Pre reading strategies middle school
Pre-Reading Activities for ELLs | Colorín Colorado
Learn why pre-reading can help English language learners (ELLs) with their comprehension, as well as some pre-reading strategies to use with students!
On this page
- Pre-reading strategies to increase comprehension
- Build text-specific knowledge
- Pre-teach vocabulary
- Pre-teach concepts
- Video: Story set-up with pre-reading strategies for comprehension
English language learners (ELLs) have great difficulty jumping into new texts without any background support. Students should know at least something about the topic before reading. Some topics may be unfamiliar to students, such as recreational activities at the beach if students have never been to the beach before. Pictures, drawings, or short skits can help develop relevant background information.
Students need to know at least 90% to 95% of the words they read if they are going to comprehend the text. Therefore, it is important to use several strategies to build background knowledge that leads to better reading comprehension and overall achievement for ELLs. It doesn't hurt to review many words we often take for granted — not only for the benefit of ELLs, but also for students who may not come to school with a rich vocabulary background or exposure to certain experiences.
Pre-reading strategies to increase comprehension
Before reading a selection aloud or before students read a text, try taking seven to ten minutes to build word and background knowledge. This should increase all students' comprehension of the text.
Begin by reviewing the selection and identifying the main concepts you want to teach. Take into account your students' potential knowledge of these concepts, including your ELLs. Decide how you might best make these concepts relevant and accessible to all of your students. This might be through a film, discussion, student reading assignment, or a text read by you. Try using a combination of three or four of the following strategies:
Do motivating activities You can use any activity that interests students in the text and motivates them to read it.
For example, you can bring a real frog to class before reading a frog story.
Build text-specific knowledge
Activate students' prior knowledge of a topic so that they can consciously use it as they read their text. For example, before reading a text with a jungle as the setting, ask students what they already know about jungles and discuss.
Relate to students' lives This is a powerful way to motivate students to read and to help them understand what they will be reading. Before reading a story about winning and losing a race, for example, you might want to have your students reflect on the times they have won or lost a race or a contest.
Pre-teach vocabulary
In addition to pre-teaching traditional vocabulary words, include words that convey concepts that ELLs already know. For example, students may know the concept of finding something, but do not know the word find or finding. Write these words on the board and review with the class.
Pre-teach concepts
There are times when not only ELLs but all students need to learn new and possibly difficult ideas or concepts.
For example, the concepts of democracy or envy may be difficult for all young children to understand at first. Give examples that your students can relate to.
Predicting and direction setting You can focus students' attention on what is important to look for as they read their text. Making predictions about what might happen in the book gives students a purpose for reading. Setting a direction means using questions that peak students' interest. It also means focusing students on the purpose for the reading. For example, "Today we are going to read about differences in climates and regions. Let's read first about the climate in our community."
Suggest comprehension strategies before reading the text, make students aware of what they should be looking for. If you want them to identify cause and effect, point out several examples of this beforehand.
Video: Story set-up with pre-reading strategies for comprehension
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A Pre-Reading Activity for Your Middle School English Classroom -
Pre-reading activities are key to introducing a new short story, novel or piece of literature. As English teachers approach a piece of literature, it is important to have students use their pre-reading skills. They should also use their prior knowledge to develop inferences and predictions in the text.
Pre-reading activities are some of my favorite activities to teach before my students dive into a text. I love how the subjects of the literature evoke conversation, opinions and questioning about what is to come in the text. This is a perfect time to teach foreshadowing as well.
I wanted to share with you some of my favorite pre-reading activities. I have one pre-reading activity you are going to want to implement in you classroom tomorrow!
What is Pre-Reading?Pre-reading involves examining a literature’s title, subheadings and vocabulary. If pictures are provided, students formulate ideas and conclusions. This is a great way for readers to acquire information and improve his/her reading comprehension before approaching the text.
Common pre-reading exercises include brainstorming. For example, students examine the title of the selection the class is about to read, listing all the information that comes to mind about this title. They then use pieces of information to recall and understand the material. Often a teacher uses a KWL chart, while others may use an Anticipation Guide. There are many types of pre-reading activities that a teacher can implement before reading a text. Over the last few years, I have used Prediction/Probable Passages.
One of my all-time favorite pre-reading activities that I implement in my classroom (on more than one occasion throughout the year) is Prediction Passages. The reason I love this pre-reading activity so much is because it has my students using more than one pre-reading skill in the activity. Prediction Passages asks the students to recall prior knowledge, comprehend vocabulary, make inferences, and of course, make predictions with the phrases and words given by the teacher.
How Does Prediction Passages Work?- The teacher creates a list of words/phrases/dialogue from the text that are important to the chapter, novel, or short story (without giving the story or text away).
Here is an example from chapter 1 of A Long Walk to Water.
2. Following, the students are grouped together, and the groups are given a list of words/phrases and a worksheet that includes six categories-setting, characters, conflicts/problems, ending/conclusions, vocabulary, and “I Wonder“. The students are instructed that each word/phrase/dialogue can only go into a category ONCE.
Prediction Passages Worksheet3. The groups work together and decide where they believe these words and phrases should best be placed. The students have to collaborate, discuss, predict and infer what they believe is happening in the text by arranging the words and phrases.
4. Next, once the students have all the words and phrases in the boxes, they will have to write a gist/summary statement that includes the words and phrases. I suggest you instruct the students to highlight the words/phrases in their gist/summary statement, so they know they are using them all. Take a look at my example below:
5. I always have all the groups read out their summaries, as it is so much fun to see which group comes close to the actual events. Sometimes, I even award the group that comes close to the actual story.!
Have you used Prediction/Probable Passages before? What did you use it for, and how did it work in your class? Please comment below!
Would you like this particular activity I used for A Long Walk to Water-Chapter 1? Grab it right here!
Prediction Passages
A Long Walk to Water-Chapter 1 Words/Phrases
I hope this activity will helpful and enjoyable in your classroom. If you do use it, let me know how it goes. You can drop a comment on this blog post.
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English 8 develops the core high school literary skills needed to become effective and versatile readers and writers. Using short stories, non-fiction, and the novel, students use a variety of literary structures. Students will appreciate literature by applying skills that enhance comprehension and promote deeper understanding of literary devices. In addition, English 8 contributes to the expansion of students' vocabulary, as well as the preparation of literary analysis and an extended research project. The overall goal of the class is to improve students' literacy and writing skills in preparation for high school English studies.
Tutorial: English 8 - © Excel Education Systems, Inc. - 2021
Course Objectives:
Throughout the course, you will complete the following tasks:
- Compare and contrast different genres.
- Demonstrate normal writing skills for various purposes.
- Demonstrate understanding of fiction and non-fiction texts.
- Use textual evidence to analyze, infer, and synthesize ideas.
- Demonstrate mastery of the conventions of English grammar and word usage.
- Apply strategies for using contextual hints.
- Research sources of information.
- Analyze media types.
- Write an informative research project.
Contents :
Semester A
1: What makes a character interesting?
2: Making literary connections
3: Writing skills
Reading a Novel: The Wind in the Willows
4: Reading, Writing, and Presentation
Semester B
5: Strengthening Writing Part 1
6: Strengthening Writing Part 2:
7: Effective Communication media
9: Research project
Final exam
Grading scale
A = 90-100%
b = 80-89%
C = 70-79%
d = 60-69%
9000 9000002
F = less than 59%Grade weighting
Chapter tests . ......... 35%
Written assignments....... 35%
Intermediate/final exams.... 30%
Teaching English to read in upper secondary education
High school students are known to have attitude towards the subject "foreign language", his motivation is noticeably reduced study.
A significant proportion of high school students sincerely deluded that in their later life no foreign language is required. They don't see a perspective worth pursuing foreign language. According to them, foreign language is not one of the important subjects.
Decreased motivation to study foreign language is also due to too slow progress of students in mastering a foreign language. In high school after 5-6 years learning a foreign language, students begin understand the elementary nature of their skills and abilities. Established in the minds of students uncertainty about the end result of the study foreign language generates a very sharp decreased motivation to study it, especially on senior stage.
In turn, the marked instability skills and abilities in foreign language types communicative activity is determined the absence of a natural need for communication on foreign language, the necessary systematic work to improve acquired skills and abilities. All this entails purely formal attitude to the subject "foreign language". That is why it is so important in this period "reverse" mental attitude high school students, convincingly and conclusively show the importance and value of a foreign language, create psychological readiness (installation) for serious and conscious work to master ability to read in a foreign language.
Suspend the downward trend the authority of the subject "foreign language" in senior high school - a very important and actual task.
It can be concluded that at the senior stage schools the main goals and objectives of learning reading will prepare students for further education and reading literature on specialties.
Obvious relevance of the topic and its statement force us to study and describe reading mechanisms.
Types of reading
Reading is a special kind of speech activity, it is process of simultaneous perception and understanding written text. It's deep inside the process of interpreting a text which implies verbal, subject and semantic understanding. Text comprehension is based on subject and language competence [13, c.50].
Compared to listening (once, lack of time), when reading a person can perceive the text as many times as it need.
Depending on communication tasks, which the reader puts before him, and reading techniques corresponding to them are divided into studying, introductory, viewing and search.
Skimming reading, aimed at evaluating and selecting material from the point the needs and interests of the reader. Wherein The reader initially solves the following particular tasks: definition of the topic and object of description, degree novelty of textual information, areas of application information that can be obtained from the text, breadth and depth of description, accessibility presentation. These particular tasks are solved with the help of certain actions and operations: topic and object descriptions are identified, first of all, by interpretations, titles, highlights and interpretations the keywords, terms and the concepts they express. In this case, useful exercises such as identifying and translating basic terms of the title, their commenting. In addition, to clarify the topic (object) of the description it is advisable to resort to a quick look text to get acquainted with the main semantic line of content. Here is a useful search and selection of phrasal units containing the most concentrated information. Thereafter subjective assessment becomes possible novelty and significance of textual information. The availability of the presentation is checked by a selective reading two or three "medium" in difficulty fragments, which should be given in the form pretext exercise. Review Reading usually ends in one of two outcomes: either the reader refuses to read this text, or shifts to another kind of reading.
fluent reading, aimed at identifying and mastering the main content of the text in those aspects that are of interest to the reader.
Introductory reading sent to reception the information itself, to familiarize yourself with the content text. However, the specifics of reception with this type reading is that it is carried out selectively, and the reader performs self-regulation regarding content coverage (Attention is focused on only a few fragments) and depth of perception-understanding (certain limits apply to completeness) spanning the meaning of what is being read). Thereby typical for introductory reading are "leaps" of both spatial and tempo character: reader "jumps" over separate parts text and then speeds up, then slows down the process itself. Reading unfolds, as it were, within the framework, within which there are fluctuations in the levels of understanding - from fragmentary at a glance to more deep insight into the meaning of individual parts. In fact, introductory reading, being specific view, reading and having their own own information tasks, with operating point of view, includes elements of both viewing and thoughtful.
Thus, the value of an introductory reading is a combination of informativeness with economy, as it allows the reader omit separate semantic blocks and details text that, for whatever reason, is not deserve attention. Studying ( thoughtful - close reading) reading aimed at as much as possible complete and accurate understanding of the main content text, with details and details preserved. It proceeds with a focus on all major aspects of the content and usually accompanied by his analysis, critical assessment, generalization, that is, the extraction of the main ideas, formulation of conclusions, conclusions, recommendations. Solving these problems requires increasing the role of logical-discursive thinking, associated with the activation of inner speech, internal translation as a means of overcoming linguistic and semantic difficulties on the way to achieving understanding. Another task is as well as the formation of a trainee's skill overcome difficulties on their own understanding of the text being studied. object "learning" in this kind of reading is information contained in the text, but not language material. Learning reading is different more regressions than other types reading, - re-reading parts of the text, sometimes with a distinct pronunciation of the text by analysis of linguistic forms, deliberate selection the most important theses and repeated speaking them out loud for the better memorizing content for later retelling, discussion, use in work. FROM point of view of communicative-cognitive values the most important type is thoughtful reading. It is also the most difficult requiring a lot of exercise. Types and speed readings are interrelated. Each type requires certain "average" speed. Fluent text review is feasible at a fast pace, but this is impossible with thoughtful reading. Viewing reading usually takes place with speed of 400-500 words per minute, introductory - 180-200, thoughtful - 50-60.
From a comparison of these data It can be seen that viewing reading can proceed in 10 times faster than thoughtful. It is quite clear that behind such a difference in pace is a significant the difference in committed linguistic and mental operations.
Thus, depending on the goals that puts the reader in front of him, reading is divided into studying, introductory and viewing. Reading is a receptive form of speech activities aimed at extracting information contained in the written text (speech work).
When teaching any kind of speech activity should clearly set the goals and objectives of training, which will be different at different stages learning.
Methods of teaching learning reading
Features of learning to read high school students
Mastering the technology of reading is carried out in as a result of the execution of pre-text, text and post-text exercises. Reading presents much greater opportunities for development of intelligence and, consequently, more corresponds to the psychological characteristics high school students. However, it is necessary to take into account a number points that contribute to the effectiveness of training reading and improving his general education values. For more or less free reading learners should have a fairly large volume of vocabulary. It is necessary to provide and more careful repetition of the vocabulary that learners should know in accordance with program. According to statistics, 11th grade students recognize no more than 70% of words from lexical minimum 5-9classes. it occurs because in recent years, work with little is said as a separate word and is even considered contrary to modern methods. Indeed, the word functions and manifests itself in a phrase, this is how it should be introduced and exercise most of the time, but for memorizing vocabulary, storing it in memory personal dictionaries of students are absolutely necessary, with which they must work constantly.
Otherwise this would be the case if there was an abundant speech practices when all vocabulary is constantly would be repeated in speech activity. AT reality is far from the case. Work with vocabulary is more appropriate in that it corresponds one of the features of high school students, namely their desire for concrete knowledge, desire achieve real academic achievement. Constant and visible growth of lexical stock brings therefore trainees satisfaction and desire to expand knowledge, while while the formation of skills and abilities is not enough felt by the students. In the same time it is advisable to work more with vocabulary in order to creating a common understanding among students about vocabulary of a foreign language, its characteristics, with particular attention to difference in semantic volumes of words with similar meaning, international words (this work is currently underway), idiomatic phrases. For reading to become true informative, necessary part class time for self-study devote to reading individually, followed by reading information.
This kind of work should also stimulate the development of interest in language.
Learning intensification is essential condition for improving the effectiveness of educational process. The intensifying factor in this should be all-round integration of all kinds foreign language classes aimed at strengthening the skills and abilities that make up communicative reading skills. This and the lessons compulsory course, and electives, and extracurricular activities, and foreign language circles.
Adequacy of training exercises. This methodological regularity refers to learning any kind of speech activity, including including the ability to read. In order to be sufficient all aspects of reading skills were developed, exercises are needed that are adequate to the component composition of this communication skill. A task is to carefully study all components of a complex communication skill read in a foreign language and, accordingly, in development of exercises adequate to their skills composition.
Excellence in technical reading skills. Perfect, or, shall we say, close to perfect reading technique as a component of reading ability forms and expands the scope of the reading field, increases the angle of perception, due to which the most important quality of this skill is achieved - reading fluency. It has been established that between reading speed and comprehension read there is a direct relationship. Obviously, without the speed acquired at school (fluency) reading genuine communicative ability to read is impossible.
Thus, training in technical skills reading aimed at providing a full understanding of the texts, it is necessary to all stages of the development of this skill.
All-round enrichment of the receptive vocabulary. Methodology involves teaching students how to self-determination of the meanings of words, vocabulary enrichment through words common root, internationalisms. Axiomatically: the richer the receptive vocabulary, the more productive reading. There is an assumption what can be learned by reading in a foreign language only those linguistic phenomena that already existed in speech experience of the reader. The complexity of the enrichment task receptive vocabulary just is purposeful learning. learners to independently understand in the course reading words, phrases that were not previously was in their speech. Systematic and abundant reading . Reading can only be learned by as a result of training in this type of activity. This position is of particular relevance sounding in conditions of acute shortage of educational time. The latter must be compensated abundant and systematic independent reading outside of class.
As a result of constant practice in reading the most important components are being improved communicative reading skills, and turn such private skills as conjecture (contextual, semantic, etc.), anticipation the content of the texts being read. And the student gradually moving from beginner to experienced readers.
Optimum combination of analytical and synthetic forms work on the text. Outside the language environment, in conditions of shortage of study time, in training reading is necessary to observe the optimal combination of analytical and synthetic forms text work. Important differentiated a reasonable approach to teaching various linguistic difficulties.
Appropriate position in basic education communicative reading at the senior level should take a communicatively directed lexico-grammatical analysis, but not how end in itself, but as a means of extracting information from text. Lexico-grammatical analysis with bright pronounced communicative orientation is kind of microscope students penetrate into the depth, completeness and subtleties of the content of the text and subtext.
Rational use bilingual dictionary and other reference literature. Skill training use of the dictionary and the ability to rationally use a dictionary is indispensable a component of the process of forming the foundations communicative reading. Access to a dictionary reading, as well as lexico-grammatical analysis, is an additional and reliable means extracting information from readable texts, means of overcoming lexical difficulties understanding. It is important, however, that the use vocabulary in the process of reading would be rational and communicatively conditioned.
Informative reading. Essence this pattern is mainly determined reading requirements. To extract information from the text, it should be in it laid down. Teach communicative reading possible only on the basis of informative texts, the content of which would correspond the age and interests of the students. Most suitable for these purposes are texts of a popular science nature, simple in linguistically, interesting and informative by content, written in a general scientific style.
Methodologically justified use of various types of TSS. The richest arsenal of modern TSS should be an essential component of learning for all stages of developing reading skills foreign language. However, their effectiveness application increases significantly if the most important principle is observed: "TCO is not for the sake of TSO". Particularly wide opportunities using TCO in teaching reading technique, however, any use of them must be methodologically expedient and comprehensive prepared (in organizational, technical, methodological and content.
Thus, the basic premises stated unified school and university system and rational methods of teaching reading in high school are the starting points for further development key challenges in building strong foundations communicative ability to read in a foreign language language (minimum task) and development of reading skills profile-oriented literature in non-linguistic universities (task-maximum).
Requirements for texts in teaching learner reading
The most significant components in the process learning types of reading are: text selection, the formulation of the task and the form of control.
There are a number of requirements for texts, using which students develop reading skills. Texts that are used in the educational process, must correspond communicative and cognitive interests and the needs of students, as well as the degree of difficulty their language and speech experience in their native and foreign languages, contain interesting information for students of a particular age groups. This text should be taken students as a carrier of content information.
Pragmatic texts provide new information, others - affect feelings and opinions students on their behaviour. This speaks to the importance appeals to substantive aspects texts used.
Suggested texts at each stage of training should reflect their communicative function in communication. With their help, students create an objective image of the country under study language and form an idea of life peers abroad.
When selecting text for a view readings play an important role in its volume, logical-compositional structure, complexity language material.
Select texts for studying reading, volume which are several times less texts for introductory reading, as a rule, small (1-1.5 pages). Most commonly used texts descriptive type, texts from fiction, popular science and socio-political literature. These texts must contain certain difficulties in linguistic and extralinguistic (informational) levels. Such texts are read with a dictionary (as in audience, and outside the classroom), but the exact and their full understanding is controlled by translation into Russian. In the audience in the process of reading and translation of such texts trained under the guidance of the teacher carry out the analysis various linguistic and information phenomena. So that in further in the study of a foreign language, they learned to overcome these difficulties on one's own.
Basic training tasks studying reading
Mastering the technology of reading is carried out in as a result of the execution of pre-text, text and post-text assignments.
Pre-text assignments are aimed at modeling background knowledge required and sufficient for the reception of a particular text, on elimination of semantic and linguistic difficulties of its understanding and at the same time to the formation reading skills and abilities, developing a "strategy understanding." They take into account lexico-grammatical and linguistic features of the text to be read.
In text tasks, students are offered communication settings that contain indications of the type of reading (studying, introductory, viewing, search), speed and the need to solve certain cognitive and communicative tasks in the process reading [23, p. 263].
In addition, trainees perform a series of exercises with text, providing the formation appropriate reading skills and skills.
Post-text assignments are intended for checking reading comprehension, to control the degree of formation of reading skills and possible use of the information received in future professional activities.
The most appropriate job assignments over teaching learning reading are:
Asking / Answering Question (question and answer exercises) involves asking for and giving the necessary information.
Categorizing linguistic or semantic elements according to designated categories or the definition of these categories.
Close - restoration / gap filling - method of working with connected text, in which deliberately omitted every nth word (n ranges from 5 to 10). The task of the students restore deformed text, pick up missing words according to the meaning, based on the context or habitual combination of words.
Completing based on a passage of text or series unfinished sentences that need to be finish using the information obtained from read text.
Correction - definition and correction of language or content violations in the text.
Gap - filling - filling in gaps / gaps - reception work based on the methodology addition or restoration of missing language elements.
Information Transfer - information recoding - reception work involving the transfer of information from one form of its presentation to another, for example, non-verbal transformation (picture, gesture, etc.) or vice versa.
Jig - saw reading (listening) - “mosaic” - reception of work, based on the division of the "bank information", i.e. text to read or listening. After becoming familiar with a particular part of the information, students share it and restore the general content of the text.
Matching work to recognize verbal and non-verbal elements, for example, between a picture and a sentence, a word and its definition, the beginning and end of a sentence, etc.
Mind - mapping - drawing up a semantic map - presentation of the main concepts of the topic under discussion / problems in a graphically ordered and logically related.
Multiple choice correct answer from the given options.
Reordering (Sequencing) - logical rearrangement / resequencing - redistribution of the proposed material in logical sequence or according to plan. The result of the work is a recreated connected text, a series of pictures, etc.
Translation - the expression of an idea on another language. At the same time, students should take attention linguistic and cultural features of the language into which the translation is being made. Translation can be oral and written.
It would be rational to quote text intended for learning reading, and a set of exercises compiled for it. Text selected in accordance with the requirements for this kind of reading. The material is taken from modern youth magazine Lettermag for young. Articles of this magazine are authentic texts that is not only a valuable material in content, but also linguistically.
Can our intelligence be measured?
English Albert Einstein, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Steven Hawking - names we all know. Their success in physics, literature and science makes them part of the history of our world. But that is not the only thing they have in common…
These persons have an exceptionally high intelligence quotient (IQ), which is why they are / were so successful. On the other hand, these super brains don't really matter. Mostly the speed at which we recognize, understand, process and learn things - in other words: how intelligent we are - is inborn.
Scientists believe that Einstein had an intelligence quotient of 160 to 180 - he personally refused to take IQ tests of any kind. Goethely supposedly had an IQ of 210, which makes him something of an intelligence monster, and the famous astrophysicist Stephen Hawking scored 160 in an IQ test. Such super brains are few: nearly 2.2 per cent of the whole population of the world has an IQ of 118 or more. Most people living on this planet have an average IQ of between 85 and 115.
No need to worry, however: people with a high IQ are better at some things than at others. For example, they can remember geometric forms or numbers much more easily, learn vocabulary by heart relatively quickly, solve difficult problems in next to no time or have a good ear for music. But that has nothing to do with how clever you are. We all have to work to acquire knowledge. People with a high IQ may have it easier, but they still have to work hard when it comes to learning new things.
It may be nice to have a high IQ and boast about it, but children with a high IQ often don't have it easy at school, and among their classmates. unfortunately, children of above average intelligence often do not feel they have any motivation to learn, or are not accepted by their classmates. Sometimes they are even made fun of for “being clever”. They sometimes end up getting worse marks at school than other kids with a “normal" IQ. It is easy to misuse the results of such tests by classifying people as “below average" and thus excluding them from educational opportunities - apart from the fact that intelligence tests reduce measuring our skills to the way we think. thing as social intelligence: the ability to understand how people feel, to communicate, and to be creative and open for new experiences. This kind of intelligence is responsible for the way we master our own lives. There are lots of pages on the Internet where you can find out more about intelligence tests.
Don't take such tests too seriously, whatever result you might get. There is no need to be discouraged if you find you don't do so well in certain subjects at school. Never give up - Einstein never got good marks for maths in school.
Pre-reading Tasks
1. Look at the title of the article. How would you define intelligence? Try to answer to the question in the title. (in 4-6 sentences)
2. Practice the pronunciation of the words from the article. When in doubt refer to the dictionary.
Success, science, intelligence quotient, astrophysicist, score, geometric, acquire knowledge, accept, opportunity, reduce, measuring, misuse, discourage
Vocabulary and Grammar Tasks
1. Find in the article the English for:
hand, presumably intellectual monster, much lighter, relatively fast, gain knowledge, brag about something, higher average, the ability to understand, find out, build your life, give up.
2. Use one of the words or word combination in an appropriate form to fill each gap.
To be good at, classify, success in, to live, discourage, master.
1) Their ______ physics, literature and science makes them part of the history of our world.
2) Most people ______ on this planet have an average IQ of between 85 and 115.
3) People with a high IQ _______ some things than at others.
4) It is easy to misuse the results of such tests by _______ people as “below average"
5) This kind of intelligence is responsible for the way we ______ our own lives.
6) There is no need ______ if you find you don't do so well in certain subjects at school.
3. Choose the right word
But that is not the only thing they have _______
in common /in general take IQ tests of any kind.
denied/ refused/ rejected
4) They can remember geometric forms or numbers much more easily, learn ______ by heart relatively quickly.
Vocabulary/ dictionary
Children don't have it easy at school, and ______ their classmates.
between/ among
There are lots of pages on the Internet where you can find out more about intelligence tests.
Sheets/ leaves/ pages
4. Say the opposite of: failure, understand, agree, better, fortunately, above, responsible, give up.
5. Translate the italicized paragraph into Russian using the dictionary.
Reading Comprehension and Discussion Tasks
1 Answer the following questions:
Which famous scientists do you know? What did they have in common?
What average level of IQ do the people have?
At what things are persons with a high level of IQ better?
How can people misuse the results of the tests?
What is the social intelligence?
What problems can children with high IQ level have at school?
Discuss the following:
The author of this article says that intelligence and our skills are inborn qualities. Do you agree with the author? Is it possible to train our memory and some other skills?
There is also such a thing as social intelligence. Which kind of intelligence do you consider is more important nowadays?
Have you ever seen IQ tests? What do you think of intelligence tests?
These tasks are optional, they are may vary depending on the text, suggested for reading. However, it should not forget that tasks should be arranged according to degree of difficulty. Also, special attention should be paid attention to control when teaching the learner reading.
Methods of control during training studying reading
system-structural education is monitoring the results of its activities, and, therefore, the success of learning to read, as well as any kind of speech activity, is determined the presence of effective ways to control the degree its formation and the search for such ways.
The attention of teachers to the test methodology is growing control. This interest is quite understandable - in the very test organization has a number of features that give reason to see in their application one of ways to improve the effectiveness of training process.
The importance of testing comprehension content of a foreign literary text consists, in our opinion, as follows:
kind of problematic, mental, cognitive, speech-productive tasks, which activates mental activity of students.
Tests stimulate interest in the process of reading on foreign language, create positive emotions thanks to the visual illustration of achievements every student.
These tasks provide an opportunity for everyone the student, when working with text, to engage in at his own pace and complete tasks at in the manner that is most convenient for him.
To control the understanding of literary texts in the process of reading in a foreign language in method is usually used mainly tests for recognition in their following varieties:
tests for choosing the correct answer from two proposed;
tests to choose the correct answer from several proposed options;
fact grouping tests;
tests for deletion of superfluous words and a number of others.
Analyzing existing species classifications tests for reading, despite their diversity, found that most of them were formal, purposeful and functional features. In terms of content, control and test tasks focused on reading with full understanding the content of the object of control refers to tests that measure the formation speech skills, and in the direction of test assignments are discrete tests. Data classifications are not detailed enough and need to be expanded. Based on this, we a typology of test types was compiled according to meaningful features, where they were highlighted the following types of tests:
comprehension tests emotional-volitional information;
tests aimed at controlling the logic information;
Literary comprehension tests information;
tests for understanding the structure of the text, meanings words;
information synthesis tests;
tests for extracting information.
Each type of test, according to this classification aims at different skills studying reading, which become objects of control.
Most acceptable and flexible in learning understanding of a literary text should read multiple choice tests with procedure for choosing one of the alternatives, with cross selection, including double, and on grouping. Tests must control understanding of logical information, emotional-volitional, explicitly and implicitly expressed, understanding of the topic, ideas of artistic text, as well as include tasks for analysis titles, etc. They must not only control the correctness, completeness, depth reading comprehension, but also to teach, therefore, in they should include tasks built on semantic analysis of passages from the reading, tasks related to semantic interpretation text.
It is clear that the test control is not the only way to test knowledge and skills students. There are many exercises which were mentioned above. However, the use test verification is justified at the senior stage in classes where students are going to take centralized testing.