Color of planets for kids

Color of planets for kids
What Are The Colors of the Planets?When we look at beautiful images of the planets of our Solar System, it is important to note that we are looking at is not always accurate. Especially where their ap...

How to make a child remember spellings

How to make a child remember spellings
How to teach spelling words so they stickMost children begin to learn English spelling words and spelling rules in the first and second grades, at the same time as they are learning how to read and wr...

Creativity activity for children

Creativity activity for children
Creative play & activities for childrenCreative activities: why they’re important for school-age learning and developmentSchool-age children usually take a keen interest in creative activities. This i...

Jack and beanstalk fairy tale

Jack and beanstalk fairy tale
The Story of Jack and the Beanstalk ...

Spelling activities for first graders

Spelling activities for first graders
50 Hands-On Spelling Activities {for Phonics and Sight Words}Has your spelling practice become dry or boring? Well, brush off the dust and try some of these hands-on spelling activities!Since readers ...

3 little pigs original story

3 little pigs original story
The Three Little PigsThe story of The Three Little Pigs featured here has been adapted from different sources and from childhood memory. The primary sources are English Fairy Tales, retold by Flora An...

Reading strategies animals

Reading strategies animals
Teaching the Reading Strategy Animals ⋆ The Blue Brain Teacher * Engaging Resources for Elementary TeachersTeaching the Reading Strategy Animals View Larger Image A strategy is a plan of how to mov...

20 sight words for kindergarten

20 sight words for kindergarten
FREE Printable List of Kindergarten Sight Words & How to Teach ThemIf you’ve got a child in kindergarten, you’ll want to get familiar with kindergarten sight words and learn how to teach your child to...

When do kids know letters

When do kids know letters
FAQ: Your Reading Child | ScholasticQ: How old should a child be when he or she learns to recognize letters?A: Most children learn to recognize letters between ages 3 and 4. Typically, children will r...

Kindergarten reading levels books

Kindergarten reading levels books
Books for grade K kindergarten children aged 5-6Books for grade K -this list of recommended reading books for kindergartners has been compiled by teachers and school librarians for elementary school c...