List of long vowel o words

131+ Long O Vowel Sound Words (Free Printable List)

Grade 1 | Grade 2 | Long Vowels | Phonics


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Learn about the five ways to spell the long o sound: o, o-e, oa, ow, and oe. You’ll also get two lists of 131 long o sound words, organized by spelling pattern and syllable type.

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Table of Contents

  • All About Long O
  • Long O Word List
  • Multisensory Spelling
  • Related Posts
  • Download & Print

All About Long O

It’s so important to teach students the long vowel rule: Long vowels say their name!

  • Long a says /ā/ like acorn.
  • Long e says /ē/ like equal.
  • Long i says /ī/ like ice.
  • Long o says /ō/ like ocean.
  • Long u says /yoo/ like unicorn, OR /oo/ like ruler.

Teaching students all the different ways to spell and recognize long vowel sounds will help them become much more independent and confident readers!

There are 5 ways to spell Long O:

  1. o like no.
  2. o-e like home.
  3. oa like boat.
  4. ow like bow.
  5. oe like toe.

The long vowel O sound can be heard at the beginning (open), middle (pony), or end of a word (no). Long O sound can be spelled with a silent e (VCe pattern), a vowel team, in an open syllable, or in a closed syllable exception.

It’s important that children are familiar with the spelling patterns for long vowel O and can read and spell them with accuracy. Be sure you follow a scope and sequence that will introduce each one of the spellings in an order that makes sense and builds upon previously taught skills. Recipe for Reading is a great one to follow.

We hope these lists are helpful resources as you teach your students the different ways to read and spell long O.

Long O Word List

👉 Scroll to the bottom of this post for a FREE printable comprehensive word list with 131 long O sound words!

O – Open Syllable Words & Wild, Old Words

O says its long sound in an open syllable (a syllable that ends in a vowel). This can be a one-syllable word like no or a multisyllabic syllable word like volcano.

O will also say its long sound in closed syllable exceptions or rule breaker words. Some refer to these as Wild, Old Words.

These include some one-syllable words that end in -old, -olt, -ond, and -ost.

Long O Sound Words One SyllableLong O Sound Words 2+ Syllable

O-E Words (Long O with Silent E)

These words include long O that follow the VCe pattern (vowel-consonant-e), specifically o-e. They can also be called Magic E Words or Silent E Words.

The job of the E is to stay silent and make the O say its name. This spelling pattern is used at the end of root words.

Long O with Silent E WordsOne SyllableLong O with Silent E Words – 2+ Syllable

OA – Vowel Team

This vowel team follows the old jingle you probably learned as a kid: “When two vowels go walking, the first one does the talking.

👉 Please don’t teach your students this as a ‘rule’ because it actually only works about 35% of the time (meaning it’s not true 65% of the time).

Instead, it works in this instance, when the two vowels come together to make the long vowel ō sound.

Vowel Team OA WordsOne SyllableVowel Team OA Words2+ Syllable

OW – Vowel Team

The vowel team OW is used at the end of a root word. It can also be used before the letter L or N like in bowl or grown. In this vowel team, the W functions as a vowel.

OW is also a diphthong used in the word cow. These phonograms ow/ow look exactly the same, so the reader must rely on context to know which sound to apply. For example:

  • The star of the show took a bow at the end of the play.
  • The girl wore a big bow in her hair.
Vowel Team OW WordsOne SyllableVowel Team OW WordsOne Syllable

OE – Vowel Team

Only a few words in English use this vowel team (about 15 in total). Don’t spend too much time on this vowel team since its frequency is so minimal. Included on this list are the ones kids will likely encounter and need to know.

Words with Vowel Team OE: toe, Joe, hoe, doe, foe, woe, goes, aloe, oboe, tiptoe, mistletoe

Multisensory Spelling

Make it multisensory by incorporating sand, salt, or sugar spelling! Every time you introduce a new spelling pattern, kids add a grid to the cookie tray.

Incorporate Simultaneous Oral Spelling (SOS) where children say the letters as they write them. This engages 4 of the 5 senses and makes the spelling patterns stick. Eventually, students will progress until they can write all five ways to spell the Long O sound.

In this video you’ll see that this student has learned the first four ways to spell long O. Once the last spelling pattern is introduced, he will then add a grid to and write the five ways to spell long O.

Related Posts

👉 Get the rest of the printable Long Vowel Word Lists: Long A, Long E, Long I, and Long U!

  • Long and Short Vowel Sort
  • 3 Sounds of Suffix ED
  • Long and Short Vowels

Download & Print

Are you using these long O word lists with your students? Leave us a comment and tell us how! Or tag us on Instagram @Literacylearn!

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Short and Long O Vowel Sound Words List for Kids

Each vowel is pronounced in a unique way which gives rise to different types of sounds we hear while pronouncing a word. Today we’ll discuss about vowel ‘o’ and different sounds it produces when it is used in a word.

The following phonics extensive list introduces students to the more than 50 plus “short o” and “long o” sound words.

Short O Vowel Sound Words

Following is a list of phonics words with short o vowel sound:

bog bop con cod cog cot
cop don dog dot fog god
got hog hot jog jot lob
log lot lop mob mom mop
nod not odd pod pop pot
rod rot sod Tom tot top

While pronouncing the words given in table you must have observed that we don’t have to stress on the vowel ‘o’.

Now let’s have a look at long ‘o’ vowel words where you would have to stress the vowel ‘o’ so that it sounds distinct from the rest of the letters.

Long O Vowel Sound Words

Following is a list of phonics words with long o vowel sound:

Oval Total Yoga Hotel Rose Quote
Robe Globe Probe Lobe Adobe Row
Coat Note Wrote Boat Goat Float
Hope Mope Pope Cope Scope Elope
Coal Soap Toast Poach Wardrobe Envelope
Snow Toe Hollo Doe Swallow Roe
Dough Window Though Elbow Although Meadow

Because we have to stress long for vowel ‘o’ that is why they are called Long ‘o’ vowel words.

Let’s have a look at six ways of spelling the long /o/ sound with example words.

  1. Using Letter O: In these words the long /o/ sound is spelled with just the letter o.
Oval Total Yoga Hotel
No Ago Gecko Program

2. O_E Words: These words use split digraph O_E to spell long /o/ sound with an o in the middle of the word and an e at the end of the word. For Example:

Cope Hope Rose Quote
Quote Close Impose Expose

3. OA Words: These words use letters oa to spell the long /o/ sound.

Coach Bloat Toast Croak
Groan Soap Bloat Poach

4. OW Words: These words spell the long /o/ sound with the letters ow which usually appears at the end of the word.

Crow Elbow Sorrow Hollow
Window Swallow Tomorrow Snow

5.OE Words: There words use letters oe at the end of the word to spell the long /o/ sound.

Toe Doe Woe Aloe

6. OUGH Words: There words use letters ough to spell many sounds including the long /o/ sound/. Such as – dough, though, although.

We hope you have found this post useful for your child. Keep exploring EnglishBix to find more resources related to Elementary Grades.

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Unlike the Russian alphabet, which has 33 letters ( letters ), English contains only 26. However, even with this number of letters, there are 44 sounds in English ( sounds ). All letters of English are divided into two groups: vowels ( vowels ) and consonants ( consonants ). Quantitatively, the first group is much smaller than the second. There are 20 consonants and only 6 vowels. This article is about vowels in English. Here are the letters that represent vowels: a , e , i , o , u , y . It should also be remembered that a sound is what we hear, and a letter is a sign by which we represent a certain sound. To record how a particular word or letter is read, there is a phonetic transcription. This is a system of signs, each of which expresses one sound.

English vowels are pronounced with an open mouth and can be sung. Also, vowels in English can be long ( long vowels ) and short ones ( short vowels ). There are five short vowels, five long vowels, and eight more diphthongs ( diphthongs ). A diphthong is a combination of two vowels in one syllable. In English, it is very important to observe the brevity and longitude of vowel sounds, since the meaning of the word may depend on the length of the sound. For example: ship - sheep . In the first word, the sound i is short, and in the second the combination of vowels ee is also a sound i , long only. The translation of the first word is a ship, and the second is a sheep.

Short vowels in English are truncated stressed vowels. Long vowels in English are monophthongs. They are pronounced with constant articulation. In diphthongs, one of the sounds is stressed and forms a syllable. And the second is only its brief element.

Examples of short vowels in English:

  • pot
  • cup - mug
  • pencil - pencil
  • map - map
  • mother - mother

Examples of long vowels in English:

  • father - father
  • bee - bee
  • dawn - dawn
  • soon - soon

Examples of diphthongs in English:

  • fine – good
  • bow - bow
  • coat - coat
  • fuel - fuel

If we are talking about letters, then the reading of vowels in English is directly affected by the type of syllable ( syllable ). As you know, syllables are open ( open syllable ) and closed ( closed syllable ). The first one ends in a vowel, the second one ends in a consonant. Moreover, in English, a syllable ending in silent 9 is also considered an open syllable.0003 e . Usually short vowels are presented in closed syllables, and long in open ones. But this is not an axiom and not a rule.

There are a lot of rules for reading vowels in English, and even knowing them, you can meet many exceptions, the reading of which should simply be remembered.

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Sounds in English: pronunciation, transcription 🗣️

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It happens that you speak English with a foreigner, but he does not understand you. And then you find out that the letter “a” alone can be pronounced in six different ways. We understand English sounds in order to sound correctly and speak the same language with foreigners.

In English, the number of words that are not pronounced at all as they are written is very high - this is the result of historical changes and the standardization of written English in the 17th century. Knowing how English sounds are read, you can almost always read even the most intricate word. nine0023

The English alphabet has 26 letters, 20 vowels and 23 consonants. The more you delve into the English language, the more difficult words you will meet along the way. The science of phonetics will come in handy here, just in time. And we will share life hacks on the study of this topic.

Transcription of English sounds

In order to study all possible variations of sounds, linguists have developed an alphabet that contains special characters. This alphabet was called International Phonetic Alphabet (International Phonetic Alphabet).

These symbols are used in modern transcriptions of English words. Transcription, by the way, is a graphic representation of sounds. Indicate the transcription in square brackets.

Let's look at the examples below, how one letter can be read in two different ways. The difference in pronunciation can depend on the type of syllable, the position of the letter in the word, and whether the vowel is stressed. nine0023

  • In the word type (print/type), the letter y is in an open syllable and therefore reads [aɪ].
  • In the word copy (copy / copy), the letter y is in an unstressed syllable at the end of the word and therefore reads like [i].

However, it is worth trying to learn the pronunciation of sounds and various combinations of sounds. There is no division into short and long consonants in Russian. In English, the incorrect pronunciation of such vowels leads to significant changes in the meaning of the word. nine0023

So, for example, confusing the short and long sound [i] (read as “and” in the Russian word “game”), you can accidentally say “I boarded a sheep” - I boarded a sheep [ʃ p], and not "I boarded a ship" - I boarded a ship [ʃ ɪ p].

English proficiency test

This English proficiency test was compiled by the Skysmart online school tutors. They prepared interesting and relevant tasks on modern topics to make the test both useful and interesting

General Table of Consonants and Vowels of English (IPA)

Below is a table of all known English phonemes. The vowels are in the gray area and the consonants are in the yellow area. Short and long vowels are indicated on a light gray background, and diphthongs - sounds consisting of two elements - are located on a dark gray background.

All consonants are on a yellow background and are distinguished by font color. Voiceless consonants ( voiceless/unvoiced ) are marked in gray, and voiced ones ( voiced ) - black.

How many English words do you already know?

Let's define your vocabulary - without complex questions and with the help of smart algorithms.

Classification of sounds in English

In English, sounds are divided into two groups: vowels and consonants. Let's take a look at them.

Another effective way to quickly memorize English sounds is to sign up for English lessons for children 8 years old online at Skysmart School. nine0023

Vowel sounds of the English language

From the school curriculum of the Russian language, we remember that the main characteristic of vowel sounds is their melodiousness. This is due to the fact that when pronouncing a vowel sound, the air passing through the vocal cords vibrates and the sound freely leaves the oral cavity without encountering any obstacles in its path. Here is the rule for pronunciation of vowels:




Word examples



Word examples



c a t



l oo k, w ou ld, p u t



p e g, br ea d



c ar t, f a st (regional)



p i g , g i ve



b ur n, f ir st, t er m, h ear d, w or k


nine0139 ɒ

l o g, w a nt



t or n, d oor , w ar n, h au l, l aw , c a ll



pl u g, l o ve



wood e n, circ u s, sist er


p ai n, d ay , g a t e , st a


d ow n, sh ou t



sw ee t, h ea t, th ie f, th e s e



c oi n, b oy


tr ie d, l igh t, m y , shin e , m i nd


st air s, b ear , h are



r oa d, bl ow , b o ne, c o ld



f ear , b eer , h ere



m oo n, bl ue , gr ew , t and and



p ure , c u re

Demo lesson in English

We will determine the level and set a goal, and then we will teach you to speak English fluently.

Consonant sounds of the English language

When articulating a sound, the air flow encounters obstacles in its path formed by the organs of speech: tongue, lips, teeth and alveoli. Passing through these barriers, air passes through the gap and noise is created. nine0023

nine0252 nine0216

th en



Word examples



Word examples



b aby



r abbit, wr ong



d or og



s un, mou se , c ity, sc ience



f ield, ph oto



t ap




g ame



v an



h at



w as



ju dg e, g iant, bar ge


and es



c oo k , q ui ck , mi x , Ch ris



z ebra, plea se , i s



l amb





m onkey, co mb



th in



n ut, kn ife, gn at



ch ip, wa tch



ri ng , si n k



nine0139 sh ip, mi ss ion, ch ef



p a p er



trea s ure

English cheat sheets for parents

All the rules for English at hand

Natalya Naumova

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