One word for kids

Jon Gordon :: One Word for Kids

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One Word for Kids

A Great Way to Have Your Best Year Ever

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About the Book

From the authors who created the One Word movement, impacting schools, businesses, and sports teams around the world, comes a charming fable that can be read and shared by everyone.

If you could choose only one word to help you have your best year ever, what would it be? Love? Fun? Believe? Brave? It’s prob­ably different for everyone. How you find your word is just as important as the word itself. And once you know your word, what do you do with it? In One Word for Kids, bestselling author Jon Gordon―along with coauthors Dan Britton and Jimmy Page―asks these questions to children and adults of all ages, teaching an important life lesson in the process.

This engaging, fully illustrated fable follows Stevie, a young boy falling asleep on the first day of school. His teacher gives the class an assignment: to find the one word that will help them have their best year ever. To discover their one word, they must look inside themselves, look up, and look out. At home, Stevie is upset be­cause he can’t find his word. After his dad offers some helpful advice, Stevie excitedly begins the quest for his word. His search helps him discover a lot about himself, what he loves, and what is important to him.

An easy read with a powerful message, One Word for Kids appeals to readers of all ages and is an ideal entry point into discussing a valuable lesson in a fun and engaging way.

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One Word for Kids: A Great Way to Have Your Best Year Ever

Selected type: Hardcover


$18. 00

Jon Gordon, Dan Britton, Jimmy Page, Korey Scott (Illustrator)

ISBN: 978-1-119-43031-5 November 2019 48 Pages

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    Starting at just $18.00







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From the authors who created the One Word movement, impacting schools, businesses, and sports teams around the world, comes a charming fable that can be read and shared by everyone.

If you could choose only one word to help you have your best year ever, what would it be? Love? Fun? Believe? Brave? It’s prob­ably different for everyone. How you find your word is just as important as the word itself. And once you know your word, what do you do with it? In One Word for Kids, bestselling author Jon Gordon—along with coauthors Dan Britton and Jimmy Page—asks these questions to children and adults of all ages, teaching an important life lesson in the process.

This engaging, fully illustrated fable follows Stevie, a young boy falling asleep on the first day of school. His teacher gives the class an assignment: to find the one word that will help them have their best year ever. To discover their one word, they must look inside themselves, look up, and look out. At home, Stevie is upset be­cause he can’t find his word. After his dad offers some helpful advice, Stevie excitedly begins the quest for his word. His search helps him discover a lot about himself, what he loves, and what is important to him.

An easy read with a powerful message, One Word for Kids appeals to readers of all ages and is an ideal entry point into discussing a valuable lesson in a fun and engaging way.

Buy Set of 5 Items

This item: One Word for Kids: A Great Way to Have Your Best Year Ever

The Hard Hat for Kids: A Story About 10 Ways to Be a Great Teammate

(Hardcover $18. 00)

Thank You and Good Night

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The Coffee Bean for Kids: A Simple Lesson to Create Positive Change

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The Energy Bus for Kids: A Story about Staying Positive and Overcoming Challenges

(Hardcover $20. 00)

About the Author

Jon Gordon has inspired millions of readers around the world. He is the author of 20 books, including seven bestsellers: The Energy Bus, The Carpenter, Training Camp, You Win in the Locker Room First, The Power of Positive Leadership, The Power of a Positive Team, and The Coffee Bean. He is passionate about developing positive leaders, organizations, and teams.

Dan Britton is the Chief Field Officer for the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. He is the coauthor of 6 books, including One Word and Life Word, and works to help people pursue their passion. Dan is a frequent speaker for companies, nonprofits, sports teams, schools, and churches.

Jimmy Page is a speaker, writer, trainer, and leadership coach. He is the coauthor of several books, including One Word and Life Word, and currently serves as the Divisional Vice President with the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. His mission is to inspire and activate the heroic potential and greatness in others.


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Jon Gordon

Two items - one word. Academy of developing games. For children from one year to 7 years old

Two items - one word. Academy of developing games. For children from 1 to 7 years old


Academy of developing games. For children from 1 to 7 years old
Novikovskaya Olga Andreevna


Two objects - one word

Find two objects in the picture that can be called by one word. What other similar words do you know? (The key is a stream beating from the ground, and the key to the lock; the handle is the door handle and the one that writes; the bell is a musical instrument and a flower. )

This text is an introduction.

Extra word

Superfluous word Say a chain of words and ask the child to find in it an extra one that is not like the rest. Words can be: House, lump, scarf (an extra word is “kerchief”). Bough, bow, branch (an extra word is “branch”). Lemon, cancer, varnish (an extra word is “lemon”). Skating rink, scarf , building

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Please? "Where's the magic word?"

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Distinguishing between an object and a subject of knowledge

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Only one

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Last letter word

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as much as possible.

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games and tasks for the development of thinking

Entertaining mathematics / Games for the development of thinking

Tasks of this type teach the child to highlight the essential features of objects, to abstract and generalize, and help develop logical thinking. There are more than 5500 logic puzzles on LogicLike!

Try the LogicLike course in a playful way!

Choose an age to start

4-5 years old

6-7 years

1-2 class

3-5 class

6-9 class

15+ for myself

In the tasks "Extra in the row", "Who is superfluous here", "What is superfluous" in the group there is someone or something with a clear difference from other elements of the set. It is necessary to determine the most significant feature common to all objects except one.

"Find the extra word"

To answer which word is superfluous in each group, you need to guess which feature unites the rest among these words.

Sample task: sofa, wardrobe, lamp, table.

Encourage your child to think aloud!

Answer example: Extra lamp in this row. Because a sofa, a wardrobe and a table are furniture, a lamp is an interior item. Another possible explanation: the lamp can illuminate the room, other objects from the group cannot.

Together find the extra fourth or fifth word in each line and explain your choice.

wolf, fox, cat, bear

Show answer

The cat is a domestic animal, the rest of the group are wild animals.

summer, morning, winter, spring

Show answer

Morning is the time of day, the rest of the words in the series denote the seasons.

airplane, train, helicopter, crow, bumblebee

Show answer

The train does not fly.

kilometer, mile, millimeter, inch, kilogram

Show answer

Kilogram is a unit of mass, the rest of the words in the row are measures of length.

watermelon, strawberry, blueberry, plum, raspberry

Show answer

Plum is the fruit of a tree, other words are berries.

Students in grades 3-4 and older can easily complete a dozen of these tasks. Preschoolers and children 7-8 years old will like tasks in pictures much more.

To make it interesting for children to study, we have created and are constantly improving the LogicLike educational platform.

On the site, children develop logic in a playful way and learn to think outside the box. Do the tasks in turn with the child, and then be sure to invite him to work out on his own.

"The Fourth Extra" in pictures

Who is extra?

Choose an animal that does not fit the rest of the habitat.

Show answer



Fish, whales and seahorses live in water, rabbits live on land.

Find and explain what is superfluous

Hint: inside each fruit there is...

Show answer



There are a lot of seeds in apples, and in other fruits from this group - one each.

Identify the extra vehicle

Find out the answer



All vehicles in this row run on fuel, except for the bicycle.

3500+ interactive tasks

Playful lessons are useful and fun! The child develops logic and thinking playfully.

Solve online! Solve online!

You can just look at more examples of tasks or start online classes on the LogicLike platform.

Find an extra item

Choose an extra musical instrument

See also:


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