Mathematics activities for 5 year olds
35 Active Math Games and Activities for Kids Who Love To Move
Tired of hearing groans when you announce it’s time for math? These active math games and activities will spice up your learning game. They get kids up and moving, using their whole bodies to learn facts and skills. Lots of these ideas can be adapted to suit a variety of math concepts, so choose a few to try out with your own math students.
1. Throw snowballs inside or out
Clip flash cards to plastic tubs, then challenge kids to throw the correct number of large white pom-poms (“snowballs”) in from a distance. If there’s snow on the ground, bundle up and take this one outside to use real snowballs!
Learn more: Frugal Fun 4 Boys and Girls
2. Stack sticks to practice tally marks
Small sticks are perfect for practicing tally marks. Kids will have fun checking the ground under trees for twigs, then breaking them into pieces and creating tally piles.
Learn more: @amysam623
3. Fish for numbers
It’s so easy to make your own magnet fishing pole. Float some numbered foam fish with paper clips attached, then try to catch the numbers in the right order! (Don’t want to get wet? Just lay the fish on the ground instead.)
Learn more: Buggy and Buddy/Fishing Math
4. Draw and measure shapes on the sidewalk
First, give kids some sidewalk chalk and let them draw a variety of shapes, as big or small as they like. Then, arm them with measuring tapes and have them practice taking measurements.
Learn more: @playexploregrow
5. Stomp and smash on a number line
Grab some paper bags and number them, then shake them out and lay them in a number line. Now, call out an addition or subtraction problem, like 3 + 2. Have a student stomp on the bag labeled three, then on the next two to arrive at an answer of five. (Feeling brave? Try this one with balloons!)
Learn more: Schooltime Snippets

Pick up colorful fall leaves and write math facts on them. Gather them around a numbered rock to make pretty flowers.
Learn more: @discoverwildlearning
7. Toss beanbags to learn place value
Label bins with place values like ones, tens, and hundreds. Kids toss beanbags into the bins, then count them and see what number they’ve created.
Learn more: Saddle Up for Second Grade/Place Value Toss
8. Form paper-plate number bonds
Pass out numbered paper plates, then have students mix and mingle to see how many number bonds they can form.
Learn more: The Schroeder Page
9. Create a life-size number line
Number lines are wonderful for all sorts of math games and activities. Make one big enough for kids to stand and jump around on using sidewalk chalk (or painter’s tape indoors). You’ll use it over and over again.
Learn more: Childhood Beckons
10. Hit the target and graph
You can teach graphing in lots of ways, so why not make it active? Students throw balls onto a target, graphing and analyzing their throws as they go.
Learn more: Amy Lemons
11. Head out on a plot graph scavenger hunt
Create a map of your school, playground, or other area using graph paper (or even better, have kids help you do it). Then choose plot points for them to visit to find notes or small prizes. They’ll feel like real treasure hunters!
Learn more: Edventures With Kids
12. Roll the dice to count and move
Get practice with low-number counting and addition using action dice. Write activities like “jump,” “clap,” or “stomp” on a small wooden block, then roll it along with a pair of dice. Kids add them up (or subtract if you prefer) and complete the activity the number of times shown.
Learn more: Buggy and Buddy/Math Dice
13. Whack a ball to subtract
You know your elementary math students are going to love this! Build your own whack-a-mole 10-frame with a shoebox and Ping-Pong balls. Then, have kids whack the balls to practice their subtraction facts.
So fun!
Learn more: Planning Playtime
14. Make a splash with water balloons
You’re going to need to be willing to get a little wet for this one, but kids simply adore math games (or any games!) with water balloons. Fill and label balloons numbered 1 through 20 (or whatever numbers you’re working on). Draw the numbers in a big circle on the playground. Then, have a student choose a balloon, find the matching number, and head off to make a splash!
Learn more: Little Bins for Little Hands
15. Tell time on a giant clock
Draw a giant clock face with hours and minutes on the playground with sidewalk chalk. Choose two students to be the hour and minute hands, then call out a time and send them out to become the clock. Add more complicated elements by having them add to or subtract from the initial time too. (“Now it’s 23 minutes later!”)
Learn more: Creative Family Fun/Sidewalk Chalk Clock
16. Measure your frog jumps
Have your students hop like frogs, leap like gazelles, or jump like kangaroos. Then, pull out the ruler or measuring tape so they can measure the distances they’ve covered.
Learn more: Coffee Cups and Crayons
17. Jump to math facts practice
Lay out a grid like the one shown that has the answers to whatever set of math flash cards you’re currently working with. (This teacher used masking tape; you could also do sidewalk chalk on the playground.) Two players face off, one on each side of the board. Show the flash card, and kids race to be the first to jump to the correct square with both feet inside the lines. Get all the rules at the link below.
Learn more: Teaching and Tapas
18. Run a flash-card race
Tape a series of flash cards to the floor and challenge kids to see who can correctly make their way from start to finish the fastest. They can call out the answers or write them down, but they have to get it right before they move on. Kids can race side by side or work independently to beat their own best time.
Learn more: There’s Just One Mommy

Beach balls are so much fun in the classroom. Scribble numbers all over one with a Sharpie, then toss it to a student. Wherever their thumbs land, they add (or subtract or multiply) those two numbers together before tossing the ball to the next student.
Learn more: Saddle Up for Second Grade/Beach Ball Math
20. Do a number dance
Kids who love “Dance Dance Revolution” will get into this one. Make a number mat for each student like the ones shown. Flash an equation with an answer between 10 and 99 on the screen. Kids figure out the answer and jump to put their left foot on the correct tens place, right foot on the ones. They’ll be dancing and spinning as they learn!
Learn more: Number Loving
21. Groove with angles
Teach kids about transversals and the angles they create with some fun dance moves! Get the details for “Dance Dance Transversal” at the link below.
Learn more: Communicating Mathematically

We’re not sure why, but kids simply love stacking cups. Label yours with math problems and answers, then have kids build pyramids and towers galore!
Learn more: The Kindergarten Smorgasboard
23. Measure the height of a tree (no ladder needed)
Kids will be amazed to learn they can measure the tallest tree while keeping their feet on the ground. The link below walks you through the steps with a free printable.
Learn more: From ABCs to ACTs
24. Count and learn on a nature walk
Take an outdoor stroll and practice basic math along the way. This works indoors too—walk the school hallways (quietly) and count doors, windows, posters, and more.
Learn more: Creative Family Fun/Math Walk
25. Hunt for shapes in the world around you
Looking for super-simple and fun active math games? Give students a sheet with shapes to find as you walk around the school or playground. Each time they find the shape, have them trace it on their worksheet and then make a mark to keep track of how many times they’ve seen it.
Learn more: Hands-On Teaching Ideas
26. Steal the balls with addition robbery
Kids compete to see whose basket of balls will add up to the highest amount. The trick? They don’t know at the beginning which balls are worth the most. Learn how to play at the link below.
Learn more: That After School Life
27. Puddle-jump from number to number
Lay out a series of construction paper puddles labeled with numbers. You can call out numbers and have kids jump to the correct one, or have them jump from one to the next in order forward or backward, or even try some skip counting.
Learn more: NurtureStore
28. Paint and hide number rocks
Painted rocks are always a big hit! Have your class help you make these, then hide them around the playground and send kids off to find and answer equations.
Learn more: The OT Toolbox
29. Skip-count along a hopscotch board
A hopscotch board can be used for a lot of fun and active math games. Try it for skip counting: Kids hop along counting by 2s, 5s, 10s, or whatever you’re currently working on. Learn more at the link below.
Learn more: Math Geek Mama/Skip-Counting Hopscotch
30. Aim and throw to practice math skills
Pick up a set of Sticky Darts and draw two dartboards side by side. You can label the rings with any numbers you like. Kids throw the darts and then add, subtract, multiply, or divide the numbers—your choice!
Learn more: Inspiration Labs
31. Design an outdoor board game
Draw a winding path and fill the spaces with math equations. Kids roll the dice and move from space to space (have them jump, skip, or twirl to mix things up). If they get the answer right, they move to the new space. If not, their turn is over. Customizable math games like this can be used at any level.
Learn more: Look! We’re Learning!
32. Turn UNO into an active math game
Grab your UNO deck and get ready to move! Assign each color a movement (hop, touch toes, etc.). As kids draw the cards, everyone completes the movement the correct number of times. Skip and Reverse work as usual, but anyone who gets Draw Two has to draw two more cards and complete the actions on their own while others cheer them on. See more at the link below.
Learn more: Still Playing School
33. Bowl them over while learning math facts
Active math games using recycled materials are economical and good for the environment. Set up empty plastic bottles labeled 1 through 10, then roll the ball to see how many you can knock down. Add up the numbers of the knocked-over bottles to get your score.
Learn more: Learn With Play at Home
34. Compete to win at putt-putt math
Pick up a few dollar-store supplies and make your own putt-putt course. This can be a simple game where kids simply shoot for the highest (or lowest) number. But you can also drive up the complexity by putting equations on the cups that kids have to solve first to determine which is the best cup to aim for.
Learn more: My Catch a Star Classroom!
35. Give a classic game a math twist
Create active math games that give new life to existing resources. For example, add numbers to Twister! For more advanced players, instead of saying “Right hand 5,” try saying “Right hand 14 – 9” to make them think.
Learn more: Math Geek Mama/Twister Math
If you like these active math games and are looking for more ways to move in the classroom, try these 21 Kinesthetic Reading Activities for your most active learners.
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29 Easy And Fun Math Activities For Kids Aged 3 To 6 Years
She can be a great friend and a lovable partner but a difficult one to crack at times.
Some parents find it difficult to introduce math to their children. But, you can make it enjoyable and exciting with math activities for kids. You don’t have to become a mathematician to help your children with math, nor always have a pencil and a worksheet in your hands. Instead, you can teach the basics through interesting multi-sensory and hands-on math activities. We compiled a list of interesting and fun math activities that can be enjoyed by kindergarten and preschool children. So, dive into this post for some of the best activities that will make your little one’s math learning fun.
29 Math Activities For Kids
The math activities have been categorized into different groups to make it easy for you to navigate and quickly find what you are looking for to help your children learn math.
Math Activities For 3-year-olds
1. Sorting and counting candy
Children love colors. Arrange as many colorful candies as you can, and then invite your toddler to sort the candies based on the color. Let them put the candies in separate bowls and count them.
2. Making numbers with playdough
Playdough and math? Yes, it is a perfect match. Children like artwork, and this activity could unleash the artist in them.
Use colorful dough to make the numerals and place them on your children’s hands or chart paper. Let them touch and feel the numbers.
3. Pattern with gummy bears
This activity involves sorting and placing the gummy bears by following a pattern. Use an AB pattern of two different colors or an ABC pattern of three different colors and keep the last place blank. Let the child figure out what color must be followed in the given pattern.
4. Sorting colors with gummy bears
Get colorful gummy bears and a sorting mat with colored circles. Now tell your child to sort the bears and put them in the respective colored circles. This will help them differentiate between colors.
5. Graphing
Graphing is a simple and excellent activity for teaching toddlers how to categorize things. Take a chart paper and draw a bar graph with different bars for different categories such as fruits, animals, and vehicles. Now ask your child to categorize and place their toys in their respective bars. This is a fun-filled activity that can be used for grouping other items too.
6. Count it, glue it
This is a counting activity wherein children need to count objects such as beans, buttons, beads, or candies and paste them on pieces of paper. Make your children write the numbers one to ten on individual pieces of paper and then ask them to count the objects. Next, they should paste the objects onto the paper to match the number.
7. Comparing the sizes
Gather some objects, such as fruits and toys, and ask your child to line them up from the smallest to the biggest object. This activity will help them compare the sizes of different things

Here’s an interesting activity for teaching your children the concept of measurement. Compare the length of objects by using a measuring tape. Guide your children on how to take the measurement, and then let them do it by themselves.
Math Activities For 4-year-olds
9. Blending lines
This activity encourages children to understand geometric shapes through visual models. Introduce your preschoolers to the concept of straight lines and curved lines.
You need yarn, paint, and paper for this activity. Draw shapes on the paper and ask your child to dip the yarn in the paint and place it onto the paper to make shapes. Guide them on how to bend the yarns to get different shapes. Notice the number of bending lines for each geometric shape.
10. Bottle bowling
This is an amazing activity where children can learn counting while playing. Take some plastic bottles and help your child arrange the bottles in a triangular shape. Now encourage your child to roll a ball and hit the bottles. Ask them to count the bottles that have fallen after every hit.
11. Pushing the limits with paper
This activity will help you develop your child’s spatial reasoning skills and creativity. Take some construction paper, glue, glitter, and tissue paper. Make a triangle by cutting a sheet of paper, and explain to your child how this triangle can be folded to form a cone. Let them decorate the triangle as they want, fold it into a cone, fix it up using tape, and wear it as a birthday cap.
12. Match the cookies
Teach your children the concept of matching via this creative activity. Make the dough, cut out some cookies using cookie cutters, and hand over the rest to your children. Let them figure out the shapes and make some more to match the shapes you have created.
13. Geome tree
Teach your children about different shapes and patterns while making a geome tree. Cut a triangle and a small rectangle and paste them to form a tree. Now cut out circles, triangles, and squares to decorate it further.
14. Number dance
Children who love dancing will surely enjoy this activity. Place a few number mats on the floor. Now, write a simple equation on the screen or board and let them figure out the answer. Once they get the answer, they need to jump and put their feet on the correct number.
Math Activities For 5-year-olds
15. Take 10
This is an easy-to-play and fun math card game that involves addition. Take a shuffled deck of cards, remove the face cards, and invite your child to stack the cards face down. Each player needs to choose five cards and make as many equations in which the sum equals ten.
16. Growing taller
Explain to your child the concept of measurement with this activity. Make a height chart on cardboard and place it on the wall. Invite your child to decorate the chart with colors and stickers. Next, teach them how to read height and make them measure their height or the height of their stuffed animals.
17. Measure the volume
Children love playing with water, and so, this measuring activity will be great fun for them. Take measuring cups, water, and a big jar. Ask them how many cups of water are required to fill the big jar, and let them explore the concept of measurement.
18. Bring me
Play this game whenever your children feel bored. Ask them to bring some gummy bears, candies, or other interesting objects. As they bring the objects, start counting, and your children will start counting with you in no time.
19. Shape walk
Shape walk can help improve your child’s shape recognition skills. For this activity, you need to draw shapes on a large piece of paper or the floor.
Observe the shapes with your child. Walk on the outline of the shapes and tell your child to follow you. While turning a corner on the shape, instruct your child on which side and how many times you are taking the turn.
20. Make a salad
Practice counting while making delicious and yummy recipes in the kitchen. Prepare a salad with your children, and ask them to count the ingredients in the salad. For instance, make them count the number of cucumber pieces, tomatoes, peas, etc.
Work their brains by asking them if they can make three pieces of lettuce from a single leaf and how many peas can fit inside a pea-pod. Also, help your children arrange the ingredients in a pattern.
21. Guess how many?
Here’s another interesting counting activity for children. Bring a box of blocks, candies, or gummy bears and tell your children, “I wonder how many candies fit in this box.” Dump all the blocks from the box and start counting. You will notice that your children will find it thrilling when you make mistakes.
Math Activities For 6-year-olds
22. Pouring and comparing
Make your children pour rice into different-sized beakers. Ask them to arrange the beakers from smallest to biggest and biggest to smallest. Using these superlatives can help them learn the concept of measurement. You may try this activity with the help of sand too.
23. Math facts garden
This is an amazing math game for grade-1 kids. To play this, they need to draw a big flower on the ground with ten numbered petals. Then, they will have to write a number in the middle to multiply, add, or subtract, and write the correct and respective answers on the petals.
24. Hit the target and graph
Let your children hit the target color. Next, create a graph and help them record their points. In this way, you can teach them counting and graphing.
25. Tell time on a giant clock
Draw a giant clock on the ground, and ask your children to be the hour and minute hands. Call out a time and tell them to mark the time on the clock by standing in the correct position. This will be a fun activity for learning how to read a clock.
26. Measure your frog jumps
This is a measurement activity in which your children will have to hop or jump like a frog or kangaroo. Once they jump, take a measuring tape or a ruler and tell them to measure the distance they have covered.
27. Run a flashcard race
Here is one more fantastic race activity for children. Place a series of flashcards onto the floor. These flashcards should have simple math problems written on them. Challenge your children to see how quickly they can make their way from start to finish by giving the correct answers. They can move only after giving the correct answer for each.
28. Let’s find the signs
Take your child on a sign hunt, and help them learn more about shapes by looking at the signboards. Take pictures of different signs you see outside, put them together in a sign book, and ask your child to identify them. This activity will help build their shape-recognition skills.
29. Roll the dice
This is another excellent way to practice addition. For this activity, you need dices, paper, and a pencil. Ask your children to roll the dices and add the numbers. Make other players take their turn. Guide your children initially, and then let them take ownership of the game. You will notice the confidence in them while adding the numbers.
Learning math in the early years is important as it is an essential life skill. It helps develop skills such as problem-solving, measuring, spatial awareness, and an understanding of geometry and shapes. It also promotes logical reasoning and estimation, which help them learn other subjects such as chemistry and physics. Fun math activities are a good way to teach children these essential concepts outside the classroom without getting bored. Furthermore, engaging them in these interesting math activities for kids may pique their interest in the subject.
Key Pointers
- Math helps children learn vital life skills, develop spatial awareness, and understand shapes, measurements, and more.
- Incorporating interesting activities while learning can make math fun.
- Counting Candies, Count It – Glue It, and Genome Trees are some interesting math activities for kids listed below.
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- Author
Soma holds a bachelor’s degree in Biotechnology from St. Xavier's College, Ranchi and worked as a science teacher for more than six years. Her background in science and experience with young children of various age groups made her take up writing assignments on children-related topics for different online platforms. At MomJunction, she writes easy-to-read, informative, and interesting articles for kids...
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Math for children 4, 5, 6, 7 years old
Here you can find a lot of useful materials on the topic "Math for children for children 4, 5, 6, 7 years old", which you can print on a printer and engage with children as at home, and in preschool and school institutions. Learning math in a playful way is a very interesting activity even for those children who do not show much love for learning. Also, such tasks are great for little fidgets who cannot sit in one place for 5 minutes. Each game task is designed for a younger child - it is designed in such a way that the child does not get tired, and at the same time receives a useful portion of knowledge and skills. The main thing is not to solve all the tasks at once, only one at a time!
Mathematics for children 4, 5, 6, 7 years old - choose a section for learning
Mathematics for children is presented here in several sections, each of which develops certain skills in teaching a child. For example, counting up to 10 and 20 is intended for children who are learning to count objects, but still do not know numbers well and do not know how to solve mathematical expressions. In the section with tasks in mathematics, more complex tasks are presented, in which examples, tasks, and various tasks for adding, subtracting, dividing the number of objects into equal parts, etc. can be found. In tasks with geometric shapes, children will get acquainted with the shapes and names of geometric shapes, perform simple tasks to consolidate the learned material. Also, tasks with mathematical signs (greater than, less than, equals sign) are given separately.
Learning to Count to 10 - Fun Picture Activities
In this section we are learning to count to 10 with fun picture activities for preschoolers. Learning to count in a playful way is a very interesting activity even for those children who do not show much love for learning.
Learn to count to 20 - Picture game tasks
Here we learn to count to 20 by doing interesting picture game tasks. The activities below are suitable for children who have already mastered counting up to 10 and are starting to learn counting within 20.
Fun math pictorial tasks for kids
Here are some fun and colorful math pictorial tasks for kids who are getting ready for school or are in 1st grade. Assignments can be very useful for teachers in kindergartens and elementary schools to teach children about mathematical expressions more effectively.
Geometric shapes for children - Interesting tasks
Here you can download and print geometric shapes for children in the form of interesting tasks in pictures, the implementation of which will not only benefit the child, but also a lot of fun.
Numbers for kids - Download, print and cut!
Numbers for children in various designs are presented here - numbers in the form of flowers, three-dimensional, gold, with various textures, ice, puzzle numbers, as well as simple numbers in black and red.
Mathematical signs and symbols - Picture tasks
Learning math signs and symbols with interesting picture tasks. By completing tasks, the child will learn to distinguish between greater than and less than signs, as well as plus, minus and equal sign.
Other interesting topics with mathematics
Educational games "Mathematics for Toddlers"
Games developed by the Chudo-Yudo children's portal especially for the youngest children (from 2 years old), who are just starting to learn to count to 10. Such games contribute to faster memorization of numbers, and also allow the child to understand the technology of counting, which is difficult for his age.
Math games for children from 4 to 6 years old
Games are designed to prepare a preschooler for the first mathematical knowledge and numeracy. Here you will find interesting colorful games in which the child will need to find and count the specified number of objects or living beings. Children of this age really like to count, especially in a playful way.
Math examples online
A great opportunity for younger students to practice their knowledge of mathematics. After all, in these tasks you need to be able to quickly solve examples, because a certain time is allocated for the passage of each task. When the time runs out, then you are credited with points only for those examples to which the child managed to answer.
All educational materials presented in the section "Mathematics for children 4, 5, 6, 7 years old" are very useful for preschoolers to prepare for school, as well as for younger students to practice and test their knowledge.
😃 Mathematics for children 5 years old
A child of 5 years old already knows a lot, knows how, he has accumulated his own experience, knowledge, skills, by the age of 5 the child is actively learning music, drawing, reading, and also mathematics.
Parents play the most important role in the education and development of their child.
Teaching mathematics to children aged 5 is an interesting and simple process, parents can easily cope with it on their own. Teach your child math from the simplest.
Work with your child in a quiet environment for 25 to 30 minutes every day. If you see that the child is tired, stop the activity. Do not scold the child, praise him, even if he does not succeed. With your severity and discontent, you will discourage the desire to learn and learn something new from your child.
Teach your child math in the form of a game, interesting exercises, educational games, math tasks for preschoolers, while playing, the child quickly remembers.
Mathematics for children aged 5 years
A 5-year-old child must:
- Be able to identify the location of objects: right, left, middle, top, bottom, back and front.
- Know and distinguish colors: red, blue, green, yellow, gray, white, black, blue, orange.
- Know all numbers up to ten. Be able to count up to ten different objects.
- Be able to put numbers in order from 1 to 5 and in reverse order from 5 to 1.
- Know the basic shapes: square, rectangle, triangle, circle, oval, polygon.
- Be able to compare greater than, less than, equal to. Be able to add one item to a group with fewer items.
- Child learns to write numbers.
Determining the location of objects
It is very important to form children's spatial representation not only in real life, but also in mathematics, physical education, and music classes. Preschoolers 5 years old should know the location of objects: left, right, top, bottom, front, back.
Consider the following picture and what is drawn on it.
The picture shows a house. To the left of the house is a tree, a fence, two jugs. To the right of the house is a tree, a fence.
The roof and antenna on the roof are shown above. There is land below the house. Grass is painted in front, a cat is sitting on the grass. You can't see anything behind the house.
Exercise one “Look and answer questions”
Look at the picture carefully and tell the location of objects: left, right, top, bottom, front, back.
What is drawn to the left of the house?
What is drawn to the right of the house?
What's on the front?
What is painted on the back?
What is shown below?
What's on top?
Exercise two “Look and answer correctly”
Look at the picture carefully and answer the following questions.
Who is in the center of the picture?
What is on the left in this picture?
Who is on the right in this picture?
Which toys are shown on the front?
What is painted on the back?
What toys are on the left, list them?
Which toys are on the right, list them?
Learning colors
A child can learn all colors by visually studying different objects. In a playful way, any information is easily assimilated.
Red color
Examine each picture carefully with the child and repeat that it is red.
The picture shows a red apple.
The picture shows a red flower.
The picture shows a red tomato.
The picture shows a red car.
The picture shows a red balloon.
The picture shows a red pyramid.
Blue color
Examine each picture carefully with the child and repeat that it is blue.
The picture shows a blue bow.
The picture shows a blue bucket.
The picture shows a blue dolphin.
The picture shows blue boots.
The picture shows a blue bird.
The picture shows a blue umbrella.
Examine each picture carefully with the child and repeat that it is yellow.
The picture shows a yellow umbrella.
The picture shows a yellow star.
The picture shows a yellow banana.
The picture shows a yellow lamp.
The picture shows yellow fins.
The picture shows a yellow lemon.
Green color
Examine each picture carefully with the child and repeat that it is green.
The picture shows a green watermelon.
The picture shows a green frog.
The picture shows a green hat.
The picture shows green leaves.
The picture shows a green sharpener.
The picture shows a green pea pod.
Examine each picture carefully with your child and repeat that it is orange.
The picture shows an orange pumpkin.
The picture shows an orange fish.
The picture shows an orange carrot.
The picture shows an orange mug and an orange saucer.
The picture shows an orange ball.
The picture shows an orange flatbread.
Examine each picture carefully with your child and repeat that it is brown.
The picture shows a brown cookie.
The picture shows a brown hen.
The picture shows a brown briefcase.
The picture shows a brown pot.
The picture shows a brown bear.
Look carefully at each picture with your child and repeat that it is grey.
The picture shows a gray wolf.
The picture shows a gray mouse.
The picture shows a gray camera.
The picture shows a gray cap.
Examine each picture carefully with your child and repeat that it is blue.
The picture shows a blue check.
The picture shows a blue teapot.
The picture shows a blue stapler.
The picture shows blue shorts.
The picture shows a blue saucepan.
The picture shows a blue salt shaker.
Examine each picture carefully with your child and repeat that it is white.
The picture shows a white bunny.
The picture shows a white mug.
The picture shows a white bird.
The picture shows a white dress.
The picture shows a white bow.
Examine each picture carefully with your child and repeat that it is black.
The picture shows a black teapot.
The picture shows a black notebook.
The picture shows a black computer.
The picture shows a black umbrella.
After learning and reviewing all the colors, look at and do the following exercises. Your child can reinforce their new knowledge. After studying the colors, play visually with the child. Here, the child will be involved in auditory memory, visual memory, attention.
Exercise one “Look and answer correctly”
Look at the following picture and answer the questions.
Is there a red pyramid in the picture?
What color is the pyramid on the left?
What color is the pyramid on the right?
What colors of the pyramids are drawn in the picture?
Exercise two "Answer the questions correctly"
Look carefully at the following picture. Three cars are shown here. Answer the following questions carefully.
What colors are on the police car?
What color is the flasher on the police car?
What colors are on the ambulance?
What color ambulance wheels?
What colors are on the fire truck?
What color is the fire truck's flasher?
Learning Numbers
After learning numbers, your child can reinforce their new knowledge with practice. After studying the numbers, look at the following exercises and play visually with the child. Here, the child will be involved in auditory memory, visual memory, attention.
Exercise one “Count and answer correctly”
Find all the fruits that are drawn one by one.
Find all the fruits that are drawn in twos.
Are there four daisies in this picture?
How many nuts are in this picture?
Exercise two “Look and color”
Look at the number next to the picture and color the same number of objects.
Learning to count from 1 to 5 and back from 5 to 1
Exercise one “Put it in order”
Look at the numbers and put them in order from one to five.
Exercise two "Put the numbers in reverse order"
Look at the numbers and connect them in reverse order from five to one.
Interactive game - learning shapes
It is very important for a 5-6 year old preschooler to know shapes. Many children by this age know what a square, circle, rectangle, triangle, oval, polygon and rhombus are. Consider all the figures and practice on the exercises.
After studying the figures, look at the following exercises and play visually with the child. Here, the child will use auditory memory, visual memory, attention, let's add an account.
Exercise One “Look and Answer”
In this exercise, given figures, look at them carefully and answer the following questions.
How many rectangles are shown?
How many figures are shown in total?
Which figure is shown in yellow?
How many pieces are red?
Which figure is shown in blue?
How many pieces are green?
Exercise two “Review and answer the questions correctly”
Look at the following picture, there are many different shapes. Consider them carefully and answer the following questions.
How many triangles are there in this picture?
How many red pieces are there?
How many squares are there in this picture?
How many yellow figures are there?
How many blue rectangles are drawn?
How many yellow triangles are drawn?
How many blue pieces are there?
How many blue squares?
How many polygons are in this picture?
Learning to compare more, less and equally
Preschoolers aged 5-6 should be able to compare more, less, equally. Be able to add one item to a group with fewer items.
Take two apples and one apple separately. Look carefully at the two pictures, where are the most apples? Where there are two apples there are more, and where there is one apple there is less.
In this picture, two apples are drawn equally on the left and two apples are drawn on the right.
Let's add one apple to the smaller number of apples.
Fewer apples are on the left - that's one apple. More apples are on the right - these are four apples.
Let's add one apple to a smaller number of apples from a larger number of apples. We get two apples on the left. More apples became one less apple, we get three apples on the right.
Exercise one “Look and answer the questions correctly”
Look carefully at the following picture and answer the following questions.
How many cubes are in the first picture?
How many cubes are in the second picture?
Which picture has more cubes on the right or on the left?
Exercise two "Think and answer correctly"
Look carefully at the following picture and answer the following questions.
How many bunnies are in the first picture?
How many bunnies are in the second picture?
Which picture has more bunnies?
Are there equal numbers of bunnies in these two pictures?
Learning to write numbers
Look carefully at the numbers there are arrows, these arrows show how to write each number correctly. Practice every day and your child will be able to write easily, beautifully and quickly.
How many green rings are there?
See further:
- Math for preschoolers 5-6 years old
- Math lessons for a child 6-7 years old
Educational math games for children:
Games for the development of mathematical counting
You can develop a child not only with the help of exercises, but also with the help of educational games for children.
Educational games for children aged 5
Game 1 "Memory Matrix"
Game "Memory Matrix" develops memory and attention.
The main essence of the game is to reproduce the position of the painted figures.
In each round, a playing field consisting of cells is shown, a certain number of cells are painted over, the rest remains free. It is necessary to remember the location of these cells and repeat their position after they have disappeared on the screen. If you mark the cells correctly, you score points and move on.
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Pathfinder game 2
Pathfinder game develops memory and attention.
The main essence of the game is to remember the traces of animals and repeat them.
In this game, animal footprints appear on the screen, look carefully and remember the order in which the footprints appear. Then they disappear, you need to show which trace appeared first, and which one appeared second, and so on. Each time, the location of the traces and their order of appearance will change. If you answer correctly, you score points and continue to play on.
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Game 3 "Complex High-Speed Movement"
The game "Complex High-Speed Movement" develops memory and attention.
The main essence of the game is to remember the previous object and compare it with the current one on the screen.
A picture is displayed on the screen, you memorize it and compare it with the next object, if the object is the same, then answer “yes”, if different objects answer “no”, if the objects are similar, answer “partially the same”. This game is designed to increase speed. If you answer three times incorrectly, then the game ends.
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Game 4 "Sharp Eye"
The game "Sharp Eye" develops attention and improves memory.
The main essence of the game is to remember where the bird, the ship and the sun are and then indicate where they were.
A screen opens for a few seconds showing the sea, a bird, a ship and the sun. You have to remember where they are. Then they disappear and the question appears on the screen: "Click where the ship was." You must remember and indicate where the ship was. Then the question is displayed: "Click where the bird was." You must remember and indicate where the bird was. Then the question is displayed: "Click where the sun was." You must answer where the sun was and so on. If you answered correctly, then score points and continue to play further.
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Game 5 "BrainFood"
The game "BrainFood" develops memory and attention.
The main essence of the game in each round is a set of elements, you must choose from the set the one that has not yet been selected in previous rounds.
In this game, drinks and food are offered on the screen. You have to choose one. In each next round, you must choose a different dish that differs from those previously selected. You have to remember and always choose different dishes and drinks. If you answer correctly, you score points and continue playing.
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Game 6 "Diamonds"
The game "Diamonds" develops memory and concentrates attention.
The main essence of the game is to remember the order of the lights on the screen and repeat it.
Figures light up on the screen in turn, remember the order in which these figures were ignited, then they disappear, you need to remember in what order they appeared and repeat it. You can do this with the mouse or the cursor on the keyboard. If you answered correctly, you score points and continue to play on.
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Game 7 Speed Comparison
Speed Comparison game develops memory and attention.
The main essence of the game is to remember the previous object and compare it with the current one on the screen.
An object is displayed on the screen, you memorize it and compare it with the next object, if the object is the same, then answer “yes”, if different objects answer “no”. If you answer three times incorrectly, then the game ends.
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Super Memory Game 8
Super Memory Game develops memory and attention.
The main essence of the game every round a new object appears on the screen, you must specify it by clicking on it.
In this game, a round starts and a picture appears on the screen, in the next round another picture appears and the old picture is saved. You only need to click on a new picture. If you answer correctly, you score points and continue playing.
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Game 9 "Submarines"
The game "Submarines" develops the child's attention.
The main essence of the game is to read questions and watch the movement of the boat and press the arrows on the keyboard correctly.
Submarines move in the sea in the following directions: left, right, down, up. The question appears on the screen: “Where are the boats pointing?”, “Where are the boats moving?”. Look carefully at the question, at the movement of the boats and their direction. Use the arrows to answer the question correctly. For the correct answer you get points and play further. If you have three incorrect answers, the game ends.
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Game 10 "Find a coin"
Game "Find a coin" develops memory and attention.
The main point of the game is to click on the cell and find a coin.
In this game you need to find coins. Houses are drawn on the screen, you need to find a coin in these houses, you cannot click on the same house twice in a row. If you answered correctly, you score points and continue playing.
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After you have completed the exercises of the second lesson, give your child a little rest and repeat the exercises of the first lesson without fail.
Courses for the development of intelligence
In addition to games, we have interesting courses that will perfectly pump your brain and improve intelligence, memory, thinking, concentration of attention:
Development of memory and attention in a child 5-10 years old
Purpose of the course: develop memory and attention in a child so that it is easier for him to study at school, so that he can remember better.
After completing the course, the child will be able to:
- 2-5 times better in memorizing texts, faces, numbers, words
- Learn to memorize for a longer period
- Increase the speed of remembering the necessary information
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Secrets of brain fitness, train memory, attention, thinking, counting , pump up memory, attention, concentration, develop more creativity, perform exciting exercises, train in a playful way and solve interesting puzzles, then sign up! 30 days of powerful brain fitness are guaranteed to you :)
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Super-memory in 30 days
As soon as you sign up for this course, a powerful 30-day training for the development of super-memory and brain pumping will begin for you.
Within 30 days after subscribing, you will receive interesting exercises and educational games in your mail, which you can apply in your life.
We will learn to memorize everything that may be required in work or personal life: learn to memorize texts, sequences of words, numbers, images, events that happened during the day, week, month, and even road maps.
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How to improve your memory and focus
A free practice session from advance.
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Money and the mindset of a millionaire
Why are there problems with money? In this course, we will answer this question in detail, look deep into the problem, consider our relationship with money from a psychological, economic and emotional point of view. From the course, you will learn what you need to do to solve all your financial problems, start saving money and invest it in the future.
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Speed Reading in 30 days
Would you like to read interesting books, articles, newsletters and so on very quickly? If your answer is "yes", then our course will help you develop speed reading and synchronize both hemispheres of the brain.
With synchronized, joint work of both hemispheres, the brain starts to work many times faster, which opens up many more possibilities. Attention , concentration , the speed of perception is amplified many times! Using the speed reading techniques from our course, you can kill two birds with one stone:
- Learn to read very fast
- Improve attention and concentration, since they are extremely important when reading fast
- Read a book a day and finish work faster
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Speed up mental counting, NOT mental arithmetic
Secret and popular tricks and life hacks, suitable even for a child. From the course, you will not only learn dozens of tricks for simplified and fast multiplication, addition, multiplication, division, calculating percentages, but also work them out in special tasks and educational games! Mental counting also requires a lot of attention and concentration, which are actively trained in solving interesting problems.