Little rhyming words

238 best rhymes for 'little'

1 syllable

  • Dull
  • Skull
  • Will
  • Tull
  • Cul
  • Null

2 syllables

  • Crystal
  • Pistol
  • Simple
  • Triple
  • Middle
  • It'll
  • Single
  • Riddle
  • Scribble
  • Civil
  • Cripple
  • Symbol
  • Brittle
  • Dribble
  • Fiddle
  • Whistle
  • Tickle
  • Nickel
  • Missile
  • Nipple

  • Sinful
  • Pimple
  • Signal
  • Twinkle
  • Sprinkle
  • Ripple
  • Sickle
  • Skittle
  • Pickle
  • Sizzle
  • Wiggle
  • Fickle
  • Kindle
  • Tittle
  • Nibble
  • Trickle
  • Jingle
  • Spittle
  • Whittle
  • Bittle

  • Bristol
  • Giggle
  • Distal
  • Drizzle
  • Mingle
  • Tingle
  • Shrivel
  • Dimple
  • Nimble
  • Swivel
  • Fizzle
  • Twiddle
  • Dwindle
  • Chisel
  • Swindle
  • Piddle
  • Spindle
  • Fiscal
  • Widdle
  • Wrinkle

  • Jiggle
  • Blissful
  • Fearful
  • Frizzle
  • Kibble
  • Drivel
  • Tinkle
  • Stickle
  • Pringle

3 syllables

  • Hospital
  • Typical
  • Critical
  • Physical
  • Lyrical
  • Magical
  • Personal
  • Musical
  • Cynical
  • Capital
  • Chemical
  • Medical
  • Official
  • Hannibal
  • Mystical
  • Digital
  • Biblical
  • Radical
  • Logical
  • Mythical

  • National
  • Vehicle
  • Fictional
  • Technical
  • Belittle
  • Tactical
  • Rational
  • Practical
  • Tropical
  • Comical
  • Clinical
  • Skeptical
  • Classical
  • Surgical
  • Bicycle
  • Optical
  • Popsicle
  • Vertical
  • Spherical
  • Initial

  • Article
  • Whimsical
  • Acquittal
  • Committal
  • Rekindle
  • Cubicle
  • Festival
  • Mandible
  • Meaningful
  • Chronicle
  • Optional
  • Particle
  • Testicle
  • Prodigal
  • Judicial
  • Psychical
  • Cyclical
  • Ethical
  • Tricycle
  • Icicle

  • Graphical
  • Clavicle
  • Cervical
  • Follicle
  • Topical
  • Clerical
  • Additional
  • Cuticle
  • Lexical
  • Uncivil
  • Ventricle
  • Cardinal
  • Functional

4 syllables

  • Emotional
  • Subliminal
  • Political
  • Professional
  • Artificial
  • Hysterical
  • Mechanical
  • Electrical
  • Irrational
  • Umbilical
  • Superficial
  • Societal
  • Illogical
  • Beneficial
  • Empirical
  • Historical
  • Satirical
  • Identical
  • Rhetorical
  • Sacrificial

  • Methodical
  • Dysfunctional
  • Exceptional
  • Dimensional
  • Sensational
  • Tyrannical
  • Symmetrical
  • Traditional
  • Nonsensical
  • Impractical
  • Poetical
  • Grammatical
  • Intentional
  • Fanatical
  • Sabbatical
  • Statistical
  • Unethical
  • Theatrical
  • Ironical
  • Indelible

  • Elliptical
  • Unofficial
  • Botanical
  • Atypical
  • Logistical
  • Untypical
  • Numerical

5 syllables

  • Metaphorical
  • Diabolical
  • International
  • Hypocritical
  • Psychological
  • Egotistical
  • Mathematical
  • Unconditional
  • Biological
  • Philosophical
  • Metaphysical
  • Analytical
  • Alphabetical
  • Inspirational
  • Astronomical
  • Indestructible
  • Theoretical
  • Pharmaceutical
  • Pathological
  • Chronological

  • Hypothetical
  • Paradoxical
  • Mythological
  • Indivisible
  • Technological
  • Educational
  • Economical
  • Lackadaisical
  • Biochemical
  • Neurological
  • Gravitational
  • Motivational
  • Periodical
  • Geographical
  • Hypercritical
  • Anatomical
  • Problematical
  • Geometrical
  • Recreational

6 syllables

  • Stereotypical
  • Incomprehensible
  • Physiological
  • Ideological

Want to find rhymes for another word? Try our amazing rhyming dictionary.

If you write lyrics you should definitely check out RapPad. It has tons of useful features for songwriters, lyricists, and rappers.

Rhyming Words for Kids (Complete List)

Many of us have fond memories of learning nursery rhymes and rhyming stories when we were children.

These tales are important because they expose children to rhyme, which is essential for language development. Children who have strong early language abilities, including listening and speaking, are shown to develop more robust reading and writing skills.

Helping your child recognize and use rhyme will help them first with their verbal language and then with their literacy. Introducing rhyming words for kids is an excellent way to do that.

Table of Contents

  • How Do You Teach Rhyming Words To Children?
  • Rhyming Words For Kindergarten
  • Rhyming Words For First Grade And Older
  • Any Time Can Be Rhyme Time

How Do You Teach Rhyming Words To Children?

Children learn about rhyme in three stages, although there is much overlap as they move from one step to another.

Rhyme Exposure

This is when your child hears rhyming words. This can be in songs while reading rhyming together, or elsewhere. At this stage, you should point out rhyming words to your child.

Rhyme Recognition

Once your child hears a rhyme and points it out, they have reached the stage of rhyme recognition.

Rhyme Production

Finally, your child will be able to produce rhyme themselves. They may take great pride in asking you questions, such as, “Do you know what rhymes with door? More!”

While this may seem like a small thing to you, to them it’s big. Make sure to show them that you’re impressed with their newly-found knowledge.

Ways To Teach Rhyming Words

Make learning to rhyme fun by using some of these methods.

Share Rhyme In Books, Poems, And Songs

Reading rhyming books and poems and singing together will expose your child to rhymes in a fun, relaxing way. Read the complete story or sing the entire song first and then go back and point out the rhymes.

Then, when your child is aware of the concept of rhyming, ask them to point out the pairs of rhyming words they hear or read.

Once your child is familiar with rhymes, read or sing, but don’t say the second rhyming word. Instead, ask your child to provide a suitable rhyme.


Rhyme word puzzles are a fun way for your child to practice pairing up rhyming words.

Clip Cards

Not all rhyming words have the same spelling at the end. To prevent your child from becoming confused by the spelling, use peg cards where your child picks the correct rhyme according to the picture.

Lap Books

Create nursery rhyme lap-books with your child. First, print out the standard nursery rhyme and then have your child replace the original word with another of their own that rhymes.

Rhyming Dictionaries

Help your child find suitable rhyming words with a rhyming dictionary. These can be immensely helpful no matter what age you are, especially if you are a teacher, writer, or write lyrics for songs.

Rhyming Words For Kindergarten

These are great options for those who are younger than kindergarten or those who are still working on completing that first year in school. These are simple words that won’t be too challenging for this age.

Words That Rhyme With At

  1. Bat
  2. Cat
  3. Fat
  4. Hat
  5. Mat
  6. Pat
  7. Rat
  8. Sat
  9. Vat
  10. Slat
  11. Brat
  12. Flat
  13. Chat
  14. Splat
  15. That

Words That Rhyme With An

  1. Ban
  2. Can
  3. Fan
  4. Man
  5. Pan
  6. Ran
  7. Tan
  8. Van
  9. Flan
  10. Plan
  11. Span
  12. Scan

Words That Rhyme With Ab

  1. Cab
  2. Dab
  3. Drab
  4. Fab
  5. Flab
  6. Grab
  7. Jab
  8. Nab
  9. Lab
  10. Slab
  11. Tab
  12. Crab

Words That Rhyme With Ad

  1. Add
  2. Bad
  3. Clad
  4. Dad
  5. Fad
  6. Had
  7. Lad
  8. Mad
  9. Pad
  10. Rad
  11. Sad

Words That Rhyme With All

  1. Ball
  2. Call
  3. Fall
  4. Hall
  5. Mall
  6. Shawl
  7. Tall
  8. Wall
  9. Thrall
  10. Gall

Words That Rhyme With Ag

  1. Bag
  2. Flag
  3. Drag
  4. Gag
  5. Hag
  6. Nag
  7. Rag
  8. Sag
  9. Tag
  10. Wag

Words That Rhyme With Ip

  1. Ship
  2. Chip
  3. Clip
  4. Dip
  5. Drip
  6. Flip
  7. Grip
  8. Hip
  9. Kip
  10. Lip
  11. Nip
  12. Pip
  13. Rip
  14. Sip
  15. Slip
  16. Skip
  17. Snip
  18. Tip
  19. Trip
  20. Zip

Words That Rhyme With Ap

  1. App
  2. Cap
  3. Clap
  4. Flap
  5. Gap
  6. Lap
  7. Map
  8. Nap
  9. Rap
  10. Scrap
  11. Slap
  12. Snap
  13. Strap
  14. Snap
  15. Tap
  16. Trap

Words That Rhyme With Id

  1. Bid
  2. Did
  3. Hid
  4. Kid
  5. Lid
  6. Mid
  7. Rid
  8. Sid
  9. Grid
  10. Slid
  11. Skid
  12. Squid

Words That Rhyme With Op

  1. Bop
  2. Cop
  3. Crop
  4. Clop
  5. Drop
  6. Flop
  7. Hop
  8. Mop
  9. Plop
  10. Prop
  11. Shop
  12. Stop
  13. Swap
  14. Top

Words That Rhyme With Am

  1. Clam
  2. Cram
  3. Dam
  4. Gram
  5. Ham
  6. Jam
  7. Lamb
  8. Ram
  9. Slam
  10. Spam
  11. Tram

Words That Rhyme With Ig

  1. Big
  2. Dig
  3. Fig
  4. Gig
  5. Pig
  6. Rig
  7. Twig
  8. Swig
  9. Wig
  10. Brig

Words That Rhyme With Ar

  1. Are
  2. Bar
  3. Car
  4. Far
  5. Jar
  6. Scar
  7. Star
  8. Tar
  9. Ajar
  10. Guitar

Words That Rhyme With Aw

  1. Awe
  2. Caw
  3. Claw
  4. Draw
  5. Flaw
  6. Paw
  7. Raw
  8. Saw
  9. Straw
  10. Thaw

Words That Rhyme With Ay

  1. Bay
  2. Clay
  3. Day
  4. Gray
  5. Hay
  6. Jay
  7. Lay
  8. May
  9. Pay
  10. Play
  11. Pray
  12. Say
  13. Stay
  14. Spray
  15. Sway
  16. They
  17. Way
  18. Tray

Words That Rhyme With Ell

  1. Bell
  2. Cell
  3. Dell
  4. Fell
  5. Gel
  6. Sell
  7. Shell
  8. Smell
  9. Spell
  10. Tell
  11. Well
  12. Yell

Words That Rhyme With En

  1. Den
  2. Men
  3. Pen
  4. Ten
  5. Then
  6. When
  7. Wren
  8. Zen
  9. Ben
  10. Ken

Words That Rhyme With Et

  1. Bet
  2. Get
  3. Jet
  4. Let
  5. Met
  6. Net
  7. Pet
  8. Set
  9. Wet
  10. Yet

Words That Rhyme With Ew

  1. Blue
  2. Blew
  3. Brew
  4. Chew
  5. Clue
  6. Crew
  7. Cue
  8. Do
  9. Dew
  10. Drew
  11. Ewe
  12. Flew
  13. Glue
  14. Grew
  15. Knew
  16. New
  17. Phew
  18. Shoe
  19. Shoo
  20. Stew
  21. Through
  22. Threw
  23. True
  24. Two
  25. View
  26. You
  27. Who
  28. Zoo

Words That Rhyme With In

  1. Bin
  2. Chin
  3. Din
  4. Fin
  5. Grin
  6. Inn
  7. Pin
  8. Shin
  9. Skin
  10. Spin
  11. Twin
  12. Thin
  13. Tin
  14. Win

Words That Rhyme With It

  1. Bit
  2. Fit
  3. Hit
  4. Kit
  5. Knit
  6. Lit
  7. Mit
  8. Nit
  9. Pit
  10. Sit
  11. Quit
  12. Skit
  13. Slit
  14. Spit

Words That Rhyme With Od

  1. Cod
  2. Bod
  3. Odd
  4. Nod
  5. Plod
  6. Prod
  7. Rod
  8. Squad
  9. Trod
  10. Pod

Words That Rhyme With Og

  1. Bog
  2. Blog
  3. Cog
  4. Clog
  5. Dog
  6. Fog
  7. Frog
  8. Hog
  9. Jog
  10. Log

Words That Rhyme With Op

  1. Top
  2. Chop
  3. Cop
  4. Crop
  5. Drop
  6. Flop
  7. Hop
  8. Mop
  9. Pop
  10. Shop
  11. Stop

Words That Rhyme With Ot

  1. Blot
  2. Cot
  3. Clot
  4. Dot
  5. Got
  6. Hot
  7. Knot
  8. Not
  9. Plot
  10. Pot
  11. Rot
  12. Shot
  13. Spot

Words That Rhyme With Ow

  1. Bow
  2. Brow
  3. Cow
  4. How
  5. Now
  6. Pow
  7. Sow
  8. Row
  9. Vow
  10. Wow

Rhyming Words For First Grade And Older

These are useful rhyming words for first graders and above with an expanding skillset.

Words That Rhyme With Ake

  1. Ache
  2. Bake
  3. Cake
  4. Brake
  5. Break
  6. Fake
  7. Flake
  8. Lake
  9. Make
  10. Quake
  11. Rake
  12. Sake
  13. Take
  14. Sneak
  15. Steak
  16. Stake
  17. Wake

Words That Rhyme With Ale

  1. Bail
  2. Bale
  3. Kale
  4. Dale
  5. Fail
  6. Hail
  7. Mail
  8. Male
  9. Nail
  10. Pail
  11. Pale
  12. Rail
  13. Sail
  14. Snail
  15. Sale
  16. Stale
  17. Tail
  18. Tale
  19. Trail
  20. Whale
  21. Detail
  22. Toenail
  23. Email

Words That Rhyme With Ain

  1. Brain
  2. Cane
  3. Chain
  4. Crane
  5. Drain
  6. Gain
  7. Grain
  8. Lane
  9. Mane
  10. Main
  11. Pane
  12. Pain
  13. Plain
  14. Plane
  15. Reign
  16. Rain
  17. Sprain
  18. Stain
  19. Strain
  20. Train
  21. Again

Words That Rhyme With Or

  1. Door
  2. Chore
  3. Core
  4. Four
  5. For
  6. Sore
  7. Floor
  8. Door
  9. More
  10. Oar
  11. Snore
  12. Soar
  13. Store
  14. Score

Words That Rhyme With School

  1. Cool
  2. Cruel
  3. Drool
  4. Fool
  5. Fuel
  6. Ghoul
  7. Jewel
  8. Mule
  9. Pool
  10. Spool
  11. Tool
  12. Who’ll
  13. You’ll
  14. Yule

Any Time Can Be Rhyme Time

Whether you are playing rhyme I-spy, singing nursery rhymes, or reading a book of children’s poems, the time you spend sharing rhymes with your child is helping them develop spoken language.

Build a little rhyme time into every day and give your child an advantage.

Introducing rhyming words is an excellent way to lay a solid foundation for literacy.

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rhymes | Speech therapy for all

Sep 20, 2011, the author Ekaterina

developed a speech therapist

Kondrashova Galina Nikolaevna

MDOU “Children's Garden No. 3” 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 The game "Rhymes"

We played rhymes - we picked up words.

Let's play with you now.

Show a picture and suggest a word -

Which one we will take with us.

I’ll say an accordion, and you tell me ... (potato),

I’m holding a shirt, you see . .. (a bug),

I took a basket, you bought ... (a picture).

I see: a ram is grazing in the field,

And a little boy is carrying - ... (drum),

An ant is crawling along the path with a reed,

And after him flies ... (sparrow).

Violinist gives us concerts on "Bis"0003

All children are treated by our…(doctors).

Game " Good Elephant".

A good elephant lived in the world,

He wrote stories.

He wrote good books,

And gave them to his friends.

He liked to play rhymes,

So that he would not be bored with his friends.

Here is a picture, here... (basket, car, etc.),

Here is a camomile, here is ... (bug, piece of paper),

Here is my house, here is yours ... (volume, catfish),

Here is a cannon, here is . .. (fly, drying, mug),

Here is a donut for you , but ... (book, mouse, lid),

Here is a neighbor, but ... (lunch, clarinet, vinaigrette).

So that we don't get bored,

We'll pick up rhymes.

(The game can continue indefinitely until the child gets bored.)

Gifts game.

Monkey has a birthday,

Everyone brings congratulations:

The cockerel brought her a cannon,

And the horse - ... (cracker, rattle, spinner, etc.).

White bear - chocolate,

A Hedgehog - ... (marmalade, lemonade, etc.)

The game "We play - we select rhymes."

A monkey and a cuckoo, a cockerel and a cat

We decided to play rhymes with the children a little:

The monkey suggested: a bear, ... (then the children choose pictures).

The cuckoo crowed: reel,…

The cat also purred: hand,…

The cockerel crowed: sack,… .

Task: Find rhymes. Children are offered pictures: bear, bump, donut, boy, reel, rattle, pillow, feeder, palm, potato, accordion, midge, bag, pot, strap, top. They choose a picture and substitute the word into the poem.

Miniature rhymes

A mouse rustled in the pantry,

Under the pine lay - ... (cone).

Garik lives in our house,

He has a blue ... (balloon).

Our capricious Masha,

In her plate ... (porridge).

There is an old house in the village,

We got caught in the net - ... (catfish).

They took a volume from the library,

In winter, the guys sculpt - ... (com).

Mice are very fond of cheese,

There are a lot of -… (holes) in good cheese.

The wind blew very strongly,

There was a terrible ... (hum) everywhere.

A sheep lives with a farmer,

Runs in the desert - ... (lizard).

Mom was cleaning the floor,

Dad was waiting: when will . .. (goal).

A pack fell on the deck,

Because there was - ... (rolling).

A daughter is writing a letter to her mother,

At the end of the story is - ... (dot).

The tailor chose red silk,

So he knows about fashion...

They played in KVN for a day,

Everyone liked the hall - ... (jokes).

There was a nut on the shore,

The fish was dragged away - ... (seagull).

Porridge is smoking in a bowl,

With tea is - ... (a cup).

It was very bad in a fairy tale,

Until a -… (miracle) appeared.

The boy is crying very loudly -

He hurt with glass ... (finger).

Onions grew in the garden,

May ... (beetle) crawled in the garden.

There was not enough honey for the bear,

The bee showed ... (sting).

In the raspberry forest the bear grumbled,

Next to him there was a stream… (murmured).

Arkady slept lightly at night,

He was afraid of the dark. .. (terribly).

The athlete put on his jacket,

He holds in his hands ... (racquet).

The children are waiting for the holidays -

Red summer ... (ongoing).

The oldest in the group is Venya,

He has a friend - ... (Zhenya).

Green bunch of parsley

Gluttonous ate ... (bug).

The woman screamed loudly -

Scared her - ... (toad).

People in fairy tales love to feast,

Everyone in the world needs ... (peace).

Concrete is being made at the construction site,

In the subway they will require -…(token).

I bought a fashionable Klim vest,

I bought ... (ticket) to the theater.

There lived a boy Zhora,

He has a little sister... (Laura).

Tanya-baby is the most boastful of all,

On her hat - ... (brooch).

The old leopard dreamed of stars.

He wanted to fly to ... (Mars).

Lost to Seryozha fant,

The girls tied . .. (bow).

A jar fell off the table,

Now Sveta has a pain...(a wound).

Vasya was on duty in the class,

He cleaned the floors with a rag ... (washed).

There lived an old dog in the world,

He regularly served ... (carried).

They gave Ram a pipe,

And a sentry ... (booth).

Ilya has beautiful hair,

And pleasant, resonant… (voice).

The leader issued a victory cry,

Do not interfere with him ... (rain).

You can't take someone else's,

And, of course, you can't ... (lie).

To make the hairstyle glossy,

We will need ... (wax).

Yaga did not get the crown,

Carried her away ... (crow).

The picture was painted by the creator,

He depicted on it ... (palace).

Nightingale can not hear the trill,

Muffles it ... (drill).

I saw a wonderful dream,

That I went to ... (Don).

A dark night has come,

My . .. (daughter) is falling asleep.

Cat's beautiful paws -

Fluffy shoes (slippers).

Vitya didn't take a satchel to school,

He studied there all day...(dance).

A ship has come to a distant port,

A sailor is carrying a friend...(cake).

The soldier does not need sleds,

He will study ... (tanks).

The incident happened once -

They overturned a copper ... (basin).

Grandfather loves tobacco,

A granddaughter - ... (zucchini).

Exotic mango fruit.

An unfamiliar dance…(tango).

There are bushes in the yard,

They are very…(thick).

There is a hill near the house -

Ice on it ... (crust).

Someone dug a big grotto-

It turned out to be ... (mole).

A goose lives in the poultry house,

Runs in the forest ... (hare).

Glasha danced the polka,

She sang a song loudly ... (Klasha).

Grandfather went to chop wood,

And grandma - onions . .. (weed).

The boxer cut his eyebrow with a blow,

And immediately ran ... (blood).

Brought the ship of athletes to the port,

They went to ... (court).

There was a crumb left on the table,

I fed the birds ... (Proshka).

The roses ran away from the flowerbed,

Very prickly... (roses).

In the morning dew fell -

Go out to the meadow ... (spit).

Horses competed at the races,

Children rode in the park ... (ponies).

The cat licked all the sour cream,

He wiped it with his paw ... (mouth).

There was a donut on the table -

I caught the smell ... (mouse).

In the realm of fairy tales, a ball is gathered -

There were both old and ... (small).

The big boss needs a folder,

And, of course, in winter, of course… (hat).

If children are walking in the park,

Do not break at the bushes ... (branches).

Kitty's muzzle warms in the sun.

“Whiskas” is filled with delicious ... (bowl).

Natasha baked a cake,

Our…(Rex) loves them very much.

The clown took off his funny cap,

Grandfather planted in a fairy tale ... (turnip).

There is a school desk in the last row,

There is a pen, a textbook and ... (map) on it.

We will put on a mask for the carnival,

A soldier will put on a battle ... (helmet).

The mouse saw the crust -

Dragged it into ... (mink).

Artur began sawing the log,

He hurt himself…(knee).

A drop was falling down from the sky,

He is not afraid of her... (heron).

Faith's cutting was not successful,

Now it is in the magazine ... (troika).

Mila made a salad,

Washed her…(robe).

The cold is very terrible for a hare,

But even more terrible ... (hunger).

Bought sour cream Gleb,

Bought Vasily ... (bread).

Slowing down time,

The old . .. (year) is leaving us.

The hop blossoms luxuriantly in spring,

... (bumblebee) sits on it.

That guys start fights,

Don't believe it! It's just - ... (lies).

A puppy ran in the meadow,

Lena wove for him ... (wreath).

There lived a giant in the world,

And he had ... (pelican).

Strict norm for a soldier:

Always ironed ... (uniform).

Arseniy pultik took in his hands,

He wanted to see ... (cartoon).

The border guards have a post,

Under guard they have ... (bridge).

Daddy calls Ira:

“My daughter is…(honey)”.

Fedya loves fat very much,

Everything is for him, poor fellow, ... (not enough).

They like kitty serials,

Buy in "Trek" ... (discs).

Vika brushes her teeth in the morning,

Then she paints brightly…(lips).

A cloud floated across the sky,

In the river splashed ... (pike).

The baker bakes bread for the table for us,

Gives out medicine - . .. (healer).

There is sand on the river bank,

And there is ... (wood) around.

The boat did not reach the target,

It ran into ... (stranded).

Petya hands with soap soap,

All microbes quickly ... (washed away).

A cat was sitting on the window

And meowing… (a little bit).

The children were running, jumping

And in the evening everyone ... (tired).

Look - a steam locomotive,

He's wagons ... (carried).

On a large green branch

Squirrels are sitting ... (children).

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Author: Ekaterina

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Speech therapist to help:
  • Phonetic warm-ups
  • The specifics of correctional and developmental work in the conditions of a social rehabilitation center for minor children
  • Experience in diagnosing children with general speech underdevelopment [1 language level]

Headings: Speech therapist to help Tags: speech therapy games

Let's play with words, or what is hidden behind "eniki-beniki..."

Let's play with words, or what is hidden behind “eniki-beniks…”

Amosova NV

Have you ever thought about the fact that native speech becomes the main school discipline literally from the first days of schooling? But long before coming to school, every child goes through the most difficult path of getting to know the word, realizing its capabilities, its beauty. K. Chukovsky thought a lot about these magnificent possibilities of small children in his book "From Two to Five". All this is so. But why, then, growing out of their creative five years, or maybe decades, do people sometimes seem to lose this ability, this gift, invested in them by nature, and turn words only into a means of utilitarian communication? To paraphrase the famous lines of the poet Levitansky: "Where do you come from, words?" - I sometimes want to ask another question: "Where are you going, words?" Behind the bustle of everyday life, behind everyday problems, we sometimes miss something extremely important and, recalling the successful sayings, almost aphorisms of our young children, we are surprised to find that grown-up children have completely lost what they were so generously and richly endowed with in tender infancy.

Of course, this problem is complex. To educate a child's sense of the word is not only to teach him to speak competently and interestingly. This means, at the same time, to introduce him to such treasures of the great Russian speech, with which hardly anything can be compared.

Let's think about two important and interrelated concepts: children's perception of word play and the active participation of children themselves in various word games.

Playing with words, playing with concepts, playing with rhythm are often valuable in themselves, because they pursue not so much semantic goals as the task of creating such a semantic atmosphere in which a small child will be comfortable and comfortable.

What attracts the little ones the most? What do they find in children's "counting books" that are generally devoid of any meaning whatsoever and represent an unimaginable set of "gibberish"? This is a rhythm, convenient combinations of sounds that even the smallest one, who has not yet learned to speak properly, is able to reproduce.

When a child finally speaks freely, difficult, not necessarily understandable, but beautiful and sonorous words acquire special charm for him. Chukovsky caught this with extraordinary sensitivity and joyfully went to meet the children's needs:
We live in Zanzibar,
In the Kalahari and the Sahara,
On Mount Fernanda Po,
Where Hippo Po walks,
Along the wide Limpopo.

It is characteristic that none of the young children, to whom "Aibolit" is read for the first time, is bored in front of geographical concepts unknown to him. Yes, they have not yet heard such a word - geography. However, none of them will ever ask what these incomprehensible words mean. Children instantly remember them, begin to repeat with rapture and enjoy their melodic sound.

Let's recall, for example, one of the most popular folklore works, which, probably, not a single child has passed:
Baba sowed peas -
Jump-jump, jump-jump!
The ceiling collapsed -
Jump-jump, jump-jump!
Baba walked, walked, walked,
Found a pie.
She sat down, ate,
Went again...

What is the semantic connection between the sowing of peas and the collapsed ceiling, and where the woman went after this collapse, and what does the pie have to do with it. After all, everything in this simple rhyme is meaningless, everything is a sheer nonsense, but children adore this nonsense, they demand to repeat it endlessly and jump under it as soon as they have learned to walk.

The possibilities of mischievous verbal play are endless, and most importantly, priceless, because through such verses a child becomes familiar with the feeling of language, begins to understand the subtleties of its sound, the huge range of its application.

Sometimes, very often, children, without knowing it, begin to "create" their own word game. Here is how A.M. describes it. Malysheva in her book "Playing with Words" 1 :

"My daughter was a year and a half when we first read poems about pan Tralislav Trulyalinsky. She was especially delighted with lines with all sorts of variations on the theme" tru-la-la. "With him and the aunt - Tweedledum, and the daughter - Tweedledee, and the little son - Tweedledum, and the dog - Tweedledee, etc. And the end of the poem, where this leitmotif becomes the only one, brought my little daughter simply into ecstasy: "All drivers are Tweedlers, postmen are Tweedledees, football players ... The teacher himself is a Tweedler, and the guys are Tweedledees!" Of course, she still did not know many words from this poem and could not answer who the postmen and football players were . .. But it was not important. She couldn’t really pronounce it, but she said: “Ta-la-la, Talalinsky.” And so we continued the game proposed by Julian Tuwim and his translator Boris Zakhoder. I said some arbitrary line, and she picked up:
All toys…
Well, what about books?
And Anyuta?

And so it could go on indefinitely, until my supply of suitable words was exhausted. For a long time this was our favorite activity, and she was included in it without any preparation. You could suddenly suddenly throw some phrase to her, and she immediately picked up, and always unmistakably" 1 .

And now let's play words.0655 The game can be played by two or several people at the same time. The beginner says any word, for example "Apple", the next player must come up with a word starting with the last letter of the first word, i.e. on "o" (Apple - sheep - watermelon, etc.). The one who said the last word wins.

Game 2 "Associations"
The players are divided into two teams. One team thinks of some word or rhyme and says it to the other team, but not in plain text, but in another word (s), based on their associations. For example, Anya says "grandfather", Misha, after thinking, says "woman". The answer is correct, and Anya's task is to suggest a new association, for example "beans". After that, it is quite easy to guess that the line was guessed: "The woman sowed peas ..." When the riddle is solved, the move goes to the next team.

So, we got acquainted with the magical bewitching world of words, learned to play with them. "But is this really enough to develop the talent of your child, to reveal in him the ability to compose poetry?" - many parents will ask in bewilderment. Of course not! Therefore, in the second part of the article, we will consider the simplest laws of versification and get acquainted with rhyme.

While children are very young, they are intuitively drawn to poetry, preferring it to everything else. And they feel great rhyme. Many parents have seen this through their children. Sometimes, forgetting the end of the line, the baby easily finds another word that rhymes with the end of the previous line. But in general, children remember rhymes with extraordinary ease. After all, rhyme in itself is capable of attracting, and enchanting, and even, perhaps, bewitching. Children feel the charm of consonant words and lines very early, often they themselves begin to rhyme even in infancy. It is very important to maintain this interest, because the sense of rhyme, like the sense of rhythm, is one of the steps on the way to understanding poetry, its conventionality, its special language. The discovery of rhyme was probably one of the most remarkable discoveries of mankind.

If you look closely or listen to children's works, you will notice that all the first books, the first poems in a child's life, are designed precisely for the fact that an adult does not have to read the end of a line to the end.

Sometimes the last rhyming word is joyfully shouted out by the child himself. He literally waits for rhyme, he likes that the words sound similar. And at first he rejoices not so much in the meaning as in this beautiful consonance. Daniil Kharms knew this ability of young children very well and, as if on purpose, wrote a small poem with dots instead of a rhyming word for such an exercise. The poem is called "Very, very tasty cake":

I wanted to arrange a ball,
And I invited guests to my place ... (called).

I bought flour, I bought cottage cheese,
I baked crumbly ... (pie).

Pie, knives and forks are here -
But some guests ... (do not come).

I waited until I had enough strength,
Then a piece of … (swallowed).

Then he pulled up a chair and sat down
And the whole pie in a minute ... (ate).

When the guests arrived,
Even crumbs ... (did not find).

However, for any author, parents can also successfully do this work. Below is a list of verses specifically for this exercise. By the way, you can do it with any work containing a rhyme that you read to your child. And it does not matter if the child makes a mistake and inserts the wrong word: anyway, this is already a process of creativity.

Three magpies - three clappers!
Lost three ... (brushes).

V. Stepanov

There lived a round cat in the world.
He was round round ... (year).
He ate round and drank round,
Round "Meow" ... (spoke).
Round paw round cat
Washed his round ... (mouth).

V. Berestov

Show yourself from the clouds, sun,
Look in soon... (in the window).

"Hide and seek"
The sun with a cloud again
They started to hide and seek ... (play).
Only the sun will hide -
The whole cloud ... (cries).
And when there is a sun -
There is a rainbow in the sky ... (laughs).

Cow, cow,
Horned . .. (head)!
Do not butt small children,
Milk is better for them ... (give)!

So the fairy tale has ended,
We'll start it all over again
Or we'll start a new one,
But first... (we'll have a rest).

V. Stepanov
Squirrels and bears know,
Where the pine makes noise in the forest:
On the branches of a pine tree ... (cones),
Also - all of it is in needles.

Under the fallen leaves
Mushrooms hid together.
Very cunning sisters
These yellow ... (chanterelles).

"Fly agaric"
Although he is dressed up in appearance
And handsome, but poisonous.
Like a red traffic light
In a red hat ... (fly agaric).

Fills the garden in summer
Aroma of ripe cherries.
There is no birthday
Without cherry ... (jam)!

Like blue spills
Blue on the branches ... (plums).

Why are you, mustachioed mole,
Climbed into my garden?
Why did you make holes
Where tomatoes ripen?
Here's what I'll tell you:
How will I catch . .. (I will punish).

A girl grew underground,
But she was fresh and round.
The dog Artoshka barks loudly:
"Woof-woof-woof - hello, ... (potato)".

Ladushki, patties,
Wash your noodles with soap!
Clean palms,
Here is some bread for you… (spoons)!

And where is the porridge...

I have a little brother,
His name is Alyoshka,
He doesn't know how to eat porridge
And he fights ... (with a spoon)!

Put on pillows:
Dolls - cheeks,
Bunnies - ears,
Goat - horns,
Pig - ... (legs)!

The bunny took off his slippers,
Cleaned his paws,
Ate a carrot,
And went to bed.
There will be a bunny
Strongly ... (sleep).

I'm learning a rhyme,
I want to know a rhyme:
About a kitten and a mouse,
About a duckling and about . .. (bear)!

I'm not going out today:
I'm washing a dress for a doll,
I'm washing a T-shirt,
At the same time and ... (bunny).

We got acquainted with rhyme, and now we will try to compose poetry.

In his book "The ABC of Poetry" M. Schwartz wrote: "Writing poetry is not difficult. The main thing is to understand how they are arranged. And when you understand how poems are arranged, you will feel their rhythm, music, hear rhyme, words your mood - you will see that writing poetry is not so difficult. 2

Here is what the author writes further in his book: “Think about how poetry differs from an ordinary story or fairy tale. That’s right, poetry is collapsible, easy to remember, they can be sung to music. they fit together very well, like a choir or an orchestra. They sing along to each other, one word sings the same as the other. It turns out - consonance, rhyme.
The mandolin starts,
The voice is sweet as a raspberry.
The guitar sings along with it.
Wonderful couple!

To find a rhyme for a word, you need to listen to what it sings, what kind of echo it has, and remember another word that will respond to it. If I shout: "Canary", the echo will answer me: "-areika, -reika, -eyka." The first, most complete echo is "-areika". And the rhyme with him is the most complete, it is also called rich.
Kan-areika - bat-areika.

If it is impossible to find a word that fits the meaning of the verse and at the same time with a rich, complete rhyme, the rhyme of the victorious is used. For example, rake is also a good rhyme. Only I don’t want to insert this rail into poetry, but I want the canary to drink Pepsi-Cola with me. We call another rhyme: "Hey, lei-ka, bey-ka, drink-ka ...". Here's the right rhyme!
Hey, listen, canary,
Pepsi-Cola, drink with us!" the syllable, and the syllable before it and the ending of the word, respond weaker and are pronounced quickly, so they can be changed: -zheny, -stingy, -fried.
Dear ...
Roasted pig! two or even three words.0655 We sewed a pair of sheets ourselves
And we sail!
Are your cheeks cold? One, two, three...
Rub it with a mitten!

So, we got acquainted with the small methods of writing poetry, which M. Schwartz gives us in his book. And now let's play exciting games with the children.

Game 1 "Echo" (modified version)
An adult and a child stand at different ends of the room. The child pronounces any word, for example, "mushroom". The adult plays the role of "echo" and offers the child rhyming endings. For example: "barrels - points". The child must choose any other word for them. For example: "pouch - bumps - kidneys, etc."

You can write down all the composed words and try to compose a line or a quatrain with the child, thus finding out "what the echo told about." For example:
Under a pine among stumps and bumps
A small mushroom has grown.

I will take a bag with me,
I will put a mushroom in it.

Well, the stem of a mushroom,
Like a small barrel, etc.

Game 2 "Burime"
Our great-grandparents also loved to play this game. All participants are given several pre-prepared rhymes. From them it is necessary to compose a poem with meaning and preferably funny. Everyone goes to a corner and writes and then reads aloud. The author of the best poem is the winner.
For example: "mosquitoes - kind, bed - kiss."
What are mosquitoes
Gentle and kind to people!
You lie down in bed in the evening,
So they climb to kiss.

And in conclusion, I would like to note that if your children get such experiments, if they put lines into quatrains without much difficulty, rhyme, play rhythm, then this does not mean at all that they will all become poets. But these exercises will bring up their taste, their exactingness not only in relation to themselves, but also to poetry in general, they will accustom them to an exceptional ability to express their thoughts and feelings publicly.

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