Most popular bedtime stories

Bedtime Stories for Kids: Classics, Diversity, and More (2022)

If you think back to your childhood, you might remember the soothing ritual of having your parents read you a bedtime story. From fairy tales like Cinderella and Beauty and the Beast to fables like King Midas and His Golden Touch and Peter Rabbit, there are a host of popular stories to choose from. Beyond their engaging plots, bedtime stories have a number of benefits for children, including improving vocabulary, inspiring creativity, and forming deeper familial bonds.

To learn more about our readers’ favorite bedtime stories, Mattress Clarity sent out a survey to determine the most popular stories and why readers enjoyed them so much. You’ll see some of their responses and personal anecdotes as well.

Below you’ll find information on benefits of reading bedtime stories, lists of stories ranging from the classics to those that explore good morals and diversity, recommendations from educators, and tips for making bedtime stories more fun!

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Benefits of Bedtime Stories | Classic Bedtime Stories | Bedtime Stories with Good Morals | Bedtime Stories Celebrating Diversity | Our Readers’ Favorites | Recommendations from Educators | Tips & Playlist

Benefits of Bedtime Stories

Did you know that a child’s reading level by third grade statistically determines how well they’ll do in school in the future? One of the best ways you can improve your child’s literacy is by reading to them. Bedtime stories are a tried and true method for improving children’s vocabulary, expanding their imagination, practicing patience, and even teaching them empathy and understanding through the stories’ morals. Some other benefits of reading bedtime stories include:

  • The repetition and structure of an established routine will help children feel safe.
  • You’ll form a deeper bond between parent and child.
  • It helps children transition from a busy day to a quiet night.
  • Your child will likely open up about their thoughts and feelings.
  • It stimulates their imagination.
  • A consistent bedtime routine helps children get to sleep and results in better daytime behavior, a study found.

Bedtime stories can be a powerful tool for helping your child establish a healthy nighttime routine. Sarah Miller, Founder of Homeschooling 4 Him, says “Routines give a sense of comfort and familiarity, especially for younger children who don’t understand the concepts of time. She also highlights how it can improve their sleep: “Reading a bedtime story at the same time every night, or even reading the same bedtime story every night, can send helpful signals to a child’s brain that it is time to get ready for sleep.”

Research suggests that the best time to start reading to your child is around 8 months. Though your child may not understand what you’re saying, they can start to comprehend the emotions associated with stories. Additionally, it’s important to note that there is an optimal way to read bedtime stories — when your child is old enough to respond, you want to be sure to ask them open-ended questions about the stories to boost their engagement.

Classic Bedtime Stories

There are a number of classic bedtime stories that have been shared through generations. Many can recite these stories (or the gist of them) by heart. Take a look at some of the most well-known stories below.

Goldilocks and the Three Bears

This fairy tale originated in Britain in the 19th century. It’s about a little blonde-haired girl who finds an empty house in the woods. Though she doesn’t know it yet, the home belongs to three bears: Papa Bear, Mama Bear, and Baby Bear. Goldilocks tries their porridge, sits in their chairs, and goes to lay in their beds. When the bears come home, a frightened Goldilocks escapes in the nick of time.

The Ugly Duckling

The Ugly Duckling is a Danish fairytale written by celebrated children’s author Hans Christian Andersen in 1843. It tells the story of a duckling who was born “uglier” than his siblings. They ostracize him, and he spends a year looking for a home, unable to find where he belongs. When he’s nearly given up, he throws himself at a pack of beautiful swans, expecting them to kill him. However, the swans accept him as one of their own, and when he sees his reflection, he realizes he’s grown into a beautiful swan himself.

Jack and the Beanstalk

This British fairy tale was originally called The Story of Jack Spriggins and the Enchanted Bean in 1734. It’s about a boy who trades his poor family’s only cow for magic beans. Though his mother is enraged at his foolish purchase, Jack plants the seeds and they grow into a gigantic beanstalk that reaches above the clouds. Jack climbs it to find the home of a giant. Though the giant can sense Jack’s presence, shouting “Fe Fi Fo Fum, I smell the Blood of an Englishman!” Jack is able to escape with the giant’s treasures, including a goose that lays golden eggs. The giant tries to chase him down the beanstalk, but Jack is able to cut it down before the giant can reach him.

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz

Published in 1900, the Wonderful Wizard of Oz is a children’s book written by L. Frank Baum and illustrated by W. W. Denslow; it was later adapted into a film in 1939. It’s about a girl named Dorothy who lives in Kansas. When a tornado sweeps up her home, Dorothy finds herself transported to the land of Oz. Intent on finding a way home, she follows a yellow brick road, on which she picks up other characters looking for something. This includes a cowardly lion, a tin man, and a scarecrow. They all head to Oz to find the wizard, who they believe can solve their problems. However, the wizard turns out to be just an ordinary man. Still, together they are able to find what they were looking for.

Beauty and the Beast

This fairy tale originated in France in 1740 where it was originally published as La Belle et la Bête. Written by Gabrielle-Suzanne Barbot de Villeneuve, it tells the story of a beautiful young girl, Beauty, who is forced to live in a castle with the Beast after her father plucks a rose from the Beast’s castle. The Beast plans to marry Beauty, but she only sees him as a friend. It is only after the Beast dies of shame, and beauty cries for her lost friend, that he is transformed into a prince. He tells Beauty that he was cursed by an enchantress for his selfish ways, and only true love could break the curse.


Though this story has origins in ancient Greece, the first literary version was published in Italy by Giambattista Basile in 1634. In this fairy tale, a beautiful young girl named Ella tragically loses her mother. Her father remarries an evil stepmother, who has two cruel daughters. Tragically, her father dies soon after the marriage. Ella’s stepmother and stepsisters make Ella their maid, giving her the nickname Cinderella, since she is often covered in cinder from her work. When the family is invited to the royal ball, Cinderella cannot go because she has nothing to wear.

However, a fairy godmother appears and makes her a beautiful dress and carriage; the only catch is that she must be home by midnight. She arrives at the ball and catches the eye of the prince. They dance through the night, but when the clock gets close to midnight, Cinderella hurries away, leaving a glass slipper behind. The prince finds her slipper and vows to find the woman it belongs to. He goes to each house until he finds Cinderella, who becomes his princess.

Mattress Clarity reader Crystal Walker loves this story because “It teaches that dreams can come true.

Little Red Riding Hood

The earliest known written version of this fairy tale was by Charles Perrault in 17th century France. Little Red Riding Hood is about a young girl who must travel through the woods to deliver food to her sickly grandmother. Along the way, a wolf stalks her path, and asks her where she is going. Foolishly, she tells the wolf she is going to her grandmother’s house. The wolf manages to get to her grandmother’s house first and eats her grandmother. The wolf then disguises himself as the grandmother. When Little Red Riding Hood arrives at her home, she is initially fooled by the disguise, long enough for the wolf to convince her to enter. Finally, he eats the young girl as well.

The Tale of Peter Rabbit

Written and illustrated by English writer Beatrix Potter in 1902, The Tale of Peter Rabbit is about a mischievous bunny whose mother warns him and her other three rabbits, Mopsy, Flopsy, and Cottontail, not to enter Mr. McGregor’s vegetable garden. She tells them that their father did so, and Mr. McGregor made him into a pie. Though his siblings follow their mother’s advice, Peter goes into the garden anyway and gorges on vegetables. Mr. McGregor spots him and chases him away. Peter escapes, but his clothes are left behind; Mr. McGregor ends up using his clothes as a scarecrow.

Bedtime Stories with Good Morals

Many bedtime stories, particularly fairy tales, are written with morals that are meant to teach the audience something. They show that actions have reactions, and when we behave badly, we often have to suffer the consequences. By reading such stories to young children, you can help teach them valuable lessons that they can apply to real life situations. Take a look at some popular bedtime stories with good morals.

The Boy Who Cried Wolf by Aesop

This story is about a boy who continually says he’s spotted a wolf when he hasn’t, just to get attention. However, when a real wolf finally does appear, no one comes to his aid, as they no longer believe him.

Moral: When you don’t tell the truth, people won’t trust you, even when you are telling the truth.

Mattress Clarity reader Brenda likes this story because “It teaches a very valuable lesson about lying about serious situations.”

King Midas and His Golden Touch by Nathaniel Hawthorne (adapted from myth)

King Midas wishes that everything he touches would turn to gold. He is initially delighted when his wish comes true, but soon he discovers that it is a curse rather than a gift, as he can’t even touch food without it turning into gold.

Moral: Greed won’t buy true happiness

Wise Old Owl author unknown

An owl hears more the less he speaks, and so he speaks less to hear more.

Moral: When you are silent and listening, you will learn more

The Tortoise and the Hare by Aesop

A hare makes fun of a slow tortoise, and so the tortoise challenges him to a race. The hare accepts, but since he believes the tortoise will be so slow, he decides to take a nap. Slowly but steadily, the tortoise continues on, passing by the sleeping hare. The hare wakes up too late, and the tortoise wins the race.

Moral: Slow and steady wins the race

The Golden Egg by Aesop

A merchant living in a village with his wife and children has a hen that lays one golden egg per day. The merchant decides this is not enough; he wants all the eggs at once. He decides to kill the hen to get all the eggs inside it, but he realizes after he kills it there are no eggs inside, and he has no way to get more golden eggs.

Moral: Greed will get you nowhere

“My mother used to read me Aesop’s Fables when I was little and there’s always a lesson to be learned” says Mattress Clarity reader Kimberly Pikna.

The Farmer and the Well by F. K. Waechter

A farmer in need of water buys a well from his neighbor. However, his tricky neighbor won’t give him the well’s water, telling him he only bought the well, not the water. The farmer seeks counsel from his emperor’s courtier, who tells the neighbor that if the farmer cannot have the water, then the neighbor must remove all the water from his well.

Moral: Cheating will come back to bite you

The Wolf who Wanted to Change his Color by Orianne Lallemand

A wolf decides he is unhappy with his natural color, so he tries a series of methods to change his coat. Each method fails, and in the end, he realizes that his original color suited him best.

Moral: Accept yourself for who you are

The Dragon Who Couldn’t Puff by Chelsea Burgess

A house dragon wants to learn how to breathe fire like his mother and sister, but when he tries, he can’t. His mother teaches him that he’ll need to try many times before he is successful. At first he doesn’t want to keep trying, but he learns that to do it right, he’ll need to.

Moral: Practice makes perfect

Guapo’s Giant Heart by Janet Zappala and Wendy Perkins

Based on the true, heartwarming story of a baby calf with no place to live, until a kind human gives him a loving home. With a safe place to rest his head – along with plenty of food and love – Guapo keeps growing and growing! The story introduces young readers to Guapo and explores how despite his large appearance, he’s really quite gentle and kind.

Moral: Lean into one another despite differences and appreciate everyone

Bedtime Stories Celebrating Diversity

Bedtime stories that highlight diversity can be a great way to teach children to accept everyone’s differences. These stories show that everyone deserves to be treated with the same respect and kindness. Check out these bedtime stories that all celebrate diversity.

Lola at the Library by Anna McQuinn
Lola is a young African American girl who loves to visit the library with her mother to read new books, listen to the librarian, and meet a diverse group of friends.

Baby Goes to Market by Atinuke
In Nigeria, a baby goes to market with his mother. The busy market is full of different vendors, who give him things to add to the basket. This book introduces children to numbers, addition, and subtraction.

Mommy, Mama, and Me and Daddy, Papa, and Me by Lesléa Newman
These picture books illustrate children in loving families with gay parents.

Julian is a Mermaid by Jessica Love
Young Julian spies colorful women on a train and wants to dress up like them. His newfound identity challenges his abuela’s ideas, and illustrates that individuality doesn’t have to be defined by gender norms.

Marisol McDonald Doesn’t Match by Monica Brown
Marisol is a Peruvian-Scottish biracial girl, with brown skin and red hair. She doesn’t like anything that matches, including clothing and food. Her mismatching style confuses others but makes perfect sense to Marisol.

Sesame Street – We’re Different, We’re the Same by Bobbi Kates
Elmo and the other Sesame Street puppets teach children that we are all the same on the inside, but our outer differences are what make us unique. Our different races, religions, and customs create diversity — something to celebrate.

Say Hello! by Rachel Isadora
Carmelita lives in a diverse neighborhood full of different cultures and languages. She learns to say hello in many of these languages, and her dog Manny greets everyone with a happy woof.

Daddy Christmas and Hanukkah Mama by Selina Alko
This holiday book is about young Sadie, who has a Christian father and Jewish mother. Her blended family celebrates both holidays and their unique traditions.

Everywhere Babies by Susan Meyers
This board book highlights the diversity of babies around the world and shows that they are loved and cared for, no matter where they come from.

Chocolate Me! by Taye Diggs
A little boy with dark skin and curly hair is teased for how he looks. He tells his mom he wishes he could look like everyone else, and she shows him how he is unique and special in his own way.

Mama Panya’s Pancakes by Mary Chamberlin
In a Kenyan village, Mama Panya’s son Adika invites all his neighbors to have pancakes at his house, and Mama Panya must figure out how to feed them all.

Little Red and the Very Hungry Lion by Alex T. Smith
A little African girl named Red wants to visit her sickly auntie, but she must pass by wild animals, including a hungry lion. The lion wants to eat Red, but she tricks him and convinces him to eat doughnuts instead.

Mattress Clarity Readers’ Favorite Bedtime Stories

We surveyed our readers about their favorite classic bedtime stories for kids, and the top voted story is Goldilocks and the Three Bears with 38. 7% of votes! The second and third runners up are Little Red Riding Hood with 36% of votes and Cinderella with 29.3% of votes.

Take a look at some of the other stories beloved by Mattress Clarity readers:

Little Orphan Annie by Harold Gray 
“I was a scared, timid child. I identified with Little Orphan Annie. I liked the ending. It taught me to be strong no matter what is being thrown at me.” – Carol Marshall

The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein
“Teaches altruism and gives perspective on aging to young children.” – Mattress Clarity reader

The Elves and the Shoemaker by the Brothers Grimm
“A great story about helping without looking for recognition” – Kathy Agate

The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle
“The illustrations are classic and have withstood the test of time, and it spreads a positive message of people’s relationship with food and eating. ” – Anthony O’Reilly

Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak
“It teaches you not to judge others by their appearance (celebrating diversity) as well as obey and appreciate your parents.” – Carley Prendergast

Love You Forever by Robert Munsch
“It teaches unconditional love between generations. Love from a parent to a young child then an adult child to their elderly parent.” – Lori Viator

The Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister
“It’s always good to be a generous person but don’t spread yourself too thin.” – Kristin Lovett

There was a Lady who Swallowed a Fly by Rose Bonne and Alan Mills
Recommended by Aziz Khatri, Creator of Bablr Early Learning
“We recommend this story because of its rhyming nature, most kids really enjoy it. Using common animals which are known to most kids starting with toddlers, it weaves a sequential narrative which very naturally encourages the child to predict what’s happening next – a great exercise for early brain development and neural growth.

The Big Book of Animal Stories by Thornton Burgess
Recommended by Sarah Miller, Founder of Homeschooling 4 Him
“This book has short chapters, which makes it perfect for bedtime and for kids with short attention spans. The lovable animal characters are easy for kids to relate to and there are lots of great life lessons throughout.”

How the Moon Regained Her Shape by Janet Ruth Heller
Recommended by Janet Ruth Heller, former teacher and principal
“How the Moon Regained Her Shape (Arbordale, 2006; 6th edition 2018) is a fiction picture book about the solar system and bullying for young children, their families, their schools, houses of worship, sports teams, and other organizations that help children. In addition to teaching children about coping with bullies, this book would be a good start on STEM activities for kids.”

The Lorax by Dr. Seuss
Recommended by Vanessa Fassbinder, Co-founder of Child Insider
“The Lorax by Dr. Seuss is my favorite bedtime story for kids. Not only is it a great book to read to toddlers, but it’s also excellent for kids who are around ten years old. Its whimsical characters and the classic Seussical wordplay make it a stellar read. But it’s the story’s message that is highly important. The book highlights that respect for the environment and all living creatures is what’s needed to preserve the planet for future generations.”

Goodnight Moon by Margaret Wise Brown
Recommended by Michelle Moyal, CCC/SL, Clinical Director & Founder of Therapy Works Together
“It’s rhythmic and repetitive (great for learning new vocabulary), just a bit odd but stimulates the imagination. The illustrations are incredible for prompting a discussion with a child and talking about what they see.”

History of Bedtime Stories and How They’ve Changed Over Time

Storytelling is a tradition that dates back to the start of human linguistics, and thus bedtime stories may have been repeated to children for thousands of years. However, the term “bedtime story” was coined by Louise Chandler Moulton, who wrote Bed-Time Stories in 1873. The ritual of reading bedtime stories gained popularity in the 19th and 20th century, when people began to believe in the benefits of soothing nighttime routines for children.

Bedtime stories range in category from ancient myths to fairytales. Some of the oldest bedtime stories are by Aesop, a storyteller who lived in Ancient Greece between 620 and 564 BCE. His stories are especially popular as they contain morals, or lessons to be learned. These stories, like The Tortoise and the Hare or The Big Bad Wolf, show children the importance of doing the right thing.

Another key benefit of bedtime stories is their ability to forge stronger connections between children and parents. They allow families to spend more quality time together, and create memories that will last a lifetime. In addition, they help spark children’s imagination and creativity. Listening to stories allows them to create a unique picture in their minds — something they won’t get by watching TV or playing on an iPad.

Tips to Make Reading Bedtime Stories Fun

It can be a challenge to get children to sit still and listen. Take a look at some of these tips to get your child more engaged in the story.

  • Use big emotions and expression
  • Ask questions
  • Change voice to match characters
  • Show excitement and joy
  • Make sounds and noises, and allow the child to imitate you!
  • Children learn from repetition – don’t worry about reading the same story repeatedly

Final Thoughts

Bedtime stories can be a fun and educational bonding activity for you and your children. Whether you choose fanciful fairy tales or moralistic fables, you’ll be helping your child improve their vocabulary and expand their imagination. You’ll also be establishing a nighttime routine, which makes children feel safe and can help them fall asleep faster. Remember to use helpful tips like asking questions and showing excitement to help keep them invested in the story. Happy reading!

P.S. Don’t forget to check out our Bedtime Stories Playlist on Spotify!

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Hi there! My name is Zoë Ettinger and I'm a Certified Sleep Science Coach and the Senior Editor here at Mattress Clarity. I oversee all the content on our site, and work with the team to provide you with the best reviews and sleep health content possible. When I'm not busy testing out sleep products or writing articles, I love to read and cook.

Top 10 Bedtime Stories For Kids To Read

Reading Bedtime Stories For Kids is an important element in the child’s success. As Philip Pullman rightly put, “After nourishment, shelter, and companionship, stories are the thing we need most in the world.” Telling stories not only develops reading skills, quality writing, construction of sentences, but also helps in increasing their imagination and creativity, and communication skills.

This is the time when you and your child can spend some quality time out of your busy schedule. It also helps in creating a unique bond between the two of you. has put together some of the most amazing Bedtime Stories For Kids that your kids will surely like. Happy Reading!

1. Goldilocks And The Three Bears

This is a story about a girl who went to the forest and accidentally forgot her way back home. She suddenly saw a cottage and gently knocked on the door. But nobody was inside. As she entered, she saw three bowls of porridge, big, medium, and small. The cottage belonged to the bears. After such a tiring journey, she was very hungry and ate the smallest bowl of porridge.

Then, she saw three chairs, big, medium, and small. Goldilocks perfectly fit on the smaller one but the chair broke at once.  She then went upstairs and saw three beds, big, medium, and small. She chose the small one and fell asleep. In a couple of hours, the bears came back. They saw their porridge was all scattered and the baby bear’s bowl was empty. Then, they saw the broken chair of the baby bear. They got very angry. As they went upstairs, they saw a girl in deep slumber.

Suddenly, she woke up and saw three bears, the frightened girl got up from the bed and ran as fast as she could. She ran until she reached back home safe and sound. Read the full story here.

Goldilocks and three bears

2. The Ugly Duckling

This is the story of the ugly duckling who was ignored by everyone. Once, there lived a duck in a pond who had laid some eggs. Soon, the eggs cracked and three beautiful ducklings came into the world. The last egg was big. When it cracked, she saw an ugly, grey duckling. He was hated by everyone. His brothers and sisters used to hate him. He became so sad that he ran away from his home. On his way, he met an old woman. She cuddled him but as she saw him closely, she screamed and told him to go away. Once again, he became sad. He sobbed day and night all alone. He was sad but he never loses hope.

Then, one day, he saw a pond. He became very happy and swam to his satisfaction. Since the weather had changed and it was cold, the poor duckling was frozen in the pond. A kind farmer took him to his home and took good care of her. Soon, the duckling regained his strength and the farmer left him in the pond. There, he saw many beautiful swans. He bowed his head in shame. Suddenly, he saw his own reflection. He had grown into a beautiful swan. Those beautiful swans were his brothers and sisters. Now, he was the most beautiful swan and all the swans praised him for his immense beauty. Read the full story here.

bedtime stories for kids

3. The Pied Piper Of Hamelin

This is a story about a town, Hamelin which used to have many rats. All the townspeople were worried and wanted to get rid of the problem. Even the cats couldn’t do anything. Soon, a meeting was called out and it was decided that whosoever catches the mice would get ten sacks of gold coins as a reward. One day, a stranger passed by and promised them to do so. He took out his pipe and started to play a wonderful tune. All the mice, at once came out of their holes and the stranger took them near the river. One by one, they fell into the river and drowned. When he returned for his reward, the townspeople disagree with what they promised. The poor stranger decided to teach them a lesson.

Immediately, he started to play his pipe. But this time, all the kids followed him. No kid was left in the town. When the townspeople came to know, they promised him to give twenty sacks of gold. The stranger let the children go. The town of Hamelin had learned never to be ungrateful and greedy. Read the full story here.

bedtime stories to read Image Source

4. The Snow Queen

This is the story of the Snow Queen who made a strange mirror. All the good things became ugly and terrible. One day, as she was taking it to heaven, it fell on the Earth. It was broken into many pieces. The pieces went into many people’s eyes and hearts. In a village, there lived two best friends, Kai and Gerda. Unfortunately, it went into Kai’s eyes and heart. He was now very rude to Gerda. This made Gerda so sad that she always remained upset.

One day, Gerda saw that Kai was going with a lady who had a white face and icy hair. With lots of hurdles on her way, she finally reached the Snow Queen’s castle. There, she saw Kai frozen. He was frozen and he turned blue. Gerda told all the happy moments they spent together but nothing changed.  Kai was still frozen. When she could do nothing, she began to cry. Suddenly, her tears fell on his chest and penetrated his heart. Kai hugged Gerda. When they hugged, a bright light appeared which made the ice melt. This made the Snow Queen cry and she faded away into the air.

After overcoming the challenges, the two friends returned home and lived happily ever after. This story signifies a good friendship that was overpowered by the devil’s magic and melted the eternal ice. Read the full story here.

children’s bedtime stories Image Source

5. The Little Match Girl

This is the story of a poor little girl who lived with her father. Her father used to send her to the streets to sell the matchsticks. It was Christmas Eve and it was terribly cold out there. The Match Girl was noticed by no one and so she couldn’t sell the matches that day. She was afraid that if she would go home, her father would beat her. She used to miss her mother and grandmother who were now in Heaven.

It was so cold that she thought of burning a match to give her some warmth. Finally, she dared to lit a match and made herself warm. Soon, the match turned into a fireplace and she made herself warm. But it didn’t last for long. Without thinking, she lit the second match. This time, the wall turned into a veil and she could see a dining room with lots of delicious foods. But in a couple of seconds, it vanished. When she lit the third match, a beautiful Christmas Tree appeared. It had many beautiful candles. She wanted to hold the candles. But as she reached, the candles flew to the sky and turned into stars. Next, when she lit the match, she saw her grandmother whom she loved the most. One by one, she struck the whole bundle of matches as she didn’t want her grandmother to go away.

The next day, it was Christmas. The match girl was sitting at the corner with red cheeks and a smiling face. The people there thought she was trying to keep herself warm last night. But no one knew the magic moments she spent last night. Read the full story here.

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6. King Midas And His Golden Touch

This is the story about a King named Midas who had a large Kingdom but he was unhappy. He wanted to have more and more gold as he was very greedy. One day, he asked a holy man to grant his wish that whatever he touched must turn into gold. The holy man agreed. The King was very happy. Whatever he touched was turned into gold. His throne, chairs, table, and even his food. Now, he could not eat or drink anything.

One day, his daughter came to him and when he put his arms around her, her daughter, too, turned into gold. King Midas was shocked. He wanted her daughter back. He cried out for help. Suddenly, the holy man appeared and gave him a bottle of water and told him to sprinkle the water on all the things that have turned into gold. When he sprinkled the water, immediately everything came in its original form. King Midas learned that “Gold can’t buy you happiness!” Read the full story here.

King Midas and the golden touch Image Source

7.  Jack And The Beanstalk

This is a story of a poor boy named Jack who decided to sell his cow for some money. On his way, he met a traveler who wanted to buy his cows for some magic beans. Jack was curious and he agreed. When he went home empty-handed, his mother shouted at him. However, he sowed the magic beans. When he woke up, he saw the world’s biggest beanstalk. Jack was excited and wanted to see what was there on top of it. He began to climb it and reached a strange land with a large castle.

While entering, he saw a huge giant sleeping in the castle. Slowly, he started to explore the castle and found lots of treasure inside it. He decided to take some treasure along with him so that his mother and he would no longer be poor. Just when he was about to leave, the giant woke up and chased the poor Jack. Jack was too fast for him and quickly slipped down from the beanstalk. He then cut the beanstalk and the giant fell down and died. Jack and his mother lived happily ever after. Read the full story here.

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8. The Selfish Giant

This is a story about a giant who never let the children in his garden. The giant was not in his garden for seven years. Every day, children would go and play in his garden. One day, he came back. Seeing so many children on his premises, he got angry and started building walls. On the wall, he put a note saying, “No Children!” This made the children upset. Soon, it was time for spring. All around, the flowers bloomed and there was greenery. But, in the garden of giant, there was no spring. It was still winter there. The giant waited and waited but there were no signs of springs.

Then, one day, while he was sleeping, he heard the sound of a bird. As he peeped through the window, he saw that the spring had finally arrived. Also, he saw a big hole that the children had made. Upon seeing him, all the children ran away. Only one was left inside the garden. He was trying to climb the tree. The giant helped him climb the tree. At that moment, the giant took out the hammer and banged the wall. Since that day, the children and the giant used to play together.

But, every day, the giant would ask about that little boy whom he helped that day. Unfortunately, nobody knew about him. Several years passed, and the giant grew old. One day, as he was sitting near the same tree, he saw spring on one part of his garden when it was winter. There was the same child whom he helped that day. The child came to take the giant with him to heaven. That day when the children came to play, they saw the giant lying in the flower bed with a big smile. Read the full story here.

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9. Puss In Boots

This is the story of three brothers who decided to throw out their youngest brother. The youngest brother took the cat along with him. They had nothing. The cat asked for his master’s boot and in return, caught a rabbit for his master. They took the rabbit and gifted it to King. Later, the King and his daughter went to the picnic. There, the cat told his master to jump into the stream. Then he asked the King for new clothes for his master. The cat then took them all to the Marquis castle. The cat went into the golden wheat fields which belonged to Scary Ogre.

Now, the cat told the farmer if he would say the fields belonged to Marquis of Carabas, he would help him get rid of Scary Ogre. The farmer did as the cat said. Later, in the castle of Scary Ogre, the cat was caught. To make the cat scared, Scary Ogre turned into a huge lion. The cat challenged him to turn into a little creature. He accepted the dare and turned into a mouse. Within seconds, the cat ate him and made his master the King of that Kingdom. Later, the Marquis and the princess get married. The cat becomes the Knight of Carabas. And they all lived happily ever after. Read the full story here.

classic bedtime stories for kids Image Source

10. The Wonderful Wizard Of Oz Summary

This is a story of a girl named Dorothy who lived with her Uncle, Aunt, and a pet dog named Toto in Kansas city. One day, a scary cyclone lifted their house up and blew it away. After some time, it fell with a thud! Unfortunately, her house fell on a bad witch of East. The people of munchkins rejoiced in happiness. Suddenly, a good witch appeared and asked her for a wish.  Dorothy wanted to go back. The good witch gave her red slippers to wear and told her to follow the yellow brick road and meet the Wizard of Oz.

On her way, she met a scarecrow who wanted a brain, a tin woodcutter who wanted a heart, and a lion who wanted courage. She took three of them to the Wizard of Oz to ask for the way back home for Dorothy, brain for the scarecrow, a heart for the tin woodcutter, and courage for the lion. Finally, they reached Emerald City where they met a wizard. When Dorothy told him everything, the wizard told them that he would grant their wish if they would free them from the evil witch of West, too. All of them agreed.

The witch came to know about this and attacked them. Firstly, she sent a pack of scariest wolves but the woodcutter hacked them all till they ran away. Next, many crows came to peck on them but in a couple of seconds, the scarecrow scared them all. Next, the witch sent the flying monkeys who took them to the witch’s castle. Dorothy observed her carefully and threw a bucket full of water at the witch. Immediately, she started melting. After that, all of her slaves became free. Dorothy and her friends went back to Emerald City. The wizard appreciated them and granted them their wish. It was time to say goodbye. Dorothy picked up Toto and clicked her together thrice and told her slippers to take her home. Read the full story here.

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Best Bedtime Stories - ReadRate

Imagine a picture: evening has fallen on the city, the lanterns are lit, it is raining outside the window, and the houses are warm and cozy. The whole family gathered in the nursery, a small night light is burning here. Mom or dad in a quiet voice with an expression read a fairy tale. The voice changes depending on the hero - he either squeaks, then mumbles, then basses. The little man lies in his bed and listens, blissful and falling asleep as his imagination travels through fairy tale worlds. Sounds like one of those great childhood memories, doesn't it? Do you want to create it for your children?

In this ranking, we have collected the best children's fairy tales that are ideal for reading aloud. Bedtime stories, according to the editors of ReadRate, should be exciting, because it is from these stories, read even to the smallest children, that the love of literature will eventually form. However, it is desirable that they are not too...More

Imagine a picture: evening has fallen on the city, the lanterns are lit, it is raining outside the window, and the houses are warm and cozy. The whole family gathered in the nursery, a small night light is burning here. Mom or dad in a quiet voice with an expression read a fairy tale. The voice changes depending on the hero - he either squeaks, then mumbles, then basses. The little man lies in his bed and listens, blissful and falling asleep as his imagination travels through fairy tale worlds. Sounds like one of those great childhood memories, doesn't it? Do you want to create it for your children?

In this ranking, we have collected the best children's fairy tales that are ideal for reading aloud. Bedtime stories, according to the editors of ReadRate, should be exciting, because it is from these stories, read even to the smallest children, that the love of literature will eventually form. At the same time, it is desirable that they are not too exciting, full of tension, because the task of parents is not only to read the story, but also to put the child to bed.

And the most important thing in bedtime stories is that they should be of very high quality, so that parents themselves would not be bored reading them. After all, if the reader is not interested, if he is burdened by his role, the audience will definitely feel it, and it is unlikely that reading at night will turn into a good family tradition.

But bedtime stories are very useful for development! Like any ritual, they help children feel safe. The rhythmic calm speech of the parent calms, gives a sense of security. And the plots, decisions and behavior of the characters can be an excellent subject for discussion for educational purposes. Why did the character act this way and not otherwise? What do you think he feels? What should he do now? Such conversations improve relationships and mutual understanding between parents and children, teach sympathy, empathy, and develop emotional intelligence. So, for one quiet family evening, you can do more for the development of the child than for hours spent on special developmental activities.

Our rating of bedtime stories includes both the good old, time-tested works, and new ones that are worth reading if you have already mastered all of Alan Milne, Astrid Lindgren and Tove Jansson. For example, if you love the Scandinavian writers mentioned above, be sure to read Sven Nordqvist and Rune Belsvik - they continue the tradition of classic children's literature, begun by Hans Christian Andersen, but add something fresh, subtly relevant to it.

And if you especially like one of the authors listed in our rating of bedtime stories, we recommend that you just go to his ReadRate page and see what other works he has created. This is a sure way to greatly expand your literary range!

What kind of bedtime stories do your children prefer?

Bedtime stories for children. Read online with pictures.

In this section we have collected interesting fairy tales from all over the world that are suitable for reading before bed. These small instructive and kind stories will help children calm down after a stormy day and tune in to rest.
In bedtime stories you will not find cruelty and frightening characters. Only light plots and pleasant characters.
There are 9 at the bottom of every fairy tale0026 hint , what age it is intended for, as well as other tags. Be sure to pay attention to them when choosing a product! You do not have to spend time reading a fairy tale to find out if it suits your child or not. We have already read everything, sorted and compiled short descriptions of fairy tales.
Enjoy reading and good dreams :)

bedtime stories for children read

An interesting fairy tale is that part of childhood that stays with us forever, even when childhood is gone. This is a magical world that is wide open in front of the baby, and acquaintance with it begins with a short and sweet bedtime story.

At what age to read fairy tales to a child

There is no strict age limit in reading fairy tales to a child. Reading for a child is primarily an opportunity for emotional intimacy with an adult. Even if not a word is clear yet, the familiar timbre of the voice, the measured rhythm soothe the baby and stimulate its development. That is why psychologists recommend reading fairy tales even to babies. The main condition: the process should bring pleasure to both the adult and the baby.

The benefits of reading fairy tales

A bedtime story read by a parent is a powerful stimulus for the development of the child, the child has ample opportunities in the following areas:

  • imagination;
  • fantasy;
  • creative thinking;
  • speech skills;
  • emotional development;
  • the ability to find a way out of problem situations.

Unlike cartoons, a fairy tale does not present the child with ready-made images and the world invented by the artist, but invites him to think, think out and imagine what is not in the illustrations.

Simply put, we read to children at night and at the same time unleash their creativity. The next step is the first children's tests of themselves as an author and artist, but that will come later. And now such familiar and at the same time amazing short bedtime stories come to the aid of parents.

Bedtime stories - what should they be?

It often happens that every day a baby asks for the hundredth time to read a familiar fairy tale to him, not wanting to listen to any others.

Do not argue and try to read something new - a bedtime story exists for this, to cradle and give pleasant dreams. So, it should be:

  • short;
  • calm;
  • kind;
  • without dynamic details in the plot, but with a happy ending.

Repeated repetition of the same situation (familiar room, favorite blanket and soft toy, mother reading a familiar fairy tale nearby) turns into a kind of ritual for the baby, which has a calming effect. It helps relieve the emotional stress that has accumulated over a long day.

Short stories on our website

The Short Bedtime Stories section presents famous works by Russian and foreign authors that have become favorites for children all over the world.

Magic men created by Astrid Lindgren, Donald Bisset's kind tigers, Sergey Kozlov's inseparable Hedgehog and Bear cub - these and other characters are looking forward to meeting young readers.

Here you will also find folk tales and illustrated works by Vladimir Suteev. Kids will be delighted with simple instructive stories and colorful pictures created by a real Master.

Tips on the website

The free bedtime stories presented on our website are so diverse that sometimes it can be difficult to find the right one. To help parents, we have developed a convenient search engine that allows you to view the parameters of a fairy tale without opening it:

  • readers' age;
  • reading time;
  • short description;
  • popularity indicator;
  • illustration.

Secrets of reading bedtime stories

In order to replace the evening fairy tale with a sweet dream, it should be a short fairy tale, which should be read online in a calm and familiar environment.

Read in a low voice, without haste. Remember, we read to children at night not to give them new knowledge - there is daytime for this. In the evening, it is important to create a relaxing atmosphere and a sense of peace.

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