Pre k reading passages
Preschool reading worksheets - Pre-K PDF comprehension worksheets
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Preschool: Reading
Preschool kids are naturally curious, energetic little beings, and the best way to keep them engaged is by channeling that ball of energy into some profitable venture; e.
g. completing the tasks in these preschool reading worksheets. The exercises are designed with preschoolers’ curriculum in mind. Children will read the short passages to answer the basic questions, and find familiar words in other exercises. Encourage your children to say the words aloud, and help them with words they struggle with in our reading worksheets for preschoolers.
- Preschool
- Reading
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Find the Setting Worksheet
There are many things that go into writing a good story. The writer must first …
Where Does It Happen? Worksheet
When we describe things that have happened or are happening, we often need to give …
When Does It Happen? Worksheet
Can your kids tell you the different times of day and what each one means. …
Towns Worksheet
Towns are idyllic, less busy places where many young families like to live for the …
Nonfiction Features Worksheet
Works of fiction mean that all characters and the events that take place have been …
Nonfiction Captions Worksheet
Captions are great for helping your students learn to read, because they let them understand …
Rhyming Words in Poems Worksheet
Poems are interesting to read, and readers often get a vivid picture which the poet …
Identifying Poems Worksheet
Helping your kids learn to read properly involves a lot of things, and one of …
Finish Rhyming Poem Worksheet
Poems are very exciting literary works. With poems, we can express emotions and also paint …
Picture in Books Worksheet
Picture books are most likely your students’ favorite type of books to read. This is …
Picture Books Worksheet
Picture books are pretty exciting to read. With picture books, your little students don’t just …
Draw a Line to the Picture Books Worksheet
Picture books are pretty exciting to read. With picture books, your little students don’t just …
Find the Title Worksheet
This worksheet has pictures of books; some of which your kids might already be familiar …
Red and Green Worksheet
As your kids go higher in school and also learn new things, it is important …
Sight Word You Worksheet
You is one of the most commonly used words for beginning readers, and it's important …
Find and Read: Like Worksheet
Sight word reading is how great readers begin their reading journey. Building their sight word …
Sight Words I Can Worksheet
When we put words together, we're communicating! Reading words that are put together is a …
Sight Word I Worksheet
Believe it or not, recognizing the sight word 'I' is tougher than you think! When …
Sight Word Can Worksheet
Learning sight words is an important part of being a strong reader, and children who …
Words: Assessment 1 Worksheet
Prefixes are important word parts that are added to roots to give those words enhanced …
Vocabulary: Assessment 6 Worksheet
Every kid knows the old story about the tortoise and the hare, but our turtle …
Vocabulary: Assessment 5 Worksheet
Preschool and kindergarten can be tough for kids since they prepare to read while learning …
Vocabulary: Assessment 4 Worksheet
Complete this free downloadable vocabulary worksheet to blast into outer space with our charming astronauts! …
Vocabulary: Assessment 3 Worksheet
Our chef needs your child’s help! Read and match each word to its corresponding picture …
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We love how we can focus on math with this app. It is engaging and we love how we are able to adjust and tailor the levels according to our son’s knowledge and skill levels!
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This app is wonderful for my 7 years old son! :) It focuses on basic reading, writing, and math skills. The reward system is great and consistent!
Daughter's favorite
Still a top favorite for our 7 year old. She loves earning her stars as she learns to trace letters and numbers. Coloring and the sounds are engaging and are on target for her age group and being Pre K.
Such a great app!
This was a really fun way to get my kids to practice their math. I usually struggle to get them into it and Kids Academy makes it easy.
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Great app
Wow! This app is really great. For the first time my kids actually enjoy learning math and reading. The games on Kids Academy are educational and really fun.
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Comprehension for Pre-K | NC DPI
What is Comprehension?
Reading comprehension refers to the ability to understand what one reads. It is the ultimate goal of reading instruction. (Definition from University of Oregon)
In pre-k, children are able to listen to and engage in conversations about stories or text that are read aloud to them or experiences they have or hear about. At this stage, children demonstrate understanding through speaking and listening by engaging in conversation about the story, text, or experience. They are able to remember what is read, retell the story, answer questions, and talk about the story, text, or experience with support from an adult or peer.
What Does it Look Like?
What does it look like to support comprehension before reading?
How can comprehension be supported while reading?
How can a child demonstrate comprehension?
Practice Activities
Predict When Reading: Have the child predict what will happen next when reading a book together. Sample questions include:
- What do you think is going to happen next?
- Oh no! What is she going to do now?
- What would you do if you were him?
- How are they going to solve this problem?
Read Expressions: Use illustrations to help a child build their vocabulary and start to understand emotions. When a character is sad, happy, angry or surprised, pause to look at illustrations and talk about the characters' facial expressions. Ask, "How do you think she's feeling right now?". Authors who are particularly skilled at portraying emotions in both words and pictures include Kevin Henkes, Patricia Polacco, Arnold Lobel and Mo Willems.
Make Connections: Connect personal experiences with recently read stories or informational texts (e. g., Your shoes got dirty. Now they look brown like Pete the Cat’s shoes in Pete the Cat: I Love My White Shoes.).
Recall Details: Have the child recall a story or information from text (e.g., book, magazine, brochure). The retell may be organized sequentially (e.g., first, next, last) or by a specific set of details (e.g., color, type of food, habitats, character actions).
Draw a Picture: Have the child draw a picture of the story. Ask the child to tell you about their drawing. Engage in the 3Ts.
Act it Out: Invite the child to act out parts of the story by pretending to be one of the characters. Join in and pretend with them!
PEER Method:
- P: Prompt the child with a question about the story. Prompting the child focuses attention, engages the child in the story, and helps the child understand the book. Point to something in the picture, for example, a balloon. "What is that?"
- E: Evaluate the child's response.
"That's right! That's a balloon."
- E: Expand on what the child said. "That's a big, red balloon! We saw one of those in the grocery store yesterday."
- R: Repeat or revisit the prompt you started with, encouraging the child to use the new information you've provided. "Can you say big, red balloon?" Each time the book is reread, the expanded vocabulary words are verbalized again.
Don't feel obligated to use the PEER procedure on every page, with every book. Keep it fun! Use PEER when it fits and when the child is engaged with the story. See PEER information in English and Spanish.
Practice Activities (with Printables)
If you don't have a printer, your child's school will print these for you.
Story Time: Ask questions before, during, and after reading together. Story Time Questions
Online Activities
Story Sequencing: This activity includes listening to a short story and putting picture cards in order (beginning, middle, and end) to retell the story.
Free courses of the FTPS for teachers
Free courses of the FTPS for teachersFree courses of the FTPS for teachersCourses within the framework of the events of the State Enterprise "Development of Education"
Rotobylsky K.A., Grab I.S., Merzlyakova E.V., Krutikov M.A. .
Rotobylskaya L.A., Krutikov M.A., Lastochkin A.V., Rotobylsky K.A.
Courses within the framework of the project "Personnel for the Digital Economy"
Digital Design
The course program is implemented free of charge, within the framework of the state program "Personnel for the Digital Economy" online
72 hours / One week of training
Grab I.S., Merzlyakova E.V., Rotobylsky K.A., Polzikova L.V.
Courses of the Unified Federal Portal of the Digital Educational Environment DPO
Rotobylsky K. A.
Krutikov M.A.
Draganova O.A.
Aksenova I.V., head of department
Uglova N.V., head of department
Rotobylskaya L.A., vice-rector
About training in courses
About courses
The courses are designed to improve the skills of teachers of general education organizations as part of the implementation of the event "Modernization of technologies and content of education in accordance with the new federal state educational standard through the development of concepts for the modernization of specific areas, support for regional programs for the development of education and support of network methodical associations” of the state program “Development of education”. The content of the course programs was developed on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standards for Basic General Education (FSES LLC) and the requirements of the professional standard "Teacher", taking into account diagnostic studies conducted in the Lipetsk region, and is dedicated to the development and implementation of interdisciplinary educational technologies.
About certificates
After passing the final test in one of the 5 courses, you will receive a standard certificate in electronic form free of charge. If the training is conducted by a team of teachers (more than 15 people from one educational organization), you will receive, in addition to electronic versions, their paper copies sent free of charge by Russian post to the educational organization.
How to become our partner
We invite to advanced training courses for executives of educational organizations (directors and deputies), representatives of municipal education authorities
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I learned a lot of new things for myself. All materials are useful and necessary. Classes forced to concentrate, mobilize. You provided useful training courses that we needed so much. I had to sit at the computer for a long time, but the end justified the means.
Morgacheva Tatyana Nikolaevna teacher MBOU secondary school s. Terbuny
Studying at GAUDPO IRO is my first distance learning experience, which I am very pleased with. Organization of the training program at a high level. The site is very easy to use.
Ivanov Sergey Sergeevich MBOU secondary school with Good
I am satisfied with the organization of the training program, everything was in an accessible and concise form, everything is only the most basic, as they say “without water”, this is very good.
Petrova Valentina Ivanovna Gymnasium No. 19, Lipetsk
Authors of advanced training courses
Employees of the Institute for the Development of Education
Konstantin Andreevich Rotobylsky
Department of Education Informatization
Draganova Oksana Aleksandrovna
Department of Pedagogy and Psychology
Aksyonova Inna Vasilievna
Department of Science and Mathematics Education
Maxim Andreevich Krutikov
Department of Education Informatization
GAU DPO of the Lipetsk region "Institute for the development of education"
© Department of Information Technology Education 2019.
Types of reading
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GUIDELINES TEACHING TO READ Introduction The purpose of this manual is: 1. To study reading as an independent type of speech activity and as a means of developing skills and abilities, to find out which of these two readings prevails in modern methodology and why 2. Consider different types of reading, determine their place at different stages of language learning 3. Determine criteria for selecting texts 4. Find out what stages work on home reading should consist of 5. Reading is an independent type of speech activity, which is included in the sphere of communicative and social activities of people and provides a written form of communication. Reading refers to the receptive types of speech activity, since it is associated with the perception (reception) and understanding of information encoded by graphic signs. Reading highlights the content plan (i.e. what the text is about) and the procedural plan (how to read and voice the text). In terms of content, the result of reading activity will be understanding of what has been read; in the procedural - the process of reading itself, i.e. the assignment of graphemes to phonemes, the formation of holistic methods of recognition of graphic signs, the formation of internal speech hearing, the transfer of external pronunciation into the interior, the reduction of internal pronunciation and the establishment of a direct connection between the "semantic" and graphic complexes, which are expressed in reading aloud and silently, slow and fast, with full understanding, or with general coverage. The tasks of teaching reading as an independent type of speech activity are as follows: to teach students to extract information from the text to the extent necessary to solve a specific speech task using certain reading technologies. Reading can also act as a means of developing and controlling related speech skills and abilities, because: - The use of reading allows students to optimize the process of learning language and speech material; - Communication-oriented tasks for the control of vocabulary and grammar, listening, writing and speaking assume the ability to read and are built on the basis of written texts and instructions; - Exercises for the formation and development of all language and speech skills are also built based on the text and written instructions for exercises and tasks. Reading is of great cognitive, educational, general educational and practical importance, especially for the development of professional competence. educational value. Texts should educate the values of a humanistic society, the responsibility of a specialist for the results and consequences of their activities; cognitive value and scientific content of texts, regional orientation, professional orientation; compliance of the content with the age and interests of students, their level of education, intellectual and cognitive needs. Different levels of understanding of the text and the requirements for it allowed scientists to develop a classification of types of reading. Each of them is based on different principles. So, some authors divide reading into types according to the psychological characteristics of their perception: translated - non-translated, analytical - synthetic; other authors - according to the conditions of their implementation: independent or dependent, prepared - unprepared; according to the abundance of what is read: extensive - intensive, etc. Catalogue: documents -> Department%20English%20Movology -> Folders%20layouts -> Mezen%20L.S Download 158 Kb . Share with your friends: |
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