Pre read meaning
preread - English definition, grammar, pronunciation, synonyms and examples
Prereading Activities for Preschool Children
ParaCrawl CorpusCollecting and documentation of experiences in the field of prereading
ParaCrawl CorpusThe camera sits in the middle of the room, gently following a humorous prereading conversation about the effects of artists earning too much money and about how to make sure that people are dead before they are buried.
ParaCrawl CorpusIn accordance with the expectation and other researches, children with AS and HFA showed average phonological prereading skills, as well as typically developing children.
ParaCrawl CorpusAssessment of prereading competence Ivanka Bider Petelin
ParaCrawl CorpusHere you can find an overview of early intervention systems and prereading practice in the partner countries, as well as information on individual projects.
Monika Celar: Prereading literacy development in preschool period, Tržič Kindergarten
ParaCrawl CorpusIn the first phase of the project, EVEIL partners compile a list of current prereading and conceptualization activities in their countries.
ParaCrawl CorpusPrereading Skills in Children with ASD-Language Comprehension and Production Autor attention has been paid to the preformal reading acquisition period because the studies had shown that there are specific preskills which are important presigns of success in reading skill acquisition.
ParaCrawl CorpusIn conclusion, children with AS and HFA show average phonological prereading skills, which indicates positive opportunities for achieving academic and professional success.
ParaCrawl CorpusTherefore, the aim of this research was to describe the characteristics of phonological prereading skills and visual perceptual and graphomotor skills in children with AS and HFA.
Children's phonological prereading skills were assessed on phonological and phonemic awareness tasks, letter naming, recognizing and writing names and identifying logos tasks.
ParaCrawl CorpusThe eveil project is working on the early development of blind and partially sighted children in the field of prereading.
ParaCrawl CorpusThe examination is a written exam and is partly based on prereading material.
ParaCrawl CorpusThe intention of this report is to raise awareness of the necessity of systematic tracking and speech and language pathologist assessment of preterm children, especially when it comes to language and prereading skills.
ParaCrawl CorpusAn initial base of knowledge resulting from one’s own reflection thanks to “prereading” (Document sent by the instructor a few days before each course that takes up the fundamental notions of a defined theme).
ParaCrawl CorpusRower Academy | What is a Pre-Read?
Even if the college rowing program you’re being recruited by has supported admission spots, it does not mean that the coach can use a spot freely on you without first ensuring you also meet certain academic standards of the institution as well.
The way a coach can best gauge which of their prospective student-athletes meet the standards of a certain college/university is by submitting an academic pre-read to the admissions department.
A pre-read, is the process by which a coach gathers your current academic information (transcripts, test scores, class schedule) and presents it to the admissions department in order to get a sense from the Admissions Department of the likelihood that you will be admitted. This helps the college rowing coach determine whether or not to select you as one of their supported recruits.
The Admissions Department will look at your most up to date transcript to assess whether you have acceptable grades and have taken preferred courses. They’ll also assess any positive or negative trends with your grades. Review of your standardized test scores can also be part of the pre read process.
Upon conclusion of the pre-read, student athletes are then categorized as “likely” to be a strong candidate for admission, as a “possible” candidate for admission depending on continued development in all of the areas, or as an “unlikely” candidate for admission, even with improvement in all of the stated areas.
Look at the process like a stop light (Green, Yellow, and Red).
Green: Upon review, you meet and exceed the academic criteria necessary for consideration and admission. The college rowing team can pursue you with relatively high confidence that you will be admitted as a recruit (remember, nothing is 100% certain, and admissions makes the final decision).
Yellow: Upon review, you are close to the academic criteria necessary for consideration and admission. The college rowing team can pursue you with moderate confidence that you will be admitted as a recruit (remember, admissions make the final call, and if you are on the bubble, or below the necessary academic criteria, you risk not gaining admission; and the rowing team risks burning a recruiting slot on you).
Red: Upon review, you are below or well below the academic criteria necessary for consideration and admission. The college rowing team cannot pursue you, as it is more than likely you will NOT be admitted, and as such they cannot risk a recruiting slot on you, no matter how great you are at rowing (remember, admissions has the final say, and if they say you are a no go, it is a non starter for the rowing team).
In some cases, a pre-read may go further, with the coach providing recommendations or benchmarks to improve a student-athlete’s status for acceptance to the school. i.e. “we would like you to get your ACT score above “x” points.” Although (and coaches will be very clear on this point), meeting or exceeding any quoted academic benchmark and/or ergometer score will not necessarily guarantee admission (re-read stop light analogy above).
A final read resulting in an official decision is only done when the student actually applies and the “official” transcripts and information are submitted directly to the college with application.
Coaches will generally offer an early read to a priority recruit, a rower in their top tier of recruits who is deemed to be a good candidate, who is expressing strong interest in a school/program and is earnestly contemplating a binding ED (Early Decision) application or early verbal commitment.
Early reads are customarily done at the end of a rower’s junior year, when his or her transcript through the full junior year can be reviewed, and at a point where many recruits have completed their standardized testing.
It is important to remember that these early reads are not formalized or “official” answers with regard to the application status. An Admissions office may only give a firm and unwavering acceptance after the student has officially applied, has the official information submitted from the school and testing sources, and replies directly to the student (not just through the coach) about formal acceptance. Several elements may come into play in the official acceptance process that were not factored in with the early read assessment. For instance, when schools are doing early reads, they are not reading completed applications that include the application essay(s), letters of recommendation, or any other supplemental information outside of the recruits’ transcripts and test scores. Other factors such as the size of final application pool, the quality of the application pool and other students (athletes and non-athletes) from a recruit’s same high school who apply with potentially stronger overall academic profiles are hard to predict at the time the early read is done.
While an early read may provide some valuable information with regard to a broad sense of a student’s expected status, it does not reflect the whole picture or final answer in the process.
Somewhat less common than the early read is the more advanced level of reassurance that some schools offer in the form of a “likely letter.’ This often happens in the fall of the senior year after the rower has not only verbally committed to a coach, but has actually submitted an application to the school. It does bear repeating that official acceptance is the only thing that 100% assures admission, but the likely letter is generally considered a very reliable indicator of acceptance.
It is important to know the ins and outs of the pre-read process since more and more schools are allowing for this step as part of athletic recruitment. While it is a great advantage to have an early read, it is important to fully understand the varied nuances described here. Additionally, it should not be deduced that not getting an early read (either because the school does not offer one or a coach is saving limited offerings for more high priority recruits) will necessarily negatively impact the rowing recruit’s chances of admission to the school.
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Memory settings - Lesson 9 "Reading and memory"
Memory type. There are usually four types of memory: visual, auditory, motor (motor) and mixed.
How do I set my memory type? Suppose, when working with a book in your specialty, you notice that you remember what you read best when you read silently, to yourself, trying to remember any thought, formula or figure from what you just read, you must first imagine where on the page of the book and in what font this formula is printed. Having once been in an unfamiliar room, you immediately remember the objects and details of the situation in it, and if then, closing your eyes, you clearly imagine this or that place, it must be assumed that your visual memory is best developed. A striking example of people with a visual type of memory are those chess players who, without looking at the board, simultaneously play with several partners. A person with visual memory remembers especially well what his eyes catch (book illustrations, drawings, diagrams, diagrams, formulas, pictures, etc.), what he reads and emphasizes, especially with a colored pencil. nine0007
If you remember what you listen to (a lecture, a report, explanations) more easily when you read it aloud, then you have a developed auditory memory.
If your memory absorbs the material better when you make certain movements: write down, draw, read, then you have a motor type of memory. This type of memory is quite common.
Most people have a mixed memory, that is, they have elements of all three types of memory to one degree or another. In this case, it is useful to more or less evenly use all the techniques: reading to yourself, writing, listening, your own retelling. nine0007
According to the psychology of perception, a person with any type of memory learns material much better when he flexibly uses all three main methods (visual, auditory, and motor) than when using only one of his dominant ones (say, visual).
Memory capacity. The potential possibilities of the information capacity of the brain are truly unlimited. According to scientists, the total information capacity of the brain is 2.8 × 10 20 bits. It is clear that with such opportunities, an increase in reading speed by 2-3 times, i.e., a corresponding increase in the operational ability to receive and process textual information, leads to information overload of the brain, since there are reserves here. nine0007
The amount of information recorded in the human memory system upon its simultaneous presentation. For the first time, an experimental quantitative text for assessing the human ability for instantaneous perception of objects of the external world was proposed by William Hamilton, a Scottish philosopher of the 19th century. He wrote: "If you throw a handful of marbles on the floor, you will find that it is difficult to immediately take in more than six, maximum seven marbles without error" . In 1871, the English economist and logician William Stanley Jevons reported that when he threw beans into a box, he never counted wrong when there were three or four beans; seldom made mistakes when there were five of them; correctly determined their number only in half the cases when there were 10, and almost always was wrong if their number reached 15. Later on, Hamilton's experiment was repeated many times by psychophysicists using perfect equipment and subtle control methods, which confirmed Hamilton's assumptions: a person is simultaneously capable of , without counting, perceive with a glance without error up to seven objects; as this number increases, the errors become regular. nine0007
Thus, by the end of the 19th century. intuitive guesses arose about the limited abilities of the scope of human perception. The scientific justification for this phenomenon was given by the American psychologist J. Miller in the article “The Magic Number Seven Plus or Minus Two. About some limits of our ability to process information" (1945). The article begins like this: “A sign follows me everywhere. For seven years, this number has literally followed me on my heels, I certainly come across it in my private affairs, it stands before me on the pages of our most widespread magazines. This number takes many forms, sometimes a little more and sometimes a little less than usual, but never changes so much that it cannot be recognized. The persistence with which this number haunts me is due to something more than a mere coincidence. Some kind of premeditation is felt here, all this is subject to some specific pattern. Either there really is something unusual in this number, or I suffer from persecution delusions ... "
The logic of psychophysical research led to a materialistic explanation of the “magic” of the number seven. And it is not for nothing that this number is often found in folk proverbs and sayings: "One with a bipod, seven with a spoon" "Try on seven times, cut once" , etc., in Russian folk tales and in the tales of the peoples of the world. There are seven characters in the fairy tale "About the Turnip": a turnip, a grandmother, a grandfather, a granddaughter, a bug, a cat, a mouse.
Research by V. Ya. Propp, who studied 100 Russian fairy tales, showed that, differing in plot, they are all of the same type in terms of the quantitative and qualitative composition of the participants: there are always seven of them - a pest, a giver, an assistant, a princess (or her father), a poisoner , hero, false hero. Apparently, folklore art also obeyed the general laws of human perception. nine0007
Researchers studying the patterns of language and thinking development note that all languages of the world tend to optimize the volume of the vocabulary based on the specific capabilities of brain mechanisms, and not on the actual diversity of the structure of the surrounding world. “According to ,” writes J. Miller, “ our organism has some kind of limit that limits our ability to perceive information and is in turn determined either by the learning process or by the very structure of our nervous system” .
As was established by J. Miller in subsequent experiments, it is the total number of elementary blocks of information that matters in perception, and not their content. In other words, the amount of operational perception depends essentially not on the amount of total information, but on the number of groupings of blocks of symbols, or "pieces" of information. This number is constant and equals 7±2. This rule is also of great importance for quick reading. Indeed, if the number of simultaneously perceived "pieces" of information is structurally constant, then in order to increase the efficiency of reading, it is necessary to make their content more capacious. nine0007
You can encode information in numbers, words, sentences, and even texts and ideas. Obviously, the greatest amount of information is transmitted by the code of ideas, which is the most capacious and economical, therefore, in order to increase the efficiency of perception and memorization of the text when reading, it is necessary to combine the read information into large information-semantic blocks (phrases, sentences). This means that fast reading, increasing the speed, together ensures the high quality of its assimilation with the correct organization of this process. nine0089
The foregoing makes it possible to develop methodological techniques for teaching speed reading. Their essence is to develop rational ways of recoding the source text, taking into account the specified Miller pattern. Here we need to remember that already one of the first exercises of the speed reading technique helps to solve this problem. In fact: the seven blocks of the integral reading algorithm are nothing more than a reliable means of enlarging the read information, based on the considered regularity 7 ± 2. nine0007
Let us now proceed directly to the characteristic of memorization - the process of memory, as a result of which new and essential knowledge is consolidated for us, linking with previously acquired. Memorization is an active, creative process, during which, by comparing the new and the old, an increase in knowledge is created, which “fits” into memory. Memorization is always selective: far from everything that we read is stored in memory.
Memorization can be voluntary and involuntary, mechanical and semantic. nine0089 Let us consider these varieties of memorization in detail, since they are of great importance for the reading process.
Arbitrary memorization is a special type of mental activity, the purpose of which is memorization itself, carried out with the help of special means and techniques: setting to memorization, repeating what has been read, drawing up a plan, generating a visual image, etc. An example of voluntary memorization is memorization by Soviet scout in the film "Shield and Sword" at the same time tables, ciphers and codes with various factual data. nine0007
Involuntary memorization is a type of activity in which active cognitive and practical actions are provided. However, memorization itself is not the goal. In such cases, about everything that is remembered, they say: "I remember it by itself. "
Studies show that involuntary memorization has two varieties. It is remembered involuntarily, by itself, something unusual, entertaining, something that caused strong feelings. However, for the reading process, the second type of involuntary memorization is most interesting. As the experiments of psychologists have shown, we remember fully, connectedly and firmly not only when we want to remember, but also when there is no such intention, but the work performed is of an active, emotionally uplifted creative nature. For reading, this means that if, for example, a specialist is passionate about studying an important scientific and technical problem and reads the literature in order to find ways to solve it, he does not need to memorize the material found. The necessary is remembered by itself. nine0007
Thus, when involuntary memorization occurs with the help of active and meaningful methods of activity, it turns out to be more productive than voluntary. In conditions of fast reading, when the main thought processes are curtailed, the role of involuntary memorization is especially great. It consists in the fact that at the beginning of the study of the text, often only with the help of involuntary memorization, one can subsequently consciously and productively remember the entire text. In these cases, it is not only desirable, but also mandatory, since premature recourse to arbitrary memorization adversely affects the understanding and memorization of the material. nine0007
It follows that when teaching fast reading, the main attention should be paid to creating emotionally favorable conditions under which involuntary memorization is activated.
Mechanical memorization of occurs without awareness of the connection between its elements, for example, through repeated repetitions. Its productivity is low.
Meaningful memorization of is based on reducing the amount of information as a result of its filtering. Semantic memorization is more economical, capacious, productive. According to Professor N. A. Rybnikov, the productivity of meaningful memorization is 20 times higher than mechanical memorization. nine0007
The foregoing makes it possible to identify, to a large extent, the processes of understanding and remembering. We can assume that the material understood in the process of reading will be more effectively absorbed by memory. At the same time, this also indicates that optimal recoding plays a leading role in reading. When playing meaningful texts, words and grammatical constructions, especially complex ones, are replaced by easier and more familiar ones, but the meaning is preserved. When reading a text, it is not so much the words and sentences that are remembered, but the thoughts that only denote them. nine0007
This leads to the fourth conclusion: the translation of the content of the material to be remembered when reading into the language of one's own thoughts, i.e., to the semantic material already learned as a result of life experience, improves memorization.
What processes accompany the storage of information in the human brain? It turns out that the perceived material does not just rest in the brain, it continues to be transformed all the time. The storage of information, in addition, is associated with some of its loss. nine0007
Forgetting is a rather complex and uneven process. The German psychologist G. Ebbinghaus in 1885, on the basis of the experiments, drew a forgetting curve, which is shown in Fig. . 31.
31. Curve of forgetting.
In the very first hours after memorizing fresh material, the curve drops rapidly. It turns out that the amount of learned information decreases catastrophically during the first ten hours: from 100 to 35%. Thus, it is most useful to repeat significant material immediately after reading it. On this occasion, K. D. Ushinsky wrote that it is necessary to strengthen the building when it is still standing, and not try to repair it when it is already in ruins. nine0007
How to prevent a sharp decrease in the memory effect that occurs immediately after the end of reading? For better retention of what has been read in memory, it is necessary to repeat the studied material immediately after finishing reading.