Outdoor snow activities for preschoolers
(Easy) Outdoor winter activities for toddlers and kids ⋆ Take Them Outside
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It’s winter! Snow and cold and ice and the possibilities of new and different play! Below you’ll find a list of all sorts of outdoor winter activities for kids and toddlers that you can set up right in your own backyard.
How I miss the days that my littles would wake up to a freshly painted white world… oh, and the excitement in those eyes when they heard the snowplow coming down the road!
… they’d look out the window, see all those new possibilities and they’d suddenly not care about cartoons and cereal. They just needed to get outside and try out their new Paw Patrol snow shovel, slide around in their sled, and eat some snow!
(Yes, let’s be honest, all kids eat snow.)
But, aside from shoveling, sliding, and eating snow, what other outdoor activities can you find for your toddlers to do?
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Toddlers and preschoolers have a natural curiosity and excitement about the outdoor world that just doesn’t compare to any other age group. Often times we parents rush too quickly to make plans and create activities when really all they need is a little encouragement and confidence that their own play and explorations are great activities in and of themselves.
But, if you plan to spend hours outside, having a few snow activities for toddlers on hand will certainly help.
1. Snow Shoveling
Toddlers love to help out and they love to imitate. So, if you are planning to make a wintertime toy purchase for your little one, I strongly suggest a kid-sized snow shovel! And, if you happen to live somewhere where you get a lot of snow, there’s no harm is teaching them early;)
I recommend you get them an actual shovel that will slide and push the snow.
I’m pretty sure we picked ours up at the dollar store (they look like these but I know we didn’t pay that price!).
2. Go for a sled ride – one of the most fun winter activities!
Whether it’s just for fun or for practical purposes, having a good quality pull sled is very handy with young children. You can pull them around the block, they can slide around in the backyard, or they can pull their own dollies for a ride!
Taking dolly out for a sled rideMake it even more fun and find some hills to play on. Remember, toddlers don’t need anything too big or scary and if you are going to go down some big hills with them, be safe and have them wear a helmet.
When my littles were really little, we had both a wooden baby sled and one of these plastic baby sleds. Both worked well and supported our babies in a sitting position. However, we would add more blankets and cushioning to the wooden sled. Once they were a little older and sturdier we started using a plastic toboggan pull sled without a back support.
I find the pull sleds are more stable and can manage rough snow and terrain better than the smaller baby sleds. Our baby sleds tipped more on rough and hilly trails where our basic pull sleds did not.
Unless you’re getting a hand-me-down, I’d probably suggest purchasing a pull sled and skip the baby sized sleds since they’re pricy and not as useful as kids get older.
3. Build a snowman
Really, this one shouldn’t even need to be mentioned, right? But, don’t stop at snowmen. Encourage your toddler’s creativity and maybe they’ll want to build a family of dinosaurs, a castle, a baby turtle, or a sculpture of their own family! Make it even more exciting by letting your toddler choose some clothing and natural treasures to decorate their snow creations.
4. Paint the snow
This one takes a tiny bit of preparation, but it’s still pretty quick and easy. The main idea is to fill a watering can, spray bottle, or even a pop bottle (with a hole poked into the lid) with colored water.
Tip: The slower the water empties from the container, the longer the activity will last!
I used an empty soy sauce jar for this activity and the rate of water flow was perfect… not to slow, but not the whole bottle at once.
I just add a drop or two of food coloring to the water to make sure that the kids’ clothing don’t also get colored in the process. If you want the colors to show up stronger on the snow, add more food coloring to your water.
outside, painting the snow with blue-colored waterI would think water guns would work too… as long as it weren’t so cold that they’d freeze right up.
You could also let the kids bring out their water paint tray or tempera paint cakes to paint on the snow. I see this working really well when the snow has a hard crust on top that would act as a giant canvas for your kids
5. Paint with snow
This one works really well if you have a brick house or a wooden fence. You can even do it on big tree trunks too. Basically, with handfuls of snow, show your little one how to make designs. The texture of the brick, wood, or bark will grip the snow. If the snow is wet enough, you can even throw snowballs at the wall and fence to make a picture out of thrown snow balls.
For older kids you could make a bullseye or target game for them to throw the snowballs at.
I also have memories of pulling off my soggy mittens and scarves and sticking them onto the brick walls too! … not sure if you want to encourage that or not!
6. Build a fort
If you grew up in snow I’m sure you’ve built a fort or two. Remember, toddlers aren’t very big, so this doesn’t have to be an over-involved process. Just a small snow wall will be very exciting to hide behind and climb over for them. I’m pretty sure all the forts I ever made were done with my hands and feet. I also have fond memories of my dad digging one out of a snow drift for me once.
You can purchase fancy snow brick molds, but ice cream containers, sand pails, and buckets work too, and it’s always better to reuse (in my opinion).
7. Build a maze
This one will need a little more adult time. In a large area of fresh snow use a shovel (or your feet) to cut paths in the yard. Make a maze for your toddler to find their way through. Then, show them how to make their own maze to challenge you.
You can challenge older kids to write out their name or designs.
8. Make an obstacle course
These are fun any time of the year, but in the winter, there’s the element of snow! Read more at PaperHeartFamily to see the snowy obstacle course they made for their kids and get some fun ideas for your own backyard course.
An obstacle course from PaperHeartFamilyMy girls still make obstacles courses for themselves in the backyard. Over the years these have become increasingly difficult. There’s even one set up right now in the snow… and I see they’ve pulled all the lawn furniture out onto the lawn to climb over and under too.
9. Watch some snow clearing
Yep, this one is simple, but wow, if you happen to have a little one that loves anything with wheels, then this is definitely going to be a hit!
We are lucky to live in an area that grades and picks up the snow on the roads. My little guy would get so excited when that familiar beeping and grating sound came around! He’d spend a whole hour just standing on the couch watching the grader, loader, and dump trucks do their thing (while giving me a running commentary the whole time). If I really wanted to treat him, we’d get all bundled up and head outside to watch safely from the porch! …and if they honked or waved, well, his day was made!
10. Go on a track hunt
Little kids will love to walk through the snow, play with their own footprints and follow other prints. Pretend to be spies and head to the park or around the block and see how many different tracks you can find, follow them, and see where they lead you both.
11. Play at the park
The park is an entirely different place when it’s covered in snow!
Just be careful that metal structures can be unexpectedly slippery when covered in frost.
12. Be a winter wildlife detective
Head to a natural area and see how the animals are managing in the snow. Make a little winter-time scavenger hunt before you head out, or just pretend to be nature detectives and look, listen, and feel with curiosity. What are the animals doing and saying? Have they left any evidence in the snow? Whose tracks are whose?
13. Have a tea party or a picnic
If your little one is into pretend tea parties, then go have one outside. Get all bundled up, bring out the cups, a blanket, and a few dollies… then enjoy a nice little tea party in the snow. You could probably also whip up some snowy pies and cakes for the celebration too!
For an extra treat, fill the “tea” thermos with hot chocolate instead!
14. Freeze stuff
This is a two-part activity that needs a little preparation on your part.
First, one day, you’ll fill a container with natural treasures (leaves, berries, pine cones) and add a few inches of water. Then, leave this outside to freeze overnight.
On the second day, go see what happened, take the frozen disks out of the contains and hang them in the trees as decorations.
You can get the full instructions on making wintertime ice ornaments here.
15. Haul out the toys
Sandbox toys are just as fun in the snow! Fill the dump truck and use the sand shovels to build a snow city complete with roads, tunnels, apartment buildings, and even snow bridges!
Or, instead of sand toys, try some kitchen tools like cookie cutters, scoops, and rolling pins.
Really, finding an outdoor winter activity for toddlers and you to do together should be easy. Just remember to dress well so you’ll both stay warm, be enthusiastic, and let them guide your snow play.
…and if you tire them out, it’s totally okay for nap time to happen outdoors too!
What should you do now?
- If you’re excited to learn more, get tips, and activity ideas for more outdoor family adventures then join the Take Them Outside Newsletter (you’ll also get access to the entire private outdoor printables library).
- Beautiful and easy nature-filled wintertime ice ornaments
- How to stay warm when playing in the snow
- Must-read tips for safe and fun skating on frozen outdoor lakes
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10 Outdoor Winter Activities for Preschoolers
If you’re a teacher in a cold climate, you know that winter is here! With preschoolers that are in need of fresh air and learning activities that get them up and moving, you need to find a way to take advantage of those cold, snow-covered months.
Although stomping around in the snow with a bunch of preschoolers may feel like an arduous task, the winter environment offers an abundance of learning opportunities. Your students can ask questions that they would not be able to ask in the warmer months, such as “Where do the animals go in the winter?” and “What is snow made of?” From the change in vegetation to animal hibernation to icicles, you can cover a whole range of educational topics just by stepping out the front door.
Before venturing outdoors, inform parents that their children will be exploring outside and may get dirty, so they must be dressed appropriately for the weather. Make sure you keep a clothing box with extra hats, mittens, and boots handy. If you’re still wary of going outside with your little ones, check out these tips from PLT’s state coordinator in Minnesota.
Once everyone is suited up for the cold weather, here are some winter activities that you and your preschoolers can enjoy:
1. Evergreens in Winter
Evergreens trees in the winter offer a variety of sights, smells, and sensations that can help children connect with their environment. If you have evergreens outside of your classroom, you can teach your students a lot about the winter environment with the following activities:
- Search the ground for pinecones and look up in the evergreen trees for pinecones that haven’t fallen yet.
- Search for animal homes in deciduous trees.
- Lie down under the evergreens and look up through the branches. Talk about what you see and how evergreens provide shelter from the elements.
- Look for whorls of branches on the conifers. Estimate the age of the tree by counting the whorls.
Download the activity.
2. Adopt a Tree
Get bundled up and go for a walk in a nearby park or forest. Invite your students to choose a tree of their liking to observe. You can encourage critical thinking by asking questions like:
- How is the tree similar or different from the ones around it?
- How does the tree help the environment?
- Is the tree alive? How do you know?
Ask your students to take notes of the signs of winter on and around the tree. These can include bare branches, animal tracks in the snow, and animal homes in the tree itself.
Download the activity.
3. Blow Some Bubbles
Blowing bubbles doesn’t need to just be a summer activity. Grab some bubble solution and go outside into the cold weather. Have your students blow some bubbles and watch as they crystalize before their eyes.
If you have a blacktop outside, blow the bubbles there and see them roll around on the ground instead of popping. Have the students touch the bubbles and note how they feel. Eventually, the bubble solution itself will freeze and you have your students watch as the crystals slowly appear across the liquid’s surface. This is a great way to talk about the science of freezing and liquids.
Then, run inside and get warm!
As a note, this activity will only work for winter days that dip below freezing. It also works better if the bubble solution is cold before you head outside. So you might want to set the solution in a safe place outside in the morning and do this activity in the afternoon when the solution is cool.
4. Water and Snow
Give each student three cups and bring them outside to collect some snow in each cup. Then, come back inside and get three containers worth of cold, room temperature, and hot water. Pour some hot water over the snow in one container, some room temperature water over the snow in the second container, and some cold water over the snow in the third container. Have your students compare what has happened in each container and take notes.
This is a fun science experiment that will teach your students about snow and melting temperatures. Ask your students what they know about snow, and what they think will happen when they add water to snow. Will it melt, or stay the same?
5. Pinecone Birdfeeder
Learn more about the species that stick around during the winter months by making a pinecone birdfeeder. Start by tying a string around the pinecone. Then mix peanut butter with cornmeal, and oats. Use a spoon, or your fingers, to spread the mixture onto the pinecones. Finally, pour some birdseed onto a plate and roll the peanut butter covered pinecones in the seed until they are completely covered. Hang the pinecone birdfeeders in a tree and watch the birds (and squirrels!) as they visit.
Have your students note down which winter critters come to visit. With the white background, various songbirds, ducks, hawks and mammals are easier to spot. Compare the list of winter animals to those you may see in the warmer months.
6. Sounds Around
Discover the winter sounds by mimicking fox ears!
Prepare your students by giving each of them a paper plate cut in half. On one plate, have them write “Nature”, and on the other plate, have them write “Humans and Machines.” On the “Nature” plate, students will draw sounds made by things in nature, such as the crunching of snow, the whirl of the wind, or the scampering of tiny animals. On the “Humans and Machines” plate, students will draw sounds like a snow blower, humans talking, or a car engine.
When you come back inside, have the students share what they heard and tally it up on a large class chart.
Get more information about this activity.
7. Tracking Wildlife
Be animal detectives for a day and go outside hunting for wildlife tracks. Solving the mystery of “Who made those tracks?” can be incredibly fun and allow students to practice their observation skills. An animal field guide will be a great tool to bring along.
Clues you can look for include:
- Prints – look for claw marks and the number of toes
- Feather marks – wing imprints and dropped feathers can be great clues
- Gait patterns – was the animal running or walking? Is the gait parallel or diagonal?
- Scat – your students will giggle at this one, but scat is a great tool for seeing what the animal was eating!
- Browsing marks – claw marks in the bark, or nibbles here and there of the surrounding vegetation can show you who was walking by.

Even without colorful springtime flowers, the winter environment is still a great place to build a nature collage. Go on a winter walk in the woods with your students and tell them to collect any twigs, leaves, and rocks that they want to add to their collage. Bring along some colored pencils and have them draw a tree or any winter animals that they find. Have them write down observations of the objects next to their pictures. How do they smell? How big are they? What do they feel like?
You can also bring a camera to document the places you explore and other winter objects that the students may have missed. When you get back inside, have the students share their discoveries with one another and talk about the object that excited them the most.
9. Go on a Color Hunt
Although the majority of the winter environment is covered in white snow, there are still tons of colorful objects that can be found. Give each of your students a handout with two columns – one labeled “Color” and the other labeled “Drawing. ”
When you’re outside, have students record the different colors they see and draw the objects that match those colors. Or, you can have your students fill in the colors they’d like to find before going outside so they’re challenged to find objects with those colors. Tell them to get creative! Who knows what they can find in a snow-covered landscape.
10. Scavenger Hunt
Scavenger hunts are always loads of fun. Make a list of items such as pinecones, leafs, rocks, twigs, and animal prints and hand it out to your students. Then, give your students a basket and tell them to go and collect as many items as they can.
You can also add descriptors to the list such as, “something that is brown”, or “something that is smooth”. To engage the students even more, add sounds (“Listen for birds chirping”), smells (“Smell a pine tree”), and feelings (“Feel the snowflakes on your face”) that they can experience in the winter climate. This outdoor play is a great way to provide your students with some physical activity and to engage their observation and sensory skills.
What other outdoor winter activities have you done with preschoolers? If you often bring students outdoor in winter, what tips can you share with other teachers?
- Bio
Rebecca Reynandez is a Marketing and Communications Consultant and Principal of Spring Media Strategies, LLC. She has worked with nonprofits for the past 10 years and currently focuses on working with environmental organizations. She is based in Minneapolis, MN.
Games and fun with children in the winter outdoors | Material (preparatory group) on the topic:
Outdoor games for children in the fresh air in winter.
Snowy winter is the best time for children's entertainment. Of course, the child must have appropriate clothing so that he does not get wet and does not freeze. Winter fun for kids will make the cold season fun and unforgettable. In addition, parents can participate in winter games with their children.
Outdoor games and entertainment in the winter bring great joy to children and bring invaluable benefits to their health. A variety of outdoor games for children - sledding, playing with snow, etc. - enrich the content of walks and captivate children very much. By playing outdoor games you can increase the duration of the walk, which is especially important at low temperatures in our harsh climate. Yes, and the parents themselves, playing with the children, will not notice how time has flown by and will not have time to freeze, because they do not have to stand and watch the child playing in the snow.
Toddlers' favorite winter pastime is sledding. But you can try to teach your baby sports games such as skiing and ice skating. A lot can be achieved by using simple game exercises!
Toddlers also love outdoor games in the snow and will be happy to do the exercises you suggested.
In winter it is very exciting to build different buildings out of snow, to sculpt various figures. Get shovels, scoops, buckets and panicles, they will come in handy on walks.
More complex games are used for older preschoolers. Playing and exercising outside in winter, children get the opportunity to show courage, independence, dexterity and dexterity.
When going outdoors in winter with your child, or with a group of children, be sure to think about what outdoor games you will play with the children, what games the children will play on their own, and take everything you need for games with you.
Winter fun for kids: sledding
Sleighing is one of the kids' favorite pastimes. Therefore, it is necessary to go downhill on a sled in winter. Preschoolers and elementary school students must be supervised. In addition, parents can also participate in winter activities. Together with your children, you can come up with different ways of sledding, as well as keep an eye on safety.
For example, if it suddenly happens that there is no sled in the house, then you can use tires from a car or a piece of linoleum to slide down a snowy hill. You can also use a piece of cardboard large enough so that the child can fit on it and hold on to it during the descent. A child can easily carry such improvised sleds to the hill, and then they can be thrown into the trash can on the way home.
Winter fun for kids: angels
Angels is one of the best family entertainments. Show your child how to make a snow angel. For example, choose a spot in a park or yard where there is plenty of room for pure snow. You can fall into a snowdrift with your child, tell him how to clap your hands to make an angel with wings. Then help the child stand up so that the snow angel does not collapse.
If you and your child have been familiar with this game for a long time, then try diversifying it. For example, invent and create prints of various animals, plants, etc. in the snow. , and then go for a walk with the child and try to find traces of some animal (maybe you will find a trace of a dog, cat, fox or bunny, or maybe some kind of bird).
You can also create different footprints yourself. Cut out footprints (snowman, elephant, giant, etc.) with your child from cardboard and attach them, for example, with rope or tape to children's shoes, and then go for a walk to create footprints.
In addition, you can play catch-up, but slightly complicating this game. For example, tell your child that wolves in a pack follow each other, you can come up with an interesting story (or read it on the Internet). And then invite the child to play catch-up, but with the condition that the chasing must run in the footsteps of the evader.
Winter fun for kids: ice bubbles
Another fun activity is blowing soapy ice bubbles. Tell your child how snowflakes are made, and then, having prepared a soap solution and a straw, go outside in severe frost to blow ice bubbles. In severe frost, soap bubbles will begin to freeze and form snow stars in a thin film.
Winter fun for kids: snow sculptures
When there is a lot of snow outside, you want to make a snowman, but you can also dream up and make some amazing creature. You can make a sitting man, an upside down snowman, or a whole family of little snowmen.
Try to mold a turtle, a cat, an elephant or any other animal. Also, snow sculptures can be decorated with unnecessary ribbons, buttons and other inexpensive items.
Winter fun for kids: colored ice
If it's frosty outside, this is a great reason to use food coloring (you can use regular gouache or watercolors). Show your child how to make colored ice. Use different molds, paints and water, and you can also add berries and twigs to the ice. You can make decorations for the Christmas tree in the yard or in the park in this way.
You can also freeze colored water in bowls or use foil to give the ice sculptures any shape you want (hearts, paws, notes, balls, stars, etc.), and then make a path out of colored ice or lay out some kind of picture (composition). Everything depends on your imagination. In addition, with the help of tinted water, you can make the snow colored, and if you use an eyedropper, you and your child can draw any picture on the snow.
Ice flowers
Prepare for the experiment:
- a straw,
- a solution for blowing soap bubbles
When a cloud forms at a very low temperature, instead of raindrops, water vapor condenses into tiny needles of ice; needles stick together, and snow falls to the ground. Snow flakes consist of small crystals arranged in the form of stars of amazing regularity and variety. Each asterisk is divided into three, six, twelve parts, symmetrically arranged around one axis or point.
You only need to leave the house in severe frost and blow a soap bubble. Immediately, ice needles will appear in a thin film of water; they will gather before our eyes into wonderful snow stars and flowers.
Treasure search.
I remember when I was little, my sister and I played such a simple game. My sister hid some toy, the so-called "treasure" and drew arrows in the snow. Using these arrows with a shovel in my hands, I was looking for a "treasure" under the snow
You can also find a "treasure" guided by your tips. Clues can be simple, such as hot-cold
It's great to play such a game when there is a lot of snow and just huge snowdrifts outside. With a baby, you can take the shoulder blades and “dig” tunnels or make labyrinths. In such tunnels, you can also hide a toy or play hide and seek.
Easter cakes
Who said that Easter cakes on the street are made only from sand? You can also make Easter cakes and pies out of snow by cutting out the desired shape with a shovel!
Multicolored ice ball with a toy.
This ball will need to be prepared at home ahead of time.
Prepare: balloon, small toy, food color(s), water bottle
Dilute food coloring in a water bottle. Place a small toy in a balloon and fill the balloon with "colored" water. Then, put it in the freezer or freezer so that the ball freezes well and turns into ice. Going outside, cut the balloon, you will have a colored ice ball with a toy in your hands. This ball can also be hidden somewhere so that the child can find it. When you come home, watch with your child how the ice melts and the child receives a small gift for patience!
Sometimes it happens that it is very cold outside and there is no way to go out for a walk. What to do? No panic! The main thing is to keep calm! After all, winter games can be played not only on the street, but also at home!
10 winter games that you can play at home
Play “agreements” with your child
-A merry round dance is going on in the forest near the Christmas tree on New Year’s Eve
Sitting firmly on a bough, a rooster crows:
Koo-ka- re-ku.
- And every time in response to him, a cow mooes:
Moo, moo, moo.
- I wanted to say “bravo” to the singers, but only the cat came out:
- Do not make out the words in any way, the frogs repeat:
-And the bullfinch whispers something funny pig:
-And smiling to himself, the goat sang:
-Who the hell is that? The cuckoo called out:
"It's snowing outside" (based on a poem by E. Blaginina).
Children must guess how each quatrain ends.
It's snowing outside,
The holiday is coming soon…
- New Year!
The needles are softly glowing,
The coniferous spirit is coming. ..
-From the Christmas tree!
Branches are faintly rustling,
Beads are bright..
- Shine!
And the toys are swinging -
Flags, stars ...
- Flappers!
Threads of colorful tinsel,
- Balloons!
Fragile fish figurines,
Birds, skiers…
- Snow Maidens!
White-beard and red-nosed
Under the branches of Grandfather ...
- Frost!
And decorating the top,
It shines there, as always,
Very bright, large,
- Star!
Well, the Christmas tree, just a miracle!
How elegant, how...
Here are the lights lit on her,
Hundreds of tiny...
The doors are wide open, as if in a fairy tale,
The round dance rushes in ...
- Dance!
And over this round dance
Talk, songs, ringing laughter…
Congratulations on…
- New Year!
With new happiness at once...
- Everyone!
Play a game of reading
On slips of paper write "YES" and the word "NO". Ask the child a variety of questions, and the child shows you the right cards.
- Is this toy hanging on top of the Christmas tree?
- Glass toy?
Is it big?
- Is it red?
- Silver toy?
The material was prepared from Internet resources
Active recreation for children in winter. | Consultation:
Winter is the time of the year when it is especially important to spend time outdoors. But for the rest to be a joy, you need to take into account some points. I hope that this consultation will help everyone who wants to spend time on the street.
"Active children's recreation in winter"
In winter, as in the warm season, it is important for a child to be outdoors. Active rest in this is an important component of hypothermia and diseases - the child needs to move, which requires comfortable (not restricting movements) clothes and shoes.
Children are provided with skis, skates, sleds for winter sports activities.
Skis are offered to children from the age of 3. Ski height: for a baby - up to the elbow of the arm raised up, for an older child - along the arm raised up, excluding the hand. Ski poles 3-5 cm below shoulder level. Wide-toed boots with double tongue, 1-2 sizes larger to allow two pairs of socks to be worn. Skis (if wooden) should not have knots, cracks, roughness on the sliding surface. Fastening for younger children is soft (behind - a rubber loop). In older preschoolers, the fastening is semi-rigid.
The younger ones learn to walk on a flat ski track with stepping and sliding steps, the children of the older groups walk in alternating two-step steps with sticks, climb the hill with a “ladder”, “herringbone”, go down the hill, walk over rough terrain.
Skates with boots are given to children from the age of 5. In areas with a warm climate, roller skates are more widely used.
Sledge. Well-known winter entertainment for children from a very young age. The child can enthusiastically engage in only one sled for the whole walk - not only ride downhill, but also run with them, push, carry someone, etc.
It is useful and enjoyable for children to ride on swings, wheelchairs, carousels.
Older preschoolers can be taught to play hockey. For hockey you need sticks (length 60-70 cm) and plastic, rubber washers (diameter 5-6 cm, height 2-2.5 cm, weight 50-70 g). Children learn to pass the ball (puck) to each other in pairs, to throw into the goal, hitting the ball (puck) from the spot and after dribbling.
It is possible to organize throwing snowballs at a target, climbing ladders and slides, making snowmen and various buildings out of snow.
Outdoor games for children in winter.
Outdoor games and entertainment in the winter bring great joy to children and bring invaluable benefits to their health. A variety of outdoor games for children - sledding, playing with snow, etc. - enrich the content of walks and captivate children very much. By playing outdoor games you can increase the duration of the walk, which is especially important at low temperatures in our harsh climate. Yes, and the parents themselves, playing with the children, will not notice how time has flown by and will not have time to freeze, because they do not have to stand and watch the child playing in the snow.
Toddlers' favorite winter pastime is sledding. But you can try to teach your baby sports games such as skiing and ice skating. A lot can be achieved by using simple game exercises!
Toddlers also love outdoor games in the snow and will be happy to do the exercises you suggested.
In winter it is very exciting to build different buildings out of snow, to sculpt various figures. Get shovels, scoops, buckets and panicles, they will come in handy on walks.
More complex games are used for older preschoolers. Playing and exercising outside in winter, children get the opportunity to show courage, independence, dexterity and dexterity.
When going outdoors in winter with your child, or with a group of children, be sure to think about what outdoor games you will play with the children, what games the children will play themselves, and take everything you need for games with you.
Outdoor activities in the winter leaves a lot of impressions and, in addition, strengthens health and gives excellent well-being.
Various outdoor games (and this includes sledding, snowball fights, "sculpting" snowmen and snow figures) add variety to everyday walks and are very popular with kids. When the baby is busy outdoors, the duration of the walk can be increased. This is especially important at sub-zero temperatures in harsh Russian winters.
Agree that the parents themselves, playing outdoor games with their child, will not notice how quickly the time has passed, and they will not freeze, because they will not have to stand still watching mom and dad play. Here are some easy outdoor play ideas to help you enjoy the winter months with your kids.
Winter has come!
The children run around the playground and hide behind the objects that are on it (snowmen, slides, swings, snow banks, etc.). When an adult utters the words: “Today the sun is shining, it’s warm, you can go for a walk,” then the children should run out of their “houses” and start playing on the playground. And with the words of an adult: “It became cold! Zimushka-winter has come! ”, Everyone scatters to their places where they hid.
I'll freeze! Beware!
Participants of this entertainment gather on one side of the playground. When an adult says: “Beware, run away, otherwise I’ll catch up and freeze everyone!”, The children begin to run away to the opposite side of the playground to hide in the “house”.
Wind and snowflakes
Tell the children in advance that in this game they will be little snowflakes. Children hold hands, forming a circle. With the words of an adult: “The wind is blowing strong, strong! Scatter, snowflakes! ”, The children scatter in different directions, spread their arms to the sides, spin, sway. As soon as the adult says: “The wind has died down! Gather in a circle again, little snowflakes!”, the children run and join hands again, forming a circle.
Find the Snow Maiden!
Take a doll and dress her up as a Snow Maiden. Hide it in the playground so no one can see. When the children go for a walk, tell them a story about the Snow Maiden, who promised to come to visit them today to play and have fun together. And, most likely, she had already come, but she hid so that the kids would look for her. When the children find the Snow Maiden, let them put her in the center of the circle and dance around, and also dance with the Snow Maiden.
The fox and the chickens
Use the counter to choose who will be the fox. The rest of the guys will be chickens. The children climb onto the snow bank and sit down, imitating chickens on a perch. On the other side of the site, a fox lives in a mink. "Chickens" scatter around the site, peck grains, squeak. The adult says: "The fox is sneaking!". "Chickens" run away, hide in the chicken coop, sit down and try to hide. The chanterelle grabs the chicken that did not have time to hide.
Little white bunny sitting
Children participating in the game run around the playground. Like bunnies play in the clearing, and then squat down. An adult, together with the children, begins to read a poem:
A little white bunny sits and moves its ears.
Like this, like this, he moves his ears.
Children press their hands to their heads and begin to move them like a bunny's ears.
The adult continues:
It's cold for Bunny to sit, she needs to warm her paws.
Clap-clap, clap-clap, you need to warm up your paws.
The kids get up and clap their hands, and then, crossing their arms, start clapping themselves on the shoulders, pretending to warm themselves.
It's cold for the bunny to stand, the bunny needs to jump.
Jump-jump, jump-jump, the bunny needs to jump.
After these words, the children jump in place on two legs. At the end, the adult says:
The wolf cub scared the hare.
The bunny jumped ... and rode away!
Scares children, imitating a wolf, they scatter around the playground in different directions.
Snowflakes - fluffs
Participants in the game walk around near the snowman, at the same time turning around themselves. After a certain period of time, they change the direction of movement in the opposite direction. An adult says: “Snowflakes-fluffs, flying, got tired, stopped spinning, sat down to rest.” Participants of this fun stop and squat. After a little rest, continue the game.
Festive cake.
Giving the necessary shape to the snow, compacting it with a spatula, the children prepare a big holiday cake. It can be of any shape, it all depends on their imagination. The pie is decorated with pieces of ice and other improvised materials (twigs, rowan berries, etc.).
Of course, you can come up with your own outdoor games, you just need to use your imagination! Boring winter!
Outdoor winter games