My child can read program
Your Child Can Read!
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Your Child Can Read! is the follow-up series to Your Baby Can Learn! Children under age 5 years should use the Your Baby Can Learn! series before starting this program. Please click here to see Your Baby Can Learn! kits.
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6 Best Programs for Teaching Children to Read
One of the earliest ways we educate our young children is by teaching them how to read.
Reading is the most fundamental area of education. Teaching a child to read will set them up for a lifetime of learning. Many of us don’t feel fully equipped to handle such an important task, however, and can use all the resources we can get! If you are a parent looking to help your child learn to read, these six programs are some of the best (and most successful) you can use.
1. Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons
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Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons is a complete, step-by-step program showing parents how to teach their children to read. It’s a sensible, easy-to-follow, and enjoyable way to help your child gain the essential skills of reading. This program contains one hundred lessons. It is fully illustrated and color-coded for clarity. Twenty minutes a day will give your child the basic and more advanced skills needed to become a good reader.
2. Reading Eggs
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Reading Eggs is an online program that makes learning to read fun, interactive, and highly rewarding. It is intended for ages 2–13. Reading Eggs was created by a highly experienced team of elementary school teachers, writers, and developers to help children become fluent and proficient readers. The multi-award-winning early learning resource supports your child’s reading journey with carefully designed online reading games and activities that are easy to follow, self-paced, and highly engaging for young learners.
3. Teach Your Monster to Read
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Teach Your Monster to Read is an award-winning series of online games that’s helped millions of children learn to read. The game is for children in the first stages of learning to read or for older children who need a bit more practice.
Teach Your Monster to Read takes children on a magical journey, meeting colorful characters along the way, and collecting fantastic rewards. As they progress, they rehearse a range of essential reading skills, including matching letters to sounds, blending, and segmenting. They’ll also learn tricky words and to read full sentences. The game runs on any standard laptop or desktop computer (including Apple Macs), and the app works on iPhone, iPad, Android, and Kindle tablets.
4. The Reading Lesson
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The Reading Lesson is a bestselling program that teaches young children to read in 20 easy lessons. It is designed as a step-by-step course for parents who want to teach their young children to read at home. The teaching method is based on phonics and word recognition. With its innovative and guided approach, the lessons provide an easy-to-follow recipe for teaching children to read. This program has also been used successfully for children with disabilities.
5. Bob Books
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Bob Books is a true first-reader series. It is designed to make helping your child learn to read simple and straightforward. The clean layout, short words, and simple phonics make learning to read a fun and natural step for a child that knows the alphabet.
Bob Books was designed to give young children the tools to go from learning letters to reading words. The beginning reader book sets start slowly. They progress from books with three-letter words to books with more than one sentence per page.
6. Phonics Pathways
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Phonics Pathways is a best-selling book that teaches reading using sounds and spelling patterns. These sounds and patterns are introduced one at a time and slowly built into words, syllables, phrases, and sentences. Simple step-by-step directions begin every lesson. Additionally, wise and humorous proverbs encourage virtues such as patience, perseverance, honesty, kindness, compassion, courage, and loyalty.
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How to teach a child to read? Or the KoroBoom Reading Training Program - Once upon a time
It so happened that here, in the blog, I undeservedly bypassed one very important manual - the KoroBoom Reading Training Program. Why important? Now, when you are just starting to teach your child to form letters into syllables, something really important is being decided. Whether the child will study with pleasure or not, whether he will sit down to read books willingly or under pressure - it all depends on how you organize the learning process now. The KoroBoom program is a game technique, the main task of which is to make a child fall in love with reading. And in this article I will talk in detail about how the set copes with this task. nine0003
In addition, as the author of this manual, I feel a certain responsibility towards my readers. Of course, I should have talked about the kit for learning to read a long time ago, so to speak, in the first person)
The kit was first released in 2018, and during its existence it has received a huge amount of positive feedback from mothers, teachers and speech therapists. Children who, under no pretext, did not want to sit down to read, began to learn with pleasure according to the methodology.
What is the secret of the KoroBoom Reading Program?
There are two main reasons why children like the set:
1. Game approach
him. That is why it is often difficult for parents to get their child interested in reading lessons. After all, individual letters and syllables for a child are abstract objects, meaningless signs that are not attached to any tangible object. nine0003
Unlike boring primers and notebooks that invite you to reread the same type of syllables over and over again, the KoroBoom Reading Learning Program allows you to play with them! Here, each letter combination turns into a house, trailer, letter, treat, etc. Completing the tasks of the set, the child rearranges the magnets and figures, runs, searches, draws, glues stickers, feeds the animals, collects puzzles, etc. In a word, learning is no different from ordinary play, which is a natural activity for a child. nine0003
2. Step-by-step system
If you have already tried to teach your child to read, then you probably noticed that there are really quite a lot of manuals on sale. And you can find a variety of games for free on the network. But it’s not always clear how to build a coherent system from them that will lead the child from zero to the result. Which syllables to read first, in what sequence to use the games - all these are important factors on which the interest and success of the child will depend. nine0003
Once upon a time, when I bought such a chic and expensive manual as Zaitsev's cubes, I was sure that I would finally have a clear plan of action at my disposal. But here it was not there either, the methodological manual offered some options for games (moreover, a far from exhaustive list). But exactly what words to make up from cubes, when and how to introduce new warehouses, how to interest a child if he is not interested in cubes - all this had to be thought out by the parent / teacher. nine0003
Therefore, it is so important that in the KoroBoom Program all tasks are systematized and arranged in order of increasing difficulty. In tasks, new letters are gradually introduced, letter combinations become more complicated, the number of syllables in a word increases, etc. It is also important that there are really a lot of game options, if a child is not interested in some version of the game, there is another!
What is included in the KoroBoom Reading Program?
Briefly tell about some of the games included in the set, so as not to be unfounded)
- Magnetic board with playing fields and magnets
There are 13 playing fields in the set. Different tasks are offered to the child on the playing fields. For example, the task is to seat the animals in the wagons. We tell the child: “Look, the cat bought a ticket for the MA trailer. Let's find MA!" “And the sheep wants to ride in the TA trailer, where do we have TA?”
Important! During the lesson, we do not ask the child to read each syllable (“Tell me, what is written here? What is written here?”), We ourselves repeatedly pronounce and show the syllables. During the game, the child first begins to recognize syllables, and then gradually moves on to independent reading. nine0003
- Nyam-Nyamych
Oh, this Nyam-Nyamych, always hungry) He loves to eat syllables, letters and words. “I want to eat PA! Now give me boo!” - says Nyam-nyamych. Perhaps this is the most favorite tool for children in the Reading Education Program)
- Syllable Trainer
This simulator allows the child to see how changing one letter in a syllable changes its sound. This is very useful for practicing basic reading skills. And given that the letters change in the book at the teddy bear or on the train, it is also interesting. nine0003
- Big album with tasks and stickers
We mothers know that stickers have magical powers. They are able to interest even the most reluctant person) Well, when sticking stickers is part of the learning process, it is doubly pleasant. There are many tasks in the album where the child can circle, find, paste and, of course, read. All tasks in the album are also divided into several levels of difficulty and complement the game tasks of the set. nine0003
- Turntables
Turn over just one leaf and get a completely different word!
These turntables are excellent reading simulators, because the child here reads the same spellings over and over again, but with slight changes. And every time he gets a meaningful word.
- Window aids
Children love the element of surprise in the game, so the game is especially successful for them. It's so great to read a short word yourself, and then see what is hidden behind the sash! At the same time and test yourself)
- Animal play cups
Some of the games in the set feature cute cup animals. Agree, it is much more interesting not just to read the word BALL, but to read it, and then also let the tiger cub play with such a BALL. And you can also feed the animals with “edible” words, look for letters in the animals in cups and make syllables out of them, etc.
- Simple self-reading books
For the most advanced readers, the box contains simple books for the first reading.
- Incentive sticker sheet
And one more thing. For additional motivation of the child in the set there are stickers and a sheet on which he can stick them. For each lesson, the child receives a sticker and approaches the magical land of letters.
Well, I won't describe all the variants of the games, there must be some intrigue) In total, there are 58 gradually becoming more complex games and more than 40 written tasks in the set. A clear action plan and instructions for each game are written in detailed methodological support. nine0003
By the way, you can watch a short video about the Learning to Read Program here.
Warehouse principle of dividing words
There is an important point that I would like to draw attention to. The Learning to Read Program uses warehouse principle to separate words. It is with warehouses, and not with syllables, that the child plays here.
What is a warehouse? A warehouse never consists of more than two letters, and this compares favorably with a syllable, which can consist of both 4 and 5 letters, and can also include several consecutive consonants. It is the warehouse that is the most convenient element that is easy for a child to pronounce and read. I wrote about how to highlight warehouses in a word here. nine0003
When to start studying
The reading program will be understandable and interesting for children over 3 years old. However, if you feel that the child is not yet ready, then it is better to postpone classes until 4-5 years of age.
The main criteria for a child’s readiness to learn to read are: the ability to speak well and correctly build sentences, the ability to navigate in space (the child understands the concepts of “right-left”, “higher-lower”, etc. ), developed phonemic hearing (child can determine what sound a word begins with. Such signs indicate that the child's brain is ripe for reading, in this case, classes will be easier and more efficient, and you will not be afraid of the negative impact from a neuropsychological point of view, which experts are increasingly talking about now. nine0003
Does the child need to know the letters before starting the Program? The main emphasis in the program is on games with warehouses and words, and not with individual letters. However, this does not mean that by the beginning of classes the child must know all the letters. If he knows - well, if not - it's not scary, they will be remembered during the game.
For the first acquaintance with letters, you can pay attention to the Interactive alphabet, it will allow you to remember the letters in a playful way.
The KoroBoom Reading Program (Ozon, Wildberries) is a unique set that can replace many different manuals. I know for sure that this technique works. And if earlier only my experience confirmed this, now more than 1000 mothers have been able to test and verify the effectiveness of the method. Thank you for your trust! nine0003
Sincerely yours, Yana Rozhnachenko
The first games for learning reading
Zaytsev’s cubes for learning reading. VARIANTS OF GAMES WITH DICE
methods of teaching reading to the first grade
When to teach a child to read
There are early development studios in which children are taught to read from the first years of life. However, pediatricians do not recommend rushing and advise starting learning to read no earlier than 4 years old, best of all - at 5–6. By this age, most children already distinguish sounds well, can correctly compose sentences and pronounce words. Therefore, most often parents think about how to teach their child to read, already on the eve of school. nine0003 Source: / @jonathanborba
How to know if your child is ready to learn to read
Before you start teaching your child to read, you need to make sure that the child is ready and wants to learn. To do this, try to answer the following questions:
- Does the child know the concepts of “right-left”, “big-small”, “inside-outside”?
- Can he generalize objects according to these features?
- Can he distinguish between similar and dissimilar forms?
- Is he able to remember and execute at least three instructions? nine0053
- Does he construct phrases correctly?
- Does he pronounce words clearly?
- Can he retell a story heard or happened to him?
- Can he formulate his feelings and impressions?
- Can you predict the ending of a simple story?
- Does he manage to participate in the dialogue?
- Can he listen without interrupting?
- Can he rhyme words?
- Do the letters attract his attention?
- Does the child have a desire to independently examine the book? nine0053
- Does he like being read aloud to him?
If you answered “yes” to these questions, your child is ready and will soon learn to read correctly.
Methods of teaching reading
Most of the methods involve learning while playing, so that the child is not bored and learns knowledge better.
Zaitsev's Cubes
For more than twenty years, these cubes have been introducing children to letters and teaching how to compose words and syllables. They allow you to understand how vowels and consonants, deaf and voiced sounds differ. There are 52 cubes in total, each of which depicts warehouses (combinations of a consonant and a vowel). The cubes vary in color and size, the large ones depict hard warehouses, while the small ones are soft. During classes, parents are encouraged to pronounce or sing warehouses so that the child remembers them better. nine0003 K Zaitsev's ubiki
Vyacheslav Voskobovich's "towers" and "folders"
windows. You can put cubes in them to make syllables. And from several towers you can make a word.
Skladushki is a book with pictures, educational rhymes and songs. Parents sing them and in parallel show the warehouses in the pictures. The author of the methodology claims that a child of six years old can be taught to read in a month using "folds". nine0003 A page from V. Voskobovich's "folds"
Doman's cards
This method of teaching a child to read is based on memorizing whole words, from simple to more complex. First, the child masters the first 15 cards, which the parent shows him for 1-2 seconds and pronounces the words on them. Then the child tries to memorize phrases. This technique helps not only to learn more words, but also develops memory well in general.
Doman cardsSource:
Maria Montessori's method of teaching reading
The essence of the Montessori method is that the child is first asked to feel the writing of a letter, and then pronounce it. For this, didactic materials are used - cardboard plates with pasted letters, the outline of which the child traces with his finger, naming the sound. After studying consonants and vowels, you can move on to words and phrases. The Montessori method not only helps to learn to read, but also develops fine motor skills, logic, and the ability to analyze. nine0003 Montessori cards are easy to make yourself.
Olga Soboleva's technique
The author of this technique believes that you need to start learning not from the abstract alphabet, but immediately in practice - by analyzing simple texts. The Soboleva program allows you to teach a child to read from the age of five - at this age, children are already able to keep their attention on a line of text. Different approaches are offered depending on how it is easier for a child to perceive the world - by eye, by ear or by touch. In addition to reading skills, the technique develops interest in creativity, imagination, attention and memory. nine0003 Source: / @gpointstudio
How to teach a child to read by syllables
Teaching a child to read by syllables should be done in stages. First, explain to him that sounds are vowels and consonants, deaf and voiced. Say them with the child - he must understand how they differ. Letters and sounds can be learned while walking: draw your child's attention to the letters on signs and announcements, and soon he will learn to recognize them.
When the child has mastered the letters and sounds, start teaching him to read simple words - "mom", "dad". Then move on to more complex ones - “grandmother”, “dog”, “apartment”. Show your child that syllables can be sung. nine0003 Syllabary for learning to read
Next, move on to making words. You can cut cards with syllables and invite the child to make words out of them. When he gets comfortable, move on to reading short texts. It is better to start with two or three phrases, and a little later switch to texts of five to ten sentences.
To enroll in Foxford Online Elementary School, a child must have at least basic reading, numeracy and writing skills. To check the readiness of the child for school, we offer to pass a small test that does not require special preparation. nine0003 Source:
Exercises for learning to read
There are many exercises on the Internet that help children learn to read, you can print them out and start learning right away. Start with exercises that teach you to recognize letters and tell correct spellings from incorrect spellings.
From O. Zhukova's manual “Learning to read. Simple Exercises.Source:
When the child gets used to the letters, move on to the exercises for syllables. For example, like this:
Geometric hint exercise. For greater clarity, blocks with words can be cut out.
Such exercises not only teach reading, but also develop logical thinking well:
Gradually move on to exercises that require not only to read correctly, but also to write words:
One of the most difficult and entertaining exercises is fillords: you need to find and cross out the words on the field of letters.
Games for learning to read
With the help of cubes or cards with letters and syllables, you can play different learning games with your child. Let's take a few examples.
Take a word of 3-4 syllables and place cards with them on the floor in random order. Explain to the child how these syllables are read. These will be garages. Give the child different toys and offer to send them to the garage as you wish: for example, the car goes to the TA garage, the bear goes to the RA garage, the ball rolls to the KE garage, and so on. Make sure your child is positioning the toys correctly. At the end of the game, invite the child to make a word from garage syllables. Perhaps not the first time, but he will get a "ROCKET". Gradually introduce new syllables into the game. nine0003
Lay out images of various goods on the table - this is a store, and you are a seller. Give your child a stack of cards with syllables - they will function as money. The child needs to buy all the items in the store, but each item is only sold for the syllable it starts with. For example, fish can only be bought for the syllable "RY", milk - for the syllable "MO", and so on. Give your child a few extra cards to make the task more difficult. When he gets used to it, change the conditions of the game: for example, sell goods not for the first, but for the last syllables. The game is both simple and complex: it will allow the child to understand that words are not always spelled the way they are pronounced. After all, a cow cannot be bought for the syllable "KA", for example. nine0003
Game for several people. Give the children several cards with syllables. Take out the cubes with syllables one by one from the box and announce them. Whoever has a card with such a syllable - he takes it. The first person to complete all the cards wins. During the game, children will accurately remember the syllables that they had on their hands.
Finally, a few more tips on how to teach a child to read:
- Teaching children to read is better to start with memorizing letters. It is important that the child can recognize and name them without hesitation. nine0053
- In the early stages, pronounce the consonants as they are read in words: not [em], [el], [de], but [m], [l], [d] - this way it will be easier for the child to find his bearings.
- Sculpt letters from plasticine, draw and color, buy an alphabet with voice acting - use all the channels of the child's perception.
- Gradually join the letters into syllables and then into words. Play rearranging letters and syllables, let the child experiment.
- Teach your child rhymes about the letters of the alphabet, look at the primer, use cards with letters and pictures. Thanks to the illustrations, the child will be able to memorize the symbols faster. nine0053
- Distribute the load: fifteen minutes a day is better than an hour twice a week.
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