Things that start with n kindergarten
Words That Start With N For Kids
n words for kids example of note
Created by Lindy Gaskill for YourDictionary
Copyright YourDictionary, Owned by YourDictionary
The letter N is the second most common consonant sound in English. Only T turns up more often. This list of N words for kids is built to help students turn that basic sound into a fully developed linguistic concept. We've gone beyond a simple word list to provide engaging activities for students of all grade levels to learn words beginning with N.
Preschool Words That Start With N
Preschoolers are just learning the letter N. Therefore, you want to use pictures to help them get used to the sound N makes and recognize the letter itself. These N words can easily be combined with pictures for early letter learners.
nail | nap |
nature | necklace |
nerd | newborn |
nightingale | nine |
ninja | no |
normal | nose |
notebook | now |
nun | nurse |
Trace the Letter N Activity Worksheet
Making that sound-symbol connection is the foundation of all future linguistic development. As a starting point, we recommend giving your youngest learners vivid images to connect with the N sound. We've developed a trace-the-letter activity with that in mind.
Printing letter n worksheet
Click to View & DownloadKindergarten Words That Start With N
Since N is so common, it turns up in a great number of simple, kindergarten-appropriate words. At this level, the priority is to help them start spelling simple N words like CVC and CVCC words. You’re also introducing them to Dolch sight words like new, now and no. Use this list of N words to get your kindergarteners ready.
- Nag: To scold or harass
- Name: What a person is called
- Near: Close to
- Neat: Clean, tidy
- Need: Want or require
- Net: A grid of rope, string or tape, meant to catch something
- New: Existing for the first time
- Nice: Pleasant, friendly
- Nod: To move your head up and down, especially when agreeing with someone
- None: Not any of the presented options
- Nope: Alternative form of no
- Nosy: Curious about other’s business
- Not: Makes a verb negative
- Note: Short written message
- Noun: Part of speech for person, place, thing or idea
- Number: Word or symbol for a count of units
- Nut: Edible seed
Match the N Word to the Picture Worksheet
Kids that are just learning to read and understand N words use image association to help them learn words. Harness this wonderful resource through a match the N word to the picture worksheet.
N words for kids matching activity
Click to View & DownloadEarly Elementary N Words for Kids
As your first and second graders begin to read and write, they start to encounter the letter N throughout the language. Reinforcing that with an N words list is a perfect way to make sure the concept stays with them. Our list of N words and letter N activities are crafted to support that knowledge and help your students retain it.
- Neither: With "nor," ruling out two options
- News: Information about what is happening in the world, current events
- Night: Time between sunset and sunrise
- Nip: Small bite
- Noon: Time when the Sun is highest in the sky
- Nor: With "neither," ruling out two options
- North: Pointing toward the North Pole
- Neck: Part of the body between the collarbone and chin
- Nest: Place to rest, especially for birds
- Newt: A small four-legged amphibian shaped like a lizard
- Next: Event following this one
- Noble: Someone of high social class
- Noise: Loud sound
- Nugget: Small lump
Word Association Activities
All of these words are well suited for letter N activities. For example, simply passing a newspaper around your class, then reading out or summarizing an interesting story, will give them a wonderful feel for the word news. You can also have a dress-up day as a nurse, nun, ninja, or other occupation that begins with N.
Fill-in-the-Blank N Quiz
Hopefully, your students already know where their necks are and, if TV and the Internet are to be trusted, they'll have at least a nodding acquaintance with ninjas. Reinforce that with pictures. A simple fill-in-the-blank quiz with engaging art will establish the words as fully formed ideas in your students' minds. We've provided a sample.
Letter n fill blank quiz
Click to View & DownloadLate Elementary Words That Start With N
Again, many of these words will probably be familiar to some of your third and fourth grade students through daily use. The purpose of vocabulary aids like this one is to reinforce that familiarity into certain knowledge. Activities in these grades should engage students with the context and larger significance of the language we're presenting. At this stage of development, vocabulary moves from being a memorization exercise to a fundamental tool of lifelong literacy.
- Napkin: Piece of cloth or paper used to keep clean at meals
- Nation: Country
- Narrow: Thin, not wide
- Naughty: Misbehaving, doing wrong
- Needle: Small sharp tool for sewing
- Neighbor: Person living nearby
- Nerve: Part of the body that feels pain and makes senses work
- Never: Cannot happen, under no circumstances
- Noodle: Flat strip of pasta
- Nothing: Absence of something, zero
- Nada: None, nothing
- Nanny: A woman paid to look after children
- Nephew: The relationship of your brother or sister's son to you
- Nervous: Jittery, worried
- Neutral: Evenhanded, unbiased
- Nickel: 5 cent coin, or the metal that coin is partially made from
- Nightmare: Bad dream
- Notice: To take note of, to give your attention
- Nova: Explosion of a star
- Novel: Long fictional book, or something totally new (like an idea)
Idioms With an N Word Activity
This is the age at which you can begin to talk about the subjective or idiomatic uses of language. See if your students know sayings like "never say never" or "better than nothing," then ask them to explain what the N words in those phrases mean. Write a bunch of idioms using N words on the board. Allow students to work in groups to dissect the meanings.
The Etymology of N Words Activity
Several of these words were chosen to have interesting origins. Involve your students in their etymology. For example, nada came to mean "nothing" in English because it's Spanish for zero. "Novel" literally means "the new thing" because writing stories in prose was "the new thing" in the 16th century. Allow your students to connect to the magic of the English language by having them discover the etymology behind the N word list given.
The Ns and Outs: Things That Start With N
The common occurrence of the N sound makes it a key element of vocab learning. That process starts with lists, but it opens out into the origins, consequences and possible future of the whole language. When students connect something as simple and abstract as the letter N to their own lives and stories, they become part of keeping the language alive.
Need some more options for your next vocabulary list? WordFinder has a neat list of words that start with the letter N. You can even fill out the advanced search fields to narrow your choices by word length and letters included. For more enriching vocabulary and etymology, take a look at our words starting with O!
100+ Objects That Start with N
Activities | Elementary | Homeschool | Kindergarten | Preschool
Need some ideas of objects that start with N? If so, I’ve got a nice list of over 100 things that start with N to get you started.
From nachos and nectarines to notebooks and newspapers, the letter N gives us lots of notable words to choose from.
So whether you are a looking for N objects to improve your writing or are a teacher planning alphabet activities for your preschoolers, I hope this list comes in handy for you.
With that being said, let’s get started! Here are 100+ objects that start with N:
The Ultimate List of Objects that Start with N
Foods that start with N:
- Naan bread
- Nachos
- Nashi Pear
- Natal plum
- Naval orange
- Nectar
- Neapolitan ice cream
- Nectarines
- Nerds (candy)
- New England Clam Chowder
- Noodles
- Nori
- Nuggets
- Nutmeg
- Nutella
- Nuts
- Nut butter
- Naked Mole Rat
- Narwhal
- Needlefish
- Newt
- Neon Tetra
- Nematodes
- Newfoundland
- Nile Crocodile
- Nightingale
- North American Beaver
- Norwhich Terrier
- Northern Cardinal
- Nubian Goat
- Numbat
- Nurse Shark
Household Objects that start with N:
- Nails
- Nail polish
- Nail clippers
- Nail file
- Napkin
- Napkin rings
- Napkin holder
- Nasal aspirator
- Nasal spray
- Needle
- Nebulizer
- Needlepoint
- Net
- Newspaper
- Nickle
- Night light
- Nightstand
- Note
- Notebook
- Notebook paper
- Novel
- Nook
- Nozzle
- Necklace
- Necktie
- Neckerchief
- Nappy (diaper)
- Nightcap
- Nightgown
- Nylons
- Nike shoes (brand)
Outdoor items that start with N:
- Nature
- Nest
- Narcissus
- Nasturtiums
- Nepeta
- Nettles
- Nemesia
- Nephrite (semi-precious stone)
- Nightshades
- Northern White Pine
- Noble Fir
- Nectarine Tree
- Narrowboat
- Nissan (brand of car)
- Number plate
- Neptune
- Neutron
- Nitrogen
- North Star
- Novas
- Nexus
- Nebula
- Noisemaker
- Naturhorn
- Natural Sign
Personal/body parts:
- Nails
- Nape
- Neck
- Nerves
- Nodes
- Nose
- Nostrils
Random objects that start with N:
- Nutcracker
- Nerf ball
- Nerf gun
- Neon markers
- Ninja
- Nintendo
Objects that Start with N for Kindergarten and Preschool
With preschoolers and kindergartners learning the letters of the alphabet, it’s nice to have a list of familiar words and objects you can use that corresponds each of those letters. Whether it’s for letter recognition activities or for early reading, these come N objects can really come in handy.
With that being said, this is not an exhaustive list of N objects for kindergarten, but it’s a nice start. Here are some common objects that start with N for kindergarten and preschool:
*Note: Want to give your kids more practice with the alphabet or early learning? If so, Check out the printable Preschool Daily Skill Builder OR the Kindergarten Daily Skill Builder for daily skill-building in six different areas.
Objects that start with N for Kindergarten and Preschool:
- Net – My dad has a net for catching fish.
- Nose – I got a bloody nose when I fell from the monkey bars.
- Note – My teacher wrote a note and told me to give it to my parents.
- Nuggets – Every time we go to a restaurant I like to order chicken nuggets.
- Napkin – The table was set with blue plates and white napkins.
- Nails – He attached the boards with nails and screws.
- Neck – A giraffe has a really long neck.
- Nest – There were three baby birds in the nest.
- Nickel – I have three dimes and one nickel.
- Newspaper– My grandma gets a newspaper delivered to her doorstep every morning.
- Nozzle – the nozzle on the hose is broken.
- Noodles – We had noodles with meatballs for dinner.
- Notebook – I like to write stories in my red notebook.
- Nuts – Cashews and pistachios are my favorite types of nuts.
- Needle – My mom used a needle and thread to fix the hole in my jacket.
More Words that Start with Letter N Plus a Free Printable
Looking for more words that start with N? If you are, be sure to check out the Full N Words for Kids List. In this list, you will find other nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs. Along with this huge list of N words, there is a free printable learning pack that includes letter tracing cards, vocabulary sheets, handwriting pages, word lists and more!
Note: Get access to all the Words for Kids by Alphabet Resources! Each letter comes with a printable word list, as well as, other free learning resources.
Activities You Can Do Using the Objects that Start with N List
What can you do with the ‘objects that start with N’ list? I’m glad you asked. Here are some reading, writing, alphabet, spelling, and vocabulary activity ideas to get you started.
- Read Books that Feature Objects that Begin with N: Reading is great for letter recognition and building vocabulary! So, get some picture books for letter N and have some fun reading with your little ones! Here are two examples of N object books to get you started: The Nose Book by Al Perkins and The Nutcracker by Susan Jeffers.
- Play the Object Guessing Game – To play this game, gently blindfold your student and explain that you are going to hand them an object that begins with the letter N, and you would like them to guess what it is.
This is a fantastic vocabulary activity that causes kids to think through all the N words they’ve heard and seen.
- Do Finger Spelling in Sand: Have fun with spelling by practicing new N words using your fingers in a shallow pan of sand. (If you don’t have access to sand, you can use a dish with cornmeal or sugar). To switch things up, try using your toes. This sensory spelling activity is a fun and engaging way for your students to practice their spelling.
- Do an N Objects Unscramble: See if you kids can unscramble the items that begin with N. To start, write a N word on a chalkboard or white board with the letters all mixed up. Next, see if your students can unscramble the letters and figure out what the mystery word is. (If you have a group of kids, you can make it a contest to see which team can unscramble the quickest.)
What other items would you add to the ‘objects that start with N’ list?
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Rights and obligations of pupils and their parents
Kindergarten works subject to the following documents: .doc
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Dear parents, by signing the contract you assume the rights and obligations listed in it!
Tips for parents.
Everyone in our kindergarten respects each other, so they wish health, i.e. say hello. Well, if you don’t want to wish health to a particular person, then you still need to be polite and at least state the time of day: good afternoon, good evening, etc.
Parents dress the children in the morning. You must arrive no later than 8.30 , if you want to say something to the teacher, then even earlier. Classes begin at 9 o'clock, and in 10 minutes the teacher prepares for it: arranges, hangs, lays out (children perceive all knowledge visually). If you are late, quietly undress the child yourself and take him to the group. A short nod of the teacher at this moment does not indicate his arrogance
Breakfast from 8.20 to 8.50 (very quickly, as you can see), and if you are late, the baby will have to be left without porridge. At 8.55 the meal is over (as in the army). The start of the day is very important, try not to be late.
The child's clothes should be according to the season and such that he (and the caregiver) will "do nothing" if, to put it mildly, it gets dirty. Of course, the teacher makes sure that the wards do not become like Nif-Nif with Naf-Naf, but ... children are free people. The closet should have T-shirts (2), panties (2), spare tights, socks, a change of clothes in case of an accident while eating. Children are independent people. Be sure to check the neatness of things, do not forget to take your pajamas and sportswear to be washed, but we don’t even mention the daily change of clothes. Shoes must be true to size. Lord! Leave slippers for home, children, of course, feel at home here, but let the shoes be “not slippers”. Separate conversation - festive clothes. She must be! You need to bring it before the festive performance. Hairstyles are not allowed!
Parents (or persons acting in their stead) hand the child over to the teacher. If a little man was “dropped off” yesterday with symptoms of the disease, and today you are already in the garden ... then such a quick recovery worries us and we suggest going to the medical office. So plan your morning The state of health of the child is determined by the external signs of the educator, and if something confuses him, then you can’t get out of the dialogue with the doctor. We kindly ask you to be extremely correct with teachers and doctors, understand that we have no interest in sending a child home. But if “snot” and coughing do not scare you as a mother, then another mother may have her own opinion, different from yours
General issues are discussed at parent-teacher meetings, not because there is nothing to say about everyone, but only because of ethical considerations. Specifically, you can always talk to the caregivers individually about your child. General and group parent-teacher meetings are not only obligatory, but also very informative. Do not forget to change shoes or shoe covers (the group must be clean).
During the hours of children's matinees, the presence of parents is obligatory. Don't forget to turn off your mobile phone. Well, if after the performance you thank the child, give him a flower as a real artist. Change of shoes or shoe covers must be worn!
If your child is absent from the kindergarten, you must notify the caregivers, the nurse or the administration of the institution before 8.30 about the reason for the absence. Don't forget to pay the kindergarten fee by the 10th of each month. In the event of an unusual situation (delayed payments, etc.), please notify the administration.
Dear parents, our institution is open until 19.00. That is, the teacher is responsible for the life of the child from 7 to 19hours. Remember: by handing over the child to you, the teacher relieves himself of responsibility for him! Be active parents, do not be afraid to ask, express your opinion, recommend something, the main thing is to do it correctly. Do not be shy! Offer your help!
Do not forget to pay attention to the child's handiwork (drawings, crafts), praise the child and. .. the teacher.
Try not to participate in negative associations, ie. when an active mother (dissatisfied with everything, but persistently visiting kindergartens), tries to “fix everything” and attracts you. If there is a problem, in your opinion, then you need to solve it constructively and ... personally. There is no need to scare with the phrase “Let's write where it should be ...” and the act “Let's go where it should be ...”, there is no need to scare, good will not come from this for sure. It is better to offer your help in solving the problem, if it really exists.
We hope for mutual understanding, help and cooperation! Thank you!
Rules of conduct for children attending kindergarten No. 310
On the basis of article 52 p. These rules are binding on all pupils of the MOU kindergarten No. 310, apply to pupils of the kindergarten, both on the territory of the kindergarten and during events held outside it.
The main goal of the Rules is to create a favorable environment for the development and upbringing of children, safe conditions for staying in kindergarten and on its territory, fostering respect for the human person, developing cultural behavior skills in society.
I. General provisions
- Pupils must respect the legal rights of participants in the educational process: Children, kindergarten employees, parents.
- All conflicts and misunderstandings should be resolved in compliance with clause 1
- Kindergarten pupils behave honestly and with dignity, observe the norms of morality and ethics in relations with each other and with elders.
Basic rules of behavior in kindergarten.
Children should:
- Show respect for elders;
- Address educators and junior educators by name, patronymic and "You", to unfamiliar adults - also with "You" Older preschoolers skip ahead younger preschoolers; boys - girls.
- Treat kindergarten employees with respect and courtesy.
- Go up and down stairs, holding on to the handrails, keep your distance, do not push or overtake each other.
- Do not shout, speak calmly.
- Preschoolers should be attentive and careful when eating.
- Children 5-7 years of age should know emergency phone numbers, as well as their home address and home telephone number.
- Help others when they need help;
- Carefully handle toys and other objects of the developmental environment, as well as with your own and other people's things;
- Comply with the requirements of kindergarten teachers and other employees.
It is prohibited in the kindergarten because it poses a danger to the life and health of children:
- Climbing on window sills, cabinets, room equipment, buildings;
- Run up and down stairs, near window openings and doors opening into corridors and other places not suitable for play;
- Do not use sports and play structures in the territory of the kindergarten in accordance with their purpose;
- Children are not allowed to walk through the corridors without an adult when carrying hot food;
- Push each other, throw objects at children and adults, use physical force;
- Children independently (without the permission of the educator and accompanying adult) leave the kindergarten and its territory;
- To bring and use in the kindergarten and on its territory piercing and cutting objects, lighters, pyrotechnic products, gas cartridges, cigarettes, pills and other objects that pose a threat to the life and health of children;
- Use obscene language and gestures, make noise, interfere with others.
- Run on the territory and in the building of the kindergarten without the permission of adults; arrange fights, participate in fights;
- Kicking, pinching, biting other children;
- Break toys and equipment.
- Leaving the group room without adult permission
- Commit actions that may cause harm to health, both to oneself and others;
- Take foreign objects into the mouth (both in the group and on the territory of the kindergarten), drink water from the tap;
- Take other people's personal belongings of children and adults.
- Children should report unwell caregivers or other kindergarten staff.
Basic rules of behavior in a group.
- Do not use broken toys or equipment.
- Use caution if walking on a wet floor.
- During the distribution of food, children should not be near the tables.
- Do not touch detergents, do not touch electrical appliances and sockets.
- Avoid rocking in chairs during meals and activities.
- Observe safety regulations during productive activities.
Basic rules of conduct at music lessons and public events.
- Come to music classes in a neat appearance, to dance and sports classes in the appropriate form (except for early age groups).
- Children must come to the hall without toys.
- Children should not rock in chairs while singing.
- During an unforeseen situation with clothes or shoes, children must fail.
- During outdoor play, run in only one direction from an early age.
- If the child feels unwell, inform an adult.
- For individual lessons, children come and go from the hall only accompanied by a teacher, physical education instructor or music director.
- At the end of mass events, children can use both doors of the hall without creating crowds and panic.
Basic rules of conduct on the site.
- Go to the site only in the presence of an educator or an employee replacing him.
- Do not leave your area without the permission of the teacher.
- Do not pick up objects foreign to the site without the knowledge of an adult.
- It is forbidden to climb fences, trees, fences, pick up dirty objects, snow, icicles, throw sand, earth, pebbles at each other.
- Do not enter into conversation with strangers, do not take anything from their hands.
- It is forbidden to touch dangerous and poisonous plants, mushrooms, animals, taste them.
- Do not use defective equipment.
- Parents of the child are responsible for gross and repeated violations of the requirements of the Rules.
- These rules apply to all activities outside the kindergarten.
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Natalie Kaminsky
founder and director of the English kindergarten network MAGIC CASTLE
Choosing the right kindergarten is a task that requires serious involvement from parents, it cannot be solved remotely. Set aside time to visit your chosen gardens, and during the middle of your work day. So you can not only talk with the head, manager or administrative staff, but also see the children and teachers, see how they communicate and interact, what happens in the classroom or during playtime. Based on such a visit, you will be able to understand how life works in kindergarten, how professional the staff is, how young students feel.
In this article, we will list nine important aspects that you need to pay special attention to when visiting your chosen preschool.
1. Staff
It is best to come to kindergarten with your child. You will immediately be able to assess the actions of employees: are they trying to interact with the baby or are they ignoring him and communicating only with you? In a good garden, they will definitely talk to the child, they will find an approach to him literally in the first minutes.
If you can observe how the class is going, evaluate whether the teacher keeps the group's attention. A good teacher knows how to interest, feels at what point his wards are tired and they need to warm up, regularly changes the type of activity - after all, the lesson should be dynamic and varied. During playtime, the teacher should be involved in communication and games with children, and not sit on a chair, stand aside or be distracted by the phone.
All kindergarten staff must treat children with respect. Shouting, raising your voice, pulling hands are unacceptable. 9
In a friendly and comfortable environment, students behave confidently, communicate openly, and are not afraid of visitors. For example, if you peek into a classroom where a class is taking place, the children may turn around, say “Hi!” and go back to their daily activities. In their free time, they get to know guests, ask questions, and show curiosity. If you see sincere smiles on the faces of the person who meets you, and teachers, and children, this is the first sign that this kindergarten can be trusted.
3. Control and discipline
Children should respond to the teacher, fulfill his requests, behave correctly towards each other. For example, if the teacher said, “Let's say hello,” everyone should turn around and say hello, and not continue to go about their business.
Children cannot be left to their own devices, otherwise they will copy unwanted patterns of behavior from each other. This is a fairly common problem in kindergartens with large groups: when there is one teacher for 30 children, it is physically impossible to track all the negative situations. That is why we limit the number of groups to 15 students and two people work with children at once: a teacher and an assistant.
Kindergarten must have clearly defined rules. Children are just learning to live and trying different models of behavior - not always acceptable and acceptable. Our task is to anticipate them.
To explain the rules, we act out different situations with subsequent discussion, help the children to come to the conclusion themselves, what is good and what is bad. If the child nevertheless behaved incorrectly, we do not “beat him on the hands”, but show him how to act differently, gently lead him to change his behavior.
40005 Starting kindergarten is a significant change in a child's life that can be stressful if not properly prepared. During the first visit, it is worth asking the manager or head of how the kindergarten is adapting. Kindergarten should not shift the responsibility for the success of adaptation to the child (his readiness for kindergarten, character or temperament). Any child can be adapted within a month, subject to competent actions on the part of adults. 5. Program Carefully study the class schedule. If the garden offers a wide variety of activities, you will not have to look for auxiliary circles, spend time and effort on additional trips. The program must necessarily include creative, sports and developmental activities. One of the primary tasks of the kindergarten is to create an opportunity to try as many different activities as possible, to help the child find what he likes best. We strive to ensure that, in addition to academic subjects, each of our students try their hand at dancing, art, modeling, music, ballet, football, karate, anti-gravity, break dance, sand therapy and many other activities. If you decide to send your child to a kindergarten with a foreign language, we advise you to make sure that the right environment is really created in it: language learning cannot be limited to scheduled lessons, it should be the whole life of the kindergarten. The fact is that young children learn a foreign language only if they communicate in it, use it for practical purposes. 6. The daily life of an ordinary kindergarten is quite monotonous. Classes, of course, differ from one another, but nothing radically new happens in them, at some point visiting the garden becomes a routine. In order to maintain motivation and retain an element of novelty, weekdays must be “diluted” with bright and exciting events: holidays, festivals, excursions, unusual meetings. Therefore, pay attention to the richness of the extracurricular program. Something extraordinary and memorable happens in our kindergartens every two weeks. For example, in addition to traditional holidays, we monthly arrange "cultural" days in Spain, India, America, Italy and other countries. We decorate the room, dress up in costumes, try unusual food, get acquainted with the culture and music of the country. In addition to holidays, we go to exhibitions, to parks and museums, to a pottery workshop, to a fire station. It is very important to introduce an element of celebration into the life of the kindergarten, to show children that they can have fun, come up with extraordinary things, behave differently than usual. This approach helps to open up, overcome constraint, be yourself, not be afraid of the new. 4 7. Communication with parents The priority of the kindergarten should be the psychological well-being of the child. In a good kindergarten, you will hear a detailed story about the features of organizing the adaptation process in the first weeks of your visit, the specialists who will conduct it, and you will also receive a complete list of necessary actions from the parents.
Interesting guests perform in front of the guys: a dentist, a policeman, an actor, a firefighter, a yoga instructor, a rock climber, etc. - and everyone talks about their work in an interactive format, with games and the involvement of children. We hold "meetings" with musical instruments, when musicians come to the kindergarten and play mini-concerts. Finally, we have the so-called "fun days" when everyone is just having fun, doing something stupid and fun: pajama day, hibernation day, different socks day, crazy hair day.
216 Properly built communication between kindergarten staff and parents is the key to a long and comfortable relationship.
Find out in advance if there is an employee in the garden who is always in touch with parents and is ready at any time to answer questions, tell what the child is doing and how he feels, how and in what detail the garden informs parents about the life of children. We regularly send photos and videos from classes, talk about the small and big successes of the child.
In our kindergartens, they try to minimize communication in general chats: interaction is much more comfortable if it is individual. We use groups in messengers only to inform about upcoming events, concerts and holidays.
8. Diseases and kindergarten 9000 how to start going to kindergarten. Unfortunately, it is impossible to predict in advance how the situation will develop, since much depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. However, when choosing a garden, it will be helpful to clarify the disease policy.
We have a rather strict approach: we do not accept children with a runny nose, cough or, for example, rashes, and if symptoms appear during the day, we isolate the child, call the parents and ask them to pick them up. This is a matter of safety - we are doing everything possible to prevent an endless series of diseases. In Europe, there is a more liberal approach: there, neither fever, nor cough, nor runny nose are an obstacle to attending kindergarten. For example, we had to “accustom” families from France to the new rules for a long time.
One can argue about which approach is correct for a long time. But, regardless of internal policy, any kindergarten must comply with SanPiN standards: the temperature in the room must be kept at 22 ° C, regular ventilation and disinfection are required. Subject to the basic rules of hygiene and safety, even in spring and autumn, which account for the peak activity of viral infections, there should not be a general incidence in the garden.
. 9000 This problem can be avoided if the kindergarten keeps in touch with absent children.
When a long break is planned, we send educational materials to the older children, and to the little ones - songs, short educational cartoons, interesting tasks that can be done together with their parents. In case of illness, the whole group gathers together with the teacher and records short videos with greetings. It is very important that the child does not forget kindergarten, feels that he is remembered and expected.
Adaptation to kindergarten: from the very first day a child should be happy
When is it time for a child to go to kindergarten?
Kindergarten: selection guide
Why do we need a kindergarten?
A special project created with the support of experts from the Magic Castle network of English kindergartens.