. Please use this form to contact us if you have crafts, activities, games, recipes, songs or poems that you would like us to add to this theme.
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Letter d tasks for schoolchildren.

Sounds [d, d , ]. Letters Dd.
Educational system: "School 2100".
Item: literacy lesson.
Grade: one.
Subject: “Sounds [d, d,]. Letters Dd.
Tutorial: R.N. Buneev, E.V. Buneeva, O.V. Pronin "My favorite ABC" Balass, Moscow, 2010.
Lesson type: rock acquaintance with new sounds and the letter of the main stage of learning to read and write.
Lesson form: Classy lesson.
Equipment: Computer, projector, screen, Microsoft Office PowerPoint presentation.
Lesson objectives
- Introduce children to voiced consonant sounds consonants [d, d , ], letters Dd.
- Learn to read syllables, words, sentences, stories with this letter.
- Continue to familiarize children with word morphemes.
- To develop students' speech based on their experience and knowledge; phonemic hearing, attention, memory, verbal-logical thinking, visual-figurative thinking, develop the ability to draw conclusions based on observations, formulate rules.
- To cultivate interest in reading, respect for the opinions of others, the ability to listen to each other.
- Perform a system of exercises aimed at relaxation.
Forms of work: Frontal, collective, individual, group, multi-level.
Methods: Visual, conversation, dialogue, practical, exercise, independent work.
Lesson progress.
I. Organizational moment.
Purpose. Prepare students for work: provide an external favorable environment for work, psychologically set the guys up for joint activities. nine0003
Guys, some guests came to our lesson. Smile at them, smile at each other, give me your smiles. Thank you. Your smiles are conducive to pleasant communication. .
Let's think about what sense organs will be useful to us today at the lesson.. And what other helpers did we talk about at the OM lesson? Prepare your ears and eyes so that in the lesson they can hear, see and remember everything. So, lesson in literacy. A lot of interesting things are waiting for you ahead. Be very careful.
II. Updating of basic knowledge. nine0003
Purpose. To ensure a high level of student involvement in learning activities at the very beginning of the lesson. The development of logical operations (tasks are selected so that children can repeat the previously studied material). Lead students to formulate the topic of the lesson.
II. Updating of basic knowledge. Warm up.
Spruce, axe, shovel, hand-
We hear sounds in every word. These sounds are different - vowels, consonants.
How to distinguish vowels from consonants? (vowels sing) nine0003
What are the consonant sounds that we have already studied. (On the board "sounds", one of them is empty)
III. Statement of the general problem.
What surprised you? (One "voice" is empty)
What questions arise? (What sound? What letter is it?) (Questions are written on the board)
Help me complete the sentences.
A picture appears on slide #1. (Other images appear with a click of the mouse.)
Here is our... (house).
Above the house... (smoke).
At the house ... (tree).
On a tree... (hollow).
At the hollow... (woodpecker).
Leads to the house... (path).
Sitting at the house ... (grandfather).
- Is it single sentences or text? Why? What is missing from the text?
- Think of a title. Repeat the entire text with the title.
- What interesting things did you notice in the text? Repeat the words you added.
- Think and decide what is the topic of our lesson, what are we going to learn today? nine0024
III. Formulation by students of the topic and objectives of the lesson.
Purpose. Independent formulation by students of the topic and objectives of the lesson (implementation of the idea of pedagogical cooperation).
On the basis of active speech-thinking activity, students participate in goal-setting. This approach creates a self-setting for students to achieve the goal of the lesson, stimulates fruitful learning activities.
So, which sound is repeated more often? (D)
So what is the topic of the lesson? (Theme on the board: Sounds {d} {d *}, letter Dd) nine0003
Why are we going to study this? (The “sound man” is not dressed: what sound is it, what letter is it designated)
What are our goals? (learn new sounds, learn to write a new letter)
IV. Assimilation of new knowledge.
Purpose. Introduce children to voiced consonant sounds [d, d , ] , letters dd.
Introduction to new sounds
Purpose. Articulation of new sounds. During analytical work, through the articulation of new sounds, observation, to realize the most important principle of the native language - attention to the matter of the language. nine0003
– What do these words have in common? (Words begin with sounds [d, d , ] .)
- Explore these sounds, what can you say about them? (Children's answers. )
Group work
- Implementation of the principle of activity.
- Formation of motivation for teaching and learning.
- General, all-encompassing control of knowledge.
- Psychological comfort in the educational team.
- Unity of education and training. nine0024
- Learning important life skills (effective communication, listening skills, understanding others' points of view, conflict resolution skills, working together to achieve a common goal).
Work is carried out in groups of permanent composition. This form contributes to the formation of positive motivation for learning cognitive activity, fosters a sense of responsibility not only for oneself, but also for one’s friend, activates learning activities, creates comfortable conditions for the development of communication skills, and increases the effectiveness of the lesson. nine0003
– And now our class will turn into a research institute. To do this, let's divide into 3 research groups.
Students sit in groups (1st row - 1st group, 2nd row - 2nd group, 3rd row - 3rd group).
- To do further work, you must follow the rules of the institute. Let's get to know them.
Children read the rules of group work in chorus: slide No. 7.
Respect your comrade.
Know how to listen to everyone.
Disagree - offer!
- The words appeared on the screen: woodpecker, house, tree, hollow. Each research group needs to analyze these four words and draw a conclusion by answering the question posed.
Task 1st research group
Make a conclusion: is the sound [d] a vowel or a consonant?
Task 2nd research group
Analyze the words: woodpecker, house, tree, hollow.
Make a conclusion: is the sound [d] voiced or deaf? nine0003
Assignment to the 3rd study group
Analyze the words: woodpecker, house, tree, hollow.
Make a conclusion: is the sound [d] in words hard or soft?
The following illustration is attached to the board with magnets. b:
- "Dress" our "sound" in the textbook on page 94.
- So, we found out that the sound [d] is a consonant, voiced, in words it can be hard and soft.
Introduction to a new letter
Purpose. To acquaint students with a graphic representation of the studied sounds. nine0003
- We've been working on some new sounds. Tell me, what are we going to get acquainted with now? (With a new letter that stands for sounds [d, d , ] .
– Who knows what the new letter is called correctly? (Children's answers.) Where is her place in the alphabet?
– Why do you think two letters are needed: uppercase and lowercase? (Student answers.)
- Let's place this letter on the ribbon of letters.
My Imagination Game
Purpose. Development of creative thinking. nine0003
– Let's imagine what the letter d looks like? (On the roof of the house, on the bell, on the chimney, ....) Here it is, blowing smoke,
The letter "D" - stove pipe. slide number 10.
So, have we answered the questions we posed at the beginning of the lesson? (Yes)
b). Game "Catch the sound".
[D] - the boys get up. [D"] - the girls get up.
Case , domino, pipe, Dima , rake , girlfriend, children , joy, carnation, Denis, arrow, health.
- Now say your first and last name to yourself. Stand up those children, there is a new sound in the name or surname. (Students with a new sound in their first or last name stand up.) nine0003
- Determine where it is: in the middle of a word, at the beginning or end of a word? (After answering the question, students sit down.)
Read the proverb about health: HEALTH IS WORTH WEALTH
How do you understand the meaning of this proverb? (Teacher's word about caring for one's health
Physical education minute
Purpose. To create elementary ideas about the basic concepts of a healthy lifestyle. Connection of the structural parts of the lesson.
VI. Primary anchoring.. Work on the textbook "My favorite ABC", p. nine4
On p. 94 three groups of exercises are given. The first group of exercises is syllables (for poor reading children), the second group is columns of words (for average reading children), and the third group is a text (for good readers).
Assignment to the 3rd group (poor reading children)
- Read the syllables.
Task for the 2nd group (for average reading children)
- Read the words in the columns.
Assignment to the 1st group (well-reading children)
– Read the sentences and think about why there is a question mark at the beginning of these sentences? Can these sentences be called text? nine0003
- Let's check how the 2nd group coped with the task, and the 1st and 3rd groups join us.
Reading syllables on a slide. Exercise "Pyramid". Slide number 5.
Vowels and consonants are friendly, together they form a syllable.
a) reading syllables
Compare the first and second lines.
Read the syllables that end in a voiced consonant sound. (3rd line) -Read the syllables that end in a voiceless consonant sound. (4th line) -Syllables DU, TU, UD, UT -complete to the word.( Orally) nine0003
b) reading columns of words If the syllables stand side by side, words are obtained.
1st column What words do you not understand?
Explanation of incomprehensible words.
LADY - 1) a woman from intelligent, wealthy circles;
2) form of courtesy;
3) playing card;
4) a woman dancing in tandem with a gentleman.
Duma - 1) thought; reflection;
2) the name of some state institutions. nine0003
Soul - 1) the inner world of a person, his consciousness.
2) Also spiritual qualities of a person, inner feeling, conscience, etc.
- Which word contains a dangerous place?
2nd column
Dol - (the same as the valley) - an elongated depression. Eg. River valley, mountainous, flat. lowland, natural depression on the ground, bottom, edge or side.
Divide the words into two groups. Which? On what basis were the words divided?
- Read a word with a small number of letters that represents a large object. Read the word in which there are more letters, and the object is small. nine0024
With the help of which part of the word such transformations took place. Let's single it out.
Read the words, changing the intonation. House - with an intonation of mystery, house - sad, dol - mockingly, valley - joyfully
3 column .
- What groups would you divide these words into. Why?
- Read the words with the root hole- , read the words with the root smoke-
- Select the root. What are such words called? (single root)
4th column nine0003
- Read the words with joy, with delight.
What can you say about these words? (they have the same root) -What is the root? Highlight the root
- - Read the words with prefixes.
Highlight them.
- What do you like to do: give gifts or receive them?
5 column .
- Which word is superfluous? Why?
- How are all the words in this column similar? (words are used in plural)
- Read the words with warmth in your heart, remembering your mother. What is the root? nine0024
Eye exercises
Purpose . Prevention of myopia.
Blink quickly, close your eyes. Sit quietly, slowly counting to five. Repeat 3 times.
c) reading text in a chain Reading text. Looking at suggestions..
As you read, underline the space between prepositions and words.
Title the text.
Why is grandfather sitting? Who is he waiting for? (A teacher's word about caring for the elderly) Creative work. nine0003
Think of a continuation of this story.
2. Reading the text of B. Khmelnitsky "Smoke". Let's look at the picture. What do you see? In what fairy tales is the stove found?
Key words on the board:
Smoke, chimney, see everything, everything, melted away.
1. Predicting the content of the text by keywords, figure, title.
2. Reading by sentence with comments.
1 offer. Imagine the smoke. (The author writes: white. Smoke means small, perhaps just born. White, small, cute ...) nine0003
2nd offer. – Did you notice that the author revived the haze? Support this with words from the text. (Looking around, he rushed off.)
3rd offer. What question do we ask the text?
- Wait, don't hurry - the trumpet began to play. Why did you start learning the trumpet? (Wise, has long lived on the roof of the house ).
4th offer. What was Smokey? (Inquisitive ).
How do we find out about this in the text? (Once, I want to see everything .)
5th offer. Why does the pipe think so? And what will Smokey answer? nine0003
6th sentence. How did Smokey answer her? Read.
- Burnt out , what does this word mean? (He said very quickly, loudly).
- What will happen to him next? Read the seventh sentence slowly.
7th offer - As called the sign that comes after the word and? (Ellipsis.)
- What is he means ? (While reading, take a long pause.)
- Read this proposal, respecting this requirement.
8th offer. What happened to Smokey? Why? nine0003
9th sentence. Consider what the trumpet might have said or thought when it saw Smoke melt.
- How does the text say this? Let's think further.
- Where do obedient children go? Could our Smoke be with them?
- What does the text teach? For what important thoughts can the text say “Thank you!” We must listen to the opinion of the elders, more experienced and wise.
15. Lesson summary. Reflection .
- What were the objectives of the lesson? Have we been able to achieve them? nine0024
- -What consonants did we meet today?
- Would you like to be like the protagonist of the story you read?
We will continue with these sounds and letters in the next lesson.
Lesson topic: sound and letter D, d.
Lesson type: Learning new material.
Targets: Getting to know the letter D, mastering the ability to characterize sounds; formation of the skill of reading words, sentences with learned letters. nine0003
Develop speech, phonemic awareness, creative imagination.
Education diligence, curiosity in the learning process.
UUD formation : regulatory - Providing students with the organization of their educational activities. Emotionally positive attitude to the lesson, creating a situation of success, trust. Isolation and awareness by students of what was learned in the lesson, awareness of the quality and level of what was learned.
p cognitive nine0409 - with independent formulation of the cognitive goal. Analysis of objects in order to highlight the features that characterize this sound.
Simulation, i.e. transformation of an object from a sensible form into a model. where the essential features of the object are highlighted. Meaningful reading.
k communicative
Cooperation with the teacher and children, expressing one's opinion, discussion.
Lesson progress
Org. Moment. nine0409
Today we have an unusual day, we have a holiday today, because guests have come to us.
Greeting guests. Children: " Good afternoon and good hour, we are very glad to see you!”
I wish you guys success. I know for sure that you will succeed, because you are the smartest and most competent students.
2 Updating knowledge.
We continue to explore the sounds and letters of the Russian alphabet.
How do sounds differ from letters? (children's answers) nine0003
Let's remember what sounds are. (reading the diagram on the board vowels-consonants, stressed-unstressed, voiced-deaf, hard-soft). In parallel, you can give differentiated work on cards (3-4 students)
Guys, I went to work today and thought what is the most expensive thing in the world? And I remembered my favorite song from the cartoon about Funtik (turn on the first verse of the song "Kindness" for listening, the verse ends with the words "... kindness is dearer to everyone")
Do you agree? nine0003
How do you understand kindness?
What kind of people do we call good? (children's answers)
I have prepared a motto for our lesson, who will help me to read it?
(reading children can read)
Friends, let's do good deeds!
- Listen carefully to him again…. What sound do you like the most? (d, d") - let's formulate the topic of our lesson together, using the words helpers (get to know ...., repeat ..., learn.) nine0412 swear
- Discovery of new knowledge.
Let's do research and find out the features of this sound.
- pronounce in chorus, determine the vowel or consonant (students prove their case) press the dimples behind the ears with your fingers and loudly pronounce the sound (D) - voiced or deaf. Analyze sound in expression good deeds - hard, soft. Say a sound to a neighbor in your ear quietly - double , unpaired. nine0035
Having finished a huge research work, let's make a conclusion: (students work in pairs, lay out sound schemes on the desks - agree, voiced, hard, soft, steam.
Catch the sound game
The letter D is among the consonants
And of course, not in vain!
There would be no D-trees,
December, rains, villages,
Good thoughts, children and childhood,
Letter D, welcome!
Boys clap if they hear a hard sound D nine0003
Girls clap when they hear a soft D sound.
Boys and girls pick up 3-4 words on their own and make a diagram of one word on the table using diagram cards. (two work at the blackboard)
Acquaintance with the letter of the consonant sound.
In writing, the sounds (d) and (d") are denoted by the letter D, and now the wise owl will tell us about it.
PHYSMINUTKA (musical, to the music of the Barbarikov song) nine0003
Working with text. The development of speech.
Text. (each student on the table)
Dima and Dasha were given a dog. They named the dog Smokey. All day the children were making a house for the dog. Smoke is happy with the new house. The children took care of the dog. Dima, Dasha and Dymok are friends now!
Text task: - Buzzing reading.
What were the names of the children in the story?
For whom did the children make the house?
Why can they be called friends? nine0003
Match the title to the text.
- Letter letter.
- In order to write down words with a consonant letter, we must learn how to write a new letter. (on the interactive whiteboard, a lowercase letter d is written with an explanation.) Work in copybooks (2-3 lines), each student evaluates his work by comparing with the sample.
The teacher reads the riddle: He comes on a winter evening Light candles on the tree. Overgrown with a gray beard, Who is this? (Father Frost) - And how to call him affectionately? (Grandpa) - Let's write down the word from dictation, put stress in the word, divide it into syllables. (mutual check) nine0003
- Reflection.
- What sound did we explore today? - What conclusions did you draw? - Who discovered something new at the lesson today? - Who was interested in the lesson?
Let's go back to the motto of our lesson ... ... read it in unison. Promise?
- In order to achieve a lot in life, you always need to follow the path of good. Students sing verse 1 of the song "By the Way of Kindness" and present commemorative medallions to the guests. The lesson is over.
Primer is the first book to start teaching literacy. We bring to your attention the best version of the online Primer in Runet. When developing the Primer, the time-tested developments of the psychological center Adalin were used. The primer contains multimedia interactive...
Primer materials Not all preschoolers are willing to study the Primer. The proposed materials contain 750 cards and forms with interesting and varied tasks. They will definitely help turn the study of the primer into an exciting activity. ...
Development of phonemic hearing In this article we will tell you about games that prepare a child for learning to read and write. We will talk about special exercises for the development of phonemic hearing in preschoolers. A preschooler with a well-developed phonemic ear will be much easier to master reading and writing ...
Letters. Exercises and games. Exercises and educational games from this section will help you repeat and consolidate the material covered in the Primer. Our educational games will allow a preschooler to memorize the image (writing) of block letters of the Russian alphabet, teach to identify sounds by ear and...
Syllables. Lessons in reading syllables There are several types of tasks and exercises in our lessons on reading syllables. In assignments and exercises for lessons, words well known to the child are used, consisting of 2-3 syllables. Syllables are made up of two letters, a vowel and a consonant. As a rule, a child does not ...
Learning to read words It is recommended to proceed to the lessons on learning to read words after classes in our Primer and on the tasks of the subsections "Games with letters", "Lessons of reading syllables". The ability to read words correctly for a child is not enough. He must understand the meaning of what he read. In the previous...
Games learning to read. Toy book If your little student already reads two- and three-syllable words more or less well, then you can move on with him to reading simple sentences. But, you must admit that it is very boring to read banal phrases like "Mom washes the frame." How to make the process of learning to read more fun?...
Reading lessons The section contains 20 computer online reading lessons. Each lesson includes 6 reading games. Part of the games is aimed at developing the general abilities necessary for the child to learn to read. Other games teach sounds, letters and syllables, help...
Games for Boys Games for Boys are available on our website ONLINE and FREE for boys, girls and kids. We have the following collections of games: Minecraft, Agario, Spinners, Simulators, Racing, Shooters, AM NUM, Subway Surfer and others. Start playing Games
Getting ready for school is not an easy task, and you should start it by learning letters with the help of the online game "Learn the letter A". As you know, the alphabet begins with the letter A, so that's what we will learn to write in the first place. Circle the green dots to learn a new letter of the alphabet
In order to properly prepare for school, you need to learn the alphabet well, and the flash game "Learning the letter B" will help you with this. The second letter of the alphabet is B, and in order to remember how it is written, you need to correctly paint over all the green dots. To consolidate the material, find all the letters B, located
The next letter that your child will get acquainted with using the online game "Learn the letter T" is the twentieth letter of the alphabet. Circle all the green dots to remember how it is spelled, and then fix the resulting material by correctly clicking on each of the letters T in the picture.
If your child has not yet mastered the letters well enough, it's time to turn on the online game "Learn the letter R", because it is what we are going to study today. On the screen you will see green dots that will help the child remember its shape. To fix the material, find the five letters P Wednesday
In order to properly prepare for school, you need to learn the alphabet well, and the flash game "Learn the letter P" will help you with this. This is a fairly common letter of the alphabet, and in order to remember how it is written, you need to correctly paint over all the green dots. To consolidate the material, find all
Learn letters. Letter "D"
Good day, my dear readers!
Today I continue, the rubric I started learn letters . Next letter "D" . Today I will not stop, where to start introducing children to the letter, the principle is the same. Here you can show your creativity, your imagination.
My goal today is to give additional material to study the letter, as always, games, poems, riddles, tongue twisters.
It would be great if you share in the comments your impressions, your findings, how you introduce letters to your kids.
Your experience will no doubt be useful to most readers. After all, if you are a creative person, then I am sure that your imagination knows no bounds. nine0003
Here you can sculpt a letter, and draw, and cut it out, and put it out of anything (threads, sticks, cereals, beans, etc.), or you can draw it yourself.
I would like to wish you only success, but the kid should be interested. If your kid is interested, then success is guaranteed to you!
But friends, don't force your child to learn letters if he doesn't want to, you'll only do harm .
And so my dear learn letters .
Letter "D"
The woodpecker lived in an empty hollow
The oak was hollowing like a chisel.
Funny poems
Do not be afraid of the doctor, children, He is the kindest in the world. I have known him for a long time: This is my mommy! In the silence of the deep sea A dolphin swims boldly. | Woodpecker's house without a porch, Dolphin's house - without doors. And we have a stove in the house, Both the chimney and the smoke above it. Woodpecker - doctor of the forest kingdom, nine0002 Woodpecker heals without medicine. |
– Give me the suitcase, kids! – Where is it? – On a stool!* * * Rain, rain, don't rain! Rain, rain, wait! | Doctor, doctor, what should we do? Should we wash our ears or not? * * * put the woodpecker to sleep In wooden bed |
Let Grandfather go home! E. D - like a factory blast furnace - nine0002 Iron melting furnace.Smoke releasing clubs, It burns day and night. V. Stepanov | .He is in bed to spite everyone Hollowed out his hollow * * *Rain, mushroom rain! Let's collect a basket - Come to us with a spoon! |
Tongue twisters
Proverbs and sayings
1. Friends are known in trouble.
2. The day is long until evening, if there is nothing to do.
3. The road to a friend's house is never long.
4. There is no good without labor.
5. Life is given for good deeds.
6. D e k Apr – th d k he h ae t , and winter at h other t .
(closed letters: d , k , h , t nine0409 )
Ladder game.
Magic chain game.
1. Change one letter in the word house :
house - tom - com - scrap - catfish;
house - dol - dog - Don;
house - smoke.
2. Change one letter in the word day :
day - shadow - stump - laziness.
3. How to turn smoke to pairs ?
Smoke ® ladies ® gift ® par.
Game “Find the word in the word”.
Pipe - daughter, fishing rod.
Diary - broom, days, appearance.
Oak – oak, side, code, dock, beech.
Drama - frame, lady, gift, glad.
Oak brava - oak, var, slave, hurrah, sconce, bar. nine0411
Game "From one word - several".
D - houseR - spring U - hoopoe F - Greedy B - can A - address | D - friendO - oneK - frame R - rainbow | D - children - unity - kind B - bucket O - clothing |
Game "Conquest of the peaks".
Sound Lost Game.
1. Mother c b glasses ( d points) went
Along the road along the village.
2. In a clearing in the spring
Grown ub ( d ub) young.
3. Sat in lo w ku (lo d ku) and - let's go!
Back and forth along the river.
Game "Tell me a word".
A thread stretches, winding among the cornfields, Through the forest, copse, without end and edge. Not to wind up into a ball. (Road.) I. Demyanov His spring and summer We saw dressed, And in the autumn with the poor thing They ripped off all the shirts. (Wood.) Who in a bright red beret, In a black satin jacket? nine0003 He does not look at me, Everything knocks, knocks, knocks. (Woodpecker) Who passes, who leaves - Everyone leads her by the hand. (Door.) Who in the days of illness is the most useful of all And cures us of all diseases? (Dr.) Silver threads They sewed the sky with the earth. (Rain.) Vieru | He makes noise in the field and in the garden, But he won’t get into the house, And I won’t go anywhere, As long as he is walking. (Rain.) S. Marshak A white pole stands on the roof And it grows higher and higher. Here he has grown to heaven - (Smoke) A friend will help us in rain and heat, Green and good - Will stretch out dozens of hands to us And thousands of hands. nine0002 (Wood.)I'm in my school bag, I'll tell you how you learn. (Diary.) Inanimate, but walking, Stationary, but leading. (Road.) Who will not leave in trouble, Will he ask too much? Without him and puppy Unbearably lonely. (Other) |
The next article in the section Learn letters The letter "E". Come visit, I'm always glad to see you. Please leave comments. I wish you success in raising and educating your children! nine0003
Learning Letters in Action!: Letter D
1. Find words starting with the letter D (from here)
2. Let's draw the letter D in the air with the little finger, now on the left palm with the index finger of the right hand, now with the eyes. You can write on semolina or groats. (idea from here)
3. What does the letter D look like?
- Give me the suitcase, kids!
Where is he? On a stool!
You can offer the child to take the letter D and circle first the part that looks like a suitcase, then the part that looks like a chair with a different color. nine0411
4a (acquaintance with the letter D - option No. 1).
Guess the riddle:
Who is wearing a bright red beret
In a black satin jacket
He does not look at me
Everything knocks, knocks, knocks.
/ Woodpecker /
4b (acquaintance with the letter D - option No. 2).
Let's build the letter D from pencils! What does the letter D look like? On house!
- Name the first sound in the word DOM = D
- Let's characterize it! = consonant voiced hard
- How many syllables are in the word DOM? = 1
DIMA lives in this house. Let's take this word!
- Name the first sound = D'.
- What is the difference between the sounds D and D'? = D' - soft
- How many syllables are there in a word? = 2
- Which syllable is stressed? = to the first
- Do you know why in the word "Dima" the letter D is capitalized, large, and in the word "house" - small? = names are written with a capital letter, as well as surnames, names of cities, rivers, countries, mountains.
The sound [Д] "lives" behind the upper teeth, and [ДЬ] - behind the lower ones.
5. In we learn to distinguish between hard and soft sounds D: The game "Who will reach the finish line first? / Who won?"
To do this, you can:
1) cut the paper into identical small squares (preferably 2 colors) OR if there are many small cars of approximately the same size OR cubes - the word with [D] is called, put in the 1st row of the cube, if - [D'], then in the 2nd. And so who won?
2) take 2 dishes - one for [D], the second - for [D']. Depending on the word heard, an object is thrown (balls, clothespins, parts from the designer, eggs from the Kinders, chestnuts) into one dish or another. nine0003
So, the words:
= oak, tree, girls, Dasha, Denis, dominoes, dinosaur, thumbnail, rain, breath, perfume
= people, fence, veranda, gardens
= rainbow, pillow, well, bucket, beds
6. The game "Extra Four" (I prepared pictures for slides) (the idea is taken here)
= kefir, melon, sour cream, butter ("extra" word - melon, because it does not apply to dairy products)
= sausages, banana, plum, apple ("extra" - sausages)
= bagel, bun, tangerine, long loaf ("extra" - tangerine)
= sausages, sausage, meat, tomato (excess - tomato)
= currants, carrots, cabbage, potatoes (excess - currant)
= strawberries, radishes, blackberries, gooseberries (excess - radishes)
-> What do the words left of each four have in common? Let's talk them out! Yes, sounds D and D'! In which words is D hard, and in which - D is soft?
7. The letter D "makes" 2 different sounds - D is hard, which is indicated in blue in writing, and Db (soft) - is indicated in green. There are several pictures on the sheet. nine0408 You need to determine where in the word the letter D is located (at the beginning, middle or end) and what it is, i. e. what color to shade cell (the idea is from here).
8. Read!
9. Let's make syllables from the letters D, A, O, U, S!
= do, dy, du, yes
Now add another letter to these syllables and we have a word!
10. Change the first sound to [D ]! You can throw the ball to each other, naming words. nine0003
11. Formation of related words (HOUSE)
- Tell me, where does the bear live? (lair)
- Squirrel? (hollow)
- Fox? (burrow)
What are dens, hollows and burrows for animals? (house)
Today we will form related words from the word HOUSE. The poem "The Dwarf and the House" will help us with this (taken from I. Lopukhina's book "550 Entertaining Exercises for the Development of Speech" - you can download it here). You can arrange the poem itself on slides in Power Point, putting the words in brackets on a separate slide and asking the child to read it. nine0003
Once upon a time there was a cheerful dwarf,
He built ... (a house) in the forest.
A smaller dwarf lived nearby,
He made ... (a house) under a bush.
The smallest dwarf
Folded under the mushroom ... (house).
Old, wise dwarf - dwarf
Built a big ... (house).
He was old and he was gray
And he was big ... (homebody).
And behind the stove, behind the chimney
Lived with a gnome ... (brownie)
Very strict, business-like,
Neat ... (domestic),
Moss, viburnum, St. John's wort -
He carried everything from the forest ... (home).
He loved yesterday's soup,
He drank only kvass ... (homemade).
I used to meet in the evening
Dwarf with his beloved ... (household) -
Watch a movie together,
Play with him ... (dominoes).
Every day dwarf neighbors
Visited grandfather ... (at home),
Everyone was greeted cordially by a dwarf,
Everyone loved this ... (house).
How many words did you get? Which word is superfluous, does not apply to the word "house"?
/You can watch the cartoon "About how the dwarf left the house..." - here/
12. The game "Who lives where"
- You can play the flash game at this link.
- You can download a printable game with "real" pictures here or here.
- I have this game.
13. We will form a smaller object from a large object, then the smallest and very large (for example, OAK - OAK OK - OAK POINTS - OAK LOOKING FOR ) - this can be done by adding different endings to the word.
At the same time we will show these items : large (OAK) - standing, hands down; a smaller object (OAK) - crouching slightly, arms forward; small object (DUBOCHEK) - squatting, hands on knees; huge (DUBISCHE) - rise, hands up.
14. How to print the letter D (here)
15a. Capital letter D (original)
15b. Capital letter D in parts (original)
15c. Letter D in words (here)
15g. Letter D in words and find 5 letters D among other letters (taken here)
15d. How to write the letter D (here)
16a. Worksheet with the letter D from the "Games for the development of speech"
16b. Worksheet from "Learning letters by playing"
16c. Worksheet with the letter D (taken from here)
17. Color in those parts of the drawing that have the letter D (here)
18. Outline neatly dotted lines - help the dolphins collect all the letters D (original here)
19. Count how many words beginning with the letter "D" are hidden in the picture (here).
20. Find items that have the sounds "D-D" in their names
dots (taken here)
23. Various words are hidden among the alphabetic text. Find them and underline them with a simple pencil, and the words with the letter D in blue. nine0407 25. Game "Let's write down the sentences!" All sentences are divided into words, and words are made up of letters. Help make sentences on the picture and count the number of words in each (taken from here).
26. Speech therapy lotto (author's development by S.V. Yakovlev - taken here (read the rules in the same place))
28. Cross out (circle) all the letters D on this page (here)
29. How many D's can you find here? (taken from here)
30. This is a letter tree. What letters grew on it? Find all the D's and circle them in green and all the T's in blue. What letters are more? (here).
31. Listen to the syllables and swap them (here)
dal-me, ro-ved, ti-de, lo-de
32. Solve examples (taken from here)
34. Massage "House" (taken here)
House needs a roof (from the middle of the forehead to the temples)
House needs walls (along the wings of the nose)
house you need windows (on cheeks)
The house needs doors (pinching lips)
Needs balconies, needs floors (rubbing ears)
Stairs, elevators are also needed (stroking the face from top to bottom)
Differentiation of sounds D/D and T/T
How can you sometimes determine which letter should be at the end: D or T? Changing the word will help us with this, for example, if we make a smaller one out of a large object.
Let's play with the letter D now - I'll throw the ball to you, and when you throw it back, say a smaller word.
Now let's take the words with the letter T at the end, so that you can see the difference.
= bow - bow
= umbrella - umbrella
= bush - bush
= bridge - bridge
= leaf - leaf
= tail - tail
= cake - cake
= salad - salad
= dressing gown - dressing gown
= bouquet - bouquet
You can also turn one object into several - then we can also see what's the letter at the end! Here are 2 cups - one for D, the other for T. I will name the words, and you distribute the buttons into their houses.
= T = bush, bridge, leaf, cake, note, company, answer, vest, cat, mouth, March
= D = horse, square, bear, swan, acorn, notebook, nail, rain
Let's play magic! Let's turn words with the sound T into words with D. door
= longing - board
= grass - firewood
= body - business
= shadow - day
== cats - codes
== rafts - fruits
== duck - fishing rod
== chair - blew
== find - find
== enter - enter
== leave - leave
Tic-tac-toe game (the idea is taken from here)
I will name the words, and you will fill the cells of the square with zeros if you hear in the word T or TH (O) and crosses if you hear the sounds D and D (X). Let's see if there is a winner.
Here is the mesh:
Words: stadium, medal, phone, rainbow, traffic light, cake, gift, money, bus.
Game "Make a proposal". Highlight the letters D and T in the words (the idea is taken here)
= Darkness, firewood, new, cuts, with an ax
= with pencils, Dasha, colored, draws
= Tyoma, to, arrived, village, grandfather, to
= to, from, theater, children, teacher, let's go
Count how many letters D and T! (taken from here)
Underline the letters T and D (taken here)
Insert words that match the meaning: (taken here)
) | |
Floating on the river_______________ | (fruits, rafts) Fairy tale "How the letters quarreled" (original) Can you imagine, Oshibicus gave the letters a potion against a cold, and added powder of discord to the potion! And all the letters quarreled! Letter C - C Tala C C V C Aunt B ° C С A, letter Sh - Sh Sh 908 SR me W letter H H it. Slipped and At the letter Zh fell and, surprisingly, a completely different letter turned out - K ! « K a K th K cunning!" she cried, trying to reattach the fallen half. Since then, the bees in our forest have stopped buzzing " Zh U- Zh U", and they began to cuckoo " K U- K U"! The letter D rushed to help her friends so fast that she lost her skateboard and turned into the letter L . And the letter D OM immediately collapsed, fell apart into small pieces - turned into L OM! We need to fix the broken letters! Take a piece of paper and a pen and "turn" the letter L into the letter D , and then the letter K to the letter F ! The good-natured letter A decided to reconcile the quarreled letters. |