Make the sentences

Sentence Examples | Examples of Words Used in a Sentence


A Word Can Be Used in a Sentence Many Ways

Sometimes to understand a word's meaning you need more than a definition; you need to see the word used in a sentence. At YourDictionary, we give you the tools to learn what a word means and how to use it correctly. With this sentence maker, simply type a word in the search bar and see a variety of sentences with that word used in its different ways. Our sentence generator can provide more context and relevance, ensuring you use a word the right way.

How Do Our Sentence Examples Help You?

Whether it’s simple sentences for those just learning the English language or phrasing for an academic paper, this easy-to-use sentence generator will help you choose your words with confidence.

With our sentence examples, seeing a word within the context of a sentence helps you better understand it and know how to use it correctly. From long to short, simple to complex, this tool can assist you with how to use words that may have more than one meaning.

How to See a Word Used in a Sentence

If you want to hear how the word is said, we can assist with that too. Just click on the speaker icon at the top of the page to listen to a clear pronunciation of the word.

What is a Sentence?

There are many types of sentences, all with different structures and complexities. In its most basic form, a sentence is made up of a subject and predicate, which is the verb and the words that follow. But no matter how simple or complex, a sentence consists of words. Words in a sentence are what make it come alive and make sense.

Understand how words are used within the sentence, no matter the structure, and get inspiration for writing your own sentence correctly with the help of these example sentences.

We’re Here to Make Learning Easy

We get it. Learning the meaning of the many words that make up the English language can seem overwhelming. Take away the nerves and make it simple and easy to understand with the use of our sentence maker.

YourDictionary strives to make learning as stress-free as possible, no matter what your age or understanding is. And our sentence examples are no different.

We understand that sometimes the best way to truly understand a new concept is to see it used in an example. With the help of our useful tool, you can be one step ahead with grasping the complexity and workings of English vocabulary.

With an increased understanding of how words can be used, you can make your writing come to life with an arsenal of words of varying difficulties and meanings.

Simply type the word into the sentence generator and we’ll do the rest.

English Sentences with Audio Using the Word "Make"

English Sentences with Audio Using the Word "Make"
Make it real.
Make your choice.
You make me happy.
What did Jean make?
How did you make it?
We all make mistakes.
How do you make a box?
Make yourself at home.
Do I make myself clear?
I know you can make it.
Let's make a phone call.
Don't make fun of people.
I want to make her happy.
Can you make the deadline?
You will make a good wife.
Anybody can make a mistake.
Could I make a reservation?
Did you make it by yourself?
Make yourselves comfortable.
Do you have to make a speech?
I said I would make her happy.
Two wrongs don't make a right.
We must make up for lost time.
He seems to make nothing of it.
I can't make out what she said.
Sulfur is used to make matches.
She told us not to make a noise.
This message doesn't make sense.
This sentence doesn't make sense.
I think we'll make it if we hurry.
I am afraid he will make a mistake.
I wanted to make some telephone calls.
You should make good use of your time.
I'm afraid that I might make you angry.
I didn't think you were going to make it.
I couldn't make him understand my English.
A good businessman knows how to make money.
She said nothing that would make him angry.
I couldn't make myself heard above the noise.
I'm going to make a cake for Mary's birthday.
He tried to make his wife happy, but couldn't.
I asked her to make four copies of the letter.
I checked to make sure that he was still alive.
I make it a rule to get up early in the morning.
Tom checked to make sure the gas was turned off.
I don't know what to say to make you feel better.
You have to work harder to make up for lost time.
I think it's time for me to make some new friends.
If you can't make it, call us as soon as possible.
You should make sure that you don't make Tom angry.
I completely forgot to make something for us to eat.
I'm going to make some coffee. Would you like some, too?
It was so noisy there that I couldn't make myself heard.
I want to spend more time doing things that make me happy.
If you want to make your dreams come true, keep on trying.
I make it a rule not to watch television after nine o'clock.
Before you go to visit him, you should make sure he's at home.
I spoke to him in English, but I couldn't make myself understood.
I think that maybe I won't be able to make understood in English.
What he told us the other day simply doesn't make sense, does it?
She made it clear that she couldn't make it in time for the meeting.
I tried hard to make them stay home, but they refused to listen to me.
How much time and energy do you spend on projects that don't make you any money?
Make your airplane reservations early since flights fill up quickly around Christmas.
We’re going to make sure that no one is taking advantage of the American people for their own short-term gain.

Sentences with the word "trees"

We found 80 sentences with the word "trees". Synonyms for trees. Meaning of the word. Characters. "trees" - morphemic analysis.

  • Nightingales even flew into trees under our windows.
  • When houses were being built, he himself showed where to make clearings, which bushes to plant, which trees to cut down.
  • Palaces, priceless furniture, ancient trees , deep ponds remained the same as they were under the first owners.
  • That same summer we went to check our trees .
  • By eighteen zero-zero clean the hole, fertilize the trees !
  • Centuries-old trees fell, chips flew for a thousand miles.
  • Separate trees were lying around, apparently, the Germans did not have time to take them out.
  • Fruit trees bloomed in the garden, and bright spring flowers gave me a new stimulus to life.
  • Trees grew in the courtyard , mainly lindens.
  • And in the spring we, your neighbors, planted the first fruit trees on our plots.
  • How beautiful everything is around: green young greenery trees and grass, blue sky and bright dazzling sun!
  • The trees of are shrouded in wet fog, and the crows are brushing off their feathers.
  • For three years, one hundred thousand workers erected magnificent shrines, palaces and tombs, paved alleys with stone slabs, planted trees .
  • If it were not for ditches and trees in three rows between houses and a narrow strip of panel, it would look like Black Sea cities.
  • See insects and fish, trees and grass.
  • I was pushing these trees into the oven, keeping the fire going.
  • Here the steward began to swear that he had done all this, that he had spared no trouble for it, but that the trees were old.
  • Having climbed over the wall, he cut off almost all trees and laid out a whole bag of ripe pears in front of friends.
  • I could only see the trees covered with snow .
  • It got to the point that some people ate linden bark (they stripped trees in the garden of the Hermitage). The
  • and trees he first met were not oak or poplar, but palm, magnolia, and rosewood.
  • Such trees exist, and there is reverent delight before the highest professional honesty of a writer.
  • In the fifth year, the Novospassky heir took chalk in his hands and let's paint pictures on the floor: here are trees , and here is the church.
  • He was worried about what trees would become , how people would learn to create new varieties of fruits, what could be made from wood and what from metal.
  • Large trees were used to build defensive structures on the bridgehead.
  • Tropical trees were clearly visible to mariners , on the branches of which "many wild monkeys" rushed.
  • The trees of grew thinner and thinner, and finally disappeared with one rise.
  • If trees came across on the way , they were cut down for firewood, which was loaded into the sled.
  • I like to go out on the porch and see trees and flowers that I planted myself.
  • Ilyusha Krainov writes about how the trees cried with heavy tears and about the branch of help extended in time.
  • It's a stupid idea, considering that I'm not a master of climbing trees m, besides, in the northern forest all trees are almost the same height.
  • In the camp, this issue was resolved simply: people went to the mountains and cut low-growing trees there.
  • Many surrounding trees are split: everything looks peeled.
  • Cyrus first noticed the hoof prints on the ground, then noticed the wild trees .
  • Fruit trees grew near each house: apple trees, apricots, plums, mulberry trees .
  • Now these trees , this chapel and this house are gone.
  • The choreographer, apparently, literally understood the words of the Greek myth that the singing of Orpheus made trees and rocks and rocks move.
  • Irregularly shaped mounds were poured from the earth excavated during earthworks, on which trees and flowers were then planted .
  • Huge trees grew around the building, their spreading crowns provided saving shade and coolness.
  • Dark trees , black peat bogs, aching sadness, only occasionally softened by a pale smile of blossoming heather.
  • In the forest, packs often clung to trees and got upset, so the Cossacks had a lot of work to do.
  • I saw how they, hopeless, with swollen bellies, were carried out under trees and stacked in a row.
  • The proverb “Where is the village, and where are the trees ?” Probably they said about Ahsi.
  • The aircraft takes off running and taxis under trees .
  • The trees of in the gardens are covered with exotic fruits, and around the trees there are small decanters with golden taps.
  • Fruit trees did not require any walking behind them, and excellent fruits grew.
  • All Tauride Garden, and trees , and crows, and the moon.
  • Tiles featured trees and floral designs to give the room the feel of a garden nook.
  • The unbridled mob not only smashed the precious statues in the palace with hammers, but uprooted the centuries-old trees in its garden.
  • But there was also something unusual about it: low dead trees glowed in the dark with a strange bluish light.
  • The Phoenician ruler arrogantly refused to give the Pharaoh the felled Lebanese trees on credit.
  • In the place where it bends, trees and forests are already showing .
  • The girl immediately took me to her garden and showed me various trees that were not in Bryansk.
  • It was obscured by trees and the buildings of the central streets (although low, but still blocking the distant distance).
  • Roofs, trees and sparrows were already breathing in spring.
  • Sunbeam through trees on bare hands.
  • For a long time they showed the rooms in which he lived and the trees he planted .
  • The real spring and its beauty began when all trees in the huge garden were blooming with different colors.
  • A train appeared ahead and quietly passed through the trees .
  • I saw a lot of them, even whole trees drifted .
  • Tamarind trees , palms and oleanders bathed in sunlight.
  • They covered the road in the forest trees , and in case the Messerschmitts returned, we could stop under the nearest tree.
  • I planted some trees on some subbotniks.
  • Very tall trees grew in the depths of the garden, among them an old, dilapidated chapel was hiding.
  • The rest hid from the rain under the trees .
  • I started putting out her hair, got distracted from the road, and when I turned to the steering wheel, the car was already halfway in the ditch and was moving straight on trees .
  • The strength of the explosion was such that the trees on the Neva embankment were uprooted.
  • The wings depicted huge stones and gnarled trees .
  • The old trees are still standing, but the forest is continuously renewed, giving rise to more and more new trees from the countless riches accumulated by it.
  • As she descended the hill, trees and grass bowed before her.
  • Trees , which were just planted then, are now tall.
  • Of course, the problem was that the shells often hit trees , exploded or brought down trees .
  • Centuries-old trees grew in the park, statues and vases made of expensive marble were reflected in the pond.
  • Trees stood with their branches lowered from the weight of the snow.
  • True, fruit trees scientific gardeners crossed so much that they brought out hybrids that really did not look like anything and did not meet the taste of the species.
  • We eagerly look around: trees , trees , trees on both sides of the road.
  • The cherries under which we dined in the summer have grown into tall and spreading trees .
  • Or why there are trees there, but not here?
  • I walked in front of the car to prevent it from crashing into trees .
  • On trees they hung glass vessels of different colors with candles.

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Source - introductory fragments of books with LitRes.

Synonyms for "trees". Meaning of the word. Characters. "trees" - morphemic analysis.

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Random: analyzing, taking advantage, talker, being lazy, attacking, adjusted, direct, both, protest, autumn carpet sentences with the word language. Synonyms for language. Meaning of the word. Characters. "language" - morphemic parsing.

  • Mother subsequently tried to learn Russian , read a lot of Russian authors, but until the end of her life she spoke Russian poorly.
  • It has its own rules, its own language , its own games and unprecedented arrogance towards everyone behind the fence.
  • And then Pope John allowed English to be used in sermons and all Latin ended.
  • Others thought that the topic was important, but the reality is too unattractive, the hero is inactive, and language rough.
  • French he knew quite well.
  • And it is not difficult for him, the poor son of a drunkard, to find a common language with them .
  • There she received an education no worse than a girl from a good noble family: French language , Italian language , singing, music.
  • Savka Ogurtsov for some reason immediately disliked the stupid jargon and then decided that he would not desecrate his language .
  • I have a common secret language with the ocean, and exactly the same language in my boat "Turgoyak", I taught her to obey the movement of my oars.
  • The idea of ​​the worldwide brotherhood of peoples made him invent a world language .
  • A certain Pole, the jester of Tsar Peter the Great, is no longer from yours, but from German language and will translate them into barbarian language .
  • For Stalin, there were not only an economic basis and superstructure organizations (to which N. Ya. Marr attributed language ).
  • Needless to say, it was always easier for her to find a common language with men than with women.
  • Then, under the demanding gaze of my mother, she could hardly squeeze out: “Merci”, which was the limit of my French language at that time.
  • The instigator-bell was torn out " language ", his "ears" were torn off and he was sent from Uglich to Tobolsk.
  • Time has given them a new musical language , which is difficult to translate into the language of the swing era and understandable only to a narrow circle of adherents of the new.
  • And in Turkey, as he himself assures, Casanova did not stay because he did not want to learn the barbaric language .
  • Svetlana is relaxed, she is in a circle of her own, she even shows Vlasik her tongue .
  • But like Zhukovsky, who knows the language of the English, and even more firmly the language of Byron, how can he not throw himself on this prey!
  • In a way, the language of V. I. Mochulsky's memoirs reminds me the language of I. A. Goncharov's “Pallada Frigate”.
  • Here: not only does the soul create language , but also language (partially) creates the soul.
  • They assessed the language and style of the young author differently.
  • Sai Baba's mother tongue was Telugu, it is a very beautiful and melodic language .
  • Russian language , arithmetic, geography, history, music, French language .
  • The very language of Paul, when he speaks of freedom, becomes “according-opposite”, antinomic, just like language Jesus.
  • Well, for example, to hint that his correspondent was blackmailing some society lady from among Lady M.'s friends, so she unleashed her tongue .
  • The school taught: Chinese , Russian , arithmetic, geography and Russian history.
  • His language and manner of writing are worth a different brush, which is led by an agitated hand.
  • History of the USSR, world history, Russian language and literature, foreign language , according to the principle, who taught what language at school.
  • And even the language in which this young man expressed his love to a foreigner, even this language was wrong, erroneous, though ardent.
  • At the same time, the manners and language of are the same lorries.
  • Who will undertake to translate into the language of logic the eccentric whim of a hysterical nature?
  • But the tongue of such "political fighters" was well suspended.
  • Then the boys were given new names and they began to work seriously with them so that they would get stronger physically and learn the Turkish language .
  • We open language , each generation opens language .
  • They used Latin language , preferring figurative expressions and allegories.
  • And he suddenly shows her tongue and laughs.
  • The constant state of doublethink gave rise to a special language in art and in life.
  • And Lenin always appreciated his ability to find a common language with criminals.
  • Yatskov came to the USA knowing only French , but thanks to his ability and perseverance, he learned English very quickly, within a year.
  • During his studies at the institute, he studied English language and American reality well.
  • The language of the story, Zolotukhin's prose in general, deserves a separate discussion.
  • Why shouldn't they strive to have a common flag and one common language ?
  • She translated it with great wit and gloating into a language understandable to everyone .
  • The language of poetry, poetry, there is the language of the common people, ennobled by the pronunciation.
  • Despite the magnificent language of Ostrovsky's play, in which not a single word can be moved, the text "did not fit into the language ".
  • Six of us somehow found a common language .
  • It is easier for the subconscious to understand the language of dreams than the language of rational .
  • He does not know that it would be better to look for a common language with the people around him, that life in society is associated with some concessions.
  • I thank God that I restrained my unreasonable language and limited my credulity towards “my fellow party members”, the actual stranglers of the people.
  • language predominantly language conversational.
  • He published the rather curious Misadventures of a Diplomat and translated into English Boris Godunov.
  • Russian gymnasiums were offered to switch to Polish language (retaining Russian language only as one of the subjects).
  • Possessing a penetrating mind, he well understood that beautiful language of the soul , which is more eloquent than the most beautiful words in the world.
  • My remark pleases him, but I convince him that although language of this ancient author is perfect, it shouldn't be said like that.
  • When the ass was cut off tongue , there was so much blood that two large towels were stained with it.
  • This language gives rise to poets, not poets give rise to language .
  • Unfortunately for Maurice and his sisters, the parents did not understand the language of words, but the language of violence.
  • The Dutch judiciary has been re-established and the Dutch language received official status in the country on a par with English.
  • The language of such a cinema, like the language of Artaud's Theater of Cruelty in the 1930s, could have its effect only once.
  • At one time Obraztsov even urged us, the authors, to invent a special, new language .
  • French language and literature and English language were taught in advanced courses.
  • Russian language more of Marx's works have been translated than into any other language .
  • But do we know how the language of girls, the language of young men should be today?
  • And to translate the language of what the music says in each case into the language of words, fortunately for music, is simply impossible.
  • He eagerly searched for the works of Byzantine scholars in order to translate their works on geography and other sciences into Turkish language .
  • He felt that one written language is language dead.
  • And our tongue captivity and the captive tongue are even tighter, even more arrogant, given to gentle tricks.
  • However, it was called German only in view of the fact that, in addition to the ordinary program, the German language was taught there.
  • But what binds us most is words, language and our life's work.
  • Great, mighty and beautiful Greek language has penetrated all languages ​​ and the world, but especially Russian languages ​​ .
  • The rich language of Shakespeare includes more than 15 thousand words, which is three to four times more than the language of his contemporaries.
  • I was sitting in front of the receiver and beautiful Italian LANGUAGE washed over me like water.
  • It seemed that the language of poetry was his natural language given to him along with life.
  • I tried to save as much as possible language story and speech features of each veteran.
  • Priest Lazar himself straightened the tongue under the executioner's tool in order to reduce the torment.
  • Yesterday he suddenly became agitated because his tongue was lined .
  • It seemed that the language of poetry was his natural language given to him along with life.
  • My tongue will swell until it no longer fits in my mouth and then turn black.
  • The child's words will be translated into German language , translate into English, Italian, Spanish, Dutch.

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Source - introductory fragments of books with LitRes.

Synonyms for "language". Meaning of the word. Characters. "language" - morphemic parsing.

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