Nursery rhymes shoe
One, Two Buckle My Shoe
- ‘One, Two, Buckle My Shoe’ Lyrics In English
- What Will Your Child Learn From The ‘One, Two, Buckle My Shoe’ Rhyme?
- The Theme Of ‘One, Two, Buckle My Shoe’
- Rhyming Scheme/Pattern Of ‘One, Two, Buckle My Shoe’ Nursery Rhyme
- Words That Your Child Will Learn From ‘One, Two, Buckle My Shoe’ Nursery Rhyme
- Suggested Activities
- FAQs
One of the famous English nursery rhymes, ‘One, Two Buckle My Shoe’ originated in the late 18th century. It has a Roud Folk song index number 11284, i.e., it is numbered 11284 in the database called the Roud Folk Song Index, which has over 250,000 references to about 25,000 songs that were gathered through oral tradition in English across the globe. The ‘One, Two, Buckle My Shoe’ song is one of several counting rhymes for kids and was first documented in 1805 in ‘Songs for the Nursery’ and published in London.
This version has numbers beyond twelve as opposed to the earlier version. Another version of the rhyme was published in ‘The Only True Mother Goose Melodies’ in 1833. It kept some of the alterations from the previous versions. The primary goal of the song is to teach children how to count. Take a look at it.
‘One, Two, Buckle My Shoe’ Lyrics In English
Given below are the lyrics of the ‘One, Two, Buckle My Shoe’ poem for your reference. Through this rhyme, kids can be introduced to objects like shoes, buckles, etc. They can also explore actions through the poem, such as the action of buckling the shoe, opening the door, etc.
One, two,
Buckle my shoe.
Three, four,
Open the door.
Five, six,
Pick up sticks.
Seven, eight,
Lay them straight.
Nine, ten,
A big fat hen.
Eleven, twelve,
Dig and delve.
Thirteen, fourteen,
Maids a-courting.
Fifteen, sixteen,
Maids in the kitchen.
Seventeen, eighteen,
Maids a-waiting.
Nineteen, twenty,
My plate’s empty.
What Will Your Child Learn From The ‘One, Two, Buckle My Shoe’ Rhyme?
Good nursery rhymes form an important part of every child’s learning. The ‘One, Two, Buckle My Shoe’ rhyme contains simple and numeric words that children can easily follow. However, this rhyme also incorporates a simple and fun way of learning number sense and sequential counting. Thus, the rhyme is vital during the initial stage of learning. Other advantages of learning this poem are:
1. Speech Improvement
The rhyme aids in the development of speech as children learn to distinguish words and melody by listening to and singing the song. The more they listen to it, the more they remember it until they can properly sequence the numbers.
2. Cognitive Enhancement
It helps boost their memory and understanding by exposing them to numbers and new words like buckle, shoe, door, open, etc. , and improving their critical thinking abilities.
The Theme Of ‘One, Two, Buckle My Shoe’
As mentioned above, the ‘One, Two, Buckle My Shoe’ nursery rhyme is an effective rhyme for enhancing young children’s language and number skills. The rhyme doesn’t have a theme as such, but it is an upbeat song for kids to dance and sing along to and learn basic counting and simple vocabulary along the way.
Rhyming Scheme/Pattern Of ‘One, Two, Buckle My Shoe’ Nursery Rhyme
The appeal of rhyme and rhythm develops over time in children’s brains when they repeat it or practise it in class or with a group of friends. Kids tend to recall words better when they rhyme, and rhyming songs typically are easier to memorise. This nursery song has a coupled rhyme scheme, and the pattern is AA-BB-CC-DD-EE, and so on. The coupled rhyme scheme is a rhyme scheme in which rhymes occur in pairs, either with new sounds (AA-BB-CC-DD) or duelling sounds (AA-BB-AA-BB).
One, two, (A)
Buckle my shoe.
Three, four, (B)
Open the door. (B)
Five, six, (C)
Pick up sticks. (C)
Seven, eight, (D)
Lay them straight. (D)
Nine, ten, (E)
A big fat hen. (E)
Words That Your Child Will Learn From ‘One, Two, Buckle My Shoe’ Nursery Rhyme
Nursery Rhymes like ‘One, Two, Buckle My Shoe’ not only build the fundamentals of numeric but also help improve verbal English in children. Children learn various new words and their pronunciation to get the rhymes correct. Words like two–shoe, four-door, and six–sticks are rhyming pairs that increase phonemic awareness in kids. These are words that a child can relate to in day-to-day life. The rhyme also has ample sight words the child can learn. Thus, it’s a great nursery rhyme to teach children counting, rhyming words, sight words, and specific phonics.
Suggested Activities
Do some fun activities while singing the rhyme with your child and take play-based learning to the next level. Here are some ideas.
1. The Magical Wizard Box
This game involves a lot of repetitive chanting, which is a fantastic way to teach kids poems and numbers. Have an old box ready to serve as the wizard’s magical box. Also, arrange for the elements in the poem, like a shoe, a picture of a door, some sticks, a picture of a hen, etc. Make a wand out of a stick by wrapping it with some material, such as wool or ribbon. Tell the kids that they are going to create a rhyming spell and produce the objects in the poem from the box. Ask them to cast the magnificent spell by singing the rhyme and aim the wand toward the box, wiggle their magic fingers at it, and pull out the item from the box when it appears in the rhyme.
2. Action Rhyming
Pick any two rhyming words from the poem at a time, like ‘shoe’ and ‘two’. Let the children enact these two actions, one after the other, again and again; for example, say ‘shoe’ as you put your arms up and say ‘two’ as you put your arms down. Do this for the rest of the rhyme.
3. Sequential Numbers
Recite the poem loudly and help the kids put the numbers in the correct sequence. For this, you will require placards with numbers.
1. What Is The Roud Folk Song Index?
The Roud Folk Song Index is a database containing around 250,000 references to nearly 25,000 songs collected through oral tradition in English worldwide. Steve Roud (born 1949), a former librarian at the London Borough of Croydon, compiled it. One two buckle my shoe has a Roud Folk Song index 11284.
2. What Is The Meaning of ‘Buckle My Shoe’?
Originally the song described the regular day of lace-makers who traditionally worked in the 18th century. The rest of the song then describes their routine work throughout the day.
3. At What Age Can A Child Recite ‘One, Two, Buckle My Shoe’?
Children usually pick up the rhyme in kindergarten. However, some children learn the number concept early; others might take some time.
Nursery rhymes were the groove before we discovered bands and mainstream tunes. Nursery rhymes are classic children’s poetry and melodies and often use repeating lines and rhyming sentences to create short stories about animals and people. Singing and dancing to the tune of ‘One, Two Buckle My Shoe’ can be entertaining and educative for your child. And, when you sing along, it can be a great bonding activity between you and your child too.
Also Read:
Betty Botter Nursery Rhyme for Children
Early To Bed Nursery Rhyme for Kids with Lyrics
Cobbler Cobbler Mend My Shoe Nursery Rhyme for Children
One Two Buckle My Shoe Book of Counting Rhymes Nursery Rhymes
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Poems about shoes for children
Pavel Filatov6. 07.2019, 10:14
Hello, dear reader of the children's Internet edition "Churiki".
* * *
Mixed Sneakers
Came back from training.
Silently and wearily,
They have little power left.
Pressed tongues
They have Velcro and laces.
Suddenly confusion in the party,
The step became light,
Strength, as before training,
Sneakers have become dandies,
Skipping on track,
Ah, what sandals -
Two dainty straps.
Author: Tatyana Umanskaya
* * *
Slippers, boots
Slippers with pompoms in the morning
from bed to table,
boots are waiting near the door,
it's time for them to go outside.
Kindergarten - sandals,
"Czech" soft - ballet,
and walking - again boots
and galoshes if it's snowing.
And running shoes for sports,
for the theater - there are shoes,
there are boots with lacing,
yes, do not count everything!
In the evening - boots again,
and on the street - home,
well, at home, at the threshold
pompos are waiting for you and me.
* * *
A fairy tale about boots
Very clean boots
Gathered for a walk
Two socks in the middle
Carefully climbed
Barely stretched,
The door was opened, they turned;
And they reached for the button,
The elevator arrived - and already
Knocking on the ground floor
Once dressed for the season -
Trampled on the lawn;
And they came to the sandbox,
And they buried the sand;
immediately turned into a puddle
And almost drowned;
Red cat found
And they drove as best they could
So tired - my God!
Barely stomped home.
Mom came out - ah-ah-ah!
Dirt, dirt - over the edge!
Come on, wash and dry,
Well, exactly become
Near the door on the carpet -
Walked in the yard!
Author: Shiposhina T.V.
* * *
Vovka's boots
Vovka somehow got into a puddle for fun
Stepped, taking water, right boot.
And the left one only touched the puddle with his toe,0017 Afraid, however, to plunge deeper.
But the right one winks at him:
Dive, do not be afraid - we will swim together
And he dived to keep up with his brother...
All this was seen by a bearded goat
And he said, frozen as in the picture:
"Where did Vovka's boots go?"
* * *
New shoes
Milka's daughter
New boots.
Bright, beautiful,
Orange colors.
Hat with horns,
In tone - jumpsuit.
stomping feet
Right on the lawn.
Author: Irina Viktorova
* * *
When my shoes go out of fashion,
I will throw them away and for many years
They will lie in the attic
With boxes, trash and a doll in a scarf.
They will not be able to walk along the boulevard,
They can’t push the cat, come on, scat,
Can't jump, run, dance0017 They won't be able to play football for a minute,
They won't be able to step on their friends' shoes
They will not be able to sleep on the rug in the hallway.
I'm sorry ... and in the morning I put them on again,
When will I buy others? I don't know.
Author: Yury Lysakov
* * *
Chilled Boots
Boots said:
— I'm so cold,
What does not matter to me
To the feet.
Let me go myself
I'll warm it up.
And sat on horseback
To the battery.
Author: Galina Ilyina
* * *
Mom bought shoes
For my daughter Mila
Leather, red,
Satin bows.
Mila put on shoes,
Looked in the mirror for a long time:
Bows like butterflies,
Shoes are not slippers.
Like a ballerina, Mila
Walked on toes for a day,
Falling, spinning,
In general, I had fun.
Mila danced for a long time,
All capes have been beaten only,
Bows came off…
"I need pointe shoes!"
Mila's mother was not angry,
I didn’t forbid dancing -
Daughter at dance school
Walks on toes.
Author: Vera Anoshina
* * *
My Alina has
New boots,
Red, beautiful,
New boots!
Will she wear them,
Avoid mud and puddles!
I really like Alinka,
Those new boots!
Author: Maria Efimova
* * *
The first boots
Moms, dads, uncles, aunts!
I'll tell you today
How to buy boots
For me, my family.
In the children's world on the counter
Rank by rank, row by row
Both sandals and boots,
And the boots are worth it.
I saw mine right away,
Dreamed of these for a long time.
If I were to wear them
I would get up and run.
I would then day and night
He wore them without taking them off,
I would drive a soccer ball,
I would have scored the first goal in them!
Suddenly I hear: “Very important,
To make the sock soft,
So that the heel does not rub
And the tongue didn't fidget. ”
What are you talking about? Wait!
I have already made my choice.
I can't say it yet,
But my soul is crying.
In soft new boots
I'm in a stroller
And sad eyes
I look at my family.
Well, they are satisfied with themselves:
“How the boots fit!
Not a child - a feast for the eyes"
They speak affectionately.
Oh, my dears,
You did not understand me.
Grow up and tell you,
Like one summer morning
Only touching with his wing,
Flew away smiling,
My first dream…
Author: Olga Weisbeker
* * *
Shoes, boots and boots
Offended shoes, sad boots:
Walking is not allowed on wet paths,
Walking the third day, one boots,
On the shelf in the rain they can not stand with their feet.
Author: Maria Lavruk
* * *
Shoes on the path
On the path by the river
someone threw shoes,
homeless people lying around,
turned out to be without marks.
Flowers still grew there,
like toothy cats,
but the flowers are hardly
the soles were torn from the shoes.
Dasha showed us everything:
squirrel shoes scattered -
here he is galloping along the path,
she has bare feet…
Author: Grandfather Volodya
* * *
Left shoe
My boot is naughty
Always jokes with me.
Scruffy and dirty,
He behaves arrogantly.
This is the left one, this is the right one
Behaving correctly.
He is cleaner, more modest -
I have no complaints here!
Let's just get out, left p-time!
And untie immediately.
And also, such a prankster -
The tongue of passers-by teases!
Drawstring tongue,
I told him later:
- For such swagger
I will be terribly ashamed!
I see, I understood the slipper
He bit his tongue.
We are all very friendly now,
And the three of us go around the puddles!
Author: Olga Irkegulova
* * *
In the shoe closet
Here are my sneakers,
But grandfather's shoes,
Granny felt boots,
Brother sandals,
Playfully pugnacious.
But father's boots
And my mother's boots.
Fathers can be seen - fishermen,
And mothers are like cats,
Clinging to daddy's stand,
As if, "Moore-r" they say.
Author: Roman Shisterov
* * *
Dad bought me shoes…
Dad bought me shoes,
Not shoes, but pictures!..
And now I'm running in them
To Theodore the groom…
Theodor played football,
And scored a wonderful goal ...
— Lisa, we need a goalkeeper!
Don't hit your face in the dirt! The third hit the post,
Seriously angered
Forwards-muff ...
And blows - left, right,
They hit you right on the spot ...
Theodore shouts to me: "Bravo!",
I blush with praise...
And my team with heat
Scores two goals…
I took off my shoes behind the barn:
— How hot I am!. .
Author: Liza Fedina
* * *
Boy Dimka for a walk
Looking for half an hour shoes!
No shoes by the door.
Mom, where are they? Gone…,
They were not joking!
"We can't be dirty!
Quietly together
Let's go to the bathroom.
If Dima this time
Won't wash us again,
Let's get offended, let's go!
Let him walk barefoot."
Dima sideways in the bathroom.
Here they are, silent.
Dirty, no light visible.
Everyone understands, they are offended...
Dima always remembered
Shoes need to be washed.
I washed my shoes for five minutes.
Went for a walk in clean clothes.
Smiling boots,
Like new from the picture.
Author: Yury Valenkin
* * *
New boots
My shoes are too small,
Fingers rub,
And the corns hurt so much -
X doesn't happen anymore.
Mom to shop me
Brought it today.
We will try on shoes
We are for two seasons.
For autumn black puddles
We will buy shoes,
And for long winter cold -
Small boots.
I will jump and jump
In brand new boots,
I will be walking for a long time
With Sasha and Polinka.
So comfortable for me now,
So comfortable on the feet!
I just want to run
On the road with mom.
And by the spring I will grow up,
And by the hand with mom
I will come to the store again
I'll leave with my shoes!
Author: Anna Ostrovskaya
* * *
Shaggy Slippers
They put on masks -
Indoor, soft,
There is a nose and eyes,
Two tapas for dad,
Two tapas for mom,
Two tapas for daughter,
Next to the corner.
Slippers talking
About cat Fluffy:
"He always dines,
We have lunch - mysticism.
-The cat is so shaggy,
He has paws.
We would like his paws
Too bad we're just tapas."
Two tapas for dad,
Two tapas for mom,
Two tapas for daughter,
Next to the corner.
Author: Azov Veterok
* * *
Two shoes stand
Two shoes stand,
They don't look at each other.
Arguing Nadya,
- We need to reconcile them!
Author: Vera Shcherbakova
* * *
Stormy rains passed,
Rivers rustled,
We are in rubber boots
The songs were sung.
And when in a deep puddle
We had fun -
Our wonderful boots
They took it and got drunk.
Author: Roman Ezyk
* * *
It's a little wet outside,
But I'm not used to being bored.
Favorite miracle boots
I must find it now.
I will measure all puddles in boots,
Then I'll run up the hill...
That's just me hat deeper
I'll put on an umbrella and take it.
Author: Olga Schastlivaya
* * *
My sister Irinka has
Naughty boots.
Mom and I always dry them:
They run through the puddles,
Get into the mud, and what -
Do not film in the hallway.
We will tie their shoelaces tightly
And put it in a corner for the night
Author: Tatyana Agibalova
* * *
Valenki for Varenka
Mother to a little daughter
She gave me boots.
On the track - top, top, top.
On the track booty-clap.
Varenka is crying bitterly -
She doesn't need felt boots...
Mom takes her daughter,
And leads into the house by the hand...
-I believe it hurts, Varenka.
The boots are not to blame.
Your legs Varenka,
Very simply too small.
You will grow up a little
You will go for a walk in felt boots.
Author: Svetlana Khokhlova
* * *
To our neighbor Vovka
Mom brought sneakers.
Just put on my new thing,
Do not recognize the neighbor Vovka.
Scowl, scowl,
He stands there thinking.
And the son's mother asked:
- What's happened?
What is the reason?
Here is the emblem - look,
The insole is soft inside.
Velcro here, lacing there,
What's wrong, tell me, Vovka?
- I want my new thing
Give your sister a workout.
Because when she sees
That everyone looks with envy,
Immediately proudly say: - Vovka
- The best brother in the world!
Author: Elena Eremina
11.02.2019, 10:28
Respect to you!
02/07/2019, 06:56
I did not know that there were so many children's poems about shoes. Thank you!
01/29/2019, 00:56
Hello, we finally found suitable children's poems about shoes for children. Thank you!
09.11.2018, 17:20
Good poems.
Everywhere, everywhere we go together inseparably.
We walk through the meadows, along the green shores.
Even in the bath we will go inseparably together.
What is our name - let's say briefly.
Call us all - slates.!
And I would also like to find a rhyme about sandals.
28.11.2017, 14:48
Very, very interesting selection of poems. Thanks to the authors and the creative team of Churiki
Taking this opportunity, I want to ask permission to post your poems about shoes on my website in articles or descriptions of models.
Thank you in advance, online store for children's shoes det-os.
Children's poems about shoes | Poems
Worn shoes. Elena Tikhomirova
Worn shoes
They stood in the corner.
They did not pay attention to old shoes
What to wear them,
Since the heel is slanted?
The paint has faded,
The nose is all worn out...
And once in shoes
They ran, danced,
They danced in shoes,
Beat the rhythms.
Shoes flaunted
Yes on light legs,
Heels clicked
On steep paths.
Lacquer spouts
Sparkled in the sun.
And I wanted shoes,
So that all dreams come true!
Happy shoes
Flying gait.
And the shoes laughed
From joy alluring.
But spring is over,
And after it - summer.
Put shoes -
It's very sad!
They remember shoes
What they once sang,
And they dream of shoes,
To put them on.
And shoes sigh
Quietly and inaudibly.
And they would like shoes,
So that people would go out in them.
It's a pity to throw away the shoes,
But there are no legs for them.
Sandals new
Waiting for their tracks!
How pretty! Irina Senchukova
When it's winter I'm wearing felt boots,
I boldly measure snowdrifts.
And I'm not small at all,
Distrust is ridiculous to me.
Rubber boots in the spring,
I put them on myself.
And May shoes,
I lace myself, without looking at me.
And in the summer, I'll shock you,
I don't recognize sandals.
It's easy to run through the puddles, cool!
Barefoot, even though I'm not small.
I'll put on my own shoes in autumn,
In sneakers, I'm not in galoshes!
And all the guests will say together:
"He's so pretty!"
Centipede. Krista Strelnik
Outside, the rain was shyly dripping.
I don't remember what time it is.
He was surprised and a little scared,
He silently counted something.
- I got it, we got a centipede!
Look, they are standing in their places:
Some boots and other boots,
Galoshes for going into the forest.
Stepping on them, sandals run
And shoes - with and without stilettos.
Sports sneakers, and sneakers nearby,
Clogs, moccasins, and here
And fashionable boots with long lacing,
And "boats" are peacefully floating.
Dance shoes,
and beach slippers,
Sandals, flip-flops,
Buckle and stud,
Wedges, and slippers,
And shoes on the paws,
Braids, boots,
On the button, clasp,
Really all this -
One centipede?
Mom and I sighed. Yes, the choice is huge,
But how hard it is to explain,
It's just that my mother and I are two girls in the house,
And the boys don't understand us!
Marinka has shoes. Leonid Grushko
Marinka has shoes:
Boots and boots,
Ballerinas for sure,
But there are no shoes with heels.
Her trouble is small -
Mom always has them!
She tries them on -
Her mother allows her.
Shoe shoe. Olga Shalimova
It's nice to wear clean shoes
Start your day in the morning,
If you look neat,
Then it's not too lazy to be friends with you.
If your shoes are in clods of mud
Just begs to be washed!
Try to be nice
Wearing clean shoes is different.
Make sure that in the hallway,
Before you go to bed,
You left your shoes
Clean to dry, rest!
The cap hangs on the ears. Stepanova Elena Anatolyevna
The cap hangs on the ears,
The raincoat sits awkwardly,
It is so difficult to take a step
In daddy's sneakers.
Why did I put on everything -
Stupid questions!
I really want, friends,
To become an adult soon!
I'm growing! Tamara Vtorova
Again rest
Fingers on the shoe,
Invisible in the fight against him
Waging a duel.
And mom sighs,
Getting ready for bed -
I need shoes again
Buy for spring!
Slates. Tatyana Antonova Vysochina
The sun's beam and the noise of the surf -
These are summer messengers.
Both in the pool and by the sea -
It's so comfortable to run in shales!
New boots. Anna Ostrovskaya
My shoes are too small,
My fingers are rubbed,
And the calluses hurt so much -
It can't get any worse.
Mom brought me to the store
We will try on shoes
We are for two seasons.
For autumn black puddles
We will buy boots,
And for long winter cold -
Small boots.
I will jump and jump
In new shoes,
I'll be walking for a long time
With Sasha and Polinka.
So comfortable for me now,
So comfortable for my legs!
I just want to run
Along the path with my mother.
And by the spring I'll grow up,
And by the hand with my mother
I'll come to the store again
And I'll leave with shoes!
Children's shoes. Vladimir Marakhin
Lenochka's sweetheart
Slippers on her feet,
Ninochka's shoes,
Timoshka's boots,
Nyurochka's boots,
Svetochka's booties,
Vovochka has sneakers,
Violetta has ballet flats,
Gosha has galoshes,
Vika has leotards,
And Zina has moccasins.
Boot. Andrey Usachev
Shoe lies in mugs,
The heaviest Botin.
- Where, Boot, is your Brother?
Why are you lying alone?
You broke up with each other
And you didn't find each other?
Boots - and other footwear. Grandfather Volodya
Here the noise subsides in the apartment,
Late evening comes.
The door was locked,
And under the door there is a corner,
As it gets dark, it comes to life...
The argument continues - the conversation continues
Our shoes (as if in a fairy tale)
All styles and coloring,
All sizes, destination -
These are adventures. ..
Sandals are the fastest of all
They squeaked: "And we are the legs
We decorate with straps,
We lengthen them with heels ..."
Shoes immediately answered them:
"Oh, friends, no, no. children
Put on everything in the world
What, tell me, have you lost
Cinderella, running away from the ball?"
Sneakers jumped into the conversation:
"But it's hardly more comfortable than us
You can find shoes,
If you need to run
So, for example, a hundred meters.