Phonograms word list
Phonogram Words
Phonogram words are exceptions to phonetic words. Here are word lists that contain phonogram words. These lists can be used for reading, writing and spelling exercises.
4 and 5 year old children can handle double consonants, such as ck, ss, ff, and so on. Also, ing words can be introduced. You can easily introduce these words if they describe something that is a part of your child's environment.
-ing- words
- king
- ring
- fling
- bring
- sing
- wing
- fling
- spring
- sling
- bring
- swing
- hall
- wall
- mall
- bell
- dell
- fell
- well
- tell
- sell
- drill
- ill
- will
- bill
- sill
- till
- fill
- hill
- mill
- still
- grill
- pill
- doll
- dull
- lull
- gull
- smell
- swell
- spell
- dwell
Challenge Words
- skull
- off
- huff
- ruff
- puff
- muff
- gruff
- fluff
- stuff
- muffin
- scruff
- cliff
- stiff
Extra Challenge Words
- button
- cotton
- turret
- happen
- mutton
- fossil
- rotten
- squirrel
- ribbon
- fizz
- carrot
- bottom
- tennis
- kennel
- kitten
- traffic
- blossom
- summer
- address
- buzz
- bonnet
- attic
- mitten
- rabbit
- banana
- bands
-silent e and long a-
- gate
- late
- cake
- rake
- drake
- spade
- snake
- ape
- plate
- slate
- lake
- cape
- name
- made
- wake
- lame
- bake
- lane
- tame
- tape
- take
- grate
- flame
- fate
- maze
- slave
- cable
- blaze
- blame
- pale
- make
- raven
- label
- brave
- stake
- wade
- ate
- mane
- scrape
- grave
- trade
- came
- save
- babe
- fluke
- safe
- rave
- scale
- same
- cane
- fade
- pave
- stale
- grape
- Jane
- James
Challenge Words
- lemonade
-ai- (long a)
- sail
- nail
- rail
- pail
- tail
- maid
- rain
- snail
- train
- paint
- laid
- raid
- aim
- brain
- trail
- strain
- sprain
- waist
- fail
- wail
- saint
- wait
- grain
- faint
- taint
- gain
- drain
- bail
- bait
- pain
- gait
- stain
- again (Queen's English)
- afraid
- explain
- claim
- frail
Challenge Words
- railing
- contain
- obtain
- quaint
- maiden
- maintain
- Spain
-ay-(long a)
- jay
- ray
- bay
- hay
- may
- day
- say
- lay
- pay
- way
- away
- tray
- play
- stay
- spray
- clap
- bray
- fray
- pray
- gray
- sway
- clay
Challenge Words
- crayon
- payment
- display
- delay
- relay
- array
- essay
- midday
- decay
- dismay
- astray
- playing
- repay
- Sunday
-ea-(long e)
- pea
- eat
- seal
- leaf
- bean
- seat
- bead
- beam
- team
- stream
- break
- neat
- cream
- lean
- reap
- speak
- read
- dream
- steam
- clean
- meal
- beast
- yeast
- seam
- mean
- veal
- leak
- leap
- feat
- peat
- plea
- least
- treat
- beat
- east
- feast
- bleat
- creak
- heal
- beam
Challenge Words
- teapot
- peacock
- season
- scream
- squeak
- squeal
- sea
- weak
-ee-(long e)
- eel
- bee
- fee
- tee
- see
- wee
- tree
- reel
- sweet
- sweep
- street
- feet
- green
- seeds
- heel
- reed
- peel
- seem
- been
- deep
- peep
- seed
- seen
- creep
- steep
- weed
- sleep
- preen
- keep
- greed
- deed
- feel
- bleed
- meet
- tweed
- need
- keel
- keen
- heed
- deem
- sleet
- weep
Challenge Words
- see
- toffee
- queen
- week
- creed
- coffee
- sixteen
- seventeen
- nineteen
- fifteen
-ie-(long e)
- field
- yield
- fiend
- priest
- brief
- grief
-ey-(long e)
- key
- abbey
- alley
- valley
- jockey
- hockey
- donkey
-y-(long e)
- teddy
- putty
- very
- ugly
- holly
- dolly
- entry
- curry
- body
- candy
- inky
- merry
- sadly
- bunny
- sorry
- witty
- rusty
- crusty
- ditty
- dirty
- bumpy
- softly
- penny
- golly
- happy
- fifty
- sunny
- berry
- petty
- sandy
- sixty
- seventy
- pity
- jolly
- sentry
- pansy
- empty
Challenge words
- Betty
- Bobby
- Tommy
- Molly
- Polly
- daddy
- merrily
- puppy
-i-(short i)
- -i-(short i)
- mind
- kind
- find
- pint
- mild
- wild
- rind
- blind
- grind
- wind
Challenge words
- unkind
-i-e (silent e, long i)
- tie
- lie
- vie
- die
- pie
- tied
- lied
- pile
Challenge words
- flies
- cries
- cried
- tried
- magpie
- fries
- fried
- dries
- spied
- relief
- nigh
- sigh
- high
- fight
- sight
- night
- light
- flight
- slight
- fright
- blight
- might
- right
- tight
- bright
Challenge Words
- alight
- plight
- lighten
- frighten
- brighten
- lighting
- midnight
- delight
-y (long i)
- by
- my
- dry
- cry
- fry
- sty
- fly
- try
- spy
- pry
- sky
- ply
Challenge Words
- reply
- typist
- apply
- trying
- defy
- cypress
- ally
- supply
- deny
- satisfy
- multiply
- occupy
- qualify
-o-e (long o and silent e)
- owe
- hole
- pole
- mole
- hope
- dope
- bone
- cone
- tone
- robe
- joke
- poke
- vote
- dote
- note
- home
- come
- cove
- wove
- rove
- code
- mode
- rode
- lode
- dome
- Rome
- tome
- mope
Challenge Words
- stone
- stove
- clove
- globe
- smoke
- slope
- spoke
- stole
- trove
- strove
- grove
- elope
-oa-(long o)
- oak
- loan
- Joan
- roan
- coat
- boat
- goat
- soap
- coal
- foal
- toad
- loaf
- road
- load
- moat
- roast
- coast
- boast
- soak
- goal
- oats
- roan
- goad
- roam
- loam
- foam
- coax
Challenge Words
- stoat
- cloak
- groan
- croak
- gloat
- soapsuds
-o-(long o)
- old
- fold
- roll
- so
- cold
- hold
- stroll
- oval
- go
- bold
- sold
- post
- no
- sold
- ago
- host
- gold
- scold
- told
- bolt
- colt
- folk
- both
Challenge Words
- Mexico
- golden
- swollen
-ow-(long o)
- low
- crow
- bow
- bowl
- pillow
- window
- yellow
- marrow
- snow
- sparrow
- elbow
- arrow
- barrow
- blow
- mow
- own
- slow
- glow
- grow
- flow
- row
- fellow
- hollow
- willow
- tow
- grown
- mellow
- stow
- follow
- flown
- fallow
- bellow
- morrow
- widow
- narrow
- barrow
- sorrow
- rule
- cube
- tune
- mule
- duke
- flute
- tube
- rude
- dupe
- lute
- dune
- brute
- use
- mute
- yule
- rune
- jute
- ruse
- fume
- muse
- fuse
Challenge Words
- volume
- dispute
- excuse
- Luke
- June
- amuse
- confuse
- costume
- astute
- new
- few
- pew
- dew
- stew
- crew
- strew
- screw
- drew
- grew
- blew
- brew
- flew
Challenge Words
- Andrew
- jewel
- mews
- news
- hue
- glue
- blue
- true
- due
- flue
- clue
- value
- duel
Challenge Words
- issue
- subdue
- rescue
- continue
-ck-(you can introduce these as phonetic words with "a different spelling")
- duck
- sock
- rock
- tack
- sack
- lock
- stick
- rock
- deck
- sick
- tuck
- back
- lick
- neck
- kick
- peck
- rack
- pack
- mock
- wick
- suck
- Rick
- luck
- lack
- muck
- ticket
- packet
- wicket
Challenge Words
- track
- cricket
- block
- racket
- clock
- brick
- trick
- smack
- prick
- crack
- stack
- stuck
- locket
- stock
- smock
- speck
- truck
- shot
- ship
- shop
- fish
- dish
- shed
- shell
- brush
- radish
- ask
- shelf
- shrimp
- shelf
- wish
- bush
- shut
- wish
- splash
- blush
- crash
- rush
- smash
- rash
- flash
- crush
- shod
- shrub
- sash
- hush
- gash
- shred
- shin
- sham
- shun
- shrill
- rubbish
- cash
- slush
- mesh
- flush
- vanish
- banish
- finish
- quit
- quest
- request
- quell
- quilt
- liquid
- equip
- quill
- banquet
- conquest
- them
- then
- that
- thin
- throb
- think
- thud
- thump
- broth
- moth
- smith
- thank
- cloth
- thrill
- thing
- width
- depth
- froth
- sixth
- tenth
- method
- thrust
- theft
- fifth
- seventh
- lead
- head
- deaf
- read
- deaf
- bread
- heaven
- tread
- spread
- dread
- sweat
- dealt
- meant
- instead
- dreadful
- bedstead
- peasant
- realm
- pleasant
- apple
- little
- puzzle
- bottle
- candle
- cattle
- kettle
- bubble
- bundle
- rattle
- saddle
- handle
- mangle
- nettle
- paddle
- sizzle
- middle
- puddle
- muddle
- cuddle
- brittle
- tremble
- bramble
- grumble
- humble
- crumble
- nestle
- riddle
- hustle
- nozzle
- spindle
- jostle
- muzzle
- gristle
- pebble
- jungle
- simple
- scribble
- rumble
- bristle
- mumble
- single
- possible
- responsible
- rectangle
- love
- sponge
- above
- come
- glove
- son
- won
- ton
- London
- Monday
- dove
- another
- monk
- front
- other
- month
- onion
- monkey
- wonder
- mother
- her
- fern
- term
- pert
- verb
- herd
- term
- jerk
- ever
- butter
- slipper
- duster
- hammer
- spanner
- ladder
- dagger
- hamper
- dinner
- robber
- letter
- cobbler
- lantern
- sister
- clever
- clatter
- bitter
- winter
- mister
- matter
- otter
- batter
- silver
- stern
- gutter
- fatter
- offer
- mutter
- never
- bladder
- udder
- perhaps
- perfect
- person
- serpent
- desert
- girl
- dirt
- bird
- fir
- sir
- skirt
- first
- stir
- firm
- flirt
- smirk
- swirl
- squirm
- affirm
- twirl
- squirt
- confirm
- fur
- cur
- burn
- curl
- turn
- hurt
- furl
- surf
- purr
- burst
- burr
- spur
- turf
- occur
- curt
- slur
- scurf
- suburb
- recur
- disturb
- murmur
- burden
- furlong
- turnip
- absurd
- corn
- born
- cord
- cork
- ford
- fork
- fort
- for
- horn
- lord
- lorn
- forlorn
- mourn
- mourning
- port
- pork
- sort
- torn
- inform
- factor
- tractor
- import
- distort
- import
- important
- rich
- itch
- such
- much
- Dutch
- hutch
- chap
- chill
- latch
- match
- lunch
- bunch
- witch
- switch
- chip
- crutch
- vetch
- chest
- children
- hatchet
- ditch
- chop
- quench
- finch
- catch
- fetch
- bench
- chapel
- scratch
- batch
- chum
- catch
- wretch
- drench
- trench
- notch
- hitch
- stretch
- pitch
- hatch
- patch
- chink
- chestnut
- satchel
- clutch
- splotch
- duchess
- French
- echo
- ache
- anchor
- chorus
- architect
- monarch
- chemical
- choir
- bow
- now
- row
- cow
- sow
- brown
- owl
- crown
- towel
- clown
- town
- gown
- fowl
- trowel
- vowel
- crowd
- down
- howl
- drown
- growl
- frown
- scowl
- prowl
- allow
- out
- loud
- pout
- lout
- bout
- noun
- bound
- mount
- aloud
- pound
- hound
- mound
- cloud
- spout
- trout
- count
- round
- found
- countless
- accounts
- sound
- proud
- about
- around
- amount
- ground
- snout
- stout
- sprout
- salt
- talk
- walk
- halt
- malt
- stalk
- bald
- walnut
- caldron
- almost
- ball
- wall
- fall
- pall
- tall
- call
- all
- hall
- small
- stall
- squall
- oil
- soil
- boil
- foil
- toil
- coil
- join
- broil
- avoid
- poison
- spoil
- point
- joint
- coin
- moist
- hoist
- joist
- ointment
- appoint
- disappoint
- joy
- boy
- toy
- coy
- alloy
- employ
- annoy
- royal
- loyal
- ahoy
- destroy
-soft c-
- cell
- civil
- princess
- pencil
- acid
- cancel
- fence
- pence
- prince
- office
- since
- scent
- mince
- quince
- dunce
- hence
- absence
- sentence
- justice
- accept
- except
- excellent
- success
- accident
- innocent
-soft g-
- gem
- fringe
- bridge
- judge
- hedge
- sledge
- porridge
- dodge
- edge
- plunge
- fidget
- college
- fudge
- grudge
- smudge
- lodge
- cringe
- wedge
- tinge
- regiment
- pledge
- hinge
- lunge
- smudge
- dredge
- nudge
- magic
- addition
- multiplication
- subtraction
- action
- fraction
- ration
- attention
- mention
- affection
- suction
- condition
- expedition
- construction
- question
- section
- function
- fiction
- faction
- diction
- friction
- distinction
- option
- infection
- intention
- division
- vision
- tension
- mansion
- mission
- pension
- session
- extension
- passion
- discussion
- admission
- compassion
- provision
- invasion
- book
- good
- cook
- look
- foot
- nook
- rook
- hook
- took
- wood
- stood
- hood
- brook
- crook
- wool
- footman
- ask
- raft
- mast
- fast
- cask
- task
- glass
- staff
- last
- plant
- past
- brass
- craft
- class
- mask
- cast
- grass
- half
- slant
- pass
- fasten
- basket
- vast
- command
- delta
- demand
- extra
- umbrella
- Africa
- Canada
- ark
- car
- jar
- far
- tar
- bar
- mar
- star
- tart
- barn
- card
- scarf
- harp
- lark
- dart
- cart
- dark
- scar
- yard
- park
- mark
- part
- bark
- hard
- harm
- start
- harvest
- carpet
- hark
- spark
- darkness
- garden
- smart
- parting
- arctic
- darn
- art
- artist
- barbed
- regard
- marvel
- garment
- remark
- garland
- darling
- custard
- beggar
- target
- vicar
- market
-silent b-
- park
- lamb
- limb
- bomb
- numb
- dumb
- crumb
- debt
- jamb
- debt
- plumbing
-silent d-
- ledge
- judge
- hedge
- wedge
- grudge
- badge
- trudge
- bridge
- midge
- porridge
-silent g-
- sign
- gnu
- gnome
- gnaw
- gnarl
- gnash
- honest
- feign
- reign
- sigh
- deign
-silent h-
- which
- while
- when
- what
- whip
- whiz
- whim
- whisk
- whist
- whiff
- wheel
- whack
- whitsun
- white
- whale
- whine
- wheat
- whisper
- wheeze
- honor or honour
- hour
- heir
- whit
- whistle
-silent k-
- knee
- knew
- knob
- knot
- knit
- knelt
- knoll
- knack
- knock
- knife
- knowledge
- kneel
- know
- knead
- knave
- knapsack
- knotty
- knuckle
- knight
-silent t-
- often
- fasten
- listen
- castle
- gristle
- thistle
- jostle
- wrestle
- rustle
- bustle
-silent w-
- wren
- wrap
- wreck
- wrist
- wrong
- writ
- wrung
- wrath
- wreak
- wreath
- wrench
- write
- wretch
- wrote
- sword
- answer
- wrapper
- war
- wart
- warn
- warp
- warn
- wardrobe
- toward
- warbled
- quart
- awkward
- warder
- swarm
- reward
- haul
- Paul
- fault
- haunted
- fraud
- gaunt
- vault
- taunt
- daunt
- daub
- exhaust
- saw
- paw
- law
- jaw
- caw
- awl
- raw
- straw
- fawn
- pawn
- lawn
- claw
- hawk
- draw
- yawn
- drawn
- brawl
- crawl
- awful
- awning
- brawn
- dawn
- drawl
- prawn
- zoo
- food
- boot
- roof
- moon
- pool
- loop
- hoop
- spoon
- stool
- loom
- broom
- balloon
- tool
- cool
- stoop
- noon
- mood
- roost
- soon
- fool
- proof
- hoof
- boon
- picture
- lecture
- fracture
- adventure
- culture
- fixture
- disfigure
- posture
- scripture
- structure
- texture
- signature
- hare
- bare
- mare
- ware
- fare
- rare
- care
- dare
- compare
- Clare
- prepare
- stare
- flare
- spare
- blare
- farewell
- welfare
- square
- air
- pair
- lair
- fair
- hair
- despair
- stair
- affair
- unfair
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Word Lists for Simplex Spelling Phonics
Products >> Simplex Spelling Phonics - Advanced Phonograms >> Word Lists
The majority of the words used in "Simplex Spelling - Advanced Phonograms" are taken from the most frequently occurring words that appear for each phonogram being taught. These high frequency words were then supplemented, where required, with additional other common English words based on word/spelling patterns to help enforce the concepts within and between each lesson. The lessons covered in "Simplex Spelling - Advanced Phonograms" focus on phonograms that have not been previously covered in Simplex Spelling Phonics 1 & Phonics 2. The content in "Advanced Phonograms" builds on the material already covered in Phonics 1 & 2.
welcome, remove, button, keyboard, chosen, correctly, lesson, bubble, syllable, circular, arrow, believe
1] Long o (oe)
foe, floe, hoe, doe, roe, woe, throes, oboe, aloe, toe, tiptoe, toenail, mistletoe, pekoe
2] Long a (ea)
great, steak, break, breaker, tear, pear, wear, swear, bear, bearer, forbear
3] Long i that appears before 2 consonants
wild, mild, child, grandchild, stepchild, wind, rewind, bind, blind, find, kind, mankind, mind, remind, mastermind, hind, behind, rind, grind, pint, climb
4] Long o that before 2 consonants
old, cold, sold, scold, told, fold, hold, gold, poll, roll, troll, scroll, jolt, bolt, colt, molten, most, post, host, both
5] Short o (au)
audit, audible, audibly, author, augment, auto, automatic, autumn, applaud, applause, astronaut
6] Short o (au)
sauna, saunter, sauce, gauze, pause, cause, clause, caught, daughter, taught, taut, laundry
7] Short o (aw)
jaw, raw, thaw, law, lawn, paw, pawn, prawn, spawn, yawn, dawn, hawk, squawk, bawl, brawl, crawl, sprawl, shawl
8] Short o (aw)
saw, jigsaw, sawdust, straw, strawberry, draw, drawback, withdraw, outlaw, claw, flaw, flawless, awe, awestruck
9] Nouns person
Joe, Ryan, Jacob, Emily, Madison, Jefferson, Edison, Mandela, Elizabeth, Churchill
10] Nouns place
America, Canada, England, Scotland, Greenland, Iceland, Washington, Nile, Africa, Pacific, Atlantic, China, Japan
11] Nouns day/month
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December
12] Contractions
it's, it'll, who's, that's, can't, won't, isn't, aren't, wasn't, hasn't, hadn't, haven't, didn't, doesn't, don't, let's, o'clock
13] Contractions
I'd, I'll, I'm, I've, he's, she's, he'd, she'd, we're, we'll, we've, they're, they'll, they've
14] U (oul)
put, output, pull, full, bull, bully, push, bush, ambush, butcher
15] U (oul)
artful, awful, useful, woeful, handful, helpful, dreadful, doubtful, careful, cheerful, grateful, painful, peaceful, powerful, wonderful, delightful, successful, beautiful
16] oul (oul)
could, would, should, couldn't, wouldn't, shouldn't
17] Long o (ou)
soul, boulder, shoulder, coulter, poultry, poultice, pour, downpour, gourd, mourn, your, you're, yourself
18] Long o (ou)
four, fourth, fourteen, court, courthouse, course, concourse, discourse, recourse, source, resource, cantaloupe, pompadour
19] Short u (ou)
young, touch, southern, country, double, trouble, couple, cousin
20] Short u (ou)
famous, dangerous, enormous, numerous, nervous, continuous, generous, tremendous, ridiculous, marvelous (marvellous*)(marvellous**), anonymous, disastrous, jealous, vigorous, ambiguous, fabulous, hazardous
21] ou (oo)
you, youth, you'll, soup, group, troupe, coupe, coup, coupon, crouton, couth, cougar, coulee, couture, acoustic, couscous, mousse
22] ou (oo)
rouge, route, wound, tour, detour, contour, tourism, tourist, toucan, goulash, bayou, caribou, boulevard
23] ui (oo)
suit, suitor, suitcase, suitable, swimsuit, pursuit, lawsuit, fruit, fruitful, bruise, cruise, juice, juicy, recruit, sluice, nuisance
24] Ph (f)
phone, earphones, saxophone, telephone, triumph, trophy, Joseph, elephant, pamphlet, sphinx, pharaoh, phantom, pheasant, phoenix, nymph, morph, orphan, dolphin, typhoon, emphasize (emphasise*)
25] Ph(f)
sphere, atmosphere, sophomore, sapphire, aphid, glyph, phlegm, physics, physicist, physical, photo, graph, photograph, photocopy, autograph, geography, biography, philosophy, pharmacy, phenomenal, phase
26] Ph (f)
phrase, alpha, alphabet, phoneme, phonemic, phonetic, phonics, phonology, homophone, diphthong, grapheme, digraph, paragraph, homograph, hyphen, metaphor
27] Long e (i)
trio, patio, period, million, kiosk, polio, audio, radio, studio, portfolio, Ontario, tapioca, warrior, physiology, idiom, sodium, stadium, medium, premium, calcium, aquarium, millennium
28] Long e (i)
piano, media, trivia, Maria, India, criteria, bacteria, Victoria, Australia, phobia, amphibian, serial, burial, memorial, industrial, imperial, material, celiac, courtier, audience, experience
29] Long e (i) - foreign words ending in 'i'.

ski, kiwi, Fiji, khaki, bikini, confetti, graffiti, pepperoni, salami, safari, souvlaki, teriyaki, tandoori, broccoli, macaroni, tsunami
30] Long e (i_e)
police, naive, elite, petite, pristine, routine, vaccine, sardine, marine, submarine, magazine, gasoline, automobile
31] ear (er)
earl, pearl, earldom, early, dearth, earth, earthy, earthly, earthen, earthquake
32] ear (er)
earn, earnest, learn, yearn, heard, unheard, overheard, search, research, hearse, rehearse, rehearsal
33] wor (wer)
word, reword, buzzword, foreword, work, artwork, network, teamwork, overwork, homework, handiwork, fireworks, clockwork, workshop, workforce
34] wor (wer)
worm, silkworm, bookworm, earthworm, worry, worse, worst, worth, worthless, worthwhile, worthy, noteworthy, world, worldwide, underworld, worship
35] war (wor)
war, warp, wharf, dwarf, wart, warthog, thwart, warn, forewarn, warm, lukewarm, swarm, warmth, ward, toward (towards*), award, reward, warden, wardrobe
36] war (wor)
warren, warrant, warranty, wartime, warfare, warship, warlord, warlock, warlike, Warsaw, warble, postwar
37] quar (kwor)
quark, quart, quartz, quarry, quarrel, quartet, quarter, quarterly, quarantine
38] war (wer)
inward, outward, onward, upward, downward, forward, backward, earthward, skyward, homeward, awkward, afterward
39] war (wer)
northward, southward, eastward, westward, wayward, windward, leeward, bulwark, coward, stalwart, Dewar
40] Long e (ei)
ceiling, receipt, receive, deceive, perceive, conceive, either, neither, weir, weird, deceit, conceit, caffeine, casein, protein, seize
41] gn (n)
gnat, gnaw, gnash, gnome, gnarl, gnarled, sign, signpost, cosign, consign, ensign, resign, design, redesign, assign
42] gn (n)
align, realign, benign, campaign, impugn, cologne, lasagna (lasagne*), mignon, poignant
43] Long a (ei)
veil, vein, feint, reins, reindeer, reign, deign, feign, heir, heirloom, their, beige, sensei
44] Long a (eigh)
eight, eighty, eighteen, freight, freighter, neigh, neighbor (neighbour*) (neighbour**), weigh, weight, weighty, sleigh
45] Long u/oo (ew)
yew, ewe, ewer, dew, mildew, few, curfew, phew, nephew, new, newborn, sinew, news, newspaper, newt, Newton, renew, renewal
46] Long u/oo (ew)
stew, steward, strew, slew, shrew, shrewd, sewer, skewer, askew, pew, pewter, view, review, preview, interview
47] Long u/oo (ew)
flew, grew, brew, drew, withdrew, threw, blew, cashew, chew, eschew, chewy, crew, screw, corkscrew, jewel
48] Long u/oo (eu)
feud, feudal, sleuth, deuce, Zeus, neutral, neutron, pseudo, pseudonym, eulogy, Eugene, eucalyptus, Europe, maneuver (manoeuvre*) (manoeuvre**), pneumonia
49] ch (k)
chrome, chasm, chaos, chaotic, character, charisma, chemical, chemist, choir, chord, chorus, chloride, chlorine, chronic, chronicle, chromosome, chameleon
50] ch (k)
ache, anchor, arachnid, echo, epoch, mechanic, orchestra, school, scholar, monarch, patriarch, Bach, stomach, technical, technology, scheme, Christ, Christine, Christmas, zucchini
51] ch (sh)
chef, schwa, chute, parachute, niche, cache, mustache (moustache*) (moustache**), chic, brochure, charade, chalet, Chopin, Chicago, Michigan
52] ch (sh)
Charlotte, charlatan, crochet, machine, chateau, chiffon, chivalry, chaperone, chauffeur, chauvinist, chandelier
53] ough (uff, off, long o)
rough, tough, enough, slough, sough, clough, cough, trough, hiccough, dough, doughnut, sourdough, though, although, thorough, borough, furlough
54] ough (oo, ow, short o, ock)
lough, through, throughout, throughput, slough, bough, plough, drought, ought, sought, fought, nought, bought, brought, wrought, thought, thoughtful
* UK spelling.
** Canadian spelling.
Phonograms and notes - Publishing house "Education of a preschooler"
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T. Petrova. Graduation waltz. Listen
L. Olifirova. Strawberry clearing. Listen
N. Kulikova. Winter in Russia. Listen
M. Eremeeva, S. Eremeev. Our polka. Listen
A. Komarov, N. Ipatova. It happens in autumn. Listen
V. Shestakova. Song of young firefighters. Listen
A. Komarov, T. Ryadchikova. Russia, we are all your children. Listen
Z. Root. The most beloved. Listen
G. Portnov. Back to school soon. Listen
T. Krivova. Sports preschool. Listen
E. Gomonova. It's all spring! Listen
T. Khizhinskaya. Autumn.
A. Komarov, T. Ryadchikova. Autumn riddles.
Yu. Slonov, Z. Petrova. Charging.
A. Komarov, B. Weiner. Frogs. Listen
A. Komarov, T. Ryadchikova. Lullaby for mother. Listen
A. Komarov, T. Ryadchikova. Today is our graduation. Listen
A. Komarov, N. Ipatova. Hello New Year! Listen
A. Komarov, V. Kapustina. Mom's song. Listen
A. Komarov, V. Kapustina. Drums. Listen
A. Komarov, N. Ipatova. Summer waltz. Listen
A. Komarov, T. Ryadchikova. New Year's wish. Listen
A. Komarov, T. Ryadchikova. Outside the window is an autumn day. Listen
A. Komarov, T. Ryadchikova. Song of the Snow Maiden. Listen
M. Eremeeva, S. Eremeev. This is all Russia. Listen
Spring is mischievous. Music and lyrics by Z. Root. Listen
Gnome. Music by E. Filippova, lyrics by A. Shiryaev. Listen
Do-re-mi. Music and lyrics by G. Portnov. Listen to
Preschool waltz. Music by E. Plakhova, lyrics by A. Chugaikina. Listen
Charging. Music by A. Komarov, lyrics by T. Ryadchikova. Listen
Carnival. Music and lyrics by L. Olifirova. Listen
Summer song. Music by A. Komarov, lyrics by V. Kapustina. Listen
We need peace. Music and lyrics by N. Kulikova. Listen
Song for grandmother. Music and lyrics by T. Krivova. Listen
Mirilka Polka. Music by E. Plakhova, lyrics by L. Kirillova. Listen
Snowflakes. Music by E. Belova, lyrics by V. Suslov. Listen to
Sunflowers. Music and lyrics by V. Shestakova. Listen
Happy New Year! Music and lyrics by L. Olifirova. Listen
You won't find a better place than Russia . Music by A. Komarov, lyrics by N. Ipatova . Listen to
Childhood . Music by E. Filippova, lyrics by V. Stepanov . Listen to
Return of the starling . Music by I. Kirillov, lyrics by G. Ladonshchikov . Listen to
Spring Evening . Music and lyrics by V. Shestakova. Listen to
Sisters . Music and lyrics by L. Olifirova. Listen to
Fox Tail . Music by A. Komarov, lyrics by V. Orlov. Listen to
Cucumber charge . Music and lyrics by L. Olifirova. Listen to
Autumn Sorceress . Music and lyrics by T. Krivova. Listen to
Dance in the puddles . Music by E. Plakhova, lyrics by L. Kirillova. Listen to
New Year's dance . Music and lyrics Z. Root. Listen
Bogatyrskaya . Music and lyrics by N. Kulikova. Listen to
Dream Lanterns . Music and lyrics by E. Gomonova. Listen
I dream. Music and lyrics by Z. Root. Listen
Planet Kalya-Malya. Music and lyrics by Z. Root. Listen
Lullaby for mother. Music and lyrics by Z. Root. Listen
Ah, winter, winter. Music and lyrics by Z. Root. Listen
Santa Claus rides on a sled. Music and lyrics by Z. Root. Listen
Fairy tale and dwarf. Music and lyrics by Z. Root. Listen
Let's be soldiers. Music and lyrics by Z. Root. Listen to
Herald of spring. Music and lyrics by Z. Root. Listen
On a visit to the samovar. Music and lyrics by Z. Root. Listen
Strict guard. Music and lyrics by Z. Root. Listen
Ah, what an autumn! Music and lyrics by Z. Root. Listen
Let's meet autumn. Music and lyrics by Z. Root. Listen
Hold on to the helm, captain! Music and lyrics by Z. Root. Listen to
Waltz of the Snow Maiden and the Snowman. Music by A. Komarov, lyrics by V. Kapustina. Listen to
The Sound of Music. Music by A. Komarov, lyrics by T. Ryadchikova. Listen
The dawn is golden. Music by A. Komarov, lyrics by T. Ryadchikova. Listen
Bell. Music by A. Komarov, lyrics by T. Ryadchikova. Listen
My dad. Music by A. Komarov, lyrics by T. Ryadchikova. Listen
Our friendly family. Music by A. Komarov, lyrics by T. Ryadchikova. Listen
New Year's riddles. Music by A. Komarov, lyrics by T. Ryadchikova. Listen
A cook in a white cap. Music by A. Komarov, lyrics by T. Ryadchikova. Listen
One, two, left. Music by A. Komarov, lyrics by T. Ryadchikova. Listen
Traffic light. Music by A. Komarov, lyrics by T. Ryadchikova. Listen
I draw summer. Music by A. Komarov, lyrics by T. Ryadchikova. Listen
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Word of Grace Battle Ground
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