Letter recognition games for kindergarten
11 Easy Letter Recognition Centers for Kindergarten
As a kindergarten teacher, you eat, breathe, and sleep letters. Learning to recognize letters is one of the most pivotal skills students learn in kindergarten. To help you freshen up your literacy centers, read on for 11 easy letter recognition activities for kindergarten.
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Letter Recognition Activities for Kindergarten
Learning to recognize letters is the most basic literacy skill in which all other literacy and reading skills are built. Put simply, it’s super important for students!
It’s important to work letter recognition activities into your daily routine. However, doing the same activities and letter recognition centers over and over will lead to boredom for your students faster than you can say “school’s out!”
Beat the boredom and master those letters with these 11 letter recognition activities for kindergarten.
#1. Alphabet Tic-Tac-Toe
For this center activity, pair students up into partners. Give each pair a basic tic-tac-toe board or draw one on a whiteboard.
You can prep mini tic-tac-toe boards by folding a piece of card stock into fourths and creating a board on each fourth. Laminate and cut them apart to use time and again.
Each partner will be assigned a letter to mark their spaces. Each time they lay their magnetic letter or write it with dry-erase marker, they must say the letter name. Play continues until the first student gets 3 in a row to win.
You can also have students use the same letter, with one student being uppercase and the other student being lowercase.
#2. Letter Match
This letter recognition activity for kindergarten is a great letter recognition and team building center. To play, mix up uppercase and lowercase letter tiles or letter cards and place them in a pile.
Have students work together in a small group to match the uppercase and lowercase letters together. To take it a step further, challenge students to place the uppercase and lowercase letter matches in order from A-Z.
#3. Hidden Letters
Hide magnetic letters in a tub of sensory materials such as cereal, rice, noodles, etc. Give students a pair of jumbo tweezers and have them take turns grabbing a hidden letter with the tweezers, identifying the letter, and saying the letter name aloud.
This letter recognition center is perfect for incorporating fine motor skills and sensory learning into the day.
#4. Heads Up
For this center, students will play with a partner. Each pair will need a whiteboard and dry-erase marker. The first student will write a letter on the whiteboard without showing their partner.
They’ll pass the whiteboard to their partner, without the partner looking at the letter.
The partner will hold the whiteboard up to their forehead, facing their partner.
The student that wrote the letter will give hints about the letter to their partner until the partner guesses the letter. Hints can be about the shape of the letter, whether it’s a vowel or consonant, if someone’s name begins with it, or a beginning sound word clue.
After the student has made 5 guesses or guessed correctly, the letter will be revealed and then the next student will choose the letter and give hints to play another round.
#5. Letter Toss
For this letter recognition activity for kindergarten, use a dry-erase cube to write letters on all sides. Students will take turns rolling the cube, saying the letter, and writing it on a whiteboard in both uppercase a lowercase. Play continues to the next student.
To focus on only one letter at a time, you can write the same letter in uppercase and lowercase on the cube and have students identify the letter and whether it is uppercase or lowercase before they write it.
You can also use color-coded letter cards and corresponding recording sheets like the ones found in this roll and color activity.
#6. Find the Letter
This easy letter recognition center will be a blast for your students and help them think on their feet. To play, spread magnetic letters or letter cards out on a table or on the floor.
Call out a letter and have students race to find it in the pile. The first student to find it gets to keep the letter. The student with the most letters at the end wins. You can also have students take turns finding the letters instead of racing to find them.
This would make a great small group game. Follow it up with an independent practice activity where students work on finding letters and reading left to right with individual find the letter activity pages.
#7. Magazine Hunt
Choose a few letters that you want your students to work on. Divide a large piece of chart paper into that number of sections and label the top of each section with a letter, written in both uppercase and lowercase.
Give one piece of chart paper to each small group of 4-5 students. Supply students with magazines, scissors, and glue. To practice, students will look through the magazines, cut out letters that match one of the sections on the chart paper, and glue them in the appropriate section.
To save yourself prep time, you can make one chart paper and have all students rotate to this letter recognition center to work together to fill it up. Next time you use the center, you can use a new chart paper with new letters.
#8. Sticker Letters
Write an uppercase and lowercase letter pair in large letters on a piece of white paper. Make copies for each student. Students will practice forming the letters by using small stickers to place on top of the letters.
This is great for fine motor practice as they practice peeling off each sticker and sticking it to the letter. If they finish early they can rainbow write the letter on the back of the page or draw pictures that start with that letter, working on beginning letter sounds.
#9. Clip and Match
To prepare this activity, write different sets of uppercase and lowercase letters on sentence strips. Write the letter 3 times on each strip. For example, one strip may have B, B, B and another may have b, b, b.
Mix up the sentence strips and provide students with clothespins. Students will work to find an uppercase and lowercase sentence strip that match and clothespin them together.
For extra fine motor practice, they can clip over top of each letter, using 3 clothespins per match and saying the letter each time they clip.
#10. Spoon Match Up
This easy, DIY letter recognition center requires nothing more than a set of white plastic spoons, a set of clear plastic spoons, and a permanent marker.
To prep, write one letter on the top of a white plastic spoon and the corresponding uppercase/lowercase letter on the bottom of a clear plastic spoon with a permanent marker.
Continue until all letters have been written on both sets of spoons. You can prep letters A-Z and use them all or sort them into smaller groups of letters to focus on fewer letters at a time.
Mix up the spoons and have students find the matching white and clear spoons and put them together so they can see both letters and make a match.
#11. Click and Listen Boom Cards
This letter recognition center for kindergarten would be perfect for an independent center or technology center. These Click and Listen Letter Identification Boom Cards provide students with an interactive way to practice hearing the letter sound and choosing the corresponding letter.
There are 2 decks for letter identification and 2 decks for letter sound identification included, giving students ample opportunities to practice. These are self-checking, have audio directions and letter names or sounds depending on the deck, and require no prep.
I hope these 11 letter recognition center ideas have given you some inspiration to try something new with your students to practice learning letters.
If you would love even more letter recognition activities for kindergarten, check out my Endless Letters and Letter Sounds Bundle. This bundle is always growing and getting new activities added to it, so you’ll never run out of fun ways to practice!
Post Tags: #alphabet#centers#DIY centers#letter recognition#literacy centers
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10 Simple Letter Recognition Activities for Kindergarten
One thing I distinctly remember from when I was a Kindergartener, was playing with the alphabet magnets on a magnetic easel. When I was in Kindergarten, most of what I learned throughout the year was letters and their sounds through lots of letter recognition activities. These days, most Kindergarteners come in knowing all their letters and the majority of their sounds. This doesn't mean we don't have to worry about letter recognition! It's important to continually teach the letters and their sounds to start building their fluency and prepare them for the first steps of learning how to read.
Teachers are usually split on how to teach letter recognition and sounds in Kindergarten. Some prefer to focus on one letter per week, teach the sound, as well as focus on other phonics skills. Many curriculums are laid out this way. Other teachers prefer the “boot camp” style- teaching one letter per day for the first 26 days of school. It really depends on your school and class with how you teach letters. I prefer to do a week or two of just letter recognition, then three to four weeks of focusing on letter sounds, each day focusing on one to two sounds. There is no “right” or “wrong” way to teach letters and sounds, just as long as you spend time reviewing and practicing them. Today, I'm sharing 10 simple letter recognition activities for Kindergarten with you!
1. Pocket Chart Games
If you have a pocket chart and some alphabet flashcards, you're in luck! There are plenty of ways to practice naming letters with a pocket chart. You could play memory, where students have to match the uppercase to the lowercase letter. You can hide an object behind a flashcard and have students try to find it, by saying the letter name of each card. Another idea is to use letter cards to spell the names of our classmates.
2. Play Dough Letters
Fine motor skills are SO important to continue to develop in Kindergarten. Playdough is undoubtedly my favorite way to add in a little fine motor practice plus it's fun! Have students roll out the play dough like a snake to make different letters. You can display the letter on the board, or use a playdough mat like this one found here: Phonics Play Dough Mats.
3. “I'm thinking of a letter…”
This guessing game is a fun way to practice the various attributes of a letter! Your students will try to guess what letter you are thinking of by giving them clues, and then letting them guess. For example, “I'm thinking of a letter that is a vowel. It looks the same both uppercase and lowercase. It does not have straight lines.” And you may have guessed I was thinking of the letter O!

Using stamps, letter magnets, or even a pencil, have students sort letters by their different attributes, by vowels and consonants, or if it's in the students' name. You can grab this freebie here: Free Alphabet Sorting Mats.
5. Play a song
Did you know that songs help kids learn? Hearing that rhythm and rhyme helps skills stick in their brains longer. Think about how you get those songs stuck in your head, even from 10 years ago! You can find a whole playlist of songs to practice letters here.
6. Letter Crafts
This makes an adorable book that students can take home once they are finished! We did these letter crafts as part of our Fun Friday centers every week. At the beginning of the year, I did a lot of modeling and we did the first few together. After a few letters, they were able to do it just by looking at the picture sample.
7. Read a book
Reading is one of the best ways to add in some variety to your phonics lessons! Grab an alphabet book and have students go on a letter book hunt while you read. Pause when you come to a letter and have the students shout it out.
Check out my post on books that teach letter recognition and sounds here.
8. Letter Hunt
Use what's already in your classroom to go on a letter hunt! Have students pick a letter card out of a basket and go “hunt” for that letter. They can find it on a poster, book cover, friend's name, anywhere! Once they find one, they stop where they're at until all friends have found a letter.
9. Write and Wipe
Give each of your students a whiteboard and dry erase marker. Call out a letter and have students write it on their board and hold it up to show you. You can quickly check and see how your students know each specific letter.
10. Shaving cream letters
Squirt a little bit of shaving cream on each student's desk and have them practice writing letters! You can call the letter out to write or write it on the board and have them copy it. Bonus: this makes your classroom smell amazing and cleans the desks!
More Letter Recognition Activities for Kindergarten
If you're looking for a simple, all in one guide to teaching Letter Recognition and Sounds, check out the Kindergarten Phonics Curriculum Unit 1: Letter Recognition and Sounds. This includes a six-week unit overview, phonemic awareness warm-ups, detailed lesson plans, center activities like the play dough mat above, worksheets, and more!
What letter recognition activities for Kindergarten would you add to this list?
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Outdoor games for children's playground
1. Running at speed or with obstacles
How to play: running aimlessly from one post to another child will quickly get bored, but if you enter different levels, you can play endlessly. First round: run the section as usual. Second: back forward, looking back. Third: jump on one leg. Fourth: jump as a frog and so on.
Run with your child, pretending to overtake, and score points for each victory. At the end, decide the winner together. Have your child come up with different levels together.
Why it's good: children are good at activities that change the details (the way they run) but keep the structure (the path). So they can confidently complete the task, but not get bored of the monotony.
Playhub is a playground built taking into account the physical and psychological development of the child. In the photo, the playhub in the residential complex "Salaryevo Park" from the developer PIK Use the elements of the playground to create entire obstacle courses. Invite the child to run to the hill, then go along the bridge, and at the end - slide down the pipe. When developing playgrounds for the Salaryevo Park residential complex, the designers took this opportunity into account and made all the elements interactive and abstract: any part of the playground can be used as fantasy dictates. Thanks to this, it will be possible to come up with something new all the time.
2. Repeat Movement
How to play: you name and show the movement, and the child must repeat it. Start simple: say and show the same thing. "Raise your right hand" with the right hand raised. When the child succeeds several times, start to confuse: at the “Bend the left leg” command, bend the right one or do any other movement. Then switch roles.
Why it is useful: the child develops visual and auditory perception, trains the ability to imitate, learns about his body and its functions. The ability to repeat movements helps you learn new things faster, and it is also responsible for the same part of the brain as empathy - the ability to empathize, so you develop it too.
3. "Witch names a color"
How to play: The witch is the host. When he says "The witch calls the color ... yellow", the child must find an object of this color nearby, run to it and touch it. If the Witch catches the baby before it can touch the object, it is his turn to lead. The witch can be replaced by Baba Yaga, Troll or any other character from your favorite books and cartoons.
Why it is useful: the child learns to be attentive and complete the task in a limited time. Color recognition games help him see the world around him in a more orderly and understandable way.
Playhub in Salaryevo Park residential complexIf the playground is decorated too colorfully, it can stimulate the child's nervous system and prevent him from concentrating. For children, playgrounds in neutral natural shades with individual color accents and a variety of textures are more suitable.
4. "How Animals Move"
How to play: the host calls the animal, and the player must imitate how it moves and what sounds it makes. Change roles so that the child can either give the task, or perform it. In the second round, add dynamics - a game of catch-up. Before the start, each participant names an animal for the other. Let's say a child crab-like runs away from an adult who pretends to be a cow, and other funny combinations.
Why it is useful: develops imagination and artistry, teaches to overcome constraint. Again, imitation is involved, but this time the child does not just repeat the movements of the adult, but uses his mental images.
Calm games for all places
5. “I’m looking for, I want to find, I want to find”
How to play: letter ... "D". The player must look around and name objects starting with that letter in the line of sight. For example, “Is this a house?”, “Is this a tree?”, “Is this a kindergarten?”. When he guesses correctly, he will become the leader.
Why it is useful: the child learns to parse words into letters. At the same time, he must carefully analyze the environment and pronounce the names of objects to himself - this is an excellent training in concentration on the task.
6. "Listen and Say"
How to play: invite the child to close his eyes, listen to the surrounding sounds and describe what he hears - the rustle of leaves, people talking, the noise of a passing car, the singing of birds. Help your child to formulate sentences in full: "I hear that somewhere in the distance children are laughing and playing." If the child likes the task, you can invite him to write a short story at home about what he heard.
Why it's good: the baby learns to analyze his feelings and put them into words. This skill is very useful in school when writing essays and for formulating thoughts in general.
7. "In words"
How to play: there are many variations that can be changed when the child is bored or has already said all the words he knows. The classic scenario: you say a word, and the baby says a new word with the last letter. "Winter" - "Watermelon" - "Zoo" - "Cat" and so on.
Alternatively, you can list the names of the animals one by one without referring to the last letter. "Cheetah" - "Zebra" - "Dog". Or try limiting the subject group, such as naming only mammals or only marines. Animals can be replaced with plants, fish, dinosaurs, or anything else your child is interested in.
Why is it useful: the baby trains two types of memory at once. Long-term - remembering the words that he knows, and short-term - keeping in mind what has already been named during the game.
8. "What clouds look like"
How to play: when you walk in cloudy weather, dream together. What do the clouds above you look like? Invite the child to tell what they remind him, show their individual parts, write a story.
Why it is useful: Imagination and imaginative thinking develops. The ability to think creatively and abstractly is a skill that helps a child find extraordinary solutions, invent new things and be more confident in communication.
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100% guarantee|interactive tables | Choice | Crimea
Diagonal 24” (61cm), powerful computer (Windows + Android at the same time), connection of a "flash drive", an interactive whiteboard, a projector. Everything is set up at once boxes! Educational and game applications in Russian. Any color of your choice! Production Russia.
Full description
Production Since 2011, Mironika Group has been developing and producing durable and reliable interactive tables for kindergarten and elementary school.
Each the model is the result of the work of competent engineers, communication with teachers several cities and a full-fledged educational product that meets modern high requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.
B tables use a new generation sensor, similar to what we see in mobile phones and tablets. The key feature is independence from sunlight, dust and mechanical damage, unlike widespread infrared (IR) technology. The table does not have a screen recess relative to the countertop itself, so there is simply nowhere for dust to accumulate, and the surface is always clean and beautiful.
Angle The screen tilt is changed by a wireless remote control, which guarantees safety for children and allows you to work at the table both sitting and standing.
Over 80 presets gaming and educational applications are aimed at learning letters, numbers, shapes, colors, mindfulness development, study of time, seasons, music…
Yes additional sets of programs for a speech therapist, and sets of developing programs supplied separately.
B the price includes reliable packaging that ensures integrity during delivery to any corner of Russia and the CIS. Received a declaration of conformity of the Customs Union.
Brand | |
Screen size | 24" (61 cm) |
Built-in computer | Yes |
Variable screen angle | Yes |
Connectors for connection | USB, VGA, HDMI, LAN, Audio miniJack |
Dimensions | 640 * 440 * 560 mm |
Weight | 36 kg |
Over 80 pre-installed apps:
Each interactive table supports both Windows and Android apps.
At the end you will find a brief description of additional software packages that can be purchased separately or received as a discount or gift during regular promotions!
Part 1: Android Shell
To access applications, you need to launch the Android program by clicking on this icon on the desktop (usually on the left next to the Recycle Bin and My Computer).
The game shell will start, exiting it requires entering a pin code - 3103.
1. Letters, syllables, reading for children.
An educational application for children that will introduce the child to letters and syllables, help in learning to read, teach how to form words from syllables, and also how to write letters.
This is both a primer and an alphabet, and an interesting children's game. The application has recommendations on how to use it more conveniently, so that it becomes not only entertaining, but also educational.
The application consists of three blocks:
- Letters
We study the letters of the Russian alphabet. A sound (not a letter) is pronounced. Games in this category help children remember names, appearance and spelling of letters. Many different games are available: puzzles, dot-by-dot writing, various finds. To prepare the child for composing syllables, in one of the games we divide the sounds into vowels and consonants.
- Syllables
Compose simple syllables. Children in the game are given the opportunity to construct simple syllables from vowels and consonants and hear how they are read. This is a very important exercise, since the path from knowing the letters to the ability to put them into syllables, and then into words, can be quite long and not easy. In the game, the child can remember what the whole syllable looks like and understand how it is obtained from letters. There are also games to search for syllables and to compose a called syllable. And the most interesting task is to match the word shown in the picture with the syllable with which this word begins.
- Words
Games with words made up of simple syllables. First, we read what is written and find a suitable picture. And then we make a word from syllables.
The application has several levels, as it will be difficult for children who are not familiar with letters to immediately remember all the letters and syllables that can be made from them.
2. Gingerbread Man and Miracle Stove.
Children's interactive educational game, made in a kind fairy-tale style that kids love so much. Bright and colorful images and a large number of animations will certainly please the child.
Kolobok is a character from a favorite Russian folk tale. In the game, he learns to cook dishes according to recipes, and the player must help him with this. Cooking in a miracle oven is not only exciting, but also informative. Playing "Kolobok and the Miracle Stove", the child learns to classify and generalize, develops memory and attentiveness, and also gets acquainted with Russian traditions.
In the miracle oven you can cook fish soup, pancakes, pies, cook berry juice, and if you put everything edible together, you can cook hodgepodge. And of course, for lovers of sweets for dessert, you can cook a delicious cake and decorate it to your taste. And don't forget to pet the cat!
In order to play "Kolobok and Miracle Stove" the kid does not need to be able to read, simple controls and voice prompts will allow even the smallest child to play independently. Suitable for children from 2 years old.
3. Wait a minute!
Clone of the most famous and popular handheld electronic game with LCD screen "Just you wait!" ("Electronics 24-01", "Electronics IM-02").
Controlling the main character (the wolf from the cartoon "Just you wait!") you need to catch as many eggs as possible in the basket, which roll down the four trays.
One point is awarded for each egg caught. If the egg breaks, one penalty point is awarded. If at the time of the fall of the egg, the Wolf was distracted by the Hare, then half the penalty point is charged. When three penalty points are reached, the game ends. Upon reaching 200 and 500 points, penalty points are burned out.
In "Game A" eggs are rolled simultaneously from three trays, and in "Game B" from four.
4. Educational puzzles for children.
Cute animals will become good friends to the child and help develop the perception of the whole, fine motor skills, coordination of movements.
Application developed in collaboration with a teacher, psychologist and ophthalmologist. To reduce the load on children's eyes, a cheerful teddy bear sets an example for the baby and blinks his eyes regularly.
This application is an exciting journey! Introduce young researchers to the inhabitants of Africa, Antarctica, and the Arctic. See what the animals look like. Hear how they talk (32 different characters).
It is possible to set the time of the child's learning, as well as adjust the volume of animal sounds and music.
5. Numbers and Count.
Educational application for children, which contains a set of games that introduce the child to numbers and counting. During the game, the child will get acquainted with the appearance of the numbers, their names, arrangement in order; learn to count; develop fine motor skills, attention and memory. And have fun too!
The application contains recommendations on how to use it more conveniently, so that it becomes not only entertaining, but also educational.
Application contains several blocks of games:
The game “GETTING ACQUAINTED” will allow the child to get used to the names and writing of numbers, as well as to counting.
The games “COUNTING”, “FIND THE NUMBER”, “MISSING DIGIT”, “GROUPS” are aimed at correlating the number of objects and the corresponding number, its spelling and name. They are also aimed at strengthening counting skills and visual perception of the number of objects.
Games “PUZZLES” and “WRITE A NUMBER” help to get used to the writing and appearance of numbers, develop fine motor skills, and prepare a small user's hand for writing.
6. Arkady Parovozov.
An exciting game based on the animated series beloved by children on the MULT channel, from the creators of the cartoons Be-be-bears and Papers!
In a playful way, the reliable and responsible Arkady Parovozov will tell the child that one should not go out alone and which foods are edible and which are not. By studying this game, children will understand that you can not drag any kind of bad into your mouth.
In addition to educational tasks, the application also contains simple and exciting puzzles and puzzles to develop attention and ingenuity.
The child can create their own children's masterpieces in the Creative Location mode.
He can not only create a unique picture from the available backgrounds and stickers, but also transform any photo that can be sent by e-mail or even printed and kept as a keepsake!
The game consists of 9 educational mini-games and contains 135 developmental and educational tasks for children from 3 years old.
7. How to draw.
Application for learning to draw. By repeating step by step the lines that you see on the screen, at the end you will get a complete drawing.
EASY: You don't need any special skills, just start drawing!
INTERESTING: try different drawing styles!
FUN: Now you can easily draw animals, cartoon characters and more!
Key features:
• a wide variety of images for every taste: cartoon characters, animals, cars, dragons, planes, flowers, people, etc.
• each drawing is divided into several drawing steps or stages.
• You can draw your own drawing directly on the screen of the interactive table.
8. Development of speech in children 4-7 years old.
Games for the development of speech and logical thinking of children 4-7 years old
9. Torpedo attack.
The goal of the game is to destroy passing ships with torpedoes. 4 difficulty levels. An analogue of a Soviet-era slot machine, where you had to look into a conditional periscope and, by pressing a button, launch underwater missiles.
10. Motorcycle racing.
This time you'll be driving a motorcycle in a game that has taken realism to a whole new level - with a full-featured career mode, first-person camera view, improved graphics and cool bike sounds.
Key Features:
• POV camera view
• 26 types of motorcycles
• realistic engine rumble recorded from real bikes
• detailed graphics - day and night version
• career mode with 9003+ missions
11. Cinderella: games for girls.
A story loved by many girls about poor Cinderella who became a beautiful princess. We have added educational games for children to the plot of a fairy tale. Such as couples, sudoku, mazes, classification of objects, find an extra object, find identical objects and other logic games. Thus, the popular fairy tale about Cinderella is now a great opportunity to develop attention, visual memory, logic, spatial thinking and imagination.
The game will be interesting for girls of preschool and primary school age. All tasks in the game are compiled by a professional child psychologist and teacher.
12. Mathematics for children.
Children's educational application for learning numbers and working with them. The program allows you to select a numerical range for each exercise.
• Learning Numbers
• Two numbers to be greater/less
• Addition
• Subtraction
• Examples for two actions
• Memory
13. Couples with animals for children.
Flip cards to find pairs. Difficulty levels are provided for different ages.
14. Virtual babysitter.
Children love the virtual babysitter. Thanks to her great experience and special kindness, the virtual babysitter is able to win over and involve even the most restless children in the learning process! Reading skills are not required during the game for children - all the necessary information is given by voice and with the help of an understandable, even for the smallest children, hint system. There are funny characters in the lessons, interaction with which makes cognitive lessons even more like a game.
In the first lesson, the virtual nanny helps the child to learn five fruits: apple, pineapple, banana, pear and mango. After passing the lesson, the kid will learn how and where they grow, how to eat them correctly, what useful properties they have. In parallel with this, the host gives the playing baby various tasks, performing which the child will learn the colors, shapes, quantity and properties of the objects being studied. The lesson contains tasks that are very important for children 2-3 years old on logic, visual memory, attentiveness, training fine motor skills of the fingers: such as puzzles, coloring books, picking up objects, searching for objects, choosing objects according to their properties. Developing games during the lesson come with a smooth increase in the level of complexity.
Children under 3 years of age may need adult assistance for some tasks. Children older than 3 years, as a rule, independently cope with all tasks. To fully assimilate the information received, it is recommended to repeat each lesson at least three times with an interval of 1-2 days. In this case, all the skills and knowledge acquired during the game will remain in the child's memory for a long time.
15. Little Red Riding Hood (interactive fairy tale).
Little Red Riding Hood is part of a popular series of interactive books designed for children from 3 to 8 years old.
Fairy tales look just like the real thing: all the characters of the Little Red Riding Hood fairy tale are animated, they move and talk just like real ones! And most importantly, in each scene of the fairy tale, children are waiting for tasks in which the heroes of the fairy tale will tell the children a lot of new things about the world around them in a playful way!
Fairy tales can also be read, leafed through and looked at. Thanks to 3D spreads, similar to panorama books familiar from childhood, you will have the feeling that you are in fairy tales themselves. And educational games and tasks that are filled with fairy tales will appeal to both children and adults.
There are 2 modes for choosing reading a fairy tale: “Read to me” and “I will read it myself”.
16. Drawing for kids.
This app is a great opportunity to awaken your child's interest in creativity. In a fun way, the program will help your child easily learn how to draw many simple and cute characters. An unusual combination of drawing and animation makes this application truly unique!
In the game, you can draw a charming character step by step - a butterfly, a frog, a car, a hedgehog ... Each character in the game comes to life, as if by magic, after being drawn! The butterfly starts fluttering and laughing merrily, the hedgehog curls up into a ball, the rocket flies into space, and the frog jumps amusingly...
With over 30 adorable drawing characters and over 100 fun animations and sounds, kids aged 2 to 4 will love and understand.
"Drawing for Toddlers" develops creativity, fine motor skills, and imagination. But most importantly, drawing becomes a fun and exciting game that brings joy and pleasure. Everything is easy and simple - you just need to try a little!
17. Fruit Ninja
An exciting and popular game among children of different ages, the meaning of which is to cut various fruits on the screen with your finger.
The game contains several modes (arcade, time trial, classic, etc.), translated into Russian and will be a great rest after developing and educational applications.
18. Masha and the Bear
A set of games for children with the heroes of their favorite cartoon Masha and the Bear! Here you will find educational games, adventures, arcades, puzzles, puzzles and much more!
And this is not just a set of mini games, but a whole educational collection that will help develop the skills and abilities of counting, recognition, attention, memory, reaction, logical thinking, quick wits and visual memory.
The game is suitable for children aged 2 to 9: the interface and controls of the game are intuitive even for the smallest. Of course, sometimes children need the help of adults.
Contents of mini-games:
• Jam day: here you have to help Masha sort berries and other products into the right jam jars;
• River Patrol: Masha and Mishka go to rescue hares that got into flood troubles;
• Photo 9 by 12: animals will look out of the forest and Masha's task is to take a picture of them;
• Hall with a doll: in the Machine House someone has left a mess again, help her clean up;
• Let's fly! Masha and her little penguin will go on a plane to pick apples. Help them to harvest the entire harvest;
• Hit of the season: Masha brought together all the animals in the forest to arrange a real warm concert;
• Dining table: once again Masha's house is a mess after the fun, it is necessary to put things in order;
• Ice Hockey Cry of Victory: A fun ice game with a penguin that will appeal to both boys and girls;
• Merry sawmill: Masha and the panda are harvesting firewood and Mishka helps them, just have time to help them;
• Bon appetit! Masha decided to cook dumplings for Misha, but they all hid from her.