Little kids story book

Stories for Kids


Stories for Kids Ages 3-5

Stories For Kids Ages 5-8

Stories For Kids Ages 8-10

Stories For Kids Ages 10+

Middle Grade Novels

Rhyming Stories For Kids

Non-Rhyming Stories For Kids

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Featured Stories

(New Chapter added every Friday.)

Jackson Fickle had a pretty simple life. As the Personal Assistant to the Non-Personal Assistant to the Executive Assistant to the President of Earth, nobody expected much from him. But when he takes a bite of a tunafish sandwich that wasn’t meant for him, and is sucked through a blackhole and pulled onto a Byzong Warship, he finds that his greatest adventure is about to begin. Follow along with a new chapter to the Solar Snooks Saga posted every week!

For those spending time at home, looking for a cozy adventure or bedtime story for kids, we offer this imaginative rhyming picture book, read by the author, Daniel Errico. Follow the Marmabill on her quest through the rainforest, where she meets fantastical creatures like wugs, tankadiggies, and flying fluthers. As her journey takes her from treetops to glowing underground caves, the Marmabill finds out for herself the true meaning of home. Remember, our stories for kids are here for you to read at any time. And remember, Dream Big!

Gemma is a middle grade novel that follows a curious explorer and her ring-tailed lemur, Milo, as they hunt for the “most greatest treasure in the world”. Solving riddles, battling a bell-wearing jaguar, and traveling the Eight Seas, Gemma’s adventures take her from a young girl to a brave captain, whose only limits are the stars.

While drawing in class at Stagwood School, 12-year old Cal sees a frog staring at him through the window. Stranger than that, is the fact that this frog happens to be wearing glasses.

Cal and his best friend, Soy, learn that the frog (who prefers the name Deli) has sought them out for a reason. When a school administrator named Ream reveals himself to be a dragon, the boys discover that fairytales are real, and that there is magic afoot in Stagwood. With Ream on their tail, the trio must unearth a powerful tool protected by riddles and rile (the magic that fuels nightmares) to save the fate of all fairytales past. But, before Cal can defeat Ream, he has to deal with Soy's knack for arguing with magical creatures, discover the truth about Deli's identity, and earn his place as the hero of the story. The Guardians of Lore is a middle grade novel that centers around two life-long friends, infusing humor and fantasy-based riddles into a modern fairytale.

This quirky tale is about our most infamous character of all. If you don’t have a soufflé-baking, trumpet-blaring, sleigh-riding friend, then maybe it’s time that you met Ms. McKay. Told as a monorhyme poem. “Say what you will or say what you may, you’ll remember the day that you met Ms. McKay…”


Mr. McKay is a most mischievous fellow. His hair and eyes have been known to change color with the seasons. If you ever feel a warm breeze on a very cold winter day, be sure to keep your coat on, because it may be Mr. McKay playing his trick! A light-hearted, rhyming bedtime story about keeping your coat on when it’s awfully cold outside.


“The wolves in the woods, grow as wild as trees. They do not say Thank You. They do not say Please.”

A rhyming story book about a young wolf pup unlike any other. When the moon is full and all the wolves are howling, Warren turns into a mild-mannered boy, eating sandwiches with the crusts cut off, and going to bed early. That’s because Warren is secretly a wereboy. But when the rest of his pack finds out the truth, Warren has to show them that sometimes our biggest differences are our greatest strengths.

Ages 3-8, Narrated, Read Along

Explore the ocean floor and discover the location of Orangebeard's Treasure in this series of adventure stories for kids! Each location that you visit under the sea reveals a unique story from the gnarble. Piece together the clues with reading comprehension and reasoning skills to solve the mystery!

The Journey of the Noble Gnarble is a number one best-selling ebook that has been adapted into a hardcover book and play. Through rhyming verse and engaging illustrations, the Noble Gnarble teaches kids about perseverance and determination in the face of obstacles. Dream Big!

Ages 3-5, Narrated, Read Along

One of our most popular children’s stories, this is the tale of a group of robots winding down for the night. The Robot Bedtime Book is a playful bedtime story that encourages interaction, imagination, and a fun bedtime routine. 


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  • Daniel Errico

    RT @bitterasiandude:


Children's Storybooks Online - Stories for Kids of All Ages

Illustrated children's stories
for kids of all ages

 Free Storybooks to Read:
Young Children  |  Older Children  |  Young Adult

- Indicates audio is included with the story.

 Books for Young Children:

The Little Gingerbread Man - by Carol Moore - A surprising new version of the classic Gingerbread Man fairy tale.

The Journey of the Noble Gnarble - by Daniel Errico - Illustrated by Christian Colabelli - Deep below the ocean waves a gnarble fish dreams of seeing the sun and sky. Also available at Amazon in hardcover and Kindle editions.

Invisible Alligators - by Hayes Roberts - Little Sari discovers invisible alligators quietly sneaking around creating trouble for her and everyone else.

The Brave Monkey Pirate - by Hayes Roberts - The Pirate Modi uses his father's ship to follow a map. Will what he finds help him brave a shot at the doctor's office?

The Wiener Dog Magnet - by Hayes Roberts - Just what is it you can do with a wiener dog magnet? Kiki Marie is about to find out.

The Farm Animals - by Rolando Merino - An illustrated story of animal sounds. This is now a free complete online Click-a-Word Talking eBook!

Pirate's Treasure - by Carol Moore - Illustrated by Aura Moser - A pirate in Jimmy's dream tells him where to find buried treasure.

The Bitaba Bird - by Carol Moore - Illustrated by Michael S. Weber - A blending of imagination with a science lesson.

Wolstencroft The Bear - by Karen Lewis - Illustrated by Michael S. Weber.

Ollie's Jar - by Carol Moore - An illustrated story with animation.

Round Bird Can't Fly - by Lea McAndrews - An illustrated story.

Kitty Wants a Box - by Carol Moore - A short illustrated story.

The Counting Story - by Rolando Merino - An illustrated story with animation.

Alphabet - by Rolando Merino - An animated story of the alphabet.

Animals You Can See at the Zoo - by Rolando Merino - An illustrated story of zoo animals with sound and animation.

Buzzy Bee - by Carol Moore - A short illustrated story.
See Buzzy Bee riddles, maze and coloring book below.

Buzzy Bee and Friends - by Carol Moore - A short illustrated story.
See Buzzy Bee riddles, maze and coloring book below.

Buzzy Bee's Night Out - by Carol Moore - Illustrated by Dan Wetzel - Buzzy Bee ventures into the night in search of tasty flowers.

Buzzy Bee's Picnic - by Carol Moore - Illustrated by Dan Wetzel - Buzzy Bee can't resist the delights of picnic food.


Video by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Chairman, Children's Health Defense

 Books for Older Children:
The Halloween House - by Carol Moore - Don't go there on Halloween. See what goes bump in the night.
Atlas Hangs On - by Richard Swan - Should Atlas let go of the edge or hang on?
Fruit Salad - by Richard Swan - Banana, Orange, and Grapes all knew what they wanted to be, but Apple couldn't decide.
Little Miss Mary and the Big Monster Makeover - by G.G. Toropov and Cleone Cassidy - Is trendy Little Miss Mary ready to make over a monster?
Mr. Coyote Meets Mr. Snail - by Storie-Jean Agapith, a native American indian author - Illustrated by Michael S. Weber.
Absulum the Reindeer Elf - by Duncan Wells - Illustrated by Carol Moore.
Grow Your Own Gargoyle - by Valerie Hardin - Illustrated by Carol Moore.
The Wumpalump - by Cheryl Pearson - An illustrated religious parable.
The Loomploy - by Cheryl Pearson - Illustrated by Lea McAndrews - A religious parable.
The Littlest Knight - by Carol Moore - An illustrated fairy tale.
McFeeglebee's Pond - by Carol Moore - An illustrated story.
Who Did Patrick's Homework? - by Carol Moore - An illustrated story.
It Could Happen... - by Carol Moore - new illustrations by Aura Moser.
 Books for Young Adults:
Tiger Son  - by Teresa Ng - An illustrated story.
Wind Song - by Carol Moore - An illustrated story.
Sliver Pete - by Carol Moore - An illustrated story.
The Master Artist - by Carol Moore - Illustrated by Michael S. Weber. Things do not go smoothly when a wealthy patron hires an artist to paint his portrait.
Shooflies - by Storie-Jean Agapith, a native American indian author - Illustrated by Thomas Mitton.
Second Thoughts - by Carol Moore - Illustrated by Jason Paulhamus. This fanciful story is about an encounter with some strange travelers.
A Tale of Friendship - by Carol Moore - An illustrated and very untrue story about how one particular animal came to be created long after all the rest.
Read the humorous Beaver Anecdote.


 Buzzy Bee Riddles:
 Coloring Book:
Buzzy Bee Coloring Book
Littlest Knight Coloring Book
Plus dozens more pictures to color with our
Online Interactive Coloring Pages
Also full size Printable Versions available for each page.


Stories for young children

L.N. Tolstoy, A.S. Pushkin

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As of January 2018, the Library's fund has more than 135 thousand items (as of January 2017 - about 130 thousand, as of January 2016 - about 124 thousand, as of January 2015 - 123. 5 thousand, as of January 2014 - more 118 thousand units), about 80 percent of them are foreign publications. Every year, 3-5 thousand copies of books, periodicals and publications on other types of media are received. As of January 2018, the Library's collection has more than 135 thousand items (as of January 2017 - about 130 thousand, as of January 2016 - about 124 thousand, as of January 2015 - 123.5 thousand, as of January 2014 - more than 118 thousand units), about 80 percent of them are foreign publications. Every year, 3-5 thousand copies of books, periodicals and publications on other types of media are received. As of January 2018, the Library Fund has more than 135 thousand items of storage (as of January 2017 - about 130 thousand, as of January 2016 - about 124 thousand, as of January 2015 - 123.5 thousand, as of January 2014 - more than 118 thousand units), about 80 percent of them are foreign publications. Every year, 3-5 thousand copies of books, periodicals and publications on other types of media are received.


But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of ​​denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness. No one rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure, but because those who do not know how to pursue pleasure rationally encounter consequences that are extremely painful. Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain of itself, because it is pain, but because occasionally circumstances occur in which toil and pain can procure him some great pleasure.


But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of ​​denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness. No one rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure, but because those who do not know how to pursue pleasure rationally encounter consequences that are extremely painful. Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain of itself, because it is pain, but because occasionally circumstances occur in which toil and pain can procure him some great pleasure.






Moscow Lipetsk


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"Little stories for kids" Uspensky Eduard Nikolaevich, Marshak Samuil Yakovlevich, Chukovsky Korney Ivanovich - book description | To kids about everything

Little stories for kids

Uspensky Eduard Nikolaevich, Marshak Samuil Yakovlevich, Chukovsky Korney Ivanovich

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A short story for kids is a special genre, it should be meaningful, interesting and at the same time fit on a couple of pages. This requires special skill from writers. The book "Little Stories for Kids" includes works by the best children's writers - L. N. Tolstoy, M. Zoshchenko, E. Uspensky, O. Kurguzov and others. Toddlers will get to know different animals, learn their habits, be carried away by stories about children like themselves, and learn more about the world around. They will not get bored with the drawings of artists.
For children up to 3 years old.

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About the book

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Uspensky Eduard Nikolaevich, Marshak Samuel Yakovlevich, Chukovsky Korney Ivanovich




Babies about all


Chukovsky Korney Ivanovichi, marmot, marmot Samuil Yakovlevich, Kanevsky Victor Yakovlevich, Chukavin Alexander Alexandrovich, Molokanov Yu. A., Sitnikova Elizaveta Antonovna, Ustinov Nikolai Alexandrovich, Bulatov Eric Vladimirovich, Tsygankov Ivan Antonovich, Kukushkin Alexander Ivanovich, Andreev Alexander Semenovich, Chizhikov Victor Alexandrovich, Glazov Igor Nikolaevich, Vlasova Anna Yulievna



Height (mm):

265 9000



S. Marshak. Rice. S. Bordyuga and N. Trepenok
K. Chukovsky. Rice. S. Bordyuga and N. Trepenok
SO AND NOT SO ....................... ...................10
L. Panteleev. Rice. V. Kanevskogo
HOW A PIG LEARNED TO SPEAK .................14
V. Berestov. Rice. A. Chukavin and I. Uvarova
HOW TO FIND THE PATH ............................................. .....15
Yu. Korinets. Rice. Yu. Molokanova
DREAMS IN PICTURES.................................................. ......19
V. Chaplin. Rice. E. Sitnikova
BIRDS UNDER OUR WINDOW.................................30
SPARROW...... ................................................. .......30
CROW....................................... .........................31
STARLING...................... .........................................32
SWALLOW-ORCA... ..............................33
TIT.. .............................................. ... ...........34
SOROKA............................... ...............................35
HOW THE HARE LIVES IN THE FOREST .................................36
HOW THE FOX LIVES IN THE FOREST ....................................40
HOW THE BEAR LIVES IN THE FOREST ....... .................................45
L. N. Tolstoy. Rice. N. Ustinova
BONE (A true story).................................................. ............50
KITTEN (True)................................ ................................50
HOW A STORM FOUND HIM IN THE FOREST (A true story)........ ..........53
L. Voronkova. Rice. E. Bulatova and O. Vasilyev
WEEK.............................................. ..............54
MONDAY .............................. ......................55
TUESDAY....................... ......................................58
WEDNESDAY.......... ............................................... .. .........62
THURSDAY....................................... .........................65
FRIDAY..................... .........................................67
SATURDAY...... ................................................. ........70
SUNDAY.............................................. .........74
M. Prishvin. Rice. I. Tsygankova
HOW THE CAT AND THE DOG quarreled ..............76
Hedgehog.......... ................................................. .....79
V. Oseeva. Rice. A. Kukushkina
DREAMER.................................................. ...............83
MERRY YOLKA .............................. .................................84
MEDICINE .............................. ......................................84
CASE.............................................. ....................85
ABUSERS .............................. ..................................86
GUARD............. ................ ................................. .....87
SONS....................................... ......................88
BAD.......................... ............................................... 89
DO NOT THIS IS NOT POSSIBLE...............................90
GRANNY AND GRANDDDAUGHTER.......... ....................................90
BUILDER.................................................... ...............91
M. Zoshchenko. Rice. A. Andreeva
SMART ANIMALS .............................................. ....92
SMART GOOSE .......................................... ...............92
SMART CHICKEN....................... ................................93
A STUPID THIEF AND A SMART PIG .............. ........94
A VERY SMART HORSE.................................. .....95
SMART BIRD....................................... ...........96
SMART DOG............................................... .......98
A COMPARATIVELY SMART CAT. ................................99
VERY SMART MONKEYS... .................................101
E. Uspensky. Rice. V. Chizhikova
VERA AND ANFISA GET TO KNOW ..............................103
VERA AND ANFISA IN KINDERGARTEN.... ...................108
VERA AND ANFISA IN THE POLYCLINIC ............................112
VERA AND ANFISA GOT LOST.................................................115
E. Permyak. Rice. E. Bulatova and O. Vasilyev
WHAT HANDS ARE FOR...............................................120
THE FIRST FISH.. ................................................. .120
HOW MASHA BECAME BIG .............................121
WHO?........ ................................................. .............123
BIRD HOUSES.................................. ..................124
FILA....................... ..............................125
WANTED TO OUTFIT MOM... ..............................127
K. D. Ushinsky. Rice. I. Tsygankova
ANIMAL DISPUTE ............................................. ......128
DISPUTES OF TREES.......................... ..............129
BEES ON SCOUTS.................................. .......130
BEE AND FLY .............................. ...............131
FOUR WISHES ............................... ..................132
GOAT .............................. ....................................134
HORSE.......... ................................................. ..134
MICE.............................................. .................135
VASKA....................... ....................................135
E. Uspensky. Rice. I. Glazova
HOW THE BOY YASHA DECORATED THEMSELVES .................................136
DECORATED THEMSELVES. ..............................................139
LOVED TO WALK IN THE PUDS. ..............

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