Numbers cut outs
Number Cutout -
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Cutout Numbers - Etsy.
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Creative project "Carved numbers - 2019"
Creative project
"Cutted numbers - 2019"
Completed by:
Kolosova E. A.
Paper is the first material from which everyone begins to make, create, create unique products. She is known to everyone from early childhood. Steady interest in creativity from paper is also due to the fact that this material gives great scope for creativity. A paper sheet helps to feel like an artist, designer, constructor, and most importantly, an infinitely creative person. Undergoing tremendous changes since ancient times, paper in modern society is represented by a great variety. Colored and white, velvet and glossy, papyrus and twine - it is available to all strata of society. With the help of paper, you can decorate a Christmas tree, fold a puzzle, make a funny toy or a gift box, and much, much more.
The usual material - paper - is acquiring a new modern direction, it can be used in different techniques. My choice is the vytynanka art form. With it, you can decorate an album, a photo frame, a postcard, make a toy, a hot stand, decorative dishes, a picture and much more. Figures, boxes and caskets decorated with vytynanka are very original and beautiful. My choice of this work as a “vytynanka” is due to the fact that with finished products you can embellish your interior and your favorite thing without resorting to expensive materials. Finished works can be adapted for interior design by choosing the desired image of the picture.
Who among us has not experienced joy, aesthetic pleasure from communicating with art! Her beauty soothes, comforts, leaves an unforgettable impression that you want to experience again and again.
The relevance of the project is that with the help of the art of "vytyninanka" development in various directions is possible: design thinking, artistic and aesthetic taste, figurative and spatial thinking. All this is necessary for a modern person to realize himself as a harmoniously developed personality. A composition composed by one's own hands is so popular that a person, having mobilized his imagination and creative abilities, creates beauty according to his taste, while realizing his eternal desire to create.
Goals and objectives of the project.
Project goal: to expand the stock of knowledge through familiarity with traditional folk art, with the historical facts of the emergence of various materials and tools; develop curiosity, fantasy, imagination, creative technical and artistic thinking.
Project objective: to decorate the interior with environmentally friendly and inexpensive materials, while spending a minimum amount of time.
The history of the vytynanka
The vytynanka is a paper cut. There is no doubt that at least once you had to make the so-called paper lace - snowflakes to decorate the New Year holidays. But few people know that this amazing witchcraft, using scissors and paper, has a name - vytynanka. The name itself has Ukrainian roots. The literal translation of the word "stick out" is "carefully cut out." In the folk art of the 19th - early 20th centuries, this technique was especially widespread. Along with embroidery and knitting, vytynanka can be ranked among the most popular types of needlework of that time. All local beauties ordered original portraits from artists - their profiles cut out on a black sheet of paper. Even the great Repin was fascinated by the vytinanka, as well as the Frenchman Henri Mathis. It is known that the history of the emergence of this technique goes back to ancient times, at a time when the greatest invention of mankind, paper, was only made in China. Since that moment, the art of carving has come a long way, from China, through Western Europe and, in the 16th century, conquered Belarus. Initially, it was just one of the options for decorating documents, but later, by the 19th century, the status of the vytynanka changed. Paper became cheaper, and now everyone could afford original paper napkins, which now covered furniture instead of knitted ones, carved window curtains and many other crafts decorating the house.
The technique itself is probably well known to everyone: various patterns are cut out on a repeatedly folded sheet of paper. Depending on which pattern will be previously applied to a paper sheet, you can get a vytynanka with stylized floral, geometric, and even zoomorphic and anthropomorphic patterns. The vytynankas are characterized by the symmetry of the image and a lack of color (in the work, as a rule, no more than two or three colors). Paper protrusions can also be made in a slightly different way - glue is required in such work, and the color scheme of the craft can be richer. But only in this case, the name of the crafts will be appropriate - vyklyanki. Today, the vytynanka is still popular. It would seem that a lot of waste, garbage all over the desktop, but still - this activity is fascinating. And after all, it is useful not only because it develops the brush. By creating our little masterpieces, we learn to create and fantasize, which means we comprehend the beautiful.
Model selection
No. 1 Christmas decorations.
New Year's vytynanki, used only for holidays
№2 Paintings.
Beautifully designed numbers. Used for wall decoration only.
№3 Volumetric compositions.
Similar to a chandelier, used in homes with high ceilings.
№4 Decor for interior items.
Various shapes and sizes. Used for any interior items as an additional decoration
We select so that everything is combined in harmony and does not disturb the peace of the people around.
Characteristics of the materials used
Usually, thin but strong paper, Whatman paper, is used to make vytnanok. For example, cutting out snow-white winter landscapes, numbers from white paper is a pleasure. Whiteness gives a special charm to the carved picture, and if you choose a good dark background, the effect is simply incredible.
For work you need: sharp scissors of different lengths, straight, curved and curly. For small details, manicure is usually used.
Occupational safety
Rules for working with a knife
- do not work with a knife in the direction of your body;
- hold the knife handle firmly;
- use only well-sharpened knives and tools;
- keep hands and knife handle dry;
- do not leave the knife in the position with the cutting edge up;
- do not leave the knife stuck in or between food;
- do not try to catch a falling knife;
- do not use the kitchen knife for other purposes;
- wash the knife after each use.
Rules for working with scissors.
- while working with scissors, watch the fingers of your left hand.
- pass the scissors closed with the rings forward.
- do not hold the scissors with the sharp ends up.
- do not leave them open.
- move the scissors forward to cut in a straight line.
- Turn the workpiece when cutting round pieces.
Environmental assessment of the project
From the point of view of environmental safety, the process of making a vytynanka is completely safe, since the products are considered one of the most environmentally friendly. The manufacture of the product does not require the use of any chemical processes, so there is no environmental pollution. Waste paper can be used to make children's applications, mosaics.
I saw a miracle!
I saw a miracle!
Paper came to life in the children's hands.
And if we take this sheet with you,
Paper Paper Paper We get a different one.
Someone loves to use tricky zigzags
Embroider according to old magazines.
I love making lace pictures out of plain paper!
They are called Vytynanki
So popular and simple and gentle.
They appear imperceptibly,
Like an intricately snowy pattern!
1. Adamenko A.S. Creative technical activity of children and adolescents. M., 2003 2 Alekseev V.E. Organization of technical creativity of students. M., 2004 3. Gagarin B. Paper plastic // Young artist. 1987.10. 4. Gusakova M.A. Application - M: Enlightenment, 1988
5. The history of the development and emergence of a paper sheet. Issue. 12, 2009 6. Kozvinina V.P. “Development of creative abilities of students in the course of work” 11-2000 7. The program of education and training "Rainbow". / Ed. Dorono-howl T.N. - M.: 1993.
8. Country of masters. - 9. Tsirulik N.A., Prosnyakova T.N.” Smart hands. Artistic processing of materials” 10. Aesthetic education and development of school-age children: Textbook for students of higher pedagogical educational institutions (E. A. Dubrovskaya, T. G. Kazakova, N. N. Yurina, etc. / Under Edited by E. A. Dubrovskaya, S. A. Kozlova. - M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 2002.
Moving and copying cells and their contents
Moving and copying cells and their contents
- Moving and copying cells and their contents
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Further: Formatting
Excel for Microsoft 365 Excel 2021 Excel 2019 Excel 2016 Excel 2013 Excel 2010 Excel Starter 2010 More. ..Less
Use the commands Cut , Copy and Paste to move or copy the contents of cells. This way you can copy a certain part of the content or properties of the cells. For example, copy the value calculated by the formula without copying the formula itself, or copy only the formula.
Cells in Excel are moved and copied along with formulas, totals, format, and notes.
In Excel, cells can be moved by dragging or using the commands Cut and Paste .
Moving cells by dragging
Select the cells or range of cells that you want to move or copy.
Move the mouse pointer over the border of the selection.
When the pointer changes to the move pointer , drag the cell or range of cells to a different location.
Moving cells with cut and paste commands
Select a cell or range of cells.
On tab Home click Cut or press CTRL+X.
Select the cell where you want to move the data.
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