Matching games for toddlers free

Matching games for Toddlers - Online & Free

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  • Matching Games
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104 Reviews

Author: Emmanuelle ROUGER  /   Published by Memozor

Published on 22 September 2011   /   Last modified on 07 August 2022

Find here a Large range of Matching games for toddlers. These games are specially designed for young kids with simple pictures.
On the cards, your child will discover familiar items, pretty pets, stuffed animals, cartoon heroes and many others! He could even learn the letters of the alphabet.

Moreover, thanks to the 2-player mode, you can play with your child and have a nice time with him.
Advice : If your child is too young, he probably doesn't know how to handle the mouse, so we recommend that he plays the game on a tablet or smartphone, it will be easier for him!

Choose a Matching Game for Toddlers

How to play our online Matching games?

There are few cards in these matching games, they are suitable for toodlers. The cards are arranged in 4 columns and 3 rows (depending on which game is played) for a total of 12 cards or 6 pairs. You can increase the number of cards, and therefore the difficulty, thanks to the buttons located below the game.

Your child have to make pairs of cards by turning them 2 by 2. If the cards turned face up are the same (a pair), he wins and the pair disappears from the game, otherwise the cards are automatically turned face down and he has to make a new try. The purpose of this memory game is to find all the pairs in the least moves and in a shortest time.

These matching games are perfect games for kids who start using the mouse. But if your child is too young, he probably doesn't know how to handle the mouse, so we recommend that he plays on a tablet, it will be easier for him!
If you wish, you can choose the "2 player mode" so you can play with your toddler. If your child does not like to play alone, he also have the possibility to play against the computer (in Easy mode).

Quickly understand how to play with the Quick Matching game rules here, you will find a step by step description with illustrations, or you can also Download the Printable game rules in PDF format.

These games are responsive, indeed they are compatible with all devices: desktop, tablets and smartphones. The content and the games adjust automatically to your device, so the toddler can play wherever he is.

Why play memory Matching games for toddlers?

These Matching games are specifically designed for toddlers. Many themes are available, the pictures chosen to illustrate the cards of the games are suitable for young kids, there are simple pictures such as familiar items, pluffed animals, simple colors, their favorite cartoon heroes...

These game are great games to stimulate toodlers's memory in a playful way! Observe how your child memorize the locations of the different cards, he will surprise you!

Every time you start a new game, a random selection of the cards ensures a different game, so children can replay endlessly!
On Memozor, all Memory or Matching games are free and unlimited, so they can play as many games as they want.

Play matching game for toddlers - animals - Online & Free

  • Memory Games
  • Matching Games
  • For toddlers
  • Animals
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168 Reviews

Play Matching game


You can change the color of the cards thanks to the "Design" buttons below the game.

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Matching game animals for toddlers

Matching game animals for toddlers

A great Matching game for toddlers with animal cards: pig, cow, chicken, duck, horse, cat and many other, young kids will love this game! Your child will discover the cute animals on each card, perhaps he will find the duck, the little yellow chick or the beautiful black and white cow, but beware of the hedgehog: it stings!

How to play our online Matching games for toddlers?

Toddlers just have to click on "START" to play this matching game. If your child knows how to handle the mouse, he can play on a desktop, but if he's too young, we recommend that he plays on a tablet or a smartphone, it will be easier for him!

By default, there are 12 cards (6 pairs) on the board. However, you can increase the number of cards, and therefore the difficulty, thanks to the buttons located below the game.
If you think that the game is too fast or too slow for him, you can adjust the speed with the buttons "FAST", "STANDARD", "SLOW" or "VERY SLOW". He will have more time to memorise the cards with the "VERY SLOW" mode.

For this matching game, 3 game modes are at your disposal:

  • Single player mode (SOLO): Your toddler can play quietly until he has found all the pairs.
  • 2 players mode with you sitting next to him (WITH A FRIEND): This is the perfect occasion to have a good and fun time with your child.
  • 2 players mode against the computer (AGAINST COMPUTER): In order to win, he will have to find more pairs than the computer. We advise you to set the difficulty level to "EASY".

At the top right-hand side of the game, a black button allows you to turn the game sound on (Unmute) or off (Mute).

This game is compatible with all devices: desktop, tablets and smartphones, IOS or Android. The content and the game adjust automatically to your device, so don't hesitate to play on a tablet or a smartphone.

The purpose of this memory game:

Your Toddler has to make pairs of cards by turning them 2 by 2. When the two cards match, it’s a pair! He keeps the cards and has the right to play again, otherwise the cards are automatically turned face down and he has to make a new try.

  • For the "SOLO" mode, the purpose of the matching game is to find all the pairs in the least moves and in a shortest time.
  • In the 2 players mode: the player who finds the most pairs wins.

Every time your child starts a new game, a random selection of the cards ensures a different game, so he can replay endlessly!

See the Quick matching game rules here, or you can also Download the Printable game rules in PDF format.

More in this category: « Matching game - Learn the Alphabet - Online and free

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Games for kids: play for free online!

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What to do with the child so that the mother has at least fifteen minutes to rest? This question has worried young parents at all times, but only today a rapidly developing civilization has offered an answer that will suit both children and adults. Over the past decade, the computer has outgrown the rank of "entertainment for teenagers", and now a user of any age category can find something interesting for himself on the World Wide Web. Even if he is still very small!

Try game search:

Find a game

Are you looking for an activity that could captivate your child for a long time, and at the same time give him the opportunity to learn something? An ideal solution for young parents who want to keep up with the times and keep up with progress - games for kids! Computer games for kids will not only entertain your baby, but also take care of its comprehensive development. Children have fun and learn about the world without requiring too much attention, mothers can finally do housework - isn't this what science fiction writers dreamed of when they painted pictures of an ideal world for us, where computers do most of the work for a person?...

Computers and children

At what age can a baby sit in front of a monitor? In a year, in two, in three? And many progressive parents introduce their children to the fruits of technological progress much earlier - are they right, or is it better to wait a bit?

It is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to such a complex question. Ultimately, everyone decides for himself, but the main thing is to remember when making a decision that the generation of our children is growing up completely different than we once were. Not only are they not afraid of technology, but they understand it much better than us - practically from the cradle! And if we talk about harm to vision or to the psyche, then let's be honest with ourselves: watching cartoons on TV is no safer than playing games for kids online, and even for free. On the contrary, if cartoons teach to passive contemplation and do not allow the child to fantasize enough, then in the toys of action and the need to think about every step you take - more than enough.

Therefore, if you see that a child is drawn to a computer and wants to master it, there is no need to disturb him. There is a time for everything - but this time in the realities of today comes very, very early!

Childhood is golden

The world does not stand still, and more and more is demanded from our kids every day. Previously, children could safely come to the first grade, not knowing how to read or write - their parents knew for sure that everything they needed would be taught at school. What is there - to read and write! Many could not even tie their own shoelaces or button up all the buttons on their shirts, and no one looked askance at the clumsy kids. Well, what to do, they are small, they still have time to learn!

There are far more demands placed on children today. And “they still have time to learn” doesn’t work anymore: after all, while a first-grader will learn to tie shoelaces, his peers will already master the basics of ballroom dancing, martial arts, English or playing the piano. And our little dropout runs the risk of being caught up with the first steps in his new life ... And the cruel information world is changing every second, it forces you to constantly learn new things and does not tolerate those who are lagging behind!

In order to keep up with peers in anything, the baby will have to devote time from the first years of life not only to games, but also to study. But how to do this if the baby does not yet know the word “must” and does not know how to concentrate his attention on boring things? Computer games for kids come to the aid of young parents - a great way to combine fun entertainment with the learning process! The game captivates the child, and knowledge is acquired imperceptibly and without tension on his part.

Learning by playing - myth or reality?

Many adults doubt that it is possible to combine pleasant entertainment with really effective study. It seems to them that either the game will not be interesting, or the educational and developmental component will not be implemented at all. To some extent, these doubts are justified, the line here is very thin, and creating online entertainment that will really be both interesting and useful for a child is not an easy task!

That's why games for kids are developed by real professionals. While the same type of toys for teenagers are usually developed by students who are just taking their first steps in the development of applications, the production of children's products is approached much more carefully. As a rule, the team for creating a good children's toy includes not only specialists from the field of game development who are able to think over the software implementation! In conjunction with IT specialists, psychologists, teachers and experienced parents are sure to work - people who understand the needs of children and can direct the developers' thoughts in the right direction.

Of course, not all game producers approach their business responsibly. It can be difficult to choose among the many educational toys that are made with a soul, but an adult is always able to assess whether his child should play this or that game. In addition, we thought about young parents who do not have time to search for games on the Internet, and we have independently selected all the best that is on the Internet! At the same time, on our website you can play games for kids online for free, which means that a vacation for mom will not cost too much for the family budget!

In addition, all our educational toys are presented in the online version. This means that you don't have to download them and install them on your computer: launch games directly from your browser and have fun with your pranksters! Indeed, often children's games are so good that only children like to play them, but also adults. Online games for kids are a great way to spend time!

So don't hesitate! The games for the little ones that you can find on our website have been carefully selected so that your children can develop in all aspects. You will not find frightening images or unpleasant scenes among these games. It is very important for us that the games for the little ones, which we place on our page, really become a good help in the honorable work of all young mothers.

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